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Davidson County Candidate Questionnaires

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Angie Blackshear Dalton

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Criminal Court Division II

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
1993 Bachelor of Arts in English, Lane College
1997 Juris Doctor, University of Toledo College of Law

Job history *
2017 - Present: Judge, Criminal Court Division II
2017 - Present: Adjunct Instructor, Nashville School of Law
2006 - 2017 - Judge, General Sessions Court, Division III
1997 - 2005 - Assistant District Attorney, O ce of the District Attorney

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
As a former Assistant District Attorney General, I have tried countless cases in our Criminal,
General Sessions and Juvenile courts on charges ranging from minor offenses to rst degree
murder. I greatly appreciated my service as a prosecutor because it helped me to develop my
talents and passion to seek fairness and justice for all who are impacted by our court system.
It was that experience to lead me to run for judge in 2006. For more than eleven years as a
General Sessions Court judge, and since my appointment as the judge in Division II of the
Criminal Court, I have presided over jury and bench trials, and conducted various hearings on
motions, sentencing and post-conviction matters. My judicial responsibilities include ensuring
fair and impartial proceedings, appropriate docket management to ensure the effective and
fair use of court time, and maintaining courtroom decorum and procedure. My goal has been
to ensure that all who come before the court are treated fairly and with respect, and that justice
prevails. I recognize that serving as a judge requires one to possess a temperament that
demonstrates an unbiased decisiveness, compassion, and sensitivity. My experience over the
last 20 years as a prosecutor and judge in both the General Sessions and Criminal courts
distinguishes me from my opponent because that experience has helped me to cultivate a
judicial temperament that will allow me to continue to serve the citizens of our community.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
It is vitally important that the public has faith in a fair and impartial judiciary. It is the
responsibility of those of us who hold these positions do so in a manner that does not call into
question the integrity of our judiciary. We should start with ensuring that we maintain
professional relationships, consistent with applicable ethical codes, with all who are involved
with the courts, including staff, attorneys, parties who come before the court, and other elected
o cials. Additionally, we should uphold our duciary responsibilities in the day to day
operation of our courts to ensure the responsible use of court resources. I think it would be
helpful to use opportunities to educate the public about the many aspects of our court system
so that they have an understanding not only of our courts, but the judges who are elected to
serve in these positions.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
The voters desire a court system that treats each person who comes into contact with our
courts fairly regardless of race and economic background. One of the main concerns centers
around people being punished because of their economic status. Voters are asking that
Nashville’s money bail system be reviewed to ensure that indigent defendants are not
marginalized and punished pre-trial because they cannot afford to post bail. I am committed
to participating in the ongoing discussions with the stakeholders of our court system to ensure
the best practices as it relates to our money bail system.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The di cult decision that I had to make was both professional and personal. It was my
decision to run for judge in 2006; and it was a di cult decision that was not taken lightly.
Professionally, I had to resign from my job, which meant that my legal practice was temporarily
placed on hold. Personally, my family was limited to one income, this meant that we had to
rely on my husband’s salary and our personal savings for the eight months it took to run the
campaign. In addition, I had a very young child at the time who needed the full attention and
support of both parents. Last, for various reasons, there were many people who tried to
discourage me from running. However, what helped me to resolve this issue was faith. My
spiritual faith, my faith in myself and my family, and my faith in the citizens of Davidson
County; all of this provided me the peace of mind necessary to step out on faith, at a time
when everything all around me would suggest that that I was a political novice, my chances
were slim, that I was in over my head, and that I should not run. It is this faith that inspired and
motivated me, and it provided me direction and validated my decision to run.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
A mistake I made in my career occurred very early when I served as a prosecutor assigned to
the domestic violence prosecution team. The mistake did not involve a single case but was
more about my thought process at that time. I was assigned to the domestic violence
prosecution team within a week of accepting a position in the District Attorney’s o ce. It was
a time when I lacked an understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence. I say, without
pride and with much embarrassment, that I did not understand why a victim would stay in an
abusive relationship. I was often frustrated when I had the di cult task of pursuing
prosecution of a case with a victim who recanted or minimized the abuse. I admit that there
were times that I would blame the victim, but never publicly. Even with that frustration, I
performed my duties of prosecuting these sensitive cases. There was one case that was the
turning point for my thought process about cases involving domestic violence. Without going
into the speci c details, this case involved a victim who minimized the abuse. As with any
case with a reluctant victim, I pursued the prosecution of the case. This seemed like the
normal routine until the next day when the victim witness coordinator who assisted me with
the case told me that the victim called to say thank you. It was that moment that reinforced
my understanding that our court system has an obligation to not prejudge any person without
knowing his or her circumstance. After that experience, domestic violence became an issue
that has remained important for me. Not only did I continue with my assignment on the
domestic violence prosecution team in the District Attorney’s o ce for a combined ve years,
but after being elected judge in the General Sessions Court, I was instrumental in reorganizing
our docket structure to create a dedicated domestic violence court.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve the people of Davidson County in my role as a
judge in the Criminal Court. I have always wanted to do something that would positively
impact others and serve my community. Early on, I developed a passion for the legal
profession because I knew that I could achieve my goal of service through this avenue. My
background as a prosecutor and as a judge in the General Sessions and Criminal courts have
equipped me with the skills and temperament necessary to continue in this role. I am
committed to making sure that our court system is fair for all people, regardless of their
background or socio-economic status. It is also important that I continue to educate the
public about the various issues that we deal with in the courts that impact our community.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Charlie Cardwell

Town or city of residence *

Nashville, TN

What o ce are you running for? *

O ce of Trustee, Davidson County

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Attended David Lipscomb University of Tennessee - Nashville

Job history *
Metropolitan Government as Auditor, Chief Accountant, Director of Finance, Commissioner of
Revenue for the State of Tennessee and Davidson County Trustee.

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I think my long history in Metro Government has given me the ability to carry out the task of
being the custodian of the revenues collected to make Metropolitan Government work.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I will continue to run my o ce with the trust that the citizens of Davidson County expect me to

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
To be a good steward of the taxpayers' money and run a very e cient o ce.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Over my years with Metropolitan Government, I have had many di cult decisions. I have
sought advice from many friends and taken their advice and used that knowledge for my nal

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
Early in my career I was very disrespectful to my supervisor and was called on the carpet. In
the future, I have used that mistake in helping others to succeed.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
My priorities are to continue to serve the citizens of Metropolitan Government.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Sam Coleman

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

General Sessions, Division X

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
• Tennessee State University, B.S., Political Science (1973 to 1978)
• Tennessee State University, Masters in Public Administration (1978 to 1982)
• Nashville School of Law, J.D. (1984 to 1989)

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Job history *
Law O ces of Sam Coleman, Senior Counsel (2010-2017)

o Practiced law in Nashville, specializing in areas of criminal defense, probate, landlord and
tenant law.
o Guided by strong belief in serving the underserved by conscientiously and consistently
educating clients to prevent legal problems relative to sexual harassment and violence in the
o Served as pro bono attorney for the Legal Aid Society of Nashville.

Metropolitan Council of Nashville and Davidson County (2003-2011, 2015-207)

o Represented the people of the 33rd Metro Council District in Southeast Nashville,
fortunate to be elected three times.
o Served as Chairperson of the Codes, Fair and Farmer’s Market Committees, as well as a
member of the Charter Revision, Planning, Zoning and Personnel Committee. Founder of the
Lawyer’s Caucus and member of the Minority Caucus.
o Worked to improve lives of Nashvillians by negotiating acquisition of the Hickory Hollow
Mall annex for Nashville State Community College, securing funding for Cane Ridge High
School’s nationally-recognized career academies, bringing capital improvement budget funds
to Southeast Nashville for parks and libraries, and assisting in the development of a new
Hobson Pike re station.
o Improved relations between neighborhood organization and Metro government, as well as
serving as President of the Pepper Tree Forrest Neighborhood Home Owners Association
(2005 to present).

Department of Children’s Services, Internal Affairs Program Coordinator (1978-2010)

o Enjoyed a three-decade career with the Department, serving as a Group Home Counselor
and Director of Security before ultimately rising to position of Internal Affairs Program
o Acted as lead policy and procedures writer for speci c statewide children’s services,
establishing accountability systems to measure outcomes for the Department.
o Provided technical advice and interpretations of regulations, policies and procedures.
o Conducted and coordinated training throughout the Department in areas of sexual
harassment, workplace violence and internal policies.
o Managed and controlled security for 145-student facility as Director of Security, directly

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

managing three shift commanders with full-time security staff.

o Managed all aspects of student care as Group Home Counselor while maintaining a
disciplined environment to promote individual growth of residents.

Additional Professional Experience and Involvement:

o National College of Business and Technology, Adjunct Professor of Business Law (2010 to
o Tennessee Correctional Academy, Adjunct Instructor (1997 to 1998)
o Nashville Paralegal School, Adjunct Instructor of Legal Research and Writing (1995-1996)
o WVOL Radio, Sports Broadcaster for TSU Football (1987 to 1990)

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have been very fortunate over the course of my career to hold jobs that allow me to serve the
public and give back to this community that has given me so much since I rst came to
Nashville in 1973 to attend Tennessee State and quarterback the football team. Having made a
career of public service, my professional experiences working on the different sides of the
criminal justice system make me uniquely quali ed for this judgeship and sets me apart from
my opponents, for whom I have a great deal of respect.

Many lawyers can apply the facts of a case to the law on the books, but we need judges—
especially in General Sessions where we deal with issues affecting everyday Nashvillians—who
can apply the facts to the law with a sense of justice. Having worked for the Department of
Children’s Services and Department of Corrections, I’ve seen rst hand how the system treats
individuals, particularly the youth in our community. Judges need to understand how the
rulings they make affect people’s lives, and treat them with due respect. There’s a time for
chastisement and a time for healing rehabilitation.

The law affords judges room for discretion in many situations, and that discretion needs to be
exercised by judges with a comprehensive working knowledge of the criminal justice system—I
believe I have that unique knowledge and that’s why I am running.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I was truly humbled to be selected by the elected members of the Metro Council to ll the
vacancy in Division X, not only because they believed in my legal aptitude, but also because
they believed I was the best choice to restore fairness and integrity to our judicial system.
Those who elected me had seen rst hand how I operated, and were comfortable putting their
political reputation on the line for me at a time when all eyes were on Division X.

I made three promises to the people of Nashville when selected, which were reported in your
paper, one of which was to restore the public faith and integrity in General Sessions, Division X.
I have—and will continue to—ful ll that promise by making sure our courtroom operates in a
transparent and respectable way. The doors to my chambers are always open, and our
hardworking staff is always willing and ready to serve. We are punctual and respectful of
everyone’s time to ensure the parties get their day in court but are able to return to their lives as
quickly as possible. In the past, this has not been the case with all judges. We are on the
people’s time; they are not on our time. Parents have children to raise and careers to tend to,
law enforcement o cials have streets to protect and lawyers have justice to serve.

While in private practice I specialized in matters of sexual harassment and other forms of
workplace misconduct, which are especially pertinent today. As a part of my promise to restore
integrity, I have also taken proactive steps to make sure everyone in our courtroom and o ce
knows they can come to me safely and con dentially, at any time, with concerns regarding
sexual harassment or any other workplace issue. It all starts with treating everyone with
respect—the same guiding principle mentioned above that affects everything we do in Division

While every party in the courtroom may not always agree with every decision I render from the
bench, they ultimately know the letter and spirit of the law guide my decisions. They also know,
as should the voters in Davidson County, that I will never embarrass the legal profession or City
of Nashville by conducting myself and our courtroom in anything other than a genuine,
respectable manner.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
The voters I talk to want a judiciary that is fair and e cient. I realize justice cannot truly be
served without fairness and e ciency, and have only grown more con dent in that assertion in
the year I have presided over Division X.

If you ask the parties that appear in our courtroom, they will tell you we operate with those two
goals in mind.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
As a judge I am prohibited from discussing some particulars of cases that have come before
our court, but one case in one particular stands out in my mind as presenting a di cult moral
and legal question. In this case, a care taker was slapped by a patient that was mentally
unstable and subsequently charged with a criminal offense. The court ending up having to rule
in favor of the prosecution because the state-appointed representation for the defendant did
not meet their burden of proving an a rmative defense.

In those cases--and in many di cult situations in life--we as leaders have to operate within the
boundaries of the letter of the law to ensure the stable rule of law. That is not always easy or
popular, but it is best for the long term good of the community.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
Being an elected o cial often requires compromise--which is not always a bad thing, but
nonetheless di cult at times. In my 3 terms as a Metro Council Member from Antioch, I often
had to pick which battles to ght and where to really push for necessary funding.

Often times, a project will have tremendous support in the community but there would be, in
my opinion, more essential needs that had to rst be met. Some projects haD to take priority. In
one case, I decided not to advocate stronger for a swimming pool in the building of the
Southeast Community Center because I thought we needed money for schools. I wanted to
use my political capital for District 33 in that ght.

I failed to see how that Community Center pool would also bene t the youth of Southeast
Nashville, providing a meaningful extracurricular activity that a school could not. The
Community Center ended up getting the pool, the design turned out great and the people of
Southeast enjoyed the facility. I learned that approaching matters with an open mind and
listening to others before making a nal decision--instead of digging in on preconceived
notions--is critical to success in public service.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I started my career in public service over 40 years ago with the Tennessee Departments of
Corrections before moving to Youth Development and Children’s Services. My experiences with
people in the criminal justice system, especially young people, and the underserved children in
this city drove my decision to go back to school for a law degree later in my career. I entered
the legal profession so I could ght for everyday people that all too often slip through the
cracks and be their champion.

