Membangun Pengaturan Lalu Lintas
Membangun Pengaturan Lalu Lintas
Membangun Pengaturan Lalu Lintas
Building a
Traffic Control
0409 - PILOT
OR-OSHA Mission Statement
To advance and improve workplace safety and health for all workers in Oregon.
Consultative Services
• Offers no-cost, on-site safety and health assistance to help Oregon employers recognize and correct safety and health
problems in their workplaces.
• Provides consultations in the areas of safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, occupational safety and health programs,
new-business assistance, the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP), and the Voluntary
Protection Program (VPP).
• Offers pre-job conferences for mobile employers in industries such as logging and construction.
• Provides abatement assistance to employers who have received citations and provides compliance and technical assistance
by phone.
• Inspects places of employment for occupational safety and health rule violations and investigates workplace safety and
health complaints and accidents.
Appeals, Informal Conferences
• Provides the opportunity for employers to hold informal meetings with OR-OSHA on workplace safety and health
• Discusses OR-OSHA’s requirements and clarifies workplace safety or health violations.
• Discusses abatement dates and negotiates settlement agreements to resolve disputed citations.
Standards & Technical Resources
• Develops, interprets, and provides technical advice on safety and health standards.
• Provides copies of all OR-OSHA occupational safety and health standards.
• Publishes booklets, pamphlets, and other materials to assist in the implementation of safety and health standards and
• Operates a Resource Center containing books, topical files, technical periodicals, a video and film lending library, and
more than 200 databases.
Public Education & Conferences
• Conducts conferences, seminars, workshops, and rule forums.
• Presents many workshops that introduce managers, supervisors, safety committee members, and others to occupational
safety and health requirements, technical programs, and safety and health management concepts.
Thank you for attending. The purpose of this presentation is to
introduce you to the fundamental principles of traffic control.
We will discuss Oregon OSHA’s rules regarding traffic control and
Referencing The “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
streets and Highways” (MUTCD) and the “Oregon Temporary
Traffic Control Handbook For Operations of 3 Days or Less
May-2006 Edition” (OTTCH).
This Workshop is not a Flagger training or Certification Course.
This workshop is designed to include you as much as possible in
the learning experience. The more you contribute, the more you will
get out of this training. So please, don’t hold back. Participate in the
group activities, ask questions and have FUN!
Please note: This material, or any other material used to inform employers of compliance requirements of
Oregon OSHA standards through simplification of the regulations should not be considered a substitute for
any provisions of the Oregon Safe Employment Act or for any standards issued by Oregon OSHA.
Form Teams
Select a
Everyone is a
Part One
Hazards of the
1-1. What is a work zone?
Where the work is being done.
1-2. How do work zones create potential hazards for the motorist and the worker?
C. Motorists not expecting it, the work zone is new to them “unfamiliar”_____
• Permits the maximum movement of traffic through work zones with the
minimum amount of inconvenience, or movement out of the normal
traffic pattern or flow. Make it user friendly.
The MUTCD will provide the design and application specifications of Traffic
Control Devices. The criteria for design will vary based on environmental
conditions such as illumination, weather, traffic speed, traffic volume. You will
also find much of the same information in the Oregon Temporary Traffic Control
Handbook (OTTCH) which is an Oregon Supplement to the 2003 MUTCD.
We will use this Handbook for reference during this workshop.
Specifications for warning signs used at night, or on the freeway are that they be:
• diamond shaped,
For roads which have low speed and volume, the sign size may be reduced to:
of information to have.
A rule of thumb:
Count the number of vehicles that pass a single reference point
over a five (5) minute period. If not more than 3 vehicles pass
the reference point in that period, then the road can be considered
low volume. MUTCD Standard
1-6. Are there any other rules applicable in Oregon? Yes the OTTCH
Applies to all operations of 3 days or less! *See page 25 & 26
*All signs used for TTC SHALL be retro reflective as of July-2008.
*Only Flexible signs may be used on portable sign supports.
