Reading Material CH 12 Sucker Rod Pumping

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2006 8:38pm

Artificial Lift
Part III Methods

Most oil reservoirs are of the volumetric type where the driving mechanism is the expansion of
solution gas when reservoir pressure declines because of fluid production. Oil reservoirs will
eventually not be able to produce fluids at economical rates unless natural driving mechanisms
(e.g., aquifer and/or gas cap) or pressure maintenance mechanisms (e.g., water flooding or gas
injection) are present to maintain reservoir energy. The only way to obtain high production rates of
a well is to increase production pressure drawdown by reducing the bottom-hole pressure with
artificial lift methods.
Approximately 50% of wells worldwide need an artificial lift. The commonly used artificial lift
methods include the following:

. Sucker rod pumping

. Gas lift
. Electrical submersible pumping
. Hydraulic piston pumping
. Hydraulic jet pumping
. Plunger lift
. Progressing cavity pumping
Each method has applications for which it is the optimum installation. Proper selection of an
artificial lift method for a given production system (reservoir and fluid properties, wellbore
configuration, and surface facility restraints) requires a thorough understanding of the system.
Economics analysis is always performed. Relative advantages and disadvantages of artificial lift
systems are discussed in the beginning of each chapter in this part of this book. The chapters in this
part provide production engineers with fundamentals of sucker rod pumping and gas lifts, as well as
an introduction to other artificial lift systems. The following three chapters are included in this part
of the book:
Chapter 12: Sucker Rod Pumping
Chapter 13: Gas Lift
Chapter 14: Other Artificial Lift Methods
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12 Sucker Rod

12.1 Introduction 12/162
12.2 Pumping System 12/162
12.3 Polished Rod Motion 12/165
12.4 Load to the Pumping Unit 12/168
12.5 Pump Deliverability and Power
Requirements 12/170
12.6 Procedure for Pumping Unit Selection 12/172
12.7 Principles of Pump Performance
Analysis 12/174
Summary 12/179
References 12/179
Problems 12/179
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12.1 Introduction by means of the walking beam through a pitman arm. The
horse’s head and the hanger cable arrangement is used to
Sucker rod pumping is also referred to as ‘‘beam pump-
ensure that the upward pull on the sucker rod string is
ing.’’ It provides mechanical energy to lift oil from bottom
hole to surface. It is efficient, simple, and easy for field vertical at all times (thus, no bending moment is applied to
people to operate. It can pump a well down to very low the stuffing box). The polished rod and stuffing box com-
pressure to maximize oil production rate. It is applicable to bine to maintain a good liquid seal at the surface and, thus,
slim holes, multiple completions, and high-temperature force fluid to flow into the ‘‘T’’ connection just below the
stuffing box.
and viscous oils. The system is also easy to change to
Conventional pumping units are available in a wide
other wells with minimum cost. The major disadvantages
of beam pumping include excessive friction in crooked/ range of sizes, with stroke lengths varying from 12 to
deviated holes, solid-sensitive problems, low efficiency in almost 200 in. The strokes for any pumping unit type are
gassy wells, limited depth due to rod capacity, and bulky in available in increments (unit size). Within each unit size,
offshore operations. Beam pumping trends include the stroke length can be varied within limits (about six
improved pump-off controllers, better gas separation, gas different lengths being possible). These different lengths
are achieved by varying the position of the pitman arm
handling pumps, and optimization using surface and
bottom-hole cards. connection on the crank arm.
Walking beam ratings are expressed in allowable pol-
ished rod loads (PRLs) and vary from approximately
3,000 to 35,000 lb. Counterbalance for conventional
12.2 Pumping System pumping units is accomplished by placing weights directly
As shown in Fig. 12.1, a sucker rod pumping system on the beam (in smaller units) or by attaching weights to
consists of a pumping unit at surface and a plunger the rotating crank arm (or a combination of the two
pump submerged in the production liquid in the well. methods for larger units). In more recent designs, the
The prime mover is either an electric motor or an in- rotary counterbalance can be adjusted by shifting the pos-
ternal combustion engine. The modern method is to sup- ition of the weight on the crank by a jackscrew or rack and
ply each well with its own motor or engine. Electric motors pinion mechanism.
are most desirable because they can easily be automated. There are two other major types of pumping units. These
The power from the prime mover is transmitted to the are the Lufkin Mark II and the Air-Balanced Units
input shaft of a gear reducer by a V-belt drive. The output (Fig. 12.2). The pitman arm and horse’s head are in the
shaft of the gear reducer drives the crank arm at a lower same side of the walking beam in these two types of units
speed (4–40 revolutions per minute [rpm] depending on (Class III lever system). Instead of using counter-weights in
well characteristics and fluid properties). The rotary mo- Lufkin Mark II type units, air cylinders are used in the air-
tion of the crank arm is converted to an oscillatory motion balanced units to balance the torque on the crankshaft.

Horse head Walking beam

Counter weight
Bridle Gear reducer
Polished rod Stuffing
box Crank
Oil Sampson
Tee post




Sucker rod
Stroke length

Stroke length

Downhole pump

Figure 12.1 A diagrammatic drawing of a sucker rod pumping system (used, with permission, from Golan and
Whitson, 1991).
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The American Petroleum Institute (API) has established beam counterbalance units, and M is for Mark II units.
designations for sucker rod pumping units using a string of The second field is the code for peak torque rating in
characters containing four fields. For example, thousands of inch-pounds and gear reducer. D stands for
C-- 228D-- 200-- 74: double-reduction gear reducer. The third field is the code
for PRL rating in hundreds of pounds. The last field is the
The first field is the code for type of pumping unit. C is for code for stroke length in inches.
conventional units, A is for air-balanced units, B is for

Walking beam






Walking beam






Walking beam

Counter balance




Figure 12.2 Sketch of three types of pumping units: (a) conventional unit; (b) Lufkin Mark II Unit; (c) air-balanced
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Figure 12.3 illustrates the working principle of a plunger through the valve, which lets the plunger move to a pos-
pump. The pump is installed in the tubing string ition just above the SV. During this downward motion of
below the dynamic liquid level. It consists of a working the plunger, the SV is closed; thus, the fluid is forced to
barrel and liner, standing valve (SV), and traveling valve pass through the TV.
(TV) at the bottom of the plunger, which is connected to When the plunger is at the bottom of the stroke and
sucker rods. starts an upward stroke, the TV closes and the SV opens.
As the plunger is moved downward by the sucker rod As upward motion continues, the fluid in the well below
string, the TV is open, which allows the fluid to pass the SV is drawn into the volume above the SV (fluid



and liner



(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 12.3 The pumping cycle: (a) plunger moving down, near the bottom of the stroke; (b) plunger moving up,
near the bottom of the stroke; (c) plunger moving up, near the top of the stroke; (d) plunger moving down, near the top
of the stroke (used, with permission, from Nind, 1964).

