NutriPro 2 Cooking Meth LowRes

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FOOD N° 2 6 / 06


COOKiNG • Moist-heat cooking

– Boiling

– Poaching
– steaming
– stewing / Braising
– Pressure cooking
– Microwave cooking
• dry-heat cooking
– Roasting
– sautéing
– grilling
– Baking
• Fry-cooking methods
– deep-frying
– Pan-frying
– stir-frying / Wok
Cooking Methods

Moist-heat • When practical, save the cooking

liquid for use in stocks, sauces and
Cooking at a temperature of about
cooking casseroles.
• To add vitamins, sprinkle some
100°C (212° F) in steam, with the food
and cooking liquid completely sepa-
­methods fresh herbs onto the cooked food. rated. You can use a commercial
steamer or a pot with a rack that
suspends the food above a small
Generally, moist-heat cooking meth- amount of simmering liquid.
ods use a liquid for cooking – usually Tips:
water, stock or steam. The advan- • Use a flavoured liquid like stock,
tage of steam is that it transfers more wine, water infused with herbs,
heat at the same temperature. As a lemon, etc.
result, the food cooks faster and
fewer nutrients are lost. The cooking
temperature may vary from 70° – 120°
C (158° – 212° F). These methods Poaching:
are particularly suitable for prepar- Cooking in liquid at a temperature
ing pasta, rice, pulses and vegeta- under the boiling point (75°– 95° C /
bles. The methods referenced below, 167°– 203° F).
though not exhaustive, are the more Tips:
common techniques. • Not ideal for nutrient retention in
vegetables and potatoes, because a Stewing / Braising:
long cooking time results in addi- Meat is often browned before liquid
Boiling: tional nutrient loss through osmosis is added. Meats and vegetables can
Cooking in a lot of liquid at a tem- (nutrients boiled out into the liquid). be cooked or steamed in their own
perature of about 100° C (212° F). • Use a pot with a large diameter. juice. A particular way of stewing
Tips: • If possible, add herbs or spices to is to glaze: vegetables (carrots, small
• Generally use as little water as the poaching liquid rather than salt onions) become covered with the
­possible to minimize the loss of or sugar. stew stock, which is reduced and
­vitamins and minerals. ­enriched with a little sugar.

•   Deactivation of enzymes

•   Preservation of the colour

•   Killing
of microorganisms that may
be present
Note: loss of about 20 – 30% of vitamin
C, but vitamin retention improves Moist-heat cooking methods
during subsequent storage (chill-
freeze process).
Food + Nutrition –
Tips: Boiling •   food
(e.g. vegeta- •   no fat / oil is needed •   great
loss of nutrients
•   Drain and refresh in cold or iced bles) for soups; (osmosis) e.g. water-
­water immediately to prevent fur- hot pots soluble vitamins
ther vitamin loss through cooking. •   starches
such as (folate, vitamin B1, C)

•   Donot leave the food in the water rice, potatoes and

as this will cause further loss of pasta
­nutrients through osmosis and will Poaching •   meat
with little •   no fat / oil is needed •   great loss of nutrients
soften the texture of the food. connective tissue
Note: Osmosis: Nutrients in food leak •   eggs, fish, poultry,
or diffuse to liquid with lower con- small sausages
centration. Therefore, it is important Steaming •   vegetables, fish, •   nutrient-friendly
to use this liquid for the sauce or as –
•   potatoes method
stock for soups because it is rich in
•   minimal loss of
vitamins and minerals.

NutriPro Food 6/06

Cooking Methods

Tips: Tips:
• Use leftover water for the sauce • It is important to keep to the e ­ xact G O O D TO K N OW
or as stock for soups. cooking time, as the food over-
• Use a pot with a tight-fitting lid cooks very quickly.
(as wide and flat as possible). • Suitable for producing large batches The term phytochemicals refers to a
class of substances (at the moment
(portion by portion) of food (vegeta-
60 000 – 100 000 are known), which
Pressure cooking: bles, potatoes, fish), or for producing
exist only in plants. They are classi-
Cooking in an airtight pressure a smaller amount of food (e.g. for
fied into several groups (e.g. carote-
cooker at about 105° – 120° C diet recipes).
noids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens,
(221° – 248° F).
glucosinolates) and rated as health-
Note: higher temperature equals
supporting substances. They have,
shorter cooking time. The steamer is
for example, antioxidant, anti-carci-
also suitable for blanching, poaching nogenic and anti-inflammatory
and reheating. ­effects and may also reduce blood
cholesterol. These effects can only
be verified when the phytochemi-
cals are obtained from whole foods
in fruits and vegetables. Their effect
when taken as supplements cannot
currently be verified. Their loss dur-
ing cooking varies greatly. Some are
soluble and sensitive to heat and
air; others are better obtained from
well-done foods (lycopene in cooked
tomatoes). Tip: The best way to
serve a variety of phytochemicals is
to create a diet that includes every
colour of the rainbow (red, orange,
yellow, green, blue/violet).

