The Construction Sector of Indonesia: 21 Asia Construct Conference
The Construction Sector of Indonesia: 21 Asia Construct Conference
The Construction Sector of Indonesia: 21 Asia Construct Conference,
Indonesian economy was ranked 16th in the world in 2013. In the third quarter of 2014,
Jakarta composite index even exceeded 5,259, the highest in history. The national medium
term development plan 2015-2019 states that infrastructure development is estimated more
than 5,500T IDR. The economic growth of Indonesia is very steady from 2014 - 2016.
Economic growth of Indonesia in 2014 was 5.08% higher than 2015 which was 4.79% and it
estimated that in 2016 will be higher (5.18%) (Central Bank of Indonesia Report, 2016). CBS
(Central Bureau of Statistic) reports that GDP (2015) is 2,770.3 IDR trillion (based on
constant price 2000). The construction growth of 2015 is 6.65 % lower than 2014 which was
7.4% and it is higher than the economic growth, however since 2012 the construction growth
was decreasing but it improves in 2014 (CBS, 2015). Based on GDP (constant price 2000),
economic growth from 2015 is lower than 2014. Highest GDP growth in 2015 was achieved
by transportation and communication sector which growth 8.5%. In the next five years (2015
– 2019), the government estimates to push infrastructure investments of 4,886 IDR trillion by
which 3,386 IDR trillion for strategic infrastructures and 1,500 IDR trillion for basic
In 2013, the transportation and communication sector had a highest growth of 10.32%,
followed by financial, real estate and company services sectors (6.79%). The
construction sector growth achieved 6.68%, followed by energy, gas and water supply
(6.62%), manufacturing industry (5.29%), services sector (5.27%), trade, hotel and
restauran (4.78%), mining sector ( 3.91%) and agriculture sector (3.83%).
This paper is mostly based on construction statistic reported by CBS (2013) and CBS (2014)
21st Asia Construct Conference 2016
The construction growth shows higher than economic growth. Eventhough in 2013, it was
lower than previous years, the construction growth is still higher as compared to the
economic growth. In 2014, the construction growth is forecasted to achieve 6.58% - 7.7%
slightly lower (0.02%) or even higher 1.2 % than the construction growth of 2013. The
growth is expected to increase since the new government will launch the five years
development plan (2015 – 2019) in which infrastructure development becoming a key
strategic role of the national economic development (Bappenas, 2014). Under this new
government development plan, there are many strategic infrastructure development
programme will be implemented. In the next fiveyears (2015 – 2019), the government
estimates to push infrastructure investments of 4,886 IDR trillion by which 3,386 IDR
trillion for strategic infrastructures and 1,500 IDR trillion for basic infrastructures
(Bappenas, 2014).
Funding of those construction investments are challenging since the government only
provide small portion of investment required (30%) while the state owned company is
aslo only 30%. Therefore, the government proposes PPP moderately for infrastructure
investment about 20%. The rest is solely relied on off balance sheet (20%). The creative
financing scheme is expected to overcome such off balance sheet.
Type of
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Building Works
95 397 108 768 128 551 149 873 170 003
Civil Works (Billion) 169 975 202 325 237 019 273 552 308 584
Special Construction
54 876 65 029 74 782 85 601 95 512
Works (Billion)
TOTAL 320 248 376 122 440 352 509 026 574 099
Notes: Benchmark Series Data
* Preliminary Figures
Source: CBS (2015)
21st Asia Construct Conference 2016
The number of foreign construction companies has been increasing after MP3EI
launched in 2011. In 2013, the number of foreign contracting companies registered in
Indonesia is 302 firms mostly coming from Japan dan China as well as Korea. The
number of contractors from China working in Indonesia now increases 53 firms. The
number of Indian contractors remains 4 since 1 contractor left.
ASEAN 14 14 16 16 16
1. Central Bureau of Statistic (2015), Economic Indicators , Jakarta
2. Central Bureau of Statistic (2014), Economic Indicators, Jakarta
3. Central Bureau of Statistic (2013), Economic Indicators, Jakarta
4. Central Bureau of Statistic (2016), Construction in Figures 2015 (in Bahasa Indonesia), Jakarta
5. Central Bank of Indonesia (2009), Annual Report of National Economy, Jakarta
6. Central Bank of Indonesia (2010), Annual Report of National Economy, Jakarta
7. Mulyo, SS & Abidin, IS (2007), Construction Market in Indonesia, Japan - Indonesia Seminar II,
Department of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta.
