1.1 Background of The Project
1.1 Background of The Project
1.1 Background of The Project
1.1 Background of the Project
Nowadays, Information Technology status is growing up rapidly
according to the encouragement of most government in the world and
implementation of the local organization. There is a consensus that Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) is recognized as a key element in
implementing political, economic and social objectives every where.
To become successful in today’s competitive world one has to manage the
future. Managing the future is achieved by managing the information. The
Information Technology (IT) is one of the important driving forces for modern
development. With the advancement of IT, one can live in the global village
irrespective of distance, national and international boundaries. The advent of IT
brings all the citizen of this planet close together and has a quicker access to all
information and benefits that the world may have. The Information Technology
encompasses the broad fields of information and communications by means of
computer and telecommunication tools are being increasingly used for
organizational /personal information processing in all sectors of economy and
the society as a whole.
In recent years, the rapid development of IT results the simplification of various
activities in the world. Similarly, our country Ethiopia has worked more to lay
the ground for a radical, sustainable transformation of the nation’s social and
economic prospects through appropriate IT deployment.
sources http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu19ie/uu19ie0b.
Likewise, Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise (TWWCE) has introduced
Information Technology. It has more than 50 computers which are connected
through network technology that providing 12 hours broadband Internet
connection in the head office. In addition to this, TWWCE needs well established
data base management systems to facilitate the daily activities of the personnel
division for its Employees, but it has not a developed data base that runs
TWWCE’s Vision
To have highly trained technically oriented and manage mental staffs of the
enterprise for the utilization of water for development.
A future where Poverty has been eradicated and all people enjoy equitable access
to development opportunities and benefits.
Organizational Objectives
Constructing distribution network
constructing public water point
constructing different size of RCC water reservoirs
developing spring
Chapter Two
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Key: - The shadow box is shown the range of work done in the weeks.
In order to be successful in this approach, the analysts should follow a structure approach
as indicate below:-
Phase 1 Phase 2
System planning & Selection System Analysis
Phase 1 Phase 1
System Implementation & System Design
We choose Microsoft access to develop our system that means we have stored
the data at Microsoft access and we have implemented it in this application
program to develop the Interface and source code. Our project is limited on the
TWWCE head office and we begin our project by getting all necessary formats
that have important fields and prepared to use by the personnel office to enter
data and to prepare the report of the personnel division.
The personnel division performs:
1. Employee Data
Employee details
Employee family details
Employee educational background
Employee salary increment
2. Annual Leave
Calculate total untaken annual leave
Calculate total taken annual leave
Calculate total current balanced annual leave
3. Reports on
Employee details
Annual leaves
Annual Pension of Employees etc
To perform all tasks, the personnel office uses different type of formats to store
information of its employees. Example, the Employee detail, annual leave
request and report format.
Our program will be designed to start with one general Login Form as a startup
for the reason managing our system easily and on any client request it asks for
access privilege to enter to the database. Our Switchboard have different features
to manage before we go to details (actual system). And our forms allow us to add
data to the database. This privilege enables users to enter data to the DB based on
Comparing to the manual system, the program will minimize time and cost.
Because, more over tasks (calculations) are done by the program itself. The user
minimizes its time of developing its monthly, quarterly and yearly reports.
Generally the program gives the outputs:
Developing all list of employees and other details.
Develop the annual rest report.
2.6 Feasibility
To make our study practical and to implement the system, we have seen the following
feasibility conditions based on our investigation and deep study. And we all concluded
that the system study is feasible and workable.
Before you start a program you must have a clear understanding of its purpose. You need
to know what the input will be, what the output look like. At the same time the data
processing activities require to transform the input data in to the output information must
be identified.
Date_Of_ Town
EmpID fullName
Leave Type
Number of
Current balance days Number of total
Untaken annual
taken days
leave days
Education Table
Promotion Table
User Interface
We run the program so that there are
Security building(in the log in form using pass word)
-This is the first form (Fig-1) in our project work in the log on form having a user
name and Pass word textboxes. This helps us to secure our program so that any user can
not log on to our program except the administrator .
Login Form
In the login form, only the administrator can log to our database.
a) Employee Annual Leave Report
b) Employee List Report
c) Employee Pension Report
User and groups
1) Login form
1. Close the form (logout from the form).
Switchboard Manager
Click here to
see details of
forms one by
1. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu19ie/uu19ie0b.