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Deloitte SocialNetworking v6

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Social media at Deloitte

Participation, communication,

May 2010
“In a connected world,
power shifts to those
best able to connect .”

Connecting, innovation
and people are key
planks in Deloitte
Australia’s strategy.
So it is natural the firm
should lead when it
comes to social media

Social media
at Deloitte ii

Clearly social media is about socialising in

communities online – sometimes leading, sometimes
connecting and sometimes following.

It isn’t a monologue, one group or business, talking

to a passive audience. Rather, social media is a
collective. Many people talking to many. And being
able to do so, when they want, where they want,
and how they want.

Connecting through emails, blogs, wikis, web, video

and photo sites, social media isn’t necessarily about
going to a particular place. It’s more about coming
together. Networking and connecting in a new, more
equal and progressive way.

To be ‘best able to connect’ means to move away ...social media is a

from a destination mindset and toward a distribution
mindset. To be where people are and to participate collective. Many people
in a way that speaks to them directly.
talking to many. And
To do that means to be in people’s personal
environments – Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, being able to do so,
Twitter etc. The price of entry is relevance.
when they want, where
Fortunately ‘being relevant’ and ‘being connected’
are characteristics of Deloitte’s brand. So is they want, and how
innovation: ‘creating value with something new and
different’. It is natural therefore that this member they want
of a ‘Big 4’ global professional services organisation
embraced social media.

Ethicist Dov Seidman


Deloitte refers to Deloitte Australia – a member of the global Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu network

Given Deloitte’s appetite for solving complex business A survey undertaken by Deloitte Touche LLP in the
problems, the opportunity offered by these new USA in April 2009 showed that:
social media channels supported its business case for
investing money and time. • 74% of surveyed employees say it’s EASY to
damage a company’s reputation on social media
The vox pops as articulated on page 7: that social
media is ‘not a passing phase – otherwise Rupert • However only 22% of companies surveyed have
Murdoch would not have bought MySpace’, formal social media policies
and ‘companies are ignoring a valuable media
communication outlet that targets a generation • 61% of employees said that, even if their
that has time and money to spend on technology’, employers were monitoring their social networking
and more recently the fact that ‘if Facebook were a sites, they wouldn’t change what they were
country, it would be the fourth largest in the world!’, doing online
all added to Deloitte’s determination to explore how
to leverage this important ‘connecting’ channel. • 49% said a company policy wouldn’t change how
they behave online.
Nevertheless it is a challenge for a corporate to get
comfortable with the potential anarchy of social Proactive and interesting statistics for Deloitte
media. To be able to balance permission to speak Australia which is a committed people business,
out and reach out to each other and to clients in that uses the oxygen of its own innovations to
a rich online channel, with all the associated risks, anticipate and create 30% of its revenue from
isn’t easy. new and different products and service offerings.

In retrospect Deloitte Australia defaulted to one of its

seven key values and went with ‘empower and trust’.

The counsel given to employees is to understand

the difference between the personal and the
professional, to be open, honest and respectful, and
as professionals, to be responsible for both their own
and the organisation’s reputation. Deloitte Australia’s
social media steering committee is developing online
education and a support program to be a one stop
shop for all employees.


Like all innovations you need

a prototype – and with an
innovation as viral and invasive as
social media – retrofitting is just
part of that development process
Like all innovations you need a prototype – and with Yammer networks with more than 14,000 members
an innovation as viral and invasive as social media – globally. To this end Deloitte Australia is in the
retrofitting is just part of that development process. process of integrating Yammer with all its systems
Deloitte – with its ‘inside out’ approach to new to give everyone a Yammer account without needing
ideas and its appetite for innovation – realised the to sign up.
potential of Yammer.com. Towards the end of 2008
the firm’s innovation team signed on to what has since Yammer encourages both a home page environment
become the best in-house sandpit available to shape and one that convenes and support groups to self
value and develop a way of being relevant to the firm organise. So in Deloitte Australia there are ‘Tax
as a whole, and the many small groups of people who in Western Sydney’, ‘inspiring women’ and ‘data
have self-organised around their interests. analytics’ groups, as well as an innovative ‘game
theory’ cluster and a ‘mummies’ group. Altogether
Yammer is like an in-house Twitter. It is the firm’s there are more than 209 individual groups in the
micro blogging tool of choice and is used for system with 19,000+ messages to date.
knowledge sharing. It first started as a bit of an
in-house social chat room. But it wasn’t long before Like many ‘new ideas’, social media had its own
the imperatives of doing business seeped into the tipping point. It occurred in Deloitte Australia when
conversation and the team started to pose questions the Deloitte Digital CEO, Peter Williams – a maverick
and solve problems. It has proved to be a great way accountant with a presentation style akin to Gordon
to seek input, test ideas and gather feedback quickly. Ramsey, and consistently voted one of the most
inspiring partners in the firm – put out a voice mail to
Deloitte’s Chief Marketing Officer David Redhill points sign up to Yammer and come up with videos and tag
out: ‘There is no substitute for authenticity.’ Some lines for a new advertising campaign, known within
of the most interesting recent statistics accumulated Deloitte Australia as the ‘Green Dot’ campaign.
by the Innovation team show a correlation between Pete’s voicemail and the subsequent input from the
retention of staff and the Yammer leader board. CEO and the Chief Marketing Officer triggered 1000+
Yammer quickly gained momentum and today new members of Deloitte Australia to join Yammer,
more than 50% of Deloitte Australia’s 4600 people form 38 groups and create 1184 original concepts
have signed up. The Australian firm led the way including videos.
for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT), the global
organisation. The Australian CEO, Giam Swiegers, This resulted in 3000 hits a week on the videos, some
now leads DTT’s global initiative on social media 3300 headlines posted on Yammer and the delight
and innovation. The DTT global network today is of interactivity – over half of the firm’s staff – some
recognised as having one of the world’s largest 2500 ‘creative directors’ voted for the taglines.

