DBL Elisabeth and Raea Edits

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Lesson DATE: March 19, 2018 (Day 1) CLASS: Sec 4 High

Plan DURATION: 60 minutes Sciences

TEACHERS: Elisabeth and Raea

Objectives By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
- Identify information necessary to solve a problem
- Plan tasks to complete a design
- Construct a profile of an intended user for their design

Group Size Students will work in groups of 3-4. The teacher will select groups according
to class dynamics and complementary strengths. Students will choose their
roles from the following group roles: researcher, reporters (2), and leader.
Materials - Researchers are in charge of finding reputable sources to answer
questions that arise as the groups work on the problem
- Reporters are in charge of recording all relevant information
- Leaders are in charge of ensuring all students are contributing equally
and that the group is on-time to complete the task, and reporting on
the group’s progress when necessary

Students will need a pencil, the Design and Planning (Appendix A) handout,
and internet access (Chromebooks, cell phones, etc.)

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

2. Solves problems
3. Exercises critical judgment
4. Uses creativity
8. Cooperates with others
9. Communicates appropriately

Subject-Specific Competencies:

1. Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems

3. Communicates in the languages used in science and technology
Time Lesson
Before the class, arrange desks in groups of 4.

5 minutes Icebreaker:
Ask students: What have you heard about the crisis in Syria?
- Have you heard of any other areas currently in conflict?

5 minutes Introduction:
Ask students: What do you think it might be like to be a doctor in areas in
- What kind of standard of care do you think people in areas in conflict
have access to? Why?

40 minutes Activity:
Overview: Students will take on the role of engineers attempting to design
simple devices to enable more independent living for amputees in conflict

1. Tell students the following: In many developing countries or areas in

conflict, amputees may be forced to wait long stretches before
receiving a proper prosthesis. While charitable organizations like
Doctors Without Borders do their best to fit amputees with
prosthetics, the number of patients requiring prosthetics and the cost
associated with acquiring and fitting them is high. In the meantime,
amputees may struggle with simple tasks of daily living like eating,
dressing, and brushing their teeth. While finding a sustainable long-
term solution may be complicated, designing simple, affordable
devices to enable amputees to live more independently can greatly
enhance quality of life until a better solution can be found. In the next
few classes, you will be engineers attempting to design a simple, low-
cost, durable device that could feasibly be created and distributed to
double-arm amputees in conflict zones to help them brush their teeth
independently. It’s a small improvement but enabling them to do this
kind of daily task independently can really increase their confidence
and quality of life.
2. Break students into groups (as outlined above) and ask them to assign
each person one of the three group roles. Note: There will be 2
3. Ask all group leaders to collect 1 copy of the Design and Planning
(Appendix A) handout.
4. Instruct groups to first complete the “What We Know”, “What We
Need To Know”, and “What We Need To Do” portions of the handout
(p. 1) before moving on to the User Profile section (p. 2).
5. While groups are working on their handouts, circulate through the
classroom to check on each group’s thinking and progress, asking
scaffolding question as needed.

Soft Scaffolding Questions

- What does it mean to be a double-arm amputee? Are all double-arm
amputees the same?
- Anticipated misconception: All double-arm amputees have
their amputations performed in the same way (e.g. all
amputated above/below the elbow)
- How do you think someone without arms might brush their teeth
- Anticipated answers: A family member does it for them; they
use their feet; hold their toothbrush with their remaining
- Anticipated misconception: After viewing videos of double-
arm amputee YouTubers (Appendix B), students may wonder
why a device is necessary if double-arm amputees can do the
same tasks with their feet.
 Follow-up questions: How long have the people in these
videos been without arms? If you were a recovering amputee,
how long do you think it would take you to learn how to use
your feet like hands? Can you touch your face with your feet
AND stay balanced?
- What do you think the place where your user brushes their teeth
looks like?
- Anticipated misconception: Students may assume the user has
access to a bathroom space similar to their own
- What are some things that a double-arm amputee is capable of?
- Anticipated misconception: Students may become fixated on
the user’s limitations which may lead them to over-design
their device. Refocusing them on their user’s abilities may help
them to recognize the similarities between their intended user
and themselves to simplify their device.
- How do you think your user’s life is similar or different to your own?
- Anticipated response: Students may become fixated on the
myriad ways their user’s life differs from their own, which
makes designing a device for this hypothetical user very
 Follow-up: What is universal about toothbrushing?
Hard Scaffolding
- Information sheet on amputations & amputees, Arm Amputations
(Appendix B)
- 2 videos of double-arm amputee YouTubers explaining how they
perform various tasks: (1) Putting on Make Up and (2) Maintaining a
positive outlook on life after amputation (Appendix B)

