TAX 2 Lecture
TAX 2 Lecture
TAX 2 Lecture
Transcribed Lecture
2 [TAXATION 2 ATTY. LIM] 3B 2016-2017
TAXATION 2 Kasi hindi tinitignan ang decedent, ang
Dr. Virginia Jeannie P. Lim, LLM, Ed. D. tinitignan yung mga recipient ng properties.
January 27, 2017 What is the justification for the imposition of
estate tax?
The government helps the decedent in the
How do we transfer properties? accumulation of the properties belonging to the
decedent when he dies.
Time Element: The government is a passive, hidden, silent partner in
During our lifetime – Donation the course of the accumulation of wealth; as a result,
Upon the death of the decedent the government is entitled to a share in the
properties that you left behind.
If during lifetime- donor’s tax
If upon death- estate tax What are the contributions of the government as
a silent partner?
But there are instances wherein a person transfers
properties during his lifetime but the effectivity of Protection, Peace and Order, Resources,
the transfer will take effect upon his death. Incentives, Maintains conducive climate
Example: If a person has income-generating SALIENT FEATURES OF THE ESTATE TAX UNDER
properties and he wants to avert tax THE TAX CODE
implications, and he transfer the properties to
his heir during his lifetime with the condition 20, 000
that the transferor will continue to enjoy the 200, 000
income derived from the properties during 2,000,000
his lifetime and the heir will only get
everything upon his death. (this transaction 20, 000
will not include the imposition of donor’s tax
but estate tax.) GENERAL RULE: Anybody who dies leaving behind
properties valued at PHP 20, 000 and more, their
What if the donor’s tax has already been paid? family is required to submit to the BIR a notice of
death within 30 days from death. (Mandatory)
Then the donor’s tax already paid will be
considered as advance payment of the estate tax due. You can have an extension of another 30 days but this
must be asked within the original 30-day period.
Consequence in case of failure to submit notice of
1. Donation Mortis Causa- Donation made during death:
the lifetime of the donor but the effectivity of the
donation will be upon the death of the donor. (estate There will be additional penalties at the time
tax) of payment. (PHP 1000 minimum)
2. Donation Inter Vivos- Donation during the EXCEPTION: Notice of death is required
lifetime of the donor and effective immediately upon notwithstanding the fact that properties left behind is
donation subject only to the conditions provided by less than PHP 20, 000 if and when the properties
law. (donor’s tax) left behind is a registrable property (ex. Certificate
of Shares of stocks, bank deposits, intangible
*Bakit mahal ang estate tax? personal properties)
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What is a registrable property? EXCEPTION
Local taxes and real property taxes in which
A property that cannot be transferred the local government code provided for prescriptive
without a tax clearance. periods.
*Estate tax is payable within 6 months from death. When is an estate tax return due?
*Upon the death of the decedent all his properties Within 6 months from death.
cannot be moved without tax clearance including his
bank deposits (except for funeral expenses but only What will be included in the tax return?
in the amount of 20, 000).
All the properties left behind including their
200, 000 fair market value.
Estate tax is an IR tax, therefore it belongs to the If you cannot comply with the 6-month period, you
national government collected through accredited can ask for an extension of another 30 days provided
banks. the extension is prayed for within the original 6-
month period.
All IR taxes are self-assessing taxes, self-computing
taxes. Increments when estate tax return is submitted
beyond the prescribed period:
Computation and assessment must be submitted to
the BIR in a prescribed form (TAX RETURN). Surcharge, interest, other penalties.
*Tax returns- are self-serving documents and *Estate tax is payable only when the properties left
therefore the government is not bound by it. behind are more than 200, 000.
The Commissioner is empowered to amend Requirements: If properties left behind are less
the tax return. than 200, 000:
In the event of failure to submit a tax return: 1. Notice of death
2. Estate tax return
The Commissioner has the authority to
prepare a tax return in behalf of that taxpayer. Requirements: If properties left behind are more
than 200, 000:
RETURNS YAN. 3. Tax payment
What is the materiality of knowing whether or 2 MILLION
not a tax is payable with or without a tax return?
Requirements: If the gross estate left behind is
GENERAL RULE more than 2 Million:
If payable with a tax return- it has a prescriptive
period. 1. Notice of death
2. Estate tax return
If payable without a tax return- usually 3. Tax payment
imprescriptible. 4. CPA certificate (Financial reports duly
audited by an accountant)
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ON TAX SITUS Presumption that the decedent, during his
lifetime, did not properly pay all his taxes or there
Where to pay the estate tax? were some taxes unpaid, hence the deficiencies must
be settled through estate tax collection.
