1.1 Background of The Project

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1.1 Background of the Project
Nowadays, Information Technology status is growing up rapidly
according to the encouragement of most government in the world and
implementation of the local organization. There is a consensus that Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) is recognized as a key element in
implementing political, economic and social objectives every where.
To become successful in today’s competitive world one has to manage the
future. Managing the future is achieved by managing the information. The
Information Technology (IT) is one of the important driving forces for modern
development. With the advancement of IT, one can live in the global village
irrespective of distance, national and international boundaries. The advent of IT
brings all the citizen of this planet close together and has a quicker access to all
information and benefits that the world may have. The Information Technology
encompasses the broad fields of information and communications by means of
computer and telecommunication tools are being increasingly used for
organizational /personal information processing in all sectors of economy and
the society as a whole.
In recent years, the rapid development of IT results the simplification of various
activities in the world. Similarly, our country Ethiopia has worked more to lay
the ground for a radical, sustainable transformation of the nation’s social and
economic prospects through appropriate IT deployment.
sources http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu19ie/uu19ie0b.
Likewise, Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) has introduced
Information Technology. It has more than 50 computers which are connected
through network technology that providing 12 hours broadband Internet
connection in the head office. In addition to this, TWWCE needs well established
data base management systems to facilitate the daily activities of the personnel
division for its Employees, but it has not a developed data base that runs

Project work on TWWCE HRD Personnel Division 1

currently. Therefore we choose to develop the data base for its Employee Data
Entry that solves this problem. By and large we are confidential to solve the
problem successfully.

1.1.1 Background of the Organization

The Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) which was
established in 1978 is a domestic, governmental and profit making organization
engaged in water work construction, and development activities focusing at
providing water for the community of Tigray. Originally established to serve the
needs of the people in the liberated areas of Tigray during the civil war, TWWCE
has been a grass- roots organization, committed to working with the poorest and
most marginalized communities to bring about positive, sustainable change.

TWWCE Strategic Goal

 Drilling Deep & shallow wells
 providing clean & portable & water
 constructing distribution network
 constructing public water point
 To construct different size of RCC water reservoirs
 To develop spring
 Progressive reduction in the number of targeted, Water insecure
households within TWWCE operational areas.

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TWWCE’s Mission
 To build up the capacity of water works activities.
 Allocating budget & equipment (machineries) for the
 Arranging for short, medium & long term plan of action and
 Based on marketing assessment & economic laws it has to
develop the financial manpower & machineries capable for
 To utilize new & appropriate technology & machinery for the
construction of water supply works
 To help the people of Tigray attain self-reliance based on the
genuine participation of the people, by tackling and over
coming the root causes and effects of poverty, drought and
war, through promoting sustainable rural and urban water

TWWCE’s Vision
To have highly trained technically oriented and manage mental staffs of the
enterprise for the utilization of water for development.
A future where Poverty has been eradicated and all people enjoy equitable access
to development opportunities and benefits.

Organizational Objectives
 Constructing distribution network
 constructing public water point
 constructing different size of RCC water reservoirs
 developing spring

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 To improve the health and nutritional status of household members in
TWWCE operational areas.
 To increase the productivity of the agriculture sector, while protecting
and promoting sustainable usage of natural resources.
 To alleviate, and progressively reduce continuing water insecurity
caused by natural and other disasters.

Chapter Two
1.2 Statement of the Problem

In Developing countries, the process of acquiring, processing, organizing and

disseminating information faces a lot of problems. The very first reasons of the
problems are economic, cultural, professional as well as political factors besides
lack of awareness.
Unlike the most developed countries, the least developed countries have the
lowest IT infrastructures. According to a survey carried out by the international
telecommunication Union (ITU) in June 2002, the sectorial absorption,
geographical dispersion and the sophistication of using IT in Ethiopia are the
In the same way, even though TWWCE head office has started using IT resources
before some years; there is no as such sophisticated facility as expected due to the
existing problems.
 There are no any well established databases for those who need a
database for their data entries like Personnel, supply and
maintenance and Transport Divisions.
 Lack of awareness to use the IT resources and inefficient utilization
of the IT human and material resources.
 There are no enough skilled and qualified IT Specialists in the

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1.3 Methodology and Technology

The methodology we use to develop our system is interview and getting

documents from the enterprise. The software we apply to use this Ms-Access,
which can run on any Microsoft window 2000 or XP professional installed PC
and in addition to that we also use for data storing purpose the Microsoft access
database application program.

1.4 Scope of the project

This project is aimed at investigating the over all portion of Tigray Water Construction
 Identify the existing problems with the system
 Study problems and needs of an organization and understanding the
 Determine the best approach to improve the organization through the use of
 People
 Methods
 Information
 Suggesting the possible way to solve the existing problems.

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Chapter Three
B. System Planning and Selection (SPS) and System Analyses and
Design (SAD)
Phase-1 System Planning and Selection (SPS)
Activities under this phase are:
1. Identification of need
2. Investigate (study) and determine its scope
Under this activities information needs of the organization are examined and project meet
these needs are identified.

