Recommend that amendments be deleted. They aren’t needed since IBC Chapter 34 isn’t available.
101.4.1 Buildings not previously occupied. A building or portion of a building that has not been previously
occupied or used for its intended purpose in accordance with the laws in existence at the time of its completion
shall comply with the provisions of the International Building Code or International Residential Code, as
applicable, State Building Code adopted in Title 51 WAC, for new construction or with any current permit for
such occupancy.
Recommend either delete the amendment or add a reference to the State Residential Code.
101.4.2 Buildings previously occupied. The legal occupancy of any building existing on the date of adoption
of this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as is specifically covered in this code, the
International Fire Code or the International Property Maintenance Code, or as deemed necessary by the code
official for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public. to mitigate an unsafe building. For
the purpose of this section, "unsafe building" is not to be construed as mere lack of compliance with the current
101.6 Appendices. The code official is authorized to require rehabilitation and retrofit of buildings, structures,
or individual structural members in accordance with the appendices of this code if such appendices have been
individually adopted. Appendix A, Guidelines for the Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings, is hereby adopted
as part of this code without any specific adoption by the local jurisdiction. Fire prevention. The provisions of the International Fire Code shall apply to matters affecting or
relating to structures, processes and premises regarding: The hazard of fire and explosion arising from the
storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; conditions hazardous to life, property or public
welfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and the construction, extension, repair, alteration or
removal of fire suppression and alarm systems or fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from
occupancy or operation except as specifically provided for in this Code.
Recommend: Further discussion about whether to maintain amendment as is. Is it consistent with
101.4.2 and 302.2? Should it be moved to Section 302?
104.11 Alternative materials, design and methods of construction, and equipment.
New language requires that the building official respond in writing as to why an alternate is not approved. The same language
is found in the IBC and other codes.
Chapter 2 Definitions
New definitions:
Approved (identical to IBC definition)
Deferred submittal (text identical to the definition was found in Chapter 1 of the 2012 IEBC)
Relocatable building
Reroofing (roofing definitions are identical to IBC definitions)
Roof recover
Roof repair
Roof replacement
Revised definitions:
Change of occupancy. Revised as part of a proposal that clarified the rules for change of occupancy. Changes of
occupancy are organized into 3 hierarchical categories:
o Classification (A, B, E, etc.)
o Group (numbered subset within some classifications A-1, F-2, etc.)
o Use (B animal hospital vs. B post office)
Historic building. Minor changes.
Repair. “to correct damage” is added to the definition.
301.1.4 Seismic evaluation and design procedures. Several changes are made that coordinate the IEBC with the 2013 edition of
ASCE 41, “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings.” ASCE 31, one of the earlier standards for seismic retrofit, was
merged into ASCE 41-13.
301.1.4.1 item 2 is revised to refer to ASCE 41 Tier 3 instead of BSE-1 and BSE-2.
Tables 301.1.4.1 and 301.1.4.2 are revised to reflect the performance objectives identified in ASCE 41-13.
301.1.4.2 #2.5 is revised so that concrete buildings assigned to Risk Category IV are not allowed to use Appendix Chapter A5
406.3 New section stating that emergency escape and rescue openings aren’t required when a window is replaced if the
replacement window is the largest one that will fit the rough opening, and it’s not part of a change of occupancy.
407 Change of occupancy
407.1 was revised to state that changes of occupancy and use can’t make a building less compliant. A new exception refers to
Section 407.4 to determine whether a change of occupancy is required to comply with seismic requirements.
State amendment: “The hazard tables of Chapter 10 may be used to demonstrate the relative fire and life risk of the existing
and the new proposed uses.” Recommend maintain amendment, although it’s not necessary—the code doesn’t prohibit referring
to Chapter 10.
Section 407.1.1 requires changes in building use that would subject the building to special provisions of the other International
codes must be approved by the code official. The code official can require compliance with the other codes only “as necessary to
meet the specific provisions” and isn’t supposed to make the whole building comply.
407.4 adds a sentence explaining how compliance with ASCE 41 can be deemed to be compliance with IBC Section 1613.
410.8.10 is revised to require directional signage requirements for family/assisted-use bathrooms when the existing bathrooms
are not fully accessible. The same change was made to IBC Section IEBC 705.1.9, and coordinates with ADA.
410.8.14 is a new section requiring amusement rides to be accessible in certain circumstances. The change coordinates with
2010 ADA Standard for Accessible Design.
1401 General
1401.3.3 reference to the IRC for flood hazard requirements is added.
1401.6.1 “number of stories” is added to coordinate with the equation that is currently referenced.
1401.6.20 a new section “Smoke compartmentation” is added as part of the I-2 change mentioned above.
Chapter A3 Prescriptive Provisions for Seismic Strengthening of Cripple Walls and Sill Plate
Anchorage of Light, Wood-frame Residential Buildings
A302 Definitions
Definitions of types of wood products are added, deleted, revised for consistency with the IBC.
Chapter A4 Earthquake Risk Reduction in Wood-frame Residential Buildings with Soft, Weak
or Open Front Walls
A403 Analysis and Design
A403.5 “The stress analysis of cantilever columns shall use a buckling factor of 2.1 for the direction normal to the axis of the
beam.” is deleted because it’s unclear whether it refers to columns carrying lateral or gravity loads. The sentence “Increased
demand due to P∆ effects and story sidesway stability shall be considered in retrofit stories that rely on the strength and stiffness
of cantilever columns for lateral resistance.” is added. It clarifies that increased demands on columns that resist lateral loads must
be considered as determined by the engineer of record.
3401.6 Dangerous conditions. The building official shall have the authority to require the elimination of
conditions deemed dangerous.
EXCEPTIONS:1. An existing stairway shall not be required to comply with the requirements of Section 1009
where the existing space and construction does not allow a reduction in pitch or slope.
2. Handrails otherwise required to comply with Section 1009.12 shall not be required to comply
with the requirements of Section 1012.6 regarding full extension of the handrails where such
extensions would be hazardous due to plan configuration.
3. In buildings considered existing structures on July 1, 2010, dwelling units shall be permitted to
have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet (2134 mm).
This amendment should be added to IEBC Section 403.1. Section 801.3, in the work area level 2 alterations
chapter, allows newly created habitable and occupiable spaces and corridors to have 7 foot ceilings. Chapters
8 & 9 don’t seem to require changes in ceiling height.
EXCEPTIONS:1. The costs of providing the accessible route are not required to exceed 20 percent of the costs of
the alteration affecting the area of primary function.
2. This provision does not apply to alterations limited solely to windows, hardware, operating
controls, electrical outlets and signs.
3. This provision does not apply to alterations limited solely to mechanical systems, electrical
systems, installation or alteration of fire protection systems and abatement of hazardous materials.
4. This provision does not apply to alterations undertaken for the primary purpose of increasing the
accessibility of a facility.
5. This provision does not apply to altered areas limited to Type B dwellings and sleeping units.
3411.8.11 Toilet rooms. Where it is technically infeasible to alter existing toilet and bathing rooms to be
accessible, an accessible family or assisted use toilet or bathing room constructed in accordance with Section
1109.2.1 is permitted. The family or assisted-use toilet or bathing room shall be located on the same floor and
in the same area as the existing toilet or bathing rooms. The number of toilet or bathing rooms and water
closets required by the State Building Code is permitted to be reduced by one, in order to provide accessible