04 Preface
04 Preface
04 Preface
jiiotEct thEtn from Lniu^tLcE. <:k>ocLaL juitLcE Li. tnE i.nE£t ancnoi
rnE ana maaE niE cabahLE of vjoxtn aoLnq, quLaEO. niE Ln tnE xLqnt
to me
xE^saxcn ixroxk.
,:Sixaj J\nan ana <i5^T. <::5^u/££/r <:z/\ aza-f\nan fox tneix kind hzLh
J^ai.t. Lrut not the L£ai.t it ii. mu bxEuiLzaz to tnank all orrice
^jJai-Ezn, <:yVa££m JDnai, <::y\aoor iBnai and Udxzzi. fox thzix kind
^kaxma jox thz jiain tkzu took in qzttinq mu thziii. tubed in time.