Timss and Pisa-How They Help The Improvement of Education Assessment in Indonesia

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Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

This paper aims to highlight whether the data obtained by PISA (Programme for
International Student Assessment) and TIMSS (Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study) survey is utility for the improvement of
assessment in Indonesia. With regard to the data got from related literature it is
found that there are some utilizes that Indonesian can learn from other countries
such as Singapore to improve its assessment system in education, especially with
regard to Ujian National (National Examination) that until today still becomes a
big issue. Accordingly, there are five positive information that can be utilized and
can be used as the strating point to build up good assessment in education system
in Indonesia. First, about the system of conducting Ujian National. In term of that
the government should pay attention on the ability of the students overall, not only
in urban area but also in rural area. Second, about the environment. Here, the
government should create a fair circumstance in examination setting. Third, about
culture. Fourth, about time management. With regard to this the government
should pay attention on the students schedule for preparing Ujian National.
Finally, about administration system. Relating to this government should pay
attention on the administration system to avoid corruption of time, cheating and
many other problems.

TIMSS; PISA; education; assessment system; Ujian Nasional

In this globalization era, people compete for jobs not just locally but
internationally. The integrated worldwide labour market means that highly-paid
workers in wealthier countries are competing directly with people with much the

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same skills but who demand less compensation in lower-wage countries. The same
is true for people with low skills. Hence most countries, including Indonesia
cannot avoid this defiance, and it also has to follow the flow of blooming trend in
international field.
Assessments for learning outcomes are pivotal tools for governments to evaluate the
effectiveness of their own education systems, to guide reforms of education quality
and to compare the achievements local youth to those other countries. They are
especially crucial in today’s policy climate where local, national and international
education stakeholders are increasingly calling upon governments to demonstrate
results and outcomes, as opposed to input, such as activities, programs and reforms.
To accomplish this issue TIMSS and PISA survey conducted to measure the
performance of education system in a country and to know its position among
international countries. Based on PISA’s result in 2012 and TIMSS’s result 2011,
Indonesian students ‘achievement was poor. On PISA 2012, Indonesia ranked 64
of 65 participant’s countries and TIMSS 2011, Indonesia ranked 36 of 40. This
situation wakes up the Indonesian government, especially the Ministry of
Education. They should evaluate why it happened and how it happened. In
fact,Indonesia has conducted Ujian National every year whichthe same subject
tested, namely Math, Science and English at Ujian National. And before thethe
test,the students have been prepared long time to succeed the test. However, they
still got poor ability.
Even though many critics about the result issued by PISA and TIMSS survey, there
are some utilizes that Indonesian can learn to improve its assessment system,
especially with regard to Ujian National (National Examination) that until today
still becomes a big issue. Some suggested abolishingit meanwhile the Ministry of
Education still defends to hold this test because it is one of Indonesian standards of
assessment system in education.
In Indonesia, National assessment called Ujian Nasional (UN) until now has been
subject of controversy since its initiation. Some argue that the exam is too hard and
demanding for students and teachers. Schools are forced to allocate more time for
drilling students, putting more workload to both teachers and students. Critics
argue that it did not give an accurate picture about Indonesian student's real
competency, because of many problems and other issues. Some called for the
National Exam to be abolished. However, the Education and Culture Ministry has
so far still defended National Exam for keeping national standard of the country.
With regard to this issue, this study will offer the information to government how
the data obtained by PISA and TIMSS is utility for the improvement of Education
assessment system in Indonesia. Hopefully, the Ministry of education together with
Indonesian government can learn some experiences from somecountries and take
this information to find good solution of the issue.
This paper is to highlight whether the data obtained by PISA and TIMSS survey is
utility for the improvement of assessment in Indonesia