*Rigid signs may be used on barricades when crash tested or vehicle mtd.
*Signs on portable supports SHALL have two fluorescent orange or red
orange flags at least 16 in. sq. mounted at the top of the sign.
*All signs Shall have been crash tested and meet Federal crash
worthiness requirements. This can be researched on FHWA website.
Worker ahead
Prepare to stop
Flagger ahead
Studies show:
• Rear end accidents account for 40% of all work zone related accidents.
• In urban areas, striking the barrier is the 3rd most common fatality.
85% of those fatalities occurred at night.
1-8. What type of traffic control would help eliminate or reduce the hazard of :
• Vehicle to vehicle collisions in the day time? Slow down traffic, more
user friendly.
Part Two
Fundamental Principles
2-1.There are two types of traffic control: SPEED
a. Permanent______________
b. Temporary______________
Temporary traffic control is used to direct traffic around work zones during the
Working phase. These would include cones, candle sticks and other channelization
devices, advanced warning signs such as prepare to stop, flagger ahead, and
lane closure.
2-2. How can temporary traffic control be affected by permanent traffic control?
Flagger under stop light or sign. Permanent controls should be covered.
CONTROL DEVICES! Questions? This includes but not limited to
stop signs, speed signs, traffic signals, RxR crossings, lane shifts,
yield signs, do not enter, and weight restrictions.
Only Uniformed Police Officers may control traffic by flagging in
conflict under Oregon Law *See ORS 811.265
Although each work zone will have individual traffic control plans based on the type
of worksite processes in progress, all traffic control plans will have similarities
which are inherent to every work zone.
15 Fundamental Principles
(1) Treat traffic control as a priority equal to the job being performed.
(2) Design a temporary traffic control system that doesn’t create confusion
and is easy to navigate.
(4) Don’t bother traffic any more than necessary. Work during off peak hours.
Park and work off the travel way when possible.
(5) Don’t expect drivers to slow down until they see some kind of activity.
(7) Develop a plan for work and emergency vehicles before it is needed.
(8) Reduce the time workers are exposed to traffic to minimize danger.
(10) Give plenty of advanced notice so that drivers have time to process the
warning and respond appropriately to the changes.
(11) Use flaggers to supplement the other traffic control measures to improve
safety. Urban work zones are safer when flaggers are used.
(13) Don’t assign untrained workers the responsibility for setting up and
maintaining the system.
(14) Changing weather and traffic conditions may make it necessary to modify
the traffic control system so that it remains effective.
Work zones
• Transition Area
• Buffer Area
• Work Area
• Termination Area
5. Termination__________
Lets traffic resume to
normal flow
4. Work area_____________
Is set aside for workers
equipment and materials
3. Buffer area____________
Provides protection for traffic
and workers
2 Transition zone______________________
Moves traffic out of its
normal path
Work ahead.
Be prepared to stop
Flagger ahead
2-6. How far apart must signs be spaced? ARROW
Speed, sight distance and road condition dependant
2-7. What could be done to make the temporary signs stand out even more?
Place a Standard 28 inch Cone next to it between the road user and the sign!
2-8. Why is it important to keep the buffer area free from stored materials and
This is a recovery zone for traffic and an advanced warning area
for the workers
2-12. How tall must cones and tubular markers be for night time work and
speeds above 45MPH?
minimum 28”
18” allowed during the day and on low speed roads
The single most important element within the system of traffic control devices
is the taper provided for channelization. An inadequate taper will almost always
produce undesirable traffic operations with resulting congestion and possible
accidents through the area.
Like all provisions of work area safety in the MUTCD, the various traffic control
techniques must be applied by qualified persons after appropriate engineering
studies and with sound engineering judgment.
• (1) Merging Taper: merges two___ traffic lanes in the same direction
into one lane.
• (2) Shifting Taper: moves traffic from one_ path to another with the same
number of lanes.
• (3) Shoulder Taper: used when the shoulder is closed____ to traffic.
