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Scrum Reference Card

by Michael James and Luke Walter for CollabNet, Inc.

About Scrum Scrum Roles

A Management Framework Scrum Development Team
Scrum is a management framework for incremental product • Cross-functional (e.g., includes members with testing skills, and
development using one or more cross-functional, self-organizing teams others not traditionally called developers: business analysts,
of about seven people each. designers, domain experts, etc.)
It provides a structure of roles, meetings, rules, and artifacts. Teams are • Self-organizing / self-managing, without externally assigned roles
responsible for creating and adapting their processes within this • Plans one Sprint at a time with the Product Owner
framework. • Has autonomy regarding how to develop the increment
Scrum uses fixed-length iterations, called Sprints. Sprints are no more • Intensely collaborative
than 30 days long, preferably shorter. Scrum teams try to build a • Most successful when located in one team room, particularly for the
potentially releasable (properly tested) product increment every Sprint. first few Sprints

An Alternative to Waterfall • Most successful with long-term, full-time membership. Scrum moves
work to a flexible learning team and avoids moving people or
Scrum’s incremental, iterative approach trades the traditional phases of splitting them between teams.
"waterfall" development for the ability to develop a subset of high-value • 6 ± 3 members
features first, incorporating feedback sooner.
• Has a leadership role
Product Owner
• Single person responsible for maximizing the return on investment
Code (ROI) of the development effort
• Responsible for product vision
• Constantly re-prioritizes the Product Backlog, adjusting any long-
Test term expectations such as release plans
• Final arbiter of requirements questions
! • Decides whether to release
Figure 1: Traditional “waterfall” development depends on a perfect understanding of the product
requirements at the outset and minimal errors executing each phase. • Decides whether to continue development
• Considers stakeholder interests
• May contribute as a team member
• Has a leadership role

Scrum Master
• Works with the organization to make Scrum possible
• Ensures Scrum is understood and enacted
• Creates an environment conducive to team self-organization
• Shields the team from external interference and distractions to keep
it in group flow (a.k.a. the zone)
• Promotes improved engineering practices
• Has no management authority over the team
• Helps resolve impediments
• Has a leadership role

Figure 2: Scrum blends all development activities into each iteration, adapting to discovered
realities at fixed intervals.

The greatest potential benefit of Scrum is for complex work involving

knowledge creation and collaboration, such as new product
development. Scrum is usually associated with object-oriented software
development. Its use has also spread to the development of products
such as semiconductors, mortgages, and wheelchairs.

Doing Scrum, or Pretending to Do Scrum?

Scrum’s relentless reality checks expose dysfunctional constraints in
individuals, teams, and organizations. Many people claiming to do
Scrum modify the parts that require breaking through organizational
impediments and end up robbing themselves of most of the benefits.

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.
Scrum Meetings Product Backlog Sprint Backlog
User login

User login determine requirements for password page layout get latest JBoss
policy (design) running

SSL enable

Product choose persistence

write code (using


Reset lost password

SSL enable analyze example config file

get official
certificate from I.T. install certificate

Sprint Planning Account lockout

Meeting update deploy

target in build.xml
testing (3
update installation

LDAP integration

Reset lost password agree on best algorithm for

randomizing passwords
decide where to
put the link
code (using test-

Register a new login

add screenshot
and text to user exploratory
manual testing

Edit registration

Daily Scrum Refinement Admin reporting
Account lockout
after three code (using test-driven development)
update migration
tool to include new
row for locked
manual test (try
to break in with
policy installed)

