R And: Multiple Triangle Inequalities
R And: Multiple Triangle Inequalities
R And: Multiple Triangle Inequalities
G. Bennett
Figure A
40 G. Benn~tt
into quadrilaterals P'B2A]B3' P'B3A2B[ and P'B]A3B2 whose areas are res-
pectively (1/2)biR/sin 6i. Since sin ei~ 1, 2:biR/~2j}.. Now, (COURT [5] and
JOHNSON[8]) 6[ = 62= 63= 90° if and only if P' is the isogonal conjugate of P.
Since b; = ai Rj2 R, this concludes the proof of (1).
3. Special Cases of (1). If P' = circumcenter (0), (1) reduces to
~ 1 ,- 4 j}.
with equality if and only if P = orthocenter (H). This inequality can be
used to give an alternate proof to the classic theorem: in acute triangles, the
inscribed triangle having minimal perimeter is the orthic triangle. (PEDOE [6],
KAY [7])
For another special case, let P=P'. Then, (1) simplifies to
(3) ~ R2a.?: 4 R j}.
" I t-
with equality when P = incenter (/).
An inversion transformation on (3) yields a dual inequality
with equality when P = H.
A reciprocation transformation on (3) yields
To prove (8), construct outwordly on the sides of triangle Ai, triangles simi-
lar to triangle A/ in the following sense: (see figure B)
X1A3Az, "A1A3XZ, "A1X3Az.
Figure B
It is known (JOHNSON [8]) that A1Xl' AzXz, and A3X3 intersect at a point.
Call this point Q. If P' is the isogonal conjugate of Q, the pedal triangle Bi
of P' is similiar to triangle A/. Let bi be the sides of triangle Bi' R/ = P' Ai
and r/ = P' Bi. It is now easy to show that
, 1 (j) , 8 R tl
a1 =-
2A ~ - b
2 l'
etc., R 1' =
' aZa3' etc., r1 = - (/J a2 ".a3 sin (A 1 + A 1' ) etc.
42 G. Bennett
'(In passing, we note the above construction gives one possible solution to the
problem-given any two triangles, to inscribe a triangle similar to one triangle
inside the other triangle.) Now, let P be any interior point in triangle Ai' and
RI = PAl, etc. Clearly, a/ RI = ~2~\j2 I cp blRI and summing over the three sides
Since it has been shown above that L blRl ~ 2 ~ and from figure B, bl = aiR/ /2 R,
I conclude
with equality only if L ajRIR/ = 4 R~ and that can happen if and only if P
and P' are isogonal conjugates.
5. Special Cases of (8). If triangle Ai and A;' are similiar, <Pis propor-
tional to 32 ~2 and (8) reduces to L ajRI ~ 4~, a special case derived earlier.
Another special case is to leave unchanged the two triangles while ap-
plying within triangle Ai an isogonal transformation. Then (8) reduces to the
with equality when P = O.
Another special case is to let P = P'.
If Rl = '\ cp a 1 'a 2 a (8) reduces
v 3'
and again letting the two triangles be similiar reduces (12) to EULER'Swell-known
inequality R ~ 2 r. If, instead, triangle A/ is similiar to the reciprocal triangle
relative to P, then (12) transforms to
where P is any interior point of triangle Ai with sides ai' Rj = P Aj, etc. and Wi
are real numbers. There is equality Iff aj rj/wj = az rz/wz = a} r}/w}. Let
in (14). Then,
If Wi form the sides of a triangle Wi, there will be equality if and only if
triangle Wi is similar to the orthic triangle of acute triangle Ai, (This is Prob-
lem E 2221, Amer. Math. Monthly 78 (1971), 82 - 83).
Again, let triangle A/ be similiar to the reciprocation triangle relative to P
in triangle Ai, (15) reduces to
REMARK. An isogonal transformation on (14) yields (17) also. Indeed, the reciprocation trans-
formation relative to P, while clever and convenient, is not really new-it is just an inversion
transformation with respect to the isogonal conjugate of P.
Department of Mathematics
Western Montana College
Dillon, Montana