Faced with the stiffer economic competition and worried about future work forces, the former
President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III declared the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or
K-12 Basic Education last 2015, for he believes that adding more years in basic education could
help to solve the problems of employment, and keep with global standards, and help Pilipino
students to have more time to choose the career that best and suits to their skills.
Psychologically speaking, the short education program affects human development of the
Pilipino children. Psychologist and educators says that children under 18 are generally not
sixpupils graduated in elementary at the age of 11-13 and graduated fourth year at the age of 15-
17 years old so therefore they are still considered as children and they still not capable to handle
So, the goal of K-12Basic Education Program is to create a functional Basic Education system
that will help to produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with an essential
competencies and skills for life – long learning and employment. This is also enhancing the basic
education system full functionality to fulfill the basic learning needs of a student.
Many of the students and parents are favored about enhancing basic education and many of
them also is against by this, for a reason that K-12 is a wasting of time and money for the student
who can pursue their college. But how about for the student who can’t pursue their college?
Well, according to President Aquino having quality education as a long term is a solution to
poverty to achieve it has a twin following objectives: to give every students as opportunity to
excellence; Produce a pool of highly qualified and inadequately trained teacher; Achieve high
academic standards; Produce graduates who globally competitive and whose credential are
recognized internationally to change public perception that high school education is a preparation
for college.
The first batches of Filipino student who go on through Grade 11 are the student who graduated
last 2015. In Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte, K-12 offered the new SHS (Senior High
School) system with the specific career tracks that is related to college courses. The Academic
Industrial Arts
But this research focused only in TVL strand in SHS. What is the purpose TVL strand/track?
TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) is a track for a student that cannot pursue any degree
after SHS (Senior High School). It is strand that invests primarily skills that can gain a student a
requisite COCs (Certificate of Competency) and NCs (National Certificates) which would be
essential when looking for better career opportunities in agriculture, electronics, and trade. This
is also important for applying abroad where the skills that a SHS (Senior High School) student
Grades 9-12. Explanatory Subjects at 40 hours per quarter are taken during Grade 7 to 8.
TVL is a better option of a student who can’t take four years degree in college. Why?
Because in after 2 years of SHS (Senior High School) a student can earned employable skills and
Psychologist and educators says that children under 18 are generally not emotionally prepared
for entrepreneurship or employment or higher education. Commonly grade six pupils graduated
in elementary at the age of 11-13 and graduated fourth year at the age of 15-17 years old so
therefore they are still considered as children and they still not capable to handle a serious
situation like decision making and work task. According to our former President Benigno S.
Aquino III “We need to add two years to our basic education, those who can afford pay up to
fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best
universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school
And according to the DepEd K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic
education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of
Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
According to Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro [former Secretary], the new
curriculum is focused more on the learners and not on the teacher. Luistro said, “We are making
it a real learning experience for the students, meaning, it will be less on memorization and more
encouraging of critical thinking”.... Furthermore, Luistro explains, “It is important that our
learners develop that natural love for learning and not feel that it is something imposed on
them…we will reduce it to four hours to make education less stressful and more enjoyable.
Change is never easy, especially when it is about a big undertaking such as the implementation
of the new K-12 curriculum guide in the Philippines. It is high time, however, that we join the
rest of the world and improve the quality of our basic education system and our graduates.
Students acquire in-depth knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and
consistency across all levels and subjects. K-12 had a big help to our country the following are
● Only country in Asia with 10 years of basic education – Before implementing K-12, the
Philippines was the last Asian country and one of only three nations in the world with 10 years of
basic education. The new system, which follows a global standard, will put Filipino students at
●Poor quality of education – Students’ low scores in the National Achievement Test (NAT) and
Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMMS) are a reflection of the current quality
●Too many non-practical subjects – Supported by the findings of the study performed by
SEAMEO INNOTECH, the country’s old curriculum was too congested and lacked practical
application. While students did not get enough instructional time to learn, they also missed the
●Not prepared for college education – Due to lack of practical application, past high school
grads (in the old curriculum) could not qualify to pursue higher education.
●Too young for labor force – High school graduates of the old curriculum are generally less than
18 years old and are too young to work after graduation. This young age is deemed unripe for
●No global recognition – Filipino professionals who have finished a 10-year basic education
may not be acknowledged in many parts of the world. This is due to education requirements set
Livelihood tracks this track is a replacement for TESDA (Technical Educational and Skills
Authority). TVL offered courses that are what TESDA offered too. They offered the following:
Home Economics
Industrial Arts
What is the advantage of TVL? According to an article that was posted on March 26, 2016
1. The TVL Track can get a student employed right after senior high school.
After 2 years of senior high TVL you’ll have earned employable skills and will thus be eligible
to work.