Meeting attempts

update documents

Figure 4: Sprint Planning Meeting outcome is committed Product Backlog Items (PBIs) and
Sprint Review subordinate Sprint Tasks.
Daily Scrum and Sprint Execution
Every day at the same time and place, the Scrum Development Team
members spend a total of 15 minutes inspecting their progress toward
Sprint the Sprint goal, and creating a plan for the day. Team members share
Retrospective with each other what they did the previous day to help meet the Sprint
goal, what they’ll do today, and what impediments they face.
Standing up at the Daily Scrum will help keep it short. Topics that
require additional attention may be discussed by whoever is interested
! after every team member has reported.
Figure 3: Scrum flow. The team may find it useful to maintain a current Sprint Task List, and
a Sprint Burndown Chart. During Sprint execution it is common to
Sprint Planning Meeting discover additional tasks necessary to achieve the Sprint goals.
Impediments caused by issues beyond the team’s control are
At the beginning of each Sprint, the Product Owner and team hold a
considered organizational impediments.
Sprint Planning Meeting to negotiate which Product Backlog Items they
will attempt to convert to working product during the Sprint. The The Daily Scrum is intended to disrupt old habits of working
Product Owner is responsible for declaring which items are the most separately. Members should remain vigilant for signs of the old
important to the business. The Development Team is responsible for approach. For example, looking only at the Scrum Master when
selecting the amount of work they feel they can implement without speaking is one symptom that the team hasn’t learned to operate as a
accruing technical debt. The team “pulls” work from the Product self-organizing entity.
Backlog to the Sprint Backlog.
Sprint Review Meeting
When teams are given complex work that has inherent uncertainty,
they must work together to intuitively gauge how much work to pull At the end of the Sprint, the Scrum Team holds a Sprint Review
into a Sprint, while learning from previous Sprints. Planning their Meeting to demonstrate a working product increment to everyone who
hourly capacity and comparing their estimates to actuals makes the is interested, particularly outside stakeholders.
team pretend to be precise and reduces ownership. Unless the work is
truly predictable, they should discard such practices within the first few The meeting should feature a live demonstration, not a report.
Sprints or avoid them altogether. The Product Owner reviews the items selected during the Sprint
Until a team has learned how to complete a potentially releasable Planning Meeting and explains which items are considered done. For
product increment each Sprint, it should reduce the amount of example, a software item that is merely “code complete” is considered
functionality it plans. Failure to change old habits leads to technical not done, because untested software isn’t shippable. Incomplete items
debt and eventual design death, as shown in Figure 15. are returned to the Product Backlog and ranked according to the
Product Owner’s revised priorities as candidates for future Sprints.
If the top of the Product Backlog has not been refined, a portion of the
Planning meeting might be spent doing this. The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner and stakeholders convert
their feedback to new Product Backlog Items for prioritization by the
Toward the end of the Sprint Planning Meeting, the team determines Product Owner. Often, new scope discovery outpaces the team’s rate of
how it will accomplish the work. For example they may break the development. If the Product Owner feels that the newly discovered
selected items into an initial list of Sprint Tasks. scope is more important than the original expectations, new scope
displaces old scope in the Product Backlog. Some items will never be
The maximum allotted time (a.k.a. timebox) for planning a 30-day
Sprint is eight hours, reduced proportionally for a shorter Sprint.
The Sprint Review Meeting is the appropriate meeting for external
stakeholders (even end users) to attend. It is the opportunity to inspect
and adapt the product as it emerges. New products, particularly
software products, are hard to visualize in a vacuum. Many customers
need to be able to react to a piece of functioning software to discover
what they will actually want. Iterative development, a value-driven
approach, allows the creation of products that couldn’t have been
specified up front in a plan-driven approach.

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.
Sprint Retrospective Meeting allergy records to a doctor” yielded the story “display whether or not
any allergy records exist.” While the engineers anticipated significant
Each Sprint ends with a retrospective. At this meeting, the team reflects technical challenges in parsing the internal aspects of the allergy
on its own process. They inspect their behavior and take action to adapt records, the presence or absence of any allergy was the most important
it for future Sprints. thing the doctors needed to know. Collaboration between business
Dedicated Scrum Masters will find alternatives to the stale, fearful people and technical people to split this epic yielded a story
meetings everyone has come to expect. An in-depth retrospective representing 80% of the business value for 20% of the effort of the
requires an environment of psychological safety not found in most original epic.
organizations. Without safety, the retrospective discussion will either Since most customers don’t use most features of most products, it’s
avoid the uncomfortable issues or deteriorate into blaming and wise to split epics to deliver the most valuable stories first. While
hostility. delivering lower-value features later is likely to involve some rework,
A common impediment to full transparency on the team is the presence rework is better than no work.
of people who conduct performance appraisals. This activity has also been called “Backlog Grooming,” “Backlog
Another impediment to an insightful retrospective is the human Maintenance,” or “Story Time.”
tendency to jump to conclusions and propose actions too quickly. Agile
Retrospectives, the most popular book on this topic, describes a series paste
of steps to slow this process down: Set the stage, gather data, generate plain Cut/
text paste
insights, decide what to do, close the retrospective.1 Another guide rich text
recommended for Scrum Masters, The Art of Focused Conversations, Cut/paste rich
text and graphics
breaks the process into similar steps: Objective, reflective, interpretive, database
and decisional (ORID).2
A third impediment to psychological safety is geographic distribution.
Geographically dispersed teams usually do not collaborate as well as
those in team rooms.
Figure 5: During Backlog Refinement, large PBIs (often called “epics”) near the top of the Product
Retrospectives often expose organizational impediments. Once a team Backlog are split into thin vertical feature slices (“stories”), not horizontal implementation phases.
has resolved the impediments within its immediate influence, the
Scrum Master should work to expand that influence, chipping away at
the organizational impediments.
Scrum Masters should use a variety of techniques to facilitate
retrospectives, including silent writing, timelines, and satisfaction
Scrum Artifacts
histograms. In all cases, the goals are to gain a common understanding
of multiple perspectives and to develop actions that will take the team
Scrum defines three artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and
and organization to the next level.
Backlog Refinement Meeting
Product Backlog
Most Product Backlog Items (PBIs) initially need refinement because
only one item
User login

