Economic Environment in India ( P-2
Economic Environment in India ( P-2
Economic Environment in India ( P-2
Economic Environment
in India
B.Com. Part-II
Sapna Newar
Revised by: Tanvi Gaur
MA, M.Phil.
Deptt. of Commerce & Management
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur
Published by :
Think Tanks
Biyani Group of Colleges
While every effort is taken to avoid errors or omissions in this Publication, any
mistake or omission that may have crept in is not intentional. It may be taken note of
that neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any damage or loss of
any kind arising to anyone in any manner on account of such errors and omissions.
I am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs of
the students. The book has been written keeping in mind the general weakness
in understanding the fundamental concepts of the topics. The book is self-
explanatory and adopts the “Teach Yourself” style. It is based on question-
answer pattern. The language of book is quite easy and understandable based
on scientific approach.
Any further improvement in the contents of the book by making corrections,
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main concept provider and also have been constant source of motivation
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suggestions to the under mentioned address.
B.Com. Part-II
Section – A
Section – B
Section – C
S.No. Name of Topic Page No.
Section - A
1. Economic Environment in India 8 – 12
1.1 Meaning
1.2 Factors Affecting Economic Environment
1.3 Basic Features of Economic Environment
2. Basic Features of Indian Economy 13-21
2.1 Indian and World Economy
3. Economic Policies 22-31
3.1 Agriculture Policy
3.2 Industrial Policy (we have mentioned it in
3.3 Commercial Policy
3.4 Fiscal Policy
4. Economic Planning 34-47
4.1 Meaning
4.2 Importance
4.3 Objectives
4.4 Techniques of Planning
4.5 Salient Features of India‟s Five Year Plan
4.6 Ninth Plan
4.7 Tenth Plan
Section - B
5. Agriculture 48-62
5.1 Significance of Agriculture in Indian Economy
5.2 New Agriculture Strategy
5.3 Agriculture Finance (Kisan Credit Card
5.4 Nature of Risk and Uncertainty in Agricultures
5.5 Measures to Control Risk and Uncertainty
5.6 WTO and Agriculture
Economic Environment In India 7
6. Industry 63-71
6.1 Industrial Growth in India and Prospects
6.2 Role of Small Scale Industries and Problems
faced by them
6.3 Globalization V/s Small Scale Industry
7. Public Sector Vs Private Sector 72-81
7.1 Role of Public Sector in India
7.2 Its Problems
7.3 Concept of Privatisation
7.4 Impact of Liberalisation on Agriculture
Industry & Trade Development
7.5 Globalisation Vs Swadeshi
Section - C
8. Foreign Trade 82-89
8.1 Volume
8.2 Composition
8.3 Direction
8.4 Export Promotion
Internal External
Economic Non-Economic
Internal External
Economic Non-economic
National Human
Resources Resources
Social and Technology
cultural system Dev. Political
Political Govt.
system Policies Legal
System Population International
Economic Environment In India 11
All these components are closely related. Although, these are different,
but even then they are mutually dependent & go on charging. Hence
economic environment is a wide and dynamic concept.
Q.1 The world has been divided in how many parts according to eco dev?
Ans.: On the basis of economic development, the world has been divided into
two parts :
Low Limited
Supply Side Demand
Productivity Purchasing
Effect of
Market Potential
Imperfect Production Possibility Curve (PPC)
Com B
Com A X
Actual PCC
Suppose a country is producing wheat and rice. In the given figure, line
PC is the Production Possibility Curve of the two items. Point P of this
curve indicates the maximum quantity of rice produced in the economy,
with the help of available resources. Similarly, point C shows how much
quantity of rice can be produced. Other points on this curve show various
maximum possibilities of wheat and rice which can be produced by
available resources and given production technology. But the actual
production of the underdeveloped countries is very inferior. Market
imperfections put obstacles to the mobility of resources. The best
possibility of resource utilization is not explored. The result is that Actual
Production Possibility Curve is LM. It is much below curve PC.
Through the difference between both these lines, the extent of
underdevelopment can be measured. This figure makes it clear that
market imperfections do not let the resources be used to an optimum level
in the underdeveloped countries.
