9 Conclusions: 9.1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies and Their Industrial Application
9 Conclusions: 9.1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies and Their Industrial Application
9 Conclusions: 9.1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies and Their Industrial Application
9.1 Nanoscience and nanotechnologies and storage, and catalysis – dominate. Small quantities of
their industrial application CNTs are being manufactured and used. For example,
their electrical conductivity is being exploited in anti
1 Nanoscience and nanotechnologies incorporate static packaging. Although it is predicted that the
exciting areas of research and development at the demand for nanoparticles and nanotubes will continue
interface between biology, chemistry and physics. They to grow, the longer-term focus of industry is expected to
are widely seen as having huge potential, and are be materials with specific properties for applications
attracting substantial and increasing investments from whose properties will be designed for use in a wide
governments and from industrial companies in many range of electronics, chemicals, communication and
parts of the world. We have defined nanoscience as the consumer products. However, this type of
study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at nanomanufacturing has not yet begun in any substantial
atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where way and will take decades to mature.
properties of matter differ significantly from those at a
larger scale; and nanotechnologies as the design, 4 Wherever possible we have indicated the time by
characterisation, production and application of which we expect certain nanotechnologies to be realised.
structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and However it is difficult to give a detailed timescale,
size at nanometre scale. As the term ‘nanotechnology’ because most are at such an early stage of development.
encompasses such a wide range of tools, techniques Moreover, potential products and applications will not be
and potential applications, we have referred to realised unless there is a market for them. Nor will
‘nanotechnologies’ in the plural throughout the report. nanotechnologies be incorporated into products and
devices without the development of scalable, cost-
2 Much of nanoscience is concerned with effective manufacturing techniques that retain and
understanding the properties of materials at the preserve the properties of the nanoscalar material in the
nanoscale and the effects of decreasing the size of final product. Thus, realising the applications envisaged in
materials or the structured components of materials. this report will require advances in R&D and
Nanoscale particles can exhibit, for example, different nanomanufacturing, and the supply of scientists and
electrical, optical or magnetic properties from larger engineers with the appropriate multidisciplinary skills.
particles of the same material. Nanoscience is truly Some applications may never be realised, whereas
interdisciplinary, with an understanding of the physics unanticipated scientific breakthroughs may lead rapidly to
and chemistry of matter and processes at the nanoscale developments not foreseen at the time of our study.
being relevant to all scientific disciplines, from chemistry
and physics to biology, engineering and medicine. 5 Nanotechnologies have the potential to impact on
Collaborations between researchers in different areas a wide range of applications in many industries in the
have enabled the sharing of knowledge, tools and medium- and long term. However, some people
techniques. Some of the benefits of this research are exaggerate potential benefits whereas others
near realisation – for example in improved catalysis – exaggerate the risks. Overstated claims about benefits
but most are longer-term. and risks, neither of them based on sound science, are
doing a disservice to these emerging fields. In this report
3 Current examples of nanotechnologies are we have tried to separate hype from realistic hopes and
predominately in the areas of characterisation, precision concerns. For example, significant benefits to the
manufacturing, chemicals and materials. At this early environment are being claimed from the application of
stage, these represent predominantly incremental nanotechnologies. We recommend that a life cycle
advances, and in some cases, a re-labelling of existing approach be taken to evaluate these claims and to
technologies. However, it is clear to us that ensure that savings in resource consumption during the
nanotechnologies have the potential to substantially use of the product are not offset by increased
affect manufacturing processes across a wide range of consumption during other stages.