(a) Tubing pump (b) Rod pump

Figure 12.4 Two types of plunger pumps (used, with permission, from Nind, 1964).
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passing through the open SV). The fluid continues to fill conventional pumping units. Parameters are defined in
the volume above the SV until the plunger reaches the top Fig. 12.6.
of its stroke.
There are two basic types of plunger pumps: tubing Air-Balanced Pumping Unit. For this type of unit, the
pump and rod pump (Fig. 12.4). For the tubing pump, maximum acceleration occurs at the top of the stroke
the working barrel or liner (with the SV) is made up (i.e., (the acceleration at the bottom of the stroke is less than
attached) to the bottom of the production tubing string simple harmonic motion). Thus, a lower maximum stress
and must be run into the well with the tubing. The plunger is set up in the rod system during transfer of the fluid
(with the TV) is run into the well (inside the tubing) on the load to the rods.
sucker rod string. Once the plunger is seated in the work-
ing barrel, pumping can be initiated. A rod pump (both The following analyses of polished rod motion apply to
working barrel and plunger) is run into the well on the conventional units. Figure 12.7 illustrates an approximate AQ1
sucker rod string and is seated on a wedged type seat that motion of the connection point between pitman arm and
is fixed to the bottom joint of the production tubing. walking beam.
Plunger diameters vary from 5⁄8 4 5⁄8 in Plunger area varies If x denotes the distance of B below its top position C
from 0:307 in:2 to 17:721 in:2 . and is measured from the instant at which the crank arm
and pitman arm are in the vertical position with the crank
arm vertically upward, the law of cosine gives
12.3 Polished Rod Motion (AB)2 ¼ (OA)2 þ (OB)2  2(OA)(OB) cos AOB,
The theory of polished rod motion has been established that is,
since 1950s (Nind, 1964). Figure 12.5 shows the cyclic
motion of a polished rod in its movements through the h2 ¼ c2 þ (h þ c  x)2  2c(h þ c  x) cos vt,
stuffing box of the conventional pumping unit and the air- where v is the angular velocity of the crank. The equation
balanced pumping unit. reduces to
Conventional Pumping Unit. For this type of unit, the x2  2x[h þ c(1  cos vt)] þ 2c(h þ c)(1  cos vt) ¼ 0
acceleration at the bottom of the stroke is somewhat
greater than true simple harmonic acceleration. At the so that
top of the stroke, it is less. This is a major drawback for x ¼ h þ c(1  cos vt)  c2 cos2 vt þ (h2  c2 ):
the conventional unit. Just at the time the TV is closing
and the fluid load is being transferred to the rods, the When vt is zero, x is also zero, which means that the
acceleration for the rods is at its maximum. These two negative root sign must be taken. Therefore,
factors combine to create a maximum stress on the rods x ¼ h þ c(1  cos vt)  c2 cos2 vt þ (h2 þ c2 ):
that becomes one of the limiting factors in designing an
installation. Table 12.1 shows dimensions of some API Acceleration is

Polished rod Simple harmonic

position motion


d1 d2 d1

Polished Polished
rod rod

(a) Conventional unit Air-balanced unit


0 90 180 270 360

(b) Crank angle, degrees

Figure 12.5 Polished rod motion for conventional pumping unit and air-balanced unit (used, with permission, from
Nind, 1964).
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Figure 12.6 Definitions of conventional pumping unit API geometry dimensions.

Table 12.1 Conventional Pumping Unit API Geometry Dimensions

API Unit Designation A (in.) C (in.) I (in.) P (in.) H (in.) G (in.) R1, R2, R3 (in.) Cs (lb) Torque Factor

C-912D-365-168 210 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 1,500 80.32
C-912D-305-168 210 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 1,500 80.32
C-640D-365-168 210 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 1,500 80.32
C-640D-305-168 210 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 1,500 80.32
C-456D-305-168 210 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 1,500 80.32
C-912D-427-144 180 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 650 68.82
C-912D-365-144 180 120.03 120 148.5 237.88 86.88 47, 41, 35 650 68.82
C-640D-365-144 180 120.03 120 148.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 650 68.82
C-640D-305-144 180 120.08 120 144.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 520 68.45
C-456D-305-144 180 120.08 120 144.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 520 68.45
C-640D-256-144 180 120.08 120 144.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 400 68.45
C-456D-256-144 180 120.08 120 144.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 400 68.45
C-320D-256-144 180 120.08 120 144.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 400 68.45
C-456D-365-120 152 120.03 120 148.5 238.88 89.88 47, 41, 35 570 58.12
C-640D-305-120 155 111.09 111 133.5 213 75 42, 36, 30 120 57.02
C-456D-305-120 155 111.09 111 133.5 213 75 42, 36, 30 120 57.02
C-320D-256-120 155 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 55 57.05
C-456D-256-120 155 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 55 57.05
C-456D-213-120 155 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 0 57.05
C-320D-213-120 155 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 0 57.05
C-228D-213-120 155 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 0 57.05
C-456D-265-100 129 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 550 47.48
C-320D-265-100 129 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 550 47.48
C-320D-305-100 129 111.07 111 132 211 75 42, 36, 30 550 47.48
C-228D-213-100 129 96.08 96 113 180 63 37, 32, 27 0 48.37
C-228D-173-100 129 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 0 48.37
C-160D-173-100 129 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 0 48.37
C-320D-246-86 111 111.04 111 133 211 75 42, 36, 30 800 40.96
C-228D-246-86 111 111.04 111 133 211 75 42, 36, 30 800 40.96
C-320D-213-86 111 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 450 41.61
C-228D-213-86 111 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 450 41.61
C-160D-173-86 111 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 450 41.61
C-114D-119-86 111 84.05 84 93.75 150.13 53.38 32, 27, 22 115 40.98
C-320D-245-74 96 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 800 35.99
C-228D-200-74 96 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 800 35.99
C-160D-200-74 96 96.05 96 114 180 63 37, 32, 27 800 35.99
C-228D-173-74 96 84.05 84 96 152.38 53.38 32, 27, 22 450 35.49
C-160D-173-74 96 84.05 84 96 152.38 53.38 32, 27, 22 450 35.49
C-160D-143-74 96 84.05 84 93.75 150.13 53.38 32, 27, 22 300 35.49
C-114D-143-74 96 84.05 84 93.75 150.13 53.38 32, 27, 22 300 35.49
C-160D-173-64 84 84.05 84 93.75 150.13 53.38 32, 27, 22 550 31.02
C-114D-173-64 84 84.05 84 93.75 150.13 53.38 32, 27, 22 550 31.02
C-160D-143-64 84 72.06 72 84 132 45 27, 22, 17 360 30.59
C-114D-143-64 84 72.06 72 84 132 45 27, 22, 17 360 30.59
C-80D-119-64 84 64 64 74.5 116 41 24, 20, 16 0 30.85
C-160D-173-54 72 72.06 72 84 132 45 27, 22, 17 500 26.22

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Table 12.1 Conventional Pumping Unit API Geometry Dimensions (Continued )

API Unit Designation A (in.) C (in.) I (in.) P (in.) H (in.) G (in.) R1, R2, R3 (in.) Cs (lb) Torque Factor

C-114D-133-54 72 64 64 74.5 116 41 24, 20, 16 330 26.45

C-80D-133-54 72 64 64 74.5 116 41 24, 20, 16 330 26.45
C-80D-119-54 72 64 64 74.5 116 41 24, 20, 16 330 26.45
C-P57D-76-54 64 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 105 25.8
C-P57D-89-54 64 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 105 25.8
C-80D-133-48 64 64 64 74.5 116 41 24, 20, 16 440 23.51
C-80D-109-48 64 56.05 56 65.63 105 37 21, 16, 11 320 23.3
C-57D-109-48 64 56.05 56 65.63 105 37 21, 16, 11 320 23.3
C-57D-95-48 64 56.05 56 65.63 105 37 21, 16, 11 320 23.3
C-P57D-109-48 57 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 180 22.98
C-P57D-95-48 57 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 180 22.98
C-40D-76-48 64 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 0 23.1
C-P40D-76-48 61 47 47 56 95 39 18, 14, 10 190 22.92
C-P57D-89-42 51 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 280 20.56
C-P57D-76-42 51 51 51 64 103 39 21, 16, 11 280 20.56
C-P40D-89-42 53 47 47 56 95 39 18, 14, 10 280 19.92
C-P40D-76-42 53 47 47 56 95 39 18, 14, 10 280 19.92
C-57D-89-42 56 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 150 20.27
C-57D-76-42 56 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 150 20.27
C-40D-89-42 56 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 150 20.27
C-40D-76-42 56 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 150 20.27
C-40D-89-36 48 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 275 17.37
C-P40D-89-36 47 47 47 56 95 39 18, 14, 10 375 17.66
C-25D-67-36 48 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 275 17.37
C-25D-56-36 48 48.17 48 57.5 98.5 37 18, 14, 10 275 17.37
C-25D-67-30 45 36.22 36 49.5 84.5 31 12, 8 150 14.53
C-25D-53-30 45 36.22 36 49.5 84.5 31 12, 9 150 14.53

d2x c
a¼ : amax ¼ v2 c(1 þ ): (12:1)
dt2 h
It also appears that the minimum value of acceleration is
Carrying out the differentiation for acceleration, it is
found that the maximum acceleration occurs when vt is amin ¼ v2 c(1  ): (12:2)
equal to zero (or an even multiple of p radians) and that h
this maximum value is If N is the number of pumping strokes per minute, then