Economic Environment In India 17
Low Y
Under Utilized
Low Income
In initial stages of plans public sector was given importance because for
long gestation projects and lowly level projects private sector will not
come forward. 50 public sector was promoted but because PCOs well non-
profit organization they run in losses so, in 1991 liberalization,
privatization and globalization was done.
Ans.: When the marginal productivity of labour is negligible zero or natural this
is called disguised unemployment.
MP = TPn - TPn-1 OR ∆ TPn
Suppose if total production of 5 labours is 100 and if by employment 8 th
labour TP remains at 100 then MP of 6 th labour will be zero.
According to Nurkse :
TP (Total Product Curve)
Total Output
O N N2
No. of Labours X
Upto N, TP is raising but after N to N2 , TP becomes horizontal to x-axis
means N N2 are disguised unemployed persons.
Q.13 Who is the Father of Green Revolution?
Ans. Professor M.S. Swaminathan.
Q.14 Causes of Under Development of Indian Economy?
Ans. Various causes are:-
(a) Lack of Capital
(b) Industrial Backwardness
(c) Imbalanced Foreign Trade
(d) Vicious circles
(e) Lack of Education
(f) Deficit Financing
(g) Inflation
(h) Political Unrest
Economic Environment In India 23
Economic Polices
Q.11. Write any four appreciable aspects of new National Agriculture Policy
(NAP) 2000.
Ans.: (1) New agriculture policy is marketing oriented.
(2) Effort has been made to fee agriculture.
(3) Participation of Pvt. Sector in the agriculture sector will open new
(4) With the objective of 4% growth rate in the agriculture sector, its
efficiency and productivity will increase.
Primary Deficit
Primary Deficit
Both direct and indirect taxes play an important role in Indian taxation
system, but collection from indirect taxes is more. Indian taxation system
Economic Environment In India 31
is regressive means it‟s burden more on rich and less on poor which also
helps in reduction of disparities in income.
measures are used by such regional or principal Govt. which has power to
either obstruct or assist the export, import of goods and services.”
Objective :
(1) To prepare a framework for world level India‟s foreign trade.
(2) To increase productivity.
(3) Modernization
(4) Increasing capability of competition in Indian industries so that
their export potential may increase.
(5) To improve quality of goods for project
(6) To arrange import of raw-materials equipments, consumable
goods, capital goods, intermediate goods require by exporters with
a view of increasing exports from India.
(7) Encourage production of goods accepted at international levels.
(8) Minimize or remove licensing completely and other decrementing
24.7 Agriculture
Less indebted 1999-02 Industry 26.4
Services 48.9
Where a moderately indebted in 1998.
Highest indebted in 1991 & Now 9 th in year 2002.
Economic Environment In India 37
Economic Planning
Survey of Resources
Development Strategy
Resource Mobilization
Administrative Efficiency
Proble ms
Solution through
Q.10 Explain need for Economic Planning and causes for its popularity.
Ans.: Almost all UPCs of the world have adopted the strategy of planning for
their economic development. In India, Sir M. Vishveshwalya, an eminent
engineer and state man in his book.
Planned economy for India 1934 had for the first time laid stress on
scientific planning for the re-construction of the country.
Q.14 Which country adopted the New Deal Policy for Economic Stability?
Ans.: U.S.A.
Q.17 In which period the country had continuous three One Year Annual
Ans.: 1966 – 67,
1967 – 68,
1968 - 69
Analysis of achievements
Ans. Objectives of 1st Five Year Plan : Slogan was self sufficiency in food
grains plan time period - 19951-56.
Main Objectives :
(i) To correct economic imbalances created due to second world ward.
(ii) Comprehensive balanced development increased in National
(iii) High standard of living.
Objectives of 2nd Five Year Plan :
Slogan – Heavy and Basic in directed “Social and economic justice”
Time period 1956 – 57 to 1960 - 61
Main Objectives :
(i) Increase NY at the rate of 25%.
(ii) Rapid industrialization through emphasing the development of key
and heavy industries.
(iii) To create employment opportunities.
(iv) More equal distribution of economic power.
Objectives of IIIrd Five Year Plan :
Slogan “Take off stage”
“Defence and Development”
Q.22 Explain techniques of Planning.
Ans.: Formation of Planning Organization :
Plan formulation
Tenth five year plan is being drawn up as reform plan instead of merely
being a resource plan.
