Assisted Reproductive Technology
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Some techniques used in clinical ART include: artificial insemination; in vitro fertilisation
(IVF); gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT); gestational surrogate mothering; gamete
donation; sex selection and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Issues addressed in bioethics
are the appropriate use of these technologies and the techniques employed to carry out
procedures for quality and ethical reviews.
Assisted reproductive technology and its use directly impact the foundational unit of society
– the family. ART enables children to be conceived who have no genetic relationship to one
or both of their parents. Children can also be conceived who will never have a social
relationship with one or both of their genetic parents, e.g. a child conceived using donor
sperm. Non-infertile people in today’s society including both male and female homosexual
couples, single men and women, and post-menopausal women are seeking the assistance of
ART. Concerns in all situations include the child and his or her welfare, including the right
to have one biological mother and father. The fragmented family created by ART can
disconnect genetic, gestational and social child-parent relationships which have typically
been one and the same in the traditional nuclear family.
Other important bioethical issues include the appropriate use of pre-implantation genetic
diagnostic screening, use, storage and destruction of excess IVF embryos, and research
involving embryos. ART research requires human participants, donors and donated embryos,
oocytes and sperm.
Ethical issues that arise in ART research surround the creation and destruction of embryos.
One approach in bioethics involves preserving justice, beneficence, non-maleficence and the
autonomous interests of all involved. Bioethicists contribute to ethical guidelines and moral
evaluations of new technologies and techniques in ART as well as topublic discourse that
leads to development of national regulations and restrictions of unacceptable practices.