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Indonesians are required to attend twelve years of school. They must go to school
six (or five, depending on the institution) days a week from 7. 30 a. m. until
afternoon (usually 2 or 3pm). They can choose between state-run, nonsectarian
public schools supervised by the Department of National Education (Depdiknas)
or private or semi-private religious (usually Islamic) After completion them, they
may be attend three years of high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas or SMA). Some
high schools offer an accelerated learning program so students who perform well
can complete their level within two years. Besides high school, students can choose
among 47 programmes of vocational and pre-professional high school (Sekolah
Menengah Kejuruan or SMK), divided in the following fields: technology and
engineering, health, arts, craft and tourism, information and communication
technologies, agro-business and agro-technology, business management. Each
requires three years of study (EP-Nuffic, 2015).
UNESCO-UNEVOC (2013) says that there are academic and vocational junior
high schools that lead to senior-level diplomas. There are also "domestic science"
junior high schools for girls. At the senior high school level, three-year agricultural,
veterinary, and forestry schools are open to students who have graduated from an
academic junior high school. Special schools at the junior and senior levels teach
hotel management, legal clerking, plastic arts, and music. Students with
disabilities/special needs may alternately opt to be enrolled in a separate school
from the mainstream called Sekolah Luar Biasa (lit. Extraordinary). In addition,
because of that Indonesia keeps looking forward to improve the standard of
education, especially its evaluation system or assessment system in education.
Indonesia, as well as other countries in the world has its own evaluation system or
assessment system as a clear picture about the quality of the country. Indonesia
applies both centralized and decentralized system of education Evaluation. Class
room based- assessment isa manifestation of decentralized system ofevaluationin
education. The process of assessment is only in the school level. Meanwhile
Indonesia also hasNational Exam (Ujian Nasional, commonly abbreviated as UN
or UNAS) is manifestation of centralized system of evaluation in education. Thisis
a standard of evaluation system of primary and secondary education in Indonesia
and the equation of quality of education levels among the areas that are conducted
by the Center for Educational Assessment (Kementerian pendidikan dan
kebudayaan, 2012).
The Department of Education in line withThe Law of the RepublicIndonesia
number 20 of 2003 states that, in order to control the quality of education
nationwide to be evaluated as a form of accountability of education providers to
the parties concerned. In addition,the evaluationsconducted by independent
agencies on a regular basis should becomprehensive, transparent, and systematical
in order to assess the achievement of national education standards. The monitoring
processof evaluation should be done continuously. Evaluation of the monitoring
process is carried out continuously to reachthe fixquality of education. Improving

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the quality of education begins with the determination of the standard. This is
expected to encourage the increased of uality of education (Kuipers, Joel C. (2011).
In UN, the subjects tested at elementary school (Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah) are Indonesian language, Math and Science,meanwhileat
secondaryjunior school (Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(SMP/MTs) are but add English, However, at junior High school (Sekolah
Menengah Atas/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/SMK/MA),
The subjects tested are as the following table:
Streams Main course Vocational course
Natural science Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Social studies Economy, Geography, Sociology
Indonesian literature, History/Anthropology,
Language Indonesian, Choice of foreign language (Mandarin, Japanese,
English, Math German,French, Arabic)
Science of Tafsir, Science of Hadith, Science
Religion (MA)
of Kalam, Arabic
Vocational(SMK) History, Vocational theory, Vocational Practice

Preparation of standard setting begins with the determination of the approach used
in setting standards. There are three kinds of approaches that can be used as a
reference, namely: determination of standard based on the general impression of
the test, determination of standard based on the contents of each test item, and
determination of standards based on test scores. At the end of each learning activity
is concluded and accounting standard setting based on three approaches to
determining the limits of graduation(Kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan,

In the last 20 years, international surveys assessing learning in reading, mathematics
and science have been headline news because they put countries in rank order
according to performance (UK) Two of them areTIMSS andPISA. The first to be
run was TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) in 1995,
although it was a successor of international studies going back to the 1960s. it is
now repeated every 4 years and tests learners of 10 and 14 years old. It is managed
by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
(IEA). The second one is PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment),
startingin 2000, with a survey that is repeated every three years. This survey assesses
learners who are a little older – aged 15 – and are nearing the end of compulsory
secondary education. It assesses performance in reading, mathematics, science and
problem solving. Special focus is placed on one of these areas in each year of
assessment. PISA is a project of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD). Each participating country has an agent that runs the

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survey – in the UK; it is the National Foundation for Educational Research

(NFER) – which invites a sample of schools to take part (OECD, 2014).
The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is held
every three years and in 2012 more than 510,000 students of 15-years of age from
65 countries took part, including selected GCC States. Over the past decade, the
OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has become the
world’s premier yardstick for evaluating the quality, equity and efficiency of school
systems in providing young people with skills to achieve their full potential, and
participate in an increasingly interconnected global economy. A study by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reveals that
students from the GCC attain lower scores in mathematics compared to those from
nations that are relatively resource-poor.
More than 70 countries have signed up to take part in the PISA assessment in
2015, which will focus on science. Moreover, the 2013/14 EFA Global Monitoring
Report highlights the role of international assessments including PISA, TIMSS, &
PIRLS in monitoring learning progress across countries. While the international
assessments provide a global measure of whether all children are learning the basics,
national assessments complement this measure by monitoring progress within
countries towards achieving a wider set of learning outcomes (UNESCO, 2014).