they are too large and poorly understood. While Backlog Refinement is
not a required event, it is a required activity. Most Scrum Teams find it at a time
is top priority
SSL enable

useful to take a short time out of every Sprint for this activity. They get top items
together to prepare the Product Backlog for upcoming Sprint Planning are more Reset lost password

Meetings. granular
Account lockout after

In the Backlog Refinement Meeting, large vague items are split and
clarified, considering both business and technical concerns. Sometimes LDAP integration

a subset of the team, in conjunction with the Product Owner and other
stakeholders, will compose and split Product Backlog Items before Register a new login

involving the entire team.

Admin reporting

While refining items, the team may estimate the amount of effort they !
would expend to complete items in the Product Backlog and provides Figure 6: Product Backlog
other technical information to help the Product Owner prioritize them.3 • Force-ranked (prioritized) list of desired functionality

A skilled Scrum Master can help the team identify thin vertical slices of • Visible to all stakeholders
work that still have business value, while promoting a rigorous • Any stakeholder (including the Team) can add items
definition of “done” that includes proper testing and refactoring. • Constantly re-prioritized by the Product Owner
It is common to write Product Backlog Items in User Story form.4 In • Constantly refined by the Scrum Team
this approach, oversized PBIs are called epics. Traditional development • Items at top should be smaller (e.g. smaller than 1/4 of a Sprint) than
breaks features into horizontal tasks (resembling waterfall phases) that items at bottom

cannot be prioritized independently and lack business value from the
customer’s perspective. This habit is hard to break.
Agility requires learning to split large epics into user stories
representing very small product features. For example, in a medical
records application the epic “display the entire contents of a patient’s

1 Agile Retrospectives, Pragmatic Bookshelf, Derby/Larson (2006)

2 The Art of Focused Conversations, New Society Publishers (2000)
3 The team should collaborate to produce a jointly-owned estimate for an item.
4 User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development, Addison Wesley, Cohn (2004)

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.
Product Backlog Item (PBI) Sprint Task (optional)
• Describes the what more than the how of a customer-centric feature • Describes how to achieve the PBI’s what
• Often written in User Story form • Typically involves one day or less of work
• Has a product-wide definition of done to prevent technical debt • During Sprint Execution, a point person may volunteer to be
• May have item-specific acceptance criteria primarily responsible for a task

• Effort is estimated by the Development Team, ideally in relative units • Owned by the entire team; collaboration is expected
(e.g., story points)
requirements get latest
page layout JBoss
Account lockout after three for password (design) running

Acceptance Criteria: ....

write code
choose (using test-
persistence exploratory
driven testing
Small strategy
(Hibernate?) development

Figure 7: A PBI represents a customer-centric feature, usually requiring several tasks to achieve
definition of done.
Figure 9: Sprint tasks required to complete one backlog item require a mix of activities no longer
Sprint Backlog done in separate phases (e.g., requirements elicitation, analysis, design, implementation,
deployment, testing).