1. Objectives and Work Plan

1.1 General objective
Investigate the basic service that the system provides and the essential input which
enable to Acquire these service.
 Include the use of computers in its functions to examine its practical
application in these systems.
 To consolidate the system and to identify corresponding achievements.
 Identify the major problems.
 Give suggestion to run the system effectively and to solve problems identified

1.1.1 Specific Objectives

The objectives of the project work are:

Examine and give a clear picture of the natural, development and actual situation of the
Tigray Water Work Construction
To solve problem which found in the area (system) of Tigray Water Work Enterprise
human resource department?
 To change the man power to computerized and save the time
 To do efficient network between the department divisions.

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 Because of net work can control each department and minimize (stop)
 To store the data (information) permanently.
 To solve time (the work is done speedily; a power full computer is capable of
performing of many calculation per second).
 The new system does not suffer from tiredness and lack of concentration. If
millions of calculations have to be performed, it will perform the last with
exactly, the same accuracy and speed as the first.
 Finally, once the new system is in computer memory, the instruction is
transferred one after the other.
 Communication system and computer network provide for rapid exchange of
information among computers.
 To easy control of the Employee activity
 To reduce resources cost i.e. manpower, labors, hour and others
 Computerize the employee management system.

1.1. Work of Plan

 The time taken to do our project is shown in the Table Below.
Table draw using Gantee Chart.
A. System planning and selection.
B. System Analyses.
C. System Design.
D. Tests run implementation.
E. User manual preparation.

Activity Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key: - The shadow box is shown the range of work done in the weeks.

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Phase-2 System Analyses
The concept of SAD is to improve organization by developing or acquiring (purchasing)
soft ware and training employees in its use.

In order to be successful in this approach, the analysts should follow a structure approach
as indicate below:-

Phase 1 Phase 2
System planning & Selection System Analysis

Phase 1 Phase 1
System Implementation & System Design

2.1 Existing problems with the Tigray Water Work

There were lots of problems.
The following are some of visible problems with our investigation
 There is no fast communication between departments (the message cannot
transfer with in a second).
 The existing system is exposed to corruption.
 It consumes more time.
 There is no good logical network between departments regarding
employee information.
 The data (information) is exposed to damage because the data is stored on
a paper only.
 There is no back up when the data is damaged.
 The old system is used manpower so; the employee becomes tiredness and
lack of concentration in case of this an error is occurring.

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 Since, the department uses manpower; the clients do not get a quicker
 Since the department is used manpower the employee becomes tired, as
this time the client may be suffer by the service and it may create
disagreement with the employee.

2.2 Overview of the existing system

TWWCE is basically established to support the people of Tigray in water security

regarding the agricultural development and area in Tigray regional state. The
organization provides its service through Tigray region using the different
operational areas that are located at different district of the regional state.
In each of its operational area TWWCE has around a total of more than 117
TWWCE currently works manually help with some application software like
MS-Excel and MS-Access. But the organization is in need of something to change
its manual system work to computerized system and well organized personnel
database of its employees because the number of employees of the organization
is increasing year to year.
The personnel office works with so many formats. For instance the personnel
assistance registers new employee detail, family detail; calculate annual rests and
calculating service years of the employees and the personnel officer checks these
formats and signs on the manually prepared hard copy and finally file if using
the old filing system. And you see this how it is difficult to do for number of
So that is why we are chosen to solve this problem by developing a program that
to store its employees detail information in a systematic way to solve its
information storing problems.
Users for the program will be the Personnel head.

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2.3 Overview of the new System

We choose Microsoft access to develop our system that means we have stored
the data at Microsoft access and we have implemented it in this application
program to develop the Interface and source code. Our project is limited on the
TWWCE head office and we begin our project by getting all necessary formats
that have important fields and prepared to use by the personnel office to enter
data and to prepare the report of the personnel division.
The personnel division performs:
1. Employee Data
 Employee details
 Employee family details
 Employee educational background
 Employee salary increment
2. Annual Leave
 Calculate total untaken annual leave
 Calculate total taken annual leave
 Calculate total current balanced annual leave
3. Reports on
 Employee details
 Annual leaves
 Annual Pension of Employees etc
To perform all tasks, the personnel office uses different type of formats to store
information of its employees. Example, the Employee detail, annual leave
request and report format.
Our program will be designed to start with one general Login Form as a startup
for the reason managing our system easily and on any client request it asks for
access privilege to enter to the database. Our Switchboard have different features
to manage before we go to details (actual system). And our forms allow us to add
data to the database. This privilege enables users to enter data to the DB based on

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their respective license. If unauthorized users try to access data, it gives an
interactive response that they have not any privilege for this data. To avoid data
duplication we have used the key constraint or the ID system for all our files

2.4 Compare to other Potential Solutions

As big indigenous governmental enterprise TWWCE has not any program

developed for Personnel Database Management Systems for facilitating and well
organizing information of employees in a good information system. But still they
use the application and manual system.
To compare our program with other potential solutions, the one big importance
in our program is that: The program can easily changes the format of data
entering and as well the report format of the personnel office of the organization
as they want and it effectively facilitates the service of the office.

