Vocabulary Questions
Vocabulary Questions
Vocabulary Questions
1st degree
2nd degree
3rd degree
4th degree
71. Maternal hypotension is a B) Place the woman in a lateral position.
potential side effect of regional C) Increase intravenous (IV) fluids.
anesthesia and analgesia. What E) Administer ephedrine per MD order
nursing interventions could you
use to raise the client's blood
pressure? Choose all that apply.
A) Place the woman in a supine
B) Place the woman in a lateral
C) Increase intravenous (IV)
D) Continuous Fetal Monitor
E) Administer ephedrine per MD
72. Maternity nurses often have to D) Electrodes attached to either side of the spine to provide mild-intensity electrical
answer questions about the many, impulses facilitate the release of endorphins.
sometimes unusual ways people have
tried to make the birthing experience
more comfortable. For instance,
nurses should be aware that:
A) Music supplied by the support
person has to be discouraged
because it could disturb others or
upset the hospital routine.
B) Women in labor can benefit from
sitting in a bathtub, but they must
limit immersion to no longer than 15
minutes at a time.
C) Effleurage is permissible, but
counterpressure is almost always
D) Electrodes attached to either side
of the spine to provide mild-intensity
electrical impulses facilitate the
release of endorphins.
73. The most common cause of B) Fetal sleep cycles
decreased variability in the fetal p. 428
heart rate (FHR) that lasts 30 minutes
or less is:
A) Fetal hypoxemia
B) Fetal sleep cycles
C) Altered cerebral blood flow.
D) Umbilical cord compression.
74. The most common cause of ANS: B
pathologic hyperbilirubinemia is: Hemolytic disorders in the newborn are the most common cause of pathologic jaundice.
a. Hepatic disease. c. Postmaturity. Hepatic damage may be a cause of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia, but it is not the most
b. Hemolytic disorders in the common cause. Prematurity would be a potential cause of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia in
newborn. d. Congenital heart defect. neonates, but it is not the most common cause. Congenital heart defect is not a common
cause of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia in neonates.
75. The most important nursing action in ANS: A
preventing neonatal infection is: Virtually all controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that effective handwashing is
a. Good handwashing. c. Separate responsible for the prevention of nosocomial infection in nursery units. Measures to be taken
gown technique. include Standard Precautions, careful and thorough cleaning, frequent replacement of used
b. Isolation of infected infants. d. equipment, and disposal of excrement and linens in an appropriate manner. Overcrowding
Standard Precautions. must be avoided in nurseries. However, the most important nursing action for preventing
neonatal infection is effective handwashing.
76. A multiparous woman has been in D) Assess the fetal heart rate and pattern.
labor for 8 hours. Her membranes
have just ruptured. The nurse's initial
response would be to:
A) Prepare the woman for imminent
B) Notify the woman's primary health
care provider.
C) Document the characteristics of
the fluid.
D) Assess the fetal heart rate and
77. Near the end of the first week of life ANS: C
an infant who has not been treated The rash is indicative of congenital syphilis. The lesions may extend over the trunk and
for any infection develops a copper- extremities
colored, maculopapular rash on the
palms and around the mouth and
anus. The newborn is showing signs
a. Gonorrhea. c. Congenital syphilis.
b. Herpes simplex virus infection. d.
Human immunodeficiency virus.
78. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an ANS: B
acute inflammatory disease of the A decrease in the incidence of NEC is directly correlated with exclusive breastfeeding.
gastrointestinal mucosa that can Breast milk enhances maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and contains immune factors
progress to perforation of the bowel. that contribute to a lower incidence or severity of NEC, Crohn's disease, and celiac illness.
Approximately 2% to 5% of The neonatal intensive care unit nurse can be very supportive of the mother in terms of
premature infants succumb to this providing her with equipment to pump, ensuring privacy, and encouraging skin-to-skin
fatal disease. Care is supportive; contact. Early enteral feedings of formula or hyperosmolar feedings are a risk factor known
however, there are known to contribute to the development of NEC. The mother should be encouraged to pump or
interventions that may decrease the feed breast milk exclusively. Exchange transfusion may be necessary; however, it is a known
risk of NEC. To develop an optimal risk factor for the development of NEC. Although still early, a study in 2005 found that the
plan of care for this infant, the nurse introduction of prophylactic probiotics appeared to enhance the normal flora of the bowel
must understand that which and therefore decrease the severity of NEC when it did occur. This treatment modality is not
intervention has the greatest effect as widespread as encouraging breastfeeding; however, it is another strategy that the care
on lowering the risk of NEC? providers of these extremely fragile infants may have at their disposal.
a. Early enteral feedings c. Exchange
b. Breastfeeding d. Prophylactic
79. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an ANS: B
inflammatory disease of the Some generalized signs of NEC include decreased activity, hypotonia, pallor, recurrent
gastrointestinal mucosa. The signs of apnea and bradycardia, decreased oxygen saturation values, respiratory distress, metabolic
NEC are nonspecific. Some acidosis, oliguria, hypotension, decreased perfusion, temperature instability, cyanosis,
generalized signs include: abdominal distention, residual gastric aspirates, vomiting, grossly bloody stools, abdominal
a. Hypertonia, tachycardia, and tenderness, and erythema of the abdominal wall. The infant may display hypotonia,
metabolic alkalosis. bradycardia, and metabolic acidosis. Hypotension, apnea, and pallor are signs of NEC, as are
b. Abdominal distention, temperature abdominal distention, residual gastric aspirates, and oliguria.
instability, and grossly bloody stools.
c. Hypertension, absence of apnea,
and ruddy skin color.
d. Scaphoid abdomen, no residual
with feedings, and increased urinary
80. A newborn is placed under a radiant ANS: B
heat warmer, and the nurse evaluates Loss of heat must be controlled to protect the infant from the metabolic and physiologic
the infant's body temperature every effects of cold stress, and that is the primary reason for placing a newborn under a radiant
hour. Maintaining the newborn's body heat warmer. Cold stress results in an increased respiratory rate and vasoconstriction.
temperature is important for
a. Respiratory depression. c.
b. Cold stress. d. Vasoconstriction.
81. A newborn was admitted to the neonatal intensive ANS: B
care unit after being delivered at 29 weeks of The nurse is instrumental in the initial interactions with the infant. The nurse can
gestation to a 28-year-old multiparous, married, help the parents "see" the infant rather than focus on the equipment. The
Caucasian female whose pregnancy was importance and purpose of the apparatus that surrounds their infant also
uncomplicated until premature rupture of should be explained to them. Parents often need encouragement and
membranes and preterm birth. The newborn's recognition from the nurse to acknowledge the reality of the infant's condition.
parents arrive for their first visit after the birth. Parents need to see and touch their infant as soon as possible to acknowledge
The parents walk toward the bedside but remain the reality of the birth and the infant's appearance and condition.
approximately 5 feet away from the bed. The Encouragement from the nurse is instrumental in this process. Telling the
nurse's most appropriate action would be to: parents only about the newborn's physical condition and cautioning them to
a. Wait quietly at the newborn's bedside until the avoid touching their baby is an inappropriate action.
parents come closer.
b. Go to the parents, introduce himself or herself,
and gently encourage them to come meet their
infant; explain the equipment first, and then focus
on the newborn.
c. Leave the parents at the bedside while they are
visiting so they can have some privacy.
d. Tell the parents only about the newborn's
physical condition and caution them to avoid
touching their baby.
82. A new mother states that her infant must be cold ANS: A
because the baby's hands and feet are blue. The Acrocyanosis, or the appearance of slightly cyanotic hands and feet, is caused
nurse explains that this is a common and by vasomotor instability, capillary stasis, and a high hemoglobin level.
temporary condition called: Acrocyanosis is normal and appears intermittently over the first 7 to 10 days.
a. Acrocyanosis. c. Harlequin color. Erythema toxicum (also called erythema neonatorum) is a transient newborn
b. Erythema neonatorum. d. Vernix caseosa. rash that resembles flea bites. The harlequin sign is a benign, transient color
change in newborns. Half of the body is pale, and the other half is ruddy or
bluish red with a line of demarcation. Vernix caseosa is a cheeselike, whitish
substance that serves as a protective covering.
83. New parents express concern that, because of the ANS: A
mother's emergency cesarean birth under general Attachment, or bonding, is a process that occurs over time and does not
anesthesia, they did not have the opportunity to require early contact. The formerly accepted definition of bonding held that
hold and bond with their daughter immediately the period immediately after birth was a critical time for bonding to occur.
after her birth. The nurse's response should Research since has indicated that parent-infant attachment occurs over time. A
convey to the parents that: delay does not inhibit the process. Parent-infant attachment involves activities
a. Attachment, or bonding, is a process that occurs such as touching, holding, and gazing; it is not exclusively eye contact. A
over time and does not require early contact. response that conveys that the parents should just be happy that the infant is
b. The time immediately after birth is a critical healthy is inappropriate because it is derogatory and belittling.
period for people.
c. Early contact is essential for optimum parent-
infant relationships.
d. They should just be happy that the infant is
84. A number of methods to assist in the assessment of fetal C) Fetal pulse oximetry.
well-being have been developed for use in conjunction p. 436 (book says this has been withdrawn from the market)
with electronic fetal monitoring. These various
technologies assist in supporting interventions for a
nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern when necessary.
The labor and delivery nurse should be aware that one of
these modalities, fetal oxygen saturation monitoring,
includes the use of:
A) Fetal blood sampling
B) Umbilical cord acid-base determination
C) Fetal pulse oximetry.
D) A fetal acoustic stimulator.
85. The nurse assessing a newborn knows that the most ANS: D
critical physiologic change required of the newborn is: The most critical adjustment of a newborn at birth is the establishment
a. Closure of fetal shunts in the circulatory system. of respirations. The cardiovascular system changes markedly after birth
b. Full function of the immune defense system at birth. as a result of fetal respiration, which reduces pulmonary vascular
c. Maintenance of a stable temperature. resistance to the pulmonary blood flow and initiates a chain of cardiac
d. Initiation and maintenance of respirations. changes that support the cardiovascular system. The infant relies on
passive immunity received from the mother for the first 3 months of life.
After the establishment of respirations, heat regulation is critical to
newborn survival.
86. The nurse can help a father in his transition to ANS: A
parenthood by: Infants respond to the sound of voices. Because attachment involves a
a. Pointing out that the infant turned at the sound of his reciprocal interchange, observing the interaction between parent and
voice. infant is very important. Separation of the parent and infant does not
b. Encouraging him to go home to get some sleep. encourage parent-infant attachment. Educating the parent in infant care
c. Telling him to tape the infant's diaper a different way. techniques is important, but the manner in which a diaper is taped is not
d. Suggesting that he let the infant sleep in the bassinet. relevant and does not enhance parent-infant interactions.
Parent-infant attachment involves touching, holding, and cuddling. It is
appropriate for a father to want to hold the infant as the baby sleeps.
87. The nurse caring for the newborn should be aware that ANS: A
the sensory system least mature at the time of birth is: The visual system continues to develop for the first 6 months. As soon
a. Vision. c. Smell. as the amniotic fluid drains from the ear (minutes), the infant's hearing is
b. Hearing. d. Taste. similar to that of an adult. Newborns have a highly developed sense of
smell. The newborn can distinguish and react to various tastes.
88. The nurse caring for the woman in labor should A) Uteroplacental insufficiency.
understand that maternal hypotension can result in:
A) Uteroplacental insufficiency.
B) Spontaneous rupture of membranes
C) Fetal dysrhythmias.
D) Early decelerations.
89. The nurse expects to administer an oxytocic (e.g., Pitocin, B) Stimulate uterine contraction
Methergine) to a woman after expulsion of her placenta
A) Relieve pain.
B) Stimulate uterine contraction
C) Prevent infection
D) Facilitate rest and relaxation.
90. The nurse has received a report about D) The cervix is 4 cm dilated, it is effaced 80%, and the presenting part is 2 cm above the
a woman in labor. The woman's last ischial spines
vaginal examination was recorded as
4, 80%, and -2. The nurse's
interpretation of this assessment is
A) The cervix is dilated 4 cm, it is
effaced 80%, and the presenting part
is 2 cm below the ischial spines
B) The cervix is effaced 4 cm, it is
dilated 80%, and the presenting part is
2 cm below the ischial spines.