After four decades of experience with the criminal justice system, including 16 years in private
practices, I decided my perspectives and legal experience could be of use to the General
Sessions Court and the people it serves. In striving to return integrity to our court, we’ve
worked to right the wrongs done to victims and make sure wrongdoers learn from their
mistakes. Before rendering decisions and issuing remedies, to the extent allowed under the
law, I weigh the economic and social impacts of charges and convictions on individuals, their
livelihoods and our community.

While serving as president of the Nashville School of Law Honor Council during my time as a
student, I rst saw and began to appreciate that good people make bad decisions, but that, at
times, a punishment or remedy is required in the name of fairness and justice. Those
principles still guide me today.

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4/18/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Jeff Crum

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Juvenile Court Clerk

4/18/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
BS Psychology. University of TN Martin

Job history *
Comcast/Manager 2015-2018, Bail Bondsman/All About Bail Bonds Manager 2006-2015

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
Extensive Management (Comcast) experience.Management Experience (Bail Bonding) and
Knowledge of the Court system.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Bring integrity, trust, and leadership to the management of the Davidson County Juvenile Court
Clerk O ce. This is accomplished thru leading by example. A good leader leads from the front,
shows up to work, and promotes a positive image to his team and those who elected him.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Be responsible for your actions. You are elected to ful l an assignment for the ones who
placed you in leadership.

4/18/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
I left a secure supervisory position to enter an uncertain professional career change. I made a
leap of faith knowing the rewards could be greater than the risks. The decision turned out to be
an extremely rewarding one that lead to even greater opportunity and rewards that I would

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I allowed an individual to be hired by Senior Management without voicing a strong opposition.
The individual eventually created a void then destruction within the department.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I believe in a strong work ethic. I was raised by parents who taught me to give a man a good
days labor for the wages you are paid. I will bring this simple motto to the Leadership of the
Davidson County Juvenile Court Clerk. Work hard for the people who entrusted this
responsibility to you.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Ana L. Escobar

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

General Sessions Judge, Division 3

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Vanderbilt University, BA, 1992
George Washington Law School, JD, 1995

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Job history *
Nashville, TN


Nashville, TN

Nashville, TN


Nashville, TN


Nashville, TN
Contract Attorney


Nashville, TN
Assistant District Attorney General


Nashville, TN


Nashville, TN
Assistant Public Defender

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have been an attorney in Nashville for 22 years. I have practiced in both Federal and State
court throughout Middle Tennessee. I have had jury trials, bench trials, and argued motions. I
have represented indigent clients, undocumented clients, non English speaking clients, and
victims. My professional experience makes me quali ed for this bench.

This position hears domestic violence cases eight months out of the year. I have spent more
than half of my career both defending and prosecuting domestic violence cases, making me
uniquely quali ed for this speci c judicial role.

I represented clients accused of domestic violence for 12 years. I learned the challenges
associated with being accused of domestic violence and the legal consequences associated
with these charges. From this experience, I understand how important it is for a person
accused of domestic violence to know that they are entering a neutral courtroom. Their cases
should be heard quickly in a courtroom where they have been allowed to present evidence,
witnesses and a defense.

As a prosecutor, I was team leader for the Domestic Violence Unit where I oversaw nine
attorneys and personally represented over 500 domestic violence victims at all stages of
prosecution. Through that work, I developed a deep understanding of the cycle of domestic
violence and the courage it takes for victims to go forward with prosecution. Victims need to
enter a forum where they will be treated with respect and dignity. Domestic violence is a crime
rooted in the issues of power and control, and if a judge doesn’t have that understanding,
victims can easily be made to feel powerless in the courtroom.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I will restore faith and trust in public institutions by going to work everyday and doing my job
with integrity. A judge has a responsibility for keeping up with new case law and laws. A judge
should also seek to learn about new systems and processes that are being implemented as
best practices across the country. A judge should regularly evaluate current systems and
practices to improve access to our judicial system and its effectiveness. I also believe a judge
should be available to the public to explain how resources are being used.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
We are on the verge of monumental improvements to the criminal justice system in Davidson
County, and it's critical for the next judge for General Sessions, Division 3 to be an informed
and engaged partner in these changes.

I think citizens are ready to see changes to the bail system. The General Sessions judges, the
O ce of the District Attorney, the Nashville Public Defender’s O ce and the Sheriff’s O ce
received a grant to devise a pretrial screening tool. I believe that Nashville is ready for an
alternative to cash bonds. A person should not remain in jail only because they cannot pay a

Mass incarceration is also of concern to the public. I think society is realizing that when
someone goes to jail they come out with the same issues that brought them there. An effective
criminal justice system should help people address their issues such as addiction, mental
health, and anger and control issues. We need to look beyond incarceration for these answers.

The increase in violence committed by juveniles is alarming to citizens. This court does not
have jurisdiction over juveniles. However, domestic violence witnessed by children makes
these children twice more likely to either be victims or perpetrators of domestic violence later
in life. Creating a safe and violence-free environment for children is just one piece of a larger
puzzle to solve this issue. Nashville will open the country’s largest Family Justice Center later
this year, which will make services more accessible to more families.

Finally, the shocking increase in opioid deaths are concerning to parents and voters. We need
to examine what the courts are doing for citizens who have become addicted to opioids and
determine whether the same curriculum used for other types of substance abuse applies to
this addiction.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The most di cult decision I have made in my career has been to run for this o ce. I had to
resign as a prosecutor in order to run. I am a single mother and the sole supporter of my son. I
had to decide whether or not we could survive both logistically and nancially while I
campaigned. I took two weeks to examine my options and determine whether this was a viable
option. I determined I could in fact run and I am working as hard as I can.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
Earlier in my career I was becoming too emotionally involved in my clients’ cases and had to
learn to withdraw. I learned that you have to care enough about a client’s case to advocate
effectively on their behalf without becoming so involved that you risk burnout in the long run.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am not a politician. I am an engaged attorney and citizen that wants to contribute to the
improvement of our legal and judicial system. This is not a stepping stone for me. This is a
position I have always wanted to pursue as an attorney.

I believe that judges should be informed, fair and honest. They must be good stewards of the
people's time, money and resources. I will devote my entire time to working hard and helping
improvement our current system. I will continue to be apprised of the laws and case law in
order to serve litigants at my best.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates
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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Richard Exton

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Register of Deeds

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
BA - Economics - University of Tennessee Knoxville

Job history *
Principal - Manier and Exton - January, 1994 to Present.
Senior Associate - William R. Manier, III and Associates - from June, 1983 to December, 1993

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have a lifetime passion for community service. I will bring proven civic, professional, and
political leadership to the o ce. For the last 35 years I have accessed the documents in the
Register of Deeds o ce on a daily basis as part of my job as a real estate appraiser. Because
of that experience I will approach the job from the prospective of a consumer, and with a clear
understanding of the importance of access, accuracy, and timeliness in the Register’s o ce.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I believe that the citizens of Nashville want a Register of Deeds who is fully focused on doing
the job to which they were elected with honestly and integrity. This will restore faith and trust
in government.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Nashvillians want improved access to the Register’s records online and easier access to the
o ce. Deeds and Plats are available online if you know to where to look. However, they are not
available for free at the Register's website. These documents must be available at the most
logical place to nd them - the Register of Deeds website. The Register's o ce is in the
Bridgestone Arena. Access is di cult, there is limited free parking for visitors and the
employees work in a windowless space and have to pay for convenient parking. The o ce
needs to be moved to better serve the people of Nashville. They want great customer service
at the Register of Deeds o ce. And they want the net proceeds from the Register's o ce to be
a dedicated funding source to the Barnes Fund for Workforce and Affordable Housing.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
My decision to run for o ce was di cult because if elected I will shutter the business I have
built over the last 24 years and end the 50-year legacy of my mentor and company founder Bill
Manier. I do not believe that elected o cials should operate businesses on the side. They are
elected by the people of Nashville to do one job and they should be fully focused on that job. I
accept that change is hard and it is inevitable, but the chance to serve Nashville will ful ll a
lifelong goal and I look forward to the challenge.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I have a degree in economics, and economists study the past to predict the future. This is in
essence the job of a real estate appraiser. So, a career as an appraiser makes sense with my
background. The job focuses on completing analysis and preparing reports, and each
appraiser operates independently, even in a large appraisal rm. As such the position does not
provide many opportunities to develop the leadership and management skills that I sought. To
obtain these skills I joined the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce and joined
committees of the then Nashville Board of Realtors. As a committed volunteer I was given
opportunities to improve my management and leadership skills, leading to greater
responsibilities and progressively higher leadership positions. I would ultimately serve as the
president of both organizations and own the company where I started working.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
For the past 35 years the people of Nashville have hired me to estimate the value their property
because of my expertise, integrity, honestly, and fairness. These are the values I hold dear and
they are the values I will bring to the Register of Deeds’ o ce.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Howard Gentry

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Criminal Court Clerk

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Nashville Public Schools (Pearl High Graduate), Tennessee State University (BS, MEd

Job history *
First American Bank, Citizens Bank, Citizens Insurance Co., Beaman Automotive, Criminal
Court Div. 1 Court O cer, Tennessee State University, Back eld In Motion, Chamber of
Commerce, Criminal Court Clerk

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
Since taking o ce in 2011 we have been on a rapid pace to become a national model in the
area of court record management. I have served on the National Board of Court Management
and I am closely involved with National Association of Court Collections. I have had
consultants from both organizations to review our operations and to assist in providing a plan
to a more e cient and effective o ce. I also served as associate Vice President of
Technology and Administration at TSU, which has aided me in our effort to move toward a
paperless environment. We are in the last stages of installing an e- ling and document
management system that will allow electronic ling and document sharing throughout the
system. Our website has received national and international Top Ten awards. We have
instituted online payments and we are adding an automated virtual assistant that will help
visitors navigate our website with most frequently asked questions. We have doubled the
number of expungements processed annually and simpli ed the method of driver license
reinstatement’s. This is just a snap shot of all that has been accomplished while I have held
the o ce and I am most experienced and quali ed to lead our o ce to a more e cient and
effective system.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I will continue to serve this city with honesty and integrity as I have over my professional and
political lifetime.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
To continue to bring the expungement and driver license efforts to the community because it is
changing lives.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
As vice mayor I voted on second reading to break a tie which defeated the sexual orientation
bill because I knew that the council was not going to pass on third reading. Though, my
decision had nothing to do with the substance of the bill, I was criticized and falsely labeled an
obstructionist. I resolved it by facing my critics. Apologizing for any hurt or pain that I may
have caused and continuing demonstrate through my actions that I am a person that loves all
people, that believes in fairness and that hates discrimination of any kind.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
When I was Director of Athletics at TSU I incorrectly applied too much money to scholarships
for fall sports, which caused a shortfall in the spring. I recovered by raising most of the de cit
and reducing some non-essential expenses. We also began to separate the fall and spring
scholarship awards. By the way, most of the money went to women’s sports and we never
reduced the awards that were increased.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am proud to have the opportunity to serve the people of Nashville and I am committed to
continuing to create processes that provide greater equity in the criminal justice system.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Joyce Grimes Sa ey

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

General Sessions Judge, Div. X

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Vanderbilt University 1977 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)
Vanderbilt University 1983 Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)
Vanderbilt Law School 1989 Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.)

Job history *
Attorney and Owner, Sa ey Law (Sept. 2017-present)
Sr. Attorney, LOMJ (Sept. 2016-Sept. 2017)
Tenn. Central Panel Administrative Judge (2001-2016)
Attorney and Principal, Lackey Rodgers Price and Snedeker (1995-2001)
Attorney, Ortale Kelley Herbert and Crawford (1990-1995)

Healthcare employment includes:

Department head director and head critical care nurse, St. Thomas Hospital

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have practiced as a trial or litigation attorney for 29 years, including 15 years as a judge
presiding over and conducting trials and other court hearings. I'm experienced, practiced and
adept at conducting courtroom proceedings while successfully and e ciently managing high-
volume dockets.

I am the most well-versed candidate in applying the law to cases, providing fair and impartial
decision making, and dealing with pro bono (self-represented) and indigent parties. My time as
an administrative judge has given me extensive experience in conducting and deciding trials
and hearings involving attorneys, parties, public servants, and multiple witnesses.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
My proven track record as a sitting judge for fteen years, and as a trial attorney for many
years, demonstrates my commitment to following and applying the law, along with my integrity,
honesty, ethics and adherence to the Judicial Code.

As a General Sessions Judge, I will restore the public's faith and trust in the Judicial System by
acting at all times with honesty, ethics, and integrity; complying with the Code of Judicial
Conduct; consistently being prepared for Court and being on time for my dockets; and treating
the public with respect.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters want fair, impartial judges who follow the law. They also want judges who are hard-
working and respect others' time.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
I married young and completed four years of college after I married. I worked to support myself
and my family during college, graduate school and law school. When I started law school, I had
a 22-month-old baby.

Halfway through law school, I became a single parent. I had to make the extremely di cult
decision whether to drop out of law school to make sure I had the means to support my 3 year
old daughter and myself; or to grit my teeth, get extra student loans, apply for scholarships,
and work more hours at my jobs with rms in order to continue in law school, support my
daughter and myself, manage to keep up my grades, and graduate. I took out a terrifying
amount of student loans, worked additional hours, and completed law school on schedule.