Objectives – According to Prime Minister “Atal Bihari Vajpayee” plans
aims at equitable development process and people oriented planning to
make India on economic power in he foreseeable India.
Main Objectives were :
(i) Rate of growth of NY – 8% per annum
(ii) Growth rate of per capita income
(iii) Improvement in quality of life
(iv) Reduction in poverty
(v) Provision of gainful employment
(vi) Provision of universal education
(vii) Reduction in gender gaps – 27 : 1000
(viii) Reduction in GR of population
(ix) Increase in literacy rate
(x) Reduction of infant mortality rate
(xi) Reduction in material mortality ratio
(xii) Environmental protection
(xiii) Growth, equity and sustainability
(xiv) Balanced development in all sectors.
Q.26 What was the Poverty Ratio in the Country in the year 1999 – 2000?
Ans.: 26.1%
Economic Environment In India 49
Q.27 Write three new States in the Country came into existence in the year
Ans.: Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh.
Economic Environment In India 51
Agriculture finance
Q.3 What do you understand by Green Revolution?
Ans.: During the sixties, Indian agriculture experienced a spectacular increase in
production, especially in that of wheat and rice crops it was mainly
through an increase in productively per hectare of these crops. The jump
in the rate of producing increase was so sudden and conspicuous that
some economists termed the new change as green revolution. Base of
Green Revolution was the use of H.Y.V Seeds.
transport, for course, the Govt. has taken several steps from time to time
for the development of agriculture.
The Agriculture Policy of India can be studied as under :
Greater Population
Ans. Kisan Credit Cared scheme was introduced in 1998-99. NABARD was
made mainly to fulfill the long term credit requirement to farmers. So
Kisan Credit Card scheme was launched to fulfill short term credit
requirement of farmers.
Kisan Credit Card Scheme : Kisan Credit Card schemes was introduced
in 1998-99 to facilitate access to credit from commercial banks and RRB.
The salient features of the scheme are as given below :
(a) Farmers eligible for production credit of Rs. 5000 or more are
eligible for issue for Kisan Credit Card.
(b) Eligible farmers to be provided with a Kisan Credit Card and pass
book on Card-cum-passbook.
Ans.: Financial needs of farmers are more in India because they are poor.
Moreover agriculture production is more prove to natural hazards ad risk
and uncertainly.
Q.15 What is white revolution?
Institutional Non-institutional
Sources Sources
Ans.: To fulfill the financial needs of farmers many institutions come into being
of which NABARD is one. The full firm of NABARD is National Bank for
Agricultural Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, which was
established as an Apex insulation on 24th July, 1982 by the Govt. of India
NABARD do not provide credit directly to farmers and also not accept
deposits directly from farmers. It fulfill the needs of farmers and also not
accept deposits directly from farmers. It fulfill the needs of farmers
indirectly by subscribing to the shave complex of the banks main features.
It took over all function earlier performed by RBI in the field of
rural credit.
The authorized capital of bank is 100 crs. Bank is 50:50 50 crs each.
The bank has taken over the functions of ARDE – Agriculture
refinance and development corporation.
It provide long term, short term, medium term credit to formers
through SEBs, RRBs, LAB etc.
Voluntary Compulsory
Crop Insurance Crop Insurance
Q.25 What efforts have been made by Govt. for stabilization of Agricultural
Prices E
S1 F D2
S2 D3
Quantity Demand and Supplied
“The former GATT was not really on organization. It was merely a legal
arrangement.” On other hand, “the WTO is a new international
organization setup as a permanent body, it is designed plan the role of a
watchdog in the spheres of trade in goods service foreign investment
intellectual property right etc.”
Agreement on Agriculture :
(i) Domestic Subsidies
(ii) Export Subsidies
(iii) Minimum Market Access Commitment
(iv) Domestic Support – AMS
(v) Sanokry and Phyto Sanokry Measures
(vi) Food Stocking and Food Aid
Q.27 Explain TRIPS.
Ans.: TRIPS : Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights provides norms and
standards for copy rights and related rights trade on arks geographical
indications, industrial designs, patents, layout designs of integrated
circuits and protection of undisclosed information.
Economic Environment In India 67
Q.4 Write the number of Industries reserved for Public Sector under
Industrial Policy 1991?