2.5 Output of the program

Comparing to the manual system, the program will minimize time and cost.
Because, more over tasks (calculations) are done by the program itself. The user
minimizes its time of developing its monthly, quarterly and yearly reports.
Generally the program gives the outputs:
 Developing all list of employees and other details.
 Develop the annual rest report.

2.6 Feasibility
To make our study practical and to implement the system, we have seen the following
feasibility conditions based on our investigation and deep study. And we all concluded
that the system study is feasible and workable.

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2.6.1 Economic Feasibility
The solutions, which have been mentioned, are help full in increasing the organization of
Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise human resource department for the future.
So the investment cost or expenses is very small when it is compared with the benefit that
the organization get in the future, and we have described this in our study of cost benefit
analysis so regarding the economy is easy to see the system study’s feasibility.

2.6.2 Technical feasibility

Now a days, information handling and processing electronic materials as computers,
printers and monitors are sufficiently available in the market at a lower price from time to
time so that any medium level organization can buy and utilize these devices.
Trained manpower in the field of software design is becoming increasing from time as
there are many private soft ware and hard ware technique college.
So, this study is technically feasible.

2.6.3 Behaviorally feasibility

Problems by creating when we make our study from the beginning and also at the time of
investigation we have observed that, the organization’s employee or member are very
eager for this new information handling system and they are happy to involve on the use
of this modern information system. And also we have observed that there is no any
impact, which is created by the system on employee. In the time of implementation if
there exists some problems by few members of the organization, the group team is ready
to bring solution for this user-friendly environment.

2.7 Analysis Requirement

Before you start a program you must have a clear understanding of its purpose. You need
to know what the input will be, what the output look like. At the same time the data
processing activities require to transform the input data in to the output information must
be identified.

Project work on TWWCE HRD Personnel Division 12


Date_Of_ Town
EmpID fullName


Birth place Age Sex


EmpID Full Name Leave Request

Address at
leave time

Leave Type

Number of
Current balance days Number of total
Untaken annual
taken days
leave days

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Relation Ships

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Employee Table

Employee Organization Table

Annual Leave Table

Education Table

Promotion Table

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Chapter Four
1.1. The record set property: is used to retrieve the requested records and
manipulators. A record set is actually just a set of records. It is the underlying object
that holds and manipulates the data

User Interface
We run the program so that there are
 Security building(in the log in form using pass word)
-This is the first form (Fig-1) in our project work in the log on form having a user
name and Pass word textboxes. This helps us to secure our program so that any user can
not log on to our program except the administrator .

Login Form
In the login form, only the administrator can log to our database.

Figure-1 Shows the Log on Form

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Switch board manager
Switchboard forms are very useful, because they bring order to our application by
providing a convenient way for us to group all the forms and functions of our program in
one big application container. The Switchboard you have acts as a container for all other
form in our program. The Switchboard -form acts like virtual form

 Transactions

1) HRD(human resource department) Employee Information

2) Annual Leave Entry

 Report
a) Employee Annual Leave Report
b) Employee List Report
c) Employee Pension Report
 User and groups
1) Login form
 LogOut
1. Close the form (logout from the form).

Switchboard Manager

Click here to
see details of
forms one by

Figure-2 Shows Switchboard-form

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Employee Information
Employee information form is one form (department) in our project that controls to all
forms in our project. All information about Employee is recorded in the Employee
information table. That means when a new employee comes, he/she must contact with a
personnel division to record all his/her personal information. After recording the personal
information the employee should contact the data base administrator so as to take a user
name and pass word.

Figure-3: Employee Information Form

Salary Data Form

This form is used to document salary information of each employee. In here we can put
the scale of the employee by defining the position of every employee. As a result we can
generate the salary increment.

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Figure 4: Employee Salary form

Code Sample Implementation

The following is a sample visual basic code in access that is used to log into the

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1. Employee Report
A report is used to display our information in a customized format to the real world in
printed documents.
Our data base generates list of professional employees at each department. And here is a
sample report for this case.


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2. Salary Expense Report
The following report is a sample report for the salary expense for the current
year of the Tigray water work Construction enterprise.

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3. Employee Work Experience Report
This report generates an employee working experience.

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To avoid break down and access large information for different Purpose very quickly,
computerized system of Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise human resource
department should be implemented. This system should also be used in every operation
of the company by making the system server based or network for the case that many
programmers can use it. Therefore we try our project to perform any operation with out
of any error as much as possible for the HRD. You can prevalent this project to perform
many tasks for different branches for the future. But at this time we have not this chance
to wider this project for different branches of TWWCE Human Resource department.

1. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu19ie/uu19ie0b.

2. TWWCE employees manual.

3. TWWCE Personnel Office employment formats.

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