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1. Timer Categorization
 Entity Based
 Process Flow Based
2. GSM Timers

 Call Setup - T3120, T3126, T3101, T3230, T310, T11, T10,

T313, T3107, T1
 Call Clearing - T13, T3111, T3109, T3110
 Handover - T3103, T8, T7, TQHO, T3121
 GPRS - T3182, T3164, T3198, T3180, T3190, T3192, T3312,
T3314, T3321
 Miscellaneous - T3210, T3128, T3211, T3212, T3220

GSM Timers :

Timer Name Description Value

That is 1.92
T100 RADIO-LINK- Detects the presence of the radio link by detecting
seconds if the
TIMEOUT SACCH frames every 480 ms.
Used for re-transmission on the data link. The 155 ms for
T200 Data linktimer
value varies depending on the message type. FACCH
Timer used to limit the amount of time a user has
T301 Alerting (ringing) timer 20 seconds
to answer a call.
Time the network waits after sending a CM
T303 Mobility Management SERVICE REQUEST until receiving a response.
10 seconds
connection timer This occurs before initiating call clearing
procedures towards the MS.
Time the network waits after transmitting a
T305 Release timer DISCONNECT message until receiving a 10 seconds
RELEASE message.
Time the network waits after transmitting a
T306 In-band tones release DISCONNECT message while in-band
10 seconds
timer tones/announcements are provided, until receiving
a RELEASE message.
Time the network waits after sending a
T308 Release timer 10 seconds
RELEASE message until receiving a
Timer Name Description Value
RELEASE COMPLETE message. This occurs
before re-transmitting the RELEASE or releasing
the Mobility Management connection.
Time the network waits after receiving a CALL
CONFIRMED message until receiving a
T310 Call proceeding timer ALERTING, CONNECT, or DISCONNECT 10 seconds
message before initiating clearing procedures
towards the MS.
Time the network waits
after transmitting a CONNECT message until
T313 Connectacknowledge
receiving theCONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE 10 seconds
message before performing clearing procedures
with the MS.
Time the network waits after sending a MODIFY
message during call mode changes, until receiving
T323 Modifycompletetimer a MODIFY COMPLETE or 10 seconds
MODIFY REJECT message before initiating call
clearing procedures.
Time the network waits after sending the
T3101 Immediate assignment
ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED message until the 1 second
main signalling link is established before
releasing the newly allocated channels.
Time the network waits after transmitting a
HANDOVER COMMAND message until
HANDOVER FAILURE or the MS re-establishes
T3103 Handover timer the call before the old channels are released. If the 2 seconds
timer expires and the network has not received a
correctly decoded L2 (format A or B) or TCH
frame, then the newly allocated channels are
Time the network waits after sending the
receiving a correctly decoded L2 (format A or B)
T3105 Physical information
or TCH frame. This occur before re- 50 ms
repetition timer
message or releasing the newly allocated
Time the network waits after transmitting an
T3107 Channel assignment
ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message until 3 seconds
receiving the ASSESSMENT FAILURE message
Timer Name Description Value
or the MS re-establishes the call before releasing
the old and the new channels.
Time the network waits after sending the
CHANNEL RELEASE message 5 seconds
beforedisconnecting the signalling link.
T3111 Channel deactivation Time the network waits after disconnecting the
500 ms
after disconnection timer signalling link before deactivating the channel.
Time the network waits
after transmitting the PAGING REQUEST
message until receiving
T3113 Pagingtimer the PAGING RESPONSE message. This occurs 5 seconds
before re-transmitting thePAGING REQUEST (if
the maximum number of re-transmissions have
not been exceeded).
The location update timer is set to zero, periodic
location update by the MS are disabled. If the MS
zero = infinite
T3212 Location update timer camps to the BCH and decodes a new MCC or
MNC from the one it last camped on, it should
perform a location update.
Time the network waits after sending the TMSI
T3250 TMSI reallocation
occurs before aborting the procedure and
releasing the Radio Resource connection.
Time the network waits after an
T3260 Authentication
AUTHENTICATION RESPONSE. This occurs 5 seconds
response timer
before aborting the procedure and releasing the
Radio Resource connection.

MS to be able to return to the old channels, and to release the channels if the MS is lost. Its value
is networkdependent. NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum transmission time of the
PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMANDmessage plus T3132 plus the maximum duration of
an attempt to establish a data link in multiframe mode.

