Constitution September 2017
Constitution September 2017
Constitution September 2017
This document consolidates in one volume the Party Constitution and the Rules governing
subordinate Party bodies.
A Table of Contents comprising the heading of each clause in each document appears at the
beginning of this volume. Each Table of Contents notes the clause or rule number, the
heading of the clause or rule, and the page of this volume where it may be found.
The Party Rules, Appeals & Disciplinary Committee Rules and the State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for [C&D & A&D] Decisions are subordinate to the Constitution.
It is inevitable that the Constitution and Rules will require amendment from time to time.
Future amendments to clauses and rules will be noted at the end of the relevant provision,
with a short reference to the nature of the amendment whenever possible.
This revised Constitution follows a comprehensive review of the Party Constitution and
Rules, with the aim of modernising and refining certain aspects of the Party’s operations
and eliminating duplication and repetition.
Sam Calabrese
State Director
September 2017
Constitution & Rules 2017
Constitution 2017
1. NAME 2
6. RULES 8
Constitution 2017
Constitution 2017
Constitution 2017
9. QUORUM 65
13. VOTING 69
27. FINANCE 90
Constitution 2017
Constitution 2017
The name of the Party is “The Liberal Party of Australia (Western Australian Division)
(a) In this Constitution, except to the extent that the context otherwise requires, the
following expressions shall have the following meanings –
“Application Date” means the date upon which the State Council whether
by itself or by its delegate shall appoint as the date for
calling applications from Members seeking Party
endorsement for an electorate pursuant to the
provisions of clause 113(a).
“Closure Date” means the date and time fixed by the State Council for
the closure of applications for endorsement for any
electorate as provided in clause 113(a).
“Constituent Body” has the meaning given in clause 21, and includes the
Executive acting on behalf of the Constituent Body
when authorised by this Constitution or Rules.
Constitution 2017
“Electoral Acts” means the Electoral Act 1907 (WA) and Commonwealth
Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) (as amended from time to
Constitution 2017
“Financial Year” means the period from 1 July to the next following
30 June.
“Immediate Past President” means the President who held the position of
President prior to the election of the current President.
“Liberal Women’s Council” means the Liberal Women’s Council (WA) referred to in
clause 38.
“Party Headquarters” means the principal office from time to time occupied
by the Party.
“Special Resolution” means a resolution of which not less than forty two (42)
days’ (or such other period as is specified herein)
notice of motion has been given and is subsequently
passed by not less than two thirds of the Members
present and voting at the meeting at which the
resolution is submitted and at the time the resolution
is voted upon at least one third of the persons entitled
to be present and vote are actually present.
“Young Liberal Movement” means the Young Liberal Movement of Australia (WA
Division) referred to in clause 42.
(b) References to the masculine shall be deemed to include a reference to the feminine.
Constitution 2017
The Party affirms its belief in God in Whose wisdom and divine guidance it places
its hopes for the future of the Australian Nation and pledges itself at all times to
uphold the sacredness of the individual conscience.
The objects of the Party are to conduct and maintain a viable Party structure
capable of delivering the following objects of the Party through government:
(b) To promote and maintain honour and integrity in public and private life.
(e) To uphold the right of private property as the basis of economic freedom
and personal liberty.
(g) To protect the family as the basic unit of society through which the
individual develops.
(l) To ensure the defence of Australia in co-operation with free and democratic
(m) To keep Australia safe from external aggression maintaining the necessary
force to defend the peace.
(p) To ensure retention of and respect for the Australian national flag.
(q) To foster political and industrial co-operation amongst those engaged in all
forms of productive enterprise.
Constitution 2017
(s) To develop our country to its full potential so as to create a better way of
life for all.
The Party shall have all the powers of an association granted under the Associations
Incorporation Act 1987 (WA) as amended and all the powers of a natural person and
without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall have the following powers:
(a) To establish Divisions of the Party in any place within the State.
(b) To establish Branches of the Party in any geographic area within the State.
(d) To purchase, take on, lease or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any
real or personal estate which may be deemed necessary or convenient for
any of the purposes of the Party.
(e) To construct, maintain and alter any houses buildings or works necessary
or convenient for the purposes of the Party.
(g) To invest any moneys of the Party not immediately required for any of its
objects in such manner as may from time to time be determined.
(i) To produce, publish and to author, edit (or procure the authorship or
editorship) and to distribute gratuitously or otherwise such books,
newspapers, pamphlets, periodicals and other literature as may seem
calculated to promote the objects of the Party.
(k) To borrow or raise money with or without security for the purpose of
carrying out and exercising any of the objects or powers of the Party and
also to lend money to such persons, companies or bodies on such terms as
may seem expedient and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any
person, company or body (including the payment or repayment to any
bank or other lender on demand or otherwise of any moneys, loans,
Constitution 2017
(m) To engage and dismiss paid employees of the Party and fix their
remuneration and terms of employment.
(n) To establish and maintain any superannuation scheme for the benefit of
employees of the Party.
(o) To grant and pay such pensions, salaries, gratuities or other sums or
benefits to any person in recognition of services rendered to the Party.
(p) To make Rules or by-laws for the purpose of regulating all or any of the
powers of the Party.
(q) To select and endorse candidates who will represent the Party in State and
Federal Parliamentary elections.
(r) To invest in shares in any company and to exercise all voting and other
rights in relation to those shares or units and to appoint proxies in respect
(t) To apply for, obtain and renew from time to time any licence or licences
necessary or convenient in connection with the discharge of its powers and
(v) To do all such acts and things as are or may be incidental or conducive to
the attainment or furtherance of any of the objects or the exercise of any of
the powers of the Party.
(w) To affiliate with the Liberal Party of Australia upon such terms and
conditions as may be agreed to by a State Conference of the Party.
The State Council may from time to time by Special Resolution make rules not
inconsistent with the Constitution for all or any of the purposes specified in the
Constitution or for such other purposes as the State Council may from time to time
consider appropriate for the purpose of conducting the affairs of the Party and its
Constituent Bodies and the Council may from time to time by Special Resolution
amend, vary or repeal such rules.
Constitution 2017
(e) Such other classes as the State Council shall from time to time by Special
Resolution establish in accordance with clause 14.
(a) “Ordinary Members” shall be those persons who have the prescribed
qualifications in clause 9 and who have become an Ordinary Member in
accordance with clause 15.
(b) An Ordinary Member shall be both a Member of the Party and a Member of
a Branch and if a person ceases to be a Member of a Branch that person
shall simultaneously cease to be a Member of the Party and if a person
ceases to be a Member of the Party that person shall simultaneously cease
to be a Member of the Branch.
(c) An Ordinary Member shall not be an Ordinary Member of more than one
(1) Branch at any one time.
(c) has agreed to be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the Party;
(d) has completed an application for membership which has not been refused
under clause 15; and;
Ordinary members shall, subject to the Constitution, and so long as the person
remains an Ordinary Member:
Constitution 2017
(b) be entitled to attend and vote at meetings of the Branch of which the
person is an Ordinary Member;
(e) adhere to and comply with the Constitution and Rules; and
(f) use their best endeavours to actively promote the objects of the Party.
(c) Any Ordinary Member who shall desire to become an Associate Member of
any Branch shall make an application in writing to that Branch setting out
such information as the Branch Executive shall require. Upon receipt of
such application and payment of a donation to that Branch equal to that
of the Annual Membership Subscription, the Branch Executive may in its
absolute discretion approve or reject the application.
(d) An Associate Member must pay an annual donation to the Branch equal to
that of the Annual Membership Subscription.
(ii) otherwise be entitled to all the rights and privileges and be subject
to the obligations of an Ordinary Member of a Branch.
(g) If an Ordinary Member who is also an Associate Member shall for any
reason cease to be an Ordinary Member, that person shall also cease to be
an Associate Member.
(i) The Branch accepting an Associate Member shall within 14 days of such
acceptance notify the State Director of the identity of the Associate
Constitution 2017
(j) Subject to clause 25(b)(ii), a University Club Branch may not reject an
Ordinary Member’s application to be an Associate Member.
(a) Parliamentary Members are Ordinary Members who are also elected
Members of any one of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the
Legislative Assembly, or the Legislative Council.
(b) A Parliamentary Member shall have all the rights and privileges of an
Ordinary Member but shall not:
(a) Life Members are those Members who have rendered distinguished service
to the Party and who on the recommendation of State Executive have been
elected as a Life Member by a Special Resolution of State Council.
(b) A Life Member shall during the lifetime of the Life Member or until his or
her resignation:
(ii) shall not be liable for the payment of any annual subscription
other than that required by statute; and
State Council may from time to time by Special Resolution establish such class or
classes of membership as it thinks fit and shall define the functions and rights of
that class and the members of that class but any such class shall not be entitled to
any representation on any organisation of the Party and members of such class
shall not by virtue only of that membership of that class be entitled to vote or hold
office in any organisation of the Party other than that class.
(b) The application form together with all subscription monies shall be
delivered to the State Director.
Constitution 2017
(e) If an applicant has been previously expelled from the Party, or the State
Executive has directed that the applicant, or any class of applicant of
which the applicant is a member, shall not be accepted as a Member of the
Party, the State Director shall refer the application directly to the State
Executive for its decision on the application. If the State Executive decides
that the applicant should not be refused membership of the Party, the
State Executive shall refer the application back to the State Director and
clauses 15(f), (g) and (h) shall apply to the application as if the application
was a fresh application for membership.
(f) Subject to any decision of State Executive pursuant to clause 15(e), within
fourteen (14) days of receiving a properly completed application form and
the subscription monies the State Director shall:
(g) Should a Branch not wish to have the applicant as a member of that
Branch, the Branch must return the application to the State Director who
shall refer the application to State Executive for a decision on the
application. To reject the applicant, the returned application must be
accompanied by a resolution of the Branch setting out its reasons for
rejecting the applicant, and must be delivered to the State Director within
30 days of the notice of the application being sent in accordance with
clause 15(f)(ii).
(h) If the application is not returned within the time specified in clause 15(g),
or is not accompanied by the resolution provided for in that clause, the
applicant shall become an Ordinary Member and, subject to any other
provision of this Constitution concerning Members, be entitled to all the
rights and privileges thereof.
(i) If after having been referred an application pursuant to clause 15(g) State
Executive decides that the applicant should be admitted to a Branch other
than the Branch originally nominated by the applicant or to which the
State Director assigned the applicant, State Executive shall deliver the
application nominating a new Branch to the State Director and clauses
15(f), (g) and (h) shall apply to the application as if the application were a
fresh application for membership.
(j) If a person whose membership has ceased due to a failure to pay the
Annual Membership Subscription pays such amount within six (6) months
of it falling due then:
Constitution 2017
(ii) that person will not be required to comply with any other
requirements of this clause 15.
(a) Any Member wishing to transfer his or her membership from one Branch
to another Branch (“the Transferring Member”) shall complete and sign
such membership transfer form as is from time to time prescribed by State
Executive, specifying the Branch of which he or she is currently a Member
(“old Branch”) and the Branch into which he or she wishes to transfer
(“new Branch”).
(b) The transfer form shall be delivered to the State Director who shall, if the
form is incomplete or defective in any material particular, return it to the
Transferring Member for completion or amendment.
(c) Within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of a properly completed transfer
form, the State Director shall:
(d) Should a Branch not wish to have the Transferring Member as a Member
of that Branch, the Branch must return the transfer form to the State
Director who shall refer the transfer form to State Executive for a decision
on the transfer. To reject the Transferring Member, the returned transfer
form must be accompanied by a resolution of the Branch setting out its
reasons for rejecting the Transferring Member, and must be delivered to
the State Director within 30 days of the notice of the transfer form being
sent in accordance with clause 16(c)(ii).
(e) If the transfer form is not returned within the time specified in clause
16(d), or is not accompanied by the resolution provided for in that clause,
the transfer of membership shall take effect and the Transferring Member
shall become a Member of the new Branch and cease to be a Member of
the old Branch. .
(f) If, after having been referred an application pursuant to clause 16(d), State
Executive decides that the transfer should take effect, the Transferring
Member shall become a Member of the new Branch and cease to be a
Member of the old Branch.
Constitution 2017
(a) State Conference shall from time to time prescribe the Annual Membership
Subscription applicable to:
(c) Any person whose application for membership has been processed after 1
January in any year and who pays his or her first Annual Membership
Subscription after that date shall be deemed to have paid his or her
Annual Membership Subscription for the then current year and also for
the next ensuing financial year.
(d) A Member wishing to renew his or her membership from year to year must
pay the Annual Membership Subscription to the State Director and the
Member’s renewal will commence as at the date the State Director records
the receipt of the Annual Membership Subscription pursuant to clause
(e) Within seven (7) days of the receipt of the Annual Membership
Subscription the State Director shall record the receipt of the subscription
in the Register of Members kept pursuant to clause 20.