Pitman arm

wt c Crank arm


AB = length of pitman arm (h)

OA = length of crank arm (c)
OB = distance from center O to
pitman arm -walking beam connection at B

Figure 12.7 Approximate motion of connection point between pitman arm and walking beam (used, with permission,
from Nind, 1964).
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2pN involves only acceleration of the rods. Also, the friction

v¼ (rad=sec): (12:3)
60 term and the weight of the plunger are neglected. We ignore
The maximum downward acceleration of point B (which the reflective forces, which will tend to underestimate the
occurs when the crank arm is vertically upward) is maximum PRL. To compensate for this, we set the up-
thrust force to zero. Also, we assume the TV is closed at
cN 2  c
amax ¼ 1 þ (ft=sec2 ) (12:4) the instant at which the acceleration term reaches its maxi-
91:2 h mum. With these assumptions, the PRLmax becomes
or Ap  Ar ) gs DAr
PRLmax ¼ Sf (62:4)D( þ
cN 2 g  c 144 144
amax ¼ 1þ (ft=sec2 ): (12:5)  2

2936:3 h g s DAr SN M
þ , (12:13)
Likewise the minimum upward (amin ) acceleration of point 144 70471:2
B (which occurs when the crank arm is vertically down-
ward) is
cN 2 g  c Sf ¼ specific gravity of fluid in tubing
amin ¼ 1 (ft=sec2 ): (12:6) D ¼ length of sucker rod string (ft)
2936:3 h
Ap ¼ gross plunger cross-sectional area (in:2 )
It follows that in a conventional pumping unit, the max- Ar ¼ sucker rod cross-sectional area (in:2 )
imum upward acceleration of the horse’s head occurs at g s ¼ specific weight of steel (490 lb=ft3 )
the bottom of the stroke (polished rod) and is equal to M ¼ Eq. (12.11).
d1 cN 2 g  c
amax ¼ 1þ (ft=sec2 ), (12:7) Note that for the air-balanced unit, M in Eq. (12.13) is
d2 2936:3 h replaced by 1-c/h.
where d1 and d2 are shown in Fig. 12.5. However, Equation (12.13) can be rewritten as
2cd2 DAp DAr g s DAr
¼ S, PRLmax ¼ Sf (62:4)  Sf (62:4) þ
d1 144 144 144

where S is the polished rod stroke length. So if S is meas- g s DAr SN M
þ : (12:14)
ured in inches, then 144 70471:2
2cd2 S If the weight of the rod string in air is
d1 12 g DAr
or Wr ¼ s , (12:15)
cd2 S
¼ : (12:8) which can be solved for Ar , which is
d1 24
So substituting Eq. (12.8) into Eq. (12.7) yields Ar ¼ : (12:16)
gs D
SN 2 g  c
amax ¼ 1 þ (ft=sec2 ), (12:9) Substituting Eq. (12.16) into Eq. (12.14) yields
70471:2 h
DAp Wr
or we can write Eq. (12.9) as PRLmax ¼ Sf (62:4)  Sf (62:4) þ Wr
144 gs
SN 2 g  
amax ¼ M(ft=sec2 ), (12:10) SN 2 M
70471:2 þ Wr : (12:17)
where M is the machinery factor and is defined as
c The above equation is often further reduced by taking the
M ¼1þ : (12:11) fluid in the second term (the subtractive term) as an API 508
with Sf ¼ 0.78. Thus, Eq. (12.17) becomes (where g s ¼ 490)
DAp SN 2 M
SN 2 g  c PRLmax ¼ Sf (62:4)
 0:1Wr þ Wr þ Wr
amin ¼ 1  (ft=sec2 ): (12:12)
70471:2 h
For air-balanced units, because of the arrangements of the  
levers, the acceleration defined in Eq. (12.12) occurs at the SN 2 M
PRLmax ¼ Wf þ 0:9Wr þ Wr , (12:18)
bottom of the stroke, and the acceleration defined in Eq. 70471:2
(12.9) occurs at the top. With the lever system of an air- DA
balanced unit, the polished rod is at the top of its stroke where Wf ¼ Sf (62:4) 144p and is called the fluid load (not to
when the crank arm is vertically upward (Fig. 12.5b). be confused with the actual fluid weight on the rod string).
Thus, Eq. (12.18) can be rewritten as
PRLmax ¼ Wf þ (0:9 þ F1 )Wr , (12:19)
12.4 Load to the Pumping Unit where for conventional units
The load exerted to the pumping unit depends on well
SN 2 (1 þ hc )
depth, rod size, fluid properties, and system dynamics. F1 ¼ (12:20)
The maximum PRL and peak torque are major concerns 70471:2
for pumping unit. and for air-balanced units
SN 2 (1  hc )
12.4.1 Maximum PRL F1 ¼ : (12:21)
The PRL is the sum of weight of fluid being lifted, weight
of plunger, weight of sucker rods string, dynamic load due
to acceleration, friction force, and the up-thrust from 12.4.2 Minimum PRL
below on plunger. In practice, no force attributable to The minimum PRL occurs while the TV is open so that
fluid acceleration is required, so the acceleration term the fluid column weight is carried by the tubing and not
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the rods. The minimum load is at or near the top of the or

