10 5 17 Zadok Israel

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10-5-17 Zadok Israel talkshoe.

com's my private audio episode 441 [3h46']


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19: Zadok comes on [was on a previous call]

I just basically pay attention to the terms of the words
there is freedom of speech but everybody speaks in a commercial venue and according to the
constitution that everybody likes to proclaim not comprehending the constitution is their body or what
they speak from
im really not prepared but the bottom line is it really comes down to connotative speech and denotative
everybody does have a capacity whereas they do have some type of idea that there is something wrong
but they don't really have the ability to articulate it and it all comes down to using the wrong terms of
like everybody would claim there is no money but then the next breath claims there is millions of
dollars and that is double minded that is double speak and that is really not the case
the right [correct] way to speak on that would be saying there is money of account and no longer using
money of exchange for which money of exchange is gold and silver or certificates that back that and
money of account is exactly what an account is keeping a report
now we all do comprehend that lawful money was suspended [in] thirty three, everything is a security
and exchange and this is strictly about perfecting a interest
i've come to comprehend that we use the term secure party creditor a lot that's somewhat true and right
[correct] but in our reality its just about [perfecting?] an interest
I was like that too we just spread information without really comprehending the words of information
and therefore, we now had a ability to really perform and I will just use the UCC 1 for an example
everybody would claim they did a secure party creditor and all that but in all reality youre truly the
debtor a debtor is one who holds interest and the debtor must perfect his interest by letting the
principal know that they extended their ability to create which is credit and they have to secure
their interest in the credit by giving the financial statement to let the principal know that they did
the credit
its just like master servant relationship, everybody think its a debtor and creditor relationship but its
just strictly fiduciary, everybody has a duty to give the orphaned[?] parent notice of the credit they
issued and thats basically what the UCC 1 financing statement is, so no one is getting anything done
because we all on the right path and knowing something wrong because we not fully comprehending
the terms or words and whatnot theyre not getting what everybody claims is the remedy so I do things a
little different I dont get caught up into a bunch of statutes, codes and orders unless u gonna use them
to perform because thats the whole purpose of the statutes codes and orders, we have to just know the
statutes codes and orders in order to use to make basically a forced performance so like I say I have
sent u documents and all that, I cant really say too much cause im not in a position where im doing
something, im trying to help everyone but im doing it behind the scenes with those that can actually do
something about the situation so thats why I was really skeptical about coming on here calling in, I
dont want to mess it up what im trying to do for everybody coming on here blasting really what
exactly it is in the public because I might do more harm than good and it just basically comes down to
comprehending the words, everybody is on the right path when they claim something like accepted for
value but in all reality accepted for value dont make sense for what they really want to do because
everything is really about, im just gonna put it out there, its about trade acceptance and bankers
acceptance everything we do is about acceptance and when we start understanding words like the
signor, the signee, the nominee, will catch on to just doing acceptances, promissory notes, bills ,
everything we do like if we go to the house or mortgage we fill out a contract which they consider the
promissory note but its actually a contract as security agreement and all that but there be words
missing upon the contract that will make a negotiable and secure and this is where bank will
come along and put an allonge on it and make it secure but if we understood to make that allonge
or make those words a negotiability on a contract our self we will save ourselves a lot of headache
of paying something thats already taken care of because like everybody says theres no, there is
money its just called money of account, money of account is keeping a report of something, so
everybody gotta understand pay is to render to a superior words like pay, due, payment, stuff like that
are not paid, is all about us acting in a fiduciary relationship, transferring our interest which is the
word endorsement by properly signing something and u know, securing interest on it
like I say I cant say too much at this time because of.. im in a position where like I say im working
behind the scenes to try to really help put [27:14?] in place where those do come wake up and share
their comprehension that whats going to have a avenue for them to go because as ive been taught or as
ive been told im sharing what I comprehend with those that can actually help many entities in the
government, they admit that their system right now is only for cardinal minded people or materialistic
people who they consider idolaters, theres more to learn that this all comes the damned vinto? which is
the word spiritual and its about getting away from the cardinal language which is the material so ive
been working with certain entities that we demonize that we shouldnt demonize to put a system in
place for when we wake up to have something there, cause right now the system is only there for
cardinal minded folks who are materialistic about usury and so on and so forth so I cant really say what
I want and thats why I was telling weeks ago if u dont have me on now I cant really open up later cause
I knew this was coming down the avenue as far as me speaking with entities that we consider ruling
minds called government to put something in place that u know that will help change things for the
better for all but im hoping they can catch on to the little circles of words that im trying to put out there
without saying too much
29: do u want me to post those documents u sent me and the information in your emails?
