Guideline VAT and Income Taxes For Uber Eats Couriers PDF
Guideline VAT and Income Taxes For Uber Eats Couriers PDF
Guideline VAT and Income Taxes For Uber Eats Couriers PDF
As a courier using the Uber Eats app you might be generating income that you need to declare with the tax authorities. Below you will find
instructions on whether you’ll need to pay VAT and/or income taxes.
VAT is due if you are self-employed and supplying services for which you are compensated. If you are already making or will make so-called ‘trips’
for restaurants associated with Uber Eats, and maybe for other parties as well, you will indeed be supplying services independently for which you
are compensated. This means that you are a VAT entrepreneur and you will have to register with the tax authorities. As a result, you will receive
a VAT number and you will have to file VAT returns every quarter. You will find instructions on how to compile a correct VAT return on pages 7 till
As a VAT entrepreneur you will have to provide your clients (the restaurants) with invoices. The Uber Eats system does this automatically, so you
won’t have to worry about this.
Whether you will need to pay income taxes depends on a few factors. First of all we will need to determine what kind of income you are
receiving. Therefore, we have put together a diagram that you will find on the next page. By answering all questions with either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ you
should be able to determine which source of income is applicable. In almost all cases the result will be ‘’Benefits from miscellaneous activities’’
(ROW or ‘’Inkomen uit overig werk’’ in Dutch). On page 3 you will find instructions on what to do with your result.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
Given the nature and content of the contract you have entered in with Uber, the diagram commenced with ‘’I’m self-employed and I work at my
own risk with regard to deliveries’’. This means that you are not employed by Uber Eats with regard to the deliveries you are making. You might
have other employment outside of your delivery-activities. That is absolutely no problem for passing the first bullet. Point is that you are working
independently regarding your delivery work.
You will have gotten one of two results from following the diagram on the previous page. In most cases you will have gotten the result ‘’Benefits
from miscellaneous activities’’. However, in some cases it’s not that clear which one of the two is applicable. Did you get ‘’Business profits’’ as a
result or does your turnover exceed roughly € 15.000 a year, then we would advise you to contact either the tax authorities (call 0800 0543) or a
tax advisor to review your specific case, mainly because there a lots of benefits for those who earn ‘’business profits’’. Which means that it would
be a shame not to use these benefits if you are entitled to them, but it would also be tedious and costly if the tax authorities determine
afterwards that you’ve filed an incorrect tax return and you should have reported your income as ‘’benefits from miscellaneous activities’’.
Note that If you’ve gotten the result ‘’Business profits’’, you should at least register your company with the chamber of commerce.
An income tax return is due every year. The deadline for filing is 1 May.
Do you not have a DigiD account? Then request a tax return form that you will receive and need to fill in on paper by calling the tax authorities via 0800 0543.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
you’ve logged in you choose the tab ‘’Inkomstenbelasting’’. Choose a year (‘’Belastingjaar’’) on the left of the screen. Subsequently select
‘’aangifte inkomstenbelasting doen’’. You will need to click on the blue link, displayed in the image above.
2. The system will take you through a bunch of questions that you will need to answer, followed by clicking on ‘’Volgende’’ (next). Use the
question mark buttons if you don’t understand the substance of the question.
a. ‘’Gross fares’’ should be listed as ‘’inkomsten’’. An example is provided on the next page.
b. ‘’Incentives’’ should also be listed as ‘’inkomsten’’.
c. The ‘’Uber service fee’’ should be listed as ‘’aftrekbare kosten’’.
d. You may have had other costs that you may deduct, such as gas or insurance for a scooter, insofar you’ve used the gas for delivery
trips and not for personal use. This also applies to other costs.
e. The system will ask you some additional questions, such as ‘’did you earn this income as an artist or athlete?’’. Most questions
should be answered with ‘’no’’. But this may vary depending on personal circumstances.
f. Further on in this document you will find an explanation on the VAT return. In some cases a tax relief is applicable. This tax relief
must be accounted for in the income tax return. If this is applicable in your situation, then add another sort of income under
‘’Inkomsten’’. The description should be as follows: ‘’kleine ondernemersregeling’’. Subsequently add the amount of tax relief
you’ve received.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
5. After you’ve completed the module, the system will show you if you’ll need to pay taxes or if you’ll (still) get a refund. This fully depends
on the situation at hand, for instance if you have another job. If your income doesn’t exceed the average amount of € 6.500 per year,
then you most likely won’t have to pay income taxes because of the general tax credit. Note that you will have to file the return even
though you won’t actually have to pay taxes.
6. Complete and submit the form (don’t forget to fill in all the other questions that don’t relate to your delivery activities!).
