Petroleum Refining Assignment

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Petroleum Refining Assignment

Reaction Mechanism
Polymerization of propylene and ethylene gases, controlled with special catalysts, creates olefin
fibers. Basically, polymerization process can separated into two types which is condensation
polymerization and addition polymerization. Condensation polymers are any kind of polymers
formed through a condensation reaction where molecules join together by losing small molecules
as byproducts such as water or methanol. Condensation polymerization is a form of step-growth
polymerization. Linear polymers are produced from bifunctional monomers, i.e. compounds with
two reactive end groups. Common condensation polymers include polyamides, polyacetals, and
proteins. In the other hand, in addition polymerization, monomers react to form a polymer
without the formation of by-products. Addition polymerizations usually are carried out in the
presence of catalysts, which in certain cases exert control over structural details that have
important effects on the properties of the polymer. For the production of olefin fiber, the
chemical reaction that undergoes is addition polymerization.
Traditionally, polymerization of α-olefins was done by radical polymerization (Figure 4).
Problem with this technique was that the formation of undesired allylic radicals leaded to
branched polymers.3 For example, radical polymerization of propene gived branched polymers
with large molecular weight distribution. Also, radical polymerization had no control over
stereochemistry. Linear unbranched polyethylene and stereoregulated polypropylene could not
be fabricated by free radical polymerization. This technique largely limited the potential
applications of these polymeric materials.

Figure 1: The radical polymerization of propylene using traditional method.

The invention of ZN catalyst successfully addressed these two problems. The catalyst can give
linear α-olefin polymers with high and controllable molecular weights. Moreover, it makes the
fabrication of polymers with specific tacticity possible. By controlling the stereochemistry of
products, either syndiotactic or isotactic polymers can be achieved.
The Ziegler-Natta (ZN) catalyst, named after two chemists: Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta, is a
powerful tool to polymerize α-olefins with high linearity and stereoselectivity (Figure 1). A
typical ZN catalyst system usually contains two parts: a transition metal (Group IV metals, like
Ti, Zr, Hf) compound and an organoaluminum compound (co-catalyst). The common examples
of ZN catalyst systems include TiCl4 + Et3Al and TiCl3 + AlEt2Cl. It is necessary to understand
the catalyst’s structure before understanding how this catalyst system works. Herein,
TiCl4+AlEt3 catalyst system is taken as an example. The titanium chloride compound has a
crystal structure in which each Ti atom is coordinated to 6 chlorine atoms. On the crystal surface,
a Ti atom is surrounded by 5 chlorine atoms with one empty orbital to be filled. When Et3Al
comes in, it donates an ethyl group to Ti atom and the Al atom is coordinated to one of the
chlorine atoms. Meanwhile, one chlorine atom from titanium is kicked out during this process.
Thus, the catalyst system still has an empty orbital (Figure 5). The catalyst is activated by the
coordination of AlEt3 to Ti atom.

Figure 2 : The activation of ZN catalyst system by coordination of AlEt3 to Ti atom.

For the polymerization of olefins fiber, the polymerization method used is Ziegler-Natta catalytic
polymerizations, which is basically an addition polymerization paired with the use of Ziegler-
Natta (ZN) catalyst. There are three main steps for reaction mechanism of this chemical reaction,
which is initiation step, propagation step and termination step.
For the initiation step, the polymerization reaction is initiated by forming alkene-metal complex.
When a vinyl monomer like propylene comes to the active metal center, it can be coordinated to
Ti atom by overlapping their orbitals. As shown in Figure 3, there is an empty dxy orbital and a
filled dx2-y2 orbital in Ti’s outermost shell (the other four orbitals are not shown here). The
carbon-carbon double bond of alkene has a pi bond, which consists of a filled pi-bonding orbital
and an empty pi-antibonding orbital. So, the alkene's pi-bonding orbital and the Ti's dxy orbital
come together and share a pair of electrons. Once they're together, that Ti’s dx2-y2 orbital comes
mighty close to the pi-antibonding orbital, sharing another pair of electrons.

Figure 3: Molecular orbitals representation of monomer coordinating to metal center.

The formed alkene-metal complex (1) then goes through electron shuffling, with several pairs of
electrons shifting their positions: The pair of electrons from the carbon-carbon pi-bond shifts to
form Ti-carbon bond, while the pair of electrons from the bond between Ti and AlEt3’ ethyl
group shifts to form a bond between the ethyl group and the methyl-substituted carbon of
propylene (Figure 4). After electron shuffling, Ti is back with an empty orbital again, needing
electrons to fill it (2).
Figure 4: The formation process of alkene-metal complex.
For propagation step, when other propylene molecules come in, this process starts over and over,
giving linear polypropylene (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Propagation towards polymeric chains.

Last and not least, for termination step, Termination is the final step of a chain-growth
polymerization, forming “dead” polymers (desired products). Figure 6 illustrates several
termination approaches developed with the aid of co-catalyst AlEt3.4

Figure 6: Three termination approaches: (a) β-elimination from the polymer chain, forming
metal hydride; (b) β-elimination with hydrogen transfer to monomer; (c)hydrogenation.
Unlike the mechanism discussed above, there is also a competing mechanism proposed by Ivin
and coworkers. They proposed that a 1,2-hydrogen shift occurs prior to monomer association,
giving a carbene intermediate (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Alternative propagation mechanism: hydride shift prior to monomer association.

To determine the actual mechanism, Grubbs conducted kinetic isotope effect (KIE) experiments.
Due to their different weights, carbon-deuterium bond reacts slower than carbon-hydrogen bond
(Figure 8). If such bonds are involved in the rate-determining step, the isotopic species should
proceed in lower rate.

Figure 8: Carbon-deuterium bonds react slower than carbon-hydrogen bonds.

In Grubbs’s experiment, deuterated ethylene and normal ethylene were catalyzed by Ziegler-
Natta catalyst with 1:1 ratio (Figure 9). The result showed that H/D ratio in the resulting
polymers was still 1:1.6 This indicated that no carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage or formation is
involved in the rate determining step. Therefore, the mechanism proposed by Ivin was excluded.

Figure 9: KIE experiment excludes Ivin’s mechanism.

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