Exalted 3e Cheat-Sheet
Exalted 3e Cheat-Sheet
Exalted 3e Cheat-Sheet
Short distance- dexterity + Athletics
Long distance- stamina + Athletics
Bashing damage =1/2 yards fallen, piercing
- heroic characters get wits + Athletics roll to save from long fall
Up strength + Athletics yards
Over strength + Athletics x 2
- spend 1 will for a +2 yards
- stunts, channeled virtues add yards= bonus
- wound penalties, mobility penalties subtract yards
Target number gets +1 for each obstacle, i.e. +1 another gender, +1 for
specific person, etc.
Lock picking
Dexterity + larceny, need first age lock picks for first age locks
Dexterity + larceny vs wits + awareness
- threshold of successes needed for degrees of difficulty
1 for back pocket
2 for front pocket
3 for vest pocket
damage value = dice damage of one dose during # intervals
resist with reflexive stamina + resistance vs toxicity
if failed
- character takes unsoakable 1 die of damage initially, then takes
it again after interval
- repeat damage # times=damage code of poison
- multiple doses stack damage rating, prolonging duration
if succeeded
- aggravated becomes lethal, lethal becomes bashing, bashing
does nothing
- if get 2x toxicity, damage downgrades 2 levels
“L” toxicity means damage is whole levels, not dice of damage
- successful stamina + resistance removes this tag
- 2x successes downgrades damage type
“M” toxicity, mortals do not get +2 to toxicity with these poisons
tolerance=# doses character can have before risking damage
penalty = internal penalty as result of pain
Environmental effects
roll stamina + resistance vs trauma, success and failure like toxins
mortals roll at same dif as Exalted
damage occurs at damage levels after every interval
Exalted may use natural soak, minimum 1 die
Reading motivation
perception + investigation/socialize vs target # of ½ manipulation +
- success= gets dominant emotion, detects lie
- 2x success= learn an intimacy relevant to situation
Predict whether
perception + survival for land
perception + sail for sea
murky vision = +1 modifier, external
blind= +2 modifier, external
invisible characters= +2 to hit, external
Evaluating goods
intelligence + bureaucracy, standard difficulty of 1 for general knowledge
- to know exact value, add resources value to target number
Operate technology/artifact
intelligence + lore to know function
- difficulty 1-2 personal weapons, memory crystals
- difficulty 4 flying machines, artillery
- difficulty 6 realm defense grid
once this is known, character must familiarize the controls
- takes artifact rating - lore rating hours to familiarize for no more
- without this, need to wits + lore vs 2 to use
if character uses device without knowledge of controls, roll 1d10 vs artifact
- failure= critical failure to use artifact
- success= character can wits + lore vs artifact rating to use it
perception + medicine, takes five minutes
- target number 1- external wounds
- target number 2- internal wounds
- success= knowledge of health levels of damage sustained
illnesses are variable
- target number 1= common cold
- target number 2= cholera, smallpox
- target number 3= yellow fever
- target number 4= rare, magical diseases
diagnosis of crippling injuries from Charms has target number=attacker
essence+ability used for charm
Treat wounds
doctors can only prevent or treat complications for injuries, not HT lvls
- surgery is rare, difficulty at least 5, 3 hrs per point of
difficulty, inflicts unsoakable lethal damage= difficulty
Endure wilderness
must have one dot of wilderness to find food, etc. without a roll.
- obtaining food for others for one day, intelligence + survival
dif 1 verdant forest, jungles, swamps
dif 2 grasslands
dif 3 dry savannas
dif 4 deserts, tundra
dif 5 blasted wasteland
- finding shelter, staying alive without equipment, intelligence +
survival, use above listed difficulties
- need a proper tools, -2 internal without them
- at dif 4, 5 characters must make a rolls even with equipment at
–3 internal
wits + survival of prey vs perception + survival of tracker, twice a day
- tracking at night requires dogs, or other aid, grants third roll
- dogs, other aides grant +2-5 dice to tracker
- if one party does not move, they forfeit that roll
- if one party is much faster, gain +1 success
- +1 success on each roll to winner of each contest for next one
- party that gains 3 successes over the other wins contest
Holding breath
see water/muck in combat section
Endearing hardship
characters go for ½ stamina + resistance days without food, no penalty
- after that, -1 die to all actions per day w/out food
- character dies when penalty exceeds stamina + resistance
-1 die for every day without water past 1
- character dies when penalty exceeds stamina + resistance
Sleep deprivation
every day past 1 without sleep, cumulative 1 die penalty
- penalty cannot exceed 3
- characters must roll stamina + resistance vs 1 to stay awake
during calm periods
Wounds and Healing
bashing overflows, becomes lethal
characters have number of Dying levels below incapacitated = stamina
mortally wounded character takes 1 lvl lethal damage during their combat
can stabilize dying characters through emergency surgery
- wits + medicine vs 5+ Dying levels filled w/ injury
- charms that directly restore health automatically stabilize dying
- need advanced medical tools, resources 4
characters suffering lethal/aggravated damage continue to bleed
bleeding characters suffer 1 lethal every stamina minutes
Exalted characters make reflexive stamina + resistance vs 2 to stop it
- in combat, they try this on any tick they act on
- outside combat, they try every 5 seconds
