Lesson 1 Gospel

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In the next series of Scriptures we will examine the condition of the unsaved person.

1. Read Genesis 5:1-3.

● What was man’s moral condition when God created him? Compare Eccl. 7:29.


● When Adam fathered his children, whose likeness and image were they born in?


2. Read Genesis 6:5.

● Describe in your own words the condition of man before God destroyed the earth with a flood.


● Do you think men today are any different than those in Genesis 6? Why or why not?


3. Read Isaiah 64:6.

● Circle the word “all” in your Bible. What does that word tell us? Are there any exceptions?

● What are all his righteous deeds like? _____________________________________

● Why do you think God sees all his righteous deeds like a filthy garment?

● What is the condition of the unsaved man’s heart?


● When lost people say, “I’ll be all right. God knows my heart”, should that fact bring comfort or alarm to
them? ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Read Ephesians 2:1-3.

● Before we became Christians, what was our spiritual condition (vs. 1)?

● How did we relate to the sinful world? ___________________________________________________

● How did we relate to Satan (the prince of the power of the air)?

● What did we do regarding our flesh (our corrupt fallen nature)?


● What were we by nature (by physical birth)? _______________________________________________

6. Summarize what you have learned about man’s condition.


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