The Effects of Friction On The Compressive Behaviour of High Strength Steels
The Effects of Friction On The Compressive Behaviour of High Strength Steels
The Effects of Friction On The Compressive Behaviour of High Strength Steels
Abstract. An investigation. covering a wide range of strain rate and temperature. has been performed into the effects
of interfacial friction on the compressive properties of an arniour plate steel. In order to calculate the coefficient of
friction, ring tests were carried out and the Avitzur analysis applied. In general. coefficients of friction decreased
with increasing temperature and strain rate. Other specimen observations indicated the same friction trends. It is
essential that friction corrections be applied if meaningful results are to be obtained.
Resume : Une etude qui uaite une selection de vitesses de deformation et de temperatures est realisee akin de
connaitre les effets d'un frottement intert'dcial sur le comportement sous pression d'une plaque d'acier i blindage. Des calculs
d'anneaux sont effectuis et I'analyse d'Avitzur appliqute afin de calculer la coefficiet~tde frottement. En general, les coefficienr
de frottement baissent ? i temperature et une viresse de dkformarion plus elevees. Plusieurs auues observalions indiquent la
mtme tendance du frottement. I1 est essentiel que les corrections du frottement soienr appliqukes atin d'obtenir des resultats
The accuracy of results obtained from the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) depends on many
interrelated factors including friction at the specimen faces. specimen inertia. specimen size. and lvave
propagation I dispersion effects [I-?]. T o correct for ali of these factors is often unnecessary. especially
when a particular correction may only affect the final flow stress levels by a fraction of a percent. For
example, lubricating many polymer specimens with petroleum gel reduces the friction at the specimen
faces to a negligible amount [3]. However. friction at the specimen faces can vary greatly depending on
the lubricant chosen and the material tested. Using ring specimens to assess the interfacial friction
conditions between loading platens and a metal billet is a well-used technique in the nietal forming
industry. This technique is also used in the drop-weizht method for high strain rate testing [-!I. The use of
the ring specimen with the SHPB test is very rare. even though i t will allo~vthe experimenter to
investigate frictional effects over a high strain rate range at different temperatures. Lichtenberper rr ni. [ j j
have studied copper and 0.35 % carbon steel ring specimens at room temperature usinp an SHPB and
found, with suitable lubrication, that friction coefficients were relativel small and increased with strain
rate. This paper uses Avitzur [6] ring theory to calculate friction corrections for A m o u r Plate steel tested
at different strain rates and temperatures using an SHPB and a Hounsfield H~OKIVItesting machine.
When a hollow disk is compressed between rizid. parallel platens its outer radius increases. The inner
udius might increase or decrease depending on the friction conditions prevalent. Avitzur has analysed the
deformation of a ring specimen assuming the ring muterial obeys h,lises' stress - strain rate laws. and th~lt
there is a constant shear fi~ctorbetween the dish and the platen faces.
p,v,-- 1
for R, I R, , and:
Equations 1 and 2 are used to calculate how P,,,/o, varies with strain. Then from equation 3 it is
possible to find the variation of the coefficient of friction with strain, if m is known.
For any given ring test, the relevant specimen details and a range of values for m are processed hy :I
Qbasic program. For each value of m, a different set of final specimen inner and outer diamctu
dimensions are obtained from the program. The final inner and outer diameter dimensions predicted by
the program are matched with the real final specimen dimensions, and hence a value for m is determined.
Friction corrections are applied to solid specimens by using the constant shear factor from the equivalent
ring test and applying the above equations, substituting R, = R,, = 0 in equation 1 or 2. The v a l ~ ~olc
P,,,,/o, is not constant throughout a test. However, since it changes by < f1% for quasistatic or dynalnlc
tests, average values are quoted in this paper.
Two armour plate steels have been used to conduct the work in this paper: ARP and RHAIUKIOO. Boll1
steels have a room temperature quasistatic yield stress of about 900 MPa. A small quantity of ARP
specimens was initially supplied, and have been used only in part of the preliminary work of selectirif tile
most suitable lubricant. All the friction corrections calc~llatedI applied in this paper are based 011
RHA/UK 100 tests.