I dont have a problem with that if people would just follow the comprehensions of the terms of the
words they will get exactly whats going on they will set themselves free, its just really
comprehending terminologies and words, thats what this is all about, I mean I give praise to everybody
who is out there sharing information but in all reality information is belief, the reason I say that is in is
among and form is shape and a t is at and ion means at, I break down everything word within the word
like the word degree, I ask most people what is the root word to the word degree or agree or disagree
and no one comprehends that that root word is agree like which is good will [Good Will Hunting for
good English] and degree is the removing of good will and no one can really understand what that
means the removal of good will, im the one who follows scriptures, im not claiming any religion but I
follow scripture and really break it down and get the allegoric parables of more in teaching that it gives
for instruction and thats basically how I come to comprehend a lot of the things because scripture tells
us everything that we going through but if u believe it literally when its telling parables u gonna be lost
yeah but I wouldnt mind if u share some of the things like the instrument or a document I sent u that
they ability to pay, I sent u that because everybody has the ability to pay, I mean everybody has a
capacity but everybody does not have a ability so like a capacity is u capable of doing something but
if u dont really actually know u dont have the ability, so we all have a ability to pay something but we
are all in a certain capacity which makes.. well capacity is basically passive mind sort of thing,
if we just stay focused and comprehending the words we will get this, we will truly get this
I come to comprehend exactly what was going on because I only do nothing but stripping words, I
really study words, that is the only thing that is going to help u comprehend this
and like I sent u emails connotative speech is whats really killing us [so is trying to type this 'grammar']
us using words and not really understanding what we saying is hurting us, I come to realize that what
we think and we are not able to articulate [uh yeah, I can tell] thats what harms us thats what they take
advantage of, we should actually know what we are saying word for word as we speak, and like I say
we will read stuff like the scriptures and take that literal instead of this is allegoric parables and then we
speak we dont speak literal we speak in allegoric parables so we just gotta reverse that and recognize
the scripture as allegoric parables from moral truths for persons, now I say persons because a person
has rights and duties
[do u mean obligations and duties? No fiction i.e., government, corporation or legal/natural
person (anything with 'person' in it is a legal fiction), has rights. Karl Lentz said obligations are
required but duties can be ignored. Also, only wo/man has right and authority, guvco only has
authority on loan and as fiction only has authority over another fiction]
its your imagination, a man is the spirit the image and likeness of the creator which is the spirit which
is the dominion over his human which is considered his body I know im jumping the gun a little bit of
changing subjects but in all reality everything is connected 33: man, person and human is three
different things and we need to understand its like the father, son and the holy spirit, three things all in
one [“The indivisible oneness of the Trinity.” - Monty Python] man is like I say dominion, person is
rights and duties and human is privilege but your human cant get the privilege if it doesnt have the
rights and duties coming from the man which is the spirit within cause we are considered heathens,
pagans and countrymen uh stuff like I sent u a document earlier sheriff gets an attainder the word
attainder signifies a corruption of the blood signifies an adulterous generation that we idol worship
which in all reality we do u know cause uh claim to be in things that we walk upon and they literally
hold us for what we saying out of cause if we claim to be in a city well thats where u are and thats why
they control u because u should comprehend always say walk upon a city so on and so forth
I would rather like this if theres anyone who ever heard me speak before and they have questions I
want to answer questions and that way I can share things right now I just.. I dont want to say something
that might put things in jeopardy that I am trying to do to benefit everybody cause truly I am working
to benefit all of us I truly understand that there is no such thing as a family, family is another term to
divide us we are all of the one spirit so if we start comprehending and treating each other in that
manner as one spirit that will help.. i'd rather to see if anybody has any questions then I will go on
answering questions and maybe that would open the door for me to share certain other things but I dont
want to just [braily?] start telling stuff cause like I said I working on something that it should benefit
everybody I mean I know its going to benefit everybody once u know people start crossing over but
thats about it its all about words [evidently syntax optional] its truly about comprehending what u are
saying out your mouth and not having any belief cause belief means u dont have any knowledge u are
just trusting in something else cause someone said it so its all about words thats all it is u know in the
beginning was the word and the word was with god the word darkness in scripture is ignorance light is
knowledge so we understand its true about the word and it was with god and the reason why it was with
god is cause now we are materialistic which means flesh fleshly everybody come around and
comprehend it I would rather anybody ask anything they wanted to ask if they heard me speak before I
will answer to the best of my ability like I say.. I cant give it like I would have been able to give it three
or four weeks ago because of things that I was working on and thats the only reason I was adamant [?]