Despite it being a very frightening time, my decision to weather a very tough time, grit it out,
and continue on with school was the best decision I could have made, and I have never
regretted it.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, I applied for a clinical position at a hospital that
I thought I wanted very much. I didn't get the position and was very disappointed, and
wondered what I could have done wrong. A few months later, however, a much better position
was offered to me in hospital administration. It was a substantial promotion, and I fared far
better than I would have had I received the rst position.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I have been happily married to Mike Sa ey, a fellow attorney, for almost 27 years. In addition to
my oldest daughter, Kathryn, we have twins, Lauren and Christopher, and two grandchildren.
We're happy that each of our children has been successful personally and professionally.

I am a Christian. My personal faith embraces that all people are equal in God's sight, that no
one is perfect, and that we must treat others as we wish to be treated. I also believe that God
expects us to love each other, respect each other, and help each other.

Finally, I have worked very hard since I was 18 years old. I worked to support myself during
college, graduate school and law school. I want to do an excellent job at whatever I undertake,
and my work ethic is second-to-none.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Sheryl Guinn

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Judge of General Sessions Court Div. III

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
I attended Hillsboro High School and graduated from Brentwood High School and received my
high school diploma; I graduated from Clark Atlanta University with a Bachelors of Science
Degree in Biology; I graduated from Thomas Cooley Law School with a Doctorate of

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Job history *
Law O ce of Sheryl Guinn, Owner and Attorney February 2007 – Present
Since 2007 I have successfully represented clients in the following types of cases: criminal
defense for misdemeanor and felony cases; dependency and neglect including severe abuse;
termination of parental rights and adoption; drafted wills, probated wills, conservatorships;
plaintiff and defense in residential evictions; divorces; child custody; child support; defense for
MDHA evictions; civil cases where the damages are less than $25,000.

Professional Accomplishments
• In January 2011 the Tennessee Court of Appeals in the Middle District vacated in part and
remanded in part the trial court’s decision in my case regarding a conservatorship
• In 2009 I received a hung jury verdict in a felony criminal case
• Board member for Interdenominational Services Organization of America since 2008 to
present. The mission of this organization is to encourage women and minorities to become
• Board member for the Davidson County Democratic Women since 2011 to present. I was
the 2015 President. For 2016 I serve as the Past President on the board. In 2018 I have served
on the board as a member at large
• Serve on the Board of Trustees at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church since 2011 to
• Elected to the Davidson County Democratic Party Executive Committee for District 17 in
• I was a candidate for General Sessions Court Judge Division IX in 2014. I lost the primary
by 117 votes
• I was nominated for the Athena Young Professional Award in 2014
• In November 2014 I was elected as the 3rd Vice President for the Nashville Branch of the
NAACP to serve from 2015 to 2016
• In November 2016 I was elected as the 3rd Vice President for the Nashville Branch of the
NAACP to serve from 2017-2018
• In 2014 I was selected to the inaugural 2014-2015 class of the Nashville Bar Foundation
Leadership Forum
• In 2016 I was elected to serve on the Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Village Manor Board
• In 2018 I was nominated to serve on the Board of Directors for the Napier Looby Bar
• In 2017 I joined Gideon’s Army and serve on the Strategic Planning Committee

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have been practicing for 11 years as an attorney in private practice. I have 11 years of
experience in practicing in General Sessions Court. I am an attorney in good standing. I have a
great desire to help people. I believe that an arrest is a life changing event that must be taken
seriously which includes offering services.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
By following the law being a good upstanding Judge I will restore the faith and trust of the
public. By being fair and respsectful to everyone I will retore the comnnuity's faith in the justice

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters want to be offered services when coming to General Sessions Court.
As part of those services they want job opportunities and to be mentored by someone who
has lived a criminal lifestyle and has turned into a productive citizen.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Everyday I make di cult decisions because I am an attorney and I am making decisions on
how to proceed on issues that affect an individuals life. This person has paid me to take
handle a matter that is very important to them and I do not take this lightly. I resolve this issue
in whatever manner is most bene cial to my client.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I received a public censure from the Board of Professional Responsiblity because I did not
have a contract from an individual that I had known for several years for whom I began legal
representation. There was a dispute over the retainer that was paid and, after my anger
subsided, I returned the retainer. I have recovered by having a fee agreement for every client
regardless of how well
I know them or how familiar I am with them.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I want to help people and serve this community. I have seen many individuals that have
unaddressed mental health issues and or drug/alcohol dependency processed in the criminal
justice system. Individuals with these issues are self medicating or going untreated because
the root cause has not been addressed. I want to give a person the chance to address the root
cause of their problem so that they can change their lives and their circumstances and then
hopefully they will not return to General Sessions Court.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Daron Hall

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *


4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
BS, Criminology

Job history *
16 years elected sheriff, chief deputy 8 years prior.

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
Job experience, formal education, leadership in criminal justice both locally and nationally,
philosophy of arresting the problem, helping people - not warehousing people.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Continue to run a professional organization and do what's best for those in my custody.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Continue spearheading efforts when it comes to decriminalizing the mentally ill, continue to
offer a & d treatment to incarcerated as well as job skills training. Operate safe and secure
facilities in a professional manner.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Over a year ago, I was invited by President Trump (as part of the National Sheriffs' Association
Board of Directors) to meet at the Oval O ce. I think anyone with interest in government would
see an invitation to the White House as a chance of a lifetime - as did I; however, I decided not
to attend because it became clear this meeting was less about engaging sheriffs and their
community's needs and more about a show of support/endorsement of the administration's

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
During the attempt to relocate the sheriff's o ce operations to southeast Nashville in 2015, I
did not directly engage the community as soon and as often as I should have. I relied on the
mayor's o ce advice as to how it should be handled publically. From that experience, I learned
to be proactive in engaging the community and community leaders where our operations are

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
My philosophy of arresting the problem, while the police arrest the person will continue to be a
cornerstone of my administration.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates


4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Kenny Hardy

Town or city of residence *

Whites Creek

What o ce are you running for? *


4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Hardy holds degrees in sociology and criminology-Colorado State University Pueblo, criminal
justice-Community College of the Air Force, law enforcement-Central Texas College, and has
completed graduate course work in education and curriculum development at Tennessee State
University and forensic psychology-Argosy University.

Job history *
Mr. Hardy moved to Nashville in 2006 to attend graduate school at Trevecca Nazarene
University to earn a graduate degree in education in “Troops To Teacher” Program. He is a
graduate of Colorado State University-Pueblo, Central Texas College, and Community College
of the Air Force. Mr. Hardy taught at Saint Vincent DePaul Catholic School and Metro Nashville
Public Schools during the 2006 and 2007 academic years. Mr. Hardy has worked in state
government with the State of Tennessee serving as an Emergency Management Operations
Supervisor, Children’s Services Child Protective Services Case Manager, Department of Safety
and O ce of Homeland Security Law Enforcement Liaison O cer, and Residential Life
Services Supervisor, with over 10 years of service with the State of Tennessee.

Hardy is originally from Newark, New Jersey and is a third-generation military service member.
His grandfather Clarence Hardy served with the US Navy during World War II. Hardy’s father
served in Vietnam. Hardy began serving in government in 1983 when he enlisted in the United
State Army until 1997 with 13 ½ of honorable combat service. In 1997 Hardy left the US Army
and attended college and the police academy. He then returned to serving his country again by
joining the US Air Force as a law enforcement o cer and retired in 2007 with over 24 years of
honorable service. During his military service Hardy served in South Korea, West Germany,
Greece, Somalia Africa with the 10th Mountain Division (Light) Infantry Fort Drum, New York.
The highlight of Hardy’s military service was being one of nine active duty soldiers Army wide
selected as a veri ed awardee for a “Green to Gold” Reserve O cer Training Corps (ROTC)

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I am the only candidate with real law enforcement experience having served as a patrol o cer,
police instructor, crisis negotiator, domestic violence detective, criminal investigator, campus
police o cer, law enforcement operations superintendent, and with over thirty years of
decorated police and community service. I have been POST certi ed as a law enforcement
o cer and certi ed by the State of Tennessee Peace O cer Standards and Training
Commission (POST) under the requirements of TCA 8-8-102. Unlike my opponent my law
enforcement career is very diversi ed and I have not been at the same agency for over twenty
ve years. I have been battle tested in service to our country and am a combat veteran. I have
over twenty four years of documented excellent leadership service to the United States. I am
highly decorated combat and law enforcement veteran.

Community Activity:
Former Big Brother and Sister Mentor
State Service O cer for American Legion
Police Athletic League (PAL) Youth Coach
President Cobblestone Homeowner’s Association
Member local SEIU
Active Member National Fraternal Order of Police Andrew Jackson Lodge #005
Member American Legion Henry A. Cameron Post #6
Ordained Minister since 1986
Nashville Organized Against Hope (N.O.A.H.) activist in criminal justice

Police Medal of Valor
Police Lifesaver Award
Combat Service Award for service in Somalia
Graduate of state and federal Police Academies
Competed in the White House Fellowship Program as a military enlisted member
Quali ed Federal Law Enforcement O cer (Retired) and credentialed under 926C of Title 18,
United States Code Law Enforcement O cer Safety Act (LEOSA) to carry concealed
US Air Force First Sergeant Academy, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama,
US Army Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), Fort Carson, Colorado
US Army Basic Non Commissioned O cer Leadership Course (BNCOC), Hohenfels, West
US Air Force Non Commissioned O cers Leadership Academy., Maxwell Air Force Base,
4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

US Air Force Senior Non Commissioned O cer Advanced Leadership Course., Maxwell Air
Force Base, Alabama
US Army Logistics Management Course
US Air Force Security Police Academy, Advanced Craftsman Course, Lackland Air Force Base,
Texas US Air Force Security Police Academy, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
State of Colorado, P.O.S.T certi ed police o cer
State of Tennessee, P.O.S.T certi ed police o cer

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
As for the Sheriff Department, I will become more transparent with how contracts and tax
payers funds are spent. I would speak up about having lifetime politicians as part of the
problem with the failing of many of our trusted o cials.
Hardy’s campaign platforms are real solutions to crime reduction in Nashville and Davidson
County they include:
• Fund a gun-buy-back program to get illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of
our youth. After speaking with youth during many community outings many would turn in guns
for a voucher to purchase sneakers, tablets, phones, etc.
• Community Oriented Policing programs targeting at risk youth, DARE, PAL, and STEM
based programs.
• Gun awareness and safety course for youth, “Don’t Touch”.
• Adopt -A-School/Community Programs for DCSO Deputies to visit with
students/community stakeholders to enhance positive contacts with law enforcement and the
• Transparency of DCSO to all members of the community including faith-based
• Leading the DCSO by example and wearing the DCSO uniform.
• Implementing Sheriff for a Day leadership building for DCSO employees and the
community to enhance morale and leadership potential.
• Diversify the leadership from the top down to re ect the citizens of Nashville and Davidson
• Work with faith-based organizations and the juvenile court to help parents of at risk youth.
• Reduce the recidivism rate of persons who continue to return to jail.
• Work with the mental health community to provide services at all DCSO facilities.

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Many of the voters and young people want the Sheriff to visit in person and not just during an
election year. Voters want the Sheriff to sponsor programs for youth versus giving rides home
to those who can afford to go downtown Nashville to get intoxicated. They want the Sheriff
Department to become more diversi ed at the top leadership levels to re ect the make up of
Davidson County. Voters want the Sheriff to help really keep our county safe by being more
visible in the community. The voters want a Sheriff that will meet with all members of our
county regardless of their social economic status. They are tired of gimmicks and being taken
for granted during voting seasons.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves sometimes can be lonely. But doing
the right thing even when it is not popular is always the best thing. Deciding to serve in the
Armed Forces of our country and going to combat to defend our way of life is always a hard
thing to do. I am fortunate to return safe and to have never lost a member under my leadership.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I once observed a fellow o cer being discriminated against by superiors. I was subpeoned
under oath to testify to the truth. I testi ed truthfully and I later became the subject of
maltreatment. I stood my ground and took action and prevailed.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
Hardy said he became interested in law enforcement as a child after living through the city
riots in Newark, New Jersey after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. He said he wanted to
serve his community by becoming an educated law enforcement o cer to understand why
crime was committed and how law enforcement responded to minorities. Hardy said by
serving in Korea and Germany while in the military it opened his eyes and heart to other
cultures and destroyed many of the cultural stereotypes he had heard about over the years. He
has lead military law enforcement units at major command levels with member strengths of
over 5,000 persons and budgetary assets of over $ ve billion dollars. He has held one of the
highest security clearances afforded a military member.

Hardy said he took issue back in 2014 when Sheriff Hall mailed over 30,000 get out of jail free
cards to mostly members of Davidson County’s African American residents as a vote getting
April’s fool joke. In fact, Hardy stated he would not support many of the programs Sheriff Hall
has supported over the years such as the controversial immigrant enforcement program
known as 287(g) and his aggressive push for deportation of over 10,000 undocumented

Hardy mentions a 2008 case in which an undocumented pregnant woman was shackled while
in labor, which led to a $490,000 settlement in 2014. Hardy also mentions a lawsuit where
members of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department were not compensated for work they
completed which ended in award of a federal lawsuit requiring Metro having to pay over $5
million dollars in taxpayer dollars in backpay. Recently the award of a $100 million dollar ve
year contract for Core Civic to operate one Davidson County jail that was found to have
substandard service to inmates housed at the facility and being understaffed.

