Tubular Bracing Con
Tubular Bracing Con
Tubular Bracing Con
In recent years, the use of Rectangular Hollow Sections (RHS) as columns has become increasingly
popular. In many instances, RHS column members are replacing customary I-section members due to
their superior column performance. In turn, welded longitudinal plates have been a traditional and
convenient method for the connection of brace members and other attachments to I-section, and now
RHS, columns. Figure 1 shows these two cases of longitudinal plate connections. For the case of the I-
section column, the plate is welded along the center of the column flange so the load from the plate is
transferred to the web of the column directly. The situation is different for the case of the RHS column
because the load from the brace plate must be carried indirectly through the flexible column face into the
adjacent column webs. A conventional longitudinal plate-to-RHS member connection tends to result in
excessive distortion or plastification of the RHS connecting face. Such a connection results in a low
design resistance that is governed by the formation of a yield line mechanism and this design resistance
ought to satisfy an ultimate deformation limit and a
serviceability deformation limit for the RHS
connecting face. An extensive experimental and
analytical study on longitudinal plate-to-RHS
connections by Cao et al. (1) has resulted in published
limit states design procedures for these types of
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PY sinθ
h1 θ ∆
h'1 t0
Longitudinal Through Stiffened Transverse
plate plate plate plate
applied stress ( F0 )
Figure 2: Branch plate to RHS member b1 b0 n=
yield stress ( Fy 0 )
connection types
Hogging Sagging
Yield Lines Yield Lines
The three principal failure modes for a welded branch plate connection are failure of the branch plate,
failure of the weld, and failure of the RHS face. Relatively simple criteria for the branch plate thickness and
the weld size can be applied to the design of these two components. Failure of the RHS face is usually the
weakest link among these three failure modes. The focus of the experimental program was the strength and
behavior of the critical third failure mode: failure of the RHS connecting face.
The yield line method of analysis has been used successfully for estimating the strength of different RHS
connections due to development of yield line mechanisms (or plastification) of the connecting face of the
main member. Figure 3 shows a general case of an RHS connection. The yield load of a 90º connection
without any axial load present in the chord was first derived by Jubb and Redwood (2). This calculated yield
load has been incorporated in the design formulae of the International Institute of Welding (3) and the
design guide of Packer and Henderson (4) for T, Y and X connections between RHS members and
connections between RHS members and plates. A recent analysis by Cao et al. (5) has accounted for non-
90º connections as well as the influence of an axial load present in the chord member resulting in Equation
(1). The RHS wall thickness and weld size are considered to determine the "effective" connection
dimensions, as recommended by Davies and Packer (6).
Fy 0t 0 æ h'1 ö
PY sin θ = ç2 + 4 1 − β' 1 − n 2 ÷ (1)
( 1 − β ') è b ' 0 ø
The notion of a limit on deformation has been proposed numerous times for structures that do not show a
pronounced peak load. In conjunction with hollow section connections, which are known to be generally
very flexible, ultimate deformation limits, at which the connection is deemed to have "failed", have been
suggested by Yura et al. (7), Korol and Mirza (8) and Lu et al. (9). In the latter an ultimate deformation for
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(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
the RHS face of 3% of the member width (0.03b0) was proposed. The load corresponding to this deflection
compared reasonably well with the connection peak load in many RHS connections which did exhibit a
pronounced peak load. Furthermore, for transverse plate-to-RHS connections the 0.03b0 deformation level
was close to the points where the load-displacement curves crossed each other, for various RHS wall
slenderness values. The suitability of this ultimate deformation limit for a variety of RHS connections was
investigated by Lu et al. (9) and Zhao (10) and it was subsequently adopted by the International Institute of
Welding Subcommission XV-E.
