Advance Technology-Google Glass: Pooja S. Mankar

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Mar-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Pooja S. Mankar
Computer science & engineering, J.D.I.E.T
ABSTRACT- Most of the people who have seen the the Project Glass research and development project,[2] with
glasses, but may not allowed speaking publicly; a major the mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous
computer. The frames do not currently have fitted lenses,
feature of the glasses was the location information.
Google is on the process of considering sunglass retailers
Google will be able to capture images to its computers partnership such as Ray-Ban or Warby Parker, wish to open
and augmented reality information returns to the person retail shop to try on the device for users. People who wear
wearing them through the camera already built-in on the prescription glasses cannot use explorer edition, but Google
glasses. For moment, if a person looking at a landmark has confirmed that Glass will be compatible with frames and
then he could see historical and detailed information. lenses [3] according to the wearer's prescription and
possibly attachable to normal prescription glasses. Google X
Also comments about it that their friend’s left. If it’s facial
Lab developed this Glass, which has experience with other
recognition software becomes moderate and accurate
futuristic technologies such as driverless cars.
enough, the glasses could remind a wearer and also tells
us when and how he met the foggy familiar person
standing in front of him at a function or party. A
computer which is spectacle based operated directly
through your eyes rather than your pouch or pocket. A
gifted technology for all kinds of Handicapped/disabled

Key words: Project Glass, Virtual reality, Augmented

Reality, 4G, Eye-Tap etc…
Fig: Google Glass
1. INTRODUCTION 1.3 Virtual reality (VR)

1.1 Project glass Virtual reality is a term that applies to computer-

simulated environments that can simulate physical presence
Google has given research and development about in places in the real world and also well as an imaginary
Project glass to develop an augmented reality Head- world.
Mounted Display (HMD). The main agenda of Project Glass
products would be the hands-free displaying of information Remote communication is covered in an environment
that is vastly and currently available to most smart which provides virtual presence of users with the
phone users [5]. Also allows interaction with the Internet telepresence and telexistence concepts or a virtual
via voice commands of natural voice. Glasses will feature artifact (VA)[1]. The simulated environment can be similar
with augmented reality and virtual reality. Google glasses to the real world in order to create a life like experience.
are basically wearable computers that will use the Android
Virtual reality is often used to describe a wide variety
software that powers Android smart phones and tablets.
of applications with highly visual, immersive, 3D
environments. And also it gives development of graphics
1.2 Google Glass
hardware acceleration, CAD software, database gloves and
Google Glass is a wearable computer with a head- miniaturization head mounted displays.
mounted display (HMD) that is being developed by Google in

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Mar-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

It includes using computer technology to create a 2.2 Eye Tap Technology

three-dimensional, simulated world so a user can
manipulate and explore while feeling as if he were in Eye Tap is also the name of an organization founded
that world. by inventor Steve Mann to develop and promote Eye Tap-
related technologies such as wearable computers. An Eye
• The ability to track a user's motions through his Tap is a model that is to worn in front of the eye which acts
head and eye movements, and as a camera to capture the scene available to the eye also
displays it to superimpose a on the original scene available
• It adjusts the images correspondingly on the user's to the images generated by computer[7] . The structure acts
display and reflects the change in perspective. as a monitor and a camera for user's eye as the Eye Tap. The
Eye tap uses beam splitter to send same scene to both eye
and camera [4]. It is a hard technology that categorize into
three main headers for wearable computing (i.e.
1.4 Augmented reality (AR) Augmentation, Constancy, Mediation) for reality of the user
Augmented Reality is direct or indirect, a live view of a perceives.
physical, real-world environment whose elements
are augmented by generated input having sensors such as
video, sound, GPS data or graphics[4]. It is related to a more
general concept called mediated reality, which is a view of
reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than
augmented) by a computer.

As a result, the technology functions by enhancing

one’s current perception of reality [1]. By contrast, virtual
reality replaces the real world with a simulated one.
Augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic
context with environmental elements.
Fig: Eye Tap Technology
2.3 4G Technology
2.1 Wearable Computing 4G is the fourth generation of cell phone mobile
based on communications standards. It is a advance version
Body-borne computers i.e. Wearable computers are
of the third generation (3G) standards. It provides mobile
miniature electronic devices that can worn by the bearer
the ultra-broadband Internet accessing, for example
body part with, under or on top of clothing. It is wearable
to smart phones, to laptops with USB wireless modems and
technology has been developed for special or general
to other mobile devices.
purpose info technologies and media development[3].
Applications of more complex computational support than
just hardware coded logics can be given by wearable
3.1 Video Display, Camera, Speaker, Button:

Consistency is one of the main features of wearable It has features with the small video display which is used
computers so that there will be to display the hands free information by pop up. It also has
constant interaction between the computer and user i.e. it the video camera with front facing through which we can
doesn’t need to turn the device on or off. Another feature as take photos and videos in a glimpse [3]. Google glasses are
it is multi-tasking device. designed to be hands free wearable device that can be used
to make or receive calls via a bone conduction transducer.
Single button on the side of the frame sophisticates the
glasses to work with the physical touch input.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Mar-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Communication is probably done with the mobile

phone through Wi-Fi and displays of contents on the video
screen as well as the voice commands responding of the
user. Google put together a short video demonstrating the
features and apps of Google glasses. It mainly focuses on the
social networking, communication and navigation. The video
camera senses the environment and memorizes the people
and objects around. Google glasses depends upon the user
voice commands itself for the whole working.