C) The cervix is effaced 4 cm, it is
dilated 80%, and the presenting part is
2 cm above the ischial spines
D) The cervix is 4 cm dilated, it is
effaced 80%, and the presenting part
is 2 cm above the ischial spines
91. The nurse hears a primiparous woman ANS: C
talking to her son and telling him that Claiming refers to the process by which the child is identified in terms of likeness to other
his chin is just like his dad's chin. This family members. Mutuality occurs when the infant's behaviors and characteristics call forth
woman's statement reflects: a corresponding set of maternal behaviors and characteristics. Synchrony refers to the "fit"
a. Mutuality. c. Claiming. between the infant's cues and the parent's responses. Reciprocity is a type of body
b. Synchrony. d. Reciprocity. movement or behavior that provides the observer with cues.
92. The nurse is caring for a client whose C) A fetal heart rate (FHR) of 180 with absence of variability.
labor is being augmented with
oxytocin. He or she recognizes that
the oxytocin should be discontinued
immediately if there is evidence of:
A) Uterine contractions occurring
every 8 to 10 minutes
B) Rupture of the client's amniotic
C) A fetal heart rate (FHR) of 180 with
absence of variability.
D) The client needing to void.
93. The nurse is caring for a woman who is A) Decreased urinary output and irritability
at 24 weeks of gestation with C) Ankle clonus and epigastric pain
suspected severe preeclampsia. Which D) Platelet count of less than 100,000/mm3 and visual problems
signs and symptoms would the nurse RATIONAL:
expect to observe? A transient headache and +1 proteinuria are signs of preeclampsia and should be
Select all that apply. monitored. Seizure activity and hyperreflexia are signs of eclampsia.
A) Decreased urinary output and
B) Transient headache and +1
C) Ankle clonus and epigastric pain
D) Platelet count of less than
100,000/mm3 and visual problems
E) Seizure activity and hypotension
94. The nurse is preparing to discharge a 30-year- C) "I should eat foods that are high in iron and protein to help my body heal."
old woman who has experienced a miscarriage
at 10 weeks of gestation. Which statement by
the woman would indicate a correct
understanding of the discharge instructions?
A) "I will not experience mood swings since I
was only at 10 weeks of gestation."
B) "I will avoid sexual intercourse for 6 weeks
and pregnancy for 6 months."
C) "I should eat foods that are high in iron and
protein to help my body heal."
D) "I should expect the bleeding to be heavy
and bright red for at lease 1 week."
95. The nurse notes that a Vietnamese woman does ANS: A
not cuddle or interact with her newborn other The nurse may observe a Vietnamese woman who gives minimal care to her infant
than to feed him, change his diapers or soiled and refuses to cuddle or interact with her infant. The apparent lack of interest in
clothes, and put him to bed. In evaluating the the newborn is this cultural group's attempt to ward off evil spirits and actually
woman's behavior with her infant, the nurse reflects an intense love and concern for the infant. It is important to educate the
realizes that: woman in infant care, but it is equally important to acknowledge her cultural
a. What appears to be a lack of interest in the beliefs and practices.
newborn is in fact the Vietnamese way of
demonstrating intense love by attempting to
ward off evil spirits.
b. The woman is inexperienced in caring for
c. The woman needs a referral to a social
worker for further evaluation of her parenting
behaviors once she goes home with the
d. Extra time needs to be planned for assisting
the woman in bonding with her newborn.
96. The nurse observes several interactions ANS: B
between a postpartum woman and her new son. The woman should be encouraged to hold her infant in the en face position and
What behavior, if exhibited by this woman, make eye contact with the infant. Normal infant-parent interactions include talking
would the nurse identify as a possible and cooing to her son, cuddling her son close to her, and telling visitors how well
maladaptive behavior regarding parent-infant her son is feeing.
a. Talks and coos to her son
b. Seldom makes eye contact with her son
c. Cuddles her son close to her
d. Tells visitors how well her son is feeding
97. The nurse observes that a 15- ANS: B
year-old mother seems to Pointing out the responsiveness of the infant is a positive strategy for facilitating parent-infant
ignore her newborn. A attachment. Telling the mother that she must pay attention to her infant may be perceived as
strategy that the nurse can derogatory and is not appropriate. Educating the young mother in infant care is important, but
use to facilitate mother-infant pointing out the responsiveness of her baby is a better tool for facilitating mother-infant attachment.
attachment in this mother is Videos are an educational tool that can demonstrate parent-infant attachment, but encouraging the
to: mother to recognize the infant's responsiveness is more appropriate.
a. Tell the mother she must
pay attention to her infant.
b. Show the mother how the
infant initiates interaction and
pays attention to her.
c. Demonstrate for the mother
different positions for holding
her infant while feeding.
d. Arrange for the mother to
watch a video on parent-
infant interaction.
98. The nurse practicing in the ANS: C
perinatal setting should Kangaroo care is skin-to-skin holding in which the infant, dressed only in a diaper, is placed directly
promote kangaroo care on the parent's bare chest and then covered. The procedure helps infants interact with their parents
regardless of an infant's and regulates their temperature, among other developmental benefits.
gestational age. This
a. Is adopted from classical
British nursing traditions.
b. Helps infants with motor
and central nervous system
c. Helps infants to interact
directly with their parents and
enhances their temperature
d. Gets infants ready for
99. The nurse providing care for A) Assessing for dyspnea and crackles
a woman with preterm labor
on terbutaline would include
which intervention to identify
side effects of the drug?
A) Assessing for dyspnea and
B) Assessing for bradycardia
C) Assessing deep tendon
reflexes (DTRs)
D) Assessing for
100. The nurse providing care for the laboring woman should understand that accelerations with D) Are reassuring.
fetal movement: p. 427
A) Are caused by umbilical cord compression
B) Are caused by uteroplacental insufficiency
C) Warrant close observation
D) Are reassuring.
101. The nurse providing care for the laboring woman should understand that amnioinfusion is C) Variable decelerations
used to treat: p. 432 & 436; see box 17-5
A) Fetal tachycardia.
B) Fetal bradycardia.
C) Variable decelerations
D) Late decelerations.
102. The nurse providing care for the laboring woman should understand that late fetal heart C) Uteroplacental insufficiency
rate (FHR) decelerations are caused by: p. 432; see box 17-4
A) Altered cerebral blood flow
B) Spontaneous rupture of membranes
C) Uteroplacental insufficiency
D) Umbilical cord compression
103. The nurse providing care for the laboring woman should understand that variable fetal A) Umbilical cord compression.
heart rate (FHR) decelerations are caused by: p. 432
A) Umbilical cord compression.
B) Altered fetal cerebral blood flow
C) Fetal hypoxemia.
D) Uteroplacental insufficiency
104. The nurse recognizes that uterine hyperstimulation with oxytocin requires emergency B) Uterine contractions lasting >90
interventions. What clinical cues would alert the nurse that the woman is experiencing seconds and occurring <2 minutes in
uterine hyperstimulation? Choose all that apply. frequency
A) Uterine contractions lasting <90 seconds and occurring >2 minutes in frequency C) Uterine resting tone >20 mm Hg
B) Uterine contractions lasting >90 seconds and occurring <2 minutes in frequency E) Increased uterine activity
C) Uterine resting tone >20 mm Hg accompanied by a nonreassuring
D) Uterine resting tone <20 mm Hg fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern
E) Increased uterine activity accompanied by a nonreassuring fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern
105. Nurses can help their clients by keeping them informed about the distinctive stages of B) Active: Moderate, regular
labor. What description of the phases of the first stage of labor is accurate? contractions; 4- to 7-cm dilation;
A) Latent: Mild, regular contractions; no dilation; bloody show; duration of 2 to 4 hours duration of 3 to 6 hours
B) Active: Moderate, regular contractions; 4- to 7-cm dilation; duration of 3 to 6 hours
C) Lull: No contractions; dilation stable; duration of 20 to 60 minutes
D) Transition: Very strong but irregular contractions; 8- to 10-cm dilation; duration of 3-4
106. The nurse should realize that the most D. Hypotension.
common and potentially harmful RATIONAL:
maternal complication of epidural Epidural anesthesia can lead to vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure that could
anesthesia is: interfere with adequate placental perfusion. The woman must be well hydrated before
A. Severe postpartum headache. and during epidural anesthesia to prevent this problem and maintain an adequate blood
B. Limited perception of bladder pressure.
C. Increase in respiratory rate.
D. Hypotension.
107. The nurse should tell a primigravida that A. Progressive uterine contractions.
the definitive sign indicating that labor
has begun would be:
A. Progressive uterine contractions.
B. Lightening.
C. Rupture of membranes.
D. Passage of the mucous plug
108. Nurses should know some basic A) Preterm labor is defined as cervical changes and uterine contractions occurring
definitions concerning preterm birth, between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.
preterm labor, and low birth weight. For
A) Preterm labor is defined as cervical
changes and uterine contractions
occurring between 20 and 37 weeks of
B) In the United States early in this
century, preterm birth accounted for 18%
to 20% of all births.
C) Low birth weight is anything below 3.7
D) The terms preterm birth and low birth
weight can be used interchangeably.
109. Nursing activities that ANS: D
promote parent-infant
attachment are many Care providers need to knock before gaining entry. Nursing care activities should be grouped. Once the
and varied. One activity baby has demonstrated adjustment to extrauterine life (either in the mother's room or the transitional
that should not be nursery), all care should be provided in one location. This important principle of family-centered maternity
overlooked is the care fosters attachment by giving parents the opportunity to learn about their infant 24 hours a day. One
management of the nurse should provide care to both mother and baby in this couplet care or rooming-in model. It is not
environment. While necessary for the baby to return to the nursery at night. In fact, the mother will sleep better with the infant
providing routine close by. Care should be individualized to meet the parents' needs, not the routines of the staff. Teaching
mother-baby care, the goals should be developed in collaboration with the parents. The father or other significant other should
nurse should ensure be permitted to sleep in the room with the mother. The maternity unit should develop policies that allow
that: for the presence of significant others as much as the new mother desires.
a. The baby is able to
return to the nursery at
night so that the new
mother can sleep.
b. Routine times for
care are established to
reassure the parents.
c. The father should be
encouraged to go home
at night to prepare for
mother-baby discharge.
d. An environment that
fosters as much privacy
as possible should be
110. Nursing care in the fourth ANS: D
trimester includes an important
intervention sometimes referred Many professionals believe that the nurse's nurturing and support function is more important
to as taking the time to mother than providing physical care and teaching. Matching ID wrist bands is more of a formality, but it
the mother. Specifically this is also a get-acquainted procedure. "Mothering the mother" is more a process of encouraging
expression refers to: and supporting the woman in her new role. Having the mother check IDs is a security measure
a. Formally initializing for protecting the baby from abduction. Teaching the whole family is just good nursing practice.
individualized care by confirming ANS: D
the woman's and infant's
identification (ID) numbers on Many professionals believe that the nurse's nurturing and support function is more important
their respective wrist bands. ("This than providing physical care and teaching. Matching ID wrist bands is more of a formality, but it
is your baby.") is also a get-acquainted procedure. "Mothering the mother" is more a process of encouraging
b. Teaching the mother to check and supporting the woman in her new role. Having the mother check IDs is a security measure
the identity of any person who for protecting the baby from abduction. Teaching the whole family is just good nursing practice.
comes to remove the baby from
the room. ("It's a dangerous world
out there.")
c. Including other family members
in the teaching of self-care and
child care. ("We're all in this
d. Nurturing the woman by
providing encouragement and
support as she takes on the many
tasks of motherhood.
111. Nursing care measures are A) Massaging the woman's back
commonly offered to women in
labor. Which nursing measure
reflects application of the gate-
control theory?
A) Massaging the woman's back
B) Changing the woman's position
C) Giving the prescribed
D) Encouraging the woman to rest
between contractions
112. Of the many factors that influence ANS: C
parental responses, nurses should be Adolescent mothers are more inclined to have a number of parenting difficulties that
aware that all of these statements benefit from counseling, but a higher incidence of child abuse is not one of them. Midlife
regarding age are true except: mothers have many competencies but are more likely to have to deal with career and
a. An adolescent mother's sexual issues than are younger mothers.
egocentricity and unmet
developmental needs interfere with
her ability to parent effectively.
b. An adolescent mother is likely to
use less verbal instruction, be less
responsive, and interact less
positively than other mothers.
c. Adolescent mothers have a higher
documented incidence of child abuse.
d. Mothers older than 35 often deal
with more stress related to work and
career issues and decreasing libido.