Kenneth D. “Kenny” Hardy for Davidson County Sheriff 2018, New Leadership, Direction, and

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Karen Johnson

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Register of Deeds

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Master's Degree in Business Administration & Organizational Management - Trevecca
Nazarene University, Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration - Tennessee State

Job history *
Currently Director of Human Resources at Mercy Health Services in Franklin, TN

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
23 years of Records Management, Information Systems and Human Resources Management
professional experience along with a strong educational background which includes passing
exams and owning properties which gave me an understanding of the many documents
pertaining to properties and how important it is to make sure documents recorded for all
properties within our city for the people of our city are done accurately and with the greatest
clarity for those accessing their information. Also I took the initiative to visit 2 other Register
of Deeds o ces one in Tennessee and one out of state and observed and reviewed their
processes, procedures and operations which provided me a good understanding of what it
takes to fully operate a service minded and e cient register of deeds o ce. I have detected
that a new system was implemented this past fall and is being perceived as a system that is
not user friendly, and has some issues for those who do title searches and for others who
utilize the system which is planned to be permanent prior to a new Register for Nashville being
elected May 1st. These issues make it more di cult for Attorney’s, Title companies and others
to do a quick and e cient title search. I am able to quickly access what needs to be done due
to my relationships with other Register of Deeds. What makes me better quali ed than my
opponents is my successful 20 years of public service experience in local government which
involved working with a cross section of people in Nashville combined with my education and
professional experience. This sets me apart from the other candidates.

Because of my long history of positive results oriented service to the public, I understand the
need for high quality service to others and my track record to the people demonstrates that a
high level of service will be provided.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I will offer Transparency, Accessibility and a High Quality of Service.
Upgrading access to the o ce to answer questions related to the services being provided. I
will focus on services that are most sought after and how it relates to the customers and not
how it will bene t me.
My goal will be to provide service for the people of Nashville to ensure they receive access and
bene t from the services they are entitled to.

Integrity, transparency and good communication to the users and bene ciaries of the system
is my motto. I would provide services to the users and not for personal bene t.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Communicating with the users of the system and ensuring that they are satis ed with the level
of service provided by the o ce and the systems that the people of our city access and utilize.

Continuing to have a staff that is customer service oriented that assists users of the o ce to
be able to get in and out e ciently with the information obtained in a timely manner.

The number one thing I have heard from people what does the o ce do and what services it
provide. I will ensure through effective community outreach that people are aware of what the
o ce does and what it provides in terms of services.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Making a decision to dedicate my life to public service and juggling family responsibilities as a
mother and wife has been especially challenging. In many of my professional endeavors,
trying to continue to excel professionally while giving time to public service has resulted in me
having to be very focused and balanced and my long record of public service demonstrates
that I have resolved to be one that has shown this can be done while having a life where both
of my children are now successful. One is married and is a graduate of the University of
Tennessee Chattanooga. My other son is a successful IT professional in his last year in
college. My stepson is married with children and has a successful career in tech services

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
Realizing that you can overcommit yourself and not be as effective in obtaining the career
goals that you are capable of obtaining. I have learned to narrow my focus to be successful
and not to overcommit myself.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am a hard worker and I have a strong commitment to the community and the people of our
city. I have always been heavily involved in making the community a better place to live and to

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates
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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Martesha L. Johnson

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Public Defender

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Whites Creek High School (2001); B.S. Political Science, minor English-Tennessee State
University (2005); J.D., Advocacy and Dispute Resolution- University of Tennessee-Knoxville
College of Law (2008)

Job history *
Assistant Public Defender, Metro Nashville Public Defender’s O ce (2009-present)

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
For over nine years, I have been privileged to stand with thousands of indigent clients, working
everyday to make sure their Constitutional rights are protected as they navigate the criminal
justice system. Many of my clients struggle with the effects of poverty, addiction and mental
illness, and simply want to be heard and treated fairly. As a community, we owe them a fair
justice system and equality before the law, regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender,
sexual orientation or the nature of the charges against them. The Metro Nashville Public
Defender’s O ce has a long tradition of of ghting to protect those rights. I have dedicated my
career to public defense. I would be honored to be Nashville’s next Public Defender.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I never imagined I would run for political o ce. However, I began to feel the tug to pursue
higher leadership opportunities after the resignation of Judge Casey Moreland. For many
years, I have heard the cries of my clients and members of the communities I serve regarding
their views of public institutions. I’ve witnessed the divide in justice for the wealthy and justice
for the poor. I believe we have a ways to go to restore the faith of the community in public
institutions. The rst step is to be more receptive to and inclusive of community voices in our
institutions and more transparent in our actions as public o cials. I plan to work hard to be a
visible leader in the public defender’s o ce, continue to utilize our client advisory board and
rely on my personal accountability team to keep me grounded.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters expect me to be:
-passionate about public defense and the clients we serve
-recruit and train diverse and dedicated lawyers and staff members
-continue to ght for fairness and equality in the justice system
-be a champion for criminal justice reform
-be connected to the community

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The most di cult professional decision I’ve ever had to make was in 2008 upon my graduation
from law school. I was committed to being a public defender but with the economic turmoil in
the country at the time, there were no positions available. Additionally, the Nashville o ce had
just lost Ross Alderman and was experiencing a transition in leadership. Faced with my desire
to return to my hometown and be a public defender and what seemed to be an impossible
reality, I decided to become a volunteer lawyer in the Nashville Public Defender’s O ce and use
my retail background to work at Macy’s at night. I had no idea if I would get a job and could’ve
been limiting my other job prospects by making this decision. After 5 months of volunteer
work, I was offered a permanent position and have been a public defender ever since.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
The nature of being a public defender often includes high volume/ fast paced representation
and the possibility that mistakes can be made. Because of these systemic constraints, I have
missed pertinent client background and mental health information. I try my best to be more
thorough in my preparation/interviewing and utilize the o ce support teams (social services
and investigation) to assist in providing the representation my clients deserve and minimize

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
Not at this time

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates
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4/11/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Sherry Jones

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Nashville Juvenile Court Clerk

4/11/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Antioch High School, some college

Job history *
24 years House Member Tennessee General Assembly
8 years Metro Nashville Councilmember
Small business owner
Congressional Aide

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
As a General Assembly member, I possess over 24 years of dedicated experience in writing
and passing legislation directed at enhancing children's lives. I worked diligently crafting laws
that assist families and protect children from harm, with the goal of giving them hope. I am
well versed in juvenile law and am a go-to person, not only for my caucus but even the other
side of the aisle. I collaborate with judges, attorneys and children's advocates across
Tennessee on children's issues and together we make prevalent improvements to Tennessee
law. I have served as a case manager for CASA (court appointed special advocate) assisting
children in di cult cases to get the best outcomes possible. Having run my own business for
many years, I also know how to make a budget and adhere to it. Because of my cultural
competency through years of working with people, I possess the ability to understand and
relate to people. I'm fair, even-tempered and easy to work with and my work ethic is strong. I
plan to be a Clerk that does execute her duties, and is available to the public and the court.

4/11/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I have one goal: to be as honest as possible with people and share the things I know to be the
truth. I will be fair and honest with my employees and treat them with respect. No negative
light will be cast on the o ce by my doing.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
I sense that most voters don't know what daily duties a clerk's o ce conducts. Having said
that, I believe that citizens expect an o ce that runs smoothly with no controversies, and a
Clerk that is in the o ce doing her job for the court and the children and families that come
through it.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The worst decisions I have ever had to make was realizing my brother was dying and as his
power of attorney move him to hospice ending antibiotics keeping him alive. It was personally
devastating but with the support of my sisters, mother, his ancé, and my children, I made the
heartbreaking decision knowing that he would not continue to suffer the way he was and that
he trusted me to take the best care of him I could.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I voted, while in Metro Council, to allow Metro employees to live outside Davidson County. At
the time, it was to help our employees be better able to afford to purchase homes they could
afford. Over the years, I have come to regret that vote somewhat but now I feel with housing
costs being what they are here in Nashville, this is probably not such a bad idea.

4/11/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am a dedicated advocate for children and any children's advocacy group will tell you the same
thing, even those that I might disagree with on occasion. I have worked for years to help take
care of children and protect them. I know juvenile law because I have written juvenile law. I
have received many awards for my leadership in women and children's issues, family issues,
and issues relating to working people from many institutions: Vanderbilt Law School, Children
and Family Services, Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, Tennessee
Fire ghters, AFL-CIO, HOPE (organization made up of children who have been foster children),
ARC, Metro Nashville FIre ghters, to name a few. In recognition of my tireless work, the
Nashville Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault has named a domestic violence
award for me. I have served on many boards: Mary Parrish Board (domestic violence victims
and children), Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Assault, Rescue and Restore
(human tra cking), Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and Exchange Club.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *


Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Juvenile Court Clerk

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Doctoral Degree

Job history *
Pastor, Chaplain, Transportation

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
With my 18 years of Pastoralship I’ve put together budgets, and organized many groups of
people to come together and work for a common cause. I’ve learned the importance of proper
and precise record keeping. I’m the best candidate for this job because I’ve seen rsthand for
myself the need for YOUTH intervention through my work with MNPD. I will turn record keeping
into action to restore and prevent youth from being involved in violent and illegal activities. I
will work with the judges and magistrates to have accurate records to help them with restorted

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Being a Pastor I will bring integrity, faith, and trust into Juvenile Court Clerk o ce. My o ce will
treat everyone that come through it, and work in it with dignity and respect.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voter are saying they want less politics and more action to be proactive in youth violence and
restoration. The public feel let down by politicians and are ready for a change. One of the
reasons I’m in this race is because I was asked to run by many citizens that have seen me on
the frontline when it comes to youth intervention.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
One of the most di cult decisions I’ve had to make in life was to close down our restaurant
that I was part owner of that employed people with not so perfect records including people
with felonies. To resolve the matter I helped many of the employees nd other employment.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
One mistake I made in life was not to pursue my collegiate athletic dream. I recovered from it
by pursuing my call into ministry and understanding that God had a higher calling in my life.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I value family life, I believe that all things in life has its purpose and it’s time. With that being
said I believe that all the work I’ve been doing in the community has its purpose and now it’s
time to take in to another level by running for thie o ce of Juvenile Court Clerk.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

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4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Nick Leonardo

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

General Sessions Court, Division III

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Father Ryan High School; Honors B.A. from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Juris
Doctorate from Nashville School of Law

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Job history *
January 8, 2018-Present:Judge, General Sessions Court of Davidson County, Tennessee,
Division III. I currently serve in this role, presiding over cases in the following areas: civil cases
where damages are under $25,000.00 (small claims court), landlord/tenant disputes, recovery
warrants, mental health committals, domestic violence, misdemeanor criminal cases and
felony jail docket cases, tra c violations and state misdemeanor citations.

August 2016- January 7, 2018: Councilman- Davidson County Metropolitan City Council- I was
elected August 2016 to ll the vacant District 1 Metro council seat. District 1 is geographically
the largest councilmanic district and includes the communities of Bordeaux, Joelton,
Scottsboro/Bells Bend and Whites Creek.

2008-2018: I served the CBS Legal Analyst for the News Channel 5 Network here in Nashville.
In addition to regular weekly interviews, I also covered gavel-to-gavel criminal trials in real time.
I have done over 1,000 hours of live television covering criminal trials over the years. During our
trial coverage, the trial is aired live, and during a recess or lunch break, I take live phone calls on
the air with my co-host Nick Beres.

September 2004- January 7, 2018: Attorney at Law- I practiced as a trial attorney in a solo
practice maintaining a general practice of both criminal and civil cases. My primary areas of
concentration were criminal law, family law, personal injury litigation, contract litigation and
probate law. I also served as a Rule 31 listed civil and family mediator and have conducted
both tort and family law mediations.

September 2001- September 2004: Law Clerk for The Honorable Steve R. Dozier, Judge of
Division I Criminal Court- 20th Judicial District- My responsibilities included drafting Orders on
matters concerning bond, suppression motions, motions for new trial, sentencing
memorandums, severance, 412 and 404(b) issues, post-convictions petitions, Habeas Corpus
Petitions and motions in Limine. I was also responsible for Rule 12 reports to the Supreme
Court and extensive research on a wide range of criminal jurisprudence. As a Court O cer, I
transported inmates to court, oversaw the care and control of empaneled juries and
participated in court with almost one hundred (100) jury trials including death Penalty cases.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
1) I was a General Practitioner which makes me most suited to be the General Sessions Judge
for Division III. My legal experience spans close to 20 years. The vast majority of this time was
spent practicing law in a general law practice. This allowed me to experience all areas of law
that touch individuals in the community on a daily basis, including appearing in over 1,000
general sessions cases. I was not limited to any one area, as I practiced ALL areas of law.
Additionally I have practiced law in front of every judge in Davidson County. This makes me the
most quali ed t to remain the General Sessions Judge for Division III. My unique experience
and prospective in both civil and criminal law, including landlord/tenant proceedings, small
claims civil disputes, domestic violence and order of protection matters and misdemeanor and
felony criminal matters, have given me a well-rounded experience best suited for this position.