stroke. Neglecting the weight of the plunger and friction  
1 2SN 2 Wr
term, the minimum PRL is T ¼ S Wf þ (in:-lb): (12-30)
4 70471:2
PRLmin ¼ Sf (62:4) þ Wr  Wr F2 , Because the pumping unit itself is usually not perfectly
balanced (Cs 6¼ 0), the peak torque is also affected by
which, for API 508 oil, reduces to structure unbalance. Torque factors are used for correc-
PRLmin ¼ 0:9Wr  F2 Wr ¼ (0:9  F2 )Wr , (12:22) tion:
where for the conventional units ½PRLmax (TF1 ) þ PRLmin (TF2 ) 
T ¼2 , (12:31)
SN (1  c 0:93
F2 ¼ (12:23) where
and for air-balanced units TF1 ¼ maximum upstroke torque factor
TF2 ¼ maximum downstroke torque factor
SN 2 (1 þ hc )
F2 ¼ : (12:24) 0.93 ¼ system efficiency.
For symmetrical conventional and air-balanced units,
TF ¼ TF1 ¼ TF2 .
12.4.3 Counterweights There is a limiting relationship between stroke length
To reduce the power requirements for the prime mover, a and cycles per minute. As given earlier, the maximum
counterbalance load is used on the walking beam (small value of the downward acceleration (which occurs at the
units) or the rotary crank. The idea counterbalance load C top of the stroke) is equal to
is the average PRL. Therefore,  
SN 2 g 1  hc
1 amax = min ¼ , (12:32)
C ¼ (PRLmax þ PRLmin ): 70471:2
(the + refers to conventional units or air-balanced units,
Using Eqs. (12.19) and (12.22) in the above, we get see Eqs. [12.9] and [12.12]). If this maximum acceleration
1 1 divided by g exceeds unity, the downward acceleration of
C ¼ Wf þ 0:9Wr þ (F1  F2 )Wr (12:25) the hanger is greater than the free-fall acceleration of the
2 2
rods at the top of the stroke. This leads to severe pounding
or for conventional units
  when the polished rod shoulder falls onto the hanger
1 SN 2 c (leading to failure of the rod at the shoulder). Thus, a
C ¼ Wf þ Wr 0:9 þ (12:26) limit of the above downward acceleration term divided
2 70471:2 h
by g is limited to approximately 0.5 (or where L is deter-
and for air-balanced units mined by experience in a particular field). Thus,
1 SN 2 c SN 2 1  hc
C ¼ Wf þ Wr 0:9  : (12:27) #L (12:33)
2 70471:2 h 70471:2
The counterbalance load should be provided by structure or
unbalance and counterweights placed at walking beam sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
(small units) or the rotary crank. The counterweights can 70471:2L
Nlimit ¼ : (12:34)
be selected from manufacturer’s catalog based on the cal- S(1  hc )
culated C value. The relationship between the counterbal-
ance load C and the total weight of the counterweights is For L ¼ 0.5,
r d1 187:7
C ¼ Cs þ Wc , Nlimit ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : (12:35)
c d2 S(1  hc )
where The minus sign is for conventional units and the plus sign
for air-balanced units.
Cs ¼ structure unbalance, lb
Wc ¼ total weight of counterweights, lb
r ¼ distance between the mass center of counter- 12.4.5 Tapered rod strings
weights and the crank shaft center, in. For deep well applications, it is necessary to use a tapered
sucker rod strings to reduce the PRL at the surface. The larger
diameter rod is placed at the top of the rod string, then the
12.4.4 Peak torque and speed limit next largest, and then the least largest. Usually these are in
The peak torque exerted is usually calculated on the most sequences up to four different rod sizes. The tapered rod
severe possible assumption, which is that the peak load strings are designated by 1/8-in. (in diameter) increments.
(polished rod less counterbalance) occurs when the effect- Tapered rod strings can be identified by their numbers such as
ive crank length is also a maximum (when the crank arm is
horizontal). Thus, peak torque T is (Fig. 12.5) a. No. 88 is a nontapered 8/8- or 1-in. diameter rod string
d2 b. No. 76 is a tapered string with 7⁄8 -in. diameter rod at
T ¼ c½C  (0:9  F2 )Wr  : (12:28) the top, then a 6/8-in. diameter rod at the bottom.
c. No. 75 is a three-way tapered string consisting of
Substituting Eq. (12.25) into Eq. (12.28) gives 7
⁄8 -in. diameter rod at top
1 6/8-in. diameter rod at middle
T ¼ S½C  (0:9  F2 )Wr  (12:29) 5
⁄8 -in. diameter rod at bottom
d. No. 107 is a four-way tapered string consisting of
or 10/8-in. (or 11⁄4 -in.) diameter rod at top
1 1 1 9/8-in. (or 11⁄8 -in.) diameter rod below 10/8-in. diameter rod
T ¼ Sb Wf þ (F1 þ F2 )Wr c 8/8-in. (or 1-in.) diameter rod below 9/8-in. diameter rod
2 2 2 7
⁄8 -in. diameter rod below 8/8-in. diameter rod
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Tapered rod strings are designed for static (quasi-static) Then the expected maximum PRL is
lads with a sufficient factor of safety to allow for random Wr
low level dynamic loads. Two criteria are used in the PRLmax ¼ Wf  Sf (62:4) þ Wr þ Wr F1
design of tapered rod strings:
¼ 5,770  (0:9042)(62:4)(6,138)=(490) :
1. Stress at the top rod of each rod size is the same þ 6,138 þ (6,138)(0:794)
throughout the string.
2. Stress in the top rod of the smallest (deepest) set of rods ¼ 16,076 lbs < 21,300 lb,OK
should be the highest (30,000 psi) and the stress pro-
gressively decreases in the top rods of the higher sets of c. The peak torque is calculated by Eq. (12.30): AQ2
1 2SN 2 Wr
The reason for the second criterion is that it is preferable T ¼ S Wf þ
4 70471:2
that any rod breaks occur near the bottom of the string !
(otherwise macaroni). 1 2(85:52)(22)2 (6,138)
¼ (85:52) 5,770 þ
4 70471:2
Example Problem 12.1 The following geometry
dimensions are for the pumping unit C – 320D – 213 – 86: ¼ 280,056 lb-in: < 320,000 lb-in:OK:
d. Accurate calculation of counterbalance load requires AQ3
d1 ¼ 96:05 in.
the minimum PRL:
d2 ¼ 111 in.
c ¼ 37 in.
c/h ¼ 0.33. SN 2 (1  hc ) (85:52)(22)2 (1  0:33)
F2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:4
70471:2 70471:2
If this unit is used with a 21⁄2 -in. plunger and 7⁄8 -in. rods Wr
to lift 25 8API gravity crude (formation volume factor PRLmin ¼ Sf (62:4) þ Wr  Wr F2
1.2 rb/stb) at depth of 3,000 ft, answer the following
questions: ¼ (0:9042)(62:4) þ 6,138  (6,138)(0:4)
a. What is the maximum allowable pumping speed if ¼ 2,976 lb
L ¼ 0.4 is used?
b. What is the expected maximum polished rod load? 1 1
C ¼ (PRLmax þ PRLmin ) ¼ (16,076 þ 2,976) ¼ 9,526 lb:
c. What is the expected peak torque? 2 2
d. What is the desired counterbalance weight to be placed A product catalog of LUFKIN Industries indicates that
at the maximum position on the crank? the structure unbalance is 450 lb and 4 No. 5ARO coun-
terweights placed at the maximum position (c in this case)
Solution The pumping unit C – 320D – 213 – 86 has a on the crank will produce an effective counterbalance load
peak torque of gearbox rating of 320,000 in.-lb, a polished of 10,160 lb, that is,
rod rating of 21,300 lb, and a maximum polished rod (37) (96:05)
stroke of 86 in. Wc þ 450 ¼ 10,160,
(37) (111)
a. Based on the configuration for conventional unit which gives Wc ¼ 11,221 lb. To generate the ideal counter-
shown in Fig. 12.5a and Table 12.1, the polished rod balance load of C ¼ 9,526 lb, the counterweights should be
stroke length can be estimated as place on the crank at
r¼ (37) ¼ 36:30 in:
d2 111 (11,221)(96:05)
S ¼ 2c ¼ (2)(37) ¼ 85:52 in:
d1 96:05 The computer program SuckerRodPumpingLoad.xls can
The maximum allowable pumping speed is be used for quickly seeking solutions to similar problems.
It is available from the publisher with this book. The
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi solution is shown in Table 12.2.
70471:2L (70471:2)(0:4)
N¼ ¼ ¼ 22 SPM:
S(1  hc ) (85:52)(1  0:33)
12.5 Pump Deliverability and Power Requirements
b. The maximum PRL can be calculated with Eq. (12.17). Liquid flow rate delivered by the plunger pump can be
The 258 API gravity has an Sf ¼ 0:9042. The area of the expressed as
21⁄2 -in. plunger is Ap ¼ 4:91 in:2 . The area of the 7⁄8 -in. Ap Sp Ev (24)(60)
q¼ N (bbl=day)
rod is Ar ¼ 0:60 in:2 . Then 144 12 Bo 5:615
DAp (3,000)(4:91) Ap NSp Ev
Wf ¼ Sf (62:4) ¼ (0:9042)(62:4) q ¼ 0:1484 (stb=day),
144 144 Bo
¼ 5,770 lbs where Sp is the effective plunger stroke length (in.), Ev is
the volumetric efficiency of the plunger, and Bo formation
g s DAr (490)(3,000)(0:60) volume factor of the fluid.
Wr ¼ ¼ ¼ 6,138 lbs
144 144
  12.5.1 Effective plunger stroke length
SN 2 1 þ hc (85:52)(22)2 (1 þ 0:33) The motion of plunger at the pump-setting depth and the
F1 ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:7940:
70471:2 70471:2 motion of the polished rod do not coincide in time and in
magnitude because sucker rods and tubing strings are
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Table 12.2 Solution Given by Computer Program Sucker RodPumpingLoad.xls

Description: This spreadsheet calculates the maximum allowable pumping speed, the maximum PRL, the minimum PRL,
peak torque, and counterbalance load.
Instruction: (1) Update parameter values in the Input section; and (2) view result in the Solution section.

