Application of Finite Element Method in Structural Design
Application of Finite Element Method in Structural Design
Application of Finite Element Method in Structural Design
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique to find approximate solutions of
partial differential equations. It was originated from the need of solving complex elasticity
and structural analysis problems in Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace engineering. In a
structural simulation, FEM helps in producing stiffness and strength visualizations. It also
helps to minimize material weight and its cost of the structures. FEM allows for detailed
visualization and indicates the distribution of stresses and strains inside the body of a
structure. Many of FE software are powerful yet complex tool meant for professional
engineers with the training and education necessary to properly interpret the results. Several
modern FEM packages include specific components such as fluid, thermal, electromagnetic
and structural working environments. FEM allows entire designs to be constructed, refined
and optimized before the design is manufactured. This powerful design tool has significantly
improved both the standard of engineering designs and the methodology of the design
process in many industrial applications. The use of FEM has significantly decreased the time
to take products from concept to the production line. One must take the advantage of the
advent of faster generation of personal computers for the analysis and design of engineering
product with precision level of accuracy.
Analytical Solution
• Stress analysis for trusses, beams, and other simple structures are carried out based on
dramatic simplification and idealization:
– mass concentrated at the center of gravity
– beam simplified as a line segment (same cross-section)
• Design is based on the calculation results of the idealized structure & a large safety factor
(1.5-3) given by experience.
• Design geometry is a lot more complex; and the accuracy requirement is a lot higher. We
– To understand the physical behaviors of a complex object (strength, heat transfer capability,
fluid flow, etc.)
– To predict the performance and behavior of the design; to calculate the safety margin; and
to identify the weakness of the design accurately; and
– To identify the optimal design with confidence
Mechanical/Aerospace/Civil/Automotive Engineering
Structural/Stress Analysis
Fluid Flow
Heat Transfer
Electromagnetic Fields
Soil Mechanics
The use of Finite Element Analysis for the Structural Engineer is an important advantage.
The design of the structures not only benefit, but may require the use of this advanced
analysis approach. The nature of structural components involves several concerns and
requirements. Safety, reliability, strength, stiffness, and low cost all come in to the picture.
Coupled with this, are the additional design requirements of interference, manufacturability,
and overall function. Traditionally, classical calculation methods were used as the primary
tool for checking the strength characteristics of structures. Using the classical calculation
methods many times has limitations as to the fit to the design geometry. By using finite
element modeling as a primary analysis tool, the constraints of creativity are removed. All the
requirements can now be evaluated and several variations of the design concept can be
considered. The model can be used to quickly assess the strength and stiffness, and also the
material usage of the component.
In finite element method, the structure to beanalyzed is subdivided into a mesh of finitesized
elements of simple shape, and then the whole structure is solved with quite easiness.
The rectangular panel in the rectangular body and triangular panel in the circular plate
are referred to an ‘element’.
There’re one-, two- and three-dimensional elements.
The accuracy of the solution depends upon the number of the finite elements; the
more there’re, the greater the accuracy.
If a uniaxial bar is part of a structure then it’s usually modeled by a spring element if
and only if the bar is allowed to move freely due to the displacement of the whole
structure. (One dimensional element)
Here goes the examples of two- and three dimensional finite sized elements
2.5 NODE
The points of attachment of the element to other parts of the structure are called
The displacement at any node due to the deformation of structure is known as the
nodal displacement.
Obtain a set of algebraic equations to solve for unknown (first) nodal quantity (displacement).
Secondary quantities (stresses and strains) are expressed in terms of nodal values of primary
Consider a simple bar made up of uniform material with length L and the
crosssectional area A. The young modulus of the material is E.
Now substituting the values of x and F is the base equation of k, we’ll have:
According to the diagram, the force at node x1 can be written in the form:
Here Ke is known as the Stiffness Matrix. So a uniform material framework of bars, the
value of the stiffness matrix would remain the same for all the elements of bars in the FEM
Similarly for two different materials bars joined together, we may write:
Complex structures which contain the material continuum, are subdivided into the
elements and are analyzed on the computers. Software packages are available for the
determination of the Stiffness matrix of those structures.
Some software packages also allow virtual subdivision on the computer as well i.e.
computer automatically analyzes the shape, and gives the stress-strain values at any
point of the structure.
A finite element model was constructed using plane 2-D elements. Over 700 nodes and 800
elements comprise the model of the simply supported beam which is constrained in the x and
y directions at the LHS (key point 1) and in the y direction at the RHS (key point 2). Force of
250 N was applied at key point 6 which was 355 mm from the RHS. The model was
constructed by defining key points (1-7) as shown by the green picture in Figure 1. The shape
of the model was then defined by curves which connected the key points. A region was
defined for the curves. This region was auto-meshed resulting in the node pattern shown by
the green picture and the element pattern (shown deformed) in the black picture of Figure 1.
Note that in this case the beam cross section is 25.4 mm tall but 11.6 mm wide to give a
rectangular cross section with a moment of inertia the same as the C-channel beam used in
the lab. The length of the beam and the relative loading points are the same the beam used in
the lab.
Figure 2 Normal stresses in the x direction. Note that the legend shows stresses in MPa
The solution for the FEA model is found by solving for the displacements in the equation:
{F} = [k]{x} where F is the applied force vector and x is the resulting
displacement vector. The model stiffness k is comprised of the individual stiffnesses for all
the elements. Once the displacement vector is calculated, the strains can be calculated
In finite element analysis, the external loads are necessary to be acting at the joints, which
does not happen always; as some forces may act on the member. The forces acting on the
member should be replaced by equivalent forces acting at the joints. These joint forces
obtained from the forces on the members are called equivalent joint loads. These joint loads
are combined with the actual joint loads to provide the combined joint loads, which are then
utilized in the analysis.
Varying Load
Let a beam is loaded with a linearly varying load as shown in the figure below. The
equivalent forces at nodes can be expressed using finite element technique. If w(x) is the
function of load, then the nodal load can be expressed as follows.
The loading function for the present case can be written as:
Concentrated Load
Consider a force F is applied at a point is regarded as a limiting case of intense pressure over
infinitesimal length, so that p(x)dx approaches F. Therefore,
Here, [N*] is obtained by evaluating [N] at point where the concentrated load F is applied.
Now, if load F is acting at mid-span (i.e., a=L/2), then equivalent nodal load will be
With the above approach, the equivalent nodal load can be found for various loading function
acting on beam members.
A general closed-form solution, which would permit one to examine system response to
changes in various parameters, is not produced.
K. J. Bathe, ed., Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. New York: Elsevier,
2001, 2003, 2005, 2007.
K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
M. Mahendran and R.B. Tang, Pull-through Strength of High Tensile Steel Cladding
Systems, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, SE2, (1999), pp.37-49.