8. Public Works Department (2008), Program and Target Development, Jakarta
9. Suraji, A (2007), The Indonesian Construction 2030, National Construction Services
Development Board, Jakarta
10. Wuryanti, W (2005) Cost Index Component of Reinforce Concrete & Composite for
Building Construction (in Indonesian), Seminar, Institute for Research & Development,
Ministry of Public Work, Jakarta.
The 21th
Muhamad Abduh
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jimmy S. Juwana
National Construction Services Development Board
& Green Building Council Indonesia
1 Executive Summary
It has been more than four years, a promising development of sustainable construction
and other green movements in Indonesian construction industry were reported in the 18th
Asia Construct conference in Singapore. However, the development pace has been slower
than it was expected, even though many key stakeholders have been playing their roles
enthusiastically. It seems that the critical mass was not built yet in the Indonesian
construction industry and its supply chains to support the development.
In this theme paper, recent development of sustainable construction initiatives from
construction industry stakeholders were updated. The progress of sustainable construction
initiatives and constraints faced by the stakeholders were also presented. With recent high
growth of construction industry’s contribution to the Indonesian GDP, i.e., around 10.4%,
all participants of the Indonesian construction industry are under pressure to deliver the
construction products with tight scheduled target. This situation will put the sustainable
construction initiatives out of the main participants’ focuses for a while. Although there
are policies and incentives for conducting construction in a sustainable way, they may not
be relevant in that hectic situation.
Considering the slower pace of sustainable construction development in Indonesia
construction industry, it is suggested that further development of the sustainable
construction initiatives would be toward capacity building of the Indonesian construction
supply chains. The need for engineers and managers for doing sustainable construction
businesses is the most problematic one in Indonesia. Moreover, the specialist sub-
contractors and suppliers, that are aware of and practicing sustainability principles in their
businesses, are to be developed further to provide a competitive sustainable construction
market. However, any implementation of sustainable construction in Indonesia still to be
a led government activity. In this case, a focused agenda of implementation in completing
the system and necessary regulations as well as in building the Indonesian construction
supply chains’ capacity to support the implementaion is needed.
It is reported that two last years’ GDP contribution of the Indonesian construction
industry reaching more than 10%, and it is considered to be one of the largest in the
world. Since the last ten years, with a growing population of more than 250 million, huge
infrastructure spending and rapid urbanization, Indonesia could be considered as highly
developing country. Its GDP, around $895 billion, is forecasted to grow by up to 10% per
year in the next five to ten years, and the construction for sure will play a leading role in
it. The Indonesia’s government will spend about $450 billion on infrastructure alone until
2020, with over $22 billion of confirmed spending for 2016 (Trading Economics, 2016).
It is forecasted that the Indonesian construction industry will grow 7.2% and 7.3% in
2016 and 2017 respectively, with the residential and non-residential construction to hold
the strongest annual growth rates. The more promising area for investment in Indonesia
is meeting the housing demands for more than 250 million people. This construction
growth is being driven at any level of society. The top-level consumers and upper classes
are demanding high-quality finishing materials in larger quantities; greener, safer and
more efficient materials. There is a million-unit house-building program enacted in the
City of Jakarta and other urban areas.
Besides, many infrastructure construction projects are already planned, such as:
building bridges, ports, roads, railways and super express transits (over $30 billion); fuel
and chemical distributors for two new power plants; new National Health Insurance
Program to build over 150 new hospitals; Global Smart City project costs $15 billion;
investment of over $4 million in 10 to 12 new megastores; investing $300 million for
renewable energy sources, biomass, geothermal plants, and hydroelectricity plant
(Konstruksi Indonesia, 2016).
that could meet the requirements of this green building regulation. The developers of new
buildings must comply with a maximum energy consumption of 45 watts per m2,
optimizing natural lighting, having a minimum indoor temperature of 25°C for
minimizing air conditioning, and treating and re-using wastewater. Based on data
collected from the Council of Integrated Permit Services (BPTSP), there are no more
than new 10 buildings that had complied with the Governor’s decree. Some developers of
new buildings argued that the regulation is too strict in term of the limitation of total
floor area to achieve an economic feasibility; minimum of 50,000 m2 of total floor area
for apartment, office and commercial buildings, minimum of 20,000 m2 of total floor
area for hotel and medical facilities, and minimum of 10,000 m2 of total floor area for
educational buildings. Moreover, issues of the availability of assessors in responding the
implementation of the decree is questionable.
