Types of Supply GST

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A Presentation by
Ravinder Kumar

Deputy Manager
What is GST?
‘G’ – Goods
‘S’ – Services
‘T’ – Tax
“Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax
levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods
and service at a national level.
GST is a tax on goods and services with value addition at
each stage having comprehensive and continuous chain
of set-of benefits from the producer’s/ service provider’s
point up to the retailer’s level where only the final
consumer should bear the tax.”
Need for GST
Introduction of a GST to replace the existing multiple tax
structures of Centre and State taxes is not only desirable
but imperative in the emerging economic environment.
Increasingly, services are used or consumed in production
and distribution of goods and vice versa. Separate taxation
of goods and services often requires splitting of transaction
values into value of goods and services for taxation, which
leads to greater complexities, administration and
compliances costs. Integration of various taxes into a GST
system would make it possible to give full credit for inputs
taxes collected. GST, being a destination-based
consumption tax based on VAT principle, would also
greatly help in removing economic distortions and will
help in development of a common national market.
Justification of GST
Despite the success of VAT, there are still certain
shortcomings in the structure of VAT, both at the
Centre and at the State level.
A. Justification at the Central Level
i. At present excise duty paid on the raw material
consumed is being allowed as input credit only.
For other taxes and duties paid for post-
manufacturing expenses, there is no
mechanism for input credit under the Central
Excise Duty Act.
i. adfl

ii. Credit for service tax paid is being allowed

manufacturer/ service provider to a limited
extent. In order to give the credit of service
tax paid in respect of services consumed, it is
necessary that there should be a
comprehensive system under which both the
goods and services are covered.
iii. At present, the service tax is levied on
restricted items only. Many other large
number of services could not be taxed. It is to
reduce the effect of cascading of taxes, which
means levying tax on taxes.
B. Justification at the State Level
i. A major defect under the State VAT is that the State is
charging VAT on the excise duty paid to the Central
Government, which goes against the principle of not
levying tax on taxes.
ii. Many of the States are still continuing with various
types of indirect taxes, such as luxury tax,
entertainment tax , entry tax etc.
iii. As tax is being levied on inter-state transfer of goods,
there is no provision for taking input credit on CST
leading to additional burden on the dealers.
Model of GST
 The dual GST model proposed by the Empowered
Committee and accepted by the Centre will have dual
system for imposing the tax. GST shall have two
components i.e.
(i) Central GST
(ii) State GST
 Central Excise duty, additional excise duty, services tax
and additional duty of customs (equivalent to excise),
state VAT entertainment tax, taxes on lotteries, betting
and gambling and entry tax (not levied by local
bodies)would be subsumed within GST
GST - Salient Features
 It would be applicable to all transactions of goods and service.
 It to be paid to the accounts of the Centre and the States separately.
 The rules for taking and utilization of credit for the Central GST and
the State GST would be aligned.
 Cross utilization of ITC between the Central
GST and the State GST would not be allowed except in the case of
inter-State supply of goods.
 The Centre and the States would have concurrent jurisdiction for the
entire value chain and for all taxpayers on the basis of thresholds for
goods and services prescribed for the States and the Centre.
 The taxpayer would need to submit common format for periodical
returns, to both the Central and to the concerned State GST
 Each taxpayer would be allotted a PAN-linked taxpayer identification
Subsuming of Existing Taxes
The sub-sumation should result in free flow of tax
credit in intra and inter-State levels so that unrelated
taxes, levies and fees are not be subsumed under GST.
Sl. Subsumed under CGST Subsumed under SGST
1 Central Excise Duty VAT / Sales tax

2 Additional Excise Duties Entertainment tax (unless it is levied by the local

3 Excise Duty-Medicinal and Toiletries Preparation Luxury tax
4 Service Tax Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling.

5 Additional CVD State Cesses and Surcharges (supply of goods and

6 Special Additional Duty of Customs - 4% (SAD) Entry tax not in lieu of Octroi

7 Surcharges

8 Ceses
What will be out of GST?
 Levies on petroleum products
 Levies on alcoholic products
 Taxes on lottery and betting
 Basic customs duty and safeguard duties on import
of goods into India
 Entry taxes levied by municipalities or panchayats
 Entertainment/ Luxury taxes levied by local bodies
 Electricity duties/ taxes
 Stamp duties on immovable properties
 Taxes on vehicles
S G S T- State GST Both Tax charged on all Intra state
transactions S G S T levied by State Govt. and
C G S T levied by the Central Govt.
C G S T-Central GST

I G S T-Integrated GST: - Applicable on interstate transaction,

aggregate of C G S T and S G S T Rate
Transfer of funds through Clearing Agency.
 Suppose R N R =24% i.e. S G S T – 12%
C G S T – 12%

 Invoice for Intra State (A) For Inter State (B)

Taxable Value = 100 Taxable Value = 100
 SGST = 12 IGST = 24
 CGST = 12 Add Tax 1% = 01
 Total Value = 124 Total Value = 125
Adjustment of Input Tax Credit
ITC available – S G S T Rs.4/-, C G S T Rs.5/-, IGST Rs.20/-
SGST Payable 12 CGST Payable- 12 IGSTPayable 24
CGST nil
Net Payable 2 Net payable 1 Net payable 16

