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Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

Executive Summary

This note brings out relevance and importance of the proposed National
eHealth Authority (NeHA) as a promotional, regulatory and standards
setting organization to guide and support India’s journey in e-Health and
consequent realization of benefits of ICT intervention in Health sector in
an orderly way. It also spells out the proposed functions and governance
mechanism of NeHA. These draw from earlier recommendations of high
level bodies in India as also global experience.

It is also strongly recommended that NeHA be created at the earliest, as

it will give a fillip to all the current and envisaged programs of the
government in respect of IT in Health and accelerated adoption of EHR in
an orderly manner. It will also help avoid problems arising out of
uncoordinated induction of IT systems in hospitals and public health
systems which will become inevitable with the passage of time in the
absence of a suitable authority to guide and enforce orderly evolution.

1. Background

1.1 Indian Health Care System

The Indian health care system is one of India’s largest and most complex
sectors. It delivers services to a diverse population of approximately 1.24
billion across a wide range of geographic and socioeconomic settings.
Services are provided by a complex network of public and private care
providers, ranging from a single doctor rural PHCs (Primary Health
Centres) to specialty and super-specialty health care institutions like the
medical college hospitals in the public sector and from a single doctor
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

outpatient clinic to large trust or corporate hospitals and third party

providers in the private sector.

India spends around 4.1% of GDP on health, of which only about 1.1% is
the contribution of the government. Out of pocket expenses are high at
over 60%, much higher than most of the countries in the world. Given that
India today enjoys a demographic dividend which can contribute to the
productivity and prosperity of the nation, the healthcare system is specially
and fundamentally important to the country from both an economic and
social perspective. A health population underpins strong economic
growth, community well-being and prosperity.
India’s disease burden

Due to the size of the population, high percentage of rural population (32%
urban versus 68% rural) with rapidly growing urbanization,
industrialization, environmental degradation and the persisting inequality
in health status between and within States/UTs, India currently faces a
“Triple burden of diseases”, namely:

1. Unfinished agenda of Communicable Diseases

2. Emerging Non-Communicable Diseases related to lifestyles and
3. Emerging Infectious Diseases

Life expectancy at birth stands at 66 (both sexes), Infant mortality rate at

43.8, Under-5 mortality rate at 56 (both per 1000 live births), Maternal
mortality ratio at 190 (per 100,000 live births), Total fertility rate at 2.5 and
Adult Mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000
population) at 242/160 (m/f). Prevalence of HIV has come down to 169,
Incidence of Malaria to 1523 and Tuberculosis to 230 – all per 100,000 of
population. In terms of mortality, (% of total deaths, all ages, both sexes),
deaths due to communicable, maternal, perinatal and nutritional
conditions account for 28%, Injuries 12% and Non-Communicable Deaths
(NCDs) account for 60% (with a distribution of Cardiovascular diseases

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

26%, Cancers 7%, Chronic respiratory diseases 13%, Diabetes 2% and

other NCDs 12%).

WHO Disease and Injury Country estimates indicate that 22,750 to 29,500
life-years are lost in India out of 100,000 life-years due to any cause; of
this NCDs account for 43% of the DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Year).

In terms of utilization of health services, Contraceptive prevalence was at

55%, Antenatal care (4+ visits) at 50%, Birth attended by skilled health
personnel at 67%, Measles immunization (1-yr olds) at 74% and Smear-
positive TB treatment-success at 88%.
However, adult risk factors remain high on account of Tobacco use (aged
15+) for males at 25% (2011), Raised blood pressure (aged 25+) at 23.1
(2008) and Raised blood glucose (aged 25+) at 11.1 (2008). Further, while
percentage of population using improved water has risen to ~95%, the
situation remains poor in respect of using improved sanitation at less than

Against the above challenges, Indian healthcare system suffers from

acute shortage of physicians and quality paramedics; per 10,000
population, doctors are at 7 and Nurses and midwives at 17.1, much below
WHO recommended numbers. The situation is much worse in rural areas.
Technology can play an enabling role in addressing the issue of absence
of qualified service delivery personnel in remote areas, in improving the
efficiency of the healthcare system and also in improving the quality of

This will require a fundamental shift in the way information is accessed

and shared across the health system. We have to move away from a
reliance on tools such as pen, paper and human memory to an
environment where beneficiaries, providers and health care managers /
administrators can reliably and securely access and share health
information in real time across geographic and health sector boundaries.

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

The only way this can be achieved is through the implementation of world
class ICT interventions and adoption of e-Health.

