Swimming Lesson 6

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Indiana University Physical Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Unit/Lesson Focus: Grade/Level: Equipment:

Ali Michaelis Swimming-Freestyle High School blocks

Safety: Resources: (must include title & web address)

Students will not jump in Unit Plan Swimming -
the water on top of each https://ncate.pages.tcnj.edu/files/2012/10/LGUnitPlan.pdf
other. https://swimminglessonsideas.com/2014/04/01/how-to-teach-flip-turns/
Students will keep hands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z65Tr-nWoEs
to themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx31AJjif0o
Students will not throw
any equipment.

SHAPE National Standard H.1.L 1-2: Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific movement skills in two or more lifetime activities
(outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities, aquatics, net/wall games, or target games)
Psychomotor SLO Students will be able to complete a swimming start by the end of the class period.

Assessment Students can dive into the pool either from the starting blocks or the side of the pool without belly flopping.

SHAPE National Standard S2.H2.L1 Uses movement concepts and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self
and/or othersin a selected skill.27
Cognitive SLO Students will be able to recognize why they are moving forward in the water when they pull the water down during the
freestyle stroke and flipturns and starts.

Assessment Teacher will ask what movement concepts are required to move forward in the water and off the blocks (force, motion and
rotation) and students will answer with one of the above.

SHAPE National Standard -Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and dance (e.g., injury prevention, proper
alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection). (S4.H5.L1)
Affective SLO Students will be able to practice swimming without injury or repercussion due to their behaviors.

Assessment Students will follow directions.

Students will not throw equipment.
Students will put equipment away.
Students will not jump on other students.

Introductory Statement Good morning! Today we are going to begin learning about starts and open turns. We will be practicing our freestyle some
(Anticipatory Set) more as well. What strokes do you guys think uses open turns?

Physical Education Instructional Plan

Time Task & Skill Progression Cues/Critical Elements Organization of Students/Space
Instant -jump in -do not jump on other students Students will jump in the pool and
Activity -4 laps -remember to breathe in through your swim in their own space down the
3 to 5 -1 freestyle mouth and out of your nose pool.
minutes -1 backstroke
-1/2 breast stroke
-½ freestyle
-freestyle or backstroke

Lesson Focus Diving -remember to point your toes Students will be lined up on the wall in
3 to 4 -assess which students can dive and which students -keep your chin tucked the diving well
minutes cannot - eyes down
-streamline above head

5 to 7 For students who can dive they will work with Lilly on -Parallel feet Students will be lined up on the wall in
minutes the blocks - don’t cross feet the diving well or near the starting
-on your mark -blow bubbles out your nose blocks with Lilly
-grab blocks -squeeze everything nice and tight
-head down
-chin tucked
-listen for the go and then students dive in with toes
pointed and glutes squeezed
For students who can’t dive they will be working with
me on dives in the diving well.
-on the edge of the pool in a squatted position practice
entering the pool with arms above head and chin
-move on to standing and entering the pool with same
If students get dive on the edge try sending them over
to Lilly to work on starts

-Practice dives until students can dive from either -remember to breathe in through your Students will be lined up against the
3 to 5 position. mouth and out through your nose wall
minutes ****if students succeed quickly move
5 to 7 -open turns -breathe through mouth and out through Students will be lined up against the
minutes Two hand touch nose short side of the pool and will practice
One arm pulls down -you can use your hands pulling themselves to a turn going
Other arm goes over head -almost curl up in a ball short ways.
Bring feet underneath body to push off wall ****if students succeed for the short
Push off in stream line distance then we can challenge them
to go further and start from a further
Game Water polo Use good sportsmanship Short length of the pool
5 minutes Students will play water polo in the deep end 2 v 2

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