2. I am the “Safe Bet” for this position. My record as a leader and servant in the community is
undeniable and solid. In the 17 months I served on the Metro Council, I sponsored or co-
sponsored over 16 (sixteen) bills and passed landmark legislation like the “Jackson Law”
which prevents expansion of current land lls and creation of new land lls in Davidson County. I
proved myself to be a voice for all, as I served the very diverse community of District 1 and
bridged the gap between the communities contained in the district. Since serving on the bench,
I have continued to maintain my unsurpassed work ethic, dedication, perseverance and ability
to obtain results and effectuate change. The question with me is not “Is Judge Leonardo a
good judge?”… but “How high will Judge Leonardo raise the bar for judges in this city?”

3. When you are elected by the community, you should be in the community. Community is
important to me. I am much too engaged in the community and concerned about the issues
we face to be satis ed by simply adjudicating matters from the bench. I’m in the community so
that I can touch the people I serve in a meaningful way and provide them with the necessary
tools that allow them to have the resources, knowledge and skill set to address matters
outside of the legal system in an effort to curtail their involvement in the legal system. I work
to have a relationship centered interaction with the community, not transactional. In addition to
what I already do, this will be more memorialized in my “Off the Bench” community centered
activities and events.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I am committed to being present and involved in the community as part of my service as judge.
I operate from the premise that if you are elected by the community, then you should be in the
community and that is what I have done and will continue to do. This is important in restoring
faith and trust in public institutions because it allows for the formation of a positive
relationship between the judicial system and the community outside of the courthouse where I,
as a judge, and individuals in the community learn about each other and build levels of
empathy, compassion and respect for one another both personally and professionally. Over
time, the positive relationship allows for restored faith and trust in the system and public

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
There has been a shift in what voters expect from judges. As public o cials, judges are also
public servants and should be serving the community both on and off the bench. Voters don't
want to just see judges during election time, they want judges to be ingrained in the community
and making a difference in the lives of the people we serve in more meaningful and impactful
ways than simply adjudicating matters. People want a real connection with their elected
o cials and judges are no different.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Prior to being appointed the Judge for General Sessions Court, Division III, I served as the
Councilman for District 1. I worked hard to get that position and to gain the con dence and
trust of my constituents. While serving as councilman, I worked tirelessly to effectuate change
and for the bene t of my constituents. I never expected to have an opportunity to become a
judge during my tenure with the council, but that opportunity presented itself not once, but
twice in less than a 12 month period. I am a lawyer by trade. Even while serving as councilman,
I practiced law each and every day. For me, the next natural progression in my professional
career was to be a judge. I'm also a single father of a 7 year old daughter and I'm very
committed to being present and available to her as much as possible. With this in mind, I made
the decision to advance my professional career and improve the quality of time and
involvement with my daughter and apply for the judicial vacancy. This was di cult because I
am an advocate at heart, I am passionate about serving others and was very effective in doing
so as a councilman. But, I also realized that making the move to judge would allow me to
augment my public service and serve the entire Nashville community as a judge and that I
could continue to make impactful change both within the court system and in the community
off the bench. None-the-less, this was an extremely di cult decision for me.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
At various times in my career as a lawyer, I accepted employment and zealously advocated for
a client based upon my belief in the client and what I was being told. Generally speaking, this
provided for successful results in the vast majority of my cases. However, there have been a
few times when I later learned, unfortunately and generally at the most inopportune time, that
my client misrepresented information to me which compromised the case and my ability to
advocate. My immediate resolve was to instruct my client be forthcoming with the court and
the opposing side about any misrepresentations that were made. Subsequently I would
withdraw from the case.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am sensitive to the unique challenges and differences of litigants that impact their standing
in the community and the barriers they face in the legal system. As such, one of my goals is to
remove the barriers that people have access to justice and make the court system equally
accessible and fair to everyone.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Anne Martin

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Chancery Court, Part II

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Smith College, B.A., 1989
Vanderbilt University School of Law, J.D., 1992

Job history *
Dodson, Parker & Behm, PLC, 1992-2004 (attorney)
Bone McAllester Norton, PLLC, 2004-Present (attorney)
Belmont University School of Law, 2015-Present (adjunct professor)

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
As a lawyer with 26 years of experience, I have represented people from all walks of life and I
know how important it is to have judges who are experienced, knowledgeable and fair. I am
the only candidate in this race who has handled over 150 cases in chancery courts in Davidson
County and other Middle Tennessee counties. This is important because Chancery Court
jurisdiction is very speci c and involves complex legal issues that many times have to be
resolved very quickly, through injunctions or other emergency proceedings. Although there is a
learning curve for all new judges, I have demonstrated my ability to master the legal issues that
arise in Chancery Court and will be best prepared to transition from attorney to judge. My
familiarity with the Chancery Court sets me apart in this race.

In addition to litigation between and among private parties, I have handled many administrative
matters involving both Metro and State agencies. These disputes vary widely, including:
unemployment bene t appeals (State Dept. of Labor), billboard disputes (State Dept. of
Transportation), tax disputes (State Dept. of Revenue), alcoholic beverage disputes (State
Alcoholic Beverage Commission), pollution permit matters (Metro Dept. of Health),
environmental regulation (State Dept. of Environment and Conservation) and receivership
matters (Dept. of Commerce and Insurance). Some of those matters end at the administrative
law judge stage, and others involve appeals to Chancery Court.

I have held quasi-judicial roles as a civil service arbitrator for Metropolitan Housing and
Development Authority (“MDHA”) and NES. I was a MDHA arbitrator from 2011 through 2015,
when one of my law partners was appointed to the MDHA Board. Because the arbitrator’s
advisory opinion is reviewed by the MDHA Board, I no longer serve in this role. I have served as
a NES arbitrator from June of 2014 to the present.

I am also a private arbitrator through National Arbitration and Mediation (“NAM”) which
contracts with companies to provide adjudicators for employment disputes. I have served as a
NAM arbitrator from April of 2015 to the present.

Finally, I am an adjunct professor at the Belmont School of Law. I have taught an upper level
class, “Client Interviewing, Counseling and Communicating” (“ICC”) for three years. It is a
practicum designed to help law students understand and develop certain “practical lawyering”
skills, including interviewing clients and witnesses, counseling clients, communicating with
them as well as the courts and adversaries, and negotiating resolutions. ICC focuses on the
practical problems faced by lawyers and gives understanding and insight into dealing with
people and their legal problems, helping students to become competent and ethical lawyers.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

I have received the following recognitions as a lawyer from agencies and publications that are
very well respected within the legal community:

Labor and Employment, Chambers USA, 2017

Nashville Employment Law "Lawyer of the Year," Best Lawyers in America, 2012- 2018
Women of In uence, Nashville Business Journal, 2015
Best of the Bar, Nashville Business Journal, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2009, 2003
The Best Lawyers in America© (10+ years)
Mid-South Super Lawyers, Top 50 Women Attorneys, Top 100 Tennessee Attorneys
Tennessean’s Nashville’s Forty Under Forty (2004)

My superior quali cations are evidenced by the endorsements I have from former judges and
court o cials, from all levels of the court system, federal and state alike, including:

Former Tennessee Supreme Court Justice & Nashville School of Law Dean William Koch
Former Court of Appeals Judge Patsy Cottrell
Former Chancellor Robert Brandt
Former Chancellor Carol McCoy
Former Circuit Judge Rose Cantrell
Former Circuit Judge Barbara Haynes
Former Circuit Judge Marietta Shipley
Former Circuit Judge Matt Sweeney
Former Criminal Court Judge Randall Wyatt
Former Juvenile Court Judge Andy Shookhoff
Former General Sessions Judge John Brown
Former General Sessions Judge Penny Harrington
Former District Attorney Victor “Torry” Johnson
Former U.S. District Court Judge Kevin Sharp
Former U.S. Magistrate Judge Juliet Gri n
Former US Attorney Ed Yarbrough
Former US Attorney and Circuit Court Judge Hal Hardin

These individuals know what it takes to be a judge and were long time successful judges or
court o cers themselves. Their unquali ed support of me is humbling.

Aside from my legal work, I have deep experience as a leader in the Nashville community as a
board member and volunteer of non-pro t organizations like NashvilleCares, First Steps, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of Middle & East Tennessee, Interfaith Dental Clinic, American Red Cross
Blood Board, and the YWCA. Through my work with these organizations, I have fought to make
Nashville the inclusive, supportive community we know it to be.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Above all, I am the proud mother to my son Clay, who has special needs and who has taught
me more about love, joy, and perseverance than anyone. I believe my track record, work
experience, and life experience make me uniquely quali ed to serve our community as

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
As judge, I will ensure that everyone who enters my courtroom is treated fairly. I am committed
to ensuring our community is inclusive and supportive. Our public servants, including our
judges, are in a unique position to set an example in our community and as judge, I will serve
with integrity and compassion. In 26 years of practice I have never had a Bar complaint led
against me. I have consistently been an honest and frank communicator with my clients
regarding the options and risks associated with pursuing their claims so that, no matter what
the outcome, they have made informed and reasoned decisions. I will bring the same ethics
and standards to the bench and create a courtroom based in trust and respect. I will apply the
law fairly and impartially, and will work hard to move cases e ciently through the court so
people can get back to the business of building their lives.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters tell me they want judges who are experienced, have integrity and will move cases
toward an appropriate conclusion. Anyone who has been a litigant knows that the longer a
case takes, the more costly it gets. Litigation is a di cult and painful process. E ciency and
timely resolution, after a full and fair opportunity to be heard, is most appreciated.

Additionally I know that voters want judges whom they trust to be fair and not pre-determine
the outcome. I have extensive experience representing individuals with all types of issues, and
businesses of all sizes. I do not see the world through the lens of plaintiff or defendant,
individual litigant versus corporate litigant. I am uniquely quali ed to serve as a judge who can
view every dispute independently and without a preset perception of particular types of parties
being right or wrong.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
My son Clay attends public school and is in 8th grade at JT Moore Middle. There was a time
when his dad and I looked closely at sending him to private school because we were nervous
about the quality of education he would get at Metro Schools, and whether or not he would be
safe. There are a few private options for special needs children in Nashville, but none of them
seemed right for Clay. Moreover, the public school system is obligated to provide services
consistent with a child’s individual education plan (“IEP”) that are beyond what private schools
can offer.

For instance, Clay has had music therapy as part of his IEP since he was in pre-kindergarten.
Even though there is only one music therapist in Metro Schools, we were lucky enough to get
that therapy included in his services. We would not be able to get music therapy at private

Additionally, Clay has had a dedicated paraprofessional for most of his schooling. His current
aide, Lawrence Thomison, has been with him since third grade. Mr. Thomison is committed to
nishing high school with Clay and is going with him to Hillsboro High School next year. We
would not have an aide, and certainly not Mr. Thomison, if Clay was not in public school. Mr.
Thomison is a caring, amazing person who is dedicating the last years of his career to helping
Clay be happy and successful and safe in public schools. While not everyone has a Mr.
Thomison on their team, the fact that we do, and Metro Schools have done so much for our
family, is a blessing and evidences to me that we made the right decision keeping Clay in
public schools.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
During my career I have sat across the table from hundreds of potential clients, adversaries
and witnesses. Like most experienced lawyers, I have learned to read people and have
developed a sense about when they were lying and when they were not. I have learned to trust
my gut in that regard, especially when it comes to taking on new clients. If I believe a client is
lying to me during our rst meeting, it is likely that he or she will continue to lie to me and not
be someone I want to represent. Clients who will not be frank with their attorneys often think
they can talk themselves out of problems, or will lie under oath during depositions or in court.
They will not be open-minded about taking advice from their attorney because they think they
can outsmart the process. This is not a skill learned in law school, but something developed
over time. I have had potential clients lie to me and have made the mistake of taking their
cases, either because I was doing a favor for someone or, when I was a newer lawyer, I did not
have the instinct to identify them as untruthful. In my career I have represented many, many
individuals and business owners. I have learned to trust my own judgment in taking on new
clients and am proud to say my ability to read people is well developed. This is a skill I will
bring to the bench.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am proud of what I have accomplished for my clients and have brought them life-changing
results. I am ready to take this knowledge and experience to the bench and become a full-time
public servant and problem solver. My work has shown an empathy and support of employees
and the issues they care about – fair wages, fair treatment and the opportunity to work in a
safe environment where they will be valued and respected. These are qualities that will serve
me well as a judge given the power and responsibility of this position.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates
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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Lonnell Matthews, Jr.