Input Data:
Pump setting depth (D): 3,000 ft
Plunger diameter (dp ): 2.5 in.
Rod section 1, diameter (dr1 ): 1 in.
length (L1 ): 0 ft
Rod section 2, diameter (dr2 ): 0.875 in.
length (L2 ): 3,000 ft
Rod section 3, diameter (dr3 ): 0.75 in.
length (L3 ): 0 ft
Rod section 4, diameter (dr4 ): 0.5 in.
length (L4 ): 0 ft
Type of pumping unit (1 ¼ conventional; 1 ¼ Mark II or Air-balanced): 1
Beam dimension 1 (d1 ) 96.05 in.
Beam dimension 2 (d2 ) 111 in.
Crank length (c): 37 in.
Crank to pitman ratio (c/h): 0.33
Oil gravity (API): 25 8API
Maximum allowable acceleration factor (L): 0.4
S ¼ 2c dd21 ¼ 85.52 in.
N ¼ 70471:2L
S(1c) ¼ 22 SPM
Ap ¼ 4
¼ 4.91 in:2
pd 2
Ar ¼ 4 r ¼ 0.60 in.
Wf ¼ Sf (62:4) 144p ¼ 5,770 lb
gs DAr
Wr ¼ 144 ¼ 6,138 lb
SN 2 (1c)
F1 ¼ 70471:2h ¼ 0.7940 8
PRLmax ¼ Wf  Sf (62:4) W r
þ Wr þ Wr F1 ¼ 16,076 lb
T ¼ 14 S Wf þ 2SN
¼ 280,056 lb
SN 2 (1c)
F2 ¼ 70471:2h ¼ 0.40
PRLmin ¼ Sf (62:4) W
gs þ Wr
 Wr F2 ¼ 2,976 lb
C ¼ 12 (PRLmax þ PRLmin ) ¼ 9,526 lb

elastic. Plunger motion depends on a number of factors But because the tubing cross-sectional area At is greater
including polished rod motion, sucker rod stretch, and than the rod cross-sectional area Ar , the stretch of the
tubing stretch. The theory in this subject has been well tubing is small and is usually neglected. However, the
established (Nind, 1964). tubing stretch can cause problems with wear on the casing.
Two major sources of difference in the motion of the pol- Thus, for this reason a tubing anchor is almost always
ished rod and the plunger are elastic stretch (elongation) of the used.
rod string and overtravel. Stretch is caused by the periodic Plunger overtravel at the bottom of the stroke is a result
transfer of the fluid load from the SV to the TV and back of the upward acceleration imposed on the downward-
again. The result is a function of the stretch of the rod string moving sucker rod elastic system. An approximation to
and the tubing string. Rod string stretch is caused by the the extent of the overtravel may be obtained by consider-
weight of the fluid column in the tubing coming on to the ing a sucker rod string being accelerated vertically upward
rod string at the bottom of the stroke when the TV closes (this at a rate n times the acceleration of gravity. The vertical
load is removed from the rod string at the top of the stroke force required to supply this acceleration is nWr . The
when the TV opens). It is apparent that the plunger stroke will magnitude of the rod stretch due to this force is
be less than the polished rod stroke length S by an amount Wr Dr
equal to the rod stretch. The magnitude of the rod stretch is dlo ¼ n (ft): (12:38)
Ar E
Wf Dr But the maximum acceleration term n can be written as
dlr ¼ , (12:36)
Ar E  
SN 2 1  hc
where n¼
Wf ¼ weight of fluid (lb) so that Eq. (12.38) becomes
Dr ¼ length of rod string (ft)  
Ar ¼ cross-sectional area of rods (in:2 ) Wr Dr SN 2 1  hc
dlo ¼ (ft), (12:39)
E ¼ modulus of elasticity of steel (30  106 lb=in:2 ). Ar E 70471:2
Tubing stretch can be expressed by a similar equation: where again the plus sign applies to conventional units and
the minus sign to air-balanced units.
Wf Dt Let us restrict our discussion to conventional units.
dlt ¼ (12:37)
At E Then Eq. (12.39) becomes
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Wr Dr SN 2 M index and production rate. A reasonable estimate may be a

dlo ¼ (ft): (12:40)
Ar E 70471:2 value that is twice the production drawdown.
Equation (12.40) can be rewritten to yield dlo in inches. Volumetric efficiency can decrease significantly due
Wr is to the presence of free gas below the plunger. As the
fluid is elevated and gas breaks out of solution, there is a
Wr ¼ g s Ar Dr significant difference between the volumetric displacement
and g S ¼ 490 lb=ft with E ¼ 30  106 lb=m2 . Eq. (12.40)
3 of the bottom-hole pump and the volume of the fluid
becomes delivered to the surface. This effect is denoted by the
shrinkage factor greater than 1.0, indicating that the bot-
dlo ¼ 1:93  1011 D2r SN 2 M (in:), (12:41) tom-hole pump must displace more fluid by some add-
which is the familiar Coberly expression for overtravel itional percentage than the volume delivered to the
(Coberly, 1938). surface (Brown, 1980). The effect of gas on volumetric
Plunger stroke is approximated using the above expres- efficiency depends on solution–gas ratio and bottom-hole
sions as pressure. Down-hole devices, called ‘‘gas anchors,’’ are
usually installed on pumps to separate the gas from
Sp ¼ S  dlr  dlt þ dlo the liquid.
or In summary, volumetric efficiency is mainly affected by
the slippage of oil and free gas volume below plunger.
Sp ¼ S  Both effects are difficult to quantify. Pump efficiency can
E vary over a wide range but are commonly 70–80%.
1 1 SN 2 M Wr
 Wf þ  (in:): (12:42)
Ar At 70471:2 Ar 12.5.3 Power requirements
If pumping is carried out at the maximum permissible The prime mover should be properly sized to provide
speed limited by Eq. (12.34), the plunger stroke becomes adequate power to lift the production fluid, to overcome
friction loss in the pump, in the rod string and polished
12D rod, and in the pumping unit. The power required for
Sp ¼ S 
E lifting fluid is called ‘‘hydraulic power.’’ It is usually ex-
1 1 1 þ hc LWr pressed in terms of net lift:
 Wf þ  c (in:): (12:43)
Ar At 1  h Ar Ph ¼ 7:36  106 qg l LN , (12:45)
For the air-balanced unit, the term 1hc is replaced by its where
Ph ¼ hydraulic power, hp
q ¼ liquid production rate, bbl/day
12.5.2 Volumetric efficiency
g l ¼ liquid specific gravity, water ¼ 1
Volumetric efficiency of the plunger mainly depends on
LN ¼ net lift, ft,
the rate of slippage of oil past the pump plunger and the
solution–gas ratio under pump condition. and
Metal-to-metal plungers are commonly available with ptf
plunger-to-barrel clearance on the diameter of 0.001, LN ¼ H þ , (12:46)
0:433g l
0.002, 0.003, 0.004, and 0.005 in. Such fits are re-
ferred to as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, meaning the plunger where
outside diameter is 0.001 in. smaller than the barrel inside
diameter. In selecting a plunger, one must consider the H ¼ depth to the average fluid level in the annulus, ft
viscosity of the oil to be pumped. A loose fit may be ptf ¼ flowing tubing head pressure, psig.
acceptable for a well with high viscosity oil (low API8 The power required to overcome friction losses can be
gravity). But such a loose fit in a well with low viscosity empirically estimated as
oil may be very inefficient. Guidelines are as follows:
Pf ¼ 6:31  107 Wr SN: (12:47)
a. Low-viscosity oils (1–20 cps) can be pumped with a
plunger to barrel fit of 0.001 in. Thus, the required prime mover power can be expressed as
b. High-viscosity oils (7,400 cps) will probably carry sand Ppm ¼ Fs (Ph þ Pf ), (12:48)
in suspension so a plunger-to-barrel fit or approxi-
mately 0.005 in. can be used. where Fs is a safety factor of 1.25–1.50.