industries over the medium- to long term. Most products
currently enabled by nanotechnologies utilise fixed or
embedded nanomaterials, or nanoscale regions of larger 9.2 Health, safety and environmental risks
objects (for example, electronic components), which and hazards
form a small percentage of the final product. Other
applications use free (but sometimes coated) 6 Many applications of nanotechnologies pose no
nanoparticles, which in contrast may have the capability new health or safety risks – computer chips exploiting
to come into contact with humans and the environment. nanoscalar active areas, for example. Currently we see
Of the chemicals produced in the form of nanoparticles, the health, safety and environmental hazards of
metallic oxides (for example, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide nanotechnologies as being restricted to discrete
and iron oxide) – whose uses include skincare, electrical manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes in a free
The Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering Nanoscience and nanotechnologies | July 2004 | 79
rather than embedded form. Industry is beginning to be inhaled in certain workplaces in significant amounts.
exploit these because their physical and chemical
properties differ from those of the same chemical at 9 Currently, dermal exposure is predominately
larger size; although it should be stressed that free through the use of cosmetics such as sunscreens that
nanoparticles and tubes represents only a small subset contain nanoparticles of titanium dioxide. Here the issue
of nanotechnologies and there is currently very little is whether they can penetrate the protective layers of
exposure outside the workplace. In assessing and the skin and then cause damage through the
managing any risk it is necessary to understand both the production of free radicals that can damage cells. There
hazard and the exposure pathways. is little evidence in the public domain about penetration
of the skin by the nanoparticles most commonly used in
7 The evidence that we have reviewed suggests that cosmetics. The toxicological evidence to date indicates
some manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes are that nanoparticles of titanium dioxide do not penetrate
likely to be more toxic per unit mass than particles of through the skin, although there is insufficient evidence
the same chemicals at larger size and will therefore available for the relevant scientific advisory committee
present a greater hazard. The fundamental mechanisms to provide a judgement about the likelihood of skin
of toxicity of nanoparticulates may not be very different: penetration by zinc oxide. It is not clear whether skin
the capacity to induce inflammation by release of free penetration will be enhanced if these preparations are
radicals in response to a dose that is adequate to used on skin that has been damaged by sun (as might
overcome the body’s natural defences. However, the be expected in the case of sunscreens) or by common
difference comes largely from two size-dependent diseases such as eczema. We have recommended
factors: the relatively greater surface area of further studies of skin penetration by manufactured
nanoparticles, given equal mass, and their probable nanoparticles and that existing information collected by
ability to penetrate cells more easily and in a different industry is placed in the public domain.
way. To pose a risk, these nanoparticles must come into
contact with humans or the environment in a form and 10 There is virtually no evidence available to allow the
quantity that can cause harm. Currently, the main risk of potential environmental impacts of nanoparticles and
human exposure to manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes to be evaluated. With the exception of some
nanotubes is in a few workplaces (including academic experiments on laboratory animals (designed to evaluate
research laboratories) and through the use of a small human toxicity) and one small study on one species of
number of skin preparations that contain free fish, little information is available about the toxicity of
nanoparticles. However the current lack of available nanoparticulates to non-human species. In addition, the
research means that the scale of this risk cannot be fully scarcity of published research into how nanoparticulates
determined. behave in the air, water, soil and other environmental
media makes an assessment of environmental exposure
8 Humans inhale very many pollutant nanoparticles pathways difficult. Nanoparticles and nanotubes that
(millions per breath) produced as the products of persist in the environment or bioaccumulate will present
combustion. In recent decades it has been suggested, but an increased risk and should be investigated. We have
not proven, that such exposures may be responsible for recommended that the release of nanoparticulates to
the observed relationships between air pollution and the environment be minimised until these uncertainties
several diseases, particularly of the heart and the lung. are reduced. We have focused on the largest potential
Industrial exposure to fibres such as asbestos is a well sources of manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes
recognised cause of serious illness such as cancer. and recommended that until there is evidence to the
Nanotubes have physical properties that raise the contrary, factories and research laboratories should treat
possibility of similar toxic properties although preliminary manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes as if they
studies suggest that they do not readily escape into the were hazardous and seek to reduce them as far as
air in fibrous form. Sufficient toxicological information has possible from waste streams. In addition, we have
been obtained, on both asbestos and air pollution recommended that the release of free manufactured
nanoparticles, to allow reasonable estimates of the likely nanoparticles into the environment for remediation
effects of any new manufactured nanomaterials so long (which has been piloted in the USA) be prohibited until
as they are composed of low-toxicity and low-solubility there is sufficient information to allow the potential risks
materials. Shape and surface coatings of nanoparticles to be evaluated as well as the benefits.