Ans.: On 24 July, 1991 Govt. of India announced a new industrial policy. The
main objective of this policy was to unshackle the Indian industries from
the unshackle the Indian industries from the bucratic or unnecessary
control of Govt.
Under this policy, only four industries will be included in public sector :
Ans.: After having independence it was the first industrial policy announced by
Gov. of India on 6th April, 1948. The formal papers were submitted by
industry minister Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
Main Objectives :
(2) To build such social structure where all people could get equal
Q.8 What are Small Scale Industries and also define role and problems
faced by them?
Ans.: Introduction : Small and cottage industries occupy on important place in
Indian economy. These industries have a special place in the share of :
Economic Development
Classification of Industries
i) Employment potential
ii) Equal distribution of wealth
iii) Decentralization
iv) Less pressure of population on agriculture
v) Increase in production
vi) Suitable for UDCs like India
vii) Artistic goods
viii) Individual taste
ix) Complementary to large scale industries
x) Industrial peace
xi) Encouragement to co-operation
xii) Experience from foreign countries
xiii) Less gestation period
xiv) Exports
xv) Use of local resources
xvi) Significance in comparison to large –scale industries
According to Planning Commission, “Small cottage industries are
important to achieve some of the crucial objectives of plans, such as,
removal of poverty, equal distribution of wealth and income and
regulation in regional imbalances.”
Problems of Cottage and Small – Scale Industries :
Ans.: Govt. Policy and Measures : In recent years, there has been a very
remarkable charge in the policy of the Govt. towards cottage and small
scale industries. They have realized that, in view of the peculiar
conditions in the country, cottage and small-scale industries have a very
vital and central place in the development of industries.
(1) Setting up SIDO : Small industries development organization for
the development of small scale industries SSIs. Its scheme are :
(3) Public sector have boosted the economic growth of the county.
(4) Public sector has laid the sting foundation of balanced industrial
development in country.
On Business On Socio-Economics
On Business :
(iv) Cut throat competitions
(v) Removal of protection
(vi) Ownership of foreign institutions
(vii) Arrival of monopoly
(viii) Limited field of domestic institution
(ix) Hindrance of establishment of small and cottage industries
Socio-Economics Effects :
(i) Expensive domestic goods
Economic Environment In India 85
Economic Environment In India 87
Foreign Trade
Foreign Trade
2001-02 2001-02
5.7% 20.9%
Q.4 Write measures which could be adopted for correcting Adverse Balance
of Trade.
Ans.: (1) Promoting Exports
(2) Control Imports
(3) Increase in production
(4) Trade agreements
Q.8. What are the three main dimensions of India‟s foreign trade?
Ans. (a) Volume of foreign trade
(b) Composition of foreign trade
(c) Direction of foreign trade
Note:- (Refer chapter India‟s foreign trade)
Economic Environment In India 95
Ans.: The main problems in India are unemployment population, low level of Y,
low standard of living, which all is related to poverty.
High population –> High rate of unemployment –> Law per capita
income –> Law standard of living -> poverty
Population is growing at a hither rate then the rate at which employment
opportunities are increasing.
Output P
O N N1 X
No .of Labourers
End Mean
Economic Environment In India 103
Objective of NPP
1. Attempt all questions. Each question carriers 2 marks. Answer should not e xceed
20 words.
i. Define economic environment.
ii. What is meant by economic policy?
iii. Write the formula of calculating per capital income.
iv. Write any two components of Fiscal Policy.
v. What was the name of revolution which was started for boosting agricultural
production in India.
vi. When World Trade Organization came into existence?
vii. When World Trade Organization came into existence?
viii. Name any two financial institutions working in the Public Sector.
ix. What do you meant by trade deficit?
x. Who is the Chairman of National Commission of population?
2. Attempt all questions. Each question carriers 4 marks. Answer should not exceed
50 words.
i. Explain four basic features of Indian economy.
ii. Write any four points of success of Indian Planning.
iii. Write any four main problems of small scale industries in India.
iv. Write the impact of liberalization on Indian agriculture.
v. Give any four points of the criticism of Indian Population Policy.
Economic Environment In India 107
3. Explain the factors affecting economic environment.
4. Discuss the various sources and main drawbacks of agriculture’s financial in India
5. What is export promotion? What efforts have been made in recent year to increase
India's exports? How far these measures have been successful?