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Juvenile Court Clerk for Davidson County

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Tennessee State University, Accounting/Business Law, 2002

Job history *
2015-present: Metro Government, Director, O ce of Neighborhoods & Community Engagement
2007-2015: Metro Government, Metro Councilmember - District 1
2000-2015: YMCA of Middle TN, District Executive Director of Youth Outreach

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I am the most quali ed candidate to hold this position because I have displayed great
administrative skills as a District Executive Director at the YMCA of Middle TN. In this role, I
supervised multiple youth service programs including Fun Company, Y-CAP, Black Achievers,
Latino Achievers and YMCA NAZA Afterschool sites. Under my supervision we operated over
80 before and after school program sites, served close to 3600 students daily, managed 300
staff members and developed and provided oversight of a $5 million budget. In this role I also
was responsible for managing and creating operating policies and procedures, implementing
new technologies for effectiveness and e ciencies and helping staff create productive
environments for youth. It is important to add that the Y-CAP program I supervised worked
directly with the Davidson County Juvenile Court as a diversion option, enrolling students in our
behavior modi cation programs. In addition to my administrative experience at the YMCA, I
have experience as a public servant and policymaker. As the Keeper of Records for Juvenile
Court, I believe that the Juvenile Court Clerk can and should inform better policies at each level
of government that can create better outcomes for young people. As a former policymaker and
someone who understands youth development, I will be a better advocate than my opponents
for better policies that can improve the lives of our youth. One of my responsibilities as the
Director of the O ce of Neighborhoods & Community Engagement (ONCE) was to be the
criminal justice adviser to the Mayor. As the criminal justice adviser, I coordinated the Mayor's
Youth Violence Summit, authored the Youth Violence Summit report, served on the Juvenile
Court Restorative Justice steering committee, served on the Positive and Safe Schools
Achieving Greater Equity (P.A.S.S.A.G.E.) steering committee to address the school to prison
pipeline, served on the Juvenile Court Probation Review Committee and created the youth
employment initiative concept that became Opportunity Now. As the ONCE Director I also have
led technology projects, like hubNashville, that will will use data and information to inform how
we can better allocate resources to improve services to Nashville communities. I would like to
use data and information in a very similar way to provide better outcomes for our youth. I will
use my extensive network and ability to convene community partners around data and
information to inform non-pro ts and faith-based programs how they can provide better
services to address the needs of the youth and families that come in contact with Juvenile

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
First, I will be present and doing the job I am elected to do. Our current Juvenile Court Clerk,
David Smith, has done a good job re-establishing public trust in that o ce, after his
predecessor betrayed the public and the youth of Davidson County by not going to work each
day and keeping poor records. Providing service with integrity and dignity will be a hallmark of
my o ce, if I become the Juvenile Court Clerk. I will also be accessible and transparent in how
my o ce serves the public. Of course, we will adhere to all laws concerning protecting
personal information of youth and their families. We will provide macro-level data analysis, on
a bi-annual or quarterly basis, to help inform the community about the social determinants that
may bring youth and families to Juvenile Court, so we can work as a community to better
address these root issues. In order to communicate and present data analysis my o ce would
use technology, but we would also look to present at community meetings all around Davidson

I would also give more opportunities for the public to learn about juvenile justice and observe it
in action. One opportunity would be to conduct a court watch program for Juvenile Court. Our
Public Defender does this now in general sessions court, and it is a very thoughtful educational
experience for the public to learn more about how the justice system works in General
Sessions. I would love to do this in the Juvenile Justice Center. I also would like to set up a
Juvenile Justice Youth Advisory Council, so that young people have the opportunity to inform
and in uence juvenile justice in this city.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters are expressing the desire to see better reforms in Juvenile Justice is administered. They
would like to have a Juvenile Court Clerk that will provide trauma-informed care while serving
the families that come in contact with Juvenile Court. They also want a clerk that can help the
Juvenile Court Judge usher in Restorative Justice.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
After 15 years of establishing a very promising career at the YMCA, it was a very di cult
decision to leave the YMCA to come work for Metro Government as the Director of ONCE. After
consulting my family & most trusted advisers, weighing pros & cons and lots of prayer, I
decided to come work for Metro Government because it was an opportunity to have a greater
impact on the city that raised me.

I found myself making a very similar decision in summer of 2017, when I was deciding whether
or not to run for Juvenile Court Clerk. I ultimately decided to run for Juvenile Court Clerk
because it allowed me to bring both of my passions together, youth development and public
service, in order to serve Nashville's most vulnerable youth.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
One year, while building my department's budget at the YMCA, I made a human era when
keying in a pretty signi cant gure into our system. Instead of entering a $200,000 expense on
a line item, I entered $20,000. Of course, this resulted in a bottom line that was not accurate. I
did realize the mistake, but after each department had submitted their nal budget to the
nance department. I was embarrassed to admit to the mistake at that time, but I knew that
my bottom line ultimately affected other department's goals and the entire organization's
bottom line. Long story short, I went to my V.P. and the CFO and admitted to my mistake.
Afterwards, I worked with my staff to make adjustments to our budget so that other
departments would not be burdened by a budget shortfall from my department. I learned a
valuable lesson to never hide behind my mistakes, or kick the can down the road. My
supervisors were not happy with my mistake, but they understood that my keying era was not
intentional and allowed me to roll up my sleeves to correct the situation before it became a
larger issue.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
In addition to my administrative, public service and youth development experience, I am a
parent. I have two young kids that will grow up in this society, and I want them to have the
opportunities and support to achieve all of their dreams and more. I want this for every kid in
this world.I believe that it takes a village to raise a child, and I want to rebuild the village for all
of our children. My priorities are to address injustices, disparities and barriers that young
people face. In this o ce, my priorities would be to advocate for better policies to help end the
school to prison pipeline and disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile justice
system. Implementing restorative justice in Juvenile Court and providing dignity through
compassionate, professional service will also be my priority. Thank you for the opportunity to
share with you.

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4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Frank Mondelli sr

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

general session div.X

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Father Ryan High school,72' ; University of Tennessee at Nashville 80'; Nashville school of law

Job history *
Ford glass 73-75; metro govt.76-90; sole practitioner to present

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have over 27 years of legal practice in the mid-state area in circuit civil involving plaintiffs
action for personal injury,wrongful death,workers compensation,probate action on estates,
conservatorships for the elderly and minors, criminal trial level cases,family law involving
divorces with custody issues,orders of protections,custody and parenting time cases in
juvenile court, general sessions court cases involving cases that are appealed from general
sessions civil court to civil circuit trial level ,criminal defense involving drug dealers,simple
possession,DUI's, aggravated and simple assaults,preliminary hearings for a majority of these
criminal case's . My relationship with my clients gives me a unique perspective why people use
the court system. I have the experience to le the necessary legal action to insure that my
client prevails in court.Over the course of my legal practice I have witnessed what judges look
for from attorneys in the pleadings they le. This is extremely important to the court and your
client because your pleadings demonstrate your knowledge of the law.Through my court
experience I have witnessed both proper judicial temperance and poor judicial temperance.
The citizens of this county deserve
the most quali ed candidate to serve as their next general sessions judge. I believe that my
record of practice makes me the most knowledgeable of the general sessions court,the most
experienced in the practice of the general sessions court and the candidate with the most in
court experience. If, experienced is what matters I have more than all my opponents combined.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
My platform speaks directly to this issue. I stand for Integrity, Honesty and equal Justice for
all. In my rst e-mail post I had to answer questions why I was running for judge. I answered by
stating that the voters of Nashville need to know who their candidate is, where he comes from
and what he stands for. We have all witnessed the recent moral decay, gross misconduct and
abuse of justice to this Honorable court. I am a candidate who stands for and will bring back
Integrity, Honesty and equal Justice to the o ce of Division X

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Voters I talk to ask many questions. They ask will I be fair and compassionate in my rulings,
will I be respectful of all persons regardless of social or economic
background. The most important issue I hear is that they demand and expect
me and all elected o cials to have high morale and ethical standards.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
I have been blessed in my personal life that di cult decisions usually dealt
with the normal parenting issues with my children. My wife and mines parents
set great examples of married life for us to follow. We in turn have passed that example to our
children and their spouses. Professionally a di cult decision
arises form divorce proceedings. Parties that are determined to destroy what they thought
was love now turned to hate takes a terrible toll on the children.
I have had to tell my clients what I feel is in their children's best interest even if it's not what
they want to hear. When I describe an approach to their case that they feel is not in their best
interest and when I counsel them that their focus should be on their children they inevitable
refuse to listen and show their true
lack of parenting and ability to love. If we cannot agree on whats important to the children I ask
to be relieved as their attorney of record.

4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I made the mistake of failing to ask for speci c relief in my prayer for relief in a
a petition I led. While the outcome was not that adverse to my client I immediately started a
pleadings le in my o ce to remind me how to avoid that and other mistakes .

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I want to thank the Tennesseean for giving me this opportunity
to tell the voters who I'am. I have lived in Nashville for 60 of my 63 years.
I was born in Scranton Pa. moved with my parents and three older brothers to Nashville in
1957. My parents believed in a strong educational and religious home. My brothers and I were
taught that to whom much is given much is expected. I have lived my life following this
proverb. I have been married for 42 years to my beautiful and constant companion now
campaign manager the
former Gail Anne Evans. We have three children who have blessed us with two
son in laws and one daughter in law. They in return have blessed us with ve grandchildren
and one more on the way. I'am a member of Christ the King church, my nonpro t consists of
volunteering at my church and the elementary
school, Grandberry, in our neighborhood. I will make Nashville a safer community,
neighborhood, to live if elected . I ask for your vote on May 1st.

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4/3/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Steven Murff

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Criminal Court Clerk

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
B.S. Organizational Communication, Middle Tennessee State University, M.P.S. Human
Resource Management, Middle Tennessee State University

Job history *
Former Davidson County Specialty Courts Director, Branch Chief D.C. Superior Courts Criminal

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
My quali cations for this position have been the foundation of my career. Through serving in
administrative roles within the judiciary at both the local and federal levels, I have been able to
assess, develop and implement restorative criminal justice judicial programs that have
changed the trajectory of the judicial system. Unlike my opponent who, prior to his
appointment in 2011 by the Metropolitan Council, possessed minimal to no quali cations or
experience within the judiciary at any level that are necessary to successfully hold this
position; my entire career trajectory has been predicated on my history within the Nashville,
Tennessee Metropolitan Government's criminal court system. Starting in 1995, actually
working as a deputy clerk in the o ce of the Criminal Court Clerk. I then began to work on the
steering committee that developed the General Sessions Court Pretrial Services in which I
worked in various positions within the o ce until 2002. It was then that I became a part of the
team integral to conceiving, developing and implementing the Davidson County Mental Health
Court and the misdemeanor Drug Court.

I was recruited in 2011 to the District of Columbia Superior Courts Criminal Division to serve as
Branch Chief to assist in restructuring and developing systemic changes in their criminal court
systems, processes and procedures through the implementation of technologies that created
paperless systems; thus, ensuring that their business processes were seamless and cohesive,
while being technologically accessible to all entities engaged with the D.C. Superior Criminal
Division. I remained with the Superior Courts until I was recruited back to the position of
Davidson County Specialty Courts Director to restructure the Mental Health Court and create
and implement the Davidson County Veterans Treatment Court.

Post the redevelopment of the Davidson County Mental Health Court and the development and
implementation of the Davidson County Veterans Treatment Court I was recruited to the
Williamson County Sheriff's O ce to assist Sheriff Jeff Long with creating court sanctioned jail
programs for inmates within the Williamson County Detention Center with issues that
encompassed substance abuse, anger management, life skills, HiSet(G.E.D) and reintegration.
Throughout my tenure I began to work with the Williamson County judiciary in creating the
groundwork to developing a Mental Health Court and wrote the state grant that awarded
Williamson County a three-year grant to begin their Veterans Treatment Court in October os
2017. I also served on the the judicial teams that served the Williamson County Drug Court, DUI
Court and the Accountability, Compliance and Treatment (ACT) Court. I resigned this position
in January of this year to seek election for the o ce of Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk.

Overall, my entire career has been rooted within the judiciary at the criminal court level. Unlike
my opponent, a career politician, I am career civil servant that has dedicated their life to
4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

assessing, developing and implementing new concepts and programs to assist those engaged
within the criminal courts. As my history shows I have been extremely successful in seeking
out new concepts and ideologies that provide restorative justice practices that provide
alternatives to incarceration. I, due to my two decades of experience, am extremely more
quali ed than my opponent for the position of Criminal Court Clerk because I have actually
worked with those engaged with the issues that plague the o ce as it exists now, and have the
capability to empathize due to my knowledge and understanding of the disenfranchised
system impacting this o ce.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Understandably the rst thing any elected o cial would have to do to overcome the public's
mistrust and restore faith in this o ce, especially with the accountability issues that have
plagued former Criminal Court Clerk David Torrence and the incumbent, is provide
transparency. It is my belief that this o ce needs to become a more integral part of the
criminal court judiciary and not just the record keeper. I will ensure that as Criminal Court Clerk
I will be actively working within communities providing fair and equitable justice practices to
those that have been disenfranchised or stigmatized by the criminal justice system. I pledge to
work with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department to implement technological advances
that minimize their time in the booking processes and in the court rooms so that they can be
back out on the streets ensuring that public safety is their primary concern.

I will ensure, if elected, that the constituents of Davidson County are aware of the actions of
the o ce on a day to day basis, while ensuring that the o ce itself becomes more engaged
within the communities it serves. I will be accessible, acceptable and and advocate for more
services within the judiciary to ensure that all citizens have access to information, services and
technologies that will only make the processes of the Criminal Court Clerk's o ce more
cohesive and seamless. If elected, it will be my sole purpose to ensure that the community is
aware and knowledgeable about the functions of the o ce of Criminal Court Clerk.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
The number one question throughout my campaign that I have to answer is "What is the
Criminal Court Clerk?" ,and this fact, in my opinion, is a failure on behalf of the incumbent, and
proves how absent that he and his administration have been in regards to the aspect of
community engagement. With that being stated, post the explanation of the position to the
voters the the top two questions I receive are in regards to drivers license issues and
expungements. In the area of criminal justice these are extremely topical issues that impact
every community throughout the city. Constituents are asking how to access their information
to nd out how to go through the process of reinstating their driving privileges while also
asking how they can nd out if they have criminal offenses that are eligible for expungement.