For RHS connections a connecting face deflection of 1% of the main member width (0.01b0) has generally
been used as a serviceability deformation limit, as given the International Institute of Welding (3). For this
connecting face deformation of 0.01b0, one can obtain a corresponding load in a plate branch member
(Ps,1%). Similarly, a branch plate load can also be obtained for the "ultimate" load level (Pu,3%) corresponding
to a connecting face deformation of 0.03b0. Figure 4 shows the load-displacement curves for a series of 12
experimental test specimens from Kosteski and Packer (11). The ultimate deformation limit and the
serviceability deformation limit have been used to define the "strength" of these connections. Kosteski and
Packer (11) documents that the predicted yield load (PY) by Equation (1) corresponds well (avg. PY/Pu,3%=
0.91) with the notional 3%b0 ultimate deformation limit (Pu,3%) load level. Thus, the calculable connection
yield load (PY) can be used in lieu of the 3%b0 ultimate deformation limit (Pu,3%) load level.
1.27 mm
1.78 mm
(a) Longitudinal Plate b0=178 mm
(b) Through plate .8
(c) Transverse plate β =0
Branch Plate Load, P (kN)
400 b0=178 mm
5.34 mm
1% b0 3% b0
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Displacement, ∆ (mm)
600 300
1.78 mm
500 250
β =0.8
Branch Plate Load, P (kN)
400 200
300 150
200 100
tp= 13.1 mm
100 tp= 9.4 mm 50
β = 0.4
1% b0
3% b0
tp= 6.3 mm
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Diasplacement, ∆ (mm)
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Governing Strength or Serviceability FEM RESULTS EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
from Kosteski and Packer (11)
Longitudinal plate Longitudinal plate
Cao et. al. (1) b0 /t0=37.1
Based on a ratio of factored to unfactored loads of b0 /t0=23.4 b0 /t0=26.5
1.5, Lu et al. (9) suggested using the ratio Pu,3% ÷ b0 /t0=15.6
Ps,1% to decide whether the ultimate deformation Stiffened plate Through plate
limit state or the serviceability deformation limit Kosteski and Packer (15) b0 /t0=37.1
state governs as demonstrated by Equation (2). b0 /t0=48.0 b0 /t0=26.5
b0 /t0=40.0
b0 /t0=32.0
Stiffened plate
b0 /t0=28.0
Pu ,3% b0 /t0=20.0 b0 /t0=37.1
for, > 15
. , serviceability limit governs (2a) b0 /t0=16.1
Ps,1% b0 /t0=14.0 Transverse Plate
Pu ,3% b0 /t0=12.0 b0 /t0=37.1
for, ≤ 15
. , ultimate limit governs (2b)
b0 lass
serviceability governs
2.5 /to 3
In our case, we have replaced the notional (Pu,3%) Yield load / Serviceability load (P Y/P s,1%)
ultimate deformation limit state with an actual b0 / ss 2
connection yield load limit state (PY) calculated 2.0 to ≤
using Equation (1).
strength governs
predicted by the geometric properties of the o≤ 2
connection using Equation (3).
β < 0.6 and > 15, serviceability governs (3a) 0.5
t0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
b (Branch plate width) / (RHS connecting face width), β'
β ≥ 0.6 or 0 ≤ 15, strength governs (3b)
Fig. 5: Governing strength versus serviceability
Figure 5 is a comprehensive plot of experimental test results and FEM-generated numerical data showing
the governing strength or serviceability limit state for various connection types. In Figure 5 the calculable
connection yield load (PY) is used to replace the notional 3%b0 ultimate deformation limit (Pu,3%) load level.
The actual governing limit states of branch plate to RHS connections can then be compared with the
recommended limit state partitions set forth by Lu et al. (9) and Zhao (10). The ratio of factored to
unfactored loads of 1.5 recommended by Lu et al. (9) was plotted as a horizontal reference line using the
(yield load /serviceability load) axis in Figure 5. The region above this reference line represents a
governing serviceability condition (Ps,1%). Likewise, the region below this line represents a governing
strength condition (PY).
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The governing strength or serviceability condition depends on the connection parameters β(=b1/b0) [or
more accurately β'(=b'1/b'0)] and 2γ0(=b0/t0) [or more accurately 2γ'0(=b'0/t0)]. In general, at high β values
the connection can be expected to be stiff and the serviceability limit will not be expected to govern.