There are several benefits of international surveys: First of all is about the policy.
Governments need to know what is going on in the systems for which they are
responsible. Leaders have to decide where to allocate resources according to greatest
need. International surveys could help them to make better decisions based on
clearer data. The announcement of performances has had a significant impact on
national discussions about education systems. Then, schools and teachers can
reflect on a survey’s global analysis and consider recommendations for good
practice. The surveys obtain supplementary information through questionnaires
and correlate this with the test results. For example, PISA 2012 states that lack of
punctuality and truancy are negatively associated with test performance, and makes
recommendations regarding learner engagement. Third,national research and
professional development program often use the data from the international
surveys as a starting point (Cambridge, 2015).
Table 1 provides a brief overview of the assessments in regard to general test
information, purpose, population, and administration. In-depth information about
twointernationalassessmentsis as follow:


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Assesment Programme for International Trends in International

Name Student Assessment Mathematics and Science Study

Primary • Evaluates education systems of • Measures trends in student

purpose various countries; achievement in mathematics and
• Assesses the extent to which science;
students have acquired the • Gathers information about
knowledge and skills that are learning contextsfor mathematics
crucial for participating fully in and science;
society; • Gathers data about the
• Provides acknowledge base for mathematics and science
policy analysis and research; and curricula in each country; and
• Measures trends over time related • Provides countries
to student and school with information to improve
characteristics teaching and learning
Subject are Reading, mathematics, science Mathematics, science
Responsible Organisation for Economic International Association for
Organization Co-operation and Development the Evaluation of Educational
(OECD) Achievement (IEA)
Years of 2000, 2003, 2006, 1995, 1999, 2003,
Administraiton 2009, 2012,2015 2007, 2011,2015
Grade/Age 15-year-olds Grades 4 and 8
Type of Test Criterion referenced Criterion referenced
Levels Reading 1a–5, Low, intermediate,
Reported Mathematics 1–6, high, advance
Science 1–6
Note: This table is adapted from Egan, Beattie, Byrd, Chadwick, and DeCandia (2011).
Additional information for TIMSS is from the International Association for the Evaluation of
Educational Achievement (2011), and additional information for PISA is from the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2009).

PISA has been administered by the OECD every three years since 2000 to a
representative sample of 15 year-olds in a given country. PISA’s primary focus has
been the OECD countries, but it has progressively incorporated countries outside
of the OECD as well. It focuses on 15-year-olds’ capabilities in reading literacy,
mathematics literacy, and science literacy. PISA also includes measures of general
or cross-curricular competencies such as problem solving. PISA emphasizes
functional skills that students have acquired as they near the end of compulsory
schooling. The number of countries participating in PISA has increased from 32 in
2000 to 67 in 2009.
TIMSS has been administered by Boston College under contract to the IEA every
four years since 1995 to a representative sample of 4th and 8th grade students. The
tests focus on mathematics and science literacy. Forty-one countries along with two
‘bench markers’ participated in TIMSS in 1995; 59 countries participated in
TIMSS in 2007 along with six ‘benchmarking’ participants (OECD (2012)