Specimen faces of ARP and RHA/UK100 have been examined using a Burleigh Personal SPA[
atomic force niicroscope in contact mode. Fig~rre 1 shows typical surface topography for ARP allti
RHA/UK100 specimens. Thc ARP specimens have a turned and then honed surface finish which at tlii5
magnification appears quite random with an average roughness of about 70 nm. The RHA/UKI(j()
specimens have a fine ground surface finish with an average roughness of about 120 rim. T o see i f tlli\
cliffei.ence in surface roughness between the two steels would affect the interfacial friction, some ot' tllc
ARP specimens were ground to an average roughness of about 120 nni. Tests on ARP specimens will1
thcsc two different surface roughness values gave the same results, and hence the difference in surfacl.
roughness between any of the specinlens in this report has no effect on interfacial friction variations.
1I1sh \trail] I-ate rcr \\ere carried out \ \ . I ~ I I a 12.7 11111l ili;~rllc~ci. inoclil'icd SHPB hyrern 171.' 1 1 1 1 \
I I ~ O [ I I I ILYI \ ! , \ I C I ~ ~ u\c\ :I l ~ ~ ~ e - l v : i tll i ~~ ~111gr 1'1.o111
01' t l ~ cL ~ ~ I I \ c I ~ I ~ ~ I \yitc~il
~;II 10 s111vvtIi tllc Ioi1di11~
1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~
in much smaller oscillations on the final stress-strain curve than in conventional systems. A
copper cooling jacket filled with liquid nitrogen was placed around the specimen and part of the loading
bars for tests below room temperature. The specimen temperature was monitored with a K-type
soldered onto the side of the specimen. An initial comparison of stress-strain curves for
specimens with and without thermocouples attached, proved that the attachment of the thermocouple did
not affect the deformation process in any way.
Figure 1: Atomic force micrographs and three-dimensional profile maps: a) and b) ARP steel; c) and d) RHA/UK100 steel.
A range of lubricants was initially tested at 20 O C and about 1000 s-' using ARP a m o u r plate solid
disc specimens of 8 mm diameter by 4 mm length (Figure 2a). The lubricant giving the lowest value for
the specimen flow stress was adjudged to have the lowest friction. The lubricant order from highest to
lowest friction is given in the Figure 2a legend. Although PTFE spray produced the lowest friction, the
vacuum grease was chosen as best overall because it was easier to apply consistently and gave a measured
yield stress only 30 MPa higher than the PTFE spray.
Another set of lubricants was tested at -100 O C and about 700 s-' (Figure 2b). The flow stress curves
obtained with these lubricants overlapped within experimental error (-+2%) indicating little difference in
their lubricating properties, and hence vacuum grease was chosen for all the further dynamic tests in this
Quasistatic investigations were performed with a 50 kN screw driven Hounsfield HSOKM testing
machine. The vacuum grease was also chosen as the lubricant for all quasistatic tests so comparisons
could be drawn with the dvnamic tests. Quasistatic tests at -40 OC used an insulated copper cooling?jacket
filled with liquid nitrogen. Pilkington K-type glass an\,ils \\,ere ~lsedherween the maill machine platcna
and smaller platen5 adjacent to the specimen. Both the small platens adjacerlt to the specimen and the
specimen had K-type thermocouples soldered on to them to monitor the temperature, and check that there
was not a thermal gradient across the specimen. Unfortunately, it was not possible to cool the specimeil lo
- 100 O C without severe thermal gradients across the specimen.
Tests were performed at 20 O C , -40 O C and -100 O C over a strain rate range of approximately
2.i 10' (Figlire 3). At least two tests were per-formed under e;ich set of conditions, more if the tcsh illj
1101 iigree within experimental error (+-2%). Table I shows infosmalion for 6.9 11im and 8.0 m m ollli.r
diameter (d) by 4.0 mm length solid specimens, and 8.0 mm outer diameter by 4.0 mm inner diameter by
4.0 mm length ring specimens. 6.9 mm diameter specimens can be tested to greater strains. Specimens
tested without a lubricant are labelled NL in Table 1 .
The barrelling of the specimens was measured by first photographing the specimens using fine grain
nford Pan F Plus film with lighting to enhance the edge contrast, and then enlarging (total magnification
x60) and tracing the negative image on a microfiche reader. Figure 4 shows the specimen tested at 20 "C,
2790 s-' to a strain of 25%. The barrelling radius of curvature p was measured by overlapping a set of pre-
drawn arcs over the traced images. Pre-drawn arcs with radii greater than 200 cm were difficult to produce
with accuracy and hence radii of curvature greater than 3.3 cm (200160 cm) are quoted as >3.3 cm in
Table 1. Radii of curvature quoted as <3.3 cm in Table 1 are less than 3.3 cm but not perfect arcs.