Out of every 100 Grade 1 pupils, only 14 are able to go and finish college.
As earlier mentioned, while college is always an attractive option, not everyone can or will go to
4. Lack of money is one of the top reasons students drop out of school.
A 1995 paper by Barsiaga (as cited in Nava, 2009) shows that most of school leavers come from
low-income families “whose parents had little or no education, and who were unemployed or had
Nava’s own study exploring the reasons primary and secondary school students leave school
yields specific reasons like work (especially for male respondents), no money for projects, no
money for school contributions, no pocket money for lunch, and no money for transportation.
5. The TVL Track provides preparation for the bulk of occupations OFWs hold abroad.
Approximately three quarters of the Filipinos abroad hold jobs for which the TVL track may
prepare you.
Why wait until after college to collect Certificates of Competency and National Certifications
that will make you more employable when you can get them now, while you’re in senior high?
7. There is a positive employment outlook for TVL track senior high school graduates.
8. There will be great demand for TVL Track senior high school graduates in Naga.
If you want to get a job in Naga right out of senior high school, consider the TVL track.
The TVL Track in senior high is a viable option, and it is an option no one must discount for the
8 reasons stated above. No one could have expressed it better than former TESDA Director
General Joel Villanueva when he said (with regards to technical vocational education and
I know the idea of a college or university education is always appealing. But TVET is more -on,
In TVL course the students can also acquire National Certificates (as what if stated above) in the
different levels in accordance and guidelines set by the DepEd and the TESDA, It also leads the
students to different part time jobs while completing their college degree, It is the best course for
Focusing on discovery and developing student’s skills is another goal of TVL program. The TVL
courses teach the students to have different combinations of skills to explore and acquire in 2
Immersion as part of the TVL curriculum also allows the students to observe application of
skills in different industries which prepares them on how to apply their knowledge and practices
in real life situations. It also play important role to preparing our student towards so called TKN-
This study is focuses about the variables of the study and the respondents of the bstudy. This
study conducted only Dapitan City Sy-2018 and this study covers about “Practical Skills of
There is no difference between Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks and other tracks when
DepEd. This study is a manifestation of the extent of implementation of k-12 in some private and
Students. This study will help the student especially in a student taking-up TVL tracks to know
School.The information that they may get in this study may be use as reference in emplementing
Definition of Terms
For the common frame of understanding of the terms used in the study, the following key terms
executive department of the Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting
equity in, and improving the quality of basic education.[2] It is the main agency tasked to
manage and govern the Philippine system of basic education. It is the chief formulator of
Philippine education policy and responsible for the Philippine primary and secondary school
through twelfth grade (12) for 17- to 19-year-olds, the first and last grades, respectively, of free
Technical Vocational Livelihood-TVL track as specialty in senior high school or SHS, he/she
will continue the TLE course he/she studied in 9th and 10th grades. This will allow him/her to
earn NC II that he/she can use as credentials in applying for a job if he/she wants to work after
SHS graduation.
tasked to both manage and supervise the Philippines’ Technical Education and Skills
Development (TESD). Its goals are to develop the Filipino workforce with “world-class
competence and positive work values” and to provide quality technical-educational and skills
This chapter presents related literature and studies which provide additional data and information
to the present investigation. It involves the systematic identification, location and analysis of
The unintended cost from district, state, and federal accountability provisions has adversely
affected schools: Constant testing sacrifices instructional time and forces educators to teach to
the test. As for some students, good luck convincing one that performance in algebra is relevant
to his career. Or that earning a high school diploma or college degree, for that matter, is in her
long-term interest it was anchored in an article that was posted on January 20, 2015 by Jonathan
Waugh 2013 cited, high standard of living, is an important part of culture and values. The
education system has a significant and direct impact on the quality of our workforce our
economic productivity and ultimately, our ability to prosper as businesses, as people, and as
nation rely on our public schools to provide highly skilled and educated talent. K to 12 is a
solution to create opportunities that will help all children from the time they enter the classroom
Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education; students may choose
a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will
define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under
either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks (Official Gazette, 2012). Senior High School
(SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. In SHS,
students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice
basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years
of Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills,
develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills
Many of the Pilipino wants to finish their fourth year in high school. Many of the students after
only a diploma in high school they never mind the college diploma. Especially the poor Pilipino
parents they have that mindset that if he/her child graduate high school a student can work
already they are not thinking that their child is not yet ready, can’t work a stable job.