Where the decedent last resided prior to his
death. c. Re-Distribution of Wealth Theory
Where the properties of a non-resident is
located. Disparity between the rich and the poor-
equalize the playing field.
SC IN ONE CASE: It can be paid also at the place Taxes are converted to basic services.
identified in the death certificate where the
decedent last domiciled. d. Ability-to-pay Principle
SC IN ANOTHER CASE: Intention to reside is also Looking at the heirs- considering that they
considered. are inheriting something, that means they have the
*No double taxation when the taxing authorities are capacity to pay and therefor they should share the
different. cost of government.
*Absence of debtor is not a bad debt-- the debtor e. State-Taxpayer Partnership Theory
must be insolvent, and there must be an earnest
effort to collect the debt. Government is a hidden, silent, passive
partner in the accumulation of wealth by the
*Recapture rule- bad debts that were written off but decedent, hence, the government is entitled to
subsequently paid are subject to tax as fresh income. receive a share of the same upon the death of the
1. The debt must be included in the gross *Right of succession- the corporation is not affected
income. by all the changes happening involving the
2. There must be proof that the debtor can no incorporators.
longer pay because of insolvency.
Two kinds of taxpayers that will be covered by
Theories that will justify the collection of estate estate tax:
Benefit-Received Theory a. Resident decedent- RA, NRC, RA
Back Tax Theory b. Non-resident decedent- NRA
Re-Distribution of Wealth Theory
Ability-to-pay Principle Resident Alien
State-taxpayer Partnership Theory
Alien that permanently resides in the Philippines.
a. Benefit-Received Theory Subject to income tax and Philippine estate tax.
Being taxed for income earned only within the
The relationship of government and taxpayer Philippines.
(Symbiotic: mutual reciprocal support and protection) Properties within and without the Philippines are
subject to estate tax (including those abroad).
The family receives some benefits from the
government such as when there is a will left and the What should be included in the estate tax return
will must subject to probate, the services rendered by of a decedent?
the government to effect the will must be
compensated. RESIDENT- all properties wherever situated. (peso
b. Back Tax Theory
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NON RESIDENT- properties located within the 1. Transfers in contemplation of death
Philippines. (peso value) The decedent has a positive and clear
knowledge of his impending death. To avoid the
*The intangible personal properties of a non-resident payment of estate tax, he transferred his properties,
decedent is subject to taxation in the Philippines only during his lifetime, in the name of those whoever he
when there is NO recognition of the principle of desires. If he dies, the value of the properties still
reciprocity. forms part of the estate.
*Principle of reciprocity has no application to resident Reason: The primary purpose is to avoid estate tax.
2. Transfers with reservation of certain rights and
*Shares of stocks issued by a domestic corporation interests
are always considered properties within the When only naked title is transferred, and
Philippines. control is still with the transferor, estate tax must
still be applied.
Example: There is a Japanese national
looking for possible business ventures, he Example: A wealthy old woman who
went to the Philippine stock exchange, he transferred her income generating properties
decided to buy. Foreigners buying stocks in to her children with a condition
domestic corporations, will always be taxed (conditional transfer) that upon transfer,
regardless of the residence of the foreigner, she will still enjoy the income from the
regardless of the location of the certificates. transferred properties, that she will still be in
full control of the income until she departs.
But if the shares are foreign, the principle of That when she dies, the transferees will now
reciprocity applies. enjoy full ownership (the usufruct plus the
naked title).
FEBRUARY 3, 2017
3. Revocable Transfers
RECAP: Transfers where the person has still the right
to revoke the transfer.
If a decedent is a RESIDENT DECEDENT, which
refers to a RESIDENT CITIZEN, NON-RESIDENT Example: When a parent transferred an
CITIZEN, and a RESIDENT ALIEN, all his properties income generating property to his child who
wherever situated will form part of his gross estate. is about to take the BAR. However, there is a
condition that when the child fails to pass the
What is indicated in the Estate Tax Return is the peso BAR, the parent will revoke the transferred
value of all the properties left behind, current fair property.
market value.
Assuming that the parent died before the
The sum total of the properties left behind, which is release of the results of the BAR, the value of the
inclusive of real properties, personal properties, and transferred property will still form part of his gross
intangible properties, forms part of the gross estate. estate, notwithstanding the fact that the power to
revoke is not exercised.
wherein the value of the transferred properties, Regardless of the exercise of the power to
those that are no longer in the name of the decedent, revoke, the value of transferred property will still
still form part of the estate of the decedent. form part of the gross estate of the decedent.
Intervivos transfers.
