3224 Lesson Plan-Lauren Franklin
3224 Lesson Plan-Lauren Franklin
3224 Lesson Plan-Lauren Franklin
MAED 3224
Subject: 2
nd Grade, Math Central Focus: F
act Families: Fact families are sets of
three numbers that are used to make four math facts
using addition/subtraction or multiplication/division.
Fact families help to show us the inverse relationship,
or opposite relationship, between addition and
subtraction and between multiplication and division.
Common Core Objective: Date taught:
NC.2.OA.1 Represent and solve addition and
subtraction word problems, within 100, with
unknown in all positions, by using representations
and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem with solving:
-One step Problems:
-Add to/take from-start unknown
-Compare-bigger unknown
-Compare-smaller unknown
-Two-step Problems:
-Add to/Take from-change unknown
-Add to/Take from-Result unknown
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance- S tudents will be able to solve addition and subtraction problems using equations with
a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem they are solving. Students will learn the
meaning of Commutative property of Addition, Sum, and Addend.
Conditions- Students will work individually to complete their Fact Family worksheet
Criteria- 8
0% on exit ticket, 8 out of 10 points on exit ticket
Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: S imple addition and subtraction problem solving skills
Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time
1. Engage “Today we are going to look at our math facts. In 5min
your groups you are going to talk about at least 3
strategies you can use to solve the different math
Model the activity by showing a problem on the
smart board and discussing 3 different ways to
solve problem.
What strategies can you come up with to solve this
How can we solve 32+78?
Is 30+80 the same thing as 32+78? Why?
1. Add the tens and the ones
2. 10+10=20 and 1+1=2 so 20+2=22
3. 12+12=24-2=22
2. Explore (Group students into groups of 4, give each group a 25min
(including solutions of major tasks) total of 6 flash cards each)
Using math fact flash cards [(Simple addition
problems on notecards)
After 3 minutes have the groups of students switch
their math facts and repeat twice having students
discuss at least 3 different strategies they can use
to solve each math fact. Students will have looked at
3 different groups of addition fact flash cards by the
end of the activity.
Students are using this activity to better their
understanding of fact families and how numbers
relate to one another.
Pass out blank sheet of paper
“We are going to take your blanket piece of paper
and fold it in half, Once you have folded it in half,
fold it in half again so that you have 4 squares.”
“In the first square write your name and Fact Family
Model this on the smartboard by writing “Miss
Franklin’s Fact Family Work”
Classroom Setup:
5 tables (only use 4 for this lesson), Use the
smart-board to project problems on the board.
3. Explain “Using your sectioned off paper we are going to 10min
solve a few problems.”
“When finding our fact family equation we have to
find the largest number and circle it.”
“We are going to have 2 addition and 2 subtraction
problems that we can make from the 3 numbers you
will see. You will not use any numbers in your
problem that is not listed.”
“What is the sum in an equation?”
→ The sum is the answer
“The two numbers that you add together to get a
sum are called addends.”
“What do you know about the sum?”
“If you have 5 marbles in one hand and 2 marbles in
the other hand, when you put them together you get
a larger number. Your largest number will always be
your sum in an addition problem.”
“In a subtraction problem your largest number will
always be your first number. When you are
subtracting you are finding the difference between
two numbers.”
“Because of the commutative property of addition
we know that 5+2=7 is the same thing as 2+5=7”
__+__=__ __+__=__
__-__=__ __-__=__
“What do you know about a Fact Family?”
1. 9,13,__ What could my third number be in my
fact family? Why can 22 and 4 be the last
number in my fact family?
2. 80,30,110 Can you place these numbers into
the blanks on your problems?
4. Elaborate/Extend Students will work on ‘Fact Family Cones’ Rest of math
worksheet. time
Students will cut “ice cream scoop problems” and
paste the problems onto the correct “cone” or
Struggling students:Struggling students will be
paired with higher students to work on the
worksheet together so they are able to learn from
their peers.
Higher students: Students who are higher will be
given 2 extra problems to solve to show higher
1. 1254,1002,?(Have students find the 3rd
number) [2256 or 252]
2. 648,1168,? (Have students find the 3rd
number) [1816 or 520]
5. Evaluate Student Directions: Students will use the back side N/A
(assessment methods) of the sectioned off blank paper to solve the
following 4 problems to turn in. Students will write
one problem in each square and find the fact
families for each.
Exit Ticket for students that are yellow or red:
(Numbers in the brackets the students find)
1. 3,5,[8]
2. 12,15,[27]
3. 125,75,[200]
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