• (4) One-Lane, Two-way Flagger Taper: Closes a lane leaving only one lane
open to handle two alternating directions of traffic.
• (5) Downstream Taper: guides the motorist back into their normal travel
Cone Spacing
• Except for the two-way traffic and down stream tapers, the distance between
cones should equal in feet the designated speed.
20 mph = 20’ 40 mph = 40’ 55 mph=55'
• At speeds of 40 mph and below, the offset will vary with the lane width.
• Six cones are usually used in the two-way and downstream tapers.
20 70 35 75 40 80 40
25 105 55 115 60 125 65
30 150 75 165 85 180 90
35 205 105 225 115 245 125
40 270 135 295 150 320 160
45 450 225 495 250 540 270
50 500 250 550 275 600 300
55 550 275 605 305 660 330
60 600 300 660 330 720 360
65 650 325 715 370 780 390
It’s OK to increase the safety factor of the taper, but never decrease it!
45 60 90 120 150
50 70 100 140 170
55 75 110 150 185
60 80 120 160 200
65 90 130 175 220
Part Three
Hazard Identification
For any hazard, there are three strategies for elimination. They
1. Engineering controls________________________________________
2. Administrative controls______________________________________
3. PPE______________________________________________________
1. Engineering Controls
2. Administrative Controls
• Reduces duration, frequency, and severity of exposure.
• Key elements:
Training Employee conditioning
Acclimation period Regular monitoring
Feedback Maintenance
Adjustments Modifications
1 identify and
eliminate hazards
• Last defense
• If you inhibit traffic (such as on the shoulder) or
• encroach into the roadway
Pedestrians need protection from potential injury and a smooth, clearly delineated
path. Every effort should be made to separate the movement of pedestrians
from both the worksite activity and the adjacent traffic.
1. Pedestrians should not be led into direct conflicts with work site vehicles,
equipment, or operations. Signs may be used to help direct pedestrians
around the worksite.
2. Pedestrians should not be led into direct conflicts with mainline traffic
moving through or around the work site. Signs should be placed at
intersections so that pedestrians aren’t confronted with mid-block
worksites which cause them to cross the block mid-way or to enter into
the traffic lane.
NOTE: Employers who follow the most current edition of the Oregon Temporary Traffic
Control Handbook for Operations of 3 Days or Less comply with this requirement.
CHARACTERISTICS & MAINTENANCE N 437-002-2224(12) N-29 437-002-2225(2)(b)
(12) Traffic Control. You must require employees to set up appropriate traffic controls when
they stop on or adjacent to a highway, street, or road in a way that creates a hazard and
when traffic cannot adjust safely on its own. The controls must conform to the Millennium
Edition of the (FHWA) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), December
NOTE: Get a copy of the Millennium Edition from the following organizations: American
Traffic Safety Services Association, 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA
22406-1022; Telephone: 1-800-231-3475; Fax: (540) 368-1722;; Institute of
Transportation Engineers, 1099 14th Street, NW., Suite 300 West, Washington, DC 20005-
3438; Fax: (202) 289-7722;; and American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials;; Telephone: 1-800-525-5562. OR: Download the
MUTCD 2000 at OR: The MUTCD 2000 is
available for review at the Oregon OSHA Resource Center, 350 Winter Street NE, Basement -
Room 26, Salem, Oregon 97301-3882; Telephone: (503) 378-3272, or toll free in Oregon 1-
NOTE: Employers who follow the most current edition of the Oregon Temporary Traffic
Control Handbook for Operations of 3 Days or Less comply with this requirement.
Subdivision-I Personal Protective Equipment
437-002-0128 High Visibility Garments. Employees exposed to hazards caused by on
highway type moving vehicles in construction zones and street/highway traffic must wear
highly visible upper body garments. The colors must contrast with other colors in the area
sufficiently to make the worker stand out. Colors equivalent to strong red, strong orange,
strong yellow, strong yellow-green or fluorescent versions of these colors are acceptable.
During hours of darkness, the garments must also have reflective material visible from all
sides for 1000 feet.