because I dont want to mess up what im working on for everybody
36: I understand that we have one person with their hand up do u want to take a question?
38: Z; everybody knows there is no money of exchange but there is money of account so every time we
get a paycheck for instance u cashed it u didnt get the whole value of the paycheck so say if u got a
paycheck for one dollar but if u want lawful money say gold well that one dollar should be twelve
hundred something plus if u look at the market for federal reserve notes but they give u a dollar as if its
the same intrinsic value of a gold dollar which its not so if u understood what I just said I give u a
check for a dollar u want it in gold they dont have gold so they just give u one dollar but in all reality
they supposed to match that amount in federal reserve notes which is called intrinsic value whole value
but since we dont do.. we dont get the whole value of the paycheck in lawful money we supposed to get
that equivalent amount in legal money but they dont, they put it in a reserve account, now, its an
account, [an] account is a keeping a record of things, we get that interest back when we open up an
account or we go get a loan or something, we get it back every month in dividends in a coupon form
which is an electronic check that needs to be converted and changed over to go through our banking
system which is the federal reserve system, not the federal reserve bank they are private, our central
bank is a automatic clearing house of the federal reserve system, so we actually get our dividends back
from not taking full intrinsic value from anytime we have been working and all that and accounts that
are set up by the citizens which are the corporations of the state to service us for there is no more
lawful money if u follow what I just said, I just gave u all something that very very powerful if u all
comprehend it because u only take face value which is not whole value u have reserves sitting in the
account and they give it back to u in coupon form which is electronic check [for version?] which is
bills receivable and bills payable which is your future income that they claim is disposable income was
your payable interest which they claim is disposable income because we abandoned it cause we dont
really understand how the system works in the manner which I just showed u all, I will say it again
everyone cashes a check and all that and never gets the whole value of it therefore, a reserve account is
created they always give it back to us in coupon form so coupon is a check, when u go to the store if
the bill is one hundred and fifty dollars by the coupon its a hundred and fifty dollars go down
everyone who sees coupons in they bills study the electronic check conversion called bills receivable
everyone does not understand how to go about making sure those bills receivable and bills payable are
converted over, see there is no money of exchange like everybody says its money of account so
everyones a bank they must keep their account balanced to zero, so when we get our dividends which is
electronic form check coupon back we supposed to do what they call a trade acceptance cause there its
just bankers acceptance and trade acceptance thats all there is
41: u go get a loan a bank creates a promissory note for u, u are paying them a fee for that note but they
only made that note cause they know its a automatic bankers acceptance on their part why? Because it
was automatic months ago, automatic clearing house which is a central bank once that debt obligation
is on the books alright? I hope u understand what im saying but the most important thing I want
everyone to comprehend is that u only obtain face value when u get paid
see when we go to the store to go buy something goods is not the material in the store goods is the
promissory note that u just sold and u got a receipt which proves the discharge of debt, I hope u all
heard what I just said, u go into the store, the promissory note with the federal reserve note and the
receipt is the real transaction, a promissory note federal reserve notes was the goods, the definition of
goods is promissory notes warrants bills of exchange so on and so forth which they call assets I want
everybody to understand that, u didnt buy anything when u went to the store, the transaction was the
federal reserve note and the receipt or the debit card and the receipt however way u want to look at it
but everybody do know there is no money of exchange there is money of account so like I say this is
not about keeping the record which an account is
pay signifies the render to a superior
an endorsement signifies the transfer interest
a blank endorsement is just writing a name on the back of a check thats in blank
the moment u do that that becomes like a bearer instrument and whoever name is on the front or
whatever they automatically gonna just sign off on it this is why the bank is doing allonges on our
so-called promissory notes because we didnt have enough sense to put the negotiable words on it and
make it transferable to the eminent domain for them to do what they have to do to the bills receivable
and bills payable which is your payable interest in future income to balance the account to zero
all this is is about keeping your books to zero there is no money, theres no millions of dollars anybody..
