Gamelan Slendro Tuning
Gamelan Slendro Tuning
Gamelan Slendro Tuning
The tuning of Gamelan music has been poorly understood, obstructed by cultural barriers and
practical difficulties. Using a few recordings of Gamelan instruments, sampled from the
Javanese Gamelan ensemble at Arizona State University, we determine the frequencies of a
Gamelan musical scale, and then compare whether and equal tempered scale or a just intoned
scale better explain the musical intervals. We find that the frequencies match better with a
specially devised just intonation scale, than with the equal tempered alternative. The measured
music intervals still deviated, and we discuss some practical and stylistic reasons for this. We # 1 REVIEWS
do make the reservation, that our specific conclusions are constrained only the the Javanese
Gamelan ensemble at Arizona State University, but using other literature on Gamelan tuning,
S TAT U S : Open For Review
we entertain possibilities for all tuning systems in Gamelan music culture. D AT E R E C E I V E D : October 24 2015
T Y P E : Paper
State University. During my time at ASU I took Dr Ted Solis’ Gamelan Ensemble class twice, the
first time for a necessary humanities credit and the second time for my own pleasure. I am
currently not a student at ASU, but Dr Solis has been generous enough to let me participate in his
fall 2015 Gamelan Ensemble class.
I was not a student of music, but I am an everyday musician and I have self studied various areas
Science AMA Series: Hello Reddit!
of music. I would estimate that I have read about 1,500 pages of academic music material. For this
We’re psychologist Dr. Duncan
paper, Harry Partch’s ’Genesis of a Music’ has been most insightful, providing me with a good Carmichael (Univ. of Sussex, UK)
understanding of the history, mechanics, and mathematics of tuning systems from around the and geneticist Dr. Amanda Tilot
world. (Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics, Netherlands), and
we’re here to chat about the
genetics of synesthesia! AMA!
Synesthesia_Genetics et al., The
Gamelan is a traditional style of music from Indonesia. The word ’Gamelan’ translated into english PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi
roughly means ’Orchestra’, but within this paper ’Gamelan’ will refer to the music culture itself, reddit, my name is Dr. Nina Kraus
and I found preschoolers’ auditory
rather than the collection of instruments. To refer to the collection of instruments I will use
language processing parallels early
’Gamelan orchestra’. Gamelan orchestras are percussive, and largely contain gongs and language development, which would
metallophones[i]. allow for early intervention for
language disorders – Ask Me
Gamelan orchestras, quite unlike the ensembles in other music cultures, are each uniquely tuned. Anything!
There is no Gamelan-wide tuning standard, only orchestra specific tunings. This means that one PLOSScienceWednesday et al., The
could not use a Gamelan instrument from one orchestra in a another orchestra, for the
instruments would not be in tune with each other. This is in contrast with European music culture, Science AMA Series: Hi, we’re
where every instrument, regardless as to what ensemble it plays in, is tuned the same. One could NOAA scientists Leila Hatch, Jason
Gedamke, and Jenni Stanley. We’re
say, European tuning is a culture wide standard, and Gamelan tuning is an ensemble wide
here to talk about ocean noise and
standard. what NOAA is doing to reduce this
threat in our national marine
In addition to the great variation of tunings between Gamelan orchestras, the tuning is exclusively sanctuaries and beyond. Ask us
done by a religious class of people in Indonesia who keep essential aspects of Gamelan orchestra anything!
production a trade secret. There is no body of work from the instrument makers explaining the NOAAgov et al., The Winnower
theory behind Gamelan tuning.
Essential Tones Of Music Rooted In
Human Speech
While the tuning of Gamelan orchestras are various and mysterious, there are norms and
Duke University, ScienceDaily
consistencies that span Gamelan music. For example, all Gamelan instruments are are in one of
two tuning systems, called Slendro and Pelog. Slendro and Pelog are distinct and separate A Psychocultural Theory of Musical
collections of tones, unlike European scales, which are subsets of a larger collection of tones (C Interval: Bye Bye Pythagoras Side 1 af 9
The Winnower | An Analysis of a Gamelan Slendro Tuning 11/04/2018 4.24
major being an 8 tone subset of the greater 12 tones). Richard Parncutt et al., Music
Perception: An Interdisciplinary
Within this paper we will examine the exact frequencies of two instruments called Sarons. The
Sarons examined are both in the Slendro tuning system. Each Saron spans one octave, and are one Powered by
octave apart. The higher and lower octave Sarons are called Saron Barung, and Saron Demung,
respectively. Each Saron contains 6 bronze bars, notated as 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 1.[ii][iii] Sarons act as
the primary melodic instrument in Gamelan orchestras, and come in varieties that are in higher
octaves than the Barung, and lower than the Demung.