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One benefit of using PISA data is having the ability to determine what constitutes a
successful school. In addition, OECD (2010a) mentioned thata successful school is
one that performs above average and has fewer socioeconomic inequalities. And
alsoit should provide the equity ofchance toeverybody evenembraced diverse
students and personalized education.
In countries where students tend to repeat grades more often, socioeconomic
performance gaps were wider. Also, greater gaps were found where tracking occurs
at younger ages. Notably, successful school systems placed priority on paying
teachers more for better quality work, rather than hiring more teachers (OECD,
2010a). This practice may be important for policymakers to be aware of when
considering the use of teacher incentives.
Another publication by the OECD reviewed PISA and its value in terms of
education reform, specifically as it relates to what the U. S. can learn from the PISA
results. The OECD (2011) provideddefinition for a high-performing country: This
volume defines countries as high performing if: almost all of their students are in
high school at the appropriate age, average performance is ]high and the top
quarter of performers place among the countries whose top quarter are among the
best performers in the world (with respect to their mastery of the kinds of complex
knowledge and skills needed in advanced economies as well as their ability to apply
that knowledge and those skills to problems with which they are unfamiliar);
student performance is only weakly related to their socioeconomic background;
and spending per pupil is not at the top of the league tables. Put another way, this
volume defines superior performance as high participation, high equity and high
efficiency. (p. 14)
The OECD (2011) also provided a section devoted to how PISA can be used to
help improve education systems in addition to examining causal relationships
between various factors and performance. Accordingly, there are severalways in
which PISA data can be used to improve education systems. He said thatPISA
scores provide information regarding attainable educational achievements. For
example, Finland had little variation in performance between schools, as those
students coming from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds did not always
perform as poorly as students from similar backgrounds do in the U. S. The U. S.
can use PISA scores of high-performing countries to set specific, measurable goals
that have been achieved by these systems. Then, PISA can also be used to monitor
progress andPISA can be linked to national assessments.
Phillips and Jiang (2011) described how PISA is used for internationally
benchmarking state performance standards. Items from PISA are embedded into
state assessments and calibrated to the state scale, and common-item linking
matches the state scale to the PISA scale. The linking can then determine which
state standards are considered internationally competitive. In addition, PISA data

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alsohelp countries determine the pace of improvement by validating scores

internationally. Moreover, the extensive background information collected by PISA
tellsabout factors associated with higher performance (OECD, 2011)
With regard to how the use of PISSA and TIMSS survey, some can be good, the
rest should be vice versa, as the followingwritten in Cambridge (2015).
Commonly, the rank orders of these surveys create a lot of public interest. Those
countries whose pupils come near the top – for example Finland and Singapore –
are inundated by requests to study their systems. Countries that do not do so well
find questions being asked by the press, and their politicians are required to give
explanations and outline strategies to address the ‘national shortcomings’. For
example, in Germany the 2001 PISA results, which were lower than expected,
caused ‘PISA-shock’. Another example is the USA, where concerns about PISA
performance led to development of national Common Core Standards. In
addition, International surveys can lead to simplistic conclusions about education
systems, which are unhelpful and do not do justice to the more detailed
information provided by the surveys.
From Cambridge (2015) there are some aspects shared about how international
survey relevant to Cambridge.
1. Cambridge partners may refer to surveys, for example, the 2012 PISA results
show that Singapore Is above average and that the UK is average in math and
reading and above average in science.
2. National governments may request Cambridge collaboration in curriculum
reform based on national performance in international surveys such as TIMSS.
3. In relation to curriculum development, Cambridge Assessment cautions:
“Analysis of high performing systems, when treated with sophistication and
sensitivity, can be used fordetermining which content should be placed where in a
revised National Curriculum. ” However, “policy needsto be formulated in respect
of other ‘control factors’ such as teacher expertise, teaching quality, learning
materials and inspection” (Tim Oates, Group Director of Assessment Research and
Development, 2010).
4. International surveys are driving ambition for improvement and greater interest
in learning fromexperiences. These are good things as long as we keep league tables
in perspective.
5. Cambridge provides educational solutions that meet the specific needs of our
national partners and are informed by international standards, debate and practice.
It is therefore important that Cambridge understands the conclusions that are
being drawn by partners from international surveys.
In addition,Indonesia also can learn from Singapore, one of the success countries in
Asia and it isan Indonesian neighbor country that has been followed TIMSS since
1995and PISA in 2007. Here, Indonesia can learn how thedata of International
survey such as PISA and TIMSS help it to develop better. It can learn how