and nanotubes will also influence toxicity. It is very
unlikely that manufactured nanoparticulates of low- 11 A wide range of uses for nanotubes and
toxicity and low-solubility materials (the characteristics of nanoparticles is envisaged that will fix them within
the materials that we have assessed in this report) would products. It is impossible to assess whether this will be a
be introduced into humans in sufficient doses to cause significant source of exposure to nanoparticles and
the effects associated with air pollution or asbestos. nanotubes without information about the rate at which
Nevertheless (depending on the way in which they are such particles might be released. Because ways of fixing
manufactured, stored, transported or incorporated into nanoparticles and nanotubes will be proprietary, we
products), there is the potential for some nanopowders to believe that the onus should be on industry to assess
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such releases throughout a product’s lifetime (including and control developments and who will benefit from
at the end-of-life) and to make that information their exploitation. Some facets of nanotechnologies,
available to the regulator. including their potential to manipulate the fundamental
building blocks of materials, have raised concerns similar
12 The explosion of dust clouds of combustible material to those encountered in biotechnology.
is a potential hazard in several industries. There is some
evidence to suggest that combustible nanoparticles might 15 Given that nanotechnologies are primarily enabling
cause an increased risk of explosion because of their technologies, it is not surprising that, at least in the
increased surface area and potential for enhanced short- to medium term, the social and ethical concerns
reaction. Until this hazard has been properly evaluated that have been expressed about it are similar to those
this risk should be managed by taking steps to avoid large encountered for other technologies as the applications
quantities of nanoparticles becoming airborne. will be similar. Past experience with controversial
technologies demonstrates that these issues should be
13 Our conclusions about health, safety and taken seriously even though they are not unique to
environmental impacts have by necessity been based on nanotechnologies. We have therefore recommended
incomplete information about the toxicology and that the research councils and the AHRB commission
epidemiology of nanoparticulates and their behaviour in research into the potential social and ethical issues
air, water and soil, including their explosion hazard. identified in this report. There is also need for
There are uncertainties about the risk of researchers working in new technologies to consider the
nanoparticulates currently in production that need to be social and ethical implications of their work, and we
addressed immediately to safeguard workers and have recommended that this form part of their training.
consumers and support regulatory decisions. In
Chapters 5 and 8 we have identified a series of research 16 In the longer term, we expect increased
objectives aimed at reducing the uncertainties relating information collection (for example, where sensors
to the toxicology and exposure pathways of incorporate developments in nanotechnologies) to have
nanoparticulates, as well as developing methodologies implications for civil liberties. The expected convergence
and instrumentation for monitoring them in the built between IT and nanotechnologies could enable devices
and natural environment. We think that they can best that can increase personal security but might also be
be addressed by the establishment of a dedicated used in ways that limit privacy. There is speculation that
research centre that would probably be based on one or a possible future convergence of nanotechnologies with
more existing research groups or centres. Our biotechnology, information and cognitive sciences could
preliminary assessment of the toxicity of nanoparticles is be used for radical human enhancement. This currently
based on those formed from low-toxicity and low- falls into the category of the far future or science fiction,
solubility chemicals. In the future, nanoparticles may be but should some of the more speculative suggestions
manufactured with surface chemistry that renders them ever be realised they would raise fundamental and
more toxic or more able to overcome the body’s natural possibly unique social and ethical issues. We see a need
defences. The research centre would ensure that the to monitor future developments of nanotechnologies to
understanding of the health, safety and environmental determine whether they will raise social and ethical
risks of nanoparticulates keeps pace with developments impacts that have not been anticipated in this report.
in the field and might in time become a self-funded Later in this chapter we consider how this might be
centre for the safety testing of nanomaterials. facilitated, both for nanotechnologies (section 9.6) and
for other new and emerging technologies (section 9.7).
The Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering Nanoscience and nanotechnologies | July 2004 | 81
nuclear power and genetic modification. Concerns were range of regulations, including those relating to health
also raised about the role and behaviour of institutions, and safety at work, environmental protection, licensing of
specifically about who can be trusted to ultimately medicines and the management of products at the end
control and regulate nanotechnologies. of their life. We believe that for the foreseeable future,
the present regulatory frameworks are sufficiently broad
18 The qualitative workshops reported here represent to encompass nanotechnologies, and that a separate
the first in-depth qualitative research on attitudes to regulator or regulatory framework is unnecessary.
nanotechnologies in the published literature, as far as we Although many nanotechnologies are accommodated
are aware. They provide a valuable indication of the wider within existing regulations, it will be necessary to modify
social and ethical questions that ordinary people might some regulations within existing frameworks to reflect
wish to raise about nanotechnologies, but were by the hazard presented by free nanoparticles and
necessity limited. We have therefore recommended that nanotubes. Our case studies were selected to illustrate
the research councils fund a more sustained and how regulation will need to be adapted to reflect the fact
extensive programme of research into public attitudes to that the safety of substances in the form of nanoparticles
nanotechnologies that will in turn inform future dialogue. cannot be inferred from knowledge of their hazard in
larger form. The examples were selected because of
19 The upstream nature of most nanotechnologies concerns raised during the study, and in most cases they
means that there is an opportunity to generate a relate to situations where there is potential for exposure
constructive and proactive debate about the future of in the short- or medium term.
the technology now, before deeply entrenched or
polarized positions appear. We broadly agree with those 22 We believe that chemicals in the form of
who have argued for wider public dialogue and debate nanoparticles and nanotubes should be treated
about the social and ethical impacts of separately to those produced in a larger form. Given the
nanotechnologies, and we have therefore evidence that increased surface area can lead to greater
recommended that the Government initiate adequately toxicity per unit mass, regulation of exposure on a mass
funded public dialogue around the development of basis to nanoparticles and nanotubes may not be
nanotechnologies. Several bodies could be asked to appropriate. Currently, the main source of exposure to
take this forward, including organisations such as the nanoparticles and nanotubes is inhalation in the
British Association for the Advancement of Science, the workplace. While HSE performs a wider review of the
national academies, and major charities with experience adequacy of current regulation to assess and control
of public engagement processes. Industry should be workplace exposure to nanoparticles and nanotubes, we
encouraged to sponsor public dialogue. Our research have recommended that it consider setting lower
into public attitudes highlighted questions around the occupational exposure levels for chemicals in this form.
governance as an appropriate area for early public In addition, there is a need to review procedures relating
dialogue, with questions being raised about who can be to accidental exposure.
trusted to ensure that nanotechnologies will develop in
a socially beneficial way. Given that the research 23 Under current UK chemical regulation (NONS) and
councils are currently funding research into its proposed replacement under negotiation at European
nanotechnologies, they might be asked to take forward level (REACH), the production of an existing substance in
dialogue on this issue. nanoparticulate form does not trigger additional testing.
We have recommended that this regulatory gap be
20 Nanotechnologies are likely to pose a wide range of addressed by treating nanoparticulates as new
issues, so it would be inappropriate to identify a single substances, thus requiring additional testing, under both
method of public dialogue. Instead, the precise means NONS and REACH. As more information about the
of dialogue would need to be designed around specific toxicity of nanoparticles becomes available, a review
objectives and should be agreed by an independent should be undertaken of whether the toxicological tests
steering board comprising a range of relevant required under NONS and REACH, and the production
stakeholders and experts in public engagement. Finally, amounts that trigger these tests, are appropriate to
dialogue must be properly evaluated, so that good nanoparticles and nanotubes.
practice in public dialogue can be built on.