10 minutes Wrap-Up:
Circulate around to each group, checking to make sure all groups have a
reasonable plan for the next day’s work. Ask check-in questions to ensure
students are on-task and prepared for the next day (e.g. “What did you
accomplish today? Is there anything that you didn’t get done on your sheet
that you still need to get done for tomorrow?)

Students will be assessed according to their contributions to their group
during observation periods (the teacher will circulate and take note of
students’ active and productive participation).
Lesson DATE: March 20, 2018 (Day 2) CLASS: Sec 4 High
Plan DURATION: 60 minutes Sciences
TEACHERS: Elisabeth and Raea

Objectives By the end of this lesson, the students will be working towards achieving
the following technical POLs:
- Determine the desirable characteristics of links in the design of a
technical object
- Explain the choice of a type of link in a technical object
- Explain the choice of a motion transmission or motion transformation
system in a technical object
- Explain the choice of a material based on its properties (particularly
plastics and composites)
- Represent different types of motion related to the operation of an
object using the appropriate symbols
- Choose the appropriate type of diagram for a given representation
- Choose the best view to describe a technical object
- Indicates all information needed to explain the operation of a
technical object
- Dimensions multiview orthogonal projections in accordance with the
main dimensioning rules
- Uses instruments to construct a graph
Note: Screen shot of POLs (Appendix C)

Group Size Students will work in groups of 3-4 (same groups and roles as last lesson).
Students will need a pencil, the Design and Planning (Appendix A) handout,
Materials Designing a Prototype (Appendix A) handout, Internet access (via
Chromebooks or personal cellphones), and access to previous class notes
(written or online on Google Classroom).

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

2. Solves problems
3. Exercises critical judgment
4. Uses creativity
8. Cooperates with others
9. Communicates appropriately
Subject-Specific Competencies:

1. Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems

3. Communicates in the languages used in science and technology

Time Lesson

10 minutes Introduction:
Go over the problem introduced in the previous lesson. Review students’
user profile.

Ask students:
- What kind of things did you put in your user profile?
- Did you choose one type of double-arm amputee or are you designing
your device for many types of DAAs?

45 minutes Activity:
Overview: Students will brainstorm specific design elements to be included in
their device based on elements included in their user profile. Students will
develop a technical drawing of a prototype of their device.

1. Ask group leaders to collect 1 Designing a Prototype (Appendix A)

handout for each group
2. Instruct groups to justify their design choices with information from
their user profile as well as from their notes from previous classes
(e.g. properties of various materials; POLs covered (Appendix C)
3. While groups are working on their handouts, circulate through the
classroom to check on each group’s thinking and progress, asking
scaffolding question as needed.