5. The readiness of construction supply chains to support the sustainable
construction is still low. The supply chains include entities related to green
materials, green suppliers, contractor’s specialists, green equipment, and labors
including the engineers and managers.
6. The value of green buildings is not recognized by owners and construction
practitioners yet. It is commonly assumed that green designs will cost a lot
more than non-green buildings.
In line with the concept of sustainable construction, the Indonesia government pledged
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 29% by 2020. The administration has argued that
increasing number of green buildings, in Jakarta and other capital cities, is crucial to help
the government reaching this goal. In 2010, the Ministry of Environmental has issued a
decree No. 08/2010 regarding criteria and certification of the environmental friendly
buildings. In this regulation, the environmental friendly buildings should meet certain
criteria, such as: use local products with eco label; have a water conservation facility;
have an energy conservation facility; do not use hazardous materials and cause Oxon
depletion; have recycling facility for grey water; have recycling facility for waste;
maintain indoor air quality; consider the sustainability site; and consider risk mitigation.
This decree mandated the building’s owner to have a certification through assessment
process conducting by an authorized institution. The authorized institution should apply
to the ministry of environmental for the license. Therefore, the Indonesian government,
represented by the Ministry of Environment, has issued a decree on criterion and
requirements for an institution that could publish an assessment system for certifying
green buildings in Indonesia.
Moreover, the Ministry of Public Works has been developing a standard of green
specifications and also rating tools for designing, constructing, and operating green
governments’ buildings that will be introduced to central and local governments. The
green specifications will be a voluntary guideline, but a local government that is ready to
implement it could make it a mandatory. Nowadays, there are two regulations in national
level, decree of the Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlement No. 2/2015 about
green building and decree of the Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlement No.
05/2015 about general guideline for implementing sustainable construction in
infrastructure project delivery in the area of public works and human settlement – the
ministry was merged from two ministries: Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of
Human Settlement in early 2015. Moreover, the Ministry of Public Works and Human
Settlement has been developing rating tools for green buildings, green roads, green
construction, and sustainable infrastructure; a manual to green procurement using design-
build delivery system; and a green construction supply chains strategy.
In 2012, in the city of Jakarta, as the capital city, green building certification is a
mandatory for new as well as existing buildings based on the Governor Decree No.
38/2012. Even though the requirement to adopt green building concept in Jakarta is
considered mandatory, it is a minimum level of green specifications that are achievable
and processed as part of getting building permits for new buildings and operation permits
for existing buildings. Even though, the implementation of green building regulation in
Jakarta has not had a significant result yet, other cities will follow Jakarta. Recently, the
city of Bandung just established a regulation of green building, and there are more cities
will follow this policy such as city of Surabaya in East Java, and Makassar in South
Many other efforts have been put by the government to support the implementation of
sustainable construction such as:
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry in collaboration with the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
and some selected universities tried to develop higher education curriculum which
incorporate the sustainability issues in it. This idea will give the opportunity to the
university’s students, in a very early stage of his/her professional carrier, to be
exposed to information about sustainability concept, eco system and green
movement campaign. The curriculum will integrate the principle of sustainable
construction, sustainability parameters and scope of sustainable issues.
Value of green building is campaigned continuously. The traditional buildings will
produce 23% of greenhouse gas emissions, and by implementing green building
concept, the building may save energy up to 43% and save water about 61% in dry
season and 81% in rainy season (EECCHI, 2012).
Green building for government offices. The Ministry of Public Works and Human
Settlement built an eighteen-storey platinum green building based on Greenship
rating tools of the GBCI. In its original design, the building faced East-West, which
was not suitable for green building concept. It was then modified to North-South to
provide a lower Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) from 76.8 W/m2 to 28.1
W/m2 and to give a lower thermal load for air conditioning system. By using light
sensor, the energy consumption could drop from 167.62 kWh/m2/year to 95.19
kWh/m2/year. This building has received Asian award as the most efficient energy
consumption building (EECCHI 2012).