I used the audio software Audacity to determine the frequencies of each tone in the Slendro scale.
Rather than rely on Audacitys frequency determination processes, which I have found to be
unreliable, I determined each frequency by a guess and check process using my ear. For each tone
in the Slendro scale, I would generate a sine wave of comparable volume, and arbitrary frequency.
I repeatedly played the slendro tone, and the sine wave concurrently, while adjusting the frequency
of the sine wave until it was perceptually identical to that of the slendro tone. The process was is
analogous to how two violinists might tune the strings of one violinists violin, to the strings on the
other violinists violin, however instead of strings, it was between a recording of a Saron, and a sine
wave of a known frequency.
two sine waves with very close frequencies beating between doubled volume and silence
two sine waves with very close frequencies beating between doubled volume and silence
The closer two tones are to each other in frequency, the longer it takes for a beat to occur between
them. As the difference between two frequencies approaches zero, the duration of a beat
approaches infinity. Because beats happen on such slow time scales, they are individually
perceivable and countable.
If a human being detects frequency differences by the presence of beating, then, roughly speaking,
a beat of a duration greater than twice the duration of the tone sounding cannot be detected by a
human being. Each bar in the samples was sounded for about 2 seconds, which puts an upper limit
on a human listeners capacity to detect frequency differences. The duration of beating for two
nearby frequencies can be determined by the following equation
The beat duration between 700 hertz and 699.7 hertz, for example is therefore 3.33 seconds. The
theoretical upper limit for human frequency detection for 2 second soundings is 0.25 hertz.[v]
The theoretical upper limit for a human listeners capacity to discern frequency difference via beat
detection, coheres well with the experience I had while guessing and checking the Sarons tones. I
was not able to hear beats after reaching one decimal place of accuracy for each of the frequencies.
The Winnower | An Analysis of a Gamelan Slendro Tuning 11/04/2018 4.24
Below are the recorded frequencies of the Barung and the Demung
For both the Barung and the Demung, the octave tone is a few hertz higher than the theoretical
octave, which would be the frequency times 2. This is called octave stretching, and is a normal
feature of tuned instruments. By octave stretching, a scales tones correspond closer to how
harmonics (such as the octave) actually sound, rather than their theoretical values[vi].
To assess the Slendro scale, and make an attempt at determining the theoretical basis behind the
measured frequencies of Slendro instruments, we first must express the measured frequencies not
as hertz, but as intervals between musical notes. In this paper we assess intervals in absolute
terms[vii], meaning every tone will be compared with the base frequency of the scale. In our
absolute comparison, we will treat the 1 note in the Slendro scale as our base frequency[viii].
Calculating absolute intervals is done by dividing every notes frequency by the frequency of the
base note.
Listed below are the absolute intervals for the Barung and Demung.
It is widely understood that the Slendro scale is comprised of 5 tones, that are more or less equally
spaced through the octave. We call tuning systems, in which the tones are logarithmically equally
distributed through the octave equal tempered scales (logarithmically, because people perceive
frequency multiples as equal steps)[ix].
To calculate a musical interval in an equal tempered scale in which the octave is divided into X
equal parts, one can use the following equation..
Earlier in this paper we discussed the method of counting beats to identify frequencies. We settled
on particular frequencies when no beats could be counted, which was limited in its precision by the
fact that our samples of the sarons we in 2 second segments, but nonetheless resulted in precision
to about 0.25 hertz. The difference between the measured frequencies of the Slendro instruments,
and the frequencies we would predict from a 5 tone equal temperament scale, are about 1 to 1.5
hertz for the lower frequencies to 4.7 to 6.7 hertz for the higher frequencies (these numbers are
derived from the average fitness numbers above). These numbers are several times larger than
0.25, meaning there would be a very audible difference if these contrasting frequencies were Side 3 af 9
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At the very beginning of the prior section of this paper, we noted that the notes in the Slendro scale
are evenly spaced across the octave. That fact naturally leads us to assess how close the notes are to
begin perfectly equal in their distribution across the octave, as we did in the prior section. We
should however, recognize that being approximately equal is a property present even in scales that
are not equal tempered.
Just intonation is another system of tuning, one that has not only appeared in virtually every
music culture in the world, but has also been pervasive for most of the worlds music history. A just
scale, is one that contains intervals that can be expressed as rational numbers[xi].
Assessing whether or not the measured frequencies fit with a just intonation scale is more difficult,
because unless while 5 tone equal intonation is one particular scale, 5 tone just intonation is a class
of infinite scales. To narrow our list of possible just scales to consider, lets identify some common
properties of just scales actually used in the worlds music cultures..