1.2 Use of ICT in the Indian Healthcare System

One of the major challenges faced by a patient in India today is that,

whenever he visits any healthcare provider he is examined, typically
undergoes a certain number of tests and the care provider initiates a
treatment plan for his/her condition. If there is a subsequent need to visit
another healthcare provider either within the same care setting or, as is
more often than not, a different one, he/she is likely to undergo the same
process of repeating examination, testing and treatment unless and until
he carries around his medical records diligently irrespective of its size or

Over a period, many of the public and private hospitals have developed
their own healthcare systems or hospital information systems that have
served patients well, but without a focus on standards adoption, or the
interoperability aspect and interconnection of systems across hospital
settings that can lead to continuity of care – leading to ineffective results.
Such non-interoperable discrete islands of information have created
significant barriers to the effective sharing of information between
healthcare participants, an issue compounded by India’s multiple health
service boundaries and geographic distances. It also poses real
challenges when trying to understand and report what is really happening
in the Indian healthcare system to support population health surveillance
and guide policy, service planning, innovation and clinician and
operational decision making.

With vendors incorporating different standards for similar or same

systems, it is little wonder that inefficiency, waste and errors in healthcare
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

information and delivery management are all too commonplace an

occurrence. Consequently, a patient’s health information often gets
trapped in silos of legacy systems, unable to be shared with members of
the healthcare community.

1.3 Complexities associated with the present eHealth system

Current eHealth IT systems in India are riddled with multiple complexities,

largely arising out of compartmentalized approach to development of the
ecosystem by various stakeholders, as opposed to a coordinated or
integrated approach. The consequences of these include: Legacy
systems, silos of data and multiple incompatible standards (arising partly
out of lack of national standards until recently for IT and health informatics
as well as those for reporting, identity and the like); poor or modest
penetration of Hospital Information Systems; lack of demand and
regulation for integration or exchange of EHRs across providers;
challenges from vendors in terms of support to integration and easy to use
interfaces; lack of focus on patient services and patient engagement; non-
availability of Minimum Data Sets (MDS) and EHRs; and shortage of
funding for sustainability – to name a few.

For building an interconnected e-Health system across public and private

hospitals within a state or nationally, it is imperative that they should have
consistent standards for identity management, data entry, messaging,
data encryption, retrieval, reporting etc.

Doctors and other service providers will have to adjust their work flow in
order to incorporate EHR use, and also to use the information gained for
continuous improvement of their health care delivery. They may not also

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

be organized in a standardized / systematic way - either in the way they

report / analyze the data but need to do so progressively.

To encourage standardization, integration and exchange of electronic

information amongst the various healthcare providers and recognizing
that the electronic collection, storage, processing and transmission of
personal health data requires adherence to the highest standard of data
protection, the “EMR/EHR Standards for India” were formulated after
extensive discussion with all the stake holders and thereafter notified by
the Government of India in September, 2013. India has also become a
member of International Health Terminology Standards Development
Organisation (IHTSDO) since April, 2014 to support affordable and
consistent use of vocabularies through Systematized Nomenclature of
Medicine Clinical terms (SNOMED-CT) by all care providers.

What is required at this stage is an institutional mechanism to guide early

adoption of the EHR and SNOMED-CT standards by all care-providers as
independent and continued deployment of a lot of non-conformant
systems by public and private healthcare providers in states and centre
can lead to an avoidable and costly situation from which putting together
national e-Health system can be extremely cumbersome, time-consuming
and expensive, as the experience of many countries has demonstrated.

1.4 Benefits of Electronic Health Record (EHR)

EHR and the ability to exchange health information electronically can help
the providers to extend higher quality and safer care for patients while
creating tangible enhancements in the efficiency of operations of their
organization. EHRs helps providers to: better manage care for patients by
providing accurate, up-to-date, and complete information about patients at

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

the point of care; access patient records quickly for more coordinated,
efficient care; share electronic information securely with patients and other
clinicians; diagnose patients more effectively, reduce medical errors and
provide safer care; prescribe more reliably and safer; promote legible,
complete documentation and accurate, streamlined coding and billing;
improve productivity and work-life balance; and reduce costs through
decreased paperwork, improved safety, reduced duplication of testing,
and improved health.

Critical issues in implementing EHR include: the need to streamline the

processes and workflows relating to administrative and clinical functions;
the need to build capacities of providers and management in introduction,
operation, management and use of Hospital Information Systems
meaningfully by support to various administrative and clinical functions
through standards compliant EMR/EHR; the need to handle change
management issues arising out of the above; and the need to ensure
compliance to security, privacy and confidentiality as prescribed in
standards and guidelines so that legal, audit guidelines are met and citizen
and provider interests are protected.