113. On completion of a vaginal A. The fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines.
examination on a laboring woman,
the nurse records: 50%, 6 cm, -1. What
is a correct interpretation of the
A. The fetal presenting part is 1 cm
above the ischial spines.
B. Effacement is 4 cm from
C. Dilation is 50% completed.
D. The fetus has achieved passage
through the ischial spines.
114. On day 3 of life, a newborn continues ANS: D
to require 100% oxygen by nasal "You may hold your baby during the feeding" is an accurate statement. Parental interaction
cannula. The parents ask if they can via holding is encouraged during gavage feedings so that the infant will associate the
hold their infant during his next feeding with positive interactions. Nasal cannula oxygen therapy allows for easier feedings
gavage feeding. Given that this and psychosocial interactions. The parent can swaddle the infant during gavage feedings to
newborn is physiologically stable, help the infant associate the feeding with positive interactions. Some parents like to do
what response would the nurse give? kangaroo care while gavage feeding their infant. Swaddling or kangaroo care during
a. "Parents are not allowed to hold feedings provides positive interactions for the infant.
infants who depend on oxygen."
b. "You may only hold your baby's
hand during the feeding."
c. "Feedings cause more physiologic
stress, so the baby must be closely
monitored. Therefore, I don't think
you should hold the baby."
d. "You may hold your baby during
the feeding."
115. One reason the brain is vulnerable to ANS: D
nutritional deficiencies and trauma in The vulnerability of the brain likely is to the result of the cerebellum growth spurt. The
early infancy is the: neuromuscular system is almost completely developed at birth. The reflex system is not
a. Incompletely developed relevant. The various sleep-wake states are not relevant.
neuromuscular system.
b. Primitive reflex system.
c. Presence of various sleep-wake
d. Cerebellum growth spurt.
116. On examining a woman who gave birth 5 ANS: D
hours ago, the nurse finds that the woman The nurse should assess the uterus for atony. Uterine tone must be established to
has completely saturated a perineal pad prevent excessive blood loss. The nurse may begin an IV infusion to restore circulatory
within 15 minutes. The nurse's first action is volume, but this would not be the first action. Blood pressure is not a reliable indicator
to: of impending shock from impending hemorrhage; assessing vital signs should not be
a. Begin an intravenous (IV) infusion of the nurse's first action. The physician would be notified after the nurse completes the
Ringer's lactate solution. assessment of the woman.
b. Assess the woman's vital signs.
c. Call the woman's primary health care
d. Massage the woman's fundus.
117. On review of a fetal monitor tracing, the A. Describe the finding in the nurse's notes.
nurse notes that for several contractions RATIONAL:
the fetal heart rate decelerates as a An early deceleration pattern from head compression is described. No action other
contraction begins and returns to baseline than documentation of the finding is required since this is an expected reaction to
just before it ends. The nurse should: compression of the fetal head as it passes through the cervix.
A. Describe the finding in the nurse's notes.
B. Reposition the woman onto her side.
C. Call the physician for instructions.
D. Administer oxygen at 8 to 10 L/min with a
tight face mask.
118. Other early sensual contacts between ANS: B
infant and mother involve sound and smell. Infants know the sound of their mother's voice early. Infants respond positively to
Nurses should be aware that, despite what high-pitched voices. Each infant has a unique odor. Infants quickly learn to distinguish
folk wisdom might say: the odor of their mother's breast milk.
a. High-pitched voices irritate newborns.
b. Infants can learn to distinguish their
mother's voice from others soon after birth.
c. All babies in the hospital smell alike.
d. A mother's breast milk has no distinctive
119. The parents of a newborn ask the nurse ANS: B
how much the newborn can see. The "Infants can track their parent's eyes and distinguish patterns; they prefer complex
parents specifically want to know what patterns" is an accurate statement. Development of the visual system continues for the
type of visual stimuli they should provide first 6 months of life. Visual acuity is difficult to determine, but the clearest visual
for their newborn. The nurse responds to distance for the newborn appears to be 19 cm. Infants prefer to look at complex
the parents by telling them: patterns, regardless of the color. Infants prefer low illumination and withdraw from
a. "Infants can see very little until about 3 bright light.
months of age."
b. "Infants can track their parent's eyes and
distinguish patterns; they prefer complex
c. "The infant's eyes must be protected.
Infants enjoy looking at brightly colored
d. "It's important to shield the newborn's
eyes. Overhead lights help them see
120. Part of the health assessment of a newborn is observing the ANS: A
infant's breathing pattern. A full-term newborn's breathing In normal infant respiration the chest and abdomen rise
pattern is predominantly: synchronously, and breaths are shallow and irregular. Breathing
a. Abdominal with synchronous chest movements. with nasal flaring is a sign of respiratory distress. Diaphragmatic
b. Chest breathing with nasal flaring. breathing with chest retraction is a sign of respiratory distress.
c. Diaphragmatic with chest retraction. Infant breaths are not deep with a regular rhythm
d. Deep with a regular rhythm.
121. Perinatal nurses are legally responsible for: B) Correctly interpreting fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns, initiating
A) Applying the external fetal monitor and notifying the care appropriate nursing interventions, and documenting the
provider. outcomes.
B) Correctly interpreting fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns, p. 434
initiating appropriate nursing interventions, and documenting
the outcomes.
C) Greeting the client on arrival, assessing her, and starting an
intravenous line.
D) Making sure that the woman is comfortable.
122. A plan of care for an infant experiencing symptoms of drug ANS: C
withdrawal should include: The infant should be wrapped snugly to reduce self-stimulation
a. Administering chloral hydrate for sedation. behaviors and protect the skin from abrasions. Phenobarbital or
b. Feeding every 4 to 6 hours to allow extra rest. diazepam may be administered to decrease central nervous
c. Swaddling the infant snugly and holding the baby tightly. system (CNS) irritability. The infant should be fed in small, frequent
d. Playing soft music during feeding. amounts and burped well to diminish aspiration and maintain
hydration. The infant should not be stimulated (such as with music)
because this will increase activity and potentially increase CNS
123. A pregnant couple has formulated a birth plan and is D. "We do not want the fetal monitor used during labor since it will
reviewing it with the nurse at an expectant parent's class. interfere with movement and doing effleurage."
Which aspect of their birth plan would be considered RATIONAL:
unrealistic and require further discussion with the nurse? Since monitoring is essential to assess fetal well-being, it is not a
A. "My husband and I have agreed that my sister will be my factor that can be determined by the couple. The nurse should
coach since he becomes anxious with regard to medical fully explain its importance. The option for intermittent electronic
procedures and blood. He will be nearby and check on me monitoring could be explored if this is a low risk pregnancy and as
every so often to make sure everything is OK." long as labor is progressing normally.
B. "We plan to use the techniques taught in the Lamaze classes
to reduce the pain experienced during labor."
C. "We want the labor and birth to take place in a birthing
room. My husband will come in the minute the baby is born."
D. "We do not want the fetal monitor used during labor since it
will interfere with movement and doing effleurage."
124. A pregnant woman at 37 weeks of gestation has had ruptured ANS: D
membranes for 26 hours. A cesarean section is performed for The prolonged rupture of membranes and the tachypnea (before
failure to progress. The fetal heart rate (FHR) before birth is and after birth) both suggest sepsis. An FHR of 180 beats/min is
180 beats/min with limited variability. At birth the newborn has also indicative. This infant is at high risk for sepsis.
Apgar scores of 6 and 7 at 1 and 5 minutes and is noted to be
pale and tachypneic. On the basis of the maternal history, the
cause of this newborn's distress is most likely to be:
a. Hypoglycemia. c. Respiratory distress syndrome.
b. Phrenic nerve injury. d. Sepsis.
125. A pregnant woman has been receiving a A) Discontinues the magnesium sulfate infusion.
magnesium sulfate infusion for treatment of severe
preeclampsia for 24 hours. On assessment the
nurse finds the following vital signs: temperature of
37.3° C, pulse rate of 88 beats/min, respiratory rate
of 10 breaths/min, blood pressure (BP) of 148/90
mm Hg, absent deep tendon reflexes, and no ankle
clonus. The client complains, "I'm so thirsty and
warm." The nurse:
A) Discontinues the magnesium sulfate infusion.
B) Administers oxygen.
C) Calls for a stat magnesium sulfate level.
D) Prepares to administer hydralazine.
126. A pregnant woman presents in labor at term, ANS: A
having had no prenatal care. After birth her infant is The description of the infant suggests fetal alcohol syndrome, which is
noted to be small for gestational age with small consistent with maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Fetal brain,
eyes and a thin upper lip. The infant also is kidney, and urogenital system malformations have been associated with
microcephalic. On the basis of her infant's physical maternal cocaine ingestions. Heroin use in pregnancy frequently results in
findings, this woman should be questioned about intrauterine growth restriction. The infant may have a shrill cry and sleep
her use of which substance during pregnancy? cycle disturbances and present with poor feeding, tachypnea, vomiting,
a. Alcohol c. Heroin diarrhea, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and sweating. Studies have found a
b. Cocaine d. Marijuana higher incidence of meconium staining in infants born of mothers who used
marijuana during pregnancy.
127. A pregnant woman's amniotic membranes rupture. D) Placing the woman in the knee-chest position
Prolapsed cord is suspected. What intervention
would be the top priority?
A) Starting oxygen by face mask
B) Preparing the woman for a cesarean birth
C) Covering the cord in sterile gauze soaked in
D) Placing the woman in the knee-chest position
128. A pregnant woman was admitted for induction of ANS: A
labor at 43 weeks of gestation with sure dates. A Meconium aspiration, hypoglycemia, and dry, cracked skin are consistent with
nonstress test (NST) in the obstetrician's office a postmature infant. Excessive vernix caseosa covering the skin, lethargy, and
revealed a nonreactive tracing. On artificial rupture respiratory distress syndrome would be consistent with a very premature
of membranes, thick, meconium-stained fluid was infant. The skin may be meconium stained, but the infant would most likely
noted. The nurse caring for the infant after birth have longer hair and decreased amounts of subcutaneous fat. Postmaturity
should anticipate: with a nonreactive NST would indicate hypoxia. Signs and symptoms
a. Meconium aspiration, hypoglycemia, and dry, associated with fetal hypoxia are hypoglycemia, temperature instability, and
cracked skin. lethargy
b. Excessive vernix caseosa covering the skin,
lethargy, and respiratory distress syndrome.
c. Golden yellow- to green stained-skin and nails,
absence of scalp hair, and an increased amount of
subcutaneous fat.
d. Hyperglycemia, hyperthermia, and an alert,
wide-eyed appearance.
129. Premature infants who exhibit 5 to 10 seconds of ANS: D
respiratory pauses followed by 10 to 15 seconds of This pattern is called periodic breathing and is common to premature infants.
compensatory rapid respiration are: It may still require nursing intervention of oxygen and/or ventilation. Apnea is
a. Suffering from sleep or wakeful apnea. a cessation of respirations for 20 seconds or longer. It should not be
b. Experiencing severe swings in blood pressure. confused with periodic breathing.
c. Trying to maintain a neutral thermal environment.
d. Breathing in a respiratory pattern common to
premature infants.
130. A premature infant with ANS: A
respiratory distress Surfactant can be administered as an adjunct to oxygen and ventilation therapy. With administration of
syndrome receives artificial surfactant, respiratory compliance is improved until the infant can generate enough surfactant on
artificial surfactant. his or her own. Surfactant has no bearing on the sedation needs of the infant. Surfactant is used to
How would the nurse improve respiratory compliance, including the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The goal of
explain surfactant surfactant therapy in an infant with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is to stimulate production of
therapy to the parents? surfactant in the type 2 cells of the alveoli. The clinical presentation of RDS and neonatal pneumonia may
a. "Surfactant improves be similar. The infant may be started on broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat infection.
the ability of your
baby's lungs to
exchange oxygen and
carbon dioxide."
b. "The drug keeps your
baby from requiring
too much sedation."
c. "Surfactant is used to
reduce episodes of
periodic apnea."
d. "Your baby needs
this medication to fight
a possible respiratory
tract infection."
131. Prepidil (prostaglandin D) Ripen the cervix in preparation for labor induction.
gel) has been ordered
for a pregnant woman
at 43 weeks of
gestation. The nurse
recognizes that this
medication will be
administered to:
A) Increase amniotic
fluid volume.