(b) fails to pay their Annual Membership Subscription within six (6) months of
the date on which it falls due in accordance with clause 17(b);
(c) resigns from the Party by written notice to the State Director;
(e) without the consent of the State Council stands for election to any
Parliament in opposition to any candidate endorsed by the Party;
Constitution 2017
(a) The Appeals and Disciplinary Committee may on the complaint of any
Constituent Body, State Executive or State Council recommend the
censure, suspension, or expulsion of any member who in the opinion of
the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee is guilty of any conduct or act
detrimental or prejudicial to the Party.
(c) The State Council may from time to time make rules for the conduct of
disciplinary matters including appeals to State Council from the Appeals
and Disciplinary Committee.
(a) The Party shall keep and maintain in an up to date condition a register of
its Members, along with the postal and residential addresses of each
Member or that Member’s principal place of business or employment.
(b) The membership details recorded by the State Director shall be the records
to determine a Member’s membership of the Party and all details required
for the purposes of determining that Member’s entitlements including, but
not limited to, that Member’s address for the purpose of a Branch or
Division’s Selection Committee’s entitlements.
(c) A Member may give written notice to the State Director requesting to view
the membership register.
(d) Upon the request of a Member to view the membership register the
following provisions shall apply:
(i) the name of the Member making such request shall be made
known to the next meeting of State Council following such
(iii) the State Director shall advise the Member of the Party of the
possible harmful consequences to the Party in making details of
the register public; and
Constitution 2017
(iv) WAULS;
(b) No Constituent Body shall affiliate with any entity external to the Party
without the consent of the State Executive.
(a) Each Constituent Body shall hold an Annual General Meeting no later
than the end of each calendar year.
(iii) for the Young Liberal Movement, a meeting of the Young Liberal
Movement Council;
(v) for the Liberal Women’s Council, a meeting of the Liberal Women’s
Constitution 2017
(i) Branch shall at any time fall below the number of Ordinary
Members specified in clause 27(a)(i)(A) & (B) the Branch shall
thereupon be suspended until seven (7) days after the Ordinary
Membership of the Branch has been increased to the minimum of
the required numbers;
(b) If a Constituent Body shall in any year fail to hold its annual general
meeting as provided in clause 22 the Constituent Body shall thereupon be
suspended until seven (7) days after the Constituent Body holds its annual
general meeting.
(d) Any Constituent Body which fails without reasonable cause to provide to
the State Director, upon written request, any records or monies required to
be kept pursuant to this Constitution or by any statute within thirty (30)
days of the date stipulated in that request shall thereupon be suspended
until such time as the information or monies sought has been received.
Constitution 2017
(a) The Branches of the Party currently in existence at the date of adoption of
this Constitution are confirmed as Branches of the Party.
(ii) There may only be one University Club Branch for each
university, the membership of which is limited to enrolled
students at that university.
Subject to this Constitution, the Rules of the Branch and to any direction of the
State Council or of the Divisional Council in which the Branch is situate each
Branch shall manage its own internal affairs. The Branch Executive shall have the
conduct and management of the affairs of the Branch and, except where otherwise
provided by this Constitution, shall have and exercise all powers and authorities of
the Branch and act for it in all matters. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, the functions of a Branch shall be:
(a) to promote and contribute to the objects, policy and platform of the Party;
(b) to work for the election to Parliament of the selected and endorsed
candidates of the Party and for that purpose to co-operate with all the
other Branches within the electorate and with committees in organising
the electorate to that end;
(d) to raise funds for the purpose of the Party and for the furtherance of its
(e) to secure the enrolment of every person eligible as an elector and the
removal from the Electoral Roll of the names of all unqualified persons;
(f) to encourage within the Branch and the Party all educational work of a
political, social and economic character;
(g) to make and submit resolutions for submission to the Divisional Council
or to such other committees in the Divisions as may be provided for in the
(a) Subject to the provisions of clause 25(b), the State Executive may, at the
request of a Branch or of its own motion, create a new Branch under such
Constitution 2017
name and in such geographic area and subject to such directions as the
State Executive by resolution prescribes provided that:
(ii) the State Director has provided to the State Executive a copy of
the transfer forms referred to in sub-clause (i) above;
(iii) any Branch which has within its boundaries an area which is to
be included in the proposed new Branch may object to the
creation of the new Branch in which case the matter shall be
referred to State Council. State Executive’s proposal for a new
Branch shall stand unless State Council by a resolution, passed
with a two-thirds majority of those entitled to be present,
otherwise directs; and
(iv) where State Executive has rejected a Branch’s request for the
creation of a new Branch the matter shall be referred to State
Council. The Branch’s proposal for a new Branch shall prevail
unless State Council by a resolution passed by a two-thirds
majority of those entitled to be present otherwise directs.
(b) For the purposes of clause 27(a)(i), an Ordinary Member applying to join a
New Branch must complete and sign the prescribed transfer form
pursuant to clause 16(a).
(c) If it is resolved pursuant to clause 27(a) to create a New Branch, the State
Director shall within thirty (30) days of the passing of that resolution give
notice convening the first Annual General Meeting of the proposed New
Branch to ...
(i) all Ordinary Members whose transfer forms were provided to the
State Executive by the State Director pursuant to sub-clause (a)(ii)
(ii) the President and Secretary of the Division in which the New
Branch is situated; and
(d) At the first Annual General Meeting of a New Branch, the Divisional
President or his or her nominee shall be chairman of the meeting and
shall conduct the election of office bearers of the New Branch.
(e) The Ordinary Members referred to in sub-clause (a)(i) of the New Branch
shall be entitled to attend, vote and be elected to office holder and
delegate positions of the New Branch at its first Annual General Meeting.
(f) Upon the closure of the first Annual General Meeting of the New Branch,
the Ordinary Members referred to in sub-clause (a)(i) cease to be a Member
of the Branch of which they were previously a Member and become a
Member of the New Branch.
Constitution 2017
(a) (i) State Executive may from time to time prescribe geographic
boundaries for Branches.
(ii) The State Executive may from time to time by its own motion or at
the request of a Branch or Branches change the geographic
boundaries of a Branch provided that no such change shall be
effected until thirty (30) days following notice of such proposed
change has been given to the Branch or Branches whose
boundaries are to be changed. Within that period of thirty (30)
days a Branch may notify the State Director that it objects to the
change and the matter shall be referred to State Council. State
Executive's proposal shall stand unless State Council by a Special
Resolution otherwise directs.
(b) The State Council may, with the approval of general meetings of the
Branches affected, by resolution amalgamate two (2) or more Branches
into one (1) Branch upon such terms and conditions as the State Council
may direct.
(a) Subject to subclause (b), at the first Annual General Meeting of a Branch
and at all subsequent Annual General Meetings, the Members of the
Branch shall elect ...
(ii) Vice-Presidents of such number not exceeding four (4) and such
ranking as the Branch determines;
(v) Other Members of the Branch Executive not exceeding ten (10;
Constitution 2017
(b) A member of the Branch Executive shall be disqualified and their position
vacated if they fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Branch
Executive without leave of the Branch Executive.
(b) Upon the dissolution of a Branch, the State Management Executive shall:
(i) close the Branch accounts and pay any credit balances to the
Division in which the Branch was situate or, in the case of a
University Club Branch, to the WAULS;
Constitution 2017
(a) There shall be a Division of the Party in each Federal Electoral Division
and each Division of the Party shall consist of the Branches whose
boundaries are wholly or partly situate within the Federal Electoral
Division other than University Club Branches.
(b) Except where a determination has been made in accordance with the Rules
following a redistribution of federal electoral boundaries, if a geographic
area of a Branch comprises two or more Divisions, State Council shall
have the power by Special Resolution to deem that Branch to be a Branch
of one of those Divisions.
(c) Each Division shall bear the name of the Federal Electoral Division (in
which the Division is situated and each Division shall be styled “Liberal
Party of Australia (Western Australian Division) Incorporated [name of
Division] Division”.
Subject to the Constitution and Rules of the Party, and the direction and control of
the State Council, each Division shall:
(a) carry out, conduct and manage the affairs of the Party within the Division;
(b) act on behalf of any Branch within the Division if within a reasonable time
such Branch fails to act upon any lawful direction given to the Branch by
the Divisional Council, or State Council;
(c) co-ordinate the activities of its Branches and generally promote and
stimulate the progress and development of the Party within the Division
including procuring the utmost financial support to the Party;
(d) assist in the formation of Branches within its Division, promote the
strength and usefulness of each Branch, and use its best endeavours to
ensure that all Branches within its Division shall remain in good standing
and not suffer suspension or dissolution;
(e) promote an increase in Members within the Division and use its best
endeavours to ensure that all Members remain in good standing and do
not become unfinancial or lapse;
(f) co-operate with other Divisions in promoting the aims and objects of the
(g) carry out its activities in a lawful and ethical manner and not permit sharp
practices or unethical conduct; and
There shall be a Divisional Conference. The Members entitled to attend, speak and
vote at Divisional Conferences shall comprise the delegates and other Members as
Constitution 2017
(a) Each Branch within a Division not under suspension shall be entitled to
appoint delegates based on membership of the that Branch as at fourteen
(14) clear days prior to the Divisional Conference as follows:
(ii) for each fifty (50) Ordinary Members, or part thereof, in excess of
100 Ordinary Members of a Branch, one (1) delegate with a
maximum delegation of ten (10) delegates for each Branch, unless
a Divisional Conference determines that a lesser number of
Branch delegates shall be entitled to attend Divisional
(b) All Members of the Divisional Council, the Executive of the Division and
the representatives of the Division on State Council, or such of them as
shall not otherwise be delegates to a Divisional Conference.
(d) All Parliamentary Members whose electorates in whole or in part fall within
the area of the Division shall have the right to attend and speak at
Divisional Conferences and Divisional Council meetings.
(a) The Executive of the Division is subject to the Divisional Council, but shall
be responsible for the management and control of the affairs of the
Division within the authority of the Divisional Council between Council
(c) A member of the Executive shall be disqualified and their position vacated
if they fail to attend four (4) consecutive meetings of Divisional Council
without leave of the Divisional Executive or the Divisional Council.
(d) The President of the Division shall be ex officio a member of all Committees
and sub-Committees of the Divisional Conference, Divisional Council and
Divisional Executive.
Constitution 2017
(ii) five (5) women delegates from each Division, such delegates to be
elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Divisional Women’s
(iii) two (2) women delegates from the Young Liberal Movement elected
at the Annual General Meeting of the Young Liberal Movement;
(iv) the Immediate Past President of the Liberal Women’s Council; and
(v) two (2) women delegates from the Western Australian Union of
Liberal Students be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the
Western Australian Union of Liberal Students.
(b) Each woman Parliamentary Member and each woman member of State
Executive, not otherwise being a delegate to Liberal Women’s Council shall
be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at any
meeting of Liberal Women’s Council.
(c) A President, four (4) Vice Presidents in order of election, Secretary and
The Executive of the Liberal Women’s Council (WA) shall consist of:
(c) Secretary;
(d) Treasurer;
Constitution 2017
(a) Each Division shall have a Divisional Women’s Committee comprised of all
women members of Branches within the Division and which shall be
responsible for representing the interests of women in that Division.
(b) The Divisional Women’s Committee shall have an Executive consisting of:
(i) a President;
(iv) a Secretary;
(c) The Executive shall be responsible for managing the activities of the
Divisional Women’s Committee.
(d) A member of the Executive shall be disqualified and their position vacated
if they fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive
without leave of the Executive.
Constitution 2017
(d) to encourage the greater involvement of young people in all aspects of the
There shall be a Young Liberal Movement which shall consist of all Ordinary
Members of the Party under the age of thirty (30) years.
(a) There shall be a Council of the Young Liberal Movement which shall
consist of:
(iii) Life Members of the Young Liberal Movement under the age of
thirty (30) years.
(b) Each Parliamentary Member and member of State Executive under the age
of 30 years, not otherwise being a delegate to Young Liberal Movement
Council shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to
vote at any meeting of the Young Liberal Movement Council.
(a) There shall be an Executive of the Young Liberal Movement, which shall
consist of the following office bearers:
(i) a President;
(iii) a Secretary;
(iv) a Treasurer;
(b) A member of the Executive shall be disqualified and their position vacated
if they fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive
without leave of the Executive.
(a) The Young Liberal Movement Council may upon recommendation of the
Young Liberal Movement Executive and in a vote conducted by secret
ballot achieving the support of two-thirds of the Young Liberal Movement
Council present and entitled to vote, award Honorary Life Membership of
the Young Liberal Movement to the following classes of person:
(i) Members who have served the Young Liberal Movement for a
continuous period of not less than four (4) years;
(b) The Council of the Young Liberal Movement may from time to time upon
recommendation of the Executive of the Young Liberal Movement elect one
or more Patrons and Vice-Patrons of the Young Liberal Movement who
shall hold office for such time as the Council of the Young Liberal
Movement shall determine.
