Types of Supply GST
Types of Supply GST
Types of Supply GST
A Presentation by
Ravinder Kumar
Deputy Manager
What is GST?
‘G’ – Goods
‘S’ – Services
‘T’ – Tax
“Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax
levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods
and service at a national level.
GST is a tax on goods and services with value addition at
each stage having comprehensive and continuous chain
of set-of benefits from the producer’s/ service provider’s
point up to the retailer’s level where only the final
consumer should bear the tax.”
Need for GST
Introduction of a GST to replace the existing multiple tax
structures of Centre and State taxes is not only desirable
but imperative in the emerging economic environment.
Increasingly, services are used or consumed in production
and distribution of goods and vice versa. Separate taxation
of goods and services often requires splitting of transaction
values into value of goods and services for taxation, which
leads to greater complexities, administration and
compliances costs. Integration of various taxes into a GST
system would make it possible to give full credit for inputs
taxes collected. GST, being a destination-based
consumption tax based on VAT principle, would also
greatly help in removing economic distortions and will
help in development of a common national market.
Justification of GST
Despite the success of VAT, there are still certain
shortcomings in the structure of VAT, both at the
Centre and at the State level.
A. Justification at the Central Level
i. At present excise duty paid on the raw material
consumed is being allowed as input credit only.
For other taxes and duties paid for post-
manufacturing expenses, there is no
mechanism for input credit under the Central
Excise Duty Act.
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7 Surcharges
8 Ceses
What will be out of GST?
Levies on petroleum products
Levies on alcoholic products
Taxes on lottery and betting
Basic customs duty and safeguard duties on import
of goods into India
Entry taxes levied by municipalities or panchayats
Entertainment/ Luxury taxes levied by local bodies
Electricity duties/ taxes
Stamp duties on immovable properties
Taxes on vehicles
S G S T- State GST Both Tax charged on all Intra state
transactions S G S T levied by State Govt. and
C G S T levied by the Central Govt.
C G S T-Central GST
Input Service Distributor
E-Commerce Operator.
Separate registration is required to be taken in each
State. There is no provision for centralized
Existing taxpayers will be issued Registration
Certificate on a provisional basis valid for 6 months.
Composition Scheme has been introduced in respect
of taxable persons whose aggregate turnover does not
exceed fifty lakhs
Structure of Registration No.
1 2 3 To 12 13 14 15
Type of Assessment
Self Assessment
Provisional Assessment
Scrutiny of Returns
Summary Assessment