B) Stimulate the
amniotic membranes to
C) Enhance
perfusion in an aging
D) Ripen the cervix in
preparation for labor
132. A primigravida asks the D. Bloody show.
nurse about signs she RATIONAL:
can look for that would Passage of the mucous plug (operculum) also termed pink/bloody show occurs as the cervix ripens.
indicate that the onset
of labor is getting
closer. The nurse
should describe:
A. Weight gain of 1 to 3
B. Quickening.
C. Fatigue and lethargy.
D. Bloody show.
133. A primigravida has just delivered a healthy infant girl. The ANS: C
nurse is about to administer erythromycin ointment in the
infant's eyes when the mother asks, "What is that medicine With the prophylactic use of erythromycin, the incidence of
for?" The nurse responds: gonococcal conjunctivitis has declined to less than 0.5%. Eye
a. "It is an eye ointment to help your baby see you better." prophylaxis is administered at or shortly after birth to prevent
b. "It is to protect your baby from contracting herpes from ophthalmia neonatorum. Erythromycin has no bearing on enhancing
your vaginal tract." vision, is used to prevent an infection caused by gonorrhea, not
c. "Erythromycin is given prophylactically to prevent a herpes, and is not used for eye lubrication.
gonorrheal infection."
d. "This medicine will protect your baby's eyes from
drying out over the next few days."
134. A primigravida is being monitored in her prenatal clinic A) A dipstick value of 3+ for protein in her urine
for preeclampsia. What finding should concern her nurse?
A) A dipstick value of 3+ for protein in her urine
B) Pitting pedal edema at the end of the day
C) Blood pressure (BP) increase to 138/86 mm Hg
D) Weight gain of 0.5 kg during the past 2 weeks
135. A primiparous woman is in the triage room being A) Offer morphine IM, and a sedative to help her sleep.
evaluated for labor. She has been having contractions for
2 days, has slept little and is feeling exhausted. On
cervical exam she is 1.5 cm dilated, 50% effaced, -1 station
- which is not changed from a day ago. Contractions are
irregular, 30-40 secs long. Which of the following is the
best option for her?
A) Offer morphine IM, and a sedative to help her sleep.
B) Admit her and give her an epidural.
C) Tell her to go home, relax
D) Give her a couple of seconal to help her sleep.
136. A primiparous woman is to be discharged from the ANS: A
hospital tomorrow with her infant girl. Which behavior
indicates a need for further intervention by the nurse Leaving an infant on a bed unattended is never acceptable for various
before the woman can be discharged? safety reasons. Holding and cuddling the infant after feeding and
a. The woman leaves the infant on her bed while she takes reading a magazine while the infant sleeps are appropriate parent-
a shower. infant interactions. Changing the diaper and then showing the nurse
b. The woman continues to hold and cuddle her infant the contents of the diaper is appropriate because the mother is
after she has fed her. seeking approval from the nurse and notifying the nurse of the infant's
c. The woman reads a magazine while her infant sleeps. elimination patterns.
d. The woman changes her infant's diaper and then shows
the nurse the contents of the diaper.
137. The priority nursing ANS: D
diagnosis for a Herniation of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity may cause severe respiratory distress and
newborn diagnosed represent a neonatal emergency. Oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and the correction of acidosis are
with a necessary in infants with large defects. Although the nursing diagnoses of Risk for impaired parent-infant
diaphragmatic attachment, Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, and Risk for infection may be factors in
hernia would be: providing care to a newborn with a diaphragmatic hernia, the priority nursing diagnosis relates to the
a. Risk for impaired oxygenation issues arising from the lung hypoplasia that occurs with diaphragmatic hernia.
b. Imbalanced
nutrition: less than
body requirements.
c. Risk for infection.
d. Impaired gas
138. Providing care for ANS: C
the neonate born to
a mother who Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is the term used to describe the cohort of symptoms associated with
abuses substances drug withdrawal in the neonate. The Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System evaluates CNS, metabolic,
can present a vasomotor, respiratory, and gastrointestinal disturbances. This evaluation tool enables the care team to
challenge for the develop an appropriate plan of care. The infant is scored throughout the length of stay, and the treatment
health care team. plan is adjusted accordingly. Pharmacologic treatment is based on the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
Nursing care for this Symptoms are determined by using a standard assessment tool. Medications of choice are morphine,
infant requires a phenobarbital, diazepam, or diluted tincture of opium. Swaddling, holding, and reducing environmental
multisystem stimuli are essential in providing care to the infant who is experiencing withdrawal. These nursing interventions
approach. The first are appropriate for the infant who displays central nervous system (CNS) disturbances. Poor feeding is one of
step in the provision the gastrointestinal symptoms common to this client population. Fluid and electrolyte balance must be
of this care is: maintained, and adequate nutrition provided. These infants often have a poor suck reflex and may need to be
a. Pharmacologic fed via gavage.
b. Reduction of
c. Neonatal
syndrome scoring.
d. Adequate
nutrition and
maintenance of fluid
and electrolyte
139. A recently ANS: C
delivered mother
and her baby are If the mother is having difficulty naming her new infant, it may be a signal that she is not adapting well to
at the clinic for a parenthood. Other red flags include refusal to hold or feed the baby, lack of interaction with the infant, and
6-week becoming upset when the baby vomits or needs a diaper change. A new mother who is having difficulty would
postpartum be unwilling to discuss her labor and birth experience. An appropriate nursing diagnosis might be impaired
checkup. The nurse parenting related to a long, difficult labor or unmet expectations of birth. A mother who is willing to discuss
should be her birth experience is making a healthy personal adjustment. The mother who is not coping well would find
concerned that her baby unattractive and messy. She may also be overly disappointed in the baby's sex. The client might voice
psychosocial concern that the baby reminds her of a family member whom she does not like. Having a partner and/or other
outcomes are not family members react positively is an indication that this new mother has a good support system in place. This
being met if the support system will help reduce anxiety related to her new role as a mother.
a. Discusses her
labor and birth
b. Believes that her
baby is more
attractive and
clever than any
c. Has not given
the baby a name.
d. Has a partner or
family members
who react very
positively about
the baby.
140. Risk factors ANS: A, B, C
associated with Risk factors for NEC include asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, umbilical artery catheterization, exchange
necrotizing transfusion, early enteral feedings, patent ductus arteriosus, congenital heart disease, polycythemia, anemia,
enterocolitis (NEC) shock, and gastrointestinal infection.
include (choose all Bronchopulmonary dysphasia and retinopathy are not associated with NEC.
that apply):
a. Polycythemia.
b. Anemia.
c. Congenital heart
e. Retinopathy.
141. The role of the nurse with regard to informed consent is to: B) Act as a client advocate and help clarify the procedure
A) Inform the client about the procedure and have her sign the and the options.
consent form.
B) Act as a client advocate and help clarify the procedure and the
C) Call the physician to see the client
D) Witness the signing of the consent form.
142. Select ALL that are true about post dates pregnancy. A) After the due date, women should have assessments of
A) After the due date, women should have assessments of fetal well fetal well beings which could include fetal movement
beings which could include fetal movement counting, biophysical counting, biophysical profile and non stress test.
profile and non stress test. C) Risks associated with going past 42 weeks gestation
B) All women should be induced within a few days part their due date. include a large baby, low amniotic fluid, meconium
C) Risks associated with going past 42 weeks gestation include a large aspiration syndrome, and fetal distress in labor.
baby, low amniotic fluid, meconium aspiration syndrome, and fetal
distress in labor.
D) An amniotic fluid index of less than 8 has been associated with a
higher incidence of Apgar scores less than 7 at 5 minutes.
143. Through vaginal examination the nurse determines that a woman is 4 B) First stage, active phase
cm dilated, and the external fetal monitor shows uterine contractions
every 3.5 to 4 minutes. The nurse would report this as:
A) First stage, latent phase
B) First stage, active phase
C) First stage, transition phase
D) Second stage, latent phase
144. To adequately care for a laboring woman, the nurse knows that which A) First
stage of labor varies the most in length? p. 387-388
A) First
B) Fourth
C) Third
D) Second
145. To assess uterine contractions the nurse would D) Assess duration from beginning to end of each
A) Asses duration from the beginning of the contraction to the peak of contraction., frequency by measuring the time between
the same contraction, frequency by measuring the time between the the beginnings of contractions, and palpate the fundus of
beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction. the uterus for strength.
B) Assess frequency as the time between the end of one contraction p. 453
and the beginning of the next contraction, duration as the length of
time from the beginning to the end of contractions, and palpate the
uterus for strength
C) Assess duration from beginning to end of each contraction. Assess
the strength of the contraction by the external fetal monitor reading.
Measure frequency by measuring the beginning of one contraction to
D) Assess duration from beginning to end of each contraction.,
frequency by measuring the time between the beginnings of
contractions, and palpate the fundus of the uterus for strength.
146. The transition period between intrauterine and extrauterine ANS: B
existence for the newborn: Changes begin right after birth; the cutoff time when the
a. Consists of four phases, two reactive and two of decreased transition is considered over (although the baby keeps
responses. changing) is 28 days. The transition period has three phases:
b. Lasts from birth to day 28 of life. first reactivity, decreased response, and second reactivity. All
c. Applies to full-term births only. newborns experience this transition regardless of age or type
d. Varies by socioeconomic status and the mother's age. of birth. Although stress can cause variation in the phases, the
mother's age and wealth do not disturb the pattern.
147. The trend in the United States is for women to remain hospitalized ANS: D
no longer than 1 or 2 days after giving birth for all of the Nursing time and care are in demand as much as ever; the
following reasons except: nurse just has to do things more quickly. A wellness orientation
a. A wellness orientation rather than a sick-care model. seems to focus on getting clients out the door sooner. Less
b. A desire to reduce health care costs. hospitalization means lower costs in most cases. People
c. Consumer demand for fewer medical interventions and more believe the family gives more nurturing care than the
family-focused experiences. institution
d. Less need for nursing time as a result of more medical and
technologic advances and devices available at home that can
provide information.
148. Under the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act, all ANS: C
health plans are required to allow new mothers and newborns to The specified stays are 48 hours (2 days) for a vaginal birth
remain in the hospital for a minimum of _____ hours after a normal and 96 hours (4 days) for a cesarean birth. The attending
vaginal birth and for _____ hours after a cesarean birth. provider and the mother together can decide on an earlier
a. 24, 73 c. 48, 96 discharge.
b. 24, 96 d. 48, 120
149. The uterine contractions of a woman early in the active phase of C) Document the findings because they reflect the expected
labor are assessed by an internal uterine pressure catheter contraction pattern for the active phase of labor.
(IUPC). The nurse notes that the intrauterine pressure at the peak
of the contraction ranges from 65 to 70 mm Hg and the resting
tone range is 6 to 10 mm Hg. The uterine contractions occur every
3 to 4 minutes and last an average of 55 to 60 seconds. On the
basis of this information, the nurse should:
A) Notify the woman's primary health care provider immediately
B) Prepare to administer an oxytocic to stimulate uterine activity
C) Document the findings because they reflect the expected
contraction pattern for the active phase of labor.
D) Prepare the woman for the onset of the second stage of labor.
150. Vaginal examinations should be performed by the nurse under all B) When accelerations of the fetal heart rate (FHR) are noted.
of these circumstances EXCEPT:
A) An admission to the hospital at the start of labor.
B) When accelerations of the fetal heart rate (FHR) are noted.
C) On maternal perception of perineal pressure or the urge to
bear down.
D) When membranes rupture.
151. What assessment is least likely to be associated with a breech C) Postterm gestation
A) Fetal heart tones heard at or above the maternal umbilicus
B) Meconium-stained amniotic fluid
C) Postterm gestation
D) Preterm labor and birth
152. What bacterial infection is definitely ANS: D
decreasing because of effective drug Penicillin has significantly decreased the incidence of group B streptococcal infection. E.
treatment? coli may be increasing, perhaps because of the increasing use of ampicillin (resulting in a
a. Escherichia coli infection c. more virulent E. coli resistant to the drug). Tuberculosis is increasing in the United States and
Candidiasis Canada. Candidiasis is a fairly benign fungal infection.
b. Tuberculosis d. Group B
streptococcal infection
153. What concerns about parenthood are ANS: A, B, D, E
often expressed by visually impaired Concerns expressed by visually impaired mothers include infant safety, extra time needed
mothers? Choose all that apply. for parenting activities, transportation, handling other people's reactions, providing proper
a. Infant safety discipline, and missing out visually. Blind people sense reluctance on the part of others to
b. Transportation acknowledge that they have a right to be parents. However, blind parents are fully capable
c. The ability to care for the infant of caring for their infants.
d. Missing out visually
e. Needing extra time for parenting
activities to accommodate the visual
154. What infant response to cool ANS: D
environmental conditions is either The newborn's flexed position guards against heat loss because it reduces the amount of
NOT effective or NOT available to body surface exposed to the environment. The newborn's body is able to constrict the
them? peripheral blood vessels to reduce heat loss. Burning brown fat generates heat. The
a. Constriction of peripheral blood respiratory rate may rise to stimulate muscular activity, which generates heat.
b. Metabolism of brown fat
c. Increased respiratory rates
d. Unflexing from the normal position
155. What is an advantage of external C) The external EFM does not require rupture of membranes or introduction of scalp
electronic fetal monitoring? electrode or IUPC which may introduce risk of infection or fetal scarring.