(a) Each Division shall have a Divisional Young Liberal Committee comprised
of all Ordinary Members under the age of thirty (30) years within the
(b) The Divisional Young Liberal Committee shall have an Executive consisting
(i) a President;
(iv) a Secretary;
(c) The Executive shall be responsible for managing the activities of the
Divisional Young Liberal Committee.
Constitution 2017
(d) to act as the regional body of the Australian Liberal Students’ Federation.
(a) There shall be a Western Australian Union of Liberal Students which shall
consist of all Ordinary Members of University Club Branches.
(b) Delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the WAULS shall consist of:
(a) a President;
(b) a Vice-President;
(c) a Secretary;
(d) a Treasurer;
(a) The WAULS may upon recommendation of the WAULS Executive, and in a
vote conducted by secret ballot achieving the support of two-thirds of the
Annual General Meeting present and entitled to vote, award Honorary Life
Membership of the WAULS to the following classes of person:
(i) Members who have served the WAULS for a continuous period of
not less than 3 years;
Constitution 2017
(b) The WAULS may from time to time upon recommendation of the WAULS
Executive elect one or more Patrons and Vice-Patrons who shall hold office
for such time as the WAULS shall determine.
Constitution 2017
(b) State Conference is the principal governing body of the Party and it shall
provide direction to the Party, review the actions and decisions of all
sections of the Party and shall consider, and if thought fit, pass resolutions
submitted by Constituent Bodies, State Council or State Executive.
(a) The Members entitled to attend, speak and vote at State Conference shall
comprise the delegates and other Members as follows:
(i) Branches of the Party shall be entitled to appoint one (1) delegate
to the State Conference for the first fifty (50) or part thereof of its
Ordinary Members and one (1) additional delegate for each fifty
(50) or part thereof of its Ordinary Members in excess of fifty (50)
provided that the minimum age of any delegate shall be eighteen
(18) years;
Constitution 2017
(vii) The President of the Liberal Women's Council, the Immediate Past
President of the Liberal Women’s Council and the Presidents of
each of the Divisional Women's Committees;
(b) Any person who shall be entitled to attend State Conference in one or more
capacities shall not be entitled to cast more votes than one (1) vote plus
such other votes as provided in clause 129(g).
(c) All Parliamentary Members not otherwise entitled to attend, speak or vote
at State Conference shall be entitled to attend and speak but not vote at
State Conference.
(a) The State Director shall whenever required by the State Executive or at the
written request of not less than twenty (20) Branches stating the objects
for which the Conference is desired convene a Special State Conference.
Such meeting shall be convened not less than fourteen (14) days nor more
than fifty six (56) days after receipt by the State Director of such request.
For the purposes of this sub-clause, the term Branch shall refer to a
meeting of the Branch.
(b) At least fourteen (14) days’ notice of the Special State Conference shall be
given to all Constituent Bodies and all other persons and delegates entitled
to attend.
At least forty two (42) days’ notice of all State Conferences (other than a Special
State Conference) shall be given by written notice to the Constituent Bodies and all
other persons and delegates entitled to attend.
The State President shall be chairman of the State Conference and in the
President’s absence the senior Vice-President and so on in order of precedence shall
be chairman. In the absence of all such persons a chairman shall be elected from
the Members present and entitled to vote, if one is willing to act.
At all State Conferences the Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a
deliberative vote.
Constitution 2017
A quorum for State Conferences shall be fifty (50) delegates, provided that in
respect of that part of any conference whereat a special resolution for constitutional
amendment is to be moved the quorum shall be not less than one third of the
persons entitled to be present and to vote.
The State Conference may delegate to the State Council authority to deal with all or
any matters other than amendments to the Constitution of the Party.
(b) Reports of the activities and operations of the Party during the preceding
twelve (12) months;
(c) motions from Divisions, Liberal Women’s Council, Young Liberal
Movement, WAULS, Policy Committee and Regional and Rural Committee;
(d) any special business of which notice has been given or which is brought
forward by State Council;
(e) the election of the State President, four (4) Vice-Presidents and the
Treasurer; and
Constitution 2017
(a) The State President, four (4) Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer of the Party
shall be elected annually by ballot of all delegates to State Conference.
(b) The State President, four (4) Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer shall hold
office until death, retirement or expulsion or until the conclusion of the
State Conference next following the Conference at which they are elected,
whichever shall be the earlier.
(c) No State President or Vice-President shall hold office as such for more than
four (4) terms in succession but after the interval of one (1) term may be
elected to the same office.
(e) If within thirty (30) days before the State Conference a candidate for the
office of State President, Vice-President or Treasurer dies or withdraws his
or her nomination before the election at the State Conference the
nominations for the Presidency, Vice-Presidency or Treasurer as the case
may be shall be re-opened for a period of fourteen (14) days from the death
or withdrawal or for the period remaining before the election, whichever is
the shorter and the ballot for such position shall be conducted in such
manner as the State Council shall direct.
(f) Save as hereinafter provided nominations for the office of the State
President, Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer shall be lodged in writing
with the State Director of the Party at least forty two (42) days before the
date of the State Conference.
(h) The four (4) Vice-Presidents of the Party shall be elected in one (1) ballot.
(i) The Vice-Presidents shall rank in seniority in the order of their election
and if any two (2) or more shall secure an equal number of votes their
order of seniority shall be determined by lot.
(k) A Vice-President who has served four (4) consecutive years shall be a
member of State Council for a further twelve (12) months.
(l) The State Director shall be the returning officer for all elections at State
Constitution 2017
(b) Clause 62(a) shall not be construed to prevent the person holding the office
of the State President from being a member of any Selection Committee if
he or she is otherwise elected, appointed or entitled to be a member of that
Selection Committee.
Constitution 2017
Subject to this Constitution and the directions of any State Conference the affairs
of the Party shall be conducted by the State Council, which may delegate all or any
of its powers to the State Executive except in respect of any matter which requires a
Special Resolution of the State Council.
(f) The Leader of the Western Australian Federal Parliamentary Section or the
Leader’s nominee;
(g) Six (6) Members elected by and from the Western Australian Federal
Parliamentary Section;
(h) The Leader of the State Parliamentary Section or the Leader’s nominee;
(i) Six (6) Members elected by and from the State Parliamentary Section;
(k) The President and Immediate Past President of the Liberal Women’s
(l) The President and Immediate Past President of the Young Liberal
(n) Divisional delegates comprising of four (4) delegates from each Division for
the first 1,000 or part of 1,000 of the aggregate Ordinary Members of the
Branches in each Division and one (1) additional delegate for each 500 or
part of 500 after the first 1,000 Ordinary Members as aforesaid;
(o) the President of each Divisional Women’s Committee or her proxy; and
(p) the President of each Divisional Young Liberal Committee or his or her
(q) One (1) delegate elected annually by and from each University Club
Constitution 2017
The Members of State Council shall hold office until their successors take office.
Subject to clause 68 seven (7) days’ notice of meetings shall be sent to each
member of State Council.
Thirty (30) Members entitled to be present at any meeting of the State Council shall
constitute a quorum.
(a) meet within two (2) months after the State Conference in each year;
(b) at its last meeting each calendar year, determine its ordinary meeting
dates for the following calendar year; and
(c) State Council shall not have less than seven (7) meetings each calendar
The State President may convene a special meeting of the State Council at any time
on not less than seventy two (72) hours’ notice.
Every Member of the State Council present at any meeting thereof shall sign the
attendance book which shall for all purposes be the official record of attendance.
The State President shall be Chairman of meetings of the State Council and in the
President’s absence the senior Vice-President and so on in order of precedence shall
be chairman. In the absence of all such persons a chairman shall be elected from
the Members present and entitled to vote, if one is willing to act.
At meetings of the State Council the chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a
deliberative vote.
There shall be nine (9) Standing Committees of the State Council comprising:
Constitution 2017
The chairman of each Standing Committee shall be elected by State Council and
such person need not be a member of State Council at the date of his or her
election as chairman. Members of Standing Committees other than the chairman
need not be members of State Council provided that the chairman of the Appeals
and Disciplinary Committee shall be the chairman from time to time of the
Constitutional and Drafting Committee.
Without limiting clause 72, the State Council shall from time to time make rules
relating to the duties, responsibilities and accountability of each Committee, the
membership and Chairman of each Committee and the conduct of the business of
each Committee.
(a) The Standing Committees of State Council shall be subject to the control
and direction of State Executive.
(b) The chairman of each Standing Committee shall at each meeting of the
State Executive report on the activities of his or her Standing Committee in
such form and in such manner as the State Executive shall from time to
time require.
(a) The State Council or the Standing Committees may from time to time
appoint sub-committees of the State Council or of the Standing
Committees (as the case may be) for such special purposes as shall be
specified at the time of appointment of the sub-committee provided that
each such sub-committee shall cease to exist at the commencement of the
State Council meeting occurring next after the State Conference.
(a) The State Senior Vice President, the Treasurer, the chairman of the Policy
Committee, the chairman of the Regional and Rural Committee, the
chairman of the Campaign Committee and five (5) delegates selected by
the State Council at its first meeting after the State Conference shall be
the delegates referred to under clause 25(e) of the Liberal Party of
Constitution 2017
(b) In the event that any one or more of the delegates referred to in sub-clause
(a) above is already a delegate to Federal Council in another capacity and
is unable to appoint a proxy in accordance with the Liberal Party of
Australia Federal Constitution, the State Council may nominate an
alternative delegate to attend Federal Council as part of the WA delegation.
Constitution 2017
Subject to this Constitution and the control and direction of any State Conference
and the State Council the affairs of the Party shall be conducted by the State
(e) the Leader of the Western Australian Federal Parliamentary Section or the
Leader’s nominee;
(f) the Leader of the State Parliamentary Section or the Leader's nominee;
Members of State Executive shall hold office until their successors take office.
Not more than four (4) Parliamentary Members shall be members of the State
The quorum for meetings of the State Executive shall be one third of the number of
Members of the State Executive.
(a) The State Executive shall meet not less than ten (10) times in each year.
(b) The State President may convene a special meeting of the State Executive
at any time on not less than twenty four (24) hours’ notice.
The State Director must maintain an official record of attendance of each meeting of
the State Executive.
Constitution 2017
The State President shall be chairman of meetings of the State Executive and in the
President’s absence the senior Vice-President and so on in order of precedence shall
be chairman. In the absence of all such persons a chairman shall be elected from
the Members present and entitled to vote, if one is willing to act.
At meetings of State Executive the chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a
deliberative vote.
(a) The State Executive may from time to time appoint sub-committees of the
State Executive for such special purposes as shall be specified at the time
of appointment of the sub-committee provided that each such sub-
committee shall cease to exist at the commencement of the State Executive
meeting occurring next after the State Conference.
The State Executive shall at each meeting of the State Council report to the State
Council on the activities of the State Executive in such form and in such manner as
the State Council shall from time to time require.
The State Executive shall comply with all directions given to it by State Council.
Any decision of the State Executive may be disallowed by a resolution of the State
Council passed no later than the meeting of State Council occurring next after the
date of the decision of State Executive and upon the passing of such resolution the
decision of the State Executive shall thereafter be of no force or effect.
Constitution 2017
Subject to the Constitution and the control and direction of State Executive the day
to day management of the affairs of the Party, save and except candidate selection,
shall be conducted by the State Management Executive.
(d) the Leader of the State Parliamentary Section or the Leader’s nominee;
(e) the Leader of the Western Australian Federal Parliamentary Section or the
Leader’s nominee;
The State Management Executive shall meet at intervals of not more than twenty
one (21) days.
The quorum for meetings of the State Management Executive shall be three (3)
except in the case of meetings of the State Management Executive at which budget
recommendations are being considered at which meetings the quorum shall be five
At meetings of the State Management Executive the chairman shall have a casting
vote as well as a deliberative vote.
The State Management Executive shall at each meeting of State Executive report to
the State Executive in such form and in such manner as the State Executive shall
from time to time require.
Constitution 2017
The State Management Executive shall comply with all directions given to it by
State Executive and State Council.
Constitution 2017
(a) There shall be a State Director of the Party who shall perform such duties
and be responsible for such matters as may from time to time be
prescribed by State Executive.
(b) The State Executive shall appoint the State Director for such term and at
such salary and on such terms and conditions as the State Executive shall
see fit. The State Executive shall have the right to terminate the services of
the State Director.
(a) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and subject to any directions
of State Executive the State Director shall be responsible to and be subject
to the direction and control of the State President and the State
Management Executive.
(b) The State Director shall be a non-voting member of State Council standing
committees as well as any other ad hoc committee formed by the Party.
(a) No person who is a paid employee of the Party shall be a member of State
Executive or State Council or be a proxy for any member of State Executive
or State Council.