Big picture

The idea, to use Twitter, Yammer and other platforms Client focus
to engage the internal community in creating The strategist behind the award winning Green Dot
advertising graphics and taglines was shared with advertising campaign, Chief Marketing Officer David
Tourism Australia which adopted the concept as part Redhill, recently responded to a Yammer question
of its own global strategy for promoting Australia for a client as to Deloitte’s ticket to play in social
– an example of how Deloitte can set trends for media generally:
creative use of social media.
David Redhill: Three reasons? How about five: 1) We have developed new products
using social media platforms which now drive revenue. 2) We have made tangible
Why did we do it? To:
improvements to our business from harnessing the collective wisdom of our people.
• Seek input, test ideas, gather feedback quickly
3) We have engaged 4500 people in the process of building a marketing strategy
• Disseminate information
4) We now have the largest internal Yammer network in the world, 5) We have
• Collaborate in large numbers on a global scale
used social media to blitz the competition and grab share of mind in the media and
• Build stakeholder connections
government, through the innovative way we used Twitter for the last Federal Budget.
• Connect with undiscovered communities
A client could learn from all these successes. We also have one of the most forward
• Harness collective wisdom looking leadership teams in terms of legitimising social media in the workplace, have
• Bond, empathize, solve the riddle of existence a national social media council and a rapidly developing knowledge of our social
• Do anything we do already face to face media policy in the field. I could go on...
or online.

get with
the program
it’s word of
mouth on the only thing you
steroids get when you bury
consumers are savvy your head in the
and if you don’t get it sand is sand kicked
right it can do your in your eyes
brand damage

it’s not a passing

(companies are) ignoring a phase, otherwise
valuable media communication Rupert Murdoch
outlet that targets a generation would not have
that has time and money to bought MySpace
spend on technology

Source: #wallydownunder

So the choice is NOT ‘do we participate?’ This committee is a unique group comprising a Risk
The question is how. Services partner, the General Counsel, the Chief
To participate in social media you must unleash Marketing Officer, the CEO of Deloitte Digital, the
energy not try to control it. The process, technology Chief IT Officer, as well as subject matter experts
and policy are easy. Getting the right attitude is hard. from across the firm, including a doctoral candidate
in social media, a digital marketing manager,
Deloitte Australia is developing a framework around and managers and analysts from innovation and
how to manage social media risk, defining what the online team. The committee has developed
is and isn’t acceptable behaviour; monitoring use guidelines that put the focus on education.
and, where inappropriate, dealing with it. “In fact
knowing how to respond to an incident and having a As General Counsel Leslie Moore says, “The central
team ready to respond, will be a key,” Tommy Viljoen idea is for people to understand how social media
Risk Services partner and member of the Deloitte works. Our focus is not on policing social media
Social Media Steering Committee explained. when it goes wrong. The committee wants to work
with people so we can all benefit from the upside
of social media.”

Recruiting with
YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn
Given YouTube is regarded as the
second largest search engine in
the world, Deloitte Australia
signed up to both YouTube and
Facebook to recruit
The idea to leverage Deloitte employees’ Facebook Today, to promote sharing and collaboration online,
networks with the firm’s employee referral program a DTT global project team with project management
led to the development of the JoinMe@Deloitte and leadership from Deloitte Australia, and Deloitte
application. Australia’s two Innovation Ideas Councils, also use
another social media tool – Google Wave – as their
The original idea for linking recruitment and social communication vehicle of choice.
media, and the subsequent Facebook application,
came through Deloitte’s innovation (ideas) program, YouTube
which is itself a social media tool, capturing and Since the end of 2008, Deloitte Australia’s dedicated
rating ideas on the inhouse version of one of Deloitte’s YouTube channel has hosted videos including many
hottest selling products, its Innovation Academy. created by employees and summer vacationers,
and has generated more than 40,000 video views.
The idea was selected and funded, and since it See www.youtube.com/DeloitteAustralia
launched, 1286 Deloitte employees have added
the application to their Facebook profile. And 2793 Again retrofitting, the idea behind the plan is of
potential referees have viewed the application, course to increase brand awareness. And again
generating 150 requests to be referred for hire. it really is about trusting the team to come up
with bright ideas to use the multiplicity of today’s
Clearly there is brand awareness for Deloitte Australia channels to present an authentic, user-generated
as an innovative firm: according to Google, 78% of impression of Deloitte for prospective candidates
people surveyed trust peer recommendation and only and clients. It also clearly makes financial sense to
14% trust ads. So it makes sense for an organisation leverage employees’ existing networks and in effect
to invite its employees to use Facebook as a viable mobilise Deloitte employees to act as recruiters;
recruitment channel. a strategy that needs a committed, trusting, and
respectful environment.