The safety of workers is of equal importance to the safety of the public traveling
through the temporary traffic control zone. Work areas present temporary and
constantly changing conditions that are unexpected by the driver. Work area
conditions almost always present situations that are more confusing for the driver,
which will create an even higher degree of vulnerability for the workers on or near
the roadway. Remember, the more confusing the traffic flow, the more increased
risk to the worker.
3-2. Why do all workers have to wear bright, highly visible clothing?
Visibility; the motorists and the construction operators need to see them
• For day time work: a vest, shirt, or jacket, which is bright or fluorescent
orange, yellow, strong yellow-green in a contrasting color.
• For night time work, or work in low visibility light conditions, the garments
must also be retro reflective material which is orange, yellow, white, silver,
or strong yellow-green which are visible at a minimum of 1,000 ft.
• Flaggers must wear: safety apparel meeting ANSI Class ll risk exposure.
3-5. How would weather and lighting conditions affect the application of what
type of high visible clothing is required?
retro reflective vests for night operations
Training considerations
3-7. What are the two key elements of any safety training?
Recognizing hazards
Controlling hazards (protecting)
3-8. Why must workers be trained in the hazards and how to protect themselves
from those hazards?
Minimize the risk to workers
3-10. What are some of the distractions that motorists may be focused on when
traveling through the work zone?
Eating, cell phones reading, writing, grooming, grooving, smoking,
personal issues, etc
This tells us that “normal” driver distractions and actions occur in and out of work
zones. These increase the likelihood of accidents and present new challenges
in our ability to provide a “safe and healthful work place” in a traffic control zone.
Although request for law enforcement services may assist in controlling
issues such as speeding, reality dictates that some of these distractions while
hazardous to both workers and other motorists, are not illegal activities which can
be controlled through law enforcement regulations.
3-11. How do “normal” driver distractions affect our traffic control system?
Must always be alert and aware due to these normal distractions
3-12. How do work zones confuse people, or increase the likelihood of driver error?
Not clearly marked, something new, surprises them
3-13. What types of additional devices or methods are available that increase driver
awareness ?
Reader boards, speed bumps, increase tapers, increase buffer zone, portable
rumble strips, decoy state police cars, state police trailers, portable speed
7. What corrective action was taken and what date it was taken
8. Who is the person authorized to do follow up, and when was it done?
3-19. What hazards have you seen in work zones? Ask group
As a driver? _____________________________________________________
As a worker? ____________________________________________________
3-20. What can be done about drivers speeding through the worksite?
Better signs, police, increase taper, post signs with increased
Worker Considerations
• Lighting - for night time work, lighting the work area and approaches may
allow the driver to better comprehend the requirements being imposed.
Be careful to ensure that the lighting does not blind drivers.
Part Four
Now that we’ve learned the basics it’s time to put it all together to achieve
optimum results through adequate planning.
When it comes to road work, planning means designing a traffic control plan which
meets the current MUTCD standards. Laying the design out on paper helps
take the competent person, and the traffic control crew, through the work step by
step and identifies significant factors which could affect the traffic control and
thereby safety at the worksite.
We’ve studied the fundamental principles. Now let’s apply those principles
to the work site plan.
• Get an overhead view of the roadway which you will be working on.
1. Have a traffic control __________.
4. Promptly ________________
remove warning signs when no longer needed.
5. ________________ all who are involved with the project.
8. Identify _____________
hazards and develop appropriate corrective action.
10. ____________
verify corrective action is taken.
Application Principles
• Length of time for the project (long term, short duration, etc.)
• Short term projects should not exceed one mile in length. Longer
projects may be authorized for resurfacing projects. Shorter is better.
• Consider road alignment, traffic volume and speed, light and weather
conditions, cross traffic movement, and pedestrian traffic.
4-1. Prior to occupying the roadway, who are some affected organizations and
groups that the competent person should contact to assure proper
coordination is arranged?
EMT services, police, fire departments, all businesses, all residents.