(b) Any Member of the State Executive or State Council who accepts any paid
employment with the Party shall upon such acceptance cease to be a
Member of the State Executive or State Council provided that any Member
of the State Executive or State Council who receives an honorarium or out
of pocket expenses shall not be regarded as having accepted paid
employment within the meaning of this clause.
(a) In order to enable the Party to comply with its legal obligations, a
Constituent Body may not employ any person for remuneration without
first obtaining the approval of the State Director as to the employee’s terms
of employment, including the date of commencement, salary, hours to be
worked and all other matters concerning the employee as the State
Director may reasonably require.
(b) When a member of the staff of the Party is employed full or part time in the
affairs of a Constituent Body the Constituent Body shall be responsible for
the salary and all other costs and expenses associated with the
employment of that staff member and where such salary and other costs
and expenses have been paid by the Party the Constituent Body shall
reimburse the Party the amount so paid.
Constitution 2017
The income and property of the Party shall be applied solely to the promotion of its
objects and no part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way
of dividend bonus or otherwise by way of pecuniary profit to the Members or any of
them provided that remuneration (including superannuation) may be made or
provided in good faith to agents, consultants, employees of the Party or to other
persons in return for services rendered to the Party.
(a) The financial year of the Party and its constituent bodies shall be from 1
July to the next following 30 June.
(b) The State Council shall from time to time prescribe the accounting and
financial reporting standards to be adopted and applied by Constituent
Bodies and Electorate Campaign Committees.
(c) The Party shall open such banking accounts at such banks as the State
Management Executive shall from time to time determine and the State
Management Executive shall appoint Members to operate such bank
accounts and to make, accept, endorse and issue negotiable securities and
instruments of whatsoever kind or nature.
(d) In April in each year the State Management Executive shall prepare or
cause to be prepared a budget for the Party’s receipts and income for the
next financial year and shall prior to 30 June submit such budget and
such explanations as the State Executive may require to the State
Executive for approval. The State Executive may accept the budget with
such amendments as it may see fit or it may refer the budget back to the
State Management Executive for further consideration, amendment and re-
submission to State Executive.
(e) The Party shall not accept any subscription or donation which the
subscriber or donor desires to make subject to any condition which
involves the conferring of any personal or financial benefit on the donor
provided that this sub-clause shall not apply to any condition which a
donor may impose for the payment of the donation to any fund established
by the Party for any particular purpose.
(g) Any Member collecting money for the Party, any Constituent Body, any
Electorate Campaign Committee or for any purposes associated with the
Party shall, as soon as practicable after such collection notify the relevant
President, Chairman or Treasurer of the Party, Constituent Body or
Electorate Campaign Committee receiving such moneys.
(h) Any such money so collected must be paid as soon as practicable into the
appropriate Party account as established under the Rules.
Constitution 2017
(a) The Party shall only exercise its rights as a shareholder of The Liberal
Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd by way of a resolution recommended by
the President and endorsed by State Executive and then by State Council.
(c) The Party must give The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd written
notice of the resolution passed within fourteen (14) days of the passing of
the resolution. The notice must set out details of the resolution passed.
Constitution 2017
(c) The Leader of the State Liberal Parliamentary Party shall be the Leader of
the State Parliamentary Section.
(d) It shall be the duty of the respective Parliamentary Sections and of the
Party to keep one another informed on all political matters and to co-
operate closely. There shall be regular meetings between the respective
Parliamentary Leaders and the State President.
(e) Policy decisions of the State Conference or State Council shall not be
binding upon the Parliamentary Sections but shall be dealt with as follows:
Constitution 2017
(a) The State Council may at any time and from time to time fix an Application
Date for calling applications from Members seeking Party endorsement for
any electorate and also at any time and from time to time fix the Closure
Date for the closure of the receipt of applications.
(b) The State Director shall forthwith upon the calling of applications for
endorsement for any electorate give written notice thereof and the Closure
Date to the Secretary of all Divisions and Branches in which the electorate
is wholly or partly situated and shall except in the case where an
emergency has been declared by State Executive cause notice of the calling
of applications and the Closure Date to be advertised in such newspapers
as the State Management Executive shall direct.
(c) The State Council may at any time and from time to time extend the time
within which applications may be received whether or not the original
Closure Date for the receipt of applications has passed.
(d) The State Council shall from time to time prescribe the form of application
and such application shall include provision for such promises,
undertakings, indemnities and other obligations financial and otherwise as
State Council shall see fit.
(f) All applications shall be lodged with the State Director prior to the Closure
Date or such extended time as State Council may approve and shall be
accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of such amount as shall from
time to time be prescribed by State Council.
(g) Applications for endorsement which have not been completed substantially
in accordance with the prescribed form shall not be accepted by the State
Director without the approval of State Executive.
Upon receipt of all applications for endorsement the State Director shall –
(a) examine each application and either accept the application as being
correct or refer the applications to State Executive if the State Director is of
the opinion the application is defective.
(b) forthwith give copies of each application to the chairman of the Selection
The chairman of the Selection Committee shall forthwith upon receipt of the
application make or cause to be made such enquiries concerning all accepted
applications as he or she may consider relevant or appropriate and the chairman
shall also be charged with the investigation of the credentials and qualifications of
the applicants and the verification of all references and testimonials. The chairman
shall report the result of his or her enquiries to the State President and the State
Constitution 2017
The State Director shall as soon as practicable but not later than the
commencement of the Selection Committee meetings provide to each Member of the
Selection Committee a copy of each accepted application for endorsement, a copy of
the Selection Committee’s chairman’s report on the result of his or her enquiries as
provided in clause 109 and a copy of the State Director’s certification to the
chairman of the Selection Committee pursuant to clause 112.
Constitution 2017
Constitution 2017
(c) State Council may, of its own motion, require that a Selection Committee
for a Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council or House of Representatives
electorate shall be comprised of the delegates in clauses 111(a)(i), (ii) and
(iii), and of all Ordinary Members of the Party residing within or whose
principal place of employment is within the electorate and who are
Ordinary Members of a Branch within that electorate.
(d) State Council shall make rules for the conduct of any Selection Committee
pursuant to clause 111(c).
(e) For the purposes of clause 111, the term “majority” shall mean “more than
(f) (i) For the purposes of clause 111(a)(iii), an electorate does not
extend into a Division if that part of the electorate within the
Division contains less than 1% (one per centum) of the total
number of electors in the electorate.
(a) The State Director shall issue a certificate to the chairman of the Selection
Committee certifying the Divisions and Branches entitled to be represented
on the Selection Committee and the name of the delegates entitled to
(b) The membership and office bearer records held by the State Director at the
Closure Date shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated,
however the State Executive may, on the application of the Division or
Constitution 2017
(ii) in the case of a New Branch, less than three (3) months has
elapsed since the Branch held its first general meeting.
(a) No candidate for Party endorsement for any electorate, endorsed candidate
or member of Parliament shall be eligible to be a member of or be present
at any selection committee meeting provided that an endorsed candidate
for a Legislative Council Electorate who is not a member of Parliament
shall be eligible to be a member of and be present at any selection
committee meeting following the conclusion of the Legislative Council
Electorate’s election next following his or her endorsement.
(b) No spouse, former spouse, de facto spouse, parent, brother, sister, child,
grandchild, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, parent-in-law,
employer or employee or any person who is employed in the electorate
office, parliament house office, ministerial office or parliamentary
secretary’s office of a candidate for selection for endorsement shall be
eligible to be a member of or be present at a selection committee meeting
at which his or her relative, spouse, former spouse, de facto spouse,
employer or employee or any person who is employed in the electorate
office, parliament house office, ministerial office or parliamentary
secretary’s office is a candidate for selection provided that a candidate for
selection may be heard by the Selection Committee in support of his or her
own application.
Selection Committees shall be convened by the State Director at times and places
to be decided by the State Council. Each Selection Committee shall, subject to this
Constitution 2017
Constitution and any direction of the State Council, regulate the conduct of its
meetings in such manner as it thinks best suited to enable it to perform its
(a) report to the meeting the composition of the meeting and that all persons
present at the meeting have been properly appointed and are entitled to be
present and to speak and vote at the meeting;
(b) brief the Members attending the meeting on the electorate in respect of
which a candidate is to be elected and such briefing shall include details of
the boundaries of the electorate, the number of electors on the roll, the
present member or members of Parliament representing the electorate, the
results of the last election held in the electorate and details of such special
characteristics of the electorate which the chairman shall consider
(c) give brief details of each candidate seeking endorsement, including but not
limited to their full names, addresses and occupations;
(d) brief the Members on their duties as Members of the Selection Committee;
The following provisions shall apply to all Selection Committee meetings for the
selection of candidates for Party endorsement:
(a) The candidates’ names shall appear on the ballot papers in order
determined by the drawing of lots by the candidates and such order shall
also apply to the interview of candidates.
(b) The chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
(c) The chairman shall appoint such scrutineers from the Selection Committee
as he or she shall consider appropriate.
(e) The names of the defeated candidates for selection shall be treated by the
delegates as confidential.
(g) The quorum of a Selection Committee shall be not less than three (3).
Constitution 2017
The Selection Committee shall make its recommendations in writing to the State
Council and such recommendation shall be signed by the chairman of the Selection
(c) that more than one (1) candidate be endorsed provided that if more than
one (1) candidate is recommended, the Selection Committee shall state the
reasons why it has recommended more than one (1) candidate for
endorsement and shall also state the order of preference of the candidates
Any candidate for selection may require that the fact of his or her candidature
remain confidential.
Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Selection Committee the State Council
(a) if the Selection Committee has recommended that none of the candidates
be endorsed, call fresh applications for endorsement of candidates for the
electorate or declare that the calling of fresh applications is impracticable
and act in accordance with the provisions of clause 128 or make such
other decision as it shall see fit;
(b) if the Selection Committee has recommended that one (1) candidate be
endorsed, endorse the candidate recommended by the Selection Committee
or refer the application back to a Selection Committee for further
consideration or make such other decision as it shall see fit; or
(c) if the Selection Committee has recommended that more than one (1)
candidate be endorsed, endorse one (1) or more of the candidates
recommended or refer the application back to a Selection Committee for
further consideration or make such other decision as it shall see fit.
The State Council may in any particular case delegate to the State Executive or the
Campaign Committee established under clause 72(g) authority to endorse any
applicant or applicants for any electorate and to announce such endorsements.
The State Council may at any time cancel the endorsement of any candidate
without giving any reason therefor and there upon may either call for fresh
nominations or if time does not permit of the calling of fresh nominations or for
any other reason endorse any other person or persons in lieu of the candidate
whose endorsement has so been called.
Constitution 2017
The State Council may at any time after a call for application for endorsement has
been made and before a candidate has been endorsed if in its opinion any special
circumstances shall have arisen which in the interests of the Party make it
advisable so to do cancel any call for applications for endorsement and any actions
taken in respect thereof and call for fresh nominations or if time does not permit for
the calling of fresh applications for endorsement or for any other reason may
endorse any other Member.
If the State Council has reasons to believe that any candidate has been the subject
of unfair treatment or there has been irregularity at a meeting of a Selection
Committee or in the composition of the Selection Committee, the State Council
may, on its own motion, cause an investigation to be made into such unfair
treatment or irregularity and if the State Council is satisfied that such unfair
treatment or irregularity did exist, the State Council may take such action in
accordance with clauses 123 and 124 as it shall see fit.
(b) After the expiration of the said period of three (3) days, each candidate
shall for all purposes be deemed to accept the proceedings of the Selection
Committee and to abide by its recommendations.
(c) If the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee, having heard the appeal, shall
uphold the same, then the matter shall be referred to State Council for
State Council to decide how a new Selection Committee shall be
constituted. The decision of the State Council and the Appeals and
Disciplinary Committee shall be final and not subject to any appeal.
Should any endorsed candidate decline or for any reason be unable to contest the
election in respect of which he or she has been endorsed, a candidate shall be
endorsed in such a manner as the State Council and the chairman of the Selection
Committee for the electorate having regard to the time available and all other
circumstances shall think proper.
Constitution 2017
(c) The appointment of a proxy under clause 129(a) shall be made by the
delegate or, failing that, the President or, in the case of his or her
unavailability, the most senior available Vice-President of the Constituent
Body the delegate represents.
(e) All appointments of proxies shall be in writing and signed by the delegate,
the President or Vice-President making the appointment and bear the date
of the appointment and shall otherwise include such information and be in
such form as may be prescribed by State Executive.
Constitution 2017
(iii) A Member shall not at any time act as a proxy for the delegates of
more than one (1) Constituent Body.
There shall be a Common Seal of the Party which shall be kept in the custody of the
State Director and which shall not be used except by the authority of the State
Executive and in the presence of two (2) seal holders, appointed by State Executive
from time to time, who shall sign every instrument to which the seal is affixed and
every such instrument shall be countersigned by the State Director or by some
person appointed in that behalf by the State Executive.