During testing a ring (the "major ring") forms around the edges of the specimen faces. This major
ring has "minor rings" within it. The width of the major ring (MRWAvE),and the number of minor rings
(No. RMm)were measured with a travelling microscope with a resolution of 0.01 mm (Figure 4b). Each of
these measurements as given in Table 1 was an average of eight readings per specimen.
1600 -
-- 0.92E-3~'.p=018
'. p=0.10
-t 12M.
400 -- :: - + 12mr.'.p=0
200 - -
" " ~ " " ~ " " ~ ~ " 1 1 " " 1 ' " ~ '
10 15 20 25 3)
-- PRO <'. p 4 I6
2080 \ I. p=0.13
- +- 20~11;',~=0
3c) 44 4h)
Figure 3: R H A I U K I O rcsulrs
~ at: a) 20 " C : h ) -10"C: c l - 100 ^ C . Figure 1:~ y l ~ l c\ pnclc i m i . r l : ai h) lace
The stress-strain curves for RHAKJK100 solid specimens are shown in Figure 3. Those labelled 1, = 1,
have been corrected for friction. RHAAJK100 ring specimen stress-strain curves are not shown 215 the!
overlap the solid specimen curves within experimental error (+2%). RHAKJK100 is not strairl [.;itc
sensitive below room temperature over the strain rate range of about 1000-2000 s-I. Thermal softeningcan
be seen in many of the flow stress curves.
In quasistatic tests at 20 "C and -40 "C, p was about 0.18 and the flow stress reduction to corrcct for
friction was about 14 %. Probably as a consequence of the high stress levels, the specimen and pI;llen
faces at the end of a test showed virtually all the lubricant was squeezed out; indeed quasistatic flow S L C ~ ,
levels for lubricated or unlubricated specimens were identical (not shown in Figure 3).
In dynamic tests the friction decreased with increasing strain rate, in agreement with results found 1,
Lichtenberger et al. [5]. As the temperature decreased from 20 "C to -40 "C the friction also increased [or
a given strain rate. The coefficient of friction values at -100 "C are similar to the -40 "C values.
The predicted major ring width (MRWPRED)was calculated as half the difference between tile
specimen's initial and final outer diameters. MRWPREDis therefore the major ring width assuming tlw
edges of the specimen interlock with the loading faces at the beginning of the test; this occurs wl1z11
friction is very high. MRWAVE/MRWPRED in Table 1 is a rough guide to the level of interfacial fl.ict1o11
taking into account the difference in specimen diameter when necessary. In general, this ratio decreasch
with increasing strain rate, again an indication of friction decreasing with increasing strain rate. The mi no^
rings inside the major ring are probably due to the edge of the specimen sticking and sliding as 111s
material folds around from the sides to the faces of the specimen. The number of minor rings is probubl) ;I
function of strain, strain rate and friction, but it is interesting to note that more rings appear in dynamic
tests with lower rather than higher friction at a given strain rate. Whereas the major ring width is a gooil
indicator of friction, the barrelling radius of curvature appears to be more a function of strain than friction.
SHPB simulations using DYNA2D have been run to model the room temperature dynamic tests
Very good agreement is found between the simulations and the actual tests. For example, the difference i n
flow stress for a simulation of the 2790 s-I test in Figure 3a for zero friction and p = 0.1 is 100 MPa
exactly the same correction predicted by Avitzur theory.
Measured flow stress levels for high strength materials depend greatly on lubricant performance. The
major ring width is a much better indicator of friction than the barrelling radius of curvature. In general.
friction appears to decrease with increasing strain rate and temperature for RHAtUK100 steel lubriciited
with vacuum grease.
One of the authors (MA) was supported by DRA Fort Halstead (Mr. B. D. Gojdthorpe), who also kindly
provided the materials for this investigation and computing facilities for the finite element work.
[I] Gorham, D. A., Pope, P. H., Cox, O., "Sources of error in very high strain rate compression tests". 3rd
Conf. on Mechanical Properties at High Rates of Strain, Oxford 1984, J. Harding Ed. (I.O.P., Bristol.
1984), pp. 151-158.
[2] Gorham, D. A., Pope, P. H., Field, J. E., Proc. R. Soc. A 438 (1992) 153-170.
[3] Briscoe, B. J., Nosker, R. W., Wear, 95 (1984) 241-262.
[4] Male, A. T., Cockcroft, M. G., Journal of the Institute of Metals, 93 (1964) 38-46.
[5] Lichtenberger, A., Lach, E., Bohmann, A., C8, J. de Physique III;4 (1994) 29-34.
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