Biodiesel Processing and Production: Jon Van Gerpen
Biodiesel Processing and Production: Jon Van Gerpen
Biodiesel Processing and Production: Jon Van Gerpen
Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel that is produced from vegetable oils and animal fats. It
consists of the monoalkyl esters formed by a catalyzed reaction of the triglycerides in the oil or fat
with a simple monohydric alcohol. The reaction conditions generally involve a trade-off between
reaction time and temperature as reaction completeness is the most critical fuel quality parameter.
Much of the process complexity originates from contaminants in the feedstock, such as water and
free fatty acids, or impurities in the final product, such as methanol, free glycerol, and soap.
Processes have been developed to produce biodiesel from high free fatty acid feedstocks, such as
recycled restaurant grease, animal fats, and soapstock.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keyword: Biodiesel
1. Introduction
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1098 J.Van Gerpen / Fuel Processing Technology 86 (2005) 1097–1107
2. Background
1. It provides a market for excess production of vegetable oils and animal fats.
2. It decreases, although will not eliminate, the country’s dependence on imported
3. Biodiesel is renewable and does not contribute to global warming due to its
closed carbon cycle. A life cycle analysis of biodiesel showed that overall CO 2
emissions were reduced by 78% compared with petroleum-based diesel fuel [2].
4. The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and
particulate emissions from biodiesel are lower than with regular diesel fuel.
Unfortunately, most emissions tests have shown a slight increase in oxides of
nitrogen (NOx).
5. When added to regular diesel fuel in an amount equal to 1–2%, it can convert
fuel with poor lubricating properties, such as modern ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel,
into an acceptable fuel.
Biodiesel is produced through a process known as transesterification, as shown in the
equation below,
where R1, R2, and R3 are long hydrocarbon chains, sometimes called fatty acid chains.
There are only five chains that are most common in soybean oil and animal fats (others
are present in small amounts).
Although the research did not anticipate the production of alkyl esters for fuel, most
of the processes for biodiesel production were developed in the early 1940s and are
described in a series of patents by researchers from E.I. duPont and Colgate–Palmolive–
Peet [3–12]. The original objective of this work was to develop a simplified method for
extracting glycerol during soap production. The glycerol was needed for war-time
explosives production. By chemically converting oils and fats to methyl esters, the
glycerol could be separated because it is insoluble in the esters. The glycerol has a much
higher density so it is easily removed by settling or centrifuge. The glycerol-free methyl
esters were then reacted with alkali to form soap. Bradshaw [3–5] received a patent for a
process that added about 1.6 times the theoretical amount of an alcohol, such as
methanol, which contained 0.1 to 0.5% sodium or potassium hydroxide, to an oil or fat.
When performed at 80 8C, this process provided 98% conversion to alkyl esters and
high-quality glycerol. These patents contain the following observations about the
transesterification process:
! Excess alcohol of more than 1.6 times the stoichiometric amount is required for
complete reaction.
! The amount of alcohol used can be reduced by conducting the reaction in steps, where
part of the alcohol and catalyst are added at the start of each step, and the glycerol is
removed at the end of each step.
! Besides methanol, other alcohols can be used including ethanol, propanol,
isopropanol, butanol, and pentanol.
! Water and free fatty acids inhibit the reaction. Higher alcohols are particularly
sensitive to water contamination.
110 J.Van Gerpen / Fuel Processing Technology 86 (2005) 1097–1107
Fig. 1. Effect of alcohol to oil ratio on product composition for transesterification [19].
! Free fatty acids in the oils or fats can be converted to alkyl esters with an acid catalyst.
This can be followed by a standard alkali-catalyzed transesterification to convert the
! Acid catalysts can be used for the transesterification of oils to alkyl esters, but they are
much slower than alkali catalysts.
Knothe [13] has described how ethyl esters were proposed as diesel fuel substitutes as
early as 1937 in the Belgian Congo. Widespread investigation of these esters did not
occur until the late 1970s and early 1980s when high petroleum prices inspired extensive
research into alternative fuels. Vegetable oils were proposed as diesel fuels but were
found to be problematic due mostly to their greater viscosity [14–18]. Problems were
J.Van Gerpen / Fuel Processing Technology 86 (2005) 1097–1107 110
found with piston and injector deposits and crankcase oil dilution and resultant 1 oil
thickening. Conversion of the oils to their alkyl esters reduced the viscosity to near
diesel fuel levels and produced a fuel with properties that were similar to petroleum-
based diesel fuel and which could be used in existing engines without modifications.