An empirical formula has been developed that can be Example Problem 12.2 A well is pumped off (fluid
used to calculate the slippage rate, qs (bbl/day), through level is the pump depth) with a rod pump described in
the annulus between the plunger and the barrel: Example Problem 12.1. A 3-in. tubing string (3.5-in. OD,
 2:9   2.995 ID) in the well is not anchored. Calculate (a)
kp db  dp db þ dp Dp expected liquid production rate (use pump volumetric
qs ¼ 0:1
, (12:44)
m db Lp efficiency 0.8), and (b) required prime mover power (use
safety factor 1.35).
kp ¼ a constant Solution This problem can be quickly solved using the
dp ¼ plunger outside diameter (in.) computer program
db ¼ barrel inside diameter (in.) SuckerRodPumpingFlowrate&Power.xls. The solution is
Dp ¼ differential pressure drop across plunger (psi) shown in Table 12.3.
Lp ¼ length of plunger (in.)
m ¼ viscosity of oil (cp).
The value of kp is 2:77  106 to 6:36  106 depending on 12.6 Procedure for Pumping Unit Selection
field conditions. An average value is 4:17  106 . The value The following procedure can be used for selecting a pump-
of p may be estimated on the basis of well productivity ing unit:
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Table 12.3 Solution Given by SuckerRodPumpingFlowrate&Power.xls

Description: This spreadsheet calculates expected deliverability and required prime mover power for a given sucker rod
pumping system.
Instruction: (1) Update parameter values in the Input section; and (2) view result in the Solution section.
Input Data:
Pump setting depth (D): 4,000 ft
Depth to the liquid level in annulus (H): 4,000 ft
Flowing tubing head pressure (ptf ): 100 ft
Tubing outer diameter (dto ): 3.5 in.
Tubing inner diameter (dti ): 2.995 in.
Tubing anchor (1 ¼ yes; 0 ¼ no): 0
Plunger diameter (dp ): 2.5 in.
Rod section 1, diameter (dr1 ): 1 in.
length (L1 ): 0 ft
Rod section 2, diameter (dr2 ): 0.875 in.
length (L2 ): 0 ft
Rod section 3, diameter (dr3 ): 0.75 in.
length (L3 ): 4,000 ft
Rod section 4, diameter (dr4 ): 0.5 in.
length (L4 ): 0 ft
Type of pumping unit (1 ¼ conventional; 1 ¼ Mark II or Air-balanced): 1
Polished rod stroke length (S) 86 in.
Pumping speed (N) 22 spm
Crank to pitman ratio (c/h): 0.33 8
Oil gravity (API): 25 8API
Fluid formation volume factor (Bo ): 1.2 rb/stb
Pump volumetric efficiency (Ev ): 0.8
Safety factor to prime mover power (Fs ): 1.35
pd 2
At ¼ 4 t ¼ 2.58 in:2
pd 2
Ap ¼ 4 p ¼ 4.91 in:2
pd 2
Ar ¼ 4 r ¼ 0.44 in.
Wf ¼ Sf (62:4) 144p ¼ 7,693 lb
gs DAr
Wr ¼ 144 ¼ 6,013 lb
M ¼ 1  hc h   i ¼ 1.33
SN 2 M Wr
Sp ¼ S  12D 1 1
E Wf Ar þ At  70471:2 Ar ¼ 70 in.
q ¼ 0:1484 p Bo p v ¼ 753 sbt/day
LN ¼ H þ 0:433g ¼ 4,255 ft
Ph ¼ 7:36  106 qg l LN ¼ 25.58 hp
Pf ¼ 6:31  10 Wr SN ¼ 7.2 hp
Ppm ¼ Fs (Ph þ Pf ) ¼ 44.2 hp

1. From the maximum anticipated fluid production 13. Calculate the ideal counterbalance effect and check it
(based on IPR) and estimated volumetric efficiency, against the counterbalance available for the unit selected.
calculate required pump displacement. 14. From the manufacturer’s literature, determine the
2. Based on well depth and pump displacement, determine position of the counterweight to obtain the ideal coun-
API rating and stroke length of the pumping unit to be terbalance effect.
used. This can be done using either Fig. 12.8 or Table 12.4. 15. On the assumption that the unit will be no more than
3. Select tubing size, plunger size, rod sizes, and pumping 5% out of counterbalance, calculate the peak torque
speed from Table 12.4. on the gear reducer and check it against the API rating
4. Calculate the fractional length of each section of the of the unit selected.
rod string. 16. Calculate hydraulic horsepower, friction horsepower,
5. Calculate the length of each section of the rod string to and brake horsepower of the prime mover. Select the
the nearest 25 ft. prime mover.
6. Calculate the acceleration factor. 17. From the manufacturer’s literature, obtain the gear
7. Determine the effective plunger stroke length. reduction ratio and unit sheave size for the unit
8. Using the estimated volumetric efficiency, determine selected, and the speed of the prime mover. From
the probable production rate and check it against the this, determine the engine sheave size to obtain the
desired production rate. desired pumping speed.
9. Calculate the dead weight of the rod string.
10. Calculate the fluid load. Example Problem 12.3 A well is to be put on a sucker
11. Determine peak polished rod load and check it against rod pump. The proposed pump setting depth is 3,500 ft.
the maximum beam load for the unit selected. The anticipated production rate is 600 bbl/day oil of 0.8
12. Calculate the maximum stress at the top of each rod specific gravity against wellhead pressure 100 psig. It is
size and check it against the maximum permissible assumed that the working liquid level is low, and a
working stress for the rods to be used. sucker rod string having a working stress of 30,000 psi is
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to be used. Select surface and subsurface equipment for the Therefore, the selected pumping unit and rod meet well
installation. Use a safety factor of 1.35 for the prime load and volume requirements.
mover power.
7. If a LUFKIN Industries C - 320D – 213 – 86 unit is
chosen, the structure unbalance is 450 lb and 4 No. 5
ARO counterweights placed at the maximum position
1. Assuming volumetric efficiency of 0.8, the required (c in this case) on the crank will produce an effective
pump displacement is counterbalance load of 12,630 lb, that is,

(600)=(0:8) ¼ 750 bbl=day: (37) (96:05)

Wc þ 450 ¼ 12,630 lb,
2. Based on well depth 3,500 ft and pump displacement (37) (111)
750 bbl/day, Fig. 12.8 suggests API pump size 320 unit which gives Wc ¼ 14,075 lb. To generate the ideal counter-
with 84 in. stroke, that is, a pump is selected with the balance load of C ¼ 10,327 lb, the counterweights should
following designation: be placed on the crank at
C-320D-- 213-86 (10,327)(111)
r¼ (37) ¼ 31:4 in:
3. Table 12.4 g suggests the following:
Tubing size: 3 in. OD, 2.992 in. ID 8. The LUFKIN Industries C – 320D – 213 – 86 unit has a
Plunger size: 21⁄2 in. gear ratio of 30.12 and unit sheave sizes of 24, 30, and
Rod size: 7⁄8 in. 44 in. are available. If a 24-in. unit sheave and a 750-
Pumping speed: 18 spm rpm electric motor are chosen, the diameter of the
motor sheave is
4. Table 12.1 gives d1 ¼ 96:05 in., d2 ¼ 111 in., c ¼ 37 in.,
and h ¼ 114 in., thus c/h ¼ 0.3246. The spreadsheet (18)(30:12)(24)
program SuckerRodPumpingFlowRate&Power.xls gives de ¼ : ¼ 17:3 in:
AQ4 qo ¼ 687 bbl=day > 600 bbl/day, OK
Ppm ¼ 30:2 hp
12.7 Principles of Pump Performance Analysis
5. The spreadsheet program SuckerRodPumpingLoad.xls
The efficiency of sucker rod pumping units is usually ana-
lyzed using the information from pump dynagraph and
PRLmax ¼ 16,121 lb polisher rod dynamometer cards. Figure 12.9 shows a sche-
PRLmin ¼ 4,533 lb matic of a pump dynagraph. This instrument is installed
AQ5 T ¼ 247,755 lb < 320,000 in.-lb, OK immediately above the plunger to record the plunger stroke
C ¼ 10,327 lb and the loads carried by the plunger during the pump cycle.
The relative motion between the cover tube (which is
6. The cross-sectional area of the 7⁄8 -in. rod is 0.60 in.2. attached to the pump barrel and hence anchored to the
Thus, the maximum possible stress in the sucker rod is tubing) and the calibrated rod (which is an integral part of
the sucker rod string) is recorded as a horizontal line on
smax ¼ (16,121)=(0:60) ¼ 26,809 psi < 30,000 psi: the recording tube. This is achieved by having the record-
ing tube mounted on a winged nut threaded onto the
AQ6 OK calibrated rod and prevented from rotating by means of

Curve API size Stroke
Pump Displacement (bbl/day)

2,000 A 40 34
B 57 42
C 80 48
1,500 D 114 54
E 160 64
F 228 74
G 320 84
H 640 144

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
Pump Setting Depth (ft)

Figure 12.8 Sucker rod pumping unit selection chart (used, with permission, from Kelley and Willis, 1954).
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Table 12.4 Design Data for API Sucker Rod Pumping Units
(a) Size 40 unit with 34-in. stroke
Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping Speed
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) (stroke/min)