A) Once correctly applied by the p. 426
nurse, the transducer need not be
repositioned even when the woman
changes positions.
B) The tocotransducer can measure
and record the frequency, regularity,
intensity, and approximate duration
of uterine contractions (UCs).
C) The external EFM does not require
rupture of membranes or
introduction of scalp electrode or
IUPC which may introduce risk of
infection or fetal scarring.
D) The external EFM can accurately
record FHR all the time.
156. What is an expected characteristic of B) Pale, straw color with small white particles
amniotic fluid?
A) Deep yellow color
B) Pale, straw color with small white
C) Acidic result on a Nitrazine test
D) Absence of ferning
157. What is the only known cure for C. Delivery of the fetus
A. Magnesium sulfate
B. Antihypertensive medications
C. Delivery of the fetus
D. Administration of ASA every
day of the pregnancy
158. What marks on a baby's skin may ANS: C
indicate an underlying problem Petechiae (bruises) scattered over the infant's body should be reported to the pediatrician
that requires notification of a because they may indicate underlying problems. Mongolian spots are bluish-black spots that
physician? resemble bruises but fade gradually over months and have no clinical significance.
a. Mongolian spots on the back Telangiectatic nevi (stork bites, angel kisses) fade by the second year and have no clinical
b. Telangiectatic nevi on the nose significance. Erythema toxicum is an appalling-looking rash, but it has no clinical significance
or nape of the neck and requires no treatment.
c. Petechiae scattered over the
infant's body
d. Erythema toxicum anywhere on
the body
159. What position would be least A) Lithotomy
effective when gravity is desired
to assist in fetal descent?
A) Lithotomy
B) Walking
C) Kneeling
D) Sitting
160. What three measures should the A) Reposition the mother, increase intravenous (IV) fluid, and provide oxygen via face mask.
nurse implement to provide
intrauterine resuscitation? Select
the response that best indicates
the priority of actions that should
be taken.
A) Reposition the mother,
increase intravenous (IV) fluid,
and provide oxygen via face
B) Perform a vaginal examination,
reposition the mother, and
provide oxygen via face mask.
C) Administer oxygen to the
mother, increase IV fluid, and
notify the care provider.
D) Call the provider, reposition
the mother, and perform a
vaginal examination
161. What would prevent early ANS: A
discharge of a postpartum The mother's hemoglobin should be above 10 g for early discharge. The birth of an infant at
woman? term is not a criterion that would prevent early discharge. A normal voiding volume is 200 to
a. Hemoglobin <10 g 300 ml per void and does not indicate that the woman should not be discharged early. A
b. Birth at 38 weeks of gestation normal episiotomy would show slight redness and edema and would be dry and approximated
c. Voids about 200 to 300 ml per and would not prevent a woman from being discharged early.
d. Episiotomy that shows slight
redness and edema and is dry
and approximated
162. When assessing a fetal heart rate (FHR) tracing, the B. Initiation of epidural anesthesia that resulted in maternal hypotension.
nurse notes a decrease in the baseline rate from 155 to RATIONAL:
110. The rate of 110 persists for more than 10 minutes. Fetal bradycardia is the pattern described and results from the hypoxia
The nurse could attribute this decrease in baseline to: that would occur when uteroplacental perfusion is reduced by maternal
A. Maternal hyperthyroidism. hypotension. The woman receiving epidural anesthesia needs to be well
B. Initiation of epidural anesthesia that resulted in hydrated before and during induction of the anesthesia to maintain an
maternal hypotension. adequate cardiac output and blood pressure. Assumption of a lateral
C. Maternal infection accompanied by fever. position enhances placental perfusion and should result in a reassuring
D. Alteration in maternal position from semirecumbent FHR pattern.
to lateral.
163. When assessing a multiparous woman who has just A) The placenta has separated.
given birth to an 8-pound boy, the nurse notes that
the woman's fundus is firm and has become globular
in shape. A gush of dark red blood comes from her
vagina. The nurse concludes that:
A) The placenta has separated.
B) A cervical tear occurred during the birth
C) The woman is beginning to hemorrhage.
D) Clots have formed in the upper uterine segment.
164. When assessing a woman in labor, the nurse is aware D) Attitude.
that the relationship of the fetal body parts to one • Lie = relationship between the longitudinal axis of fetus and mother
another is called fetal: • Position = relationship of the presenting part to the 4 quadrants of the
A) Lie. mother's pelvis, ie 3 letter abr:
B) Position. 1.) R or L
C) Presentation. 2.) O, S, M or Sc (Occiput, Sacrum, Mentum, SCapula)
D) Attitude. 3.) A, P, or T (Anterior, Posterior, Transverse)
• Presentation = presenting part that overlies pelvic inlet
165. When assessing the fetus using Leopold maneuvers, D) LOA
the nurse feels a round, hard, movable fetal part just p. 422
above the symphysis and a long, smooth surface in
the mother's left side close to midline. In the fundus,
there is a prominence- when pushed the whole body
seems to follow. What is the likely position of the
166. When attempting to diagnose and treat ANS: D
developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), the nurse Because DDH often is not detected at birth, infants should be monitored
should: carefully at follow-up visits. The Ortolani and Barlow tests must be
a. Be able to perform the Ortolani and Barlow tests. performed by experienced clinicians to prevent fracture or other damage
b. Teach double or triple diapering for added support. to the hip. Double or triple diapering is not recommended because it
c. Explain to the parents the need for serial casting. promotes hip extension, thus worsening the problem. Serial casting is
d. Carefully monitor infants for DDH at follow-up done for clubfeet, not DDH.
167. When comparing threatened abortion to inevitable C. Cervical dilation
abortion, inevitable abortion has
A. Increased cramping
B. Increased nausea
C. Cervical dilation
D. Lower levels of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin
168. When dealing with parents who have ANS: B
some form of sensory impairment, Other sensory output can be provided by the parent, other people can participate, and
nurses should realize that all of other coping devices can be used. The skepticism, open or hidden, of health care
these statements are true except: professionals places an additional and unneeded hurdle for the parents. After the parents'
a. One of the major difficulties capabilities have been assessed (including some the nurse may not have expected), the
visually impaired parents nurse can help find ways to assist the parents that play to their strengths. The Internet affords
experience is the skepticism of an extra teaching tool for the deaf, as do videos with subtitles or nurses signing. A number of
health care professionals. electronic devices can turn sound into light flashes to help pick up a child's cry. Sign
b. Visually impaired mothers cannot language is acquired readily by young children.
overcome the infant's need for eye-
to-eye contact.
c. The best approach for the nurse is
to assess the parents' capabilities
rather than focusing on their
d. Technologic advances, including
the Internet, can provide deaf
parents with a full range of
parenting activities and information.
169. When doing an initial assessment on C. Ectopic pregnancy
a newly diagnosed pregnant woman,
she tells the nurse, "In my younger
days, I did some stupid things and
had different types of STDs and
once had a pelvic inflammatory
disease." The nurse is aware that the
woman is at risk for
A. More STDs
B. Preeclampsia
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Gestational diabetes
170. When managing the care of a A) Encouraging the woman to try various upright positions, including squatting and standing.
woman in the second stage of labor, Giving positive feedback about her efforts.
the nurse uses various measures to
enhance the progress of fetal
descent. These measures include:
A) Encouraging the woman to try
various upright positions, including
squatting and standing. Giving
positive feedback about her efforts.
B) Telling the woman to start pushing
as soon as her cervix is fully dilated.
C) Stopping the epidural anesthetic
so the woman can feel the urge to
push and thereby push more
D) Coaching the woman to use
sustained, 10- to 15-second, closed-
glottis bearing-down efforts with
each contraction.
171. When performing vaginal A. Cleanse the vulva and perineum before and after the examination as needed
examinations on laboring RATIONAL:
women, the nurse should be Cleansing will reduce the possibility of secretions and microorganisms ascending into the vagina to
guided by what principle? the cervix. Maternal comfort will also be enhanced. Examinations are never done by the nurse if
A. Cleanse the vulva and vaginal bleeding is present since the bleeding could be a sign of placenta previa and a vaginal
perineum before and after the examination could result in further separation of the low-lying placenta.
examination as needed
B. Wear a clean glove
lubricated with tap water to
reduce discomfort
C. Perform the examination
every hour during the active
phase of the first stage of
D. Perform immediately if
active bleeding is present
172. When planning care for a A) Intrauterine infection
laboring woman whose
membranes have ruptured,
the nurse recognizes that the
woman's risk for _____ has
A) Intrauterine infection
B) Hemorrhage
C) Precipitous labor
D) Supine hypotension
173. When providing an infant with ANS: D
a gavage feeding, which of Documentation of a gavage feeding should include the size of the feeding tube, the amount and
the following should be quality of the residual from the previous feeding, the type and quantity of the fluid instilled, and the
documented each time? infant's response to the procedure. Abdominal circumference is not measured after a gavage
a. The infant's abdominal feeding. Vital signs may be obtained before feeding. However, the infant's response to the feeding
circumference after the is more important. Some older infants may be learning to suck, but the important factor to
feeding document would be the infant's response to the feeding (including attempts to suck
b. The infant's heart rate and
c. The infant's suck and
swallow coordination
d. The infant's response to the
174. When taking an initial D. Both a and b
prenatal history on a woman,
she admitted to cocaine use
during the early days of the
pregnancy. The nurse is aware
that this would put her at risk
A. Placenta previa
B. Abruptio placentae
C. Large for gestational age
D. Both a and b
175. When the infant's behaviors ANS: A
and characteristics call forth a Mutuality extends the concept of attachment to include this shared set of behaviors. Bonding is
corresponding set of maternal the process over time of parents forming an emotional attachment to their infant. Mutuality refers
behaviors and characteristics, to a shared set of behaviors that is a part of the bonding process.
this is called: Claiming is the process by which parents identify their new baby in terms of likeness to other
a. Mutuality. c. Claiming. family members and their differences and uniqueness. Mutuality refers to a shared set of behaviors
b. Bonding. d. Acquaintance. that is part of the bonding process. Like mutuality, acquaintance is part of attachment. It describes
how parents get to know their baby during the immediate postpartum period through eye contact,
touching, and talking.
176. When using intermittent B) The examiner's hand should be placed over the fundus before, during, and after contractions.
auscultation (IA) to assess p. 424
uterine activity, nurses should
be aware that:
A) The resting tone between
contractions is described as
either placid or turbulent
B) The examiner's hand should
be placed over the fundus
before, during, and after
C) The frequency and duration
of contractions is measured in
seconds for consistency
D) Contraction intensity is
given a judgment number of 1
to 7 by the nurse and client
177. Which basic type of pelvis A) Platypelloid: flattened, wide, shallow; 3%
includes the correct p. 383
description and percentage of
occurrence in women?
A) Platypelloid: flattened, wide,
shallow; 3%
B) Anthropoid: resembling the
ape; narrower; 10%
C) Android: resembling the
male; wider oval; 15%
D) Gynecoid: classic female;
heart shaped; 75%
178. Which characteristic is B. Decrease in intensity with ambulation
associated with false labor RATIONAL:
contractions? Although false labor contractions decrease with activity, true labor contractions are enhanced or
A. Painless stimulated with activity such as ambulation.
B. Decrease in intensity with
C. Regular pattern of
frequency established
D. Progressive in terms of
intensity and duration
179. Which finding could ANS: D
prevent early discharge of Infant breastfed once with some difficulty latching on and sucking and once with some success for
a newborn who is now 12 about 5 minutes on each breast indicates that the infant is having some difficulty with breastfeeding.
hours old? The infant needs to complete at least two successful feedings (normal sucking and swallowing) before
a. Birth weight of 3000 g an early discharge. Birth weight of 3000 g; one meconium stool since birth; and voided, clear, pale
b. One meconium stool urine three times since birth are normal infant findings and would not prevent early discharge.
since birth
c. Voided, clear, pale urine
three times since birth
d. Infant breastfed once
with some difficulty
latching on and sucking
and once with some
success for about 5
minutes on each breast.