Fig: Video display, camera, speaker, button of Google Glass 5. SPECIFICATIONS

 It runs Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. It has a
3.2 Other components Texas Instruments OMAP 4430 chipset. The OMAP
4430 was been used in devices like Samsung’s 7-
• A facility of microphone is there, that can take the inch Galaxy Tab 2.0, the original Motorola Droid
voice commands of user with telephonic RAZR, solid devices during their prime, but now the
communication. chipset is far from new that powered them.
• The Glass has 1GB ram and 16GB of flash storage
• It's possible that a 3G / 4G module could end up in on-board, with 12GB actually usable, and it will sync
production devices, Wi-Fi hotspots or relying on a with "Google cloud storage”, presumably Google
wireless tether with Smartphone will be provided. Drive.
• Recognization of voice commands cues from the • Google states that the "equivalent of a 25-inch high
right sidebar. Gestures will be understands by touch definition screen from eight feet away" given by
sensitive pad. Glass has an Accelerometer and a Glass features a 640 x 360 display.
Gyroscope, enabling wearers to tell the glass what
to do by nodding, shaking one's head, etc. • It has a 5-mp camera features 720p video.

• Behind the ear on the right side internal battery is • Bone conduction transducer projects audio
fitted, the capacity and longevity will last a day.
• Adjustable nose pads in a frame that Google says
• The recording facility available locally, but the idea will "fit any face," +- is featured by Glass.
is to have 'most everything' streamed live to the
web. • Connectivity-wise, it is compatible with any
Bluetooth-capable phone and supports 802.11b/g
Wi-Fi, though functionality will vary.

• The Glass will enable GPS and SMS support through

an app called "MyGlass" for phones with Android


6.1 Google needs to avoid “The segway problem”

There is a reason that video glasses haven not taken off
Fig: Battery and Touchpad of Google Glass
yet. And, for lack of a better term, we will call it “The Segway
Problem”. The Segway failed in part for its cost. For future-
forwardness this technology can be a symbol, or on other

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Mar-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

hand it can be exact opposite that’s a sign of the DISADVANTAGES

ridiculousness. For the fact that the humanity is not quite
lazy, but there was a deeper reaction to the core term of the • Broken or damaged chances are more. Though
product which signified a silly future rather than an Google is expecting these glasses to be as modest as
inspiring one. So far we can say that these Glasses are not achievable, they are kind of breakable. Users will
much inspiring that Google is showing off. So Google need to have to handle it with care.
choose different way such as the stylishness or the
invisibility of video glasses to sell us and to get succeed. • Retrieved data can be shown in front of user’s eyes
so while user is focusing on data, user will
eventually miss the surroundings and it may lead
GOOGLE NEEDS TO FIND A KILLER USE-CASE accidents while driving.
Google is digging new ground; they are working apart
• Privacy of people may fissure with new glasses.
from their comfort zone. Google has no data mine for how
much notification. If ever there’s is been a product develops 9. FUTURE SCOPE
for Google Labs field testing, it is Project Glass. Google Glass is as futuristic, nowadays a gadget we have
seen. Its scope is right now, but Google believes in the future
A better counter-example is the iPad. Many people
it, is bright and the incredibly compelling device.
dismissed it when firstly it came out, saying, "No doubt, it is
cool, but for what anyone need another computer?" Well, it Google is trying their hardest to push the Project Glass
turns out, people did not need another computer to handle through the FCC this year. Reports show that Google is
so much as they wanted one, people will love a computer trying to get the approval by the FCC this year but there are
that would make surfing the web from your couch or bed a already several hundred glasses made for testing internally.
lot with less efforts, clunky and more fun. No one is sure that
they have that use-case yet with Project Glass i.e. the perfect 10. CONCLUSION
scenario where it could make a sense in people’s lives. There
may be possibility that some set of features, applications and Google glasses are basically wearable device
interactions that have not quite appeared yet. computers which uses the evolving familiar
technologies. Also brings the ease of communication,
8. ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES: sophistication and information access even for the
physically challenged or handicapped class of people
ADVANTAGES those literally could not use general way of palmtops
and mobiles. It will bring relief and stress less life to
• Easy to handle, use and wearable. human kind with the help of new technology.
• Responsive and sensitive into the presence of

• Fast accessing of documents, chats, maps, videos

and much more.

• An innovative technology will bring the new trend

of fashion.

• A computer which is spectacle based operated

directly through your eyes rather than your pouch
or pocket[6].

• A gifted technology for all kinds of

Handicapped/disabled people.

Fig: Conclusion of Google glass

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Mar-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


1. Thad Starner, “Project Glass: An Extension of the Self”

PERVASIVE computing Editor Bernt Schiele,1536-
1268/13/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE , Page No.-14-16, Published
by the IEEE CS, April–June 2013
Pooja S. Mankar
2. Souppouris, Aaron. “Google patches Glass exploit that Pursuing- final year, Computer science and
allowed hackers full remote access.” July 2013, the Verge. engineering, JDIET, Yavatmal-445001
glass-exploit-qr-code-patch, Web Nov 2013. 2.

3. Bell, Lee. “Google Glass Still vulnerable to Wi-Fi Exploits,

says Symantec.” July 2013, The Inquirer.
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Nov 2013. 3.

4. Joire, Myriam. “Google Glass rooted and hacked to run

Ubuntu live at Google I/O.” June 2013, Engadget.
Nov 2013




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