NutriPro Food 6/06 – NESTLÉ Professional Nutrition Magazine

Cooking Methods

G O O D TO K N OW Microwave cooking:
Cooking with electromagnetic waves,
Dry-heat cook-
How does a microwave
either with or without a small amount
of added liquid. The food can be
ing methods
In other cooking methods food browned or given a crust only if com-
warms up from the outside in. But bined with a dry-heat method such Heat is transferred through air or fat.
with the microwave, the heat comes as grilling. It is ideally suited for The cooking temperature is between
from inside the food, from its water ­reheating food. 120° – 150° C (248° – 302°F), and for
molecules. The electromagnetic Tips: short periods up to 300°C (572° F).
waves of the microwave cause these • The food may cook unevenly and Suitable for foods rich in proteins,
water molecules to vibrate and have hot and cold spots. like meat, fish and seafood and
the resulting heat cooks the food. Note: where a crust is desired.
Deciding factors for determining ––For liquids: stir about halfway
the required cooking time of certain through the cooking time to dis- Roasting:
products can be water content, tribute heat more evenly. Cooking with browning on the stove
­molecular density, the starting tem- ––For solid food: let sit for several or in the oven with or without
perature of the food, as well as the minutes after cooking or reheat- ­adding fat, at a temperature of
penetration or strength of the rays ing, before serving. 140°– 200°C (284°– 392° F). A special
(normally 2 – 4 cm). According to • If the thickness of food (e.g. piece of form of short roasting is sautéing.
current findings there is no risk of meat) is more than the penetration Tips:
radiation exposure if microwave
of the microwaves, there is a risk of • Important: roast at intense heat to
­ovens are used properly.
the core remaining raw. As a result, seal the juices inside the meat,
any existing microorganisms (e.g. then cook at low heat until done.
salmonellae in poultry) may not be This reduces the loss of vitamins,
killed. minerals and moisture.
• Frozen products do not conduct • Use vegetable oils that are high in
heat well, so there is a risk of the polyunsaturated or monounsaturat-
outside area overheating while the ed fats like canola oil and sunflower
inside remains raw. oil. Roast meat in its own juice.
Note: defrost on low heat and cook • Brush vegetables with a minimum
immediately. of oil to decrease fat absorption
• Suitable dishes: glass, porcelain, during cooking.
and microwave-safe plastic dishes. • For a low-fat meal: do not serve or
eat the crust as it contains the
roast’s fat.
Remove the dark brown or black
crust before eating, as it could con-
tain carcinogenic (cancer-causing)
• A special method: cooking at a low
temperature – cook the meat at a
Moist-heat cooking methods temperature between 68°– 80° C
+ Nutrition
– (154,4°– 176°F) in the oven until
done (up to 24 hours).
Stewing/ •   vegetables(e.g. •   vitamin and mineral •   addition of some fat • Roasting in the pan or grilling bet-
Braising filled vegetables), retention if cooking if used for cooking or
ter preserves the vitamins and
fruits liquid is kept for fur- fat released from
minerals in meats, fish or chicken
•   fish, meats
(with ther use meat during cooking
than roasting in the oven or boiling,
more connective •   light cooking method which is then ab-
due to heat, cooking time and loss
tissue) sorbed by the sauce
•   nutrient-friendly of nutrients.
method •   heat-sensitive vita-
mins are partially
•   minimalloss
of vitamins
Pressure •   see
boiling, •   comparable with –
cooking steaming, stewing steaming and stewing
•   reheating •   less cooking time
Microwave •   any kind of food •   minimal
loss of vita- –
cooking but only in small mins and minerals
quantities •   short cooking time