Technical Vocational Livelihood is a specialization in Senior High School that offered subject
like TESDA
According to Ann Harwood the observations from involvement with vocational courses
indicated that many of the full time lecturing staff worked in isolation from their particular
industry. This by definition prevented them from achieving the first hand experience that might
be considered essential for keeping up to date with changes and innovations within their
A student who taking up Technical Vocational Livelihood tracks, after he/she finish Senior High
School in TVL she or he may obtain National Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she
The statement of the study is what would be the future of a student of the new basic curriculum
Many of Pilipino people still not favored with the new K-12 Basic Education Curriculum and
many is in favored, but K-12 Basic Education Curriculum can help a lot for a student in their
future even if they can’t continue their college. And it doesn’t mean that taking-up TVL track is
only for a student that can’t continue college but it’s NO! It’s a big NO. Why? If a student
pursues his/her college he/she wills taking up some of the course in tertiary that may related to
TVL is composes of four programs the following are Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Agri-
Home- Economics is a strand aims to give a student job-ready skills that can help you in finding
home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that can help you in finding the right
employment. In home economics, students develop the right employment. This track offers
various specializations that can lead to livelihood projects at an understanding of the factors that
influence the well-being of individuals and families within the home and community and of the
makeup artist
tourguide or chambermaid. Various business set ups are also into this track like dress
shop, beauty salon, coffee shop, bakery, snack bar, food cart, handicrafts among others.
This strand can also prepare you to college degrees on Hospitality and Tourism Management,
Industrial Arts will provide you the skills and knowledge on:
automotive servicing
electronics repair
electrical installation
This course offers different specializations from car mechanics to transmission line
and masonry
Look forward to immediate jobs after taking up this strand. You can work as painter, pipe
filler, welder, mason, pottery maker, shoemaker, foreman, or bag maker. If you got the guts and
capital to start a business venture, you can open a hardware, masonry shop, souvenir shop, or
building contractor.
If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in college, you can take up the following:
industrial engineering
mechanical designing
applied technology
or mechanical engineering
The Agri-Fishery strand was designed for hands-on learning and application of skills that are
related to agriculture and aquaculture. You will be taking various subjects that are connected to
other jobs such as food processing, rubber production, animal production, or landscape
At the Agri-Fishery Arts strand, you can familiarize yourself with the production
operations, and pest management. You can also dive deep in the field of aquaculture and learn
This curriculum aims to make sure that you are well-informed and well-prepared with the basic
skills and knowledge just in case you choose to work in farms or fisheries. You will also undergo
a Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PEC) assessment so you can enhance your business
management skills.
What can I do after SHS?
There are a lot of businesses you can start once you graduate in this track. You can open
a fishpond, be a rice thresher, or begin a small scale food processing enterprise. However, this
You can still take up courses on agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. After college, you can get to
development researcher
animal husbandry
or aquatic ecologist
If you are computer-savvy or a technological freak, step right into the ICT strand. Under this
strand, you will be encouraged to utilize information and communication technological tools to
contextualize, collaborate, and create experiences for learning in this professional strand.
Information and communication technology revolutionizes how the different industries and
institutions operate. As communication and technological progress reshapes many aspects of the
society, it is also a driving force behind economic growth. Thus, this strand will equip the
graduates with the necessary skills and competencies fitting for employment as they earned their
National Certification II from TESDA. With the strong external linkages and varied industry
partners, graduates have high possibility of employability as they will be absorbed by the
Under this strand, you can learn writing computer programs, illustrating, and designing
websites. You will also be taking up technical drafting, animation, and java programming that
would be essential if you are planning to work on creative technological field. Other subjects in
the strand are medical transcription and telecom installation which are relevant to the
telecommunications industry.
You can take different careers after taking the ICT strand. With the right set of skills and
knowledge, you can take a job as a call center agent, a web designer, a data encoder, a radio
technician, a graphic designer, or a junior programmer. You can also take up sales positions such
If you are planning to continue your studies in college with this as your strand, you can take up
This chapter described the comprehensive explanation of the method use, research
environmental, sampling procedure, the instruments, the data gathering procedure, scoring
procedure, statistical treatment which will be used to gathered the data information in this study.
Use Methodology
A descriptive research methodology was used for this study. A survey was administered
to the selected sample for the student who take-up Technical Vocational Livelihood. The word
“survey” is commonly applied to a research methodology designed to collect data from specific
Survey methodology
In this studies the sampling of individual units from a population and the
associated survey data collectiontechniques, such as questionnaire construction and methods for
improving the number and accuracy of responses to surveys. Survey methodology includes
instruments or procedures that ask one or more questions that may, or may not, be answered. –
Research Environmental
conduct it in overall.
The research conduct in Dapitan for the reason that , the researcher only fucoses in Dapitan City
high schools who offered Technical Vocational Livelihood tracks in K-12 Basic Education
Jose Rizal Memorial State University (Senior High School) and others.
Statistical Treatment
x 2 = ∑(𝑓𝑜 − 𝑓𝑒)2 )