- bleeding stops as soon as anyone with medicine treats it
mortals require wits + medicine vs difficulty=damage from injury
- during combat, is standard miscellaneous action
Lethal/aggravated damage runs risk of infection
must make virulence check stamina + resistance
- virulence 3, or 4+ for dirty weapons, undead, tropical climate,
- only one check is needed, unless wound is exposed to possible
contagion again
- if wound is sterilized with alcohol after an hour it is received,
virulence drops to 2
- if is cauterized within an hour, no virulence check is required but
character takes 1lvl bashing
- Exalted get –2 to virulence rating, morbidity never exceeds 1
If failed virulence check
- make daily stamina + resistance vs morbidity roll to overcome
- wound modifiers apply
- botches, or if dif exceeds stamina + resistance, character
spends stamina days with -4 penalty
- mortals have -2 internal penalty to act while fighting infection
- untreated morbidity 1, +1/day after first
- treated morbidity, same as above stops increasing after
- difficulty to treat: same as treated morbidity, medicine +
- successful treatment keeps morbidity from rising, negates need
for more checks if daily care is provided
- treatments needs resources 2, or perception + survival vs 3 to
- character throws off infection when beats morbidity
mortals who suffer 4+ health wounds in one injury suffered disabling
- heals normally, but continues to have wound penalties as
though injured
- healing a crippling wound requires surgery, intelligence +
medicine vs difficulty= health levels of injury
- surgery inflicts lethal damage = levels in crippling wound
- Exalted do not suffer disabling wounds from massive injury
- charms designed to maim will do so, but Exalted character will
heal normally
- page 152 for sample effects
A. Roll join battle
all characters roll wits + awareness
- highest roll sets the initial "reaction count,” up to 6
- first action for each character = reaction count- character
- speed of actions (weapon speed for attacks) are then initiatives
- DV refreshes on character actions
B. basic movement
character may move dexterity yards/tick and still perform an action
C. Basic Combat
1. Declare Attack
characters who act at the same time get to act simultaneously
attacker declares attack, what charms they are using
2. Declare defense
defender declares defense, what charms they are using.
May use either dodge or parry DV
- previous actions defender has taken subtract values from both
Shields, cover adds to DV, with multiple cover only greatest value applies
Exalted automatically defend if DV > accuracy of extra
3. Attack Roll
attack- weapon speed, -1
- roll dexterity + ability + accuracy of weapon +charm mods
- botched attacks result in off-balance, -2DV, might hit bystander
- offhand attacks=-1 die to attack
4. Attack reroll
charms that allow reroll of dice take effect now
6. Defense charms
defender may use charms to improve DV
8. Apply soak/hardness
subtract defender’s soak from attacker’s damage pool
soak comes from armor
- if attack damage does not exceed armor hardness, no
need to roll damage
characters get natural soak=1/2 stamina
9. Counterattack
counterattack charms occur now
- DV –1 if character keeps eye on combat, but takes –2 internal
to task
drawing, readying weapon, -1 DV
- may do this and attack, but must be flurry
rising from prone, -1 DV
- character is at -1 external while prone
- might require dexterity + Athletics if I'm treacherous terrain to
jumping, -1 DV
- may only take one jump action per flurry or on its own
- jump action can combine with standard movement=dash, big
- characters may take short jumps as part of standard movement,
so long as they do not jump farther than standard movement
E. Special Attacks
strength/dexterity + martial arts to clinch, speed 6, rate 1, acc0
- success = opponent seized, is inactive
- maybe Dodge/parry normally
if successful, attacker may-
- throw victim strength yards, resulting in knockback
- throw victim to ground, automatically prone
- release victim
- crush victim, damage = strength + extra successes from clinch
- hold victim
character grappling victim can do nothing else except with flurries
character grappling victim cannot block/Dodge without a stunt
victim cannot block/Dodge, may use reflexive charms, otherwise inactive
renew clinch with opposed strength/dexterity + martial arts again on next
- winner controls the clinch
2. Called shots
precise blows, has external penalty to successes
pulling blow, -1
- turn lethal damage into bashing
- arrows may not be pulled
showing off, -1 to –4 depending on complexity
- graze victims to mark them, be Zorro
- if attack hits and could inflict minimum damage or better,
opponent is marked
disarming, -2 or –4
- penalty is -2 if close combat, -4 if ranged
- if attack hits, victim makes wits + ability roll vs net successes
- for every point victim misses by, weapon goes 1 foot away
- retrieve weapon=diff 1 dexterity + ability roll, if possible
fierce blow, -1
- Grants character +2L/A or +3B
F. Ambushes
1. Characters may be surrounded by up to 5 opponents, 3 in closed area
- player chooses one of opponents to gain unexpected attack
- character has -2 DV
G. Environment
1. Flight
melee characters can attack against flying attackers only on tick attackers
dive at them
- if friends wish to help attack during dive, they have -2 external
- penalty is –1 with long spears and the like
2. Mounted combat
mounted characters use lower ability of ride or attack ability for attacks
characters ride ability must exceed the amount control rating
