200504.construction Economics - Notes - 2
200504.construction Economics - Notes - 2
200504.construction Economics - Notes - 2
Building is;
35% resi, 35% non resi and 20% Eng (Explain further in exam)
New Construction 60%, Additions and alteration 25%, renovations 10% and 5%
2 secotrs
Private 65%( 50% resi 30% non Resi and 20% eng
Economic characteristicsp;
6-10% of GDP
Describe and illustrate building cycles in general and supply and demand for new
Government controls;
Fiscal – Annual Budgets
Monetary – On currency and investment
Factors of Supply
Cost of Land
Adequate land Releases by Government
Income – The Number of households that can purchase a particular market segment.
Effects of Demand;
Skill formations
Investment in R and D
Essay 3 of 10
How has economic thinking changed overtime, can neoclassical thinking be applied to
the construction industry.
Changes in government have caused the particular party to choose some form of bias
to a particular fiscal or monetary policy which controls the direction of the economy.
Neo classical;
- Price is determined by market
- Marginal costs means marginal revenues
- Reducing company productions outputs
Competitive construction tendering i.e hard dollar and costing a job before real prices
are known.
Large companies which subcontract to builders increase profits as the cost to build
gets cheaper so they are able to retain savings to clients.
1. Structure ;
8 million households with 2.3 people per dwelling
65-70 % owners with 35-50% of these people having mortgages
25 – 30% Rent and 77 % of these people rent of Private land lords.
2. Cycle
Housing market corrects every decade .
Cycles occurring in 20 yr periods in the 60’s are occurring in 3 -5 year periods in
today’s property climate.
3. Debt
Value of properties in 93 at54% and in 03 140%
85% of Households have Mortgages
Most families need to have dual incomes to pay the mortgage.
4. Price
Increased 95 % from 93-03
Price rise due to interest rates being reduce from 9.3% in 93 to 6% in 03
Also due to;
Low inflation rates, increase in employment, increased population.
5. Affordability
6. Changing cities
Most cities of Australia are experiencing urban sprawl as there are cities outside the
CBD’s and creating townships so that there is less need to travel into the city.
7. Government Intervention
Land tax, exit tax, first home owners grant, capital gains tax, Stamp duty etc.
8. Lifestyles
People are having to make sacrifices to lifestyle to keep up with housing repayments.
Cost of Living.
Essay 5 of 10
Discuss and describe the direction of business are taking over the next 10 years?
Australian Market very Strong at the moment may be headed for a recession if
demand and supply do not meet equilibrium.
Competition of Multinationals
How does the government use the construction industry to regulate the economy?
Balancing Wheel
Goals; Full employment, Price stability, GDP and GNP, Balance of Payments
Expansionary Fiscal Policy- Increase demand, low unemployment but risk inflation
Contraction Fiscal Policy – Reduce inflation use overseas trade, low growth and high
Structural Policies ;
- Deregulation
- Labour Refoms
- Wage policies
- Free Trade
- Privatisation
- Increased competition
Govt Profits 30% from tax 30 % from GST and 30% Mining and raw materials.
Essay 7 of 10
Discuss the Various Principals for successful investment in the property market?
Currently using Expansionary fiscal policy as demand for property is high and there is
a risk for inflation.
Capital growth
Negative Gearing
Companies which guarantee a price earning ratio of 10-15
Essay 8 of 10
Theories of International trade and comparative advantage as they apply in the global
construction market?
Brief History of Trade and comparative advantage when Portugal was in English rule
the English could not make wine effectively as they could make cloth so they traded
cloth for wine.
Comparative advantages:
Cost structures
Neo Classical Theory
Business which turnover more then Australian states influencing the economy and the
global economy.
Essay 9 of 10
Entrepreneur – One who controls an enterprise and has full accountability and risk of
the success of the business.
They tend to invest in land, labour, capital and research and development
They also;
Market Concerntration
Stategic alliances