Soft Scaffolding
- Do you think it’s better to try to make a device that will mimic how
they brushed their teeth before the amputation, how they brush their
teeth now, or to find a new way altogether?
- Students may over-design their devices to mimic
toothbrushing with full use of arms and hands
 Follow-up: What movement is absolutely essential for
toothbrushing? Are there ways to achieve this motion
without arms or hands? What structures are necessary to
achieve this movement?
- What movement is involved in toothbrushing?
- Translational? Like a guided sliding motion (e.g. drawer)
- What about circular?
- What do you think the place where they brush their teeth looks like?
- Anticipated misconception: Students may design a
countertop-mounted device; again, assuming the user has
access to a bathroom similar to their own
Follow-up: What kind of assumptions are safe to make
about our user? What can we not assume in our design?
- What are some things that your device shouldn’t do?
- Anticipated answers: Break; not work; not fit
Follow-up: Aside from breaking, what are some other ways
that your design might not be feasible? Do you use an electric
toothbrush? What happens when the batteries die? Do you
ever need a new toothbrush? Why? How often? Have you ever
tried brushing your teeth with your other hand?
- These devices are intended to be affordable, durable, short-term
“quick fixes” while amputees are waiting to be fitted for long-term
prosthetics. How can you balance low production cost and durability?
- Anticipated answer: Plastic and aluminum are both durable
and cheap, composites are light and durable
 Follow-up: Where would these devices be distributed?
How will they get to their destination? How will that
impact the affordability of your device? How can your
design choices help mitigate the costs of shipping?
- Anticipated answer: Using lightweight materials will
decrease shipping costs (and make the design more
user-friendly if the user is supporting the weight of the
- Based on your User Profile and your understanding of double-arm
amputations, is it better to use a motion transmission or
transformation system? Which will make your device more user-
- Anticipated answers: Student responses will likely vary a lot
depending on their choice of amputation type and whether
the device will be attached to a surface or supported by the

Hard Scaffolding
- Notes from previous classes on technical drawing elements,
properties of materials and links (available as slides on Google
Classroom or as students’ own notes) (Previously covered POLs,
Appendix C)
- Poster detailing examples of motion transmission and transformation
systems (hung in classroom)
5 minutes Wrap-Up:
Circulate around to each group, checking to make sure all groups have a
reasonable plan for the next day’s work. Ask check-in questions to ensure
students are on-task and prepared for the next day (e.g. “What did you
accomplish today? Is there anything that you didn’t get done on your sheet
that you still need to get done for tomorrow?). Ensure students have
completed a Prototype Design Plan (Appendix A). If it is not completed, it is

Students will be assessed according to their contributions to their groups
during observation periods (the teacher will circulate and take note of
students’ active and productive participation).
Lesson DATE: March 21, 2018 (Day 3) CLASS: Sec 4 High
Plan DURATION: 60 minutes Sciences
TEACHERS: Elisabeth and Raea

Objectives By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
- Judge the choice of assembly solutions in a technical object (NEW)
- Explain the choice of a type of link in a technical object
- Explain the choice of a motion transmission or motion transformation
system in a technical object
- Explain the choice of a material based on its properties (particularly
plastics and composites)
- Represent different types of motion related to the operation of an
object using the appropriate symbols
- Choose the best view to describe a technical object
- Indicates all information needed to explain the operation of a
technical object
- Dimensions multiview orthogonal projections in accordance with the
main dimensioning rules
- Uses instruments to construct a graph
Note: From POLs (Appendix C)

Group Size Students will work in groups of 3-4 (same groups and roles as last lesson).
Teacher will need the Technical Drawing Checklist (Appendix B) slide,
Materials computer, and projector.

Students will need a pencil, Final Design handout (Appendix A), access to
class notes from previous classes (either written in notebooks or online on
Google Classroom).

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

2. Solves problems
3. Exercises critical judgment
4. Uses creativity
8. Cooperates with others
9. Communicates appropriately

Subject-Specific Competencies:

1. Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems

3. Communicates in the languages used in science and technology
Time Lesson

5 minutes Introduction:
On the projector, display a checklist for technical drawing components.
Review the checklist with students.

45 minutes Activity:
Overview: Students will review their prototype drawing, analyze it for
modifications to improve design, and create a final technical drawing of their
design in the projection of their choice.

1. Ask group leaders to collect 1 Final Design (Appendix A) handout for

each group
2. Instruct groups to analyze their prototype design from the previous
day and make 3 modifications to improve the design, considering:
user-friendliness, durability, cost, simplicity, etc. prior to completing
their final technical drawing.
3. While groups are working on their handouts, circulate through the
classroom to check on each group’s thinking and progress, asking
scaffolding question as needed.