Write any two short notes on the following:
(i) Population Policy in India
(ii) Poverty in India
(iii) Causes of unemployment in India.
1. Attempt all questions. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer should not exceed
20 words.
i. What is an economic environment?
ii. When the National Agriculture Policy was declared?
iii. What is VAT?
iv. Write the name of the Vice-Chairman of Indian Planning Commission.
v. What is Kisan Credit Card Yojana?
vi. Write any two functions of World Trade Organization.
vii. What is globalization?
viii. What is poverty line?
ix. What is meant by disguised unemployment?
x. What is meant by the concept of working population?
2. Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Answer should not exceed
50 words.
i. Explain any four object of Industrial policy.
ii. Write any four causes of unemployment in India.
iii. Suggest any four measures to remove economic disparities in India.
iv. Give any four logic in favour of 'Privatisation' in Indian economy.
v. Why the export promotion is needed in an economy?
Economic Environment In India 109
3. Describe the basic features of Indian economy.
Define the economic planning. Explain various achievement and failures of
Indian economic planning.
2. Attempt all the questions. Each question carries4 marks. Answer should not
exceed 50 words.
(i) Explain four factors affecting economic environment.
(ii) Planned Economy is 'an economy with open eyes'. How?
(iii) Write four advantages of liberalisation.
(iv) Write any four reasons of slow growth in India's export.
(v) Highlight four main features of 2001 census of Indian population.
Economic Environment In India 111
3. Explain the causes of underdevelopment of Indian economy and give
suggestions for its improvement.
Write a critical note on 55 years of planned economic development of
4. Explain the concept of liberalisation. What has been the impact of
liberalisation on Indian economy?
Write short notes on the following :
(i) Indian Agriculture and W.T.O.
(ii) Problems of Public Sector
5. What is 'poverty'? What are its main causes in India? What steps do you
suggest to reduce poverty in India?
Write notes on the following:
(i) Recent trends of India's Foreign Trade
(ii) Population Explosion.
1. Attempt all questions. Each question carriers 2 marks. Answer should not exceed
20 words.
i. Define the economic environment.
ii. What is "Disinvestment"?
iii. Write two object of "Industrial Policy".
iv. What is two object of "White-revolution?
v. Explain two object of "world trade organization"
vi. What is "Globalization?
vii. Explain two key problems of public sector.
viii. Explain concept of working population.
ix. What is" Poverty line"?
x. Write two main causes of 'Population Explosion" in India.
2. Attempt all question. Each question carries 4 marks. Answer should not exceed 50
i. Explain four tools of Fiscal Policy.
ii. Write any four problems of Indian Agriculture.
iii. Explain four features of India's foreign trade.
iv. Write any four logic in favour of "Privatisation" in Indian Economy.
v. Explain four basic features of Indian economy.
Economic Environment In India 113
5. Explain various causes of unemployment in India. What re medies would you
suggest for removing unemployment?
Explain the following:
(i) Measuring to remove economic disparities in India.
(ii) Achievement of export promotion measures in India.
1. Attempt all questions. Each question carriers 2 marks. Answer should not exceed
20 words.
i. Write four factors affecting Economic Environment.
ii. What is Economic Planning?
iii. Define the Economic Planning.
iv. Write the two points of Agriculture importance in India.
v. What is Disinvestment?
vi. Define Small scale Industries.
vii. Write the meaning of Economic Liberalization.
viii. What is Balance of Trade?
ix. What is density of population?
x. Write two main causes of Economic Disparities in India.
2. Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Answer should not exceed
50 words.
i. What is following up action in Planning?
ii. Write any four characteristics of India's Exim Policy 2002-07.
iii. Write any four problems of public sector in India.
iv. Explain the concept of Swadeshi.
v. Write four causes of increase in population in India.
Economic Environment In India 115
Time: Two Hour Max. Marks: 60
Attempt three questions in all, selection one question form each Section. Each question
carries 20 marks. Each question has internal choice in the form of either/or.
What do you mean by Fiscal Policy? Describe the main components of Fiscal
5. What do you mean by Export Promotion? What steps have been taken by the
Government of India for the Export Promotion?