180. Which finding meets the D. Variability averages between 6 to 10 beats/min.
criteria of a reassuring RATIONAL:
fetal heart rate (FHR) Variability indicates a well-oxygenated fetus with a functioning autonomic nervous system. Late
pattern? deceleration patterns are never reassuring, although early and mild variable decelerations are
A. FHR does not change as expected, reassuring findings.
a result of fetal activity.
B. Average baseline rate
ranges between 100 and
140 beats/min.
C. Mild late deceleration
patterns occur with some
D. Variability averages
between 6 to 10 beats/min.
181. Which infant would be ANS: A
more likely to have Rh If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive and homozygous for the Rh factor, all the
incompatibility? offspring will be Rh positive. Only Rh-positive offspring of an Rh-negative mother are at risk for Rh
a. Infant of an Rh-negative incompatibility. If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive and heterozygous for the
mother and a father who is factor, there is a 50% chance that each infant born of the union will be Rh positive and a 50% chance
Rh positive and that each will be born Rh negative.
homozygous for the Rh
b. Infant who is Rh negative
and whose mother is Rh
c. Infant of an Rh-negative
mother and a father who is
Rh positive and
heterozygous for the Rh
d. Infant who is Rh positive
and whose mother is Rh
182. Which of the following is correct about care for a pregnant woman D) In the ER she is evaluated and treated to hemodynamically
who has experienced blunt trauma in a car accident? (See Labor stabilize her, then she is evaluated with an electronic fetal
Complications Part 4 power point) monitor for a minimum of 4 hours.
A) Rhogam is not necessary for rH negative pregnant women after
a blunt force trauma.
B) If the woman does not have more than 6 ctx an hour she may go
home after 4 hours.
C) The two most common risks are preterm labor and fetal death.
D) In the ER she is evaluated and treated to hemodynamically
stabilize her, then she is evaluated with an electronic fetal monitor
for a minimum of 4 hours.
183. Which of the following is NOT a reason to come to labor and birth. C) The patient is 40 weeks and has contractions that are 8-10
A) The patient is 39 weeks with second baby. She has been having minutes apart, 30 seconds long and been that way for 8
contractions for 2 hours. Contractions are getting longer and hours.
stronger and closer together.
B) The patients says she has noticed greenish fluid leaking from
her vagina. She is 41.5 weeks pregnant and not having contractions.
C) The patient is 40 weeks and has contractions that are 8-10
minutes apart, 30 seconds long and been that way for 8 hours.
D) The patient has not felt the baby move for 8 hours, despite
drinking cold fluids, and nudging the baby with her hand.
184. Which of the following is NOT a reassuring component of the fetal D) Absent FHR Variability
heart rate p. 428
A) FHR of 114
B) Accelerations of the FHR
C) Moderate Variability
D) Absent FHR Variability
185. Which of the following is true about labor dystocia. A) Labor dystocia would be defined if it took longer than an
A) Labor dystocia would be defined if it took longer than an hour hour to dilate 1 cm during active labor in a first time laboring
to dilate 1 cm during active labor in a first time laboring woman. woman.
B) In a nulliparous women with an arrest of labor, the use of pitocin
will only help about 25% of women achieve a vaginal birth.
C) second stage is abnormally long if it takes longer than 1 hour in
a first time mother.
D) When a woman has weak and infrequent contractions it is an
indication that the baby is too large and she needs to have a
Cesarean soon.
186. Which of the following is true about placenta previa. D) Once placenta previa is diagnosed by a 20 week
A) The bleeding from placenta previa usually occurs late in ultrasound, it is very likely the placenta previa will resolve in
pregnancy at term. the third trimester.
B) In evaluating the bleeding, a vaginal exam would be done to
determine the cause of the bleeding.
C) Symptoms of placenta previa are painful frequent contractions
and bright red vaginal bleeding
D) Once placenta previa is diagnosed by a 20 week ultrasound, it is
very likely the placenta previa will resolve in the third trimester.
187. Which of the following is true D) An epidural can cause maternal fever and fetal tachycardia.
with respect to
chorioamninitis? (See power
point Labor Complications
part 4)
A) If a woman has
chorioamnionitis she will be
treated with penicilin and
B) Most often chorioamnionitis
is caused by pathogens such
as GBBS, pneumococci, and
C) Once a woman who has had
chorioamnionitis has delivered
the antibiotics will be stopped.
D) An epidural can cause
maternal fever and fetal
188. Which position would the B) Squatting
nurse suggest for second- p. 385
stage labor if the pelvic outlet
needs to be increased?
A) Sitting
B) Squatting
C) Side-lying
D) Semirecumbent
189. Which presentation is A) Cephalic: occiput; at least 95%
described accurately in terms p. 377
of both presenting part and
frequency of occurrence?
A) Cephalic: occiput; at least
B) Cephalic: cranial; 80% to
C) Shoulder: scapula; 10% to
D) Breech: sacrum; 10% to 15%
190. While admitting the pregnant ANS: A
woman, the nurse should be The trend for shortened hospital stays is based largely on efforts to reduce health care costs.
aware that postpartum Secondarily consumers have demanded less medical intervention and more family-centered
hospital stays that are experiences. Hospitals are obligated to follow standards of care and federal statutes regarding
becoming shorter are discharge policies. The Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act provided minimum federal
primarily the result of the standards for health plan coverage for mothers and their newborns. Under this act couples were
influence of: allowed to stay in the hospital for longer periods.
a. Health maintenance
organizations (HMOs) and
private insurers.
b. Consumer demand.
c. Hospitals.
d. The federal government.
191. While assessing the integument of a 24-hour-old newborn, the ANS: C
nurse notes a pink, papular rash with vesicles superimposed on the Erythema toxicum (or erythema neonatorum) is a newborn
thorax, back, and abdomen. The nurse should: rash that resembles flea bites. This is a normal finding that
a. Notify the physician immediately. does not require notification of the physician, isolation of the
b. Move the newborn to an isolation nursery. newborn, or any additional interventions
c. Document the finding as erythema toxicum.
d. Take the newborn's temperature and obtain a culture of one of
the vesicles.
192. While assessing the newborn, the nurse should be aware that the ANS: C
average expected apical pulse range of a full-term, quiet, alert The average infant heart rate while awake is 120 to 160
newborn is: beats/min. The newborn's heart rate may be about 85 to 100
a. 80 to 100 beats/min. c. 120 to 160 beats/min. beats/min while sleeping. The infant's heart rate typically is a
b. 100 to 120 beats/min. d. 150 to 180 beats/min. bit higher when alert but quiet. A heart rate of 150 to 180
beats/min is typical when the infant cries.
193. While completing a newborn assessment, the nurse should be ANS: D
aware that the most common birth injury is: The most common birth injury is fracture of the clavicle
a. To the soft tissues. (collarbone). It usually heals without treatment, although the
b. Caused by forceps gripping the head on delivery. arm and shoulder may be immobilized for comfort.
c. Fracture of the humerus and femur.
d. Fracture of the clavicle.
194. While evaluating an external monitor tracing of a woman in active C) Change the woman's position
labor, the nurse notes that the fetal heart rate (FHR) for five p. 431-432; see box 17-4
sequential contractions begins to decelerate late in the contraction,
with the nadir of the decelerations occurring after the peak of the
contraction. The nurse's first priority is to:
A) Notify the care provider.
B) Assist with amnioinfusion
C) Change the woman's position
D) Insert a scalp electrode.
195. While evaluating an external monitor tracing of a woman in active B) Document the finding in the client's record.
labor whose labor is being induced, the nurse notes that the fetal p. 430
heart rate (FHR) begins to decelerate in a slow curve at the onset of
several contractions and returns to baseline before each
contraction ends. The nurse should:
A) Insert an internal monitor
B) Document the finding in the client's record.
C) Discontinue the oxytocin infusion
D) Change the woman's position
196. While evaluating the reflexes of a ANS: D
newborn, the nurse notes that with a loud The characteristics displayed by the infant are associated with a positive Moro reflex.
noise the newborn symmetrically abducts The tonic neck reflex occurs when the infant extends the leg on the side to which the
and extends his arms, his fingers fan out infant's head simultaneously turns. The glabellar reflex is elicited by tapping on the
and form a "C" with the thumb and infant's head while the eyes are open. A characteristic response is blinking for the first
forefinger, and he has a slight tremor. The few taps. The Babinski reflex occurs when the sole of the foot is stroked upward along
nurse would document this finding as a the lateral aspect of the sole and then across the ball of the foot. A positive response
positive: occurs when all the toes hyperextend, with dorsiflexion of the big toe.
a. Tonic neck reflex. c. Babinski reflex.
b. Glabellar (Myerson) reflex. d. Moro
197. While examining a newborn, the nurse ANS: C
notes uneven skin folds on the buttocks The Ortolani maneuver is used to detect the presence of hip dysplasia. Polydactyly is
and a click when performing the Ortolani the presence of extra digits. Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) is a deformity in which the
maneuver. The nurse recognizes these foot turns inward and is fixed in a plantar-flexion position. Webbing, or syndactyly, is a
findings as a sign that the newborn fusing of the fingers or toes.
probably has:
a. Polydactyly. c. Hip dysplasia.
b. Clubfoot. d. Webbing
198. With regard to a pregnant woman's B) Severe anxiety increases tension, which increases pain, which in turn increases fear
anxiety and pain experience, nurses and anxiety, and so on.
should be aware that:
A) Even mild anxiety must be treated.
B) Severe anxiety increases tension, which
increases pain, which in turn increases
fear and anxiety, and so on.
C) Anxiety may increase the perception of
pain, but it does not affect the mechanism
of labor.
D) Women who have had a painful labor
will have learned from the experience and
have less anxiety the second time because
of increased familiarity.
199. With regard to a woman's intake and A) The tradition of restricting the laboring woman to clear liquids and ice chips is being
output during labor, nurses should be challenged because regional anesthesia is used more often than general anesthesia
aware that: and studies are not showing harm from drinking fluids in labor.
A) The tradition of restricting the laboring
woman to clear liquids and ice chips is
being challenged because regional
anesthesia is used more often than
general anesthesia and studies are not
showing harm from drinking fluids in
B) Intravenous (IV) fluids usually are
necessary to ensure that the laboring
woman stays hydrated.
C) Routine use of an enema empties the
rectum and is very helpful for producing a
clean, clear delivery.
D) When a nulliparous woman experiences
the urge to defecate, it often means birth
will follow quickly
200. With regard to central ANS: C
nervous system injuries to Abnormalities in lumbar punctures or red blood cell counts, for instance, or in visuals on computed
the infant during labor tomography scan might reveal a hemorrhage. ICH as a result of birth trauma is more likely to occur in
and birth, nurses should the full-term, large infant. Subarachnoid hemorrhage in term infants is a result of trauma; in preterm
be aware that: infants it is a result of hypoxia. Spinal cord injuries are almost always from breech births; they are rare
a. Intracranial today because cesarean birth often is used for breech presentation
hemorrhage (ICH) as a
result of birth trauma is
more likely to occur in the
preterm, low-birth-weight
b. Subarachnoid
hemorrhage (the most
common form of ICH)
occurs in term infants as a
result of hypoxia.
c. In many infants signs of
hemorrhage in a full-term
infant are absent and
diagnosed only through
laboratory tests.
d. Spinal cord injuries
almost always result from
201. With regard to congenital ANS: A
anomalies of the The cardiac and respiratory systems function together. Screening for congenital respiratory system
cardiovascular and anomalies is necessary even for infants who appear normal at birth.
respiratory systems, Choanal atresia requires emergency surgery. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are discovered
nurses should be aware prenatally on ultrasound.
a. Cardiac disease may be
manifested by respiratory
signs and symptoms.
b. Screening for
congenital anomalies of
the respiratory system
need only be done for
infants having respiratory
c. Choanal atresia can be
corrected by a suction
d. Congenital
diaphragmatic hernias are
diagnosed and treated
after birth.