If elected, It will be one of my primary goals to ensure that my o ce is in the community

regularly engaging in forums, drivers license seminars and expungement clinics to ensure that
this o ce is acting as the conduit of the judiciary regarding criminal matters to the public. With
that being stated, I will also ensure that as the o ce moves forward with technological
advancements that these issues will be pivotal to the technologies that are implemented,
providing electronic communications via text or e mail regarding drivers license eligibility
criteria and notice of expungement criteria, both of which I was integral in implementing in the
District of Columbia. In my opinion, this o ce has stood stagnant as its on entity for far to
long; therefore, it is time that it becomes a partner agency with community service agencies
and other entities to ensure that those that are, or have been, engaged with the criminal justice
system have knowledge of an access point that can educate, provide and assist with all
criminal matters including drivers license issues and expungement requests.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
Working in the criminal justice component of the judiciary for over twenty years, especially
within the arena of specialty courts is having to play the role of adversary in the role of a
criminal justice advocate. When dealing with criminal matters in speciality courts
implementing the ideologies of restorative justice you are forced to look at those engaged
within the justice system from a holistic point of view and not just the charges on a docket. I
have been responsible for understanding and empathizing with a person's social-economic
background, mental health and substance abuse history and the lack of holistic health services
for many stigmatized and disenfranchised individuals within the criminal justice system. With
that being stated, professionally I was tasked with being an o cer of the court; therefore,
public safety is pivotal and I was always tasked with ensuring that both myself and my staff
put that issue rst. It is truly a double-edged sword, you can empathize and advocate for those
that are mentally ill or acutely addicted on a court docket, but my initial instinct to protect the
justice involved individual comes secondary to ensuring that public safety is being served. In
conclusion, overseeing dockets that have a primary goal of assisting the holistic needs of
those disenfranchised and stigmatized by a broken system and then being forced, due to their
non-compliance to advocate for incarceration has been, throughout the years, quite trying at
times. Nevertheless I resolved these professional issues through compartmentalizing and
understanding that my commitment to public safety must always come rst. Although post
incarceration I would always advocate for treatment options while incarcerated to ensure that
my commitment to those I provided service for went beyond them being on the criminal
docket; thus, reducing the rate of recidivism.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
The career mistake that comes to mind is in direct regard to trusting these you work for and
with. I instilled my full faith and trust in a colleague that allowed me to conceive, develop and
implement restorative justice programs that would only assist them in recognition to only have
those programs taken from me and presented as their own. Knowing and understanding what I
have been able to accomplish within the realm of criminal justice and diversion I have been
able to establish myself in many respects as an expert in criminal justice reform; yet, my
unwavering trust and dedication to my job of helping people engaged in the criminal justice
system and not the public recognition has left me vulnerable to subversive individuals whom
have taken my concepts and ideas as their own. I have recovered as I do with anything
negative in my life, I treat it as a lesson learned and understand that documentation is the key
to any situation. I have moved on a proved to those in doubt that no matter what position I am
in or what court system I am working for I can assess, develop and implement programs that
only work to reform the judiciary for those engaged.

One must always keep moving forward.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
As I have stated in the aforementioned answers to this questionnaire my entire career has
been dedicated to the judiciary at every level as a career civil servant, not a career politician. I
am dedicated and ready on day one to serve because the processes, systems and
technologies in use thats serve this o ce I either developed or served on a steering committee
that collectively developed them. As the former Director of the Nashville Davidson County
Speciality Courts, with a two decade career with in the judiciary, at both the local and federal
levels I have a proven track record of being dedicated to the issues plaguing the criminal
justice system that directly impact the O ce of the Criminal Court Clerk. Finally, if elected I will
assess and implement the use of 21st century technologies to save taxpayer time and money
while reducing the strain on the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. I am dedicated to
the issues of the o ce and I am more than quali ed to serve as Davidson County Criminal
Court Clerk and move this o ce progressively forward in its mission and capabilities to the
criminal judiciary and have a track record that proves it.

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4/12/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and
your values before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12
· p.m. Monday, March 26, 2018.

* Required

2. Name*
I C(m IY}Vrr4..�
. ···-··· . ... l.' '. --···-cl ....

4. Town or city of residence *

. N . As� �- \�-z
5. What office are you running for? *

Tiir�� �J���_?b_oJ ���-?

6. Are you the incumbent? *
Mark only one oval.

Q Yes
CK) No

https ://docs .google .com/forms/d/1 H_SKJVNbAWC0-VB0Qqzj pD rK7h FaxS Op1 sSkj4IfK0Q/edit 1/3
4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Tillman W. Payne III

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

General Sessions Judge Division X

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Bachelor of Science (BS), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
Master of Human Relations (MHR), University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Juris Doctor (JD), Antonin Scalia School of Law at George Mason University, Arlington Virginia

Job history *
2009 through Present: Attorney at Law, Law O ces of Tillman W. Payne
2003 through 2008: Assistant Public Defender, 15th Judicial District, Tennessee
1983 through 2003: Logistics Plans and Programs O cer, United States Air Force (USAF)
Retired Lieutenant Colonel

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I’ve been practicing law almost 20 years. Part of that time I was an assistant public defender
working with people who didn’t always get the best Justice because of they were poor, had
mental health issues, substance abuse problems or other challenges that made them
vulnerable. When they went to court there were no programs available to help them get their
lives back on track. In some cases they were going before a Judge that didn’t recognize the
importance of restorative programs. In many instances jail was the default answer.

I believe that being a vulnerable individual and not having the ability to pay nes and court
costs should not dictate the quality of justice a person receives.
My experience as an attorney is comprehensive and I have handled cases at the General
Sessions, Criminal, Circuit and Appellate levels in Davidson and surrounding Tennessee

I have handled thousands of cases in General Sessions Court both criminal and civil. I have
handled every type of case from parking tickets to rst degree murder jury trials to include
criminal and civil appellate work. This experience has honed my legal skills while serving the
interest of my clients.

As an Air Force O cer I held leadership and staff position at every level of command including
a stint as a Detachment Commander in South Korea and executive positions at the USAF
Headquarters Pentagon, and Defense Logistics Agency. Through this experience I have
demonstrated the ability to work with discipline, e ciency and to organize and lead a team to
set and accomplish goals.

My wife and I own and operate three franchise businesses with a workforce of over thirty
people. This has given me a greater understanding of the demands and rewards of small
business owners and the people they employ. This is important because I recognize that when
individuals come to court they often have to take off work, nd childcare and in many cases
transportation. As a Judge, I would lean into these experiences to run an e cient courtroom
that respects the time of our citizens.

I believe these experiences differentiate me from my opponents. In addition I have outlined a

set of principles that I am committed to if elected Judge. I am committed to Compassionate
and Restorative Justice for All.
1) Embracing current Restorative Programs such as Drug Court, Mending Hearts and Veterans
2) Ensuring that the Justice a person receives is not dependent on their ability to pay.
4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

3) Addressing the root causes of crime such as alcoholism, and drug addiction with programs
focused on helping individuals get their lives back on track. In addition, I am committed to
protecting victims and making them whole while restoring individuals who have paid their debt
to society to a place of contribution back to the community.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
The time for the status quo is over. I am committed to being a servant-leader both on and off
the bench. While I was in the Air Force I regularly volunteered as a youth athletic coach. I
established and organized youth mentoring programs and was active in my church.

I now serve as the Guide Right Committee Chairman of the Nashville Alumni Chapter of Kappa
Alpha Psi and as Adviser to the Kappa Leadership Development League providing mentoring to
young men in the 7th through 12th grades from schools in Davidson and surrounding counties.
I have served as a youth athletic coach and now serve on the Board of Directors of the West
Nashville Sports League (WNSL). I remain active in my church, Bethel World Outreach Church
serving as an usher.

If elected, my commitment to community service and mentoring youth will continue. I will build
the public’s trust by operating in the discipline and integrity that guides me as a Veteran. I
continue to lead by example setting a high standard of integrity, respect and fairness for
myself, my fellow General Sessions Judges, my court staff and all that enter my courtroom. I
will remain true to my character and continue to be active, accountable and visible in the

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
I have spoken to neighbors all across Davidson county and one of the things that resonates
with most people I speak with is a need to help individuals who have paid their debt to society
become contributing citizens when they return home.
This is why I am passionate about Compassionate and Restorative Justice. We need to
protect victims and try to make them whole while nding new and innovative ways to provide a
path back into the community for people who are paying or who have paid their debt to society.

We need judges on the bench who will embrace the concepts of restorative justice and who
can help improve and reform our current system.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
I completed my law degree while I was still on active duty in the United State Air Force. I was
offered an opportunity to become a Squadron Commander which would have all but assured
my next promotion and led possibly to further military promotions. When I decided to get my
law degree it was my plan to retire after serving 20 years and return to Tennessee to practice

I rst weighed the impact of accepting the assignment on my family. I then evaluated the pros
and cons of extending my military service and postponing my legal career. I prayed about it.
The decision came down to my desire to help people in a more direct way and to spend more
time with my family. I have always had a desire to help people in a very direct way and I felt
that although my military career was very successful I could make an equal or greater impact
by practicing law. I have never regretted my decision.

4/6/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
While on active duty in the Air Force I was offered an opportunity to attend language school to
learn Portuguese for an assignment at a Joint United States Military Assistance Group
(JUSMAG). I did not pursue the assignment and it was quickly accepted by another o cer.
That experience taught me to quickly recognize and evaluate opportunities and to be decisive.
I try to teach and instill that skill in the youth I coach and mentor. All too often people fail to
seize the moment when a good opportunity presents itself.

Everyone makes mistakes both professionally and personally. It is what you learn from your
mistakes that matters. I believe in accountability and redemption.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
Both of my parents were Graduates of Tennessee State University and career public school
educators. I grew up on a farm near Carthage, Tennessee. I believe in hard work, community
service and accountability. If elected I will the type of servant leader that maintains high
standards professionally, in my personal life and continue to be active in the community.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Richard Rooker

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Circuit Court Clerk

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Goodpasture Christian school, David Lipscomb University, University Of Tennessee Institute of
public service, Certi ed public administrator

Job history *
General session court clerks o ce 1980 thur 1993 Circuit Court clerk for 25 years

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I am running unopposed. Years of service and knowledge of all 4 department under the circuit
court clerk

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Continue to run the o ce with integrity and accessibility

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
Electronic ling is the major issue and we should be up and running this year.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The decision to run for clerk at such a young age after the death of my father who held the
position for 25 years. I was 29 when appointed by the council.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I am very tentative to change o ce policy and procedures to keep up with technology. I need to
be more open to staff members on some issues.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I have enjoyed my life in the public sector and enjoy helping people though di cult situations.
Continue to serve the courts, bar and citizens of Davidson county and be as e cient as

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Joy M. Sims

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Chancery Court Judge

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
B.A. Hollins College, 1976, J.D. , Univ Memphis, 1983

Job history *
Solo Practice Attorney 1983-current; Assistant to Gen Counsel Meharry; ; 1989; Judicial
Commissioner 1990-1995

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
I have been practicing law since 1983, with over !,500.00 court appearances in courts ranging
from General Sessions, Criminal, Circuit, Chancery, Federal District Court, Tennessee Court of
Appeals. During my career I have also taught lawyers for their cle requirements. I have heard
thousands of probable cause hearings during my tenure at Night Court. I have also served on
the State Board of Accountancy for 8 years and the Metro Beer Permit Board for about 8 years.
I believe that my vast experience in the eld of law, together with the fact that I already have
had experience as a judicial o cer makes me better quali ed to hold this o ce than most. I
have tried all kinds of cases and am very familiar with how the legal system works.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I work hard now and I plan to continue to work very hard if I should be elected. I pride myself
on being prepared when I go to court and I expect the Judge that I go before to be prepared as
well. My life is not very colorful and I do not expect it to change. I will be aware that this is
public service and as a citizen I work hard and expect the best of public o cials. I will strive to
serve with honor.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
First they want for me to get elected and they have all told me that they are proud of me and
that they are praying for me. They have stated that they want me to take the same personality
that I have for treating people well to the bench and to treat all of the litigants well. They have
also told me that they believe that my vast legal experience and knowledge will serve well for
the position of Chancellor.

