Tutorial Extra BENT3753
Tutorial Extra BENT3753
Tutorial Extra BENT3753
10. A modulated AM DSBFC has a carrier frequency f c = 340 kHz and a maximum modulating signal
f m (max) = 18 kHz, determine :-
b. Bandwidth
11. For an AM receiver with intermediate frequency, fif of 455 kHz and carrier frequency, frf of 900 kHz,
and preselector loaded quality factor, Q of 80, determine:
(i) the local oscillator frequency, flo and image frequency, fim.
= 13.5 Vp
Figure Q13
mE c mE c
v am (t ) = E c sin(2pf c t ) + cos[2p ( f c - f m )t ] - cos[2p ( f c + f m )t ]
2 2
17. Prove that the power contained in the carrier component of Double Sideband Full
Carrier (DSBFC) system is 2/3 of the total transmitted power when the coefficient of
modulation m is 1.
18. State four (4) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of a Single Sideband (SSB) system
compared to a conventional AM system.
19. One common configuration for SSB transmitter is known as a filter method.
i) Draw a block diagram of a single-conversion transmitter for SSB suppressed
carrier (SSBSC) system.
ii) Consequently, draw the ouput spectrum of the transmitter given that the
frequency of modulating signal is 0 – 5 kHz and the carrier frequency is 30 MHz.
iii) Explain the disadvantage of this type of transmitter and suggest the possible
solution for it.