(a) The State Council, the State Executive, the Liberal Women’s Council, the
Young Liberal Movement, the WAULS, or any Divisional Council or Branch
or any twenty (20) or more Ordinary Members desiring to propose any
motion for the amendment, addition, or alteration to this Constitution,
may do so at any time upon giving notice of motion and an explanatory
memorandum in writing in that behalf to the State Director who shall refer
the same (if such has not already been done) to the Constitutional and
Drafting Committee. That Committee shall put such proposed motion and
any consequential amendment of the Constitution resulting therefrom in
proper form and furnish their report with all due despatch to the State
Director who shall thereupon forward a copy of such proposed motion both
in its original form and as re-drafted and recommended consequential
amendment to the Secretary of each Divisional Council and Branch for the
consideration thereof.
Constitution 2017
(a) The Party shall be dissolved whenever a resolution to that effect, having
the same majority as is required by clause 131(c) to pass a resolution for
the amendment to this Constitution, is passed by any State Conference.
(b) If upon the winding up of the Party there remains after satisfaction of all
its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever (“surplus property”), the
same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst its members or former
(iii) is not carried out for the purposes of profit or gain to its individual
Party Rules 2016
Party Rules 2016
(a) These rules come into operation on 1 September 2015. Amended August 2016.
(b) All earlier versions of the Party Rules are revoked, save that all things lawfully
done under those Rules or other Rules made pursuant to the Constitution and
which could have been done under these Rules shall continue to have effect as
if they had been done under these Rules.
Words and phrases defined in clause 2 of the Constitution shall apply to these Rules.
Party Rules 2016
(i) a Division, the Young Liberal Movement, the WAULS and the Liberal
Women’s Council, notice must be given:
(A) no less than twenty-eight (28) days before the date of an annual
general meeting; and
(B) no less than fourteen (14) days before the due date for
(B) no less than seven (7) days before the due date for nominations.
(b) The notice of the annual general meeting must contain the following details:
(iii) without limiting (b) above, all positions to be elected at the annual
general meeting and the requirements for submitting nominations for
those positions, including the deadline for nominations.
(c) The date, time and venue for the annual general meeting of a Constituent
Body must be determined by the President of the Constituent Body unless
already determined by the Constituent Body itself.
(d) Subject to sub-clause (c) above, the notice of an annual general meeting must
be issued by the President of the Constituent Body, the Secretary of the
Constituent Body at the direction of the President or such other person as
may be nominated by the Constituent Body from time to time.
(e) Notice of an annual general meeting must be given to all Members of the
relevant Constituent Body who are entitled to attend and vote at the annual
general meeting and the State Director. In addition, notice must be given, in
the case of a:
(ii) Branch, to the President and Secretary of the Division in which the
Branch is situated and the Parliamentary Members whose electorates
are wholly or partly within the Branch’s area;
Party Rules 2016
(vi) University Club Branch, to the President and Secretary of WAULS and
the Parliamentary Members whose electorates are wholly or partly
within the University Club Branch’s area.
(f) If a Constituent Body fails to hold its annual general meeting in accordance
with the requirements of clause 22 of the Constitution, then the following may
call the annual general meeting on behalf of that Constituent Body:
(ii) in the case of a Branch, the President of the relevant Division or State
(g) Unless otherwise agreed by the Presidents of the relevant Constituent Bodies,
the following Constituent Bodies must not give notice of an annual general
meeting specifying a common meeting date where the other Constituent Body
has already given notice of its annual general meeting:
(v) a Divisional Women's Committee and the Liberal Women's Council; and
(h) In the event a notice is given in contravention of rule 5(g) above, the notice
shall be deemed to be invalid.
Party Rules 2016
(a) This rule 6 does not apply to an annual general meeting or a Special Meeting.
(b) In the case of a Constituent Body, no less than seven (7) days’ notice shall be
given for any meeting.
(c) In the case of the Executive of a Constituent Body no less than forty-eight (48)
hours’ notice shall be given for any meeting, unless waived by the unanimous
consent of all members of the Executive.
(e) The notice of a meeting must be issued by the President of the Constituent
Body, the Secretary of the Constituent Body at the direction of the President
or such other person as may be nominated by the Constituent Body from time
to time.
(f) Notice of a meeting must be given to all Members of the relevant Constituent
Body who are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
(b) A special meeting may be requested in writing to the State Director by, in the
case of:
(i) the Executive of a Division, not less than three (3) members of that
(iii) a Branch, not less than seven (7) members of that Branch;
(iv) the Executive of the Young Liberal Movement, not less than ten (10)
members of that Executive;
(v) the Executive of WAULS, not less than five (5) members of that
Executive; and
(vi) the Liberal Women’s Council, at least three (3) Divisional Women’s
Committees which have each passed a resolution requesting the
convening of a special Liberal Women’s Council meeting.
(ii) in all other cases, not less than fourteen (14) days nor more than one
month, after receipt by the State Director of such request.
Party Rules 2016
(d) The written requisition made to the State Director must state the business
proposed to be dealt with at the Special Meeting. No business other than that
set out in the written requisition shall be transacted at any special meeting.
(e) The notice of a special meeting issued by the State Director must contain the
following details:
(f) Notice of a meeting must be given to all Members of the relevant Constituent
Body who are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
(b) Nominees may submit a curriculum vitae of no more than one (1) page in
length with their nomination.
(i) a Division, the Secretary of the Division not less than fourteen (14)
(ii) a Branch, the Secretary of the Branch not less than seven (7) days;
(iii) the Young Liberal Movement, the State Director not less than fourteen
(14) days;
(iv) the WAULS, the State Director not less than fourteen (14) days;
(v) the Liberal Women’s Council, the State Director not less than fourteen
(14) days; or
prior to the meeting at which the election is to be held (“the due date for
(d) The due date and time for nominations must be determined by the President
of the Constituent Body unless already determined by the Constituent Body
(e) The details of any nomination received pursuant to rule 8(c) must be kept
confidential until the close of nominations. In the event that a nomination is
received in a sealed envelope marked ‘Confidential Nomination’ that envelope
shall not be opened until opened for the purposes of the meeting described
below in rule 8(f).
Party Rules 2016
(f) All written nominations received by the due date for nominations shall be
presented to a meeting of the Executive of the Constituent Body, held within
three (3) days of the closing of nominations. The Executive shall, by the
drawing of lots, determine the order in which the names of nominees shall
appear on ballot papers. Where the Executive unanimously agrees, the
Secretary may perform the functions of the meeting contemplated in this rule
(g) In the event that the written nominations are to be received by the State
Director, the State Director shall, by the drawing of lots, determine the order
in which the names of nominees shall appear on ballot papers. The State
Director shall provide this information to the President and Secretary of the
Constituent Body within three (3) days of conducting the ballot draw.
(h) As soon as practical after the meeting referred to in rule 8(d) above, the
Secretary shall send the list of nominees in ballot order and any curriculum
vitaes received to those entitled to receive notice for the meeting and all
(i) Nominations, written or verbal, shall not be accepted from the floor of the
meeting except if there are no or insufficient nominations received for the
position or positions, by the due date for nomination. In that case, any
nominee who submitted a written nomination by the due date will be declared
elected and a ballot conducted, if necessary, to determine the order of the
election. The chairman of the meeting shall call for nominations for any
remaining positions from the floor and a ballot conducted, if necessary, to
determine the order of the election.
(j) When nominations are called from the floor of the meeting:
(i) nominations may be made by any person entitled to attend and vote;
(k) In the event that there are sufficient nominations for all positions, and that
there are no ballots required, branches within the Durack Division and
O’Connor Division may convert their AGM to one held by way of tele-
(a) The quorum at all meetings of the following Constituent Bodies and their
Executives shall be:
(ii) for a Branch, five (5) Members entitled to be present and vote;
Party Rules 2016
(iii) for the Young Liberal Movement, the lesser of forty (40) or one-third
(1/3) of Members entitled to be present and vote;
(iv) for the WAULS, one-third (1/3) of Members entitled to be present and
(v) for a Divisional Young Liberals Committee, five (5) Members entitled to
be present and vote; and
(i) the Liberal Women’s Council shall be fifteen (15) Members entitled to
be present and vote; and
(ii) the Executive of the Liberal Women’s Council shall be five (5) Members
entitled to be present and vote.
(a) The President of a Constituent Body shall be chairman of all meetings of that
Constituent Body and in the President’s absence the senior Vice-President and
so on in order of precedence shall be chairman. In the absence of all such
persons, a chairman shall be elected by the meeting, from the Members
present and entitled to vote, if one is willing to act.
(b) In the case of an equality of votes at any meeting, the chairman shall have a
casting vote in addition to their individual vote.
(a) The Secretary of a Constituent Body shall create and maintain a record of
each meeting of the Constituent Body including details of those in attendance,
all resolutions and business transacted.
(b) The Secretary of the Constituent Body shall within seven (7) days of any
Annual General Meeting or any meeting resulting in a change of elected
positions, provide the State Director with a record of that meeting in the form
required by the State Director.
(1) This rule shall apply to all meetings of the Party and its Constituent Bodies.
(2) The provisions of this rule shall be referred to as the ‘Standing Orders for the
Conduct of Meetings’ (“Standing Orders”).
(3) For the purposes of these Standing Orders, a reference to a “Member” shall, unless
the context otherwise requires, be a reference to a Member of the Party authorised by
the Constitution or Rules to be present at and speak at the meeting concerned.
(4) Meetings shall, subject to the presence of a quorum, start at the time set out on the
notice and shall, subject to the discretion of the meeting, continue until all business
on the agenda is disposed of.
Party Rules 2016
(5) If no quorum is present within thirty (30) minutes of the starting time set out on the
notice, the meeting shall lapse and, subject to any resolution previously passed, the
chairman shall fix the time of the next meeting. All business on the agenda of the
lapsed meeting shall be included on the agenda of the next meeting and shall take
precedence over new business.
(6) At all meetings, unless otherwise resolved by a majority of the Members present at
the meeting, a Member shall have the right to speak:
(7) No Member other than the proposer of a motion or an amendment shall speak to it
until it has been seconded.
(8) Any Member seconding a motion or amendment without speaking to it may reserve
the right to speak to it subsequently.
(9) A Member desiring to speak shall rise and address the chairman. If two (2) or more
Members desire to address the chairman at the same time the chairman shall call
upon the Member who, in the chairman’s opinion, was the first to rise.
(10) A Member, upon receiving permission from the chairman to speak, shall announce
him or herself by name and, at any meeting at which is represented more than one
Constituent Body, shall give the name of the Constituent Body that the Member
represents or the capacity in which he or she speaks.
(11) Any Member has the right at any time to make a personal explanation although there
be no question before the chairman or, if the Member has already spoken to a motion
before the chairman, to explain him or herself in regard to some material part of his
or her speech which has been misquoted, misrepresented or misunderstood, but the
Member shall not introduce any new matter or interrupt any Member addressing the
chairman. An explanation shall not exceed two (2) minutes duration.
(b) once accepted by the chairman, shall be withdrawn only by leave of the
meeting; and
(13) If required to do so by the chairman, the proposer of a motion shall submit the
motion in writing.
(14) A motion lapsing for want of a seconder shall not be recorded in the minutes.
(15) Any Member may move to amend a motion before the chairman. If required to do so
by the chairman, the proposer of an amendment shall submit the amendment in
(16) An amendment shall be seconded and if not seconded shall lapse. An amendment
lapsing for want of a seconder shall not be recorded in the minutes.
Party Rules 2016
(17) Any Member who has not previously spoken on the motion before the chairman may
move “that the question be now put”, the question being that the motion before the
meeting be put to a vote, and thereupon the motion “that the question be now put”
shall be put to the meeting without debate.
(18) The chairman may at any time close the debate but before doing so shall give the
proposer the right to reply to the debate.
(19) Unless otherwise resolved at a meeting at which the motion is put, the proposer of a
motion shall be allowed eight (8) minutes to introduce the motion and three (3)
minutes to reply to the debate. Other speakers shall be limited to three (3) minutes.
The meeting may by resolution passed by a majority of the Members present extend
the time during which any speaker may be allowed to continue.
(20) Before putting a motion to a vote, the chairman shall state the motion in clear and
audible tones.
(21) Subject to the provisions of this rule, a motion shall be resolved in the affirmative or
negative by the Members entitled to vote declaring in audible tones “aye” or “no”;
(a) The chairman shall declare the motion carried or lost and in the absence of a
demand for a show of hands or a ballot the chairman’s declaration shall be
final and conclusive and shall be recorded in the minutes.
(b) The chairman or a Member entitled to speak and vote at a meeting, may
demand that a motion be resolved in the affirmative or negative by a show of
hands. On such demand being made Members shall indicate their vote for or
against the resolution by raising a hand or standing on their place. The
chairman may appoint two (2) or more persons present to assist in the
counting of the votes. On the completion of the count the chairman shall
declare the decision of the meeting in respect of the resolution.