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Singapore uses these international surveystobuild thecountry. These will inspire the
Indonesian government to follow its effort to build up its country in all aspects of
education, including the system of assessment in education especially the system of
Ujian Nasional (National Examination) that until now is still in dilemma.
More than any other countries in the world, Singapore has aggressively pursued a
policy of advancing in education and other arenas by systematically benchmarking
the world’s best performances and creating a world class education system based on
what they have learned through their benchmarking: alignment of the education
system to economic development goal, an integrated system of planning, a clear
vision of what is needed in education, accountability ,serious attention is paid to
setting annual goals, to garnering the needed support to meet them and to assessing
whether they have been met, close links between policy implementers, researchers
and educators. At the institutional level, both policy coherence and
implementation consistency are brought about by the very close tripartite
relationship between the Ministry of Education, the National Institute of
Education (NIE, the country’s only teacher training institution), and the schools.
The Ministry is responsible for policy development, while NIE conducts research
and provides pre-service training to educators. NIE’s research is fed back to the
Ministry and is used to inform policy development. Singapore is a ‘tightly coupled’
system in which the key leaders of the ministry, NIE, and the schools share
responsibility and accountability (OECD, 2011)
Singapore promotedcommitment to equity and merit. The goal of the education
system is to nurture every child, no matter what his ability or achievement level. A
strong focus was on mathematics, science, and technical skills. In both primary and
secondary, mathematics and science are core subjects. The approach to
mathematics, developed in the 1980s from reviews of mathematics research around
the world and refined several times since, is based on the assumption that the role
of the mathematics teacher is to instill ‘math sense’. Teachers cover far less material
than they do in many other countries, but they cover it in depth; the goal is to
master mathematics concepts. The national science curriculum in primary and
lower secondary focuses on the idea of science as inquiry. Co-curricular activities
such as mathematics and science fairs, competitions, and learning trails (where
students apply mathematics and science concepts in outdoor settings) are used to
generate interest in the subjects among students. (OECD,2011)
In short, this country also pays attention onHigh-quality teachers and
principals,comprehensive teacher training and compensation, teacher
compensation competitive with other professions, strong commitment to
professional development, anda comprehensive approach to teacher performance
appraisal and to recognizing effective teachers (OECD: 2011)
The 2012 PISA results showed that Singapore is above average and that the
Indonesia is poor in math and reading andin science (OECD, 2014). Meanwhile

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those subjects are tested every year in Ujian National (National Examination). The
survey offers a positive input to IndonesianNational governments, especially the
Ministry of education to evaluate why it happened. They have to pay attention on
their strategy of doing the examination, the contentof examination, the
administration system used when tested andmany others. The governmentmay
request collaboration in curriculum reform based on national performance in
international surveys such as TIMSS and PISA.
In relation to curriculum development, Indonesian education system should
analyzeof high performing systems thattreated with sophistication and sensitivity to
be used for determining which content should be placed where in a revisedof
national curriculum when it get the result below average. However, policy needs to
be formulated in respect of other control factors such as teacher expertise, teaching
quality,and learning materials.
Apart from many critics of theresult issued byInternational surveys (TIMSS and
PISA), these are driving ambition for improvement and greater interest in learning
from other countries’ experiences. These are good things as long as we keep league
tables in perspective. Some researchers have criticized the reliance of countries
upon international assessments, specifically PISA. In a journal article, Bracey
(2009) argued that the use oftest scores, specifically average test scores, for
comparing education systems is a mistake.
According to PISA results, the U. S. ranked around the middle compared to other
countries,although, as Salzman and Lowell (2008) pointed out, looking at the
number of people withhigh scores in each country could be more effective, as not
examining the amount of high andlow performers makes scores “irrelevant as a
measure of economic potential” (as cited inBracey, 2009, p. 450). Looking at the
number of people who reached the highest level on thePISA science test shows that
the U. S. ranked first compared to Japan and Finland, both high performing
countries. Korea, also a high performer, had a smaller proportion of high
scorersthan the U. S. (1. 1% vs. 1. 5%). However, if we are to base performance
upon the number ofhigh-scoring students, we may also have to consider the
number of low-scoring students, andthe U. S. was the second lowest among all
other OECD nations. Bracey emphasized that mostof the variation was within the
countries, rather than between, so perhaps the better solutionis for the U. S. to
compare itself to specific states that are successful rather than other nations.
In addition, Bracey thought that the recommendations based on PISA results
might not beculturally relevant: “Sending children to classes six days a week, extra
preparation coursesnights and weekends, and having a single examination that
decides their fate, as is done inJapan, is not a choice most U. S. parents would
make” (p. 450). Based on this idea, somelessons previously mentioned in this
review may not be applicable, as they would require theU. S. to make fundamental
cultural changes in addition to policy changes. (F-Tony reseach review 2015
International comparative assessment) The rank orders of these surveys create a lot
of public interest. Those countries whose pupils come near the top – for example