Twitter @Green_Dot is managed by the firm’s recruitment
One of the most recent additions to Deloitte’s social team. It tweets every day to give an insight into
media channels is Twitter. Deloitte’s official presence Deloitte, with views of its releases, activities, events
was launched in two ways. By a firm-wide Twitter and successes. It has more than 2900 followers, has
stream as @Green_Dot in May 2009; and at the posted more than 400 tweets, and attracted 4000+
same time by the media team to cover the Federal click through to the links posted.
Budget on Twitter.
The external recognition has meant that Deloitte
Deloitte Australia secured the @FederalBudget Australia, through this channel, is listed 108 times,
Twitter ‘handle’, researched and followed key along with all the normal ‘Recruitment’, ‘Accounting’
journalists, politicians, accounting and tax ‘Big 4’ etc. comments as a:
commentators and influencers, and began tweeting
two weeks prior to the budget to set up an • Top employment brand
expectation of what was to come.
• In technology and business
It worked.
• In Australian IT
The firm was the first ‘Big 4’ professional services firm
in Australia to tweet. Deloitte secured 376 followers, • As Web 2.0 thought leaders and as
which has doubled to more than 700. They included
the Prime Minister, several state premiers, journalists • Social media rockstars!
and leading commentators. On Federal Budget night
the team tweeted every 20 minutes to promote its
26 media releases and expert commentators, and Not bad for a firm
successfully drove traffic to the website. The result
was that Twitter was the #1 referring domain to of accountants!
the Deloitte Federal Budget web page (33.2%) with
13,589 unique visitors.


Giam Swiegers Katherine Milesi Peter Williams

Chief Executive Officer Partner – Consulting CEO Deloitte Digital

Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7063 Tel: +61 (0) 3 9671 7561 Tel: +61 (0) 3 9671 7629
email: gswiegers@deloitte.com.au email: kmilesi@deloitte.com.au email: pewilliams@deloitte.com.au

Jamie Pride Jenny Wilson Tommy Viljoen

Partner – Consulting Partner – Consulting Partner – Risk Services

Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 3464 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7475 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7713
email: jpride@deloitte.com.au email: jewilson@deloitte.com.au email: tfviljoen@deloitte.com.au

David Redhill Leslie Moore John Meacock

Chief Marketing Officer General Counsel Managing Partner – NSW

Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7891 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7875 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7979
email: djredhill@deloitte.com.au email: lesliemoore@deloitte.com.au email: jmeacock@deloitte.com.au

Stephen Carlisle Naomi Civins Simon Townsend

Senior Manager – Consulting Senior Analyst – Consulting Senior Consultant – Innovation

Tel: +61 (0) 3 9671 6662 Tel: +61 (0) 3 9671 7359 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 5868
email: scarlisle@deloitte.com.au email: ncivins@deloitte.com.au email: stownsend@deloitte.com.au

Ross Hill Louise Denver Zoran Kumcevski

Analyst – ICS Executive Director – Corporate Affairs & Comms Legal Counsel
Tel: +61 (0) 3 9671 6768 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7615/+61 (0) 414 889 857 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9322 7031
email: rhill@deloitte.com.au email: ldenver@deloitte.com.au email: zkumcevski@deloitte.com.au

Facebook has more than
400 million active users

Every minute, 24 hours

of video is uploaded
to YouTube

An estimated 5–10
thousand Twitter
accounts are opened
per day
General information only
This publication is provided as general information only and does not consider your specific objectives, situation or needs. You should not rely
on the information in this publication or disclose it or refer to it in any document. We accept no duty of care or liability to you or anyone else
regarding this publication and we are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this publication
or any of its content.

About Deloitte Australia

In Australia, Deloitte has 12 offices and over 4,500 people and provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and
private clients across the country. Known as an employer of choice for innovative human resources programs, we are committed to helping
our clients and our people excel. Deloitte’s professionals are dedicated to strengthening corporate responsibility, building public trust, and
making a positive impact in their communities. For more information, please visit Deloitte’s web site at www.deloitte.com.au.

About Deloitte
Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally
connected network of member firms in 140 countries, Deloitte brings world class capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed
wherever they operate. Deloitte’s 150,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence.
Deloitte’s professionals are unified by a collaborative culture that fosters integrity, outstanding value to markets and clients, commitment to
each other, and strength from diversity. They enjoy an environment of continuous learning, challenging experiences, and enriching career
opportunities. Deloitte’s professionals are dedicated to strengthening corporate responsibility, building public trust, and making a positive
impact in their communities.

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally
separate and independent entity. Please see .www.deloitte.com/au/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu and its member firms.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

© Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. May 2010. All rights reserved.

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