(c) The chairman or any Member entitled to speak and vote at a meeting, may
demand that a motion, other than a procedural motion or a motion to
suspend Standing Orders, be resolved in the affirmative or negative by ballot.
On a ballot the Members entitled to speak and vote shall mark ballot papers
“yes” or “no” and hand the ballot papers to persons nominated by the
chairman who will be responsible for counting the votes. The chairman may
appoint two (2) or more scrutineers to witness the counting of the votes. On
the completion of the counting the chairman shall declare the motion carried
or lost as the case may be.
(d) A motion which has been proposed, seconded and voted on at a meeting shall
not again be proposed, debated, or voted upon at that meeting.
(e) A motion which has been proposed, seconded and voted on at a meeting shall
not be rescinded, negated, or substantially modified at any subsequent
meeting of the same body within a period of twelve (12) months from the date
of that vote unless notice of any motion for such rescission, negation, or
substantial modification is given not less than fourteen (14) days before the
meeting at which it is proposed to introduce such a motion. Notice of the
motion shall be included in the agenda for the meeting and in the notice
convening the meeting.
(22) Any proposed motion, other than a procedural motion, to be discussed at a meeting
of State Council shall be in writing and a copy of the proposed motion shall be:
(a) delivered to the State Director not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the
date of the meeting; and
Party Rules 2016
(b) forwarded to each delegate either with the notices of meeting at which the
proposed motion will be discussed or so soon thereafter as may be convenient.
(c) A proposed motion delivered to the State Director as aforesaid but which the
State Director fails to forward to delegates as required by this rule may
nevertheless be moved by the proposer at the meeting.
(23) The Members at any meeting at which these Standing Orders apply may, by a
resolution of a majority of the Members at the meeting, suspend the application of
part or all of these Standing Orders during the debate on any specified motion or on
the discussion of any nominated subject. During the period of the suspension the
conduct of the meeting shall be at the discretion of the chairman subject only to any
resolution of the majority of the Members present at the meeting.
Save and except as otherwise provided in clause 129(g) of the Constitution and
notwithstanding anything otherwise provided in the Constitution and Rules no
member, delegate, proxy delegate or office-bearer whether acting personally or in
some other capacity shall be entitled to cast more than one (1) vote in respect of any
motion proposed, or any ballot, poll or election conducted, at any conference or
meeting of the Party or its committees or at any conference or meeting of Constituent
Bodies or their committees.
Unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or Party Rules, voting on all motions
proposed at any meeting of the Party, of any Constituent Body. or any committee
thereof shall be conducted in the manner set out in rule 12(21) above.
(3) Selection Committees: Selection of Candidates for the Legislative Assembly and
House of Representatives (where only one position is to be filled)
(a) Voting at selection committees for the selection of candidates for seats in the
Legislative Assembly or House of Representatives shall be by a secret
preferential ballot whereby votes are cast for all candidates in order of
(b) Votes shall be counted in the same preferential manner as used in elections
under the Electoral Acts (other than elections for the Legislative Council or for
the Senate) with the intention that the successful candidate shall be the one
who obtains an absolute majority.
(c) If no candidate obtains an absolute majority in the first count, the candidate
with the smallest number of primary votes shall be excluded and his or her
preferences shall be distributed and this process of exclusion and distribution
shall be repeated until a candidate obtains an absolute majority.
(4) Selection Committees: Selection of Candidates for the Legislative Council and
Senate (where multiple positions are to be filled)
(a) Voting at selection committees for the selection of candidates for seats in the
Legislative Council or Senate shall be by way of an exhaustive secret
preferential ballot whereby votes are cast for all candidates in order of
preference with successive separate ballots being conducted for each position
after the exclusion of each candidate who has previously obtained an absolute
Party Rules 2016
(b) Votes shall be counted in the manner prescribed by rule 13(3)(b) & (c).
(5) Election of Office Bearers, delegates & etc: including State President; Party
Treasurer; President of a Division, Branch or Constituent Body; Chairmen of
Standing Committees (single position to be filled)
(a) The voting for the election of the State President and Party Treasurer at State
Conference and the voting for the election of the President of a Division,
Branch or Constituent Body and for the Chairmen of any Standing Committee
and any other position where there is a single position to be filled shall be
conducted by a secret preferential ballot whereby votes are cast for all
candidates in order of preference.
(b) Votes shall be counted in the manner prescribed by rule 13(3)(b) & (c).
(6) Election of Office Bearers, delegates & etc: including State Vice-Presidents;
Vice-Presidents of a Division, Branch or Constituent Body and all other
positions where multiple positions are to be filled
(a) The voting for election of State Vice-Presidents at State Conference and the
voting for the election of Vice-Presidents of a Division, Branch or Constituent
Body or for any position where multiple positions are to be filled shall be
conducted by a secret preferential ballot whereby votes are cast for all
candidates in order of preference.
(b) Where the number of candidates exceeds the number of positions to be filled,
the numerical value of the preferential vote cast for each candidate if it
exceeds the number of positions to be filled shall be counted as having the
same numerical value as the number of positions to be filled, plus one.
[For example: if there are 4 positions to be filled and more than 4 candidates, a
preference vote of ‘5’ or greater is counted as ‘5’.]
(c) The votes counted for each candidate, after taking into account rule 13(6) (b),
shall be aggregated and the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall
be the first elected, and the candidate obtaining the second lowest number of
votes shall be the second elected, and so on until all positions are filled.
Where ballots are conducted for the election of Office Bearers or for the election of a
Member for any purpose other than the selection of candidates for Party
(a) where the number of nominations for a position equals or is less than the
number of positions that need to be filled, those nominees shall be deemed
elected and a ballot shall be held to determine the order of election;
(b) the candidates’ names shall appear on the ballot paper in such order as shall
be determined by lot drawn immediately after the close of nominations;
(c) the chairman of the meeting shall, if eligible to vote, have a deliberative vote
and, in any case where there is an equality of votes, will have a casting vote;
Party Rules 2016
(d) if the meeting wishes to interview candidates then the candidates shall be
interviewed by the meeting or by any sub-committee of the meeting in the
order that their names appear on the ballot paper or in such other order as
the meeting shall determine; and
In the case of the election for any position by the State Council, the election of Office
Bearers at State Conference, or the election of Office Bearers at meetings of the
Liberal Women’s Council (WA), Young Liberal Movement (WA Division) and WAULS:
(a) The State Director or a member of the Party or the Party staff nominated by
the State Director shall be the Returning Officer.
(b) The Returning Officer shall be responsible for drawing lots to determine the
order of candidates on ballot papers.
(c) The Returning Officer shall prior to the ballot brief the delegates as to the
requirements for a valid vote.
In the case of the election of Office Bearers at meetings of Divisions, Divisional Young
Liberal Committee, Divisional Women's Committee and Branches:
(a) the President of the Constituent Body may appoint as a returning officer:
(i) the State Director or a member of Party staff nominated by the State
(b) In the absence of any such appointment as described in rule 9(a) above, the
Constituent Body shall elect a Member of the Party as a Returning Officer,
provided the Returning Officer is not eligible to vote at that meeting.
(c) The Returning Officer shall be responsible for drawing lots to determine the
order of candidates on ballot papers, unless this has already been done in
accordance with rule 8(f).
(d) The Returning Officer shall prior to the ballot brief the delegates as to the
requirements for a valid vote.
Party Rules 2016
(10) Scrutineers
The Chairman may appoint two (2) or more scrutineers, and each candidate may
appoint one (1) scrutineer, to witness the counting of votes cast at a ballot.
(a) On the completion of the counting of the votes cast at a ballot the chairman
shall declare the result of the ballot.
(b) The number of votes cast for each candidate shall not be disclosed.
(1) For the purpose of any communication referred to in the Constitution or Rules:
(a) where there is a reference to a number of clear days or “at least” or “not less
than” a number of days between two (2) events, in calculating that number of
days both the days on which the events happen shall be excluded;
[Example: “at least 14 days” or “not less than 14 days” or “14 clear days” does
not include the day of the notice and the day of the event. E.g. if a meeting
occurs on a Friday and requires “at least 14 days” notice etc., then the notice
must be posted, emailed or faxed by midnight two Thursdays prior to the
(b) where there is a reference to a number of days not expressed to be clear days
or “at least” or “not less than” a number of days between two (2) events, in
calculating the number of days there shall be excluded the day on which the
first event happens and there shall be included the day on which the second
event happens.
(2) Any:
(a) notice;
(d) application;
(4) A resolution in writing, signed by all members of the Executive of a Constituent Body
or the Standing Committee of the State Council, shall be as valid as if it had been
passed at a meeting. Such resolution may consist of several documents in the like
Party Rules 2016
(5) In the case of Rural Constituent Bodies, meetings other than Annual General
Meetings may take place by means of telecommunications provided that this in no
way reduces the necessity for a quorum of members participating in the manner
If the office of State President, a Party Vice-President or the Party Treasurer shall
become vacant from any cause whatsoever:
(a) The State Director shall as soon as may be convenient thereafter give written
notice of such vacancy to all members of State Council provided that the
inadvertent omission to give such notice to any member of State Council shall
not affect the validity of the notice given.
(b) At the State Council meeting held next after the expiration of fourteen
(14) days from the giving of the notice of the vacancy the State Council shall
elect a Member of the Party to fill the vacancy.
(c) Nomination for the purpose of filling the vacancy may be made from the floor
of the meeting of State Council at any time prior to the conduct of the election.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded and the nominee must either
personally or in writing consent to the nomination.
(d) The voting at the election to fill a vacancy shall be conducted in the manner
prescribed in rule 13(5).
If a vacancy shall occur in the office of chairman of any Standing Committee elected
by the State Council:
(a) The State Council shall at the meeting of State Council occurring next after
the vacancy occurs elect a Member to fill the vacancy.
(b) Nominations for the purpose of filling the vacancy may be made from the floor
of the meeting of State Council at any time prior to the conduct of the election.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded and the nominee must either
personally or in writing consent to the nomination.
(c) Voting for the election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in rule
(d) A Member elected to fill a vacancy in the office of chairman of any Standing
Committee shall hold office until death, retirement, expulsion, resignation or
until a successor to that office of chairman is elected.
(e) Pending the election of a chairman in accordance with this rule, the Deputy
Chairman of the Committee, if any, shall act as Chairman.
(a) State Council may at any time elect a Member of the Party to fill the vacancy.
Party Rules 2016
(b) Voting for the election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in
rule 13 (5).
(a) The Divisional Council may elect any eligible Member to fill the vacancy.
(b) Any election must be included in the notice of the Divisional Council meeting.
(c) Nominations for the purpose of filling the vacancy may be made from the floor
of the meeting of the Divisional Council at any time prior to the conduct of the
election. Nominations must be proposed and seconded and the nominee must
either personally or in writing consent to the nomination.
(d) The Member shall hold office until the next Divisional Conference of the
Division whereat the appointment shall be confirmed or, if not so confirmed,
that Divisional Conference shall elect a Member to fill the vacancy.
(i) any elected position has not been duly filled at the Annual General
Meeting, or
such position may be filled in the same manner as if the position was a
vacancy to be filled pursuant to rule 15(4).
(a) The Executive of the Constituent Body may elect any eligible Member to fill the
(b) Any election must be included in the notice of the Executive Meeting, of which
seven (7) days’ notice must be given.
(c) Nominations for the purpose of filling the vacancy may be made from the floor
of the Executive Meeting at any time prior to the conduct of the election.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded and the nominee must either
personally or in writing consent to the nomination.
(d) The Member shall hold office until the next General Meeting of the Constituent
Body whereat the appointment shall be confirmed or, if not so confirmed, that
meeting shall elect a Member to fill the vacancy.
(i) any elected position has not been duly filled at the Annual General
Meeting, or
such position may be filled in the same manner as if the position was a
vacancy to be filled pursuant to rule 15(5).
Where a vacancy occurs in a position where multiple positions are elected, the
person elected to fill the casual vacancy shall rank last in seniority amongst those
previously elected.
(a) In the event of a casual vacancy in the Presidency of a Constituent Body, the
Vice Presidents of that Constituent Body in order of seniority shall exercise
the powers of the President for the purpose of filling such casual vacancy,
(a) After receiving advice from the State Director as to available dates and venues,
the State President shall recommend to a meeting of State Council held at
least ninety (90) days prior to the recommended date, the proposed date and
venue for the Annual State Conference.
(b) The State Council may accept such recommendation or may appoint some
other date or some other venue as the date and place where the Annual State
Conference shall be held.
After receiving advice from the State Director as to available dates and venues, the
State President shall appoint the date and venue for any Special State Conference.
The State Director shall give notice of a State Conference in accordance with clauses
54 and 55 of the Constitution provided that where a Constituent Body has failed to
notify the State Director of the name of any of its delegates to State Conference the
State Director shall not be obliged to give notice of the State Conference to any such
delegate but shall, if possible, give notice to the secretary of that Constituent Body.