• Consists of selected PBIs negotiated between the team and the

Product Owner during the Sprint Planning Meeting Sprint Burndown Chart (optional)
• No changes are made during the Sprint that would endanger the • Summation of total team work remaining within one Sprint
Sprint Goal.
• Updated daily
• Initial tasks are identified by the team during Sprint Planning
Meeting • May go up before going down
• Intended to facilitate team self-organization
• Team will discover additional tasks needed to meet the Sprint Goal
during Sprint execution • Fancy variations, such as itemizing by point person or adding trend
lines, tend to reduce effectiveness at encouraging collaboration
• Visible to the team
• Seemed like a good idea in the early days of Scrum, but in practice
• Referenced during the Daily Scrum Meeting has often been misused as a management report, inviting
intervention. The Scrum Master should discontinue use of this chart
Forecasted Tasks Not Tasks In Tasks
PBIs Started Progress Completed if it becomes an impediment to team self-organization.
determine get latest
User login requirements
for password
page layout
running 250

Acceptance Criteria: ....

choose write code
persistence using test- exploratory 200
S strategy

SSL enable analyze get official install
example config certificate
file from I.T. certificate

Acceptance Criteria: .... 100

S update
target in
testing (3
build.xml 50

Reset lost password agree on best

algorithm for
decide code (using
randomizing where to development 0
passwords put the link )
Acceptance Criteria: .... 24-Jul 26-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul 1-Aug 3-Aug 5-Aug 7-Aug 9-Aug 11-Aug 13-Aug

Figure 10: Sprint Burndown Chart

M screenshot
and text to
user manual

update manual test

Lock account after code (using migration (try to
test-driven tool to break in
three attempts development) include new with policy

Product / Release Burndown Chart (optional)

row for installed)
Acceptance Criteria: ....

S update

• Tracks the remaining Product Backlog effort from one Sprint to the
Figure 8: Sprint Backlog is best represented with an “information radiator” such as a physical next
• May use relative units such as Story Points for Y axis
• Depicts historical trends to adjust forecasts
Increment Acme Rocket Sled Enhanced Product Burndown
Projected completion in 1 - 5 sprints

• The product capabilities completed during the Sprints



• Brought to a usable, releasable state by the end of each Sprint




Effort units: story points


• Released as often as the Product Owner wishes




• Inspected during every Sprint Review Meeting








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

Sprint -- Average Velocity: 47.36 story points/sprint

! Effort Remaining Backlog w/ unestimated items Velocity Trendline Work Added/Removed Trendline New Baseline

Figure 11: A Release Burndown Chart variation popularized by Mike Cohn.5 The red line tracks
PBIs completed over time (velocity), while the blue line tracks new PBIs added (new scope
discovery). The intersection projects release completion date from empirical trends.

5 Agile Estimation and Planning, Cohn, Addison Wesley (2006)

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.
Scaling Related Practices
Bad News: It’s Hard. Lean
Scrum addresses uncertain requirements and technology risks by Scrum is a general framework coinciding with the Agile movement in
grouping people from multiple disciplines into one team (ideally in one software development, which is partly inspired by Lean manufacturing
team room) to maximize communication bandwidth, visibility, and approaches such as the Toyota Production System.8
eXtreme Programming (XP)
When requirements are uncertain and technology risks are high,
adding too many people to the situation makes things worse. Grouping While Scrum does not prescribe specific engineering practices, Scrum
people by specialty also makes things worse. Grouping people by Masters are responsible for promoting increased rigor in the definition
architectural components (a.k.a. component teams) makes things of done. Items that are called “done” should stay done. Automated
worse . . . eventually. regression testing prevents vampire stories that leap out of the grave.
Design, architecture, and infrastructure must emerge over time, subject
to continuous reconsideration and refinement, instead of being
“finalized” at the beginning, when we know nothing.
The Scrum Master can inspire the team to learn engineering practices
associated with XP: Continuous Integration (continuous automated
testing), Test-Driven Development (TDD), constant merciless
refactoring, pair programming, frequent check-ins, etc. Informed
application of these practices prevents technical debt.

Running (and Tested) Features

Figure 12: Communication pathways increase as a square of team size. Robust “done”

Good News: Feature Teams May Help. =Technical

The most successful approach to this problem has been the creation of
fully cross-functional “feature teams,” able to operate at all layers of the
architecture in order to deliver customer-centric features. In a large Weak “done”
system this requires learning new skills.
As teams focus on learning — rather than short-term micro-efficiencies Waterfall
— they can help create a learning organization.
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Figure 14: The straight green line represents the general goal of Agile methods: early and
User Interface Layer sustainable delivery of valuable features. Doing Scrum properly entails learning to satisfy a
rigorous definition of “done” to prevent technical debt.9
Business Logic Layer

Persistence Layer group

Figure 13: Feature teams learn to span architectural components.

More Bad News: It’s Still Hard.