202. With regard to eventual ANS: C
discharge of the high High risk infants can cause profound parental stress and emotional turmoil. Parents need support, special
risk newborn or teaching, and quick access to various resources available to help them care for their baby. Parents and
transfer to a different their high risk infant should get to spend a night or two in a predischarge room, where care for the infant
facility, nurses and is provided away from the NICU. Just because high risk infants are discharged does not mean that they
families should be are normal, healthy babies. Follow-up by specialized practitioners is essential. Ideally the mother and
aware that: baby are transported with the fetus in utero; this reduces neonatal morbidity and mortality.
a. Infants will stay in the
neonatal intensive care
unit (NICU) until they
are ready to go home.
b. Once discharged to
home, the high risk
infant should be treated
like any healthy term
c. Parents of high risk
infants need special
support and detailed
contact information.
d. If a high risk infant
and mother need
transfer to a specialized
regional center, it is
better to wait until after
birth and the infant is
203. With regard to fetal A) Birth is imminent when the presenting part is at +4 to +5 cm, below the spine.
positioning during p. 378
labor, nurses should be • Primary Powers (involuntary uterine contractions) = term used to describe the beginning of labor.
aware that: • The largest transverse diameter of the presenting part is the biparietal or occipitomental diameter.
A) Birth is imminent • Station = measure of the degree of descent of the presenting part of the fetus through the birth canal.
when the presenting
part is at +4 to +5 cm,
below the spine.
B) Engagement is the
term used to describe
the beginning of labor.
C) The largest
transverse diameter of
the presenting part is
D) Position is a measure
of the degree of
descent of the
presenting part of the
fetus through the birth
204. With regard to hemolytic ANS: D
diseases of the newborn, An indirect Coombs' test may be performed on the mother a few times during pregnancy. Only the
nurses should be aware Rh-positive offspring of an Rh-negative mother is at risk. ABO incompatibility is more common than Rh
that: incompatibility but causes less severe problems; significant anemia, for instance, is rare with ABO.
a. Rh incompatibility Exchange transfers are needed infrequently because of the decrease in the incidence of severe
matters only when an Rh- hemolytic disease in newborns from Rh incompatibility.
negative offspring is born
to an Rh-positive mother.
b. ABO incompatibility is
more likely than Rh
incompatibility to
precipitate significant
c. Exchange transfusions
frequently are required in
the treatment of hemolytic
d. The indirect Coombs'
test is performed on the
mother before birth; the
direct Coombs' test is
performed on the cord
blood after birth.
205. With regard to injuries to ANS: A
the infant's plexus during If the nerves are stretched with no avulsion, they should recover completely in 3 to 6 months.
labor and birth, nurses However, if the ganglia are disconnected completely from the spinal cord, the damage is permanent.
should be aware that: Erb palsy is damage to the upper plexus and is less serious than brachial palsy. Parents of children with
a. If the nerves are brachial palsy are taught to avoid picking up the child under the axillae or by pulling on the arms.
stretched with no avulsion, Breastfeeding is not contraindicated, but both the mother and infant will need help from the nurse at
they should recover the start.
completely in 3 to 6
b. Erb palsy is damage to
the lower plexus.
c. Parents of children with
brachial palsy are taught
to pick up the child from
under the axillae.
d. Breastfeeding is not
recommended for infants
with facial nerve paralysis
until the condition
206. With regard to parents' early ANS: C
and extended contact with their Nurses should encourage any activity that optimizes family extended contact. Immediate contact
infant and the relationships facilitates the attachment process but is not essential; otherwise, adopted infants would not
built, nurses should be aware establish the affectionate ties they do. The mode of infant-mother contact does not appear to
that: have any important effect. Mothers and their partners are considered equally important.
a. Immediate contact is essential
for the parent-child relationship.
b. Skin-to-skin contact is
preferable to contact with the
body totally wrapped in a
c. Extended contact is
especially important for
adolescents and low-income
women because they are at risk
for parenting inadequacies.
d. Mothers need to take
precedence over their partners
and other family matters.
207. With regard to rubella and Rh ANS: B
issues, nurses should be aware Women should understand they must practice contraception for 1 month after being vaccinated.
that: Because the live attenuated rubella virus is not communicable in breast milk, breastfeeding
a. Breastfeeding mothers mothers can be vaccinated. Rh immune globulin is administered intramuscularly; it should never
cannot be vaccinated with the be given to an infant. Rh immune globulin suppresses the immune system and therefore might
live attenuated rubella virus. thwart the rubella vaccination
b. Women should be warned
that the rubella vaccination is
teratogenic and that they must
avoid pregnancy for 1 month
after vaccination.
c. Rh immune globulin is safely
administered intravenously
because it cannot harm a
nursing infant.
d. Rh immune globulin boosts
the immune system and thereby
enhances the effectiveness of
208. With regard to skeletal injuries ANS: B
sustained by a neonate during About 70% of neonatal skull fractures are linear. Because the newborn skull is flexible,
labor or birth, nurses should be considerable force is required to fracture it. Clavicle fractures need no special treatment. The
aware that: clavicle is the bone most often fractured during birth.
a. A newborn's skull is still
forming and fractures fairly
b. Unless a blood vessel is
involved, linear skull fractures
heal without special treatment.
c. Clavicle fractures often need
to be set with an inserted pin for
d. Other than the skull, the most
common skeletal injuries are to
leg bones.
209. With regard to small for ANS: B
gestational age (SGA) infants and IUGR is either symmetric or asymmetric. The symmetric form occurs in the first trimester; SGA
intrauterine growth restrictions infants have reduced brain capacity. The asymmetric form occurs in the later stages of
(IUGR), nurses should be aware pregnancy. Weight is less than the 10th percentile; head circumference is greater than the 10th
that: percentile. Infants with asymmetric IUGR have the potential for normal growth and
a. In the first trimester diseases or development
abnormalities result in
asymmetric IUGR.
b. Infants with asymmetric IUGR
have the potential for normal
growth and development.
c. In asymmetric IUGR weight will
be slightly more than SGA,
whereas length and head
circumference will be somewhat
less than SGA.
d. Symmetric IUGR occurs in the
later stages of pregnancy.
210. With regard to spinal and epidural B) The incidence of after-birth headache is higher with spinal blocks than epidurals.
(block) anesthesia, nurses should
know that:
A) This type of anesthesia is
commonly used for cesarean
births but is not suitable for
vaginal births
B) The incidence of after-birth
headache is higher with spinal
blocks than epidurals.
C) Epidural blocks allow the
woman to move freely
D) Spinal and epidural blocks are
never used together.
211. With regard to systemic B) Effects on the fetus and newborn can include decreased alertness and delayed sucking.
analgesics administered during
labor, nurses should be aware
A) Systemic analgesics cross the
maternal blood-brain barrier as
easily as they do the fetal blood-
brain barrier.
B) Effects on the fetus and
newborn can include decreased
alertness and delayed sucking.
C) Intramuscular administration
(IM) is preferred over intravenous
(IV) administration.
D) IV patient-controlled analgesia
(PCA) results in increased use of
an analgesic.
212. With regard to the ANS: B
adaptation of other family Preparing older siblings and grandparents helps with everyone to adapt. Sibling rivalry should be
members, mainly siblings expected initially, but the negative behaviors associated with it have been overemphasized and stop in
and grandparents, to the a comparatively short time. In the United States, in contrast to other cultures, paternal grandparents
newborn, nurses should frequently consider themselves secondary to maternal grandparents. The number of grandparents
be aware that: providing permanent child care has been rising.
a. Sibling rivalry cannot be
dismissed as overblown
psychobabble; negative
feelings and behaviors can
take a long time to blow
b. Participation in
preparation classes helps
both siblings and
c. In the United States
paternal and maternal
grandparents consider
themselves of equal
importance and status.
d. Since 1990 the number
of grandparents providing
permanent care to their
grandchildren has been
213. With regard to the ANS: B
classification of neonatal Handwashing is an effective preventive measure for late-onset (nosocomial) infections because these
bacterial infection, nurses infections come from the environment around the infant. Early-onset, or congenital, infections are
should be aware that: caused by the normal flora at the maternal vaginal tract and progress more rapidly than nosocomial
a. Congenital infection (late-onset) infections. Infection occurs about twice as often in boys and results in higher mortality.
progresses slower than Clinical signs of neonatal infection are nonspecific and similar to noninfectious problems, making
nosocomial infection. diagnosis difficult.
b. Nosocomial infection
can be prevented by
effective handwashing;
early-onset infections
c. Infections occur with
about the same frequency
in boy and girl infants,
although female mortality
is higher.
d. The clinical sign of a
rapid, high fever makes
infection easier to
214. With regard to the ANS: A
functioning of the renal A newborn who has not voided in 24 hours may have any of a number of problems, some of which
system in newborns, nurses deserve the attention of the pediatrician. Formula-fed infants tend to void more frequently in the first
should be aware that: 3 days; breastfed infants void less during this time because the mother's breast milk has not come in
a. The pediatrician should yet. Brick dust may be uric acid crystals; blood spotting could be caused by withdrawal of maternal
be notified if the newborn hormones (pseudomenstruation) or a circumcision. The physician must be notified only if there is no
has not voided in 24 hours. apparent cause of bleeding. Weight loss from fluid loss might take 14 days to regain.
b. Breastfed infants likely
will void more often during
the first days after birth.
c. "Brick dust" or blood on a
diaper is always cause to
notify the physician.
d. Weight loss from fluid
loss and other normal
factors should be made up
in 4 to 7 days.
215. With regard to the ANS: C
gastrointestinal (GI) system Avoiding overfeeding can also reduce regurgitation. The newborn's cheeks are full because of well-
of the newborn, nurses developed sucking pads. Teeth do develop in utero, but the nipple is placed deep because the baby
should be aware that: cannot move food from the lips to the pharynx. Bacteria are not present at birth, but they soon enter
a. The newborn's cheeks are through various orifices.
full because of normal fluid
b. The nipple of the bottle
or breast must be placed
well inside the baby's mouth
because teeth have been
developing in utero, and
one or more may even be
c. Regurgitation during the
first day or two can be
reduced by burping the
infant and slightly elevating
the baby's head.
d. Bacteria are already
present in the infant's GI
tract at birth, because they
traveled through the
216. With regard to the ANS: C
newborn's developing The newborn's thin chest wall often allows the PMI to be seen. The normal heart rate for infants who are
cardiovascular system, not sleeping is 120 to 160 beats/min. However, a crying infant temporarily could have a heart rate of 180
nurses should be beats/min. Heart murmurs during the first few days of life have no pathologic significance; an irregular
aware that: heart rate past the first few hours should be evaluated further. Persistent tachycardia may indicate RDS;
a. The heart rate of a bradycardia may be a sign of congenital heart blockage.
crying infant may rise
to 120 beats/min.
b. Heart murmurs
heard after the first
few hours are cause
for concern.
c. The point of
maximal impulse (PMI)
often is visible on the
chest wall.
d. Persistent
bradycardia may
indicate respiratory
distress syndrome
217. With regard to the C) Is part of the active management of labor that is instituted when the labor process is unsatisfactory.
process of
augmentation of labor,
the nurse should be
aware that it:
A) Augmentation is the
use of medications to
start labor that has not
begun yet.
B) Relies on more
invasive methods
when oxytocin and
amniotomy have
C) Is part of the active
management of labor
that is instituted when
the labor process is
D) Is a modern
management term to
cover up the negative
connotations of
forceps-assisted birth
218. With regard to the ANS: A
respiratory The first breath produces a cry. Newborns continue to expel fluid for the first hour of life. Newborns are
development of the natural nose breathers; they may not have the mouth-breathing response to nasal blockage for 3 weeks.
newborn, nurses should Seesaw respirations instead of normal abdominal respirations are not normal and should be reported.
be aware that:
a. The first gasping
breath is an
respiratory reaction
within 1 minute of birth.
b. Newborns must
expel the fluid from the
respiratory system
within a few minutes of
c. Newborns are
instinctive mouth
d. Seesaw respirations
are no cause for
concern in the first
hour after birth.
219. With regard to the ANS: B
understanding and Multiple substance use (even just alcohol and tobacco) makes it difficult to assess the problems of the
treatment of infants exposed infant, particularly with regard to withdrawal manifestations. Infants of substance-abusing
born to mothers who mothers may have some of the physiologic signs but are not addicted in the behavioral sense. "Drug-
are substance abusers, exposed newborn" is a more accurate description than "addict." The NNNS is designed to assess the
nurses should be aware neurologic, behavioral, and stress/abstinence function of the neonate. Newborn urine, hair, or meconium
that: sampling may be used to identify an infant's intrauterine drug exposure.
a. Infants born to
addicted mothers are
also addicted.
b. Mothers who abuse
one substance likely
will use or abuse
another, compounding
the infant's difficulties.
c. The NICU Network
Neurobehavioral Scale
(NNNS) is designed to
assess the damage the
mother has done to
d. No laboratory
procedures are
available that can
identify the intrauterine
drug exposure of the
220. With regard to the use of tocolytic therapy to suppress premature uterine activity, nurses A) Its most important function is
should be aware that: to afford the opportunity to
A) Its most important function is to afford the opportunity to administer antenatal administer antenatal
glucocorticoids. glucocorticoids.