Given constraints of resources, there are compelling benefits, outcomes

and impacts of e-Health that India can ill-afford to forego in improving
healthcare delivery to citizens. Notable among them include:

a. Improved timeliness (better quality of healthcare delivery)

b. Effectiveness (right intervention / audit trails for adverse events)
c. Efficiency (less resources in terms of manpower, time and cost)
d. Informed patients and their caregivers
e. Better access

Additional and specific benefits of e-Health include: diagnostic accuracy,

reduced waiting times, better referral management and greater
satisfaction with services.
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

Given the growing penetration of mobile phones and Internet, including

smartphones and tablets, other services that can be delivered on a large
scale include: SMS-based services, live and asynchronous telemedicine,
and interactive voice response service (IVRS).

1.5 International Experience

Roll-out of national e-Health systems, interconnecting EHR with unique

identifiers for citizens and providers has been progressively undertaken
by various countries.
Canada was one of the earliest to start in 2002, setting up Canada Health
Infoway as a federally funded, independent, not-for-profit organization to
lead the development and implementation of electronic health projects
across Canada. It has been working with provinces and territories to invest
in electronic health projects to support safer, more efficient healthcare
delivery. It targets to respect patient confidentiality fully and provide
private and secure systems to healthcare professionals with immediate
access to complete and accurate patient information, enabling better
decisions about diagnosis and treatment. Government of Canada provides
supporting funding and sets national priorities through Canada Health
Infoway. In many ways, it has been a pioneer in nationwide EHR system
and standards.

U.K., Australia and Singapore have been other prominent countries who
have taken initiatives for setting up nationwide e-Health since then.

In U.K., NHS is the provider of healthcare services for all and is funded
through general taxation. Department of Health is responsible for national
plans. National Program for IT (NPfIT) has been put in place to provide
the information infrastructure. After some early hiccups, U.K. has

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

progressed in terms of creating NHS Care Records Service (NHS CRS)

to improve the sharing of records of consenting patients across the NHS,
providing patients access to their own records, providing a system for
electronic transmission of prescriptions, creating a Picture Archiving and
Communication System, ensuring a secure broadband network
infrastructure to connect all NHS bodies in England, making it easier and
faster for GPs and other primary care staff to book hospital appointments
for patients and the like. NHS Information Centre is an independent NHS
Special Health Authority that collects analyses and distributes national
statistics on health and social care. It therefore has a key role in defining
NHS data standards.

In Australia, National e-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) is a not-for-

profit company set up by Federal, State and Territory governments to
develop better ways of electronically collecting and securely exchanging
health information. NEHTA is in a unique position to influence key e-
Health policy and regulation. It supports Australian healthcare system by
improving the quality of healthcare services, by enabling authorized
clinicians to access a patient’s integrated healthcare information and
history, directly sourced from clinical notes, test results and prescriptions
using standardized clinical data formats and terminologies; streamlining
multi-disciplinary care management, enabling seamless handovers of
care by ensuring efficient electronic referrals; improving clinical and
administrative efficiency, by standardizing certain types of healthcare
information to be recorded in e-Health systems; maintaining high
standards of patient privacy and information security and the like.

In Singapore, the National e-Policy to promote the use of ICT across all
sectors has been extremely effective, as has been the public funding for
ICT support of programs addressing national health priorities. Regulations
to protect the privacy and security of individual patient data where e-
Health is used are rated as very effective. Four Singapore public hospitals

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

had been awarded the Stage 6 benchmark of U.S. Healthcare Information

and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) for adopting EHR systems
among the very first implementations in Asia. Singapore has progressed
from hospital department systems to integrated electronic orders
processing, on-line radiology imaging, closed loop medication
management, timely laboratory receivables and analysis results and
ultimately facilitating good clinical decision support and data integration.

In United States of America, Office of National Coordinator for Health

Information Technology (ONC) was created in 2004 but with the passage
of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health
(HITECH) Act in 2009, it has been charged with building an interoperable,
private and secure nationwide health information system and supporting
the widespread and meaningful use of health information technology.
ONC is a staff division of the Office of the Secretary within the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. ONC leads national health IT
efforts, charged as the principal federal entity to coordinate nationwide
efforts to implement and use the most advanced health IT and the
electronic exchange of health information.