24 Under EU cosmetics regulations, ingredients
(including those in the form of nanoparticles) can be
9.5 Regulation used for most purposes without prior approval, provided
they are not on the list of banned or restricted use
21 Proportionate and flexible regulation (informed by chemicals. Given our concerns about the toxicity of
scientific evidence) benefits and protects consumers, nanoparticles if they penetrate the skin, we have
workers, industry and the environment, and also recommended that their use in products is dependent
generates public confidence in new technologies. We on a favourable assessment by the relevant EC scientific
expect the research, development and industrial safety advisory committee. Thus, nanoparticles of
application of nanotechnologies to impact on a diverse titanium dioxide could be permitted for use (as its safety
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has been assessed in the context of their use as a UV the public domain. We have therefore recommended
filter) but nanoparticles of chemicals such as zinc oxide that the terms of reference of scientific advisory
and iron oxide (should manufacturers wish to use in committees considering the safety of ingredients should
Europe) would await a safety assessment. In addition to make provision for them to place all relevant data
taking into account our concerns about the potential for related to safety assessments in the public domain. In
nanoparticles to penetrate damaged skin, the safety the meantime we have recommended that
advisory committee should consider whether the tests manufacturers that are including nanoparticles in their
introduced as alternatives to tests on animals are cosmetic products publish information about how they
appropriate for the testing of the safety of are taking account of the new properties of ingredients
nanoparticles. In the light of the regulatory gaps that we in nanoparticulate form in the methodologies used in
identify, we have also recommended that the EC their safety assessments. Because we believe that
(encouraged and supported by the UK Government and nanoparticles should be treated as new chemicals we
informed by its scientific advisory committees) review have recommended that where ingredients are in the
the adequacy of the current regulatory regime for the form of nanoparticles, they should be identified on the
introduction of nanoparticles into all consumer lists of ingredients in consumer products and
products, not just cosmetics. We have recommended a preparations. There is an additional case for labelling
similar regulatory review be performed about the use of based on transparency.
nanoparticles in medicines and medical devices.
28 During this study we examined the appropriateness
25 Although we expect nanoparticles or nanotubes to of some of the regulations in several key areas.
have a low likelihood of being released from materials in Consequently, we have recommended that all relevant
which they have been fixed, we see the risk of exposure regulatory bodies review the implications of
being greatest during disposal, destruction or recycling. developments in nanotechnologies for the existing
Under the European Take-back Directives, industry is regulations within their remit and make the results of
responsible for recovering used products and recycling this review publicly available. Our consideration of
materials or re-using components from vehicles and regulation has focused primarily on current or near-term
electrical and electronic equipment, two sectors that are applications of nanotechnologies, and particularly on
expected to use materials containing fixed nanoparticles. nanoparticles and nanotubes. Future applications of
We have recommended that these sectors publish nanotechnologies may impact on other areas of
procedures outlining how these materials will be regulation. For example, advanced sensors enabled by
managed to minimise human and environmental nanotechnologies may present challenges to regulation
exposure to free nanoparticles and nanotubes. Avoiding relating to privacy. We have also recommended that
end-of-life release should form an integral part of the regulators and their respective advisory committees
innovation and design process of all components using should include future applications of nanotechnologies
embedded nanoparticles and nanotubes. into their horizon-scanning programmes. We are
pleased to learn that one of the new EC scientific safety
26 In many cases, decisions about how regulations advisory committees for consumer products will
should be modified to address particular risks of examine the risks from new technologies, including
nanoparticles and nanotubes will require more nanotechnologies.
