14 Steps How To Debug Any

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How to Debug Any Problem

The ability to quickly and effectively find and resolve bugs in

new and established systems is one of the most valuable
engineering skills that you can develop. Since this skill enables
the rapid development and maintenance of high-quality
engineered systems, it is foundational for many technology
companies, and is one of their most valued and sought-after
skills. Nevertheless, this skill is rarely evaluated in coding
interviews, and is often poorly understood and documented.

I have debugged and resolved many difficult problems in many

different types of systems, including massively complex
computer processors, multi-threaded servers and apps, and
troubled individuals, families, and organizations. The optimal
procedure for finding and fixing bugs is essentially the same
across all domains. Surprisingly, many software engineers do
not have a clear understanding of the process. I intend to
address this deficit now. Here is my treatise on debugging.
Step 1: Determine what is working
When something is not working as expected, it’s easy to
assume that everything is broken. Take the time to find the
things that are working in the realm of the problem. This will
help to circumscribe the problem and create a clear picture in
your mind of its edges.

Step 2: Determine precisely what is

not working
In the process of determining what is working, you will catalog
a set of operations or behaviors that do not work. Spend time
fleshing-out this list. Be clear on precisely how the system is
not working as expected. Even though it might seem like these
first steps are pointless because the problem is “obvious,” often
jumping into solving the problem too soon can lead to wasted
time and effort, and to a partial or non-optimal solution.

Step 3: Simplify the problem

Problem behavior that is discovered in a complex situation can
be hard to reproduce or generalize, especially when there are
non-deterministic or statistical effects. Any attempt to simplify
the test case whilst retaining the problematic behavior is
always time well spent.

For example, if the problematic behavior occurs when

processing a very large dataset, you may want to try to
reproduce the problem with increasingly smaller datasets. Of
course, this example would not be possible if the problem is
related to large datasets. In that case, creating a simple though
still large dataset might make more sense.

By incrementally paring-down the situation where the problem

arises, you not only increase your clarity about precisely what
does and doesn’t work, but you also naturally start to construct
hypotheses about what might be causing the problem.

Simple test cases are useful to precisely communicate the bug

with others, to quickly test whether changes affect the bug, and
may also become part of your anti-regression tests (see step 7).
Since simple test cases can usually be run quickly, they also
support hypothesis testing (see step 5).

Step 4: Generate hypotheses

You might arrive at this point after minutes, hours, days, or
even weeks of work. No matter how you got here, or how long
it took, you will now have data, and you will have learned
something about the way that the problem manifests. This
knowledge enables you to form hypotheses about what might
be causing the problem. These are theories about what process
inside (or even outside) the system might be leading to the
observed problematic behavior.

Step 5: Test hypotheses using

divide and conquer
Taking each hypothesis in turn, dive into the system and find a
sub-unit where you believe that something may be going
wrong. Then run your small test-case and look at the internal
behavior before and after that sub-unit. If you find a problem
before that sub-unit, then your hypothesis may have been
wrong, and you at least know that you need to investigate
further back towards the input of the system. If, on the other
hand, the input to that part of the system seems correct, but
the output seems incorrect, then you have support for your
hypothesis, and you can zoom-in more closely.

At this point, if you are not fully clear on what the bug is, then
loop back to step 1 on this identified sub-unit.

It’s possible at this point to apply divide and conquer very

naively: split the system arbitrarily into two halves, look for a
problem in each half, and then recursively zoom-in on the non-
functional half. I don’t recommend this approach because it is
usually very slow and cumbersome.

On the other hand, it’s possible to save a lot of time and effort
by using hypothesis-driven divide and conquer, as described
above. You still check whether behavior is as expected just
before the sub-unit that is hypothesized to be broken, but, if
things are functional there, you go straight to the output of
that sub-unit. This enables very rapid zooming-in on the bug.

