General Policies of Eastern Visayas State Univesity

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General Policies of Eastern Visayas State University

Vision of EVSU
World class State University imbued with positive values in the professional and advanced technological fields
for human development and progress.

Mission of EVSU
Competent leaders providing quality education and professional training in selected areas of specialization
through instruction, research, extension services and production.

Objectives of EVSU
Consistent with its charter the objective of the University are the following:

1. To provide technical and professional training to individuals in the various fields of Engineering, Architecture,
Vocational and Industrial Education; thus, equip them with the necessary skills and expertise that make them
functional and useful members of the society;
2. To contribute to the operationalization of the national effort to achieve scientific and technological progress by
providing training and research facilities to talented students and professionals that they may be fully
3. To develop special skills and potentials thereby increasing technological and scientific abilities and know-how for
the improvement of agriculture and industry in Eastern Visayas;
4. To provide advanced vocational/industrial educational to school administrators in the regions for the
internalization of new techniques, concepts, approaches and practices in the educational management of
vocational trade, fishery, craftsmanship and agricultural schools who will lead the training of students in useful
occupational trade and crafts for gainful employment;
5. To provide skills training in various trades and crafts to students and to deliver the necessary technical know-
how for useful occupations without pursuing college education;
6. To provide leadership in research on technological and scientific fields of endeavor which would enhance
development programs, projects and activities through the conduct of scholarly inquiries and their feasibility,
viability and utility to the societal milieu;
7. To provide supplemental or extension education services to the employed or unemployed individuals so as to
improve their technical skills, thus, helping them attain better productivity and vocational efficiency in their
chosen field of work;
8. To provide a wholesome environment to students conducive to a well-rounded education through the
development of their cultural, physical, intellectual and moral values, hence, producing useful and law-abiding
citizens who will be assets to society.


The Eastern Visayas State University is committed to produce competent and globally competitive graduates
with positive values who are fully aware that they are living in a free and democratic country with rights and privileges
guaranteed to them. All students shall be entitled to the rights herein set forth, without distinction or discrimination as
to sex, gender, socio-economic status, religion, political affiliation and other factors.
Every student shall have the right to:
1. Receive relevant quality education in line with the national goals, objectives and standards of the University;
2. Avail himself/herself of guidance and counseling services;
3. Freedom of expression – which includes freedom of speech and the press – to express and pursue his/her
opinions on any subject, provided that in the expression and dissemination of such views, he/she observes the
laws and conventional norms which govern freedom of expression in a civilized and democratic society;
4. Receive a copy of every school publication, including the Constitution and By-laws of the EVSU Supreme Student
Government and the Student Handbook;
5. Participate in the formulation and development of policies affecting the University in relation to the
locality/region and the nation through representation in the Board of Regents;
6. Participate in curricular and co-curricular activities of the University;
7. Be respected as a person, develop physical, social, moral and intellectual capabilities and to enjoy quality
learning conditions;
8. Receive adequate protection within the campus;
9. Seek peaceful redress of grievances against any member of the academic community in accordance with the
defined channels of authority;
10. Enjoy academic freedom, pursuant to constitutional and legal principles;
11. Be permitted access to his/her own academic records for the purpose of knowing his/her academic standing;
12. Speedy issuance of academic credentials and financial transactions;
13. Pursue and continue his/her studies until graduation except in cases of academic deficiencies and any violation
of pertinent provisions in the Student Handbook;
14. Avail himself/herself of the use of institutional facilities and services in accordance with the existing standards of
the University;
15. Enjoy a safe and healthy environment;
16. Be afforded due process in case of any complaint against his/her person for an act done in the University. Due
process means, among others, the right to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. It has to be
emphasized that to be accused of a wrongdoing is not tantamount to be guilty thereof.
In the exercise of due process, the student must:
a. Be informed in writing of the nature and cause of the complaint/accusation raised against him/her;
b. Be given the right to confront his accusers and answer the charge(s) against him/her with the help of counsel,
if so desired;
c. Be informed of the evidence against him/her;
d. Have the right to adduce evidence in his/her behalf
the evidence for or against him/her must be duly considered by the investigating body or official (s) designated
by the University authorities to hear and decide the case.