4-3. How will the needs of commercial residents vary from private residents?
Blocking deliveries, blocking customer access, loss of income.
4-4. What are factors to consider for non-construction traffic when developing the
work zone plan?
Detours, bike traffic, pedestrian traffic, emergency vehicles, access to homes
and businesses.
4-5. What are factors to consider for work related traffic when developing the
work zone traffic plan?
Size of equipment, weather, safety of the crew.
4-6. What are some other considerations which should be part of the written
Relief for flaggers, heat, cold, breaks.
4-7. What are some questions to ask and answer when doing a traffic control plan?
Part Five
And Flagging
Studies have shown that worksites using flaggers are less likely to incur
accidents when used in addition to other traffic control devices, and yet the job
of flagger itself is probably the most dangerous and challenging position in the
work zone.
Flaggers often stand for hours at a time, and must remain alert to subtle changes
in a driver’s pattern, while staying aware of worksite activity and the needs of the
worksite and the traffic.
Flaggers are responsible for public safety. Of all roadway workers, they make
the greatest number of public contacts. It is necessary therefore that flaggers
meet certain minimum qualifications.
Flaggers must:
5-1. What is the biggest hazard for the flagger? Getting hit by a vehicle.
5-2. How can the hazard of being hit be reduced? High visibility clothing, stay out
Of the way.
• Stay off the roadway and out of the path of oncoming traffic
Back up
Potty calls
5-3. Why is the STOP/SLOW paddle the primary hand signaling device?
Clear guidance.
5-4. The MUTCD gives clear guidance for the design criteria of a stop/slow paddle.
What requirements are there?
• That it be 18__ inches square with letters at least 6__ inches high.
• That the stop sign be red___ with white____ letters, and border.
• The slow side of the paddle must be orange__ with black_ letters and border.
Alternately flashing white high intensity lamps may be added to the paddle.
Limits for hand signaling devices: Flag use should be limited to emergency
situations and at low-speed and/or low-volume locations that can best be
controlled by a single flagger. Flags used for signaling shall be a minimum of
24 inches square made of good grade of red material, and securely fastened
to a staff at least 3 feet long. The free edges should be weighted so that the
flag will hang vertically, even in heavy winds. Also night flags shall be
retro reflective red. Red cloth flags to be used only in emergencies.
Flagger Stations
Flagger stations must be located far enough ahead of the work space so that
approaching traffic has sufficient time to stop before entering the work zone.
The distance is related to variables like approach speed, friction factors, pavement
type, and conditions and tire capabilities.
The flagger should stand either on the shoulder adjacent to the traffic being
controlled or in the barricaded lane. At a “spot” work zone, a position may have
to be taken on the shoulder opposite the barricaded section to operate effectively.
A flagger should NEVER stand in the path of on coming traffic to give direction, but
may move into the lane after the traffic has stopped if they need to communicate
with the driver or need to be visible to other traffic. However, careful
consideration should be given to avoid entering the traffic lane even with the
traffic stopped. More than one flagger has been struck when the oncoming
traffic has rear ended the stopped vehicle thrusting it forward and onto the
flagger. Whatever the case, flaggers should be clearly visible to approaching
traffic at all times. Based on accidents which have occurred, some experts are
suggesting that the flagger also have an escape route to use in the event a
vehicle does break all the rules.
NOTICE: During Night Operations the Flagger station SHALL be illuminated
separately from the workspace.
• The most effective combination of traffic control devices for work zones
on multi-lane highways is cones, flashing arrows, and flaggers.
• Traffic control devices must conform to MUTCD and OTTCH for operations
of 3 days or less.
• Traffic and worker safety is a high priority element from planning through
completion of the project.
• Each person whose actions affect work zone safety should receive training
relative to the required duties.
• Do not mislead the public. Remove or cover all signs or devices that
are not in use such as during Lunch, before or after work begins, the bottom line
is do not warn of something that’s not present.
The goal in the design of effective traffic control through work zones is to
provide driving conditions that resemble, as closely as possible, the highway
conditions under normal operation. Such a goal should help to prevent accidents
within the work zone area.