Only proceed to the next step once you’re clear about what the
bug is.
Step 6: Think of other versions of
this class of bug
Sometimes bugs are caused by simple typos, or one-off
misunderstandings, and these kinds of bugs can just be fixed
in isolation. However, it’s much more common for bugs to be
representative of a much larger class of problems.

After spending the time and effort to get to this step, you will
usually have an incredibly clear perception of the relevant
parts of the system and of the problem. You will be the world-
class expert on this bug. For this reason, now is the time to
leverage all of that knowledge. In a month, you will no longer
have this clarity of perception with respect to this specific

So spend time now to fully leverage your investment. Think

about and document the overall class of bug, and determine if
the system will likely manifest other expressions of the
underlying issues, whether or not those particular expressions
have been manifesting for users.

We don’t want to stick a band-aid on a malignant tumor and

send the patient home.

Step 7: Generate anti-regression

Even if you don’t design systems using test-driven
development, I recommend that you use test-driven bug fixing.
Make sure to write unit-level and/or system-level tests that
exercise as much of the bug class as possible. Make sure that
the tests that you expect to fail do in fact fail. The main reason
that the bug exists at all is that there were no tests to catch it.
This means that there was a hole in the test suite. I often say
that if something is not tested then it’s broken. This is because
you have to assume that it’s either broken now or that it will
get broken at some point in the future, and then the first
person to discover that it’s broken will be a customer.

Since you have a broken system right now, now is a perfect

opportunity to develop tests and ensure that they fail. These
opportunities don’t arise often, so grasp them while they are

I like to call regression tests anti-regression tests, because they

prevent the product from regressing to an earlier, broken state.
Run your test suite with all of your tests before releasing new
revisions of your product.

Step 8: Fix the bug(s)

If you have been diligent, fixing the bug(s) will now be
extremely easy; it’s just a formality.

This kind of bug fixing can be performed very calmly and

confidently. The fix is wrapped in a high-quality software
engineering process, a process that informs and tests it. In
contrast, I have witnessed engineers operating at the opposite
end of the scale, changing code almost randomly in the hope
that it will fix the overall problem. That kind of approach is
more likely to introduce new bugs than to fix the existing ones.
While fixing the bugs, you might notice other problems. In that
case, also loop back to an earlier step, such as step 6.

Step 9: Check that the tests

now work
All of the new tests should now pass. If they don’t pass then
you’ll need to loop back to an earlier step and resolve the issue.

Step 10: Check the original

simple case
At this point, it should be possible to run the simple test cases
that you developed in step 3, and they should be working
properly. If not, then loop back to an earlier step to resolve the

Step 11: Check the original issue

You should now be able to perform the behaviors originally
reported to be problematic, and you should no longer see an
issue. If you do see an issue, then return to an earlier step to
resolve it.

Step 12: Document the fix

You have just performed an extremely high-quality set of
engineering maneuvers. This is the stuff that legends are made
of. It’s possible that you are the only person who is aware of
your heroic actions. Write them down so that they can become
a part of engineering lore. Document code, document the test-
plan, document the test suite, write a wiki page or a blog post.
Do something to capture the wisdom that you have developed
and to make it available for others. Your documentation will
also educate and mentor others. You will be setting a good
example to other engineers, an example of both how to use
resources effectively and efficiently, and also of how to execute
challenging engineering work in a way that is deeply satisfying
and nourishing to the soul.

Step 13: Note any other possible

bug classes
During the time that you have been focusing your attention on
resolving this particular issue, you may have noticed other
potential classes of bug, and possibly other manifest classes of
bug. File bug reports for issues that are manifest in
dysfunctional behavior, or that you’re certain are lurking
undetected. For other possible classes of bugs that may not be
present but may also not currently be tested for, take whatever
action is necessary to direct testing effort towards them. For
example, you might update a test-plan ideas document.

Step 14: Release

Release your fix, either internally or externally, and make sure
that everyone knows what you did. Summarize the problem
and the solution succinctly, and include links to the
documentation that you created.

You just did some awesome, high-quality engineering. Pat
yourself on the back and head off to do something else that’s

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