1,000–1,100 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,100–1,250 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,250–1,650 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
1,650–1,900 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
1,900–2,150 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,150–3,000 11⁄2 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 24–19
3,000–3,700 11⁄4 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄5 22–18
3,700–4,000 1 2 ⁄8 –3⁄6 21–18

(b) Size 57 unit with 42-in. stroke

Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

1,150–1,300 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,300–1,450 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,450–1,850 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
1,850–2,200 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,200–2,500 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,500–3,400 11⁄2 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 23–18
3,400–4,200 11⁄4 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄5 22–17
4,200–5,000 1 2 ⁄8 –3⁄6 21–17

(c) Size 80 unit with 48-in. stroke

Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

1,400–1,500 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,550–1,700 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,700–2,200 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,200–2,600 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,600–3,000 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 23–18
3,000–4,100 11⁄2 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 23–19
4,100–5,000 11⁄4 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄5 21–17
5,000–6,000 1 2 ⁄8 –3⁄6 19–17

(d) Size 114 unit with 54-in. stroke

Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

1,700–1,900 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–19
1,900–2,100 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 24–19
2,100–2,700 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 24–19
2,700–3,300 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 23–18
3,300–3,900 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 22–17
3,900–5,100 11⁄2 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 21–17
5,100–6,300 11⁄4 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄5 19–16
6,300–7,000 1 2 ⁄8 –3⁄6 17–16

(e) Size 160 unit with 64-in. stroke

Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

2,000–2,200 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–19
2,200–2,400 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 24–19
2,400–3,000 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 7
– ⁄8 24–19
3,000–3,600 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 23–18
3,600–4,200 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 22–17
4,200–5,400 11⁄2 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 –7⁄8 21–17
5,400–6,700 11⁄4 2 5
⁄8 –3⁄4 –7⁄8 19–15
6,700–7,700 1 2 ⁄8 –3⁄4 –7⁄8 17–15
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(f) Size 228 unit with 74-in. stroke

Pump Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Depth (ft) Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

2,400–2,600 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 24–20
2,600–3,000 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 23–18
3,000–3,700 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 22–17
3,700–4,500 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 21–16
4,500–5,200 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 19–15
5,200–6,800 11⁄2 2 5=8-- 3⁄4 –7⁄8 18–14
6,800–8,000 11⁄4 2 5=8-- 3⁄4 –7⁄8 16–13
8,000–8,500 11=16 2 5=8-- 3⁄4 –7⁄8 14–13

(g) Size 320 unit with 84-in. stroke

Pump Depth (ft) Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

2,800–3,200 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 23–18
3,200–3,600 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 21–17
3,600–4,100 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 21–17
4,100–4,800 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 20–16
4,800–5,600 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 19–16
5,600–6,700 11⁄2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 18–15
6,700–8,000 11⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 17–13
8,000–9,500 11=16 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 14–11

(h) Size 640 unit with 144-in. stroke

Pump Depth (ft) Plunger Tubing Rod Pumping
Size (in.) Size (in.) Sizes (in.) Speed (stroke/min)

3,200–3,500 23⁄4 3 7
⁄8 –1 18–14
3,500–4,000 21⁄2 3 7
⁄8 –1 17–13
4,000–4,700 21⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 16–13
4,700–5,700 2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 15–12
5,700–6,600 13⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 14–12
6,600–8,000 11⁄2 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 14–11
8,000–9,600 11⁄4 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 13–10
9,600–11,000 11=16 21⁄2 3
⁄4 –7⁄8 --1 12–10

Sucker rod string

Self-aligning bear


Rotating tube with

spiral grooves
Cover tube with
vertical grooves
Recording tube
Calibrated rod

winged nut

Plunger assembly

Pump liner

Figure 12.9 A sketch of pump dynagraph (used, with permission, from Nind, 1964).
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two lugs, which are attached to the winged nut, which run The use of the pump dynagraph involves pulling the
in vertical grooves in the cover tube. The stylus is mounted rods and pump from the well bath to install the instrument
on a third tube, which is free to rotate and is connected by and to recover the recording tube. Also, the dynagraph
a self-aligning bearing to the upper end of the calibrated cannot be used in a well equipped with a tubing pump.
rod. Lugs attached to the cover tube run in spiral grooves Thus, the dynagraph is more a research instrument than an
cut in the outer surface of the rotating tube. Consequently, operational device. Once there is knowledge from a dyna-
vertical motion of the plunger assembly relative to the graph, surface dynamometer cards can be interpreted.
barrel results in rotation of the third tube, and the stylus The surface, or polished rod, dynamometer is a device
cuts a horizontal line on a recording tube. that records the motion of (and its history) the polished
Any change in plunger loading causes a change in length rod during the pumping cycle. The rod string is forced by
of the section of the calibrated rod between the winged nut the pumping unit to follow a regular time versus position
supporting the recording tube and the self-aligning bearing pattern. However, the polished rod reacts with the load-
supporting the rotating tube (so that a vertical line is cut ings (on the rod string) that are imposed by the well.
on the recording tube by the stylus). When the pump is in The surface dynamometer cards record the history of
operation, the stylus traces a series of cards, one on top of the variations in loading on the polished rod during a
the other. To obtain a new series of cards, the polished rod cycle. The cards have three principal uses:
at the well head is rotated. This rotation is transmitted to
the plunger in a few pump strokes. Because the recording a. To obtain information that can be used to determine
tube is prevented from rotating by the winged nut lugs that load, torque, and horsepower changes required of the
run in the cover tube grooves, the rotation of the sucker pump equipment
rod string causes the winged nut to travel—upward or b. To improve pump operating conditions such as pump
downward depending on the direction of rotation—on speed and stroke length
the threaded calibrated rod. Upon the completion of a c. To check well conditions after installation of equipment
series of tests, the recording tube (which is 36 in. long) is to prevent or diagnose various operating problems (like
removed. pounding, etc.)
It is important to note that although the bottom-hole Surface instruments can be mechanical, hydraulic, and
dynagraph records the plunger stroke and variations in electrical. One of the most common mechanical instru-
plunger loading, no zero line is obtained. Thus, quantita- ments is a ring dynamometer installed between the hanger
tive interpretation of the cards becomes somewhat specu- bar and the polished rod clamp in such a manner as the
lative unless a pressure element is run with the dynagraph. ring may carry the entire well load. The deflection of the
Figure 12.10 shows some typical dynagraph card results. ring is proportional to the load, and this deflection is
Card (a) shows an ideal case where instantaneous valve amplified and transmitted to the recording arm by a series
actions at the top and bottom of the stroke are indicated. of levers. A stylus on the recording arm traces a record of
In general, however, some free gas is drawn into the pump the imposed loads on a waxed (or via an ink pen) paper
on the upstroke, so a period of gas compression can occur card located on a drum. The loads are obtained in terms of
on the down-stroke before the TV opens. This is shown in polished rod displacements by having the drum oscillate
card (b). Card (c) shows gas expansion during the upstroke back and forth to reflect the polished rod motion. Correct
giving a rounding of the card just as the upstroke begins. interpretation of surface dynamometer card leads to esti-
Card (d) shows fluid pounding that occurs when the well is mate of various parameter values.
almost pumped off (the pump displacement rate is higher
than the formation is potential liquid production rate).
. Maximum and minimum PRLs can be read directly
This fluid pounding results in a rapid fall off in stress in
from the surface card (with the use of instrument cali-
the rod string and the sudden imposed shock to the system.
Card (e) shows that the fluid pounding has progressed so bration). These data then allow for the determination of
that the mechanical shock causes oscillations in the sys- the torque, counterbalance, and horsepower require-
tem. Card (f) shows that the pump is operating at a very ments for the surface unit.
low volumetric efficiency where almost all the pump stroke . Rod stretch and contraction is shown on the surface
is being lost in gas compression and expansion (no liquid is dynamometer card. This phenomenon is reflected in
the surface unit dynamometer card and is shown in
being pumped). This results in no valve action and the area
Fig. 12.11a for an ideal case.
between the card nearly disappears (thus, is gas locked).
Usually, this gas-locked condition is only temporary, and . Acceleration forces cause the ideal card to rotate clock-
as liquid leaks past the plunger, the volume of liquid in the wise. The PRL is higher at the bottom of the stroke and
pump barrel increases until the TV opens and pumping lower at the top of the stroke. Thus, in Fig. 12.11b,
recommences. Point A is at the bottom of the stroke.