- if it does, no rolls necessary
- if it doesn't, must concentrate on mount entirely w/ riding roll vs
control rating, or flurry to do other actions, too
- if ride roll fails, mount does as it pleases
- if mount panics, can jump from mount on reflexive dexterity +
Dodge or stay in the saddle with wits + ride vs control rating
mounts large enough to carry a howadah, passengers can use abilities
instead of ride
-passengers with ride have no penalty, -1 external if they do not
mounted characters get +1DV vs close combat, howadah get +2, mount
gets bonuses too
characters on the ground get –1DV vs mounted, -2DV vs hawadah
3. Unstable footing
treat like control rating for mount, except use athletics instead of ride
dexterity + Athletics to avoid falling vs instability rating
- failure= cannot take further actions, falls down
- botch = fault prone or something more precarious
characters struck by new attack must make new dexterity + Athletics
reflexive roll
mounted characters add +1 to control rating for use environmental rating,
whichever is greater
instability ratings
- slickness, +1 Frost, puddles-+3 oil, smooth ice
- narrowness, +1 parapet or bridge-+3 tightrope
- wind, +1 gale-+3 hurricane
- moving ground, +1 deck of a ship- +3 major earthquake
water up to knees or mud up to calves
- movement is 1/2, -1 external penalty to dexterity rolls
water up to waste or mud up to knees
- movement is ¼, -2 external penalty
swimming and fighting
- difficulty depends on condition of water
- Athletics caps combat abilities
- must flurry to swim and do anything else
- botch means character starts to drown
- underwater, can move and act without flurry but suffer -2 to
dexterity/movement rolls unless are aquatic by nature
characters can hold breath for stamina x 30 seconds
- +30 seconds/success on stamina + resistance, dif 1-3
- when drowning, character takes 1 unsoakable bashing/30 sec
Social Combat
A. join battle
characters make wits + awareness as per actual combat, each tick is one
unexpected social attacks, aggressor uses manipulation + socialize and
counters with perception + investigation
B. traits
Manipulation- use when being dishonest
Charisma- use when being honest
Integrity- passive defense
Investigation- used to attack, to find things out
Presence- used to attack, to persuade
Performance- used for more than one person, oration
Socialize- manipulation + socialize to veil intentions, social stealth
Dodge MDV- to evade a point
Perry MDV- to directly counter a point
C. modifiers
- characters versus lower appearance add difference to MDV
- characters versus higher appearance subtract difference from
- modifier cannot exceed +3 or –3
2. Declare defense
Parry or Dodge with MDV, use charms
3. Attack roll
roll the dice pool from step one, minus defense
10. Apply effect
apply effects of attack
- defender may give in, or spend willpower reflexively to refuse
- MUST refuse if it violates motivation
- may resist things that violate intimacies, but do not have to
- If character is reduced to 0 to temp willpower during attacks
against motivation and goes willpower + essence days without
recovering full willpower, will is broken and more social attacks can
make her betray motivation
2. Guard 3, no penalty
character is wary and guarded, acts like combat counterpart
3. Inactive 3, invulnerable
character is unconscious
4. monologue/study 3, -2
counterpart to aim
- monologue does not need to be directed at single target
- attack at end of monologue does need to be conclusion of what
came before
- study action is for singular target, more closely like aim
6. Flurry
behaves like normal flurry attacks, string several points together in a
7. Attack varies,-2
social attack
Virtues, Will, and Essence
Willpower may be used for the following:
- free success, 1 will=1 suc, declare prior to rolling
- activate a virtue, see virtues
- resist mental powers, resist charms and spells that do mind
control, see social combat
- spend will to resist acting on virtue, but will have to roll virtue for
limit break
Regaining willpower
- roll conviction every morning, every success regains willpower
- perform a stunt that furthers motivation
- 1 or more for achieving special success at a special task
- may regain willpower instead of motes for 2/3 die stunt
- get temporary will= willpower rating at end of story
- during limit break, get temporary will= related virtue, may go
over willpower rating
- regain willpower or every morning with cult background
Once per story, for every dot of a virtue, character may channel temporary
will through it
- add dice = virtue rating to dice pool for 1 task
- virtue must be relevant to task at hand
Limit rises when character spends will to resist acting on primary virtue,
according to flaw. Roll related virtue, successes add to limit break.
when limit break occurs:
- regain temporary willpower= related virtue, may go over
willpower rating
- characters can remain in partial control during limit break, but
will not regain willpower
- reset limit break to 0
- duration of limit break depends on flaw
beings with high essence are hard to affect with magic
regaining essence
- regain 0 motes during strenuous activity
- regain 4 motes/hr during leisurely activity
- regain 8 motes/hr while resting
- when inside attuned manse/demesne, regain extra essence=4x
manse/demesne rating
- when carrying attuned hearthstone, character regains extra
motes=2x manse rating
- hearthstone must be slotted in artifact to use hearthstone
special effect, but need only carry it to regain essence
- cult **=2 motes/hr
- cult ***=3 motes/hr
- cult ****=4 motes/hr
- cult *****=6 motes/hr