Gather the crew. Each table will be assigned one of the five parts
of the work zone. Read and discuss the section which applies to
your assigned part. Summarize the purpose and importance of the
individual part as it relates to worksite safety and record your answers
on the worksheet on page 39.
All traffic control zones should have an advance warning area. The advance
warning area is important to alert drivers to potentially unusual or hazardous
conditions so that driving speeds and driving practices can be adjusted in
preparation for such conditions. The main traffic control devices used in the
advance warning areas are diamond-shaped warning signs in the black-on-orange
series specified for construction and maintenance operations.
2. Transition Area
A transition area is required when lanes are to be closed, the travel path
shifted, or both, to accommodate the work space. It is the portion of the traffic
control zone that commences at the downstream end of the advance warning
area and extends to the beginning of the activity area.
3. Buffer Zone
Buffer space provides an additional element of safety prior to the actual work
space. The buffer zone is the portion of the traffic control zone that commences
at the downstream end of the transition zone.
4. Work/Activity Area
The work space is the portion of the activity area set apart for the actual
maintenance or construction work, equipment, and material storage. The work
space area needs to be delineated to exclude vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
5. Termination Area
The termination area is used at work sites to allow traffic to clear the activity area
and return to normal traffic operations. It is the final portion of the traffic control
zone that extends from the downstream end of the activity area to the sign
denoting the end of the work zone. If tapers are used in the transition area
for lane closures, they will be required in the termination area and should adhere
to the same principles as discussed in the transition area.
Exercise: Each group will be assigned one of the five parts of the work
zone. Answer these questions:
What is the specific purpose of this part of the work zone? Its importance?
How does this fit with the other parts of the work zone?
1. What kind of a taper is demonstrated here? I
One-Lane, Two-Way Flagger Taper H
2. What are the taper distances?
3. What signs must be used? Do you need to add any?
5. Where should the appropriate signs be located? Identify them on the plan
A= B= C=
D= E= F=
G= H= I= J=
6. How many flaggers should there be and where are they located?
Lane Shift on a Three-lane
Two way Road
Termination area
Work area
Transition area
Advance Warning
3. What is the distance between the signs? (*HINT See page 16 of the OTTCH book)
2. Your crew is working at a 4 way intersection of two-way, two lane traffic, which
uses traffic signals to direct traffic. You are working in one lane of the intersection
and are using flaggers at the appropriate spots, but traffic is occasionally failing to
follow the flagger signals, or screeching to a halt. What's wrong and what must
be done to eliminate the confusion?
4. Your crew is scheduled to do road maintenance work to the Sellwood Bridge and
S.E. Tacoma street. Scheduled work hours are 7:00am -5:00pm. Traffic is high
volume. Posted speed is 35, but traffic routinely exceeds the posted speed.
Traffic control devices are set up, and flaggers are being used. However traffic
is backed up and causing lengthy delays for commuters.
Before a written plan can be done we need to first become familiar with some of
the symbols which will be used in a written plan.
Lets look at the symbols in the OTTCH. Now that you’re familiar with the
symbols, let’s put together a traffic control plan for various working conditions.
Between signs?
What signs will you need?
ft. W E 40
Sign legend
ft max B=
Work Zone
Buffer F & G=
Cone offset:
downstream taper
merging, shifting taper=
Lane width is 11 ft.
OR-OSHA 305 Building a Traffic Control Program
This material for training use only
Exercise: Let’s take a look at and think about the following questions.
1. To determine if they are qualified, what questions will you ask flagger applicants?
Work experience____________________________________________________
2. Where else might you check to get information which would be helpful to
determine whether or not to hire?
Former employer (if you can get them)____________________________________
Driving record_______________________________________________________
The hand signaling devices not only have required design dimensions, but have
required methods of use. These methods are designed to keep the flagger
out of the way of traffic, and yet give the traffic direct visible guidance as to the
action which the flagger is desiring. It is very important to know how to use the
STOP/SLOW paddles and flags correctly. The most important thing all flaggers
must remember is to NEVER place your body or any part of your body in the
path of a motor vehicle.