Party Rules 2016
(b) A Constituent Body that has failed to notify the State Director of any update to
its office bearers or delegates prior to the Enrolment Date may provide such
an update to the Director within seven (7) days after the Enrolment Date;
(c) At the request of any Constituent Body the State Management Executive may
at its discretion extend the time within which an update of office bearers or
delegates may be provided to the State Director.
(a) The State Director shall forthwith after the expiration of seven (7) days from
the Enrolment Date prepare an accreditation register of all delegates and other
persons entitled to attend State Conference setting out their names, addresses
and the Constituent Body which each delegate is to represent. The State
Director shall not include on the accreditation register any delegate who is not
entitled to be a delegate by reason of non-compliance with the Constitution or
(b) A Constituent Body which fails to meet the requirements of the Constitution
and Rules shall not be entitled to representation at or appoint delegates to
State Conference.
(c) The State Director shall as soon as may be convenient after preparing the
accreditation register give notice to any Constituent Body and any delegate
whose application for registration has been rejected advising of such rejection
and the reason for that rejection.
(d) Any Constituent Body and any delegate whose application to be included in
the accreditation register has been rejected may within seven (7) days after
such rejection appeal in writing to the Constitutional and Drafting Committee.
(e) Each proxy for a delegate or a Constituent Body shall before being entitled to
exercise his or her rights as a proxy produce to the State Director his or her
written appointment as proxy prepared and signed in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution and Rules.
(f) To be entitled to attend and cast a vote at State Conference, a delegate, proxy
or other person entitled to attend the State Conference must personally sign
the State Director’s Conference attendance register.
(g) For any person seeking to attend the State Conference as a delegate or proxy:
Party Rules 2016
(ii) Upon receipt of such request the State Director shall provide to the
Constitutional and Drafting Committee all information relating to the
matter and the Committee, after considering such information and
after hearing any submissions which the State Director or the refused
person may wish to make, shall determine whether the person is
entitled to registration as a delegate or as a proxy or as the case may
(h) A State Conference having been duly called to meet at a specific time and
place, in the event of a duly accredited and registered quorum being present
at that time and place the meeting should proceed unless those present decide
by majority to adjourn it. Other than in these circumstances the Conference
should proceed whether or not one or more persons seeking accreditation and
registration have been unable to obtain registration or accreditation.
(a) State Management Executive shall be responsible for the preparation of the
Conference agenda provided that the Policy Committee shall decide the order
of policy motions.
(b) The State Director shall deliver, post or transmit to all delegates on the
register and all other persons entitled to attend a State Conference copies of
the agenda, previous minute, motions and all other information relating to the
Conference as may be appropriate as soon as may be convenient prior to the
commencement of the State Conference or as otherwise specified by the
Subject to the Constitution and these Rules the organisation and management of a
State Conference shall be the responsibility of the State Director.
Party Rules 2016
(1) No person may speak in the name of, or on behalf of, the Party or any Constituent
Body except the State President or by the State President’s authority.
(2) State Council, State Executive or State Management Executive may direct the State
President to make a statement on behalf of the Party.
(3) A Standing Committee, Division, Branch or other Constituent Body may ask the
State President to make a statement on behalf of the Party.
(4) Members may express their views in public or in the press or media, but shall not
express views on Party matters in public or in the press or media.
(5) Members shall not unless duly authorised to do so represent, expressly or impliedly,
that their comments or views are those of the Party or any Constituent Body.
(1) No Member may publish an advertisement, article, book, magazine, journal or other
publication which in any way purports to be a publication authorised or approved by
the Party or any Constituent Body of the Party unless such publication has been first
approved by the State Director or the State Director’s nominee.
(2) For the purposes of this rule, the State Director may appoint such person or persons
as he or she shall see fit for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving
(2) All electioneering statements and election promotional material shall prior to
publication or release be submitted to the State Director or the State Director’s
nominee for the purpose of approval and authorisation and no such statements or
promotional material shall be published, distributed or otherwise used unless it has
been approved by the State Director or the State Director’s nominee.
(4) The State Director may appoint another person to act on his or her behalf for the
purposes of this Rule.
(1) No Member shall make public or cause to be published any defamatory statement
about any person or corporation.
(2) If a Member makes public or causes to be published any defamatory statement, the
Member shall be personally responsible for the payment of any damages and costs
awarded by a court in respect of those statements and such Member shall indemnify
and keep indemnified the Party against all such damages and costs provided that
Party Rules 2016
Party Rules 2016
(b) An “Amended Division” means a Division which comes into existence after a
re-distribution of Federal Electoral Divisions and in which the number of
Branches formerly in a Previous Division included in an Amended Division is
more than half the total number of Branches in the Amended Division.
(c) A “New Division” means a Division which comes into existence after a re-
distribution of Federal Electoral Divisions and which is not a Previous or an
Amended Division.
(2) Upon being informed of new Federal Electorate Divisions or boundaries pursuant to
any re-distribution under Federal Electoral laws the State Director or the State
Director’s nominee shall prepare a report in which he or she will:
(a) identify the geographic boundaries and name of each Federal Electorate
Division as it will be after the re-distribution becomes law;
(b) identify each Branch which in his or her opinion and in accordance with the
Constitution should be included in each New or Amended Division which will
be created as a result of the re-distribution;
(d) identify any other matter which he or she may consider relevant.
(3) The State Director or the State Director’s nominee shall forthwith upon completion of
his or her report advise the President of each Previous Division and of each Branch
how the proposed re-distribution will affect their respective Divisions or Branches, as
the case may be (“advice of re-distribution”).
(a) Any Branch may within twenty-one (21) days after the State Director’s advice
of re-distribution by notice in writing to the State Director object to the
proposed allocation of Branches to the New or Amended Divisions, including
the grounds for objection.
(b) All objections shall be submitted to the meeting of State Executive next
occurring after the receipt of such objection and the State Executive shall
consider and either overrule or uphold the objection.
(5) Upon the identification of each proposed New or Amended Divisions and the
Branches to be included in each New and Amended Divisions, and after any
objections under rule 21(4) have been determined, each New or Amended Division
shall as soon as may be convenient and in any event prior to the transition date hold
Party Rules 2016
an inaugural Annual General Meeting and in respect of which not less than fourteen
(14) days’ written notice shall be given to the Branches within the New or Amended
Division in respect of which the notice is given and to all other persons entitled to
attend that meeting.
(6) In the case of New or Amended Divisions the notices convening the inaugural Annual
General Meetings of those Divisions shall be issued by the State Director or the State
Director’s nominee after reasonable consultation.
(7) The persons entitled to attend speak and vote at an inaugural Annual General
Meeting of a New or Amended Division shall be:
(b) those Members who are duly elected delegates to Divisional Conferences from
within the New or Amended Division.
(8) All Parliamentary Members whether Federal or State and whose electorates in whole
or in part fall within the New or Amended Division shall have the right to attend and
speak but not vote at an inaugural Annual General Meeting of a New or Amended
Division and to receive notices of such meetings.
(9) The chairman for the whole of the inaugural Annual General Meeting shall in the
case of a New or Amended Division be the State President, the State Director or the
State Director’s nominee.
(a) The business of an inaugural Annual General Meeting shall be limited to the
election of Office Bearers for the New or Amended Division and matters
associated with those elections.
(b) The Office Bearers elected at the inaugural annual general meeting of a New or
Amended Division shall assume office;
(d) Subject to rule 21(12), the Office Bearers of any Previous Division shall cease
to hold office.
(12) In the case of an Amended Division which remains comprised of the same Branches
as before the re-distribution, there is no requirement to hold an inaugural Annual
General Meeting and the Division and its Office Bearers shall continue unaffected by
the re-distribution.
Party Rules 2016
(a) If required to do so by the State Director, the Divisional Executive of a
Previous Division shall immediately, and prior to the transition date, prepare a
statement of assets and liabilities of that Division setting out all assets and
liabilities of the Division, details of Branches, money orders, bank accounts
and all other required information and forward a copy of such statement to
the State Director for the purpose of preparing a plan for the distribution of
the assets and liabilities of that Division to an appropriate New or Amended
Division or Divisions.
(b) The State Director shall, in consultation with the Presidents of relevant
Previous, New and Amended Divisions, prepare a plan for the distribution of
the assets and liabilities of those Previous Divisions to a relevant New or
Amended Division or Divisions, and shall refer any dispute arising as to such
distribution to State Executive for it to resolve.
Party Rules 2016
The chairman elected by State Council and such other Members as the
chairman of the Finance Committee shall appoint.
The chairman and seven (7) Members elected by State Council, three (3)
Members elected by the State Parliamentary Section, three (3) Members
elected by the Federal Parliamentary Section, one (1) Member elected by the
Liberal Women’s Council (WA), the Policy Director of the Young Liberal
Movement and the chairman of the Regional and Rural Committee.
The chairman, seven (7) Members elected by State Council and the
Membership and Marketing Director of the Young Liberal Movement.
The chairman elected by State Council and two (2) deputy chairmen also
elected by State Council. The other members of the Committee shall be
selected by the State Director to the number prescribed by and in accordance
with clause 111 of the Constitution and in a random manner. The chairman of
the Selection Committee may nominate any one of the two (2) deputy
chairmen to act as chairman of any particular Selection Committee
established under clause 111 of the Constitution.
The chairman and three (3) Members elected by State Council. The chairman
and at least two (2) Members of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee
shall be qualified legal practitioners.
Party Rules 2016
(2) Except in the case of the Candidate Selection Committee and the Appeals and
Disciplinary Committee, each Standing Committee shall appoint, at its first meeting
following its election, a member of that Standing Committee to be its Deputy
Chairman. The Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee will
be deemed to be the Deputy Chairman of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
(b) co-ordinate and control all fund raising within the Party; and
(a) formulate the policies of the Party and keep them under constant review;
(c) consult with the Leaders of the Parliamentary Sections in respect of all policy
(a) formulate all rural policies of the Party and keep them under constant review;
(b) make recommendations to the Policy Committee for changes to the rural
policies of the Party;
(c) consult with the Policy Committee on rural policy matters; and
(d) consult with the Leaders of the Parliamentary Sections on rural policy
(a) advise the State Management Executive on achievable targets for membership
growth for inclusion in the Party’s forward planning;
(e) create and implement development programmes for Party office bearers,
including a better understanding of their powers, duties and responsibilities;
(g) develop and implement strategies to liaise with interest groups outside the
Party Rules 2016
(a) develop and propose co-ordinated action plans for marketing and promotion
for inclusion in the Party’s triennial development plans;
(b) co-ordinate and direct the implementation of the approved marketing strategy
incorporated in the Party’s development plans;
(d) advise the Central Campaign Committee on measures designed to improve the
cost efficiency of campaign activities; and
(e) co-ordinate marketing and promotional activities with the Finance Committee.
(a) conduct the selection of candidates for recommendation to State Council for
Party endorsement in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(e) report to the State Management Executive on the human and financial
resources it considers necessary to assist nominated electorate campaigns;
During the election campaign proper, with the assistance of and in co-operation with
Parliamentary leaders, the Campaign Committee shall:
(i) report to State Executive such shortcomings as may be evident and to develop
plans for overcoming them;
(j) actively seek and promote the search for suitable candidates for future
Party Rules 2016
(i) maintain the Constitution and Rules of the Party under constant
(b) All requests to the Committee for opinions, advices, rulings and
determinations shall be made through the State Director.
(c) The Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be set
out either in writing or as a resolution in the Minutes of the meetings of the
Committee, copies of which shall be kept by the State Director who shall
maintain a record thereof and who shall notify the Constituent Body which
made the request of the Committee’s opinion, advice, ruling or determination.
(e) State Council, State Executive or State Management Executive may seek an
opinion of Senior Counsel or Queen’s Counsel on any matter on which the
Committee has given an opinion provided that the brief to counsel for such
opinion shall be prepared by the Committee.
(f) The Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations may be given
by a majority of its members and in the case of equality of voting the chairman
shall have a casting vote.
(g) The State Director or the State Director’s nominee shall be secretary to the
Committee and shall be responsible for the recording of the Minutes of
meetings and decisions of the Committee.
Party Rules 2016
any decision or written reasons for a decision to any Member or class of
Member to such an extent and upon such conditions as it may think proper.
State Council need not give reasons for granting or refusing to grant access or
(i) hear and adjudicate on any appeal under clause 126 of the
Constitution and on any disciplinary matter under clause 19 of the
Constitution; and
(ii) carry out such other duties as from time to time required by State
Management Executive, State Executive or State Council.
(b) The State Director or the State Director’s nominee shall be secretary to the
Committee and shall be responsible for the recording of the Minutes of
meetings and decisions of the Committee.
(c) The Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations may be given
by a majority of its Members and in the case of equality of voting the chairman
shall have a casting vote.