NutriPro Food 6/06

Cooking Methods

Sautéing: • Place food on a rack so fat can

Dry-heat cooking method in which drain.When using a grill plate sim-
heat is conducted by a small amount ply brush the plate with a mini-
Cook & Chill
of fat (the food is kept in motion). mum of oil (polyunsaturated or mo-
Tips: nounsaturated vegetable oil) before Cook & chill is a food preparation
• Use for tender cuts of meat and heating. Never grill cured (pickled) system, not a cooking method.
The principle: the food is cooked to
vegetables. meat, because cancer-causing
90 – 95% (depending on the system of
• If meat is marinated, dry before ­substances (nitrosamine) may be
regeneration/reheating), and all of
cooking to ensure proper ­browning. formed.
the cooking methods described here
• Cook only single layers, don’t over- • Avoid overly moist marinades or
may be used, except grilling.
crowd the pan. fat dripping from the grilled food
This is followed by shock-chilling
onto hot coals or heating elements,
to a temperature of 1° – 3° C
Grilling: as this may cause toxic compounds (33,8° – 37,4° F), packing the food in
Cooking with radiant heat or contact to be released into the resulting single or multiple portion contain-
heat, with or without added fat. smoke. ers, and storing. The storage time
Grilling techniques: depends on the special cook & chill
Over-heat grilling: food is placed on method and lasts between 3 and 21
a rack or grill over a gas, charcoal or days. The rapid cooling ensures
barbecue grill. ­minimum vitamin and mineral loss.
Under-heat grilling: food is placed The loss of vitamins depends on
­under a gas or electric salamander the choice of cooking method and
or heating element. on the storage time.
Between-heat grilling: this method Note: the longer the food is stored,
uses radiant heat, convection heat the greater the vitamin loss.
or a combination of both. Baking:
Tips: Cooking with browning in dry heat
• Dry meat browns better than moist at a temperature of 120°–250°C
meat. The grill must be hot before (248°– 482°F).
the food is added. This way the juic-
es are quickly sealed into the meat
and are better retained, as are vita-
mins and minerals.
• Don’t salt the food before grilling.
Salt draws the juices out of the
meat, resulting in a loss of vita-
mins, minerals, and moisture.

Dry-heat cooking methods
Food + Nutrition –
Roasting •   meat, fish •   sometimes no fat added through •   heat-sensitive vitamins are par-
•   vegetables, potatoes cooking tially destroyed

•   eggs •   some loss of water/fat vitamins if

stock is not kept for the sauce
•   iffat is used, the fat content of the
food becomes higher
•   formation of acrylamide
Grilling •   fish, meat
(food with not •   fat drains out •   heat-sensitive vitamins are
much connective tissue) ­partially destroyed
•   vegetables, potatoes

•   fruit

Baking •   dough products •   no

loss of vitamins and minerals •   heat-sensitive vitamins are
•   potatoes into liquid ­partially destroyed
•   hard
digestible dough and crusts •   formation of acrylamide
become light and easy to digest

NutriPro Food 6/06 – NESTLÉ Professional Nutrition Magazine

Cooking Methods

G O O D TO K N OW Fry-cooking Pan-frying:
A special form of deep-frying; brown-
The forming of a
­ crylamide methods ing raw or prepared foods in shallow
amounts of fat.
Acrylamide is formed from proteins
and sugars in potatoes and cereal Tips:
products at temperatures over Cooking with browning in hot oil • Cook at proper temperature and
100° C (212° F). It is only produced at a temperature of 140° – 190°C make sure the food is well-breaded;
through the dry-heat cooking meth- (284°– 374°F). The methods are this minimizes fat absorption and
od during the browning stage. ­defined according to the amount of sogginess in the finished products.
fat used. Correct frying of potatoes
Note: and vegetables preserves vitamins
•   The amino acid asparagine and and minerals better than boiling or
sugar (glucose, fructose) are the steaming, but increases the amount
main precursors of acrylamide. of fat and energy.
•   Acrylamide content increases con-
sistently with higher temperatures Deep-frying:
and longer cooking times. The food is entirely submerged
Acrylamide may cause cancer. in hot fat.
At this time there is no maximum Tips: Stir-frying / Wok:
for the reception of acrylamides. • Fry as quickly as possible. Longer A traditional Chinese method for
frying time increases fat absorp- ­cooking food in a frying pan
Tips for reducing the content of tion. (e.g. wok) with a small amount of oil.
­acrylamide: • The smaller the food being fried, • Soak food in a low-fat marinade
•   Avoid heavy roasting in favour the greater the amount of fat before cooking. This may be all the
of light browning. ­absorbed. oil necessary.
•   Boil potatoes before roasting. • The higher the fat content of the • Use spray oil or a pastry brush to
meat, the less oil is absorbed. coat food to avoid higher fat ab-
•   Bake at a maximum temperature
• To reduce the formation of acryl­ sorption or coat the pan with a
of 180° C (356° F) in an oven with
amide, fry at maximum 170° C minimum of oil.
air circulation, 200° C (392° F)
in an oven without air circulation.
(338° F) for a slightly longer time. • Non-leafy vegetables (e.g. broccoli,
• Drain the food of oil before ­serving. shredded carrots) absorb about as
•   Fryat a maximum temperature of
• Avoid reusing the frying oil. much oil as leafy vegetables.
170° C (347° F) and in small por-
• When oil smokes, throw it away • If food sticks to the pan during
tions. Proportion of frying food to
immediately. It may become toxic, cooking, add a little stock or water
oil should be 100 g to 1 – 1,5 l.
producing free radicals. rather than oil.
•   French
fries: thick fries are better
than thin ones due to surface area.