Order of utilization of ITC:

Particulars Order of Utilization


Taxable Person
 It will cover all types of person carrying on business activities,
i.e. manufacturer, job-worker, trader, importer, exporter, all
types of service providers, etc.
 If a company is having four branches in four different states, all
the four branches will be considered as TP under each
jurisdiction of SGs.
 All the dealers/ business entities will have to pay both the types
of taxes on all the transactions.
 A dealer must get registered under CGST as it will make him
entitle to claim ITC of CGST thereby attracting buyers under
B2B transactions.
 Importers have to register under both CGST and SGST as well.
The taxable event for levy of Goods and Services Tax (GST) is
‘supply’. Section 3 of the Model GST Act covers the meaning
and scope of ‘supply’. Supply is defined in inclusive manner.
• So we also need to see ordinary or natural meaning of
supply besides these inclusions for determining the scope
of the levy.
• The specific inclusions under the term ‘supply’ are as under:
 All forms of supply of goods and/or services such as sale,
transfer, barter, exchange, license, rental, lease or
disposal made or agreed to be made for a consideration
by a person in the course or furtherance of business.
 Supplies made or agreed to be made without a
consideration as specified in Schedule I. Schedule I
lists 5 items namely, permanent transfer/disposal of
business assets; temporary application of business
assets to a private or non‐business use; services put to a
private or non‐business use; assets retained after
deregistration; and supply of goods and / or services by
a taxable person to another taxable or non‐taxable
person in the course or furtherance of business.
 This implies that stock transfers and supply of
goods/services between two separately registered
units/branches whether in the same State or not, will be
deemed as supply.
 However, supply of goods by a registered taxable person to a
job‐worker in terms of section 43A shall not be treated as
Supply of goods.
 Importation of service with or without consideration:
import of services is defined under the Model GST Act on
lines broadly similar to the one in current service tax regime
 Where a person acting as an agent who, for an agreed
commission or brokerage, either supplies or receives any
goods and/or services on behalf of any principal, the
transaction between such principal and agent shall be
deemed to be a supply
 Supply of any branded service by an aggregator, as defined
in section 43B, under a brand name or trade name owned by
him shall be deemed to be a supply of the said service by
the said aggregator
Place of Supply
Place of Supply Contd…
C. Others
S.No Situation Time of Supply

1 Reverse charge Earliest of the following, namely:-

1. Date of receipt of service
2. Date of payment made$
3. Date of invoice receipt
4. Date of debit in books of

2 Cessation of supply of services before Time of cessation of such supply

its completion of

3 Residuary Due date of filing of periodical

(i) Periodical return to be filed return
(ii) Others Date of payment of CGST/SGST
Registration under GST
 Each taxpayer will be allotted a state wise PAN
based 15-digit Goods and Services Taxpayer
Identification Number (‘GSTIN’)
The persons liable for taking Registration are
specified in Schedule III. They include –
 Persons crossing threshold of aggregate turnover
of Rs. 9 lakhs in a financial year. Threshold is Rs. 4
lakhs for North-Eastern States.
 Persons making inter-State taxable supply
 Persons liable to pay GST under reverse charge
Whether service provider are working under
threshold limit or not.

 Input Service Distributor
 Aggregator
 E-Commerce Operator.
 Separate registration is required to be taken in each
State. There is no provision for centralized
 Existing taxpayers will be issued Registration
Certificate on a provisional basis valid for 6 months.
 Composition Scheme has been introduced in respect
of taxable persons whose aggregate turnover does not
exceed fifty lakhs
Structure of Registration No.
1 2 3 To 12 13 14 15