Original building form Modified building form
Figure 2: The Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlement Green Building
Complex (EECCHI 2012)
Recently, there was a study conducted by the Ministry of Public Works that was
aimed to measure the awareness of Indonesian large and medium-size contractors to
implement the sustainable construction. In general, they are ready to implement the
sustainable construction concept with the average score of 74, out of 100. This finding is,
of course, very encouraging for the implementation of sustainable construction in
Indonesia, but it is also shown that only maximum 13% of the registered contractors in
Indonesia that are ready, while the rest (87%) are small-size contractors and they would
have lower level of awareness (Abduh 2012).
Some large contractors had shown their awareness and stewardships to the
environment by declaring themselves as green contractors. They have implemented
reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) principles, as well as the reducing the use of energy in
their construction projects. International certifications for environment management (ISO
14000s) have been their marketing weapons besides the certification of health and safety
management from OHSAS nowadays. The practices of reducing the use of papers,
catering waste, the use of air conditioning, the use of water and electricity has been their
day to day operation in their project sites. Furthermore, what-so-called green contractors
in Indonesia already had their own assessment systems to measure the level of greenness
of their projects. As an example, P.T. Pembangunan Perumahan (PP), the pioneer in
green contractor in Indonesia, has an instrument that is called Green Contractor
Assessment Sheet.
As suggested by Abduh (2014) some improvements are needed in order to maturate
the green construction supply chains that could support the green buildings in Indonesia:
1. Definition of green material should accommodate various form of construction
material; bulk, manufacturer’s products, fabricated material. This definition could
be integrated with the development of eco-label for construction materials.
2. Emphasis on the use construction materials that are available locally. This would be
enforced by the use of incentive for contractors that offer higher local contents in
their technical proposal on the bidding.
3. Make the green building market more opened to more participants to participate
throughout its supply chains. Demand information on the green building projects
and materials needed should be accessible to more parties.
4. Green supply chains management practices should be demonstrated to develop
more green sub-contractors and suppliers. Selection criteria for green sub-
contractors and suppliers should be first addressed, and then the green capacity and
knowledge development to the members of the approved supplier/sub-contractors
list should be followed.
5. Competency and training program definitions for construction workers, in any level
of management, to be able to conduct as required by green construction are needed.
Certification could be one of the strategic ways to increase number of green
personnel to support the green buildings.
As seen from the above list of improvements, most of them are returned to the
government initiatives and role in promoting the green construction in Indonesia.
Policies and regulations related to the above improvements are needed. The green
contractors are also playing very important roles as champions in implementing green
construction. Therefore, the green contractors should refine their practices in managing
their supply chain toward green supply chains.
The GBCI, as an institution, will expand its activities by establishing branch offices in
several big cities throughout Indonesia. The cities of Medan, Palembang, Semarang,
Surabaya, Bali, Makassar, Manado, Banjarmasin and Balikpapan will be proposed as
branch offices of GBCI. Moreover, regularly GBCI will offer workshops, trainings, and
professional gathering, to widen the green horizon, e.g. Greenship associate training
course, Greenship professional training course, COP workshop for energy conservation,
renewable energy in relationship to zero net energy building, climate change that affects
biodiversity, and attending international green building conference. In the near future,
GBCI with the Ministry of Environmental & Forestry, Ministry of Public Work and
Human Settlement, local government such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Makassar,
and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are going to continue the green
campaign, not only for buildings but also for neighborhood.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has introduced also what so called the
EDGE, the Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies, which is considered as a
simpler way to measure how green the buildings using only three important and
significant criteria. It was launched globally in September 2014 and created initially for
banks in evaluating green building project. Since it is free, on-line and open for public,
the system is used for owners or developers as design tools for green building. The
criteria force a greenfield building to have 20% less energy, water and material
consumption compared to an equivalent local benchmark. It is claimed to be suitable for
an emerging green building market in developing countries like Indonesia since it can be
used by building professionals without the need for expensive green building specialists
(EDGE, 2016). The EDGE is still considered new for Indonesian construction
practitioners and until now only one big developer, i.e., Ciputra Group, that used this
system for its buildings. The GBCI also plays important roles in this EDGE system as a
collaborator for the IFC in implementing the system, providing the green professional
assessors and auditor accreditation, and for follow-up certification assessment needed in
the future.