Freedman et al. [19] presented the results of a parametric study of the trans-
esterification reaction variables that included temperature, molar ratio of alcohol to oil,
type of catalyst, and the degree of refinement of the oil. They observed that the reaction
proceeded to completion in 1 h at 60 8C but took 4 h at 32 8C. Fig. 1, from that work,
shows how the degree of reaction depends on the alcohol-to-oil ratio. Significant
amounts of partially reacted mono- and diglycerides will be present when the alcohol-to-
oil ratio is too low. The figure shows that an alcohol-to-oil ratio of 6:1 is necessary for a
complete single-step reaction. Mono- and diglycerides of saturated fatty acids crystallize
easily from the biodiesel fuel and can cause fuel filter plugging and other performance
Freedman compared both crude and refined vegetable oils as feedstocks and found
that the yield of methyl esters was reduced from 93% to 98% for the refined oil to 67%
to 86% for the crude oil. This was attributed mostly to the presence of up to 6.66% free
fatty acids in the crude oil, although phospholipids were also suggested as a source of
catalyst destruction. In a study of the effects of phospholipids on biodiesel production,
Van Gerpen and Dvorak [20] found that phosphorus compounds in the oil did not carry
over into the methyl esters, and while yield was reduced by 3–5% for phosphorus levels
above 50 ppm, this was due mostly to added difficulty separating the glycerol from the
Up to about 5% FFAs, the reaction can still be catalyzed with an alkali catalyst, but
additional catalyst must be added to compensate for the catalyst lost to soap. The soap
that is created during the reaction is either removed with the glycerol or is washed out
during the water wash. When the FFA level is above 5%, the soap inhibits separation of
the methyl esters and glycerol and contributes to emulsion formation during the water
wash. For these cases, an acid catalyst, such as sulfuric acid, can be used to esterify the
free fatty acids to methyl esters, as shown in the following reaction:
This process can be used as a pretreatment to convert the FFAs in high FFA
feedstocks to methyl esters and thereby reduce the FFA level. Then the low FFA
pretreated oil can be transesterified with an alkali catalyst to convert the triglycerides
to methyl esters. Keim [9] describes using this approach to convert palm oil
containing 50.8% free fatty acids to methyl esters. Methanol (77% of the weight of
oil) and sulfuric acid (0.75% of the weight of oil) were added to the oil while
stirring at 69 8C for 1 h. After neutralization, 1.25% sodium methoxide was added,
and the mixture was stirred for an additional hour at 50 8C. Analysis showed a yield
of 97% but a residual acid value equivalent to about 5% palmitic acid. The
incomplete reaction was probably due to water in the reactant mixture. As shown in
the reaction, water is formed, and if it accumulates, it can stop the reaction well
before completion. Kawahara and Ono [42] propose allowing the alcohol to separate
from the pretreated oil or fat following the reaction. Removal of this alcohol also
removes the water formed by the esterification reaction and allows for a second step
of esterification or proceeding directly to alkali-catalyzed transesterification. Jeromin
et al. [41] has described using acidic ion exchange resins in a packed bed for the
Haas et al. [43,44] have shown that acid-catalyzed esterification can be used to
produce biodiesel from low-grade by-products of the oil refining industry, such as
soapstock. Soapstock, a mixture of water, soaps, and oil, is dried, saponified, and then
esterified with
methanol or some other simple alcohol using an inorganic acid as a catalyst. The
procedure relies on a large excess of alcohol, and the cost of recovering this alcohol
determines the feasibility of the process.
Zhang et al. [45,46] have reviewed the commonly used procedures for producing
biodiesel, including a process simulation using the commercial software package
HYSYS. Their economic assessment indicated that use of waste cooking oil feedstocks
provided a higher rate of return than refined vegetable oils even after including the
additional capital and operating costs of acid-catalyzed pretreatment.
The primary criterion for biodiesel quality is adherence to the appropriate standard. In
the United States, this standard is ASTM D 6751-02. This standard gives the required
extent of reaction through specifications for the total glycerol remaining in the fuel. The
total glycerol is defined as the sum of the free and bound glycerol, and the bound
glycerol is equal to the glycerol portion of the residual mono-, di-, and triglycerides. The
amount of residual methanol, catalyst, soap, and glycerol is controlled by limits on the
fuel’s flashpoint, ash level, and free glycerol. When these limits are met, the biodiesel
can be used in most modern engines without modifications while maintaining the
engine’s durability and reliability.
3. Conclusions
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