4. Transfers for insufficient consideration
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The decedent, during his lifetime, transferred Estate Tax Payment). Under the D3YP, the
his properties without knowing that he is dying. An BIR is authorized to look back three years
impending death under this situation is not an issue. PRIOR to death and determine if any of the
four happened.
The fact is he sold the property for a
considerably very low price. The BIR is allowed to look back if any of the
CR2I happened within three years PRIOR to the
If you sold the property below its fair market death of the decedent.
value, the law will impose more taxes which the
taxpayer will have to pay. If any of the four happened, the value of the
properties will form part of the gross estate. But if
Example: You have a property worth Php 5 Million any of them happened beyond the three-year period
(fair current market value of the property) prior, it is not included anymore.
FMV= Php5M Remember! Government is allowed to move back
X 30% only for three years.
Php 1.5M
5. Properties passing under a general power of
Php 5M – Php 1.5M = Php 3.5M appointment (GPA)
Any value lower than Php 3.5M is an insufficient Example: I have a piece of land, and I am
consideration. going out of the country. And so I gave my son
If the owner of the property is no longer a authority to manage the property, which is
Filipino citizen and the property is located in the income generating. I gave him the authority
Philippines, the property is still subject to estate tax that the income derived from the property
for the reason that the property is within the will be used to pay taxes and those who are
Philippines. working in the land and the building. I
prepared a GPA.
If the owner of the property is a Filipino
citizen, the property wherever situated is subject to My son, who is holding this kind of
estate tax. authority, is practically the owner of the
property. He can sell this, he can mortgage
NOTE! For these four CR2I (transfers in this, he can donate this, he can burn this, he
contemplation of death, transfers with reservation of can destroy this, he can remove my name
certain rights and interests, revocable transfers, and there, cancel it, and write his own name there
transfers for insufficiency of funds) the DOCTRINE because he has the full authority. GENERAL
OF THREE YEAR PRESUMPTION (D3YP) applies. means you can do anything. IN TAXATION,
YOU ARE THE OWNER by reason of this
D3YP – The government will determine if these four authority.
transactions happened three years PRIOR TO death.
All the taxes of the property will be on the HOLDER of
If they did, the value will form part of the the GPA.
For example: A very wealthy person named
If they did not, the inclusion of the value of U, has several assets, some are capital assets
the property will not be considered anymore. and some are ordinary assets. They are all
registered in his name. Now he is going
Example: The decedent died 3 February abroad.
2017. Within six months, the family will pay
the Estate Tax Return. (Requirements upon He prepared an authority, a GPA, and then he
death: Notice of Death; Estate Tax Return, left. He gave the GPA to his nephew.
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Non- Within Within Within
The nephew holds the authority. Resident
Subsequently the nephew died. The value of Decedent
all the properties will form part of his
gross estate because he is a holder of a
considered to be the owner of those
properties. H and W. H died. The W was advised to settle
the estate within 6 months and she did. She asked an
(For tax purposes, a person holding a GPA is accountant to help her because the assets left behind
considered as the owner. And when he died, the value is more than Php 2M. You have to submit and ETR
of the property under his authority will form part of his with the assistance of an accountant because the
gross estate because he is considered as the owner of accountant has to certify the validity of the Return.
the said properties.) There should be a CPA Certificate.
WHAT IF: The nephew did not cancel the name of W indicated that H has a deposit in
U. He merely holds the authority. The one who Metrobank worth Php 50K. The BIR then reviewed
died first was U. What will happen to the the said amount. The BIR then asked if W is in fact
properties? Metrobank’s depositor. Then, BIR asked the amount.
The value of the properties will form part of Metrobank then invoked RA 1405 The Bank Secrecy
the gross estate of U. Law.
Why? There is a GPA, right? BIR shall invoke that the one involved is an
REASON: The written authority is ESTATE TAX.
extinguished upon the death of the principal.
(Written authority is extinguished upon the death of SECRECY LAW.
the principal. GPA will be automatically revoked /
extinguished. The property will then form part of the IF the BIR found out that the taxpayer has
principal’s gross estate.) MORE THAN 30% of deficiency in tax payment.
Then the taxpayer is deemed to have submitted a
RESULT: Additional 50% over and above all other
Shares of
stocks; (IF the tax paid is lower than 30% of the tax supposed
Obligations( to be paid, then the return is a fraudulent return.
includes bank Consequence: plus 50% fraud penalty)
Bonds) What will happen to the fraudulent return?
Decedent ALL PROPERTIES WHEREVER The BIR will just consider the amount paid as
-Resident SITUATED advance payment.
Citizen; The CIR is going to amend the return and
Non- include the fraud penalty.
Citizen; When may the CIR look into a bank deposit:
Alien 1. If it involves an estate tax.