Conversely, at high b0/t0 values, the RHS chord face is very flexible and the serviceability limit will tend
to govern. A range of conditions between these two extremes must now be categorized in a rational
fashion. Figure 5 shows that for β' ≥ 0.6 the strength limit governs. The β' ≥ 0.6 governing limit state
generally agrees with that proposed by Zhao (10) in Equation (3b) but the b0/t0 ≤ 15 limit proposed by
Zhao is too conservative. An alternative method of categorising the b0/t0 limit would be to base it on the
"class of section". For example, the Canadian CAN/CSA-S16.1-94 limits (12) for Class 1, 2, and 3 RHS
sections are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: CAN/CSA-S16.1-94 RHS Classes
b flat 420 b0
Class 1 ≤ ≤ 26
t0 Fy t0
b flat 525 b0
Class 2 ≤ ≤ 32
t0 Fy t0
b flat 670 b0
Class 3 ≤ ≤ 40
t0 Fy t0
When the strength limit state governs, the connection capacity (PY) can be calculated using Equation (1).
However, if the serviceability limit state governs, the connection yield load (PY) must be reduced to
obtain the connection serviceability load (Ps,1%). Ps,1% can now be related to PY by using the
recommended Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 design lines shown in Figure 5. Recognize that the
serviceability limit (Ps,1%) governs the deformation of the connection and not the strength (safety).
Therefore, the recommended serviceability load design lines shown in Figure 5 are plotted through the
existing data without any undue conservatism. The relationship between the connection yield load (PY)
and the connection serviceability load (Ps,1%) for Class 1, 2, and 3 sections takes the form:
æb ö PY
Class 1 ç 0 ≤ 26÷ Ps ,1% = (4a)
è t0 ø . − 0.9β'
æb ö PY
Class 2 ç 0 ≤ 32÷ Ps,1% = (4b)
è t0 ø . β'
æb ö PY
Class 3 ç 0 ≤ 40÷ Ps ,1% = (4c)
è t0 ø 2.7 − 2β'
Now, both the connection yield load (PY calculated using Equation 1) and the serviceability load (Ps,1%
using Equation 4) of a branch plate to RHS member connection can be calculated. The governing
strength or serviceability limit condition is determined using Limit States Design (LSD) or Load and
Resistance Factored Design (LRFD) principles. The calculated yield load of the connection (PY) is
compared with the total applied factored load (Pf). The calculated serviceability load of the connection
(Ps,1% ) is compared with the total specified unfactored load (P). Thus, the governing strength or
serviceability condition is no longer based on a recommended ratio of 1.5 for the factored to the
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(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
unfactored load level. Instead, the strength or serviceability governing condition is determined using the
actual factored and unfactored loads. The ratio of PY to Pf (Eq. 5a) determines the extent to which the
yield load condition has been met. The ratio of Ps,1% to P (Eq. 5b) determines the extent to which the
serviceability condition has been met.
PY Ps ,1%
Ultimate Load Ratio = (5a) Serviceability Load Ratio = (5b)
Pf P
The lower of the two load ratios determines whether the strength or serviceability condition governs. For
design purposes, both ratios must be ≥ 1.0 to satisfy both the strength and serviceability conditions (limit
states). The "design loop" would consist of initially designing the connection for the strength condition
(PY) and then checking to see if the serviceability condition (Ps,1%) is met, as is customary with a Limit
States Design (LSD) procedure.
The design and fabrication of connections for RHS members has often been perceived as complicated and
expensive. Rational design methods are needed to encompass, and wherever possible to consolidate, the
multitude of connections available to the designer. The yield line method has been incorporated in the
design formulae of the International Institute of Welding (3), the design guide of Packer and Henderson (5),
and the AISC HSS Connections Manual (13), for T, Y and X connections between RHS members and
connections between RHS members and plates.
A recent analysis by Cao et al. (5) has accounted for the influence of an axial load present in the main
(column) member resulting in Equation (1) and is recommended to be adopted. The results of the
experimental program by Kosteski and Packer (11) indicate that the "alternative" longitudinal through plate,
stiffened longitudinal plate, and transverse plate-to-RHS member connections can be grouped under the
general case of an RHS T-connection and designed using Equation (1).