Figure 12.10 Pump dynagraph cards: (a) ideal card, (b) gas compression on down-stroke, (c) gas expansion on
upstroke, (d) fluid pound, (e) vibration due to fluid pound, (f) gas lock (used, with permission, from Nind, 1964).
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. Rod vibration causes a serious complication in the in- Figure 12.12 presents a typical chart from a strain-gage
terpretation of the surface card. This is result of the type of dynamometer measured for a conventional unit
closing of the TV and the ‘‘pickup’’ of the fluid load operated with a 74-in. stroke at 15.4 strokes per minute. It
by the rod string. This is, of course, the fluid pounding. shows the history of the load on the polished rod as a
This phenomenon sets up damped oscillation (longitu- function of time (this is for a well 825 ft in depth with a
dinal and bending) in the rod string. These oscillations No. 86 three-tapered rod string). Figure 12.13 reproduces
result in waves moving from one end of the rod string to the data in Fig. 12.12 in a load versus displacement dia-
the other. Because the polished rod moves slower near gram. In the surface chart, we can see the peak load of
the top and bottom of the strokes, these stress (or load) 22,649 lb (which is 28,800 psi at the top of the 1-in. rod) in
fluctuations due to vibrations tend to show up more Fig. 12.13a. In Fig. 12.13b, we see the peak load of
prominently at those locations on the cards. Figure 17,800 lb (which is 29,600 psi at the top of the 7⁄8 -in.
12.11c shows typical dynamometer card with vibrations rod). In Fig. 12.13c, we see the peak load of 13,400 lb
of the rod string. (which is 30,300 psi at the top of the 3⁄4 -in. rod). In

Rod stretch

Wr-Wrb+Wf Zero line

Zero line

Zero line

F Wr-Wrb+Wf

Zero line Zero line

(b) (c)

Figure 12.11 Surface Dynamometer Card: (a) ideal card (stretch and contraction), (b) ideal card (acceleration),
(c) three typical cards (used, with permission, from Nind, 1964).

Polished rod load, lb


displacement, ft
Polished rod


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time, sec

Figure 12.12 Strain-gage–type dynamometer chart.

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Load, lb


4,000 (d)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4
Displacement, ft

Figure 12.13 Surface to down hole cards derived from surface dynamometer card.

Fig. 12.13d is the dynagraph card at the plunger itself. This 12.3 Use your knowledge of kinematics to proof that for
card indicates gross pump stroke of 7.1 ft, a net liquid Class I lever systems,
stroke of 4.6 ft, and a fluid load of Wf ¼ 3,200 lb. The
a. the polished rod will travel faster in down stroke
shape of the pump card, Fig. 12.13d, indicates some down-
than in upstroke if the distance between crank-
hole gas compression. The shape also indicates that the
shaft and the center of Sampson post is less than
tubing anchor is holding properly. A liquid displacement
dimension d1 .
rate of 200 bbl/day is calculated and, compared to the
b. the polished rod will travel faster in up stroke than
surface measured production of 184 bbl/day, indicated
in down stroke if the distance between crankshaft
no serious tubing flowing leak. The negative in
and the center of Sampson post is greater than
Fig. 12.13d is the buoyancy of the rod string.
dimension d1 .
The information derived from the dynamometer card
(dynagraph) can be used for evaluation of pump perform- 12.4 Derive a formula for calculating the effective dia-
ance and troubleshooting of pumping systems. This sub- meter of a tapered rod string.
ject is thoroughly addressed by Brown (1980).\ 12.5 Derive formulas for calculating length fractions of
equal-top-rod-stress tapered rod strings for (a) two-
sized rod strings, (b) three-sized rod strings, and
Summary (c) four-sized rod strings. Plot size fractions for
This chapter presents the principles of sucker rod pumping each case as a function of plunger area.
systems and illustrates a procedure for selecting compon- 12.6 A tapered rod string consists of sections of 5⁄8 - and 1⁄2
ents of rod pumping systems. Major tasks include calcula- -in. rods and a 2-in. plunger. Use the formulas from
tions of polished rod load, peak torque, stresses in the rod Problem 12.5 to calculate length fraction of each size
string, pump deliverability, and counterweight placement. of rod.
Optimization of existing pumping systems is left to Chap- 12.7 A tapered rod string consists of sections of 3⁄4 -, 5⁄8 -,
ter 18. and 1⁄2 -in. rods and a 13⁄4 -in. plunger. Use the
formulas from Problem 12.5 to calculate length frac-
tion of each size of rod.
12.8 The following geometry dimensions are for the
pumping unit C – 80D – 133 – 48:
brown, k.e. The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods, d1 ¼ 64 in.
Vol. 2a. Tulsa, OK: Petroleum Publishing Co., 1980. d2 ¼ 64 in.
coberly, c.j. Problems in modern deep-well pumping. Oil c ¼ 24 in.
Gas J. May 12, 1938. h ¼ 74.5 in.
golan, m. and whitson, c.h. Well Performance, 2nd edi- Can this unit be used with a 2-in. plunger and 3⁄4 -in. rods
tion. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1991. to lift 308 API gravity crude (formation volume factor
nind, t.e.w. Principles of Oil Well Production. New York: 1.25 rb/stb) at depth of 2,000 ft? If yes, what is the re-
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1964. quired counter-balance load?
12.9 The following geometry dimensions are for the
pumping unit C – 320D – 256 – 120:
Problems d1 ¼ 111:07 in.
d2 ¼ 155 in.
12.1 If the dimensions d1 , d2 , and c take the same values c ¼ 42 in.
for both conventional unit (Class I lever system) and h ¼ 132 in.
air-balanced unit (Class III lever system), how differ-
ent will their polished rod strokes length be? Can this unit be used with a 21⁄2 -in. plunger and 3⁄4 -, 7⁄8 -,
12.2 What are the advantages of the Lufkin Mark II and 1-in. tapered rod string to lift 22 8API gravity crude
air-balanced units in comparison with conventional (formation volume factor 1.22 rb/stb) at a depth of
units? 3,000 ft? If yes, what is the required counter-balance load?
Guo, Boyun / Computer Assited Petroleum Production Engg 0750682701_chap12 Page Proof page 180 11.11.2006 8:38pm


12.10 A well is pumped off with a rod pump described in gravity against wellhead pressure 150 psig. It is as-
Problem 12.8. A 21⁄2 -in. tubing string (2.875-in. sumed that the working liquid level is low, and a
OD, 2.441 ID) in the well is not anchored. Calculate sucker rod string having a working stress of
(a) expected liquid production rate (use pump volu- 30,000 psi is to be used. Select surface and subsur-
metric efficiency 0.80) and (b) required prime mover face equipment for the installation. Use a safety
power (use safety factor 1.3). factor of 1.40 for prime mover power.
12.11 A well is pumped with a rod pump described in 12.13 A well is to be put on a sucker rod pump. The
Problem 12.9 to a liquid level of 2,800 ft. A 3-in. proposed pump setting depth is 4,000 ft. The antici-
tubing string (31⁄2 -in. OD, 2.995-in. ID) in the well pated production rate is 550 bbl/day oil of 35 8API
is anchored. Calculate (a) expected liquid production gravity against wellhead pressure 120 psig. It is as-
rate (use pump volumetric efficiency 0.85) and (b) sumed that working liquid level will be about
required prime mover power (use safety factor 1.4). 3,000 ft, and a sucker rod string having a working
12.12 A well is to be put on a sucker rod pump. The stress of 30,000 psi is to be used. Select surface and
proposed pump setting depth is 4,500 ft. The antici- subsurface equipment for the installation. Use a
pated production rate is 500 bbl/day oil of 40 8API safety factor of 1.30 for prime mover power.

Author queries

[AQ1] - Pls. verify figure number change to 12.7

[AQ2] - Pls. check ‘‘ok’’ in Eq. 12.30
[AQ3] - Pls. check ‘‘ok’’ in Eq. 12.31
[AQ4] - Pls. check ‘‘ok’’
[AQ5] - Pls. check ‘‘ok’’
[AQ6] - Pls. check ‘‘ok’’

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