1. Almost every just interval, is a simple rational number, meaning, the values b and c in b / c,
contain very few prime factors, and contain prime factors that are low in value. 3 / 2 is perhaps the
most abundant musical interval in the world aside from the octave, and it contains just one prime
factor in the numerator[xii]. Complicated rational numbers, like 128/81, are far rarer.
2. Just scales usually contain prime factors that are low. In my studies, I have never heard of a
just interval containing a prime factor greater than 13. Prime numbers 3, 5, and 7 are present in
many of the worlds just scales, with 3 being in virtually all of them, 5 being common, and 7 being
less common. 11 and 13 are virtually absent.
3. Just scales often demonstrate monophony, meaning that for every just interval in the scale,
its reciprocal also appears in the scale. If 5 / 4 is in a monophonic scale, then 8 / 5 is also in the
4. Just scales usually contain intervals that are consonant with each other. Consonance here,
meaning that the interval between them is also a simple rational number containing low factors.
For example, 9/8 and 3/2 are consonant to each other, because 9 / 4 divided by 3 / 2 is the low
prime value of 3 / 2, but 20 / 9 divided by 3 / 2 is 40 / 27, a containing higher value primes, as well
as more prime factors.
With the constraints mentioned above, and with the intention of finding intervals relatively close
to the measured intervals we can derive the following just scale..
Comparing this scale to the measured intervals in absolute and relative terms is listed below..
In the equal intonation section, we assessed how perceptibly different these predicted tones would
be from the measured tones is play concurrently. For the absolute measurement we can see a hertz
difference of 0.75 hertz to 4 hertz, which is still perceptibly different. Side 4 af 9
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Edward C. Carterette and Roger A. Kendall wrote ’On the Tuning and Stretched Octave of Javanese
Gamelans’. In their paper, they primarily focus on the phenomenon of octave stretching, and they
do little to examine the exact placement of the notes in the Slendro scale. Not only does this
disappoint me, but they also neglect to share the recorded frequencies for the Gamelan ensembles
they looked at. They do however, share the average the intervals recorded from the Slendro scale,
and list them in the paper. We should note however, that the purpose of averaging intervals isnt
without large problems.[xv] We shall do a cursory analysis of those average values, which I will list
Note Interval
2 1.142742
3 1.312666
5 1.507857
6 1.732073
1 2.005785
Carterette and Kendalls intervals make for a peculiar comparison with the intervals recorded from
Arizona State Universitys Javanese Orchestra. The notes 2 and 3 are very similar, and the notes 5
and 7 are not similar. Side 5 af 9
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Carterette and Kendalls recorded interval for the note 2 and note 3, incredibly, are almost exactly
equal to the just intervals 8 / 7, and 21/16..
This is a level of exactness that would exceed anyones anyone standard for precision in tuning. For
instruments in the middle range of human hearing, it would take a full 20 seconds for a beat
duration between 8/7 and Carterette and Kendalls recorded average for Slendro note 2.
Kendall and Cartettes recorded interval for note 5 and note 6 deviates from what we recorded from
Arizona State Universitys Javanese orchestra. Note 5 roughly corresponds to 3 / 2. To my
knowledge, Kendall and Carterettes recorded value for note 6 has no strong similarity to a simple
just interval, it sits roughly equally between just intervals 7 / 4 and 12 / 7, and is closer to the equal
tempered note . It could be that Slendro notes 6 in Gamelan orchestras, are always tuned in equal
proportion to either 7 / 4 or 12 / 7.
A just intonation model for Kendall and Carterettes recorded intervals fit far better than an equal
intonation model, especially with regards to notes 2, 3, and 5. Carterette and Kendalls average
recorded Slendro note 6 (2 to the 4 / 5 power )is closer to the equal intonation value, but not to an
exceptional extent, and like we mentioned above different just intonation values for note 6 in
different orchestras could result in Carterette and Kendalls average.
Tho the methods in this paper are limited, we found that modelling the tuning of ASUs Javanese
Gamelan orchestra as a just intonation scale to be superior to modeling as a 5 tone equal
temperament. By comparing our limited findings to known information of other Gamelan
Ensembles, we have no reason to doubt just intonation models would also better explain the
tuning of other Gamelan Ensembles. The great variance and ambiguity in Gamelan tuning could be
explained by different selections of just intonation intervals, intentional beating effects, and
indifference to tuning in a style of music in which harmony is not essential.
[i] Metallophones being instruments with metal bars, and Gongs being instruments with metal
[iii] I cannot say with perfect confidence why 4 is omitted. The Pelog scale is notated 1 through 7,
including 4. It might be that Gamelan musicians see a parallel between the notes of the Slendro
scale, with the 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the Pelog.