Through official enrolment in the Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU), every student regardless of
circumstances of birth, sex, religion and socio-economic status voluntarily puts himself/herself under the authority, care,
and protection of the University. Even as the student enjoys rights and privileges, he commits himself to abide by the
policies, rules and regulations formulated by the authorities of the University aimed at mutual benefits of all concerned.
In fulfillment of this aim, it shall be the duty and/or responsibility of every student to:
1. Strive to know, understand, uphold, and help attain the EVSU vision, mission, and goals; to know the history and
philosophy of the University and to uphold its good name;
2. Attend the Flag Raising Ceremony every Monday morning and actively participate in the singing of the Philippine
National Anthem, EVSU Hymn and EVSU March;
3. Be involved in all other activities which require attendance and participation such as convocations and
programs, which enrich life in the University;
4. Wear the prescribed uniform at all times except during wash day and special activities; be decently attired and
adhere to what is generally accepted as sartorial decorum and etiquette;
5. For male students, sporting long hair, wearing knee-torn pants, earrings and other fashion amulets are strictly
prohibited. For female students, wearing of sandals, knee-torn pants, hanging, haltered, spaghetti tube blouses
and miniskirts are likewise prohibited;
6. Wear the University ID within the campus at all times;
7. Be regular and punctual in class attendance;
8. Strive for academic excellence and attain the highest standards of excellence in every activity he engages in as a
student in the University;
9. Voluntarily join campus organizations and participate in competitions which would further develop his talents,
skills, and intellectual abilities;
10. Speak English or Filipino in communicating with friends, teachers, and superiors in the campus;
11. Help promote and maintain a clean and environment-friendly campus. Smoking inside the campus is strictly

Section 1. Admission

1. College of Education Secondary Laboratory School

2. Undergraduate Course
a. Form 138-A or Report Card (original and photocopy) with a high school average rating of at least 80%;
b. Two (2) copies of the most recent 2x2 colored picture to be submitted during the interview and
attached to the examination permit before taking the test;
c. Certificate of Good Moral Character (original and photocopy) signed by the High School Principal and
by the Barangay Chairman in case of out-of-school youth;
d. Certificate of Live Birth (original and photocopy);
e. One long brown envelope
3. Post Baccalaureate Programs – Diploma in Teaching Elementary (DTE) and Diploma in Teaching Secondary
4. Graduate Courses
5. Transferees
Transfer students who wish to enroll must satisfy the following requirements:
a. Transfer credentials from the school last attended;
b. A certificate of Good Moral Character signed by the Dean or any authorized official of the school last
c. If a government employee, a permit to study from the office he/she is connected with.
NOTE: Sons and Daughters of EVSU employees although given priority/preference for admission, shall
undergo the same admission policies and requirements.
6. Foreign Students

Section 2. Dropping, Adding/Changing and Petition of Subjects

1. Dropping of subjects shall be allowed before the Midterm Examinations. If a student drops a subject/s after
the Midterm Examinations, he/she shall pay the full term’s fee.
2. Adding/Changing of subject/s shall be allowed only until the second week of regular classes.
3. Petition of Classes
The following are the conditions for petition of classes as confirmed by the Head of the Department,
recommended for approval by the Dean of College and approved by the University President.
a. students taking phased-out subjects
b. students who are graduating
c. irregular students or repeaters with subject deficiencies
d. subjects not offered within the semester


The highest possible instructional and promotional standards shall be maintained by the University. No credit
shall be given to a student unless he/she has complied with all the course requirements.

Section 1. Undergraduate Level

1.1 Academic Load

Regular students should enroll in all subjects prescribed for the curriculum year to which they belong.
The College reserves the right to re-admit a student in the same program who in any one semester or
summer failed in two or more subjects.

1.2 Grading System

The point system, as indicated by the following conversion table shall be utilized in all subjects:
Rating Percentage Equivalent Adjectival Rating

1.0-1.4 91%-95% Excellent

1.5-1.9 86%-90% Superior
2.0-2.4 81%-85% Very Good
2.5-2.9 76%-80% Good

3.0 75% Passed

3.1-4.0 Conditional Failure
4.1-5.0 Failure
INC Incomplete
DRP Dropped

A student is relieved of a CONDITIONAL FAILURE in any subject upon passing a re-examination. If he/she fails in
the re-examination, he/she shall be given a grade of 5.0 which means he/ she has to repeat the subject. Only one (1) re-
examination is allowed which must be taken after the last school day of the semester.
A grade of 5.0 is given to a student with a very poor academic performance which is equivalent to a failure.
A grade of INC is given to a student who failed to comply with majority of the requirements of the course. A
student should show proof that this failure is due to reasons beyond his/her control and certified by the Dean of the
College concerned. A grade of INC must be removed by completing the requirements within one school year (two
semesters). If the student fails to complete the requirements within the prescribed period, the grade will automatically
be recorded as 5.0.
Dropped or DRP is given to a student who applies for official cancellation or withdrawal of enrollment. This is
also given to a student who has incurred ten (10) days consecutive absences or twenty percent (20%) of the total
prescribed number of recitations, lectures, laboratory or shop work in one semester.

1.3 Attendance and Punctuality

Regular and punctual attendance in all classes is required of all students. A student is responsible for all
assignments/requirements given during his absence. In case of absence due to sickness, the student is required
to present a note or certification from his attending physician stating the nature of his sickness. In other cases,
the student is required to present a written certificate from his parents, guardian, employer or relatives stating
the nature of his absence.

1.4 Accreditation
College units earned in recognized schools/ colleges/ universities will be duly accredited after proper
record evaluation by the Dean.

1.5 Other Particulars

A. Returnees
Student returnees can still be admitted provided they meet the following requirements:
i. Submission of final grades of previous semester/ year
ii. Only one (1) failure in the same subject
iii. A maximum residency as follows:
a. For Five year courses – 7 years
b. For Four year courses – 6 years
c. For Secondary courses – 6 years

B. Transferees
Transferees must meet the following requirements:
i. Proper assessment of required subjects by the Head of the Academic Unit before going to the
Admission Committee
ii. Pass the entrance examinations
iii. No failing grades, INC and DRP
NOTE: Admission to the College is dependent upon the availability of vacant slots in the College.

C. Shiftees
Shiftees must undergo proper assessment of required subjects by the Head of the Academic
Unit before going to the Admission Committee. They need not take the Entrance Examination but should
have no failing grades in any major subject.

D. Supplemental Students

E. Leave of Absence
i. Prolonged leave of absence shall require a written petition to the Dean or any authorized official
stating the reasons for the leave and shall specify the period of the leave, which shall not exceed
one academic year.
ii. The College through the Dean/authorized official or his duly authorized representative, shall
notify the parents/guardian and the Registrar, of such leave, indicating the reason/s for the
same and the amount of money refunded to the student if any.
iii. Students who withdraw from a college or school without formal leave of absence may have
their registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

F. Cross – Registration
i. No student shall be registered in any other college of the University without prior permission
from the Dean or Head of the College or unit in which the student is presently enrolled in.
ii. No student enrolled in the University shall be allowed to enroll in other institutions without a
written permit from the appropriate official. The permit shall state the total number of units for
which the student is registered and the subject/s that s/he is authorized to cross-register.
iii. The total number of units or credits for which a student may register in two or more colleges or
units in the University shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the rules on academic load.

G. School Fees
H. Late Registration
I. Refund Procedure

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