Online Meal System Using Web Portal (E-Meal) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Online Meal System Using Web Portal (E-Meal) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Online Meal System Using Web Portal (E-Meal) : International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Abstract - On-line shopping is a recent phenomenon in The earlier meal ordering system was entirely a manual
the field of E-Business and is definitely going to be the future process which involved pen and paper. The meal provider
of shopping in the world. Most of the companies are running had to note down orders from customers, take these
their on-line portals to sell their products/services on-line. orders to kitchen, update them in records and again make
Using approach on daily purpose like on meal ordering we bill. Even though this system is simple it may involve
can improve the quality of services and more facilities and human errors in noting down the orders. To overcome
flexibility to the customers. As website and mobile these limitations in manual system we can use web
application is the best platform to easy and fast interaction technology to solve this problem along with it can provide
with lots of people in less time and less resources it can be more facilities and services to customers and also it is
use to implement the service like online meal system (e- flexible for meal provider to update records, generate
meal). We are using end to end service using website as a online bill and also customer can pay online using online
getaway like any meal suppliers or housewife those who can payment getaway.
provide meal they can register on website and also the Due to this system many food provider is connected and
customer who want meal he/she can register and order those are providing variety in food many options are
meal. At the time of registration customer can enter choices available for customers on single place just by login on
like price ,quality, quantity he/she can get required meal as website.
per customers likes and also using the online portal or For any customer who is facing first problem is searching
offline support (telephone )customer can cancel his/her good quality meal services in his/her area even if he/she
order . Thus we are using end to end service the things like got meal provider in maximum cases customer is not
brokerage is reduce hence customer will get meal in cheap satisfied with those services due to common issue like
price as compare to other food ordering portal . food quality and price but if customers uses web portal
then this task is easy for them and also it can save lots of
Key Words: E-meal, E-business, Dynamic website, COD time.
(cash on delivery). 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
form customer given to the kitchen, then cook and receive decisions with reference to planning, pricing and
back to order after lot of time, waste of time is more in designing menus are the reflections of the chosen strategy
traditional system,. such as low cost for ordinary customer.
The food items will be sorted according to customer
While the base upon the research on other online food
ratings in its own created account. This helps the customer
ordering system food ordering is designing a online to find or select a food item which has a good rating and
order system, one must focus on the issue of customer which is liked by own. This also helps the small scale meal
control, since your customers will most probably be using distributor owner to make changes in a particular food
the user system. The survey included a variety of item if it has low ratings which improves the quality of
questions on respondents’ food ordering behavior, several food.
items on their use of various ordering methods, and a The survey’s of online ordering found a relatively even
split by gender (with slightly more men, at 51.9%). The
series of questions designed to measure perceived control,
age distribution was fairly representative of the India
perceived convenience, need for interaction, technology population. Show in below Table 2.
anxiety, satisfaction, and intent to use the self-service Variab Descripti % who Variab Descripti % who
technology or recommend it to others. le on use le on use
To overcome the above system online meal ordering is a online online
process of ordering food from a website or food orderi orderi
cooperative through a web page. Much like ordering ng ng
consumer goods online, many of these allow customers to
keep accounts with our portal in order to make frequent Gende Female 45.0% Age 18-24 69.5%
ordering convenient. Show in table 1. r
Portal / Providers Meal Model Cost Male 51.9% 25-34 77.9%
Options options
Local Urban 59.8.% 35-49 55.4%
Other Restauran Fix as per Busines Expensiv
Suburba 49.1% 50-64 32.9%
website ts restaurant s to e
s provide custom
er Small 36.4% 65+ 21.1%
Our Small Customizab Busines Cheap as
website scale meal le as per s to compare Rural 23.4%
provider customer busines to
including choice s, restaura Table-2: Survey of online food ordering.
homemak busines nt food
er s to 3. REALARED WORK
er 3.1 Limitations of regular meal services:
Limited food options available due to few resources
Table-1: Comparison between meal services. and less customers.
Customers don’t have flexibility to choose food
If the strategy is low cost , then decisions on planning, options.
pricing and designing menu reflect the strategy through No feedback mechanism available even if available
selecting low cost menu items, pricing menu items at a
then it is not that much efficient.
lower price and attractively presenting menu items with
low prices on e- menu card, which probably result in Don’t have proper options to choose quantity and
customers' perceptions of a satisfactory meal experience quality.
with a reasonable quality. Conversely, when a Cancellation of meal is quit hectic.
differentiation strategy is chosen, a website admin is To change meal provider it takes lots of time.
expected to be attentive to selecting or innovating unique Service like online payment is not available in many
menu items, heavily concentrating on attractively
presenting unique items on menu card to create a positive
image of a unique meal experience. Thus, all managerial Discount and offers are not available.
3.2 Proposed solution for regular meal service: Conceptually this system is built using following
Using web portal following operation can be done to
overcome with the problems that associated with regular Meal provider provide different meal option on
meal services. website but those all options are not directly
visible for customers because they all are sort out
Costumers and meal providers sorted according to
area. in backend to provide require meal order for
According to the costumers choice and their weekly customer.
plan's select provider Different customers can register on website and
Count and analyze total orders and available meal that time they can enter their choice and also the
options i.e. menus. plans that they want to select.
Select which meal delivers to which costumer. According to the customer’s requirements
Shuffle providers and costumers every week or delivery service will deliver the meal on the
possible adjustment because due to this customer will
get maximum varieties. address that given by the customer.
Delivery boys will get costumers address/number and Customers will get his/her bill as per plan like
provider details before 1 hour of delivery. weekly or monthly and customer can pay the
Some providers can also provide home delivery so amount by using the way like COD.
they will get costumers address and number before On the backend of website meals and customers
delivery of meal. are sort out by administrator so that
When meal delivery is done costumer will give
Customer will get its require meal as per there
conformation of delivery through delivery boy or
call/message or on website. requirements and choice.
Next day costumer can give feedback on website or
through delivery boy. 3.4 Website Module and Its Working:
According to feedback again analyze data and make
different selection or continue with the same provider. User module:
Bill will be generating at the end of month or as per User will initially come and register on website and
plan deducting cancelations. they will fill up choice from that provided by website.
Payment will be delivered to providers and delivery When registration is completed then user can order
boy's according to their delivery count and their price. meal according to plan that they had selected.
User can cancel their meal by using website or call on
3.3 Website Architecture:
the portal number.
According to users meals bill will be generated and
deliver to user.
Admin module:
Admin can add or remove users.
Admin can add meal provider according to their
Admin can add new meal options on website as per
meal provider provided.
Admin will carry out analysis of orders and payment.