The calculated yield load (PY using Equation 1) of a general RHS T-connection is based on an idealized
yield line pattern forming around the footprint of the connecting branch plate causing plastification of the
connecting RHS chord face. This represents a simplified but effective isolation and approximation of the
actual plastification mechanism. Within these limits of idealisation, a through plate connection can be
expected to have approximately double the strength of a single plate connection by causing plastification of
two RHS chord (column) faces rather than one. Experimental results from Kosteski and Packer (11) confirm
that a through plate connection can be reasonably approximated as having double the strength of a
corresponding single plate connection for design purposes.
A transverse branch plate to RHS member connection is significantly stiffer (due to a higher β ratio) and
hence has a higher design resistance than a longitudinally-oriented branch plate. However, aside from the
behavior of the RHS connecting face, the design strength of transverse plate connections may also be
governed by an "effective width" criterion applied to the branch plate, which accommodates the highly
non-uniform stress distribution in the plate. Moreover, it has been shown by de Koning and Wardenier
(14) that the branch plate effective width criterion is the governing limit state for transverse plate
connections up to β ≤ 0.85.
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(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
Stiffened Longitudinal Plate Connections b1
A stiffened longitudinal branch plate connection ½ b 1* "unrestrained" width
can ultimately achieve a much higher design
tp b1* = b1 − 2 w − tb
resistance equivalent to the enlarged "footprint"
t0 b1*
of the stiffening plate as opposed to the modest β* =
footprint of the branch plate itself. In order to b' 0
achieve this load, the stiffening plate must be b0
"effectively-rigid" with respect to the RHS
connecting face such that a plastification
Design equations for HSS connections are often governed by limits of applicability related to the two
dimensionless parameters 2γ0(=b0/t0) and β (=b1/b0). Yield line mechanism-based formulas are usually
valid from low to moderately high β ratios. Different modes of failure such as punching shear or local
failure of the HSS side walls tend to govern at higher β ratios approaching unity. Likewise the governing
strength or serviceability limit state condition is also generally related to the dimensionless parameters
2γ0 and β .
Practical limits of applicability also arise from a fabrication standpoint. In general, it is preferred to
connect to the "flat width" (bflat width) of an RHS member. Welding in the corner region of an RHS
member is more difficult than welding along a preferred flat surface and therefore introduces additional
fabrication costs. Also, the corners of a cold-formed RHS member represent regions of lower ductility.
Notwithstanding an increased cost of fabrication, welding in this region of lower ductility may
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(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
undermine the integrity of the welded joint and
may lead to premature weld/base metal fractures. b flat width
Figure 7 shows the practical limits of applicability ≈ 2t 0 β flat width =
tb (typical ) ≈ t 0 b0
for branch plate to RHS member connections. 4
radius ≈1− b
blower bound ≈ 2t 0 t0
Referring to Figure 7, longitudinal and through
plate connections are characterized by low β ' bflat width β lower bound =
blower bound
ratios (≈ 0.1 to 0.25). Next, stiffened plate b0
connections may be used to increase the β ' ratio up b0 3.8
≈ b0
until β '=0.8. From Equation (1) it can be seen that t0
(4)]. Hence, in the upper range of β ' > 0.8, a Class 3
transverse branch plate connection is 35
recommended since it is much stiffer. Class 2
Class 1
Figure 7 also shows the likely governing strength
or serviceability regions for a common ratio of a 20
strength or serviceability governing condition is
calculated using the actual factored and unfactored 10
β flat width βlower boun
loads and is explicitly determined using a Limit 5 d
A rational and efficient design of RHS connections Table 2: Relative Connection Costs
adapted from Sherman (16)
must be coupled with economical fabrication. A
Shear Connection Equivalent Brace Plate Relative
study of the relative costs of shear connections to
Type Connection Type Cost
RHS members was presented by Sherman (16) and Single Angle, n/a 1.00
the applicable results are listed in Table 2. The L-shaped Welds
simple "shear tab" is one of the most economical Shear Tab Longitudinal Plate, 1.05
connection types. A shear tab is oriented parallel to Transverse Plate
the axis of a column in order to frame directly into Tee, Stiffened 1.50
the web of a connecting beam. However, when a Vertical Welds Longitudinal Plate
simple shear tab is used as a branch plate for an Through-Plate Through-Plate 2.25
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(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
RHS member, the tab (or plate) may be oriented either longitudinally or transversely. A single longitudinal
plate can accommodate multiple connecting branches (e.g. a KT-type connection) framing along the axis of
an RHS member. However, three separate transverse plates would be required to connect each branch of a
longitudinally-oriented KT-type connection. Thus, a single longitudinally-oriented branch plate is to be
preferred for multiple branches (in one plane) framing along the axis of an RHS member. A transverse
branch plate-to-RHS member connection, on the other hand, is significantly stiffer and hence has a much
higher design resistance than a longitudinally-oriented branch plate but is more suitable for a single branch
framing into an RHS member.
