Identify The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question
Identify The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question
Identify The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question
II. Indirectly, be reference to the fair value of the equity a. Exercise date c. Balance sheet date
instruments granted, if the fair value of the goods or b. Grant date d. Beginning of the year of
services received cannot be estimated reliably. grant
a. In all circumtances
b. In circumtances when the option are exercisable within
two years for services rendered over the next two years.
c. In circumtances when the options are granted for prior
service and the options are immediately exercisable.
d. In no circumtances is compensation expense immediately
____ 71. An entity has entered into a contract with another entity which
will supply a range of services. The payment for those
services will be in cash and based upon the price of the
entity’s ordinary shares on completion of the contract. In
accordance with PFRS 2, what type of share-based payment
transaction does this represent?
____ 72. The entity has issued a range of share options to employees.
In accordance with PFRS 2, what type of share-based
payment transaction does this represent?
____ 73. How should an entity recognize the change in the fair value of
the liability in respect of a cash-settled share-based payment
II. Fair value shall be measured at the date the options vest.