[iv] When two tones of the same frequency are in phase with each other, their amplitudes at any
time t are the same, and therefore combine when sounded together. Putting aside how sound
reflects in a physical environment, a listener hearing two tones with the same frequency and
amplitude perceives the tone twice as load than if he heard one tone at the frequency. When two
tones of the same frequency are out of phase, their amplitudes at any time t are opposite, and
therefore cancel out when sounded together. A listener would hear silence if two tones of the same
frequency but out of phase were sounded.
When two tones are not of the same frequency, they oscillate between being in phase with each
other, and out of phase with each other. For many pairs of tones, this oscillation happens on a very
short time scale. For example, 100 hertz and 150 hertz complete an oscillation between being in
and out of phase every 0.02 seconds (50 hertz).
[v] 0.5 hertz divided by two, since a beat would still be obvious to the listener if it lasted less than
a full cycle, and more than half a cycle. Side 6 af 9
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[vi] A theoretical harmonic is a whole number multiple of a base frequency. The harmonics of 100
hertz are 200, 300, 400, 500 etc hertz. Bodies that are resonant with a hertz B, typically are also
resonant with harmonics of B. When musical instruments sound a note B, many other frequencies
also sound, many of which are harmonics of B. In actual practice however, a frequency B is
sounded with frequencies that are not exactly equal to its theoretical harmonics, but are in fact
slightly higher than its theoretical harmonics. This is due to the fact that the frequency produced
by a resonating body is a function of its tension, and the tension on a body is a function of its
shape, which is in flux during vibration. So for example, when a string vibrates at hertz B, it
becomes slightly longer, which increases the tension on the string, which biases the frequency
higher for all concurrently sounding frequencies higher than B (such as the harmonics). In
practice, a body resonating at 100 hertz, would more likely produce near harmonics such as 202,
304, and 408 hertz. The higher the harmonic, the more biased it is, since it is affected by the
tension increasing effect of more sub frequencies.
[vii] We could also compare the intervals in relative terms, meaning each interval is a comparison
between one note and the prior one in the scale. I have done a preliminary relative analysis, but I
have chosen to omit it from this paper. A relative analysis is more complicated, less meaningful,
and would not reach conclusions independent of an absolute analysis. Most every tuning system in
practice, is devised relative to a base frequency, and in the literature of musical tunings absolute
comparisons are the norm.
[viii] While this is something we are assuming, it is largely irrelevant as to which tone we assume
is the base tone.
[ix] Meaning, 100 to 200 hertz is an octave, a multiple of 2, and a difference of 100 hertz (200 -
100 = 100), while 800 to 1600 hertz is also an octave, also a multiple of two, but a difference of
800 hertz. People identify frequency steps by their multiple, not their integer frequency difference.
[x] Frequency precision is valuable to music in which harmony is a component, and Gamelan is
not a music culture in which harmony plays an important role.
[xi] A rational number, being a number that can be expressed as b / c, for integer values of b and
c). 1.25, is a just interval, because it is equal with 5 / 4, and 5 and 4 are integers.
[xii] That being 3, we should exclude 2 from our consideration for two reasons. First, because
listeners identify octaves as the same note. 9/8 is an octave below 9/4, so the presence of an extra
2 in the denominator is not a component of 9/8’s identity as a musical interval. Second, because
for every tone to be in a scale, it must be between 1 and 2, so we pick the octave of each interval
that is between 1 and 2 (3/2, rather than 3/1 or 3/4).
[xiii] That being 3, we should exclude 2 from our consideration for two reasons. First, because
listeners identify octaves as the same note. 9/8 is an octave below 9/4, so the presence of an extra
2 in the denominator is not a component of 9/8’s identity as a musical interval. Second, because
for every tone to be in a scale, it must be between 1 and 2, so we pick the octave of each interval
that is between 1 and 2 (3/2, rather than 3/1 or 3/4).
[xv] To what extent this is valuable, is dubious, for the reasons mentioned in the section of this
paper ’Uniquely tuning per Gamelan Orchestra’. If two Gamelan orchestras were tuned perfectly to
two different just intonation scale, their average would be imperfectly tuned to both. Also, if two
Gamelan orchestras were tuned with a random degree of imprecision to the same just intonation
scale, then we could only devise the just intonation scale from a statistically sufficient number of
orchestras. That hey are tuned with non random imprecision, to a variety of just intonation scales,
is both more plausible, and more confusing to the purpose of averaging many Gamelan orchestras.
[xvi] Carterette and Kendall list the intervals in cents, which can be mathematically reformulated Side 7 af 9
The Winnower | An Analysis of a Gamelan Slendro Tuning 11/04/2018 4.24
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