B) The drugs can be given efficaciously up to the designated beginning of term at 37 weeks.
C) If the client develops pulmonary edema while on tocolytics, intravenous (IV) fluids should
be given.
D) There are no important maternal (as opposed to fetal) contraindications.
221. A woman arrive in the admission area of L&D. She is complaining of severe abdominal pain A) Take a complete medical
which she thinks are contractions and vaginal bleeding. You notice the sheet on the bed is history and measure her vital
about 1/3 covered with port wine fluid. You would do all of the following EXCEPT: signs.
A) Take a complete medical history and measure her vital signs.
B) Position on her side and give her oxygen if the fetal heart rate was category II.
C) NOtify the charge nurse and patient's provider.
D) Start an IV
E) Put her on the monitor
222. A woman at 26 weeks of gestation is being assessed to determine whether she is experiencing D) The cervix is effacing and
preterm labor. What finding indicates that preterm labor is occurring? (Note: see power point dilated to 2 cm.
on complications of Labor for homework part 1 on preterm labor)
A) Estriol is not found in maternal saliva.
B) Irregular, mild uterine contractions are occurring every 12 to 15 minutes
C) Fetal fibronectin is present in vaginal secretions.
D) The cervix is effacing and dilated to 2 cm.
223. A woman at 39 weeks of gestation with a history of preeclampsia is admitted to the labor and A) Placental abruption.
birth unit. She suddenly experiences increased contraction frequency of every 1 to 2 minutes;
dark red vaginal bleeding; and a tense, painful abdomen. The nurse suspects the onset of:
A) Placental abruption.
B) Rupture of the uterus.
C) Placenta previa.
D) Eclamptic seizure.
224. A woman gave birth 48 hours ago to a ANS: B
healthy infant girl. She has decided to Applying ice to the breasts for comfort is appropriate for treating engorgement in a
bottle-feed. During your assessment you mother who is bottle-feeding. This woman is experiencing engorgement, which can
notice that both of her breasts are swollen, be treated by using ice packs (since she is not breastfeeding) and cabbage leaves. A
warm, and tender on palpation. The woman bottle-feeding mother should avoid any breast stimulation, including pumping or
should be advised that this condition can expressing milk. A bottle-feeding mother should wear a well-fitted support bra or
best be treated by: breast binder continuously for at least the first 72 hours after giving birth. A loose-
a. Running warm water on her breasts fitting bra will not aid lactation suppression. Furthermore, the shifting of the bra
during a shower. against the breasts may stimulate the nipples and thereby stimulate lactation.
b. Applying ice to the breasts for comfort.
c. Expressing small amounts of milk from
the breasts to relieve pressure.
d. Wearing a loose-fitting bra to prevent
nipple irritation.
225. A woman gave birth to a healthy 7-pound, ANS: B
13-ounce infant girl. The nurse suggests The first period of reactivity is the first phase of transition and lasts up to 30 minutes
that the woman place the infant to her after birth. The infant is highly alert during this phase. The transition period is the
breast within 15 minutes after birth. The phase between intrauterine and extrauterine existence. There is no such phase as the
nurse knows that breastfeeding is effective organizational stage. The second period of reactivity occurs roughly between 4 and 8
during the first 30 minutes after birth hours after birth, after a period of prolonged sleep.
because this is the:
a. Transition period. c. Organizational
b. First period of reactivity. d. Second
period of reactivity.
226. A woman gave birth vaginally to a 9- ANS: D
pound, 12-ounce girl yesterday. Her These orders are typical interventions for a woman who has had an episiotomy,
primary health care provider has written lacerations, and hemorrhoids. A multiparous classification is not an indication for these
orders for perineal ice packs, use of a sitz orders. A vacuum-assisted birth may be used in conjunction with an episiotomy, which
bath TID, and a stool softener. What would indicate these interventions. Use of epidural anesthesia has no correlation with
information is most closely correlated with these orders
these orders?
a. The woman is a gravida 2, para 2.
b. The woman had a vacuum-assisted birth.
c. The woman received epidural anesthesia.
d. The woman has an episiotomy.
227. A woman has been admitted to the birthing B. 40 mL
unit with a diagnosis of spontaneous
abortion. She has increased bleeding and
is having her pads weighed to estimate the
blood loss. The weight of an unused pad is
1.5 grams, the pads used between 7 AM
and 9 AM weigh 4.5, 6.5, 10, 15, and 11.5
grams. What is the estimated blood loss?
A. 20 mL
B. 40 mL
C. 60 mL
D. Unable to determine with the
information provided
228. A woman has requested an epidural for her pain. She is 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. The baby is in a C) She has
vertex position and is engaged. The nurse increases the woman's intravenous fluid for a preprocedural bolus. thrombocytopenia
She reviews her laboratory values and notes that the woman's hemoglobin is 12 g/dl, hematocrit is 38%,
platelets are 67,000, and white blood cells (WBCs) are 12,000/mm3. Which factor would contraindicate an
epidural for the woman?
A) She is too far dilated
B) She is anemic.
C) She has thrombocytopenia
D) She is septic
229. A woman in active labor receives an analgesic, an opioid agonist. Which medication relieves severe, A) Meperidine
persistent, or recurrent pain; creates a sense of well-being; overcomes inhibitory factors; and may even relax (Demerol)
the cervix but should be used cautiously in women with cardiac disease?
A) Meperidine (Demerol)
B) Promethazine (Phenergan)
C) Butorphanol tartrate (Stadol)
D) Nalbuphine (Nubain)
230. A woman in labor has just received an epidural block. The most important nursing intervention is to: C) Monitor the
A) Limit parenteral fluids. maternal blood
B) Monitor the fetus for possible tachycardia pressure for
C) Monitor the maternal blood pressure for possible hypotension. possible
D) Monitor the maternal pulse for possible bradycardia hypotension.
231. A woman in preterm labor at 30 weeks of gestation receives two 12-mg doses of betamethasone C) Stimulate fetal
intramuscularly. The purpose of this pharmacologic treatment is to: surfactant
A) Suppress uterine contractions. production.
B) Maintain adequate maternal respiratory effort and ventilation during magnesium sulfate therapy.
C) Stimulate fetal surfactant production.
D) Reduce maternal and fetal tachycardia associated with ritodrine administration
232. A woman in the active phase of the first stage of labor is using a shallow pattern of breathing, which is about D) Help her
twice the normal adult breathing rate. She starts to complain about feeling lightheaded and dizzy and states breathe into a
that her fingers are tingling. The nurse should: paper bag
A) Notify the woman's physician.
B) Tell the woman to "calm down" and slow the pace of her breathing.
C) Administer oxygen via a mask or nasal cannula.
D) Help her breathe into a paper bag
233. A woman is admitted with a diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum. The nurse is assessing for deficient fluid A Decreased
and signs of dehydration. (Choose all that apply.) urinary output
A Decreased urinary output C. Nonelastic skin
B. Urine specific gravity of 1.015 turgor
C. Nonelastic skin turgor D. Constipation
D. Constipation
234. A woman is evaluated to be using an effective B. Takes two deep, cleansing breaths at the onset of a uterine contraction and at
bearing-down effort if she: the end of the contraction.
A. Begins pushing as soon as she is told that her RATIONAL:
cervix is fully dilated and effaced. Cleansing breaths at the onset of a contraction allow it to build to a peak before
B. Takes two deep, cleansing breaths at the pushing begins. They also enhance gas exchange in the alveoli and help the
onset of a uterine contraction and at the end of woman relax after the uterine contraction subsides. Women should avoid
the contraction. closed-glottis pushing (Valsalva maneuver) since uteroplacental perfusion is
C. Uses the Valsalva maneuver by holding her usually reduced. Open-glottis pushing is recommended. The woman should
breath and pushing vigorously for a count of 12. push with contractions to combine the force of both powers of labor: uterine
D. Continues to push for short periods between and abdominal.
uterine contractions throughout the second
stage of labor.
235. A woman is experiencing back labor and A) Counterpressure against the sacrum
complains of intense pain in her lower back. An
effective relief measure would be to use:
A) Counterpressure against the sacrum
B) Pant-blow (breaths and puffs) breathing
C) Effleurage.
D) Conscious relaxation or guided imagery.
236. A woman is in the second stage of labor and has C. Turn the woman to the left lateral position or place a pillow under her hip.
a spinal block in place for pain management. RATIONAL:
The nurse obtains the woman's blood pressure Turing the woman to her left side is the best action to take in this situation since
and notes that it is 20% lower than the baseline this will increase placental perfusion to the infant while waiting for the doctor's
level. Which action should the nurse take? or nurse midwife's instruction.
A. Encourage her to empty her bladder.
B. Decrease her intravenous (IV) rate to a keep
vein-open rate.
C. Turn the woman to the left lateral position or
place a pillow under her hip.
D. No action is necessary since a decrease in the
woman's blood pressure is expected.
237. A woman is seeing her primary physician for C. DIC
complaints of frequent nosebleeds. She states
she thought she was pregnant about 3 months
ago, but her periods started and the symptoms
disappeared. The health care provider should
be alert for what complication of a missed
A. Infection
B. Infertility
D. Thrombocytopenia
238. A woman with preeclampsia has a seizure. The A) Stay with the client and call for help.
nurse's primary duty during the seizure is to:
A) Stay with the client and call for help.
B) Insert an oral airway.
C) Administer oxygen by mask.
D) Suction the mouth to prevent aspiration.
239. A woman with preeclampsia is being treated with bed rest and intravenous magnesium sulfate. The B. Anticonvulsant
drug classification of this medication is
A. Tocolytic
B. Anticonvulsant
C. Antihypertensive
D. Diuretic
240. A woman with severe preeclampsia has been receiving magnesium sulfate by intravenous infusion A) Hydralazine.
for 8 hours. The nurse assesses the woman and documents the following findings: temperature of
37.1° C, pulse rate of 96 beats/min, respiratory rate of 24 breaths/min, blood pressure (BP) of 175/112
mm Hg, 3+ deep tendon reflexes, and no ankle clonus. The nurse calls the physician, anticipating an
order for:
A) Hydralazine.
B) Magnesium sulfate bolus.
C) Diazepam.
D) Calcium gluconate.
241. You are evaluating the fetal monitor tracing of your client, who is in active labor. Suddenly you see A) Call for help and
the fetal heart rate (FHR) drop from its baseline of 125 down to 80. You reposition the mother, Notify the care provider
provide oxygen, increase intravenous (IV) fluid, and perform a vaginal examination. The cervix has immediately
not changed. Five minutes have passed, and the fetal heart rate remains in the 80s. What additional
nursing measures should you take?
A) Call for help and Notify the care provider immediately
B) Start pitocin
C) Have her empty her bladder
D) Insert a Foley catheter
242. Your client has been on magnesium sulfate for 20 hours for treatment of preeclampsia. She just D) A boggy uterus with
delivered a viable infant girl 30 minutes ago. What uterine findings would you expect to heavy lochia flow
observe/assess in this client?
A) Absence of uterine bleeding in the postpartum period
B) A fundus firm below the level of the umbilicus
C) Scant lochia flow
D) A boggy uterus with heavy lochia flow
243. Your client is being induced because of her worsening preeclampsia. She is also receiving C) "The magnesium is
magnesium sulfate. It appears that her labor has not become active despite several hours of oxytocin relaxing your uterus and
administration. She asks the nurse, "Why is it taking so long?" The most appropriate response by the competing with the
nurse would be: oxytocin. It may increase
A) "Your baby is just being stubborn." the duration of your
B) "The length of labor varies for different women." labor."
C) "The magnesium is relaxing your uterus and competing with the oxytocin. It may increase the
duration of your labor."
D) "I don't know why it is taking so long."
244. Your patient is a nulliparous woman, requesting pain relief. You examine her and she is 8 cm. What is C) Epidural
the best option for pain relief at this point?
A) Demerol
B) Spinal
C) Epidural
D) Stadol