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
A friend of my Mother's came into my o ce with a le for an Estate matter that she had been
working on with another lawyer and when she opened the le, a large sum of cash rolled out
and she stated that the other lawyer had given her that cash. I knew that there was no cash
allowed in that kind of legal matter and that in all likelihood I might have to bring it to the
attention of the court and the board, which I did. It was a di cult decision because I did not
want to "sue another lawyer", but I was concerned that this individual already was afraid and
felt that all lawyers were crooks. I have acted honorably in my profession and do not believe
that it is an instrument for people to be taken advantage of because of their lack of knowledge
about the law.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I have made several mistakes in my career, but the most important thing is to learn from your
mistakes. In one case early on in my career, I felt that I made a lot of mistakes but I kept a
notebook with every pleading, including the mistakes and how I corrected those mistakes.
When I self corrected, I would just keep plugging along and in the end the opposing counsel
offered to settled when they saw that I was not going to give up. The plus for me was that the
notebook became my own pattern book and was very useful as a pattern for all kinds of
litigation because there was not probably any Motion or pleading that it did not contain.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I try to be honest and I do not ask people to do things that I would not do myself. I have been
blessed to have a good private practice that has allowed me to do the things that I love in life.
However, later in my career I had to scale back to allow me to take care of my parents. That
was my blessing because I felt that it gave me a chance to give back to them. I realized that
they had sacri ced a lot for me to have the life that I have and that even though I was giving
them my all , if the tables were turned, they would have given me more. I also volunteer in the
community through different organizations that I belong to and it has been my pleasure to
interact with youth from 4 years old to 24 years of age. I have been a mentor, a packer of food,
a reader, a distributor of back packs and many more activities. I was instrumental in
establishing a supply closet for teachers at one of the public schools. When I work with middle
school girls at Kipp academy, I love just to listen to their goals and aspirations. They are
inspiring. I have always had an open door policy at my o ce for young people to intern or to
come in and observe. My only hobby is decorating Christmas trees which I have done every
year not only at my home but at a retirement home and for the sick and shut in.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates
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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Joy Smith Kimbrough

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

Criminal Court Judge, Division II

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Doctor of Jurisprudence, May 2005

Activities, Honors and Awards:

SULC Dean’s List; Managing Editor of Law Review; Inns of Court; American Intellectual Property
Law Education Foundation Scholarship (AIPLEF); Mock Trial winner
Academic Publication
Joy S. Kimbrough, The Federal Housing Act: No More Absolute Liability When Employees

Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee

Master of Science Degree in Public Service Management, May 1999

Activities, Honors and Awards:

Graduated top of class with 4.0 gpa; National Pinnacle Honor Society; National Omicron Delta
Kappa Leadership Honor Society; International Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society in Social Science

Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN

Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, May 1995

Activities, Honors and Awards:

Dean’s List

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Job history *
LEGAL WORK EXPERIENCE_____________________________________________
Law O ce of Joy Kimbrough; Nashville, TN
Attorney: 2005-current (Previous Associations- Higgins, Himmelberg, & Piliponis, and Attorney
Brian Jackson; current associate Attorney Mable Osemwegie)
Individual law practice focused primarily on criminal defense and non-pro t pro bono
representation. (Over 100 trials, over 3000 expungements)

Tennessee Attorney General’s O ce; Nashville, TN

Summer, 2004
Researched case law related to white collar crimes.

Honorable Robert Rigsby; Washington, D.C.

Summer, 2003
Researched any legal issue requested by the Judge.

LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE______________________________________

Fulton County Georgia Police Department, Atlanta, GA
Police O cer, 2000-2002
General law enforcement duties; awarded special pendant for graduating at top of police class;
received special award for top dui trainee

Metro Nashville Park Ranger; Nashville, TN

Park Ranger, 1995-2000
General law-enforcement duties for crimes/incidents that began, ended, or occurred on any
Metro Nashville Park property.

Metro Nashville Emergency Communications

Emergency Dispatcher, 1995
Receive, dispatch, and monitor (update) emergency and non-emergency calls.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
My educational and work experience not only qualify me to hold the o ce of Criminal Court
Judge but also makes me the superior candidate. Criminal Court is a trial court. It is only
logical that citizens would want a Judge with trial experience. I am licensed in state and
federal court and have tried cases in and outside of Tennessee. I have prepared and argued
appellate briefs. I have tried some of the most high-pro le cases in Middle Tennessee. Trial
work is complex and nuanced. It comes with pre-trial motions, understanding of the rules of
evidence, understanding the rules of criminal procedure, sentencing, bond motions, probation
violations, etc. A criminal court judge should have mastery of anticipating objections and
maintaining that ever delicate balancing of the rights of victims, defendants, and society. My
opponent is de cient when it comes to trial experience.
When seeking a position that may require you to take away a person's freedom or, in this
position, a person''s life, experience should matter. I have been fortunate enough to see this
judicial system from many angles. I have seen it from the prosecutorial side, defense side, and
law enforcement side. My opponents work history is limited. Her experience as an attorney is
one-sided. She has only worked as a prosecutor. She went from law school to the prosecutor's
o ce where she tried very few cases, if any.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
I will follow the law and will always be conscious that I am a public servant.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
They want a Judge who is fair and impartial who will not tilt the scales of justice in any way.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
It was a di cult decision to decide whether or not to run for Criminal Court Judge. I decided to

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
At one point I was taking on too many pro bono cases (free). It overwhelmed me. I convinced
my colleagues to help me out and surprisingly they were very receptive to the idea.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I am running for Criminal Court Judge to make a difference. I believe that a Criminal Court
Judge should be someone with the proper experience and the proper temperament. I possess
both. I have been able to view this judicial system from many angles. I have been a police
o cer, worked for the Attorney General’s O ce, and presently am a criminal defense attorney.
I have had to deal with people from all walks of life on a daily basis. I have witnessed both
justice and injustice. I want to bring fairness and impartiality to the bench and insure that all
individuals regardless of race, sex, or socio-economic status are treated respectfully and justly.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Scott Tift

Town or city of residence *

Nashville, Tennessee

What o ce are you running for? *

Chancery Court Judge, Part II

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Columbia University, B.A. 2003, summa cum laude.
Vanderbilt Law School, J.D. 2008, Order of the Coif.

Job history *
Barrett, Johnston, Martin & Garrison, LLC, 2010-present, partner.
Bass, Berry & Sims, PLC, 2008-2010.
The Clinton Foundation, 2004-2005.
Howard Dean Presidential Campaign, 2003-2004.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
For the past decade, I have represented clients in complex civil litigation in Nashville, across
the State of Tennessee, and in other states around the country. For the majority of this time, I
have practiced at the law rm founded by my late law partner, George “Citizen” Barrett, where I
represent people from all backgrounds on civil rights issues ranging from voting rights, to
freedom of speech, to freedom of religion, to workplace discrimination. Prior to joining the
Barrett rm, I represented businesses and individuals on a wide array of civil litigation at Bass,
Berry & Sims.

My unique experience as the only candidate for Chancery Court judge to have primarily
represented people in civil rights litigation, combined with my experience representing
businesses and individuals in wide-ranging, complex civil litigation, makes me uniquely
positioned to serve the public as their next Chancery Court judge. Having represented
plaintiffs and defendants, people and businesses, and parties with a wide range of resources, I
am ideally positioned to preside over a court where all parties are treated fairly, respectfully,
and impartially, regardless of their status, their resources, or their backgrounds, and where all
decisions are based solely on the applicable facts and law.

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
Our community recently faced the revelation of a courtroom where the system was rigged, with
judicial decision being based not on the facts and the law but instead on wholly inappropriate
grounds. I consider it essential, if elected, to work to rebuild the public’s faith in our judiciary. I
intend to do so, rst and foremost, by presiding over a well-run courtroom, where the parties
are treated with dignity and respect, where the issues are thoroughly addressed, and where the
court's decisions are transparently based only on the applicable facts and law. In addition,
having con rmed during this campaign that many residents of Nashville are entirely unaware
of the Chancery Court, I also intend to bolster the public’s faith in the judiciary by regularly
attending community events throughout the county where I can educate community members
about the pivotal role that the Chancery Court plays in their community.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
During the past year, I have attended over 500 community events throughout Davidson County.
In every part of the county, I have heard voters yearning for good governance and for elected
o cials who treat every neighborhood of Davidson County with the same care, respect, and
attention. If elected, I intend to lead by example on these issues by focusing every single day
on presiding over a court where every party and every issue receives the same focused and
respectful consideration, and where all of the court's decisions are based solely on the facts
and law presented by each speci c case.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
In 2005, I made the di cult decision to leave a job doing impactful work with an organization
that saved and improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people to instead pursue the
hope of impacting my own community in my own way.

From 2004 to 2005, I worked with the Clinton Foundation, which at the time focused primarily
on saving and improving lives by facilitating the provision of cutting edge medication to people
suffering from AIDS around the globe. Though I was just one part of this large team, I was
inspired each and every day by contributing to a team that positively impacted the health and
well being of so many people.

Even as I greatly valued the opportunity to support the global impact of this remarkable team, I
also began to face a nagging belief that I could develop the skills to take more of a lead on
impacting the community if I stepped back to attend law school. It took quite a while for me to
resolve the tension between these two options. On the one hand, I knew I could continue
making a profound difference in people’s lives for years to come if I stayed in the job I already
had. On the other hand, going to law school would provide me with the potential to take my
own lead on impacting the lives of people and the community, but it rst required stepping
back from impactful service and focusing on my own skills and education.

I ultimately decided to leave my job entirely unsure of whether I was making the right decision.
Fourteen years later, I am con dent that I made the right decision. I was raised to value service
to others, and in my practice at Barrett Johnston Martin & Garrison, I am able to use my
speci c skills, training, and experience to help our communities and the people who inhabit
them. And now, my years of practicing law in Nashville have prepared me, if elected, to serve
the people of Nashville and the State of Tennessee well as their next Chancery Court judge.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
For the rst few months of my legal career, I repeatedly made the mistake of weakening the
strength of my oral arguments by including the phrase “I believe” in my presentations in court.
For instance, when stating the holding of a legal precedent to a judge, rather than saying “that
case states . . .,” I would often say “I believe that case states. . .” I had learned about this
classic oral advocacy mistake in law school, and I knew I was making this mistake even as the
words came out of my mouth. I rst tried to address it by actively thinking about keeping these
words out of my oral argument right before an oral argument started. Yet, even planning in
advance, the in-the-moment demands of oral advocacy somehow kept me from xing the
mistake once and for all. After a couple of months, I nally developed a corrective plan that
worked. Rather than hoping to x this issue during an oral argument, I focused on addressing
the issue rigorously during my preparation by requiring myself to go back and start from the
beginning every time I said “I believe” during my preparation sessions. This method extended
the length of my preparation sessions signi cantly, but it also succeeded in eradicating the
classic “I believe” mistake from my oral advocacy.

One of the principal tenets of our judicial system is that a lawyer's beliefs, and a judge's beliefs,
are irrelevant to the adjudication of any legal issue. Just as I rigorously worked to remove the
phrase "I believe" from my legal vocabulary at the start of my career, I will work every day if
elected to ensure that every judicial decision that my court issues is transparently based on
only the facts and the law of each speci c case, and not on my own personal beliefs.

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *
I currently serve as the Chair of the Board of Conexion Americas, where I have been a board
member for the past 8 years. Having lived in Mexico for two summers in the early 2000's, I
chose to join this board because I strongly believe that Nashville is, and should be, a city that
welcomes everyone and that actively strives to treat everyone fairly.

This same belief motivated my career decisions to date and now motivates my desire to serve
the people of Nashville and the State of Tennessee as a Chancery Court judge. If elected, I will
work every day to ensure that all parties receive fair, respectful, and e cient consideration, and
that every decision is transparently based only on the facts and law of each speci c case.

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4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

This questionnaire allows The Tennessean Editorial Board to get a better sense of your priorities and your values
before our meeting in April. Thank you for taking the time to take it. Please complete it by 12 p.m. Monday, March 26,

Email address *


Name *

Brenda Wynn

Town or city of residence *


What o ce are you running for? *

County Clerk

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Are you the incumbent? *



Education *
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Tennessee State University, 1978
Master of Business Administration, Tennessee State University, 1989

Job history *
•Davidson County Clerk, 2012-Present
•U. S. House of Representatives, Congressman Jim Cooper’s O ce, Director, Community
Outreach, 2003-2012
•Metropolitan Government of Nashville, Mayor Bill Purcell’s O ce, Director, Mayor’s O ce of
Neighborhoods, 1999-2003,
•Tennessee State University, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Health Care Planning &
Administration, 1999-2003
•Meharry Medical College, 1990-1999
Director, Computer Based Testing
Executive Assistant to the President
Coordinator for Total Quality Management
Special Assistant to the President
Assistant to the President
•PEACE, Inc., Administrative Coordinator, 1986-1990,
•Edgehill Center, Financial Manager, 1985-1986
•United Way of Metropolitan Nashville, Research Assistant

What makes you quali ed to hold this o ce, and if applicable, better
quali ed than your opponent(s)? *
My experience running the o ce over the past 5 years has prepared me to continue leading the
o ce.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Given the news of the failings of a few prominent o cials recently, what will
you do to restore faith and trust in public institutions in Nashville and
Davidson County? *
When I initially ran for Davidson County Clerk, I sought the o ce because I understood that the
community needed someone in the o ce they could trust, hold accountable and operate with
complete transparency. I am seeking re-election to build on the successes achieved over the
past 5+ years.

What are you hearing most from voters about what they want you to
accomplish, if elected? *
I believe citizens want our services to be more accessible. Our goal is to add more technology
to our work, creating opportunities for citizens to access them outside of normal working

Describe a di cult decision you had to make in life or professionally and

how you resolved it? *
The most di cult decision I've had to make recently had to do with the decision I made to
leave a position of stability in Congressman Cooper's O ce and seek election as Davidson
County Clerk. I'm honored to have been re-elected to the position and take nothing for granted.
Hard work, integrity and commitment is what I believe is expected of me if I want to continue in
this role.

Describe a mistake you made in your career and how you recovered from it?
I left a position because I had a personality con ict with my manager. This is not how I
typically respond, but thought it was best for me at the time.

4/2/2018 Questionnaire for May 1 candidates

Will you commit to being civil in how you present yourself and the way you
interact with opponents and others? *



Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your values and
priorities? *

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