no, u do have reserves set up for u to use your payable interest to balance some service or books
because like I say the corporations that are the.. persons a corporations and the corporations are the
ones that service us, they service us cause theres no money of exchange if we was using money of
exchange everybody would give bills of selves but we dont give bills of selves when we go buy
anything because everything is about keeping an account so even if u go to a car dealership and u buy a
car and u got the cash and all that u still only gonna get the receipt of the purchase order which is not a
receipt they not gonna let u up a bill of sale actually the order itself is a bill of exchange which is the
money itself which they can endorse the back of and turn it into funds also but this is basically about
making any instrument negotiable because without negotiable words u cant do anything
accepted for value is not negotiable words, everyone uses the check or pay to the order of is negotiable
words thats basically the only words thats missing on instruments when we go get car loans or
whatever if we understood to flip that over and make it negotiable and pay to the order of who its
supposed to go to that way the interest would be taken care of because u basically giving the eminent
domain whose obligation to pay notice the same purpose of the UCC 1 to give notice of the principal to
take care of that alright? Like I say we are not the secure party creditor per se if u look on the UCC 1
where it gets to the secure party creditor part it says of assignee of assignor secured creditor cause u are
really the signor, our sir last name is a discount bank a signor organization, see we have the ability to be
personable and can play more than one person or one party but we add personal therefore, we have..
being personal is an ability to allow which makes someone liable, liability ability to lie, so everyone
must comprehend how and why we can accept things do trade acceptances and all that is all because we
take face value with our checks [a chief thing?] is face value, nobody get anything from this call
comprehend that u only take face value when u cash a check, u never take the whole intrinsic value
everybody must understand that to be hired your person is being hired not u thats why u get income and
can get taxed because they using the person, the person is the full faith and credit bond, the person is
nothing but a full faith and credit bond
your certificate to bear and im saying certificate to bear or certification to bear cause the word birth
means to bear to carry all of us was born which is of carry and once we cam out they gave us
something to carry and thats the full faith and credit bond but if u are an inhabited and in person
claiming to be a human and all that u are considered to be a slave and they dont waste anything
someone is going to use that full faith and credit bond, everything we do is nothing but abandonment
they didnt foreclose on your [crude?] they foreclosed on your abandonment of your note
if everybody understands GAAP principles which is the matching principles Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles thats about double book entry, see this is the key when we go get a mortgage we
supposedly sign a promissory note now the federal reserve note is nothing but a promissory note we go
to the bank with a federal reserve note whether its a promissory note we open a account they give us a
receipt but no one ever asks for the receipt that they issued the promissory note when they got they crib
or they [current?] and all that because we dont see it as the same thing but in reality u suppose to get a
receipt but theyre not going to give u a receipt until u perfect your interest in allowing the ones who
commissioned to go do what u cant do and thats use the automatic clearing house alright, theyre the
secured party creditor cause like I say debtor is one who has interest, a surety is one who guarantees
performance 49

Zadok's documents http://www.myprivateaudio.com/Comprehension-of-WORDS.html


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