: This timer is started by the sending of a RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER message and is normally
stopped whenthe MS has correctly accessed the new cell. Its purpose is to keep the old channels
sufficiently long for the MS to beable to return to the old channels, and to release the channels
if the MS is lost. Its value is network dependent.NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum
transmission time of the RR_CELL CHANGE ORDER, plus T3134, plusthe maximum duration
of an attempt to establish a data link in multiframe mode.
: This timer is started when a temporary block flow is allocated with an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT messageduring a packet access procedure. It is stopped when the mobile station
has correctly seized the temporary blockflow. Its value is network dependent.
GSM TimersTimers on the mobile station sideT3122
: This timer is used during random access, after the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGN
REJECT message. Itsvalue is given by the network in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT

: This timer is used in the seizure procedure during a hand-over, when the two cells are not
synchronized. Itspurpose is to detect the lack of answer from the network to the special signal. Its
value is set to 675 ms if the channeltype of the channel allocated in the HANDOVER
COMMAND is an SDCCH (+ SACCH); otherwise its value is set to320 ms.

:This timer is started either after sending the maximum allowed number of CHANNEL
REQUEST messages during an immediate assignment procedure. Or on receipt of an
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message,whichever occurs first. It is stopped at receipt
message. At its expiry, the immediate assignment procedure is aborted. The minimumvalue of
this timer is equal to the time taken by T+2S slots of the mobile station's RACH. S and T. The
maximumvalue of this timer is 5 seconds.

: This timer is started when the mobile station starts the uplink investigation procedure and the
uplink is busy. Itis stopped at receipt of the first UPLINK FREE message. At its expiry, the
uplink investigation procedure is aborted.The value of this timer is set to 1 second.

: This timer is started after sending the first UPLINK ACCESS message during a VGCS uplink
accessprocedure. It is stopped at receipt of a VGCS ACCESS GRANT message. At its expiry,
the uplink access procedureis aborted. The value of this timer is set to 5 seconds.

: This timer is used to delay the channel deactivation after the receipt of a (full) CHANNEL
RELEASE. Itspurpose is to let some time for disconnection of the main signalling link. Its value
is set to such that the DISC frame is
sent twice in case of no answer from the network. (It should be chosen to obtain a good
probability of normaltermination (i.e. no time out of T3109) of the channel release procedure.)

:This timer is used in the seizure procedure during an RR network commanded cell change order
procedure.Its purpose is to detect the lack of answer from the network or the lack of availability
of the target cell. Its value is setto 5 seconds.

: The timer is used during packet access on CCCH, after the receipt of an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENTREJECT message. Its value is given by the network in the IMMEDIATE

:This timer is started either after sending the maximum allowed number of CHANNEL
REQUEST messagesduring a packet access procedure. Or on receipt of an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT REJECT message during apacket access procedure, whichever occurs first. It is
stopped at receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message,or an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED message. At its expiry, the packet access procedure is aborted.
Theminimum value of this timer is equal to the time taken by T+2S slots of the mobile station's
RACH. S and T aredefined in section The maximum value of this timer is 5 seconds.
: This timer is used during packet access using CCCH. It is started at the receipt of an
IMMEDIATEASSIGNMENT message. It is stopped at the transmission of a RLC/MAC block
on the assigned temporary block flow,see GSM 04.60. At expire, the mobile station returns to the
packet idle mode. The value of the timer is 5 seconds.

: The timer is used during packet downlink assignment on CCCH. It is started at the receipt of an
when in dedicated mode.It is stoppedat the receipt of a RLC/MAC block on the assigned
temporary block flow, see GSM 04.60. At expiry, the mobilestation returns to the packet idle
mode. The value of the timer is 5 seconds.

- Defined by –3dB power points on both vertical and horizontal planes.- Usually affects the
physical size of the antenna.
Gain- Defined as the power output relative to an isotropic antenna (Gain 0dB) or Dipole antenna

Front-to-Back Ratio
- Defined as the amount of power in Front direction relative to Back direction.- Usually
approximately 20-25dB

- Electromagnetic wave consists of both an E Field and H Field.Polarisation usually refers to the
direction of the Electric field relative to the intended direction of use for the antenna.
- Downtilt is required to focus max.power where signal is desired (Coverage).-Downtilt is
required to prevent interference to other coverage areas (Interference).

A Timing Advance (TA) is used to compensate for the propagation delay as the signal travels
between the MobileStation (MS) and Base Transceiver Station (BTS). The Base Station System
(BSS) assigns the TA to the MS basedon how far away it perceives the MS to be. Determination
of the TA is a normally a function of the Base StationController (BSC), bit this function can be
handled anywhere in the BSS, depending on the manufacturer.Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) requires precise timing of both the MS and BTS systems. When a MS wantsto gain
access to the network, it sends an access burst on the RACH. The further away the MS is from
the BTS, thelonger it will take the access burst to arrive at the BTS, due to propagation delay.
Eventually there comes a certainpoint where the access burst would arrive so late that it would
occur outside its designated timeslot and wouldinterfere with the next time slot.
Access Burst
As you recall from the TDMA Tutorial, an access burst has 68.25 guard bits at the end of it.

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