information than is currently available about hazard to
humans and the environment, and a better 29 We have considered the calls for a moratorium on
understanding of exposure pathways. The enforcement the development and release of new nanomaterials. We
of regulations will require appropriate measurement do not think that there is either the body of scientific
techniques to monitor exposure. The research centre on evidence to warrant this intervention or a consensus
toxicology and epidemiology of nanoparticles and that this is necessary on a precautionary basis. We have
nanotubes that we recommended will address these recommended measures that will minimise exposure
knowledge gaps, and one of its functions will be to while the uncertainties about the hazards posed by
advise regulators who will also have an opportunity to nanoparticles and nanotubes are being addressed,
influence its research programme. We have also without the need for such a moratorium.
identified the need for adequate funding of a
programme to develop agreed standards of
measurement at the nanometre scale that can be used 9.6 Responsible development of
to calibrate equipment, which is a requirement for nanotechnologies
regulators and for quality assurance by industry.
30 Nanoscience and nanotechnologies have huge
27 Transparency of safety assessments is important in potential. It is recognised that nanotechnologies and the
areas of new and emerging risks to human heath and uses to which they might be put may raise new
the environment. Because the responsibility for challenges in the safety, regulatory or ethical domains,
assessing the safety of a consumer product often rests which will require societal debate if they are to fulfil this
with the manufacturer, some information may not be in potential. The implementation of our recommendations
The Royal Society & The Royal Academy of Engineering Nanoscience and nanotechnologies | July 2004 | 83
will address many of the potential ethical, social, health, 9.7 A mechanism for addressing future issues
environmental, safety and regulatory impacts, and help
to ensure that nanotechnologies develop in a safe and 32 Our study has identified important issues that need
socially desirable way. As part of the Government’s to be addressed with some urgency. Given the potential
commitment to the responsible development of impacts that other new and emerging technologies
nanotechnologies, we recommend that the Office of (including nanotechnologies) may have on society, we
Science and Technology commission an see it as essential that the Government establishes a
independent group in two and five years’ time to systematic approach to identifying health, safety,
review what action has been taken on our environmental, social, ethical and regulatory issues of
recommendations, and to assess how science and new technologies at the earliest possible stage.
engineering has developed in the interim and Therefore, we recommend that the Chief Scientific
what ethical, social, health, environmental, safety Advisor should establish a group that brings
and regulatory implications these developments together representatives of a wide range of
may have. This group should comprise representatives stakeholders to look at new and emerging
of, and consult with, the relevant stakeholder groups. Its technologies and identify at the earliest possible
reports should be publicly available. The academies will stage areas where potential health, safety,
also monitor the implementation of these environmental, social, ethical and regulatory issues
recommendations and would of course be willing to may arise and advise on how these might be
participate in this review. addressed. As a minimum, we would envisage such a
group meeting bi-annually. We appreciate that there are
31 The Working Group gave consideration to the several bodies across Government with horizon-scanning
creation of a Nanotechnologies Commission, analogous roles; we do not see this group as duplicating their work
to UK’s Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology but drawing on them to fulfil the following remit:
Commission, which would continuously monitor
emerging nanotechnologies and advise on their · Undertaking horizon scanning for new and emerging
implications. However, most of the Working Group technologies and considering their potential health,
believed that, on balance, a commission would not be safety, environmental, social and ethical implications.
appropriate at this time. We believe that our
recommendations, if implemented, will deal adequately · Commissioning wide-ranging evaluations of issues as
with short- and medium-term developments. It is not they think appropriate to identify areas where there is
clear when, if ever, some of the longer-term possibilities lack of knowledge about impacts.
discussed in this report will be feasible. In addition,
nanotechnologies cover such a diverse range of · Providing an early warning of areas where regulation
techniques and applications with little commonality that may be inadequate for specific applications of these
it is not clear that a single body would be appropriate to technologies.
oversee them all. The 2- and 5-year reviews
recommended above should reconsider whether there is 33 The work of this group should be made public so
a need for a nanotechnologies commission. that all stakeholders can be encouraged to engage with
the emerging issues. This group would be separate to,
but may contribute to, the periodic reviews of
nanoscience and nanotechnologies that we outline in
section 9.6.
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