What Is A Dollar
What Is A Dollar
What Is A Dollar
American Garamond Font size 14 or larger $ ] Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the
vaults of depository institutions; (2) travelers
Reference Material – For Information checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand
Only! deposits at commercial banks (excluding those
amounts held by depository institutions, the
What is a "Dollar", “$” or a "$" - A closer look U.S. government, and foreign banks and
official institutions) less cash items in the
LETTER TO LAWYER THAT CAUSED A process of collection and Federal Reserve float;
20% SETTLEMENT and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs),
consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal
Dear ___________: (NOW) and automatic transfer service (ATS)
It is obvious that you and your paralegal do not accounts at depository institutions, credit
understand the simple fact that there is no union share draft accounts, and demand
money in circulation and that you cannot deposits at thrift institutions. Seasonally
demand paper instruments backed by credit. adjusted M1 is constructed by summing
You obtained a money judgment, not a credit currency, travelers checks, demand deposits,
judgment. It is a principal of law universally and OCDs, each seasonally adjusted separately.
accepted that a State judge cannot make a legal
determination contrary to Article 1, Section 10 M2 consists of M1 plus (1) savings deposits
of the Constitution of the United States or (including money market deposit accounts);
Louisiana Revised Statute 1-53. All judicial (2) small-denomination time deposits (time
judgments must comply with both. deposits in amounts of less than $100,000),
less individual retirement account (IRA) and
You now have the problem of execution, which Keogh balances at depository institutions; and
must be executed, by the very same trial court (3) balances in retail money market mutual
that lost subject matter jurisdiction via a vague funds, less IRA and Keogh balances at money
order. There is no money to satisfy judgment market mutual funds. Seasonally adjusted M2
and any attempt to seize property will be met is constructed by summing savings deposits,
with an injunction prohibiting sale upon the small-denomination time deposits, and retail
ground that the judgment obtained is money funds, each seasonally adjusted
absolutely null. Any motion for examination of separately, and adding this result to seasonally
judgment debtor will be met with a motion to adjusted M1.
quash the summons upon the same ground.
This is my intent. Act as you feel compelled but M3 consists of M2 plus (1) balances in
be prepared to discuss money and payment in institutional money market mutual funds; (2)
all future hearings. large-denomination time deposits (time
deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more); (3)
In your letter you say, "We would be willing to repurchase agreement (RP) liabilities of
accept payment in the full amount owed to our depository institutions, in denominations of
client (principal sum of $21,462.10)." 21,000 of $100,000 or more, on U.S. government and
what? What you are willing to accept is not the federal agency securities; and (4) Eurodollars
issue. The issue is what are you legally able to held by U.S. addressees at foreign branches of
demand? What kind/species of money U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices
aggregate type (M1, M2, or, M3) was loaned in the United Kingdom and Canada. Large-
and are you asking for a different type to be denomination time deposits, RPs, and
repaid? Below is a brief explanation and I shall Eurodollars exclude those amounts held by
expect a reply or we will let the Judge reply. depository institutions, the U.S. government,
foreign banks and official institutions, and