Pre-Test and Post-Test Analysis: Mean 2,35 Median 2,3 Mode 2,3
Pre-Test and Post-Test Analysis: Mean 2,35 Median 2,3 Mode 2,3
Pre-Test and Post-Test Analysis: Mean 2,35 Median 2,3 Mode 2,3
A pre-test and a post-test were used to evaluate students and to know the
after using reading strategies and activities. Each test was focused on a different
agriculture topic but they presented similar reading activities and their level of difficulty
Table 37. Reading pre-test
Table 38. Reading post-test
maximum score was 3,6. The minimum score of the post-test was 3,0 and the maximums
score was 4,3. The mean score of pre-test was 2,35, the standard deviation was 0,5824.
After using CBI approach through reading comprehension strategies, the learners got higher
scores. The mean score of the post-test was 3,53, the standard deviation was 0,3285.
According to the comparison between the pre-test and post-test score, after the agriculture
texts studied using CBI approach, their post-test score was higher than before. It meant that
applying reading strategies using CBI approach could help the students to understand
reading texts and increased the learners’ motivation towards English as a foreign language.