Mock Teaching Lesson Plan

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Mock Teaching Lesson Plan

Mock Teaching

Subject Ancient Civilizations

Grade 6th

Materials Computers, internet access, Google account

Objectives Students will gain a basic understanding of the Ancient Civilizations of the
world. Students will work in groups to further their understanding.

Standard ISTE: Designer

Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that
recognize and accommodate learner variability.

a. Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that
foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
b. Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards
and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
c. Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital
learning environments that engage and support learning.

Teaching Timeline

Step 1 Students will sign in to computers and access opening power point that is
posted in Edmodo for student viewing. Students will open this power point to
begin the lesson.

Step 2 Students will watch a Brain Pop video that discusses geography and culture.
This Brain Pop will be played with sound in front of the classroom with sound
but the link will also be provided on the power point for the students follow
along on their own computer. (5 minutes)

Step 3 After the video, we will discuss key vocabulary that is important for the
lesson. The understanding of this vocabulary will make the lesson more
beneficial for the students. (2 minutes)

Step 4 Following the key vocabulary, we will use the random name generator to call
on students to share any information that they know and can share with the
class. (5 minutes)
Step 5 The next part of the lesson the students will break off into assigned groups
based on their seats for group work. The student will click the link that is
provided on the power point to bring them to their labeled slide on a Google
Document. The Google Document has each group slide with question
prompts. The students will be given time to research their specific civilization
as the teachers walk around to scaffold their learning. Following their
research, the students will come up to the board in front of the class and
teach their civilization to the rest of the class. (10 minutes)

Step 6 After the group presentations, we will go over once again the key topics of
each civilizations. (2 min)

Step 7 Following our group presentations and then reviewing the key factors, the
students will play a game of Kahoot. The game has been created by the
teacher to align the questions to what we have talked about in class. (10 min)

Step 8 Following the Kahoot game, to wrap up class the students will take a survey to
inform myself as the teacher information that students are still confused
about as well as things they enjoyed. (2 min)

Step 9 Students will then log out of all of their web browsers and close down their

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