Exercise: Time to get the team together and determine what description, (a, b, or
c) matches which instruction in each of these situations.
a. The flagger shall face traffic with the SLOW sign paddle held in a stationary
position with the arm extended horizontally away from the body. The flagger
may motion up and down with the free hand, palm down, indicating that the vehicle
should slow down.
b. The flagger shall face traffic with the SLOW sign paddle held in a stationary
position with the arm extended horizontally away from the body. The flagger should
motion with the free hand for traffic to proceed.
c. The flagger shall face traffic and extend the STOP sign paddle in a stationary
position with the arm extended horizontally away from the body. The free arm
should be raised with the palm toward approaching traffic.
3. Does traffic flow smoothly and safely, are there any “symptoms”?
6. Are equipment, materials, workers, and vehicles kept away from traffic?
12. Are traffic control devices properly positioned, in sound condition, and
well maintained?
14. Are permanent traffic control devices covered or turned off when they
conflict with temporary traffic control at the worksite?
19. Are there provisions made for the movement of emergency vehicles?
20. Have you driven through the traffic safety zone to determine for yourself
whether it works?
OR-OSHA 305 Building a Traffic Control Program
This material for training use only
3. Larger and taller devices are more visible than those that are minimum
4. Increase the length of the warning area when traffic is backed up, when
there is a curve, hill or other obstruction, and on high-speed, high-volume
5. Allow room for the buffer space for additional protection of traffic and
6. Remind drivers to use caution on long areas. The work zone should be
no longer than necessary to accommodate the work which must be done.
Driver delay and the potential for accidents are also considerations.
Additional safety and warning is needed when traffic is diverted into
lanes normally used by opposing traffic.
11. If warning lights are to be used, use steady burning lights for
channelization and flashing lights for warning.
15. Do not mislead the public. Remove or cover all signs or devices that
are not in use.
For Example:
In order to calculate the taper length you will need to know the width of the lane,
and the posted speed. In this example the lane width is 12 feet, the posted
speed is 35. The formula would be 12 x 35 2 or 12 x 1,225 = 14,700 = 245 feet.
60 60
So using the above taper specifications:
Worker Protection
1. Review and update work zone safety apparel. Use high-visibility vests or
individual strobe lights. Wear high visibility rain suits when needed.
3 Be sure at least one DOT or contractor employee at each site has and can use
a two way communication device.
New Products
4. Continue testing new work zone safety devices, including SHRP’s portable
speed bumps and light stop paddles; warning lights on vehicles, signs, flagging
vests, and barriers; intrusion alarms, tubes and detectors; and radar detection
triggering devices.
5. Initiate partnering with the public to heighten driver awareness of work zone
activities and problems. This includes Give ‘em a Brake programs and positive
public service statements about projects.
7. Communicate project locations, start dates, and completion dates to the media
and various associations.
8. Add work zone safety related materials to driver’s license manuals and tests.
10. Heighten driver awareness of proper driving procedures and rules while
in a work zone, as well as penalties for speeding, violating work zone rules, and
so on.
11. Develop a work zone safety slide show for public use.
Operating Procedures
Traffic Control/Design
16. Be sure contractors meet their responsibilities, including site patrol and
maintenance, traffic control, site monitoring, and personnel safety training.
19. Designate (at the district level) an office or individual to prepare all work
zone traffic control plans, coordinate field application, review field operations, and
maintain consistency of plans.
22. Develop a personnel class on the basics of work zone safety meetings.
24. Develop a work zone safety program that teaches the basics of plan design.
25. Establish a way for the Major Accident Investigation Team to notify the Laborers
Health and Safety Fund of North America regarding serious work zone accidents
for further investigation.
27. More clearly define a work zone for consistency in reporting accidents.
28. Work with the legislature and others to make work zones safer by supporting
helpful legislation.