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Finland and Singapore–are inundated by requests to study their systems. Countries

that do not do so well find questions being asked by the press, and their politicians
are required to give explanations and outline strategies to address the ‘national
shortcomings’. For example, in Germany the 2001 PISA results, which were lower
than expected, caused ‘PISA-shock’. Another example is the USA, where concerns
about PISA performance led to development of national Common Core Standards.
International surveys can lead to simplistic conclusions about education systems,
which are unhelpful and do not do justice to the more detailed information
provided by the surveys.
There are differences between PISA, and TIMSS. The latter are curriculum-based
and require certain content to have been covered by the nominated years.
Therefore, a country’s weaker performance in TIMSS may be a result of certain
topics not having been covered. PISA, on the other hand, focuses less on
curriculum content and more on skills required in the modern world.
The rankings for individual countries will only be accurate within a certain range of
probability, which may mean that a high ranking could have been an average
ranking. For example, the UK’s math ranking for 2012 can be seen to be 26th but
PISA acknowledge it could be anywhere between 23rd and 31st. Margins of error
for the rank orders are published but often ignored.
A particular county’s ranking masks regional variations, which, even if reported by
PISA, may not always reach the attention of the public. For example, in the 2012
results, Massachusetts has a high score for Math whereas Florida has a lower score.
The statistical model of surveys such as PISA has been criticized (and refuted by
OECD) – for example: Is PISA fundamentally flawed? (TES, 23 July 2013). The
wider development of children might be compromised by excessive hours in the
classroom, private tutors and increased stress in an attempt to increase rankings.
With regard to above critic of PISA and TIMSS survey, Indonesian Government
learns many things. First of all, about the system of conducting Ujian National,the
government has to pay attention on the ability of the students overall, not only in
urban area but also in rural area because Indonesia isa big country. The students
who are from urban area will perform better because they have good facilities and
have enough professional teachers as well meanwhile in rural area they are vice
versa. Secondly, the government also has to create a fair circumstance in
examination setting. Thirdly, the government has to pay attention about student
culture to avoid of being stress. Fourthly, the government should pay attention on
the students schedule for preparing for Ujian National. Finally, the government
should pay attention onthe administration system to avoid corruption of time,
cheating and many other problems.
Regarding to that point, Indonesian Ministry of education gets the information
that basicallyboth National and International assessment play the same role in term
of the assessment but the differenceis that the levelevaluated. Because of that the
government of Indonesia has to construct a good planning as well as application.
They have to realize if they want to put this Ujian National as one of standard

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assessment inthe systemofEducation, they should learn and evaluate what should
they follow of the system, methods, and also strategy used in International
assessment such as PISA and TIMSS and avoid from something bad that create the
critic as it still happened in Indonesia.
In additionEffective use of assessment findings includes applying the information
gained to improve the quality of student learning. It follows that a commitment to
successive assessment exercises over time is essential to fully reap the benefits of
expenditure on assessment exercises. This demands institutionalization of the
assessment process, integration of assessment information into Education
Management Information Systems, and alignment of national assessment to other
elements of the education system such as community-based assessment initiatives.
Political commitment to lead reform, evidence-based resource allocation and skilful
change management—as well as the technical capacity in assessment—are integral
to national assessment programmes(OECD, 2014)
In short, Indonesia shouldprovide goodeducational assessment systemsolutions that
meet the specific needs of itsnational partners and are informed by international
standards ( TIMSS and PISA), It is therefore important that Indonesiaunderstands
the conclusions that are being drawn by partners from international surveys. The
improvement should be taken especially how to plan a good strategy to run Ujian
Nasional in the future, so that it can fulfill what the need of Indonesian society.
Because of that the Ministry of Education can run this examination without any
difficulty and facing many critic of being abolished.
Apart from many critiques of International Assesment (TIMSS and PISA) survey,
there ismuch positive information that can be utilized and can be used as the
strating point to build up a good education system in a country.
Hence,with regard to Ujian National systemas a manisfastation of centralization
system of assesment in Education, there are fiveimportant points that the
Indonesiangovernment, especially the Ministry of Education should payattention.
So that they candefend it from any cricicts of being abolish that Examination. First
of all, about the system of conducting Ujian National, the government has to pay
attention on the ability of the students overall, not only in urban area but also in
rural area because Indonesia isa big country. The students who are from urban area
will perform better because they have good facilities and have enough professional
teachers as well meanwhile in rural area they are vice versa. Secondly, the
government also has to create a fair circumstance in examination setting. Thirdly,
the government has to pay attention about student culture to avoid of being stress.
Fourthly, the government should pay attention on the students schedule for
preparing for Ujian National. Finally, the government should pay attention onthe
administration system to avoid corruption of time, cheating and many other

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Bracey, G. W. (2009). PISA: Not leaning hard on U. S. economy. The Phi Delta
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British Council. (2012). Country Background Report on the Education Sector in
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