Fry-cooking methods
Food + Nutrition –
Frying •   meat, fish, •   no
loss of water-­ deep-frying:
shellfish soluble vitamins •   highabsorption of
•   vegetables, •   only
a small amount fat (energy rich)
potatoes, of heat-sensitive vi- •   formation of acryl-
•   poultry tamins are destroyed amide
•   possible
increase of
vitamin E based on
oil used for cooking

NutriPro Food 6/06

Cooking Methods

Vitamin loss – Canned vegetables:

• Never boil canned vegetables.
Tips to prevent • The best way to heat them is the
Stability of vitamins
vitamin loss: microwave warm up
Vitamin Acid Alkali Heat Light O2
• Whenever possible, wash vegeta- the liquid first, then add the low pH high pH >70°C
bles whole and before peeling ­vegetables. C
­under running water. • Avoid excessive stirring while
• Peel thinly or cook with skin on. ­warming.
• Cut into large pieces. • Use the juice to cook the vegeta-
• Raw vegetables and fruit salads: bles in, or add to soups or stocks.
add a little lemon juice or vinegar
to slow down vitamin C loss. – Frozen vegetables: no effect sensitive very sensitive
• Use the smallest amount of water • Don’t thaw them before cooking. water-soluble vitamins (C, B vitamins)
necessary. • Heat the water first, then add the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
• Cook with the lid on. vegetables.
• Cook until just tender, not mushy. • If you use them for cold food
• Serve immediately keeping food items, cook them thoroughly
warm causes a vitamin C loss of ­beforehand. Vitamin loss by different
4 – 17% in one hour and • The best way to heat them is in cooking methods
7 – 34% in two hours. the microwave (less vitamin loss).
Cooking Vitamin loss
methods in % (C, B1, B2, B6)
Boiling 35 – 60
Poaching Less than boiling
Steaming 10 – 25
Pressure cooking 5 – 10
Microwave cooking 5 – 25
Roasting 10 – 47
Stewing / Braising 10 – 12
Grilling 10 – 12
Baking 10 – 12
Frying 7 – 10

1. Which of the following cooking 4. For which cooking method can you 7. What is important to remember,
methods is a moist-heat cooking use a steamer? if you use frozen vegetables?
method? I Boiling N Don’t thaw them before cooking
A Grilling T Roasting I Add lemon juice to cooking
S Poaching A Stewing ­liquid to slow down vitamin C
C Baking loss
5. With reference to fat intake, which R Use a lot of fat
2. Which of the following cooking cooking method is ­better?
methods is a dry-heat cooking M Deep-frying 8. Which cooking method causes the
method? A Stir-frying greatest vitamin loss?
U Steaming T Pan-frying R Microwave cooking
L Pressure cooking P Baking
T Roasting 6. How are vitamins classified? G Boiling
I Water-soluble and
3. What is the reason for ­blanching fat-soluble substances
vegetable? A Major and trace substances
O To increase vitamin loss
R To soften the texture of
the food
E To minimize vitamin loss during 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
storage Answer: STEAMING

NutriPro Food 6/06 – NESTLÉ Professional Nutrition Magazine

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