Note! On the next pages you will find instructions on how to register for VAT purposes. You may have been delivering for Uber for a while now,
without having paid VAT. After registering you may need to pay VAT with regard to this earlier period. This means that your net earnings that you
may have included in previous income tax returns should be altered to the new amount.
Note! If you haven’t filed an income tax return or if you haven’t included your earnings for delivering in past years, then file a (correct) income
tax return for the applicable year retrospectively. This doesn’t necessarily lead to a payable amount considering the general tax credit.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
3. VAT
3.1 Overview
Uber Eats provides you with monthly summaries of your
turnover. Before you start preparing your VAT return, gather
the applicable summaries. You will have to file quarterly VAT
returns, so you will need the following summaries:
The summaries display your turnover and the VAT that was
charged with regard to Uber Eats’ service fee. You may
additionally deduct VAT paid with regard to business costs (so-
called input VAT) if you administrated receipts or invoices. For
instance, VAT charged on the gas you’ve used for deliveries.
On the next page you will find an example of a VAT return
using one monthly summary. You will have to add the figures
from the three applicable summaries in the VAT return.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
3.2 Example of a VAT return
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
3.3 Formal requirements
The VAT return needs to be filed and paid for at the latest on the last day of the month following the end of the quarter. The following dates are
therefore the deadlines for filing and payment.
Make sure to be on time with filing VAT returns, because you may be fined for late filing and late payment!
In our example VAT return an amount of € 210 was due. The tax relief is usually calculated on the basis of the annual figures, but you can apply a
provisional deduction in your quarterly VAT returns if it is likely that you’ll qualify for the overall leniency. If your turnover amounts to around
€ 1.500 each quarter, then the turnover for the entire year will likely amount to € 6.000. The VAT will in that case amount to € 1.260 (21% times
€ 6.000). This means that you owe less than € 1.345, so the relief will be € 1.260 (equal to the payable amount). The relief must be reported in
box 5d of the VAT return. You will find an example on the next page.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
NOTE! The tax relief must be accounted for in the income tax return as ‘’extraordinary income’’. You can find more information on this on page
NOTE! Attached you will find the form that you will have to fill in. The paragraphs are explained below:
1. Fill in your personal data. The terms are in Dutch, but they are pretty straight forward. We assume that you will have no problem filling
this in.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
2. Has already been filled in.
3. Fill in paragraph 3a with your personal data. ‘’Burgerservicenummer’’ is your social security number. You may skip paragraph 3b!
4. May be skipped.
5. Paragraph 5a has already been filled in and you may skip the rest of paragraph 5.
6. At paragraph 6a you must describe the number of clients you are expecting to have in the first year. Your clients are the restaurants you
deliver for! Try to estimate this amount if you deliver for many different restaurants. Paragraph 6b has been filled in with a standard
explanation of your activities. If this isn’t correct in your case, then alter the text accordingly.
7. This paragraph relates to income taxes. At paragraph 7a fill in if you’re expecting to have other income besides from delivery (translation:
no other income, business profits, income from miscellaneous activities, wages from current employment, (unemployment) benefits). At
paragraph 7b fill in the amount of hours that you spend on delivering per week. Paragraph 7c may be skipped, unless your income
qualifies as business profits. In that case fill in an estimation of your profit or loss this year. Have you skipped 7c? Then fill in an estimation
of your profit or loss in paragraph 7d.
8. In paragraph 8a fill in an estimation of your turnover in the next year and an estimation of costs in paragraph 8b. 8c and 8d have already
been filled in.
9. You may skip paragraph 9.
10. You may skip paragraph 10.
11. Sign the form at paragraph 11.
NOTE! In the form you will fill in the start date of your entrepreneurship. This date is the day you started delivering. It is possible that you started
delivering some time ago. This means that you will have to file a VAT return with regard to this previous period as well. You may use the tax relief
(kleine ondernemersregeling) if you have been compliant with administrative procedures and if other requirements as described above are met.
NOTE! As soon as you’ve received your VAT number, inform Uber Eats about this and provide them with your VAT number!
Concept 1.1 subject to approval
mr. K. Schriek | 088 236 82 82/ 088 236 88 88 |
This document is intended solely for general informative purposes for the benefit of couriers affiliated with Uber Eats. The given information is not intended as advice in
concrete cases. Everyone will have to account for individual circumstances when complying with tax obligations. We strongly advise you to seek individual guidance and
specific tax advice for your situation. Only you are accountable and liable in respect of tax obligations. Flynth adviseurs en accountants B.V. accepts no liability for any damage
whatsoever, either direct or indirect, occurring or resulting in any way from the use of the information provided in this document including due to the incomplete or
inaccurate nature of the information.
Concept 1.1 subject to approval