In terms of Indian To be kept blank for

Census 2011 each State future use
to have a unique code, To be alpha-numeric (1-9
such as 09 for UP an then A-Z); to be
assigned depending on
number of registration a
legal entity has within
one state
The value of a supply of goods and/or services for the
purposes of the levy of CGST / SGST or IGST, as the case
may be, shall be the transaction value, that is the price
actually paid or payable for the said supply of goods
and/or services where the supplier and the recipient of
the supply are not related and the price is the sole
consideration for the supply.
Section 15(2) of the Model GST Law provisions for certain
inclusions and exclusions while determining the value. The
expenditure incurred by the recipient of supply on behalf
of supplier shall be included in the transaction value. Free
issue/discounted supplies by recipient, royalties, license fees
are included in the transaction value. All the incidental
expenses like packing, commission incurred by the supplier
at the time of or before the delivery of the goods. CGST /
SGST and IGST has to be paid on any taxes duties, fees and
charges levied under any other statute. Subsidies linked to
the supply shall be includable in the transaction value.
However, CGST / SGST and IGST is not applicable on
discounts agreed between the parties at or beforethe time
of supply
Where transaction value is not available resort has to
be taken to the GST Valuation (Determination of the
Value of supply of Goods and Services) Rules, 2016
[‘GST Valuation Rules’] for determination of the
value of supply. As per Rule 7 of the said Rules, where
the proper officer has reason to doubt the truth or
accuracy of the value declared, he may ask thesupplier
to furnish further information, including documents
or other evidence. But if he still has reasonable doubt
about the truth or accuracy of the value declared, it
shall be deemed that the transaction value cannot be
 Taxpayer is in possession of a valid document
 Taxpayer has received the goods and/or services. Further, an
Explanation has been added to enable the availment of ITC in
certain situation without actual receipt of goods. Further in case
where the goods against an invoice are received in lots or
instalments, the registered taxable person shall be entitled to the
credit upon receipt of the last lot or instalment.
 The tax charged in respect of such supply has been actually paid to
the credit of the appropriate government, either in cash or
through utilization of input tax credit admissible in respect of the
said supply.
 Taxpayer has furnished the return
 ITC on an invoice is not available after the filing of the return
under section 27 for the month of September following the end of
financial year to which such invoice pertains or filing of the
relevant annual return, whichever is earlier
Matching Concept
 ITC is available only on provisional basis until the supplier
makes the tax payment and files a valid return.
 The claim of input tax credit in respect of invoices and/or
debit notes relating to inward supply shall be matched with
the details of corresponding outward supply.
 In case of mismatch and where the supplier has not made the
tax payment, the ITC shall be reversed with interest.
 Interest is from the date of wrong availment or utilization
 There is specific provision for reclaim of ITC and interest in
case of subsequent matching.
Return Particulars Due date
GSTR-1 Outward Supplies 10th of the next month
GSTR-2 Inward Supplies 15th of the Next month
GSTR-3 Monthly Return Periodic 20th of next month
GSTR-4 Return by compounding taxpayer 18th of the month next to the
GSTR-5 Return by non resident taxpayer Within 7 days of the last days
of registration
GSTR-6 Return by Input Service 13th of the next month
GSTR-7 Tds Return 10th of the next month

GSTR-8 Annual return 31st December of next F.Y.

ledgers ITC ledger, cash ledger, tax ledger On a continuous basis


Type of Assessment

Self Assessment

Provisional Assessment

Scrutiny of Returns

Assessment of non filing of returns

Assessment of unregistered person

Summary Assessment

Audit General and/or Specific

Transitional Provision
 Migration of existing taxpayer to GST
 Carried forward of Cenvat Credit in return to be allowed as
 Unavailed cenvat credit on CG not c/f in return to be allowed
in certain situation
 Input held in stock to be allowed in certain situation
 Exempted goods returned to the place of business on or after
appointed date
 Pending refund calim to be disposed of under earlier law
 Claim of cenvat credit to be disposed of under earlier law
 Finalization of proceedings relating to output tax liability
 Treatment of amount recovered or refunded in persuance of
assessment or adjudication proceedings
 In absence of CST & Entry Tax GST provide common market.
 Distinction between goods & services will go therefore double
taxation may be avoided.
 Net realization will increase.
 Invoicing /Accounting will be simple
 Concept of manufacturing will be replaced by concept of value
 Zero rating(Export) will be more comprehensive and easier.
 Big Central Excise Tariff will go.
 GST Proposed rate is below R.N.R. i.e. (20% to 22%) impact on
Manufacturing Sector
 Cost of production reduced.
 Hassle free supply of goods. Scrutiny at check post may be reduced,
road permit will go away.
 Supply chain re-structuring.
 Adverse effect on unorganized small manufacturer.
Steps for implementing GST
A:- Assessment of GST Impact
 Understand key area’s impacting on Business
 Continuously update and track policy development out
of GST
 Identify and analyze any area of adverse impact and
prepare contingency measures.
 Prepare the transmition road map and align relevant
Steps for implementing GST
B:- Following points should be reviewed:
 Domestic supplies v/s Imports
 In house v/s contract manufacturing
 Pricing Strategies
 Warehousing/Stocking location
 Direct Sale/Stock Transfer
Steps for implementing GST
C:- Change in Computerisation
I:- Output to be aligned with GST
 Invoicing
 Purchase Order
 O.E.F
 Stock Transfers
II:- Master Data to be aligned
 Suppliers registration no.
 Customer registration no
 GST rate master
 Input Tax Credit eligibility master
Steps for implementing GST
III:-Transaction to be aligned with GST
 Inventory Valuation Module
 Input Tax Credit register
 MIS Report
 Revision of pending order/contracts with IIIrd parties
 Collection/settlement of bills from suppliers and service
 Minimum stock of semi finished/finished goods at units
& sales depots
Impact of Matching System
 Supplier’s bill will be entered without any deductions
 Deduction shall be made through debit/credit notes
(Address Costing Issue)
 Deal with good/ law abiding supplier/service providers
because non compliance by them will create problem
to us
 Diversion of goods from one RS to other will not be
 This system require efficeint working
Direct Sales/ Goods Transfer
 GST should be paid on goods transfer, hence working
capital will be block in stock
 In case of goods transfer transaction value is not
allowed in SAP, then how the problem be resolved
 Pricing of goods transfer is very problematic so get
answer of the problem
Sales Related Issue
 Free scheme may not be permissible.
 Price should be same for all the buyer
 Discount scheme should be known to buyer at or
before the supply.

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