Advance Technology-Google Glass: Pooja S. Mankar
Advance Technology-Google Glass: Pooja S. Mankar
Advance Technology-Google Glass: Pooja S. Mankar
Pooja S. Mankar
Computer science & engineering, J.D.I.E.T
ABSTRACT- Most of the people who have seen the the Project Glass research and development project,[2] with
glasses, but may not allowed speaking publicly; a major the mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous
computer. The frames do not currently have fitted lenses,
feature of the glasses was the location information.
Google is on the process of considering sunglass retailers
Google will be able to capture images to its computers partnership such as Ray-Ban or Warby Parker, wish to open
and augmented reality information returns to the person retail shop to try on the device for users. People who wear
wearing them through the camera already built-in on the prescription glasses cannot use explorer edition, but Google
glasses. For moment, if a person looking at a landmark has confirmed that Glass will be compatible with frames and
then he could see historical and detailed information. lenses [3] according to the wearer's prescription and
possibly attachable to normal prescription glasses. Google X
Also comments about it that their friend’s left. If it’s facial
Lab developed this Glass, which has experience with other
recognition software becomes moderate and accurate
futuristic technologies such as driverless cars.
enough, the glasses could remind a wearer and also tells
us when and how he met the foggy familiar person
standing in front of him at a function or party. A
computer which is spectacle based operated directly
through your eyes rather than your pouch or pocket. A
gifted technology for all kinds of Handicapped/disabled
Consistency is one of the main features of wearable It has features with the small video display which is used
computers so that there will be to display the hands free information by pop up. It also has
constant interaction between the computer and user i.e. it the video camera with front facing through which we can
doesn’t need to turn the device on or off. Another feature as take photos and videos in a glimpse [3]. Google glasses are
it is multi-tasking device. designed to be hands free wearable device that can be used
to make or receive calls via a bone conduction transducer.
Single button on the side of the frame sophisticates the
glasses to work with the physical touch input.
• Behind the ear on the right side internal battery is • Bone conduction transducer projects audio
fitted, the capacity and longevity will last a day.
• Adjustable nose pads in a frame that Google says
• The recording facility available locally, but the idea will "fit any face," +- is featured by Glass.
is to have 'most everything' streamed live to the
web. • Connectivity-wise, it is compatible with any
Bluetooth-capable phone and supports 802.11b/g
Wi-Fi, though functionality will vary.