HITECH act seeks to improve American healthcare through an

unprecedented investment in health information technology. They are
specifically designed to work together to provide the necessary assistance
and technical support to providers, enable coordination and alignment
within and among states, establish connectivity to the public health
community in case of emergencies and ensure that the workforce is
properly trained and equipped to be meaningful users of EHRs. The Act
sets meaningful use of interoperable EHR adoption in the healthcare
system as a critical national goal and incentivize EHR adoption. ONC
works to improve Adoption, Standards, Incentive, Privacy and security and
Governance. The Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2011-’15 has set the
goals for use of health IT as: adoption and information exchange through

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

meaningful use; improving care, improve public health and reduce

healthcare costs; inspire confidence and trust in use of health IT; empower
individuals to improve their health and healthcare system; and achieve
rapid learning and technological advancement.

There are over thirty other countries who are building up valuable
experiences in nationwide e-Health adoption, though none has truly
completed the full scale adoption. ITU included adoption of e-Health as a
strategic priority from 2008 onwards.

1.6 Background for setting up NeHA

The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) had recommended in 2008

formation of National Health Information Authority (NHIA) to support
implementation on e-Health. High Level Expert Group (HLEG) set up by
Planning Commission in the context of XII Plan had recommended EHR
adoption and setting up of a nationwide network to support the same. They
had done so as part of recommending Universal Health Coverage.

‘Digital India’ Program has been announced by Government of India in

August 2014 and a set of on-line Healthcare services are scheduled to be
offered as part of the same in a definite time-frame in the next 4-5 years.

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

2. National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

2.1 Mission

NeHA will be the nodal authority that will be responsible for development
of an Integrated Health Information System (including Telemedicine and
mHealth) in India, while collaborating with all the stakeholders, viz.,
healthcare providers, consumers, healthcare technology industries, and
policymakers. It will also be responsible for enforcing the laws &
regulations relating to the privacy and security of the patients health
information & records.

2.2 Vision / Goals

a) To guide the adoption of e-Health solutions at various levels and

areas in the country in a manner that meaningful aggregation of health
and governance data and storage/exchange of electronic health
records happens at various levels in a cost-effective manner

b) To facilitate integration of multiple health IT systems through health

information exchanges

c) To oversee orderly evolution of state-wide and nationwide Electronic

Health Record Store/Exchange System that ensures that security,
confidentiality and privacy of patient data is maintained and continuity
of care is ensured.

2.3 In the light of the above, National e-Health Authority (NeHA) has been
envisaged to support:

a) Formulation of policies, strategies and implementation plan blue-print

(National eHealth Policy / Strategy) for coordinated eHealth adoption
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

in the country by all players; regulation and accelerated adoption of

e-health in the country by public and private care providers and other
players in the ecosystem; to establish a network of different
institutions to promote eHealth and Tele-medicine/remote
healthcare/virtual healthcare and such other measures;
b) Formulation and management of all health informatics standards for
India; Laying down data management, privacy & security policies,
standards and guidelines in accordance with statutory provisions; and
c) To promote setting up of state health records repositories and health
information exchanges (HIEs);
d) To deal with privacy and confidentiality aspects of Electronic Health
Records (EHR).

2.4 Functions of National eHealth Authority

2.4.1 Core Functions

a. Policy and Promotion

i. Working out vision, strategy and adoption plans, with timeframes,

priorities and road-map in respect of eHealth adoption by all stake-
holders, both Public and Private providers, formulate policies for eHealth
adoption that are best suited to Indian context and enable accelerated
health outcomes in terms of access, affordability, quality and reduction in
disease mortality & morbidity

ii. To engage with stakeholders through various means so that eHealth

plans are adopted and other policy, regulatory and legal provisions are
implemented by both the public & private sector stakeholders.

iii. It shall provide thought leadership, in the areas of eHealth and


Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

b. Standards Development

i. Government of India, MoHFW has published EMR/EHR standards for

India in 2013. Similarly, MoHFW has become a member of IHTSDO with
a view of widespread adoption of SNOMED-CT in India; MoHFW has also
nominated C-DAC (Pune) as interim NRC (iNRC). As such, initial focus of
NeHA would be on addressing implementation issues and promoting
mechanisms in support of the same.

ii. Concurrently, NeHA will be nurtured to undertake the role of a

standards development, maintenance and support agency in the area of
Health Informatics

c. Legal Aspects including Regulation

i. NeHA will be setup through an appropriate legislation (Act of

Parliament).It is also proposed to address the issues relating to
privacy & confidentiality of Patients’ EHR in the legislation. NeHA
may act as an enforcement agency with suitable mandate and
ii. NeHA will be responsible for enforcement of standards & ensuring
security, confidentiality and privacy of patient’s health information &

d. Setting up and Maintaining Health Repositories, Electronic Health

Exchanges and National Health Information Network

NeHA, while avoiding the implementation role by itself, will prepare

documents relating to architecture, standards, policies and guidelines for
e-Health stores, HIEs and NHIN; it may also initiate or encourage PoCs,
in close consultation with government – centre and states, industry,
implementers and users. Later, it would lay down operational guidelines
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

and protocols, policies for sharing and exchange of data, audit guidelines
and the like; these shall be guided by experience in operation and use of
PoC, global best practices and consultations with stake-holders (MoHFW,
State governments and other public and private providers, academia, R&D
labs, and others).

e. Capacity Building

Spreading awareness on Health Informatics / eHealth to healthcare

delivery professionals through various educational initiatives and flexible
courses according to the background of the learners will form a component
of NeHA activities, as it is seen as critical to acceleration of adoption of

f. Other functions may be assigned to NeHA as the situation warrants.

2.5 Governance

The Authority will have a Chairman and four full time members. The
tentative composition of NeHA may be as follows:

a) Chairman: An eminent person in the field of Medicine, Public Health or


b) Three full time Members: They shall be from the following fields:-
Medicine, Public Health, IT Standards, Health
Economics/Management, Administration/ Finance, Legal

c) Member Secretary: Same as above but shall also discharge the role of
co-ordination and effective functioning of the Authority.

Standing Consultative Committee: The Committee shall be chaired by

Chairman of NeHA and, besides its four members, shall have members
who represent experts and stake-holder community.
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

Indicative membership positions of Standing Consultative Committee


Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (4) {AS&DG(CGHS),

AS&MD(NHM), DGHS, Mission Leader of Health MMP}, Principal
Secretaries (Health)/ Mission Leaders from States(3), Expert Doctors
by rotation (2), Private Healthcare providers by rotation (2), IT industry
reps by rotation (2), Standards org rep (2), DeitY rep (1), DOT rep.
(1), Independent Medical Practitioners by rotation (1), MCI Chairman
or nominee (1), NASSCOM & NATHEALTH Presidents (2), FICCI
President, ICMR DG or nominee (1), IRDA Chairman (1), Consumer
Rights Activists (2 by rotation), WHO rep (1).

It shall meet once in six months or more often when considered

necessary. It shall function as a two-way consultation forum between
NeHA and diverse stake-holders to enable evolution of sound eHealth
policies and road-map and solicit participation of all stake-holders in
adoption of nationwide eHealth and Standards at various levels, in a
manner that ensures benefits are realized in a phased and orderly
manner that protects the interests of citizens/patients and providers.

The Authority will have powers to co-opt additional members to contribute

to specialist needs and points of view. They shall be part-time members
and will not have voting powers. Otherwise, they will have full authority
to participate in all proceedings of the Authority. These members shall be
co-opted on a one-year at a time basis to enable rotation of members and
thus diversity of views to be heard.

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)


Health being a state subject in India and much depends on the ability /
regulatory framework enacted by the State governments, NeHA shall be
created through legislation (Act of Parliament) that empowers it to take
leadership and strategic role for setting directions for public and private
eHealth initiatives, including electronic health records storage and health
information exchange capabilities and other related health information
technology efforts & regulation of the same.

NeHA shall ensure ongoing interagency cooperation – while engaging with

various stakeholders through the Standing Consultative Committee and
also through other means, in a structured, open and transparent manner
to support successful evolution of national integrated health information

Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)


1. NKC report
2. HLEG recommendations
3. EHR Standards for India
4. Health MMP DPR
5. Sarbadhikari SN, The State of Medical Informatics in India: A
Roadmap for optimal organization, J. Medical Systems, 2005, 29:
6. Integrated Health Information Architecture – Power to the Users,
Design, Development and Use, Jorn Braa and Sundeep Sahay,
Matrix Publications, 2012
7. Electronic Health Record, Standards, Coding Systems, Frameworks
and Infrastructures, Pradeep K Sinha, Gaur Sunder et al., IEEE
Press, John Wiley Press, 2013
8. IT Act, 2008
9. CCA, DeitY
10. STQC, DeitY
11. TRAI act
12. IRDA act
13. Clinical Establishment Act
14. Electronic Delivery of Services Act
15. Open Standards for e-Governance, DeitY
Concept Note- National eHealth Authority (NeHA)

16. IFeG, DeitY

17. HIPAA act, 2009, U.S.A.
18. Australia e-Health Authority,
19. Canada
20. U.S.
21. U.K.
22. Singapore
23. OECD Organizational Practices in Health, Strengthening-Health-
24. ITU on e-Health
25. WHO on e-Health
26. Source:
27. Source:



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