Soft Scaffolding
- What properties of the materials in your design make them ideal for
this device? Are there other materials that can achieve the same
- Anticipated answers: Plastics are lightweight and durable,
relatively inexpensive, and easily replaceable if a part breaks.
Aluminum is similar but may be more expensive or difficult to
repair or replace.
- Which kind of systems have you included in your design? Why are
these optimal for your intended user?
- Anticipated misconceptions: Students may confuse motion
transmission and motion transformation systems.
 Follow-up: Where does the motion originate? What kind of
motion is it? What kind of motion is produced at the end?
Is it the same or different from the original motion?
- What kind of tools or materials do you think your user would have
access to if your device was to break? Can they use them without
- What makes a device user-friendly for your intended user?
- Anticipated incongruency: Students may forget to refer back
to their User Profile and design a mechanical toothbrush
device rather than a device specifically for their intended user.
- How did you decide on your measurements for your device? Will they
need to be customized for each user or are they standard?
- Anticipated incongruency: Students may design a user-
mounted device without considering individual customization
demands or forgetting they chose to design for a wider

Hard Scaffolding
- Technical Drawing Checklist (Appendix B), available on a slide
- Poster detailing examples of motion transmission and transformation
systems (hung in classroom)
- Notes from previous classes on technical drawing elements,
properties of materials and links (available as slides on Google
Classroom or as students’ own notes)

10 minutes Wrap-Up:
Circulate around to each group, checking to make sure all groups have
completed their technical drawing. Review the Technical Drawing checklist
slide with students. Ask group leaders to assemble all 3 handouts, staple
them, review for completion, and hand in their packages.

Students will be assessed according to their contributions to their groups
during observation periods (the teacher will circulate and take note of
students’ active and productive participation).

Summative assessment: Groups will hand in their DBL handout packages for
Appendix A – Necessary Handouts
Design and Planning (Day 1)
Group Members
Leader: _______________________________ Reporter: __________________________

Researcher: _ __________________________ Researcher: ________________________


What We Know What We Need To Know

What We Need To Do
Construct a User Profile
Be sure to include information on the intended user’s: (1) needs, (2) abilities, (3) limitations, and
(4) other information that may influence the design. Your profile can be point-form and include
sketches or other information you feel is necessary.

User Profile
Designing a Prototype (Day 2)
Refer to and consider your user profile when developing your design. Each choice should reflect
a point made in the user profile.

Design Element Purpose/Reasoning

Construct a Prototype
Be sure to label components, scale, accurate dimensions, symbols, links, and forces.
Keep in mind: Your final technical drawing will include at least 2 different views. This will help in
labelling the different forces.
Prototype Design Plan
Final Design (Day 3)
Give at least 3 modifications you would make to your prototype design to make it more
affordable, durable, user-friendly, or functional.

Problem Modification
Final Drawing
Make a complete technical drawing for your design. Sketch your design in at least two different
views, and be sure to include appropriate labels, measurements, symbols, and legends using the
technical drawing conventions we covered in class. You may opt to attach your final sketch on a
separate piece of grid paper.

Technical Drawing
Briefly describe: How does your design work? How does it meet your user’s needs?
Appendix B – Hard Scaffolding
Arm Amputations

What is amputation?
Amputation is surgery to remove all or part of an arm or leg. It may be done to treat
injury, disease, or infection. It may also be done to remove tumors from bones and

Why might I need an amputation?

The most common reason for amputation is poor blood flow. This happens when
arteries become narrowed or damaged. When this occurs in the arms or legs, it’s called
peripheral arterial disease or PAD. Poor blood flow causes infection and death of tissue.
Other reasons you might need this procedure include injury, such as severe burn or
accident, or cancer in a limb.

Long-term care
There have been many advances over the past several years in the surgery,
rehabilitation, and prosthetic design. Proper healing and fitting of the artificial limb help
to reduce the risk of long-term complications. An amputation requires adapting many
parts of your life. Physical therapy can help.
YouTuber Video Links
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AXTkvcpdDc

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY3maLevDMQ

Technical Drawing Checklist

 Appropriate scale
 Accurate dimensions
 Force symbols
 Materials legend
 Materials shading
 Link and component labels
 Conventional lines
 Ruler used for straight lines
 At least 2 views used
Appendix C – Progression of Learning

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