Large organizations are particularly challenged when it comes to
Agility. Most have not gotten past pretending to do Scrum.6 Scrum
Masters in large organizations should meet with management
regularly, promoting transformation.7

6 “Seven Obstacles to Enterprise Agility,” Gantthead, James (2010)

7 See to learn about Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
8 Agile movement defined at
9 Graph inspired by discussions with Ronald E. Jeffries

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.
Team Self-Organization When is Scrum Appropriate?
Engaged Teams Outperform Manipulated Teams

During Sprint execution, team members develop an intrinsic interest in

shared goals and learn to manage each other to achieve them. The

natural human tendency to be accountable to a peer group contradicts

years of habit for workers. Allowing a team to become self-propelled, When the process


is too complex for

rather than manipulated through extrinsic punishments and rewards,

contradicts years of habit for managers. 10 The Scrum Master’s the defined

approach, the

observation and persuasion skills increase the probability of success,
empirical approach

despite the initial discomfort.

is the appropriate

Challenges and Opportunities choice.*

Self-organizing teams can radically outperform larger, traditionally


managed teams. Family-sized groups naturally self-organize when the
right conditions are met: known unknown
• members are committed to clear, short-term goals
• members can gauge the group’s progress It is typical to adopt the defined (theoretical) modeling
approach when the underlying mechanisms by which a
• members can observe each other’s contribution process operates are reasonably well understood.
• members feel safe to give each other unvarnished feedback Figure 15: Scrum, an empirical framework, is appropriate for work with uncertain requirements
and/or uncertain technology issues.1617
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman describes stages of group development as
“forming, storming, norming, performing.” 11 Optimal self-organization Scrum is intended for the kinds of work people have found
takes time. The team may perform worse during early iterations than it unmanageable using defined processes — uncertain requirements
would have performed as a traditionally managed working group.12 combined with unpredictable technology implementation risks. When
deciding whether to apply Scrum, as opposed to plan-driven
Heterogeneous teams outperform homogeneous teams at complex approaches such as those described by the PMBOK® Guide, consider
work. They also experience more conflict. 13 Disagreements are normal whether the underlying mechanisms are well-understood or whether
and healthy on an engaged team; team performance will be determined the work depends on knowledge creation and collaboration. For
by how well the team handles these conflicts. example, Scrum was not originally intended for repeatable types of
Bad apple theory suggests that a single negative individual production and services.
(“withholding effort from the group, expressing negative affect, or Also consider whether there is sufficient commitment to grow a self-
violating important interpersonal norms” 14) can disproportionately organizing team.
reduce the performance of an entire group. Such individuals are rare,
but their impact is magnified by a team’s reluctance to remove them.
This can be partly mitigated by giving teams greater influence over who
joins them. About the Authors
Other individuals who underperform in a boss/worker situation (due to Michael James learned to program many years
being under-challenged or micromanaged) will shine on a Scrum team. ago. He worked directly with Ken Schwaber to
become a Scrum trainer. He coaches technical
Self-organization is hampered by conditions such as geographic
folks, managers, and executives on optimizing
distribution, boss/worker dynamics, part-time team members, and
businesses to deliver value. Please send
interruptions unrelated to Sprint goals. Most teams will benefit from a
feedback to or

full-time Scrum Master who works hard to mitigate these kinds of

Luke Walter learned empirical product

development many years ago as an industrial
designer. He encountered Scrum working on
the same development team as Michael James,
before becoming a Scrum trainer. He coaches
businesses to recognize wasteful practices and
organize around customer value. Please send
feedback to

This printing is licensed to CollabNet, Inc. For additional information

or help with Scrum, please email

10 Intrinsic motivation is linked to mastery, autonomy, and purpose. “Rewards” harm this
11 “Developmental Sequence in Small Groups.” Psychological Bulletin, 63 (6): 384-99 Tuckman, referenced repeatedly by Schwaber.
12 The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization, Katzenbach, Harper Business (1994)
13 Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration, Sawyer, Basic Books (2007). (This book is #2 on Michael James’s list of recommended reading for Scrum Masters.)
14 “How, when, and why bad apples spoil the barrel: Negative group members and dysfunctional groups.” Research in Organizational Behavior, Volume 27, 181–230, Felps/Mitchell/Byington, (2006)
15 An example detailed list of full-time Scrum Master responsibilities:
16 Extensively modified version of a graph in Strategic Management and Organizational Dynamics, Stacey (1993), referenced in Agile Software Development with Scrum, Schwaber/Beedle (2001).
17 Process Dynamics, Modeling, and Control, Ogunnaike, Oxford University Press, 1992.

© Copyright 2010-2017 Michael James and Luke Walter. All rights reserved.

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