Other efforts related to green construction in Indonesia is coming from the universities
with their research agendas. Advanced researches in the use of recycle materials,
especially concrete since it is the major construction material in Indonesia, have been
done several years ago and this time is the time to realize the benefit of this kind of
research to the construction projects. The high volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete,
geopolymer concrete, recycle aggregate concrete, and pervious concrete have been very
exciting fields of research areas recently. Some applications have been seen in the
construction projects in Indonesia. Moreover, some researches to support the
implementation of sustainable construction in Indonesia have also been conducted and
they will support the development of necessary green supply chain system for
construction in Indonesia (Abduh, 2012, Abduh, 2014).
On the other hand, as previously stated, early in 2016, the IFC collaborating with the
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) held a workshop in Jakarta which was
attended by some universities in Asian region, such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines,
Singapore, China, and Indonesia to discuss about how to incorporate the sustainable
issues into the higher education curriculum. It was observed that the issues of
sustainability only introduced into curriculum as part of a course or as a special topic
course. As an example in Indonesia, a special topic course with the topic of sustainable
construction was offered once a year for Master’s Program in Construction Engineering
and Management, Civil Engineering Graduate Program, Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
- 11 -
5 Conclusion
- 12 -
Sustainable Construction Policies
and Market in Indonesia
Institut Teknologi Bandung Conference
Jimmy Juwana Tokyo, Japan
Green Building Council Indonesia 23-24 Nov 2016
Outline 2
• Even though, it has been four years since the Jakarta’s Governor Decree
No. 38/2012 about green buildings was issued, there were no more than
10 new buildings in Jakarta that could meet the requirements of this
green building regulation.
• The developers of new buildings must comply with a maximum energy
consumption of 45 watts per m2, optimizing natural lighting, having a
minimum indoor temperature of 25°C for minimizing air conditioning,
and treating and re-using wastewater.
• Some developers of new buildings argued that the regulation is too strict
in term of the limitation of total floor area to achieve an economic
• Issues of the availability of assessors in responding the implementation
of the decree is questionable.
Muhamad Abduh and Jimmy Juwana
Main Issues for Implementing Sustainable
Construction 7
• The high volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete, geopolymer concrete, recycle
aggregate concrete, and pervious concrete have been very exciting
fields of research areas recently. Some applications have been seen in
the construction projects in Indonesia.
• Early in 2016, the IFC collaborating with the Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology (RMIT) held a workshop in Jakarta which was attended by
some universities in Asian region, such as Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Philippines, Singapore, China, and Indonesia to discuss about how to
incorporate the sustainable issues into the higher education curriculum.
• A special topic course with the topic of sustainable construction was
offered once a year for Master’s Program in Construction Engineering and
Management, Civil Engineering Graduate Program, Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Muhamad Abduh and Jimmy Juwana
Future Development 16
• This market is still considered emerging and needs huge supports from all parties to
participate in making the market mature.
• In the demand side, the government already put some regulations related to implementation
of sustainable construction for general demands and green buildings for specific demands.
Local governments already also put demands for green buildings in their jurisdictions.
• The GBCI has provided tools that can be used further for implementation, especially in green
buildings. The EDGE will help the penetration of green building’s value understanding to
common owners and developers before they are seriously eager to certify their buildings using
the GBCI’s Greenship.
• The government’s never-ending role in implementation of sustainable construction in
Indonesia is still significant. One of the most important message from the decree No. 5/2015
is that there will be a commission that will guard the implementation of sustainable
construction. A roadmap of implementation until 2019 was already derived for all directorates
and entities in the ministry to follow for the future development.
• Yet, the capacity building of all stakeholders of construction industry should always be in mind
with strong support from the government.
Muhamad Abduh and Jimmy Juwana
Conclusion 17
• The development pace of the sustainable construction market has been slower than
it was expected.
• The critical mass was not built yet in the Indonesian construction industry and its
supply chains to support the development.
• It is suggested that further development of the sustainable construction initiatives
would be towards capacity building of the Indonesian construction supply chains.
• The need for engineers and managers for doing sustainable construction businesses
is the most problematic one in Indonesia.
• The specialist sub-contractors and suppliers, that are aware of and practicing
sustainability principles in their businesses, are to be developed further to provide a
competitive sustainable construction market.
• Any implementation of sustainable construction in Indonesia still to be a led
government activity that should be equiped with a more focused agenda of
Muhamad Abduh and Jimmy Juwana
Thank You 18