C-Assessment To Be Collected:: Lesson Plan - Session 1: Name and Surname: Lydia Nolan and Plaxy Nardella
C-Assessment To Be Collected:: Lesson Plan - Session 1: Name and Surname: Lydia Nolan and Plaxy Nardella
C-Assessment To Be Collected:: Lesson Plan - Session 1: Name and Surname: Lydia Nolan and Plaxy Nardella
Name of the school: Holy Child Primary School Year Level: Foundation
25 x face templates
25 x house templates
Coloured pencils
Prompts for teachers
2 x pictures books on homes (Home - Carson Ellis & ...)
- Introduce teachers to the class
- Outline behaviour expectations - raise hand before speaking, respect peers and listen to them speak.
- Read book about homes to the class, in reading circle sit on floor with children.
- As the book is being read, one teacher will ask the classroom teacher to place students into 5 groups.
- Talk about earth as our common home, we all live on earth, we share resources like water.
- Some people are irresponsible, they wastewater, they litter.
- Consider how you look after your own home. Do you clean it? Do you make sure you put your rubbish away so that your living room isn’t
- Students move to groups with one supervising teacher per group
Curriculum Links:
1. Use a range of methods, including drawings and provided tables, to sort information (VCSIS053)
2. Participate in guided investigations, including making observations using the senses, to explore and answer questions (VCSIS051)
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
What is home for me?
Appendix 3:
Criteria ✓ ✖
Describe their own Can describe their own home Needs a great deal of assistance
home and what home using adjectives and prompting to describe own
is to them home
Understand that the Understands that the Refers to the home just as a place
home is more than a home is associated with feelings to live, sleep, eat… etc, does not
physical thing that are positive or negative mention feelings associated
Express how they feel Able to discuss and acknowledge Finds it hard to connect their how
at home through their feelings and transfer them they feel about their home to
drawings and to a drawing emotional feelings
Contribution to group Can willingly contribute to group Only contributes if directly asked a
discussions discussion and listen to other question
Ask first set of questions (below) for students to respond to:
What is home for you?
- Is it a house? An apartment? etc.
- Is it where all your belongings are?
- What is your favourite belonging in your home?
I want you to draw your home for me (use appendix 2)
Students will begin to create a drawing of ‘their home’ (5 mins).