(d) The Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be set
out either in writing or as a resolution in the Minutes of the meetings of the
Committee. Copies of all opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall
be given to the State Director who shall maintain a record thereof and shall
notify the parties to proceedings before the Committee of the results of those
(e) The Appeals and Disciplinary Committee shall make procedural rules for the
conduct of Appeals and Disciplinary hearings and such rules and any
amendments shall be tabled at the next following meeting of State Council,
and further the State Director shall cause these rules to be distributed to all
Branches and Divisions after they have been tabled at State Council.
(1) State Executive may establish a Electorate Campaign Committee in any Legislative
Council Region, Legislative Assembly District, or House of Representatives Electorate.
(2) The purpose of the Electorate Campaign Committee shall be to mount a continuous
campaign in preparation for the next election to be held in that Electorate.
(3) State Executive may make rules prescribing the role, responsibilities and powers of
any Electorate Campaign Committee it establishes.
(4) Electorate Campaign Committees are subject to the financial governance obligations
and responsibilities prescribed for Constituent Bodies.
Party Rules 2016
All Party funds received or held by the party including Constituent Bodies
shall be deposited into a bank account within a reasonable time after
receipt of those funds.
Bank accounts for Party funds may only be opened by the State Director
and Treasurer of the Party, who shall be the authorities for the account
and shall notify the bank or financial institution, as necessary, of any
change to the signatories to the account. The name “Liberal Party of
Australia (WA Division) Inc.” shall be included in the name or style of all
such accounts.
(6) Signatories
Party Rules 2016
(a) Each Constituent Body shall annually and not later than 31
August, and from time to time on request by State Executive,
advise the State Director of the style of each of its bank accounts
and the name of the bank or financial institution at which each
account is kept and the balance held in that account together
with interest and charges over the period stipulated in the
(b) If a Constituent Body shall fail to comply with such request within
ten (10) days of the date appointed by State Executive or from the
date of the request, as the case may be, the State Director is
hereby authorised by the Constituent Body to obtain the
information sought direct from the bank or financial institution at
which the account is kept.
(c) The State Director may take such steps as shall be necessary to
identify bank accounts for Party funds that do not conform to the
requirements of the Constitution and Rules and bring them into
conformity with the Constitution and Rules and the authority and
signatory requirements of this rule.
The accounts shall be reconciled against the banking and other accounts
of the Constituent Body at the end of each calendar month.
Party Rules 2016
The annual accounts of the Division and the audit report of the auditor
shall be submitted to the Divisional Council at the meeting of that Council
occurring next after the date the auditor signs his report.
Divisions shall forward a copy of their annual accounts and a copy of their
auditor’s report to the State Director by the end of the August following the
end of each Financial Year.
(b) A Constituent Body may not pledge the credit of the Party or a
Division without the written consent and approval of the State
The State Executive may from time to time grant to any Constituent Body
such sum or sums of money as it may think fit to enable the same to carry
out its functions and duties or any particular matter or thing.
(3) Financial Default: Report to, and Investigation by, State Director
Party Rules 2016
For the purpose of carrying out his or her investigation the State Director
shall have full power and authority to inspect all the books and records of
the Constituent Body and interview all Office Bearers and staff of the
Constituent Body, and such Office Bearers and staff are obliged to render
any assistance to the State Director that the State Director may require.
A Constituent Body shall, not later than 31 August each year, give to the
State Director a full statement of all taxable income received by the
Constituent Body during the preceding financial year.
Together with such notice as described in rule 28(1), the Constituent Body
shall pay to the Party in such manner as may be instructed by the State
Director an amount equal to the company rate of income tax applied to the
taxable income of the Constituent Body.
Party Rules 2016
(1) State Council may elect by a resolution of 75% of those present and voting a person
to be known as an “Honoured Friend of the Party”.
(2) Such resolution may be proposed at State Council without notice by the President or
the President’s nominee after approval of the proposal by the State Management
(3) Not more than five (5) Honoured Friends of the Party shall be elected in any calendar
(4) An Honoured Friend of the Party shall be elected to such category of membership as
a mark of recognition, honour and respect for his or her support to the Party.
(5) An Honoured Friend of the Party need not hold any other category of membership of
the Party.
(6) An Honoured Friend of the Party shall not be entitled (unless an otherwise qualified
Member of the Party) to vote or hold office in any organisation of the Party.
(7) Each Honoured Friend of the Party shall be invited as a guest to attend the Annual
State Conference of the Party and other such conferences and councils as may be
decided upon from time to time and shall be given due recognition there at.
(1) The State Director shall have the authority to provide to the Leader of the Western
Australian Federal Parliamentary Section and the Leader of the State Parliamentary
Section the names of Branch and Divisional Office Bearers of the Party upon request
by the respective Leaders. For the purposes of this clause, the Branch and Divisional
Office Bearers of the Party shall be the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and
Treasurer of the Branches and Divisions of the Party.
Party Rules 2016
(1) A Member who pursuant to clause 19(b) of the Constitution wishes to oppose a
recommendation by the Appeals & Disciplinary Committee that he or she be
censured, suspended, or expelled (“the Appellant”) shall give written notice to that
effect to the State Director, along with the grounds upon which the Member bases his
or her objection.
(a) any findings of fact by the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee that the
Appellant disputes;
(b) any ruling upon or interpretation of the Constitution or Rules by the Appeals
and Disciplinary Committee relevant to the Committee’s consideration of the
case that the Appellant contends is wrong;
(3) The Appellant may attend before State Council either alone or with his or her solicitor
or counsel and he or she shall be allowed one (1) hour to make such submission to
the State Council as the Appellant may wish.
(4) The State Director or a representative of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee who
was present at the hearing before that Committee shall report to State Council the
facts and circumstances taken into account by the Committee at the hearing of the
(5) The State Council or its members may ask such questions of the Appellant as shall
be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances.
(b) dismiss the objection, and either impose upon the Appellant the penalty
recommended by the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee or any other
penalty State Council thinks proper;
(d) refer the case back to the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee for re-hearing;
(e) take such other action as State Council in its discretion thinks proper.
Subject to clause 19 and clause 126, an appeal on any matter including but not
limited to appeals against the validity or not of the meetings of Constituent Bodies
or the validity of the election of office bearers (including delegates), shall be lodged
with the State Director within ten (10) clear days of the date of the meeting or
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
These Rules may be referred to as the “Appeal and Disciplinary Committee Procedure
Rules 2006”.
The Rules of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee approved on 17 May 1997 are
In these Rules –
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
The purpose of these Rules is to facilitate the expeditious determination and disposal
of the business of the Committee, having regard to the Constitution and Rules of the
Party and the requirements of natural justice, and these Rules are to be interpreted
and applied in that spirit.
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
By clause 19(a) of the Constitution, the Committee may on the complaint of any
Constituent Body, State Executive, or State Council (“the Complainant”) recommend
the censure, suspension, or expulsion of any member (“the Respondent”) who in the
opinion of the Committee is guilty of any conduct or act detrimental to or prejudicial
to the Party.
(d) the date of the meeting at which the Complainant resolved to make the
(f) a summary of the evidence which will be relied upon for the purposes of
proving the complaint;
(h) such other information as these Rules or State Council may from time to time
(i) a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the Complainant resolved to
make the complaint, certified by an authorised officer; and
(j) a copy of any evidence that the Complainant may wish to rely upon for the
purposes of the preliminary meeting.
(1) The Complainant shall appoint a member of the Party to be its Advocate.
(2) The Advocate shall be responsible for prosecuting the complaint on behalf of the
(3) Any notices or other material directed to the Complainant by the Committee, State
Director, or the Respondent, may be served on the Advocate, and any communication
with the Advocate shall be deemed to have been communicated to the Complainant.
(1) The Notice of Complaint must be signed by an authorised officer of the Complainant.
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
(2) For the purposes of this rule, the following are authorised officers
(a) in the case of State Council, the State President or State Director;
(b) in the case of State Executive, the State President or State Director;
(c) in the case of any other constituent body, that body’s President or Secretary.
A Notice of Complaint may set out more than one matter of complaint, although the
Committee may require the separate hearing of a matter or matters if a joint hearing
is likely to be impracticable or unwieldy, or oppressive or embarrassing to the
Respondent, or if the interests of justice so require.
(1) Upon receipt of the Notice of Complaint, the State Director shall as soon as
practicable serve a copy on the Respondent, and deliver a copy to the Chairman and
each member of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
(2) If the Respondent wishes to oppose the complaint, the Respondent shall forthwith
advise the State Director of his or her contact details and service details.
When serving the Notice of Complaint, the State Director shall also serve notice of the
time, date and place of a preliminary meeting of the Committee.
(1) At the preliminary meeting the Committee shall, on the particulars of the complaint
set out in, and the evidence accompanying, the Notice of Complaint, decide whether
the complaint should proceed. For the purposes of such decision, the Committee will
receive no oral or further written evidence, but may hear submissions from the
parties to the complaint.
(2) If the Committee considers that the complaint should proceed, the Committee will set
a time, date and place for the hearing of the complaint and shall give such directions
as to any other matters it considers relevant to the conduct of the hearing. The
Committee may, but need not, deliver reasons for its decision to proceed.
The Committee shall not be bound by the rules of evidence and shall, subject to the
rules of natural justice, be at liberty to consider any matter in determining a
complaint in the best interests of the Liberal Party.
The Committee may from time to time issue directions for the procedure to be
adopted in preparation for and at hearings; including the filing of copies of any
documentary evidence to be relied upon, and the sequence of and time available for
presentation of cases, opening and closing statements of argument, and the
questioning of witnesses.
(1) The Committee shall, upon terminating a complaint following a preliminary meeting,
or determining a complaint following a hearing, communicate that decision to the
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
State Director who shall forthwith advise all parties to the complaint, in writing, of
the decision.
(2) If the Committee finds the complaint proved and the Respondent guilty of any
conduct or act detrimental or prejudicial to the Party, it shall hear such further
submissions as it thinks necessary relevant to the question whether the member be
censured, suspended, or expelled.
(3) Following the hearing of any further submissions provided for in rule 15(2), the
Committee, if it is of the opinion that the member should be censured, suspended or
expelled, shall make its recommendation to that effect to State Council as provided
for by clause 19(b) of the Constitution.
The State Director shall be responsible for the implementation of any decision or
direction of the Committee.
(1) For the purpose of any hearings of the Committee, a quorum shall be three
(3) members, of whom at least one shall be a legal practitioner.
(2) In the event that the Chairman of the Committee cannot preside over a hearing, the
Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee shall be Acting
Chairman. In the event that neither the Chairman of the Committee nor Deputy
Chairman of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee can preside, the Chairman
shall appoint a member of the Committee to be Acting Chairman. The Acting
Chairman shall have the authority of the Chairman under these Rules.
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
Any notice required to be given by or to the Committee or the State Director shall be
in writing but may be transmitted by facsimile, provided that the sender may be
required by the Committee or State Director to verify any notice by production of the
The State Director shall maintain the records of the Committee, which shall include
a register of all complaints received, and the Committee’s decisions on those
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
The Appeals and Disciplinary Committee has responsibility under clause 126 of the
Constitution for dealing with appeals by candidates alleging unfair treatment or grave
irregularity at meetings of Selection Committees.
A candidate wishing to appeal under clause 126 (“the Appellant”) must lodge with the
State Director a Notice of Appeal in the form prescribed by these Rules or from time
to time by State Council, and setting out, inter alia
(c) the Parliamentary position for which the Appellant was seeking selection;
(d) the date of the Selection Committee meeting the subject of the appeal;
(e) the venue of the Selection Committee meeting the subject of the appeal;
(g) the evidence of each particular accompanying the Notice of Appeal or which
will be relied upon for the purposes of the appeal;
(i) such other information as State Council may from time to time prescribe.
Upon receipt of the Notice of Appeal, the State Director shall forthwith cause a copy
to be served on the Chairman of the Selection Committee the subject of the appeal,
and to the Chairman and each member of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
The Chairman of the Selection Committee shall, as soon as possible after being
served with a copy of the Notice of Appeal, provide the State Director with a written
report addressing any matters concerning the proceedings at, or conduct of, the
Selection Committee raised by the Notice of Appeal. The State Director shall supply a
copy of the report to each member of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee.
The Committee may, at any time, seek further particulars of the grounds of appeal or
other information it may require, and may inform itself of any relevant facts as it
thinks proper.
The Committee shall, upon determining an appeal, communicate that decision to the
State Director who shall forthwith advise the Appellant, in writing, of the decision.
The State Director shall be responsible for the implementation of any decision or
direction of the Committee.
(1) At least three (3) members of the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee, of whom at
least one (1) must be a legal practitioner, shall constitute a quorum.
(2) In the event that the Chairman of the Committee cannot preside over a hearing, the
Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee shall be Acting
Chairman. In the event that neither the Chairman of the Committee nor Deputy
Chairman of the