A stiffened longitudinal plate is often necessary to increase the design capacity of a longitudinally-oriented
branch plate. A through plate connection will also result in a higher design capacity but is considerably
more expensive than a stiffened branch plate. Also, a through plate connection is limited to "doubling" the
strength of a longitudinal plate connection. Increasing the effective width of a longitudinal branch plate by
using a stiffening plate is a far more effective method of increasing, doubling, or more than doubling the
design resistance of a longitudinal plate connection.
Four different welded connection types, namely longitudinal plate, through plate, transverse plate, and
stiffened plate to Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS) members have been studied experimentally, by means
of tests on 22 isolated connections. This data was supplemented by yield line analysis plus comprehensive
numerical modeling to enable a broader parametric study to be performed. The latter involved non-linear
Finite Element Analysis using 20-noded solid elements with realistic modeling of RHS corner radii and
weld geometry. The results of the study indicate that these connection types can be grouped under the
general case of an RHS T-connection and designed as such. A simplified design approach has been
presented to consolidate the various branch plate to RHS member connection types. This design philosophy
accounts for a strength and a serviceability limit state.
Financial support for this project was provided by the Steel Structures Education Foundation, the Steel
Tube Institute of North America, the Comité International pour le Développement et l’Étude de la
Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC), and the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) through a Kellerman Fellowship.
Reproduction in electronic or printed form prohibited without written permission from R.T. Leon
(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
Ps,1% = 1% b0 serviceability deformation limit connection load level
Pu,3% = 3% b0 ultimate deformation limit connection load level
t0, tp, tp(min)= wall thickness of RHS main member, thickness of stiffening plate, minimum required
"effectively-rigid" stiffening plate thickness
tb, tb(typical) = branch plate width, typical branch plate width
w, wtypical = weld size (leg length), typical weld size (leg length)
β, β', β* = nominal beta ratio (= b1/b0), effective beta ratio (= b'1/b'0), unrestrained beta ratio (= b1*/b'0)
βflat width = flat width beta ratio (= bflat width / b0)
βlower bound = approx. min. beta ratio (=blower bound / b0)
2γ0,2γ'0 = width to thickness ratio of main RHS member (=b0/t0, b'0/t0)
θ = angle of inclination with respect to RHS member axis
(1) Cao, J.J., Packer, J.A., Kosteski, N. (1998). "Design guidelines for longitudinal plate to HSS
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(4) Packer, J. A. and Henderson, J. E. (1997). "Hollow structural section connections and trusses - A
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(6) Davies, G. and Packer, J. A. (1982). "Predicting the strength of branch plate - RHS connections for
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(11) Kosteski, N. and Packer, J.A. (2001). "Experimental examination of branch plate to RHS member
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(12) CAN/CSA-S16.1-94 (1994). "Limit states design of steel structures," Canadian Standards
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(13) AISC (1997). "Hollow structural section connections manual," AISC, Chicago, Illinois.
(14) de Koning, C. H. M. and Wardenier, J. (1985). "The static strength of welded joints between structural
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(16) Sherman, D. R. (1996). "Designing with structural tubing." Engineering Journal, AISC, Vol. 33, No.
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Reproduction in electronic or printed form prohibited without written permission from R.T. Leon
(roberto.leon@ce.gatech.edu) or W. Samuel Easterling (seaster@vt.edu).
Hollow Structural Sections, connections, columns, bracings, RHS, brace frames, static design.