Sprout House Lesson

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Gabrielle Garson

Lesson Plan Template: Backward Planning

Unit Title: Life Cycle of Plants
Lesson Title: Sprouting seeds in sprout houses
Content: Science
Grade/Level: 1st Grade
Date of Lesson:
Length of lesson: 30 minutes

Alignment CCSS for ELA/Math

Objectives (or MLR and/or Next Gen Science for other content areas)

NGSS (1- Make observations (firsthand or from media) to construct an evidence-based account for natural
LS3-1) phenomena. (1-LS3-1)

Essential Questions explanation:

Essential Question(s)

How does a seed grow into a plant?

What are the different parts of a plant?

Student Objectives (Outcomes):

The students will be able to construct their own science experiment, record their observations, and
witness the natural phenomena of the plant life cycle first hand.
Assessment Methods:
Informal: Creating their own “sprout house” to grow a sprout, as well as recording in observation journal.
Objectives and Assessments

Objective Objective Assessment


I can use water, seeds, a plastic baggie and cotton balls to create a Informal-The children will each
“sprout house” to grow a plant. create their own sprout house.

I can observe my growing seed as it grows into a sprout, and record Informal- The children will log daily
2 my observations and thoughts in a science journal. in a science journal for their sprout
Necessary Prior Knowledge/Skills:
The children will know what both a plant and a seed are, from previous lessons as well as outside nature
experiences. The children will know how to control their body movement through other school reenactment
experiences, as well as outside of school movement experiences. Some of the children will know that different fruits
come from trees, because they’ve either seen it, or learned at school.

Alignment Instructional Components

Objectives What Teacher Does What Students Do

5 min Anticiplatory Set (Hook)

First I will read Jack and the Beanstalk Actively listen to video, ask questions, listen to
by Steven Kellogg. Then I will explain directions.
to the children that today we will get to
see this cycle first hand, and be scientists
by growing our own “magic” beans that
I found! I will give the children
directions to make their sprout house
and go over the materials.

Main Lesson

I will have all of the materials set up at Use materials properly, work well with others,
their seats, so the children can just put create sprout house.
their seeds and wet cotton balls into the
zip-lock bags, and color their sprout
house. Then I will staple it together for
them. After the children finish their
sprout houses, we will tape them on the

5-10 min Closure

I will introduce the children to their sprout house Listening to directions, making first journal
science journal, and explain that every day they entry, observing sprout house.
will be logging what their sprout house looks
like and how it has changed.

Instructional Strategies or Design:

My instructional approach is to first show the concept of the plant life cycle through a video, to
get them thinking about what the process looks like, and what their sprouts will turn into. Being able to
see their seeds grow into a little sprout will help them visually see the life cycle of a plant. Their
observation journal will help them understand the process of the plant life cycle through this hands on

Tools of Inquiry:

After reading the story to get them engaged, I will tell the students that they are going to be
scientists, and conduct an experiment to observe how a plant grows.

Links to Technology:

Materials and Supplies:

Jack and the Beanstalk by Steven Kellogg
Cotton balls
ziplock baggies
sprout house cut outs
sprout house observation journals

For students with behavior issues, they will be strategically placed on the rug in a spot where they can listen best
during the video and directions. For children with a specific learning disability, they will draw what they observe in
their journals, and share the pencil with a teacher to help them get their ideas down.

Maine Common Core Teaching Standards (MCCTS) (Check those that are part of this lesson.):

The Learner and Learning Instructional Practices

S1 Learner Development X S6 Assessment

S2 Learning Differences X S7 Planning for Instruction
S3 Learning Environments X S8 Instructional Strategies
Content Professional Responsibility

S9 Professional Learning and Ethical

X S4 Content Knowledge
X S5 Application of Content S10 Leadership and Collaboration

S11 ISTE Standards.T

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