Balila Vs IAC

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G.R. No.

L-68477 October 29, 1987

SPOUSES ANICETO BALILA and EDITHA S. DE GUZ MAN, SPOUSES ASTERIO DE The root of all the issues raised before Us is that judgment by compromise
GUZMAN and ERLINDA CONCEPCION and ENCARNACION OCAMPO VDA. DE rendered by the lower court based on the terms of the amicable settlement of the
CONCEPCION, petitioners, contending parties. Such agreement not being contrary to law, good morals or
vs. public policy was approved by the lower court and therefore binds the parties who
ABASOLO, in his capacity as Judge, Regional Trial Court, First Judicial Region,
Branch L, Villasis, Pangasinan, GUADALUPE C. VDA. DE DEL CASTILLO and WALDO However, the records show that petitioners made partial payments to
DEL CASTILLO, respondents. private respondent Waldo del Castillo after May 15, 1981 or the last day for making
Topic: 6. Novation, b. As to its form payments, redeeming Lot No. 52 as earlier stated.
Ponente: Paras, J. There is no question that petitioners tendered several payments to Waldo
del Castillo even after redeeming lot No. 52. A total of these payments reveals that
Facts: petitioners share. fulIy paid the amount stated in the judgment by com promise.
Petitioners were defendants and private respondents were plaintiffs in a The only issue is whether Waldo del Castillo was a person duly authorized by his
Civil Case. They entered into an amicable settlement wherein petitioners admitted mother Guadalupe Vda. de del Castillo, as her attorney-in-fact to represent her in
“having sold under a pacto de retro sale 3 parcels of land (Lot 965, Lot 16, Lot 52) in transactions involving the properties in question. We believe that he was so
the amount of P84,000” and that they “hereby promise to pay the said amount authorized in the same way that the appellate court took cognizance of such fact as
within the period of 4 months but not later than May 15, 1981.” embodied in its assailed decision. reading as follows:
It may be mentioned that on May 25,1981, Guadalupe Vda. de Del
December 30, 1981 or more than 7 months after the last day for making Castillo, represented by her attorney in fact Waldo Castillo, filed a
payments, petitioners redeemed from private respondent Guadalupe Lot No. 52 by complaint for consolidation of ownership against the same
paying the amount of P20,000. petitioners herein before the Court of First Instance of
Pangasinan, docketed as Civil Case No. U-3650, the allegations of
August 4, 1982 – Guadalupe filed a motion for a hearing on the which are Identical to the complaint filed in Civil Case No. U-3501
consolidation of the title over the remaining 2 parcels of land namely Lot 965 and of the same court. This case U-3650 was, however, dismissed in
Loot 16 alleging that the earlier court decision (approving the amicable settlement) an Order dated May 27, 1983, in view of the order of
remained unenforced for non-payment of the total obligation. Petitioners opposed, consolidation issued in Civil Case No. U-350 1. (p. 37, Rollo)
alleging that they had made partial payments to Guadalupe’s attorney-in-fact and (Underscoring supplied)
son, Waldo, as well as to the Sheriff.
The fact therefore remains that the amount of P84,000.00 payable on or
TC issued an order affirming consolidation. before May 15, 1981 decreed by the trial court in its judgment by compromise was
novated and amended by the subsequent mutual agreements and actions of
On June 8, 1983, while the TC order had not yet been enforced, petitioners petitioners and private respondents. Petitioners paid the aforestated amount on an
paid Guadalupe by tendering the amount of P28,000 to her son Waldo, thus leaving insatalment basis and they were given by private respondents no less than eight
an unpaid amount of P35,200. A certification dated June 8, 1983 and signed by extensions of time pay their obligation. These transactions took place during the
Waldo showed that petitioners were given a period of 45 days from date or up to pendency of the motion for reconsideration of the Order of the trial court dated
July 23, 1983 within which to pay the balance. Such certification supported April 26, 1983 in Civil Case No. U-3501, during the pendency of the petition for
petitioners’ MR of the order of consolidation. MR was however denied. certiorari in AC-G.R. SP-01307 before the Intermediate Appellate Court and after
the filing of the petition before us. This answers the claim of the respondents on the
Issue: Was the Order approving the amicable settlement novated upon subsequent failure of the petitioners to present evidences or proofs of payment in the lower
mutual agreements of the parties? YES court and the appellate court. We have touched on this issue, similarly, in the case
of de los Santos vs. Rodriguez 6 wherein We ruled that:
Held: As early as Molina vs. De la Riva 7 the principle has been laid down
Petitioners' contentions deserve Our consideration. that, when, after judgment has become final, facts and
circumstances transpire which render its execution impossible or 146360 and 146361 respectively in favor of petitioners. Should private respondents
unjust, the interested party may ask the court to modify or alter fail to do so, the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court concerned is ordered to
the judgment to harmonize the same with justice and the facts. execute the necessary deed of reconveyance, conformably with the provisions of
the Rules of Court. The local Register of Property is ordered to register said deed of
For this reason, in Amor vs. Judge Jose, 8 we used the following language: reconveyance. Private respondents are hereby authorized to withdraw the balance
The Court cannot refuse to issue a writ of in the amount of P10,000 consigned by petitioners on January 9, 1985 with the trial
execution upon a final and executory judgment, court as per OR No. 9764172 (Annex "O") a full payment of petitioners' obligation.
or quash it, or order its stay, for, as a general
rule, parties will not be allowed, after final This decision is immediately executory and no motion for extension of the
judgment, to object to the execution by raising period within which to file a motion for reconsideration will be granted.
new issues of fact or of law, except when there
had been a change in the situation of the parties SO ORDERED.
which makes such execution in- equitable; or
when it appears that the controversy has never
been submitted to the judgment of the court, or
when it appears that the writ of execution has
been improvidently issued, or that it is defective
in substance, or issued against the wrong
party or that judgment debt has been paid or
otherwise satisfied or when the writ has been
issued without authority. (emphasis supplied)

Likewise in the case of Dormitorio vs. Fernandez, 9 We held:

What was done by respondent Judge in setting aside the writ of
execution in Civil Case No. 5111 finds support in the applicable
authorities. There is this relevant excerpt in Barretto v.
Lopez 10 this Court speaking through the then Chief Justice Paras:
"Allegating that the respondent judge of the municipal court had
acted in excess of her jurisdiction and with grave abuse of
discretion in issuing the writ of execution of December 15, 1947,
the petitioner has filed the present petition for certiorari and
prohibition for the purpose of having said writ of execution
annulled. Said petition is meritorious. The agreement filed by the
parties in the ejectment case created as between them new rights
and obligations which naturally superseded the judgment of the
municipal court." In Santos v. Acuna, 11 it was contended that a
lower court decision was novated by the subsequent agreement
of the parties. Implicit in this Court's ruling is that such a plea
would merit approval if indeed that was what the parties
intended. ...

WHEREFORE, finding merit in the petition, the same is hereby given DUE
COURSE and the assailed decision, SET ASIDE. Private respondents are hereby
ordered to reconvey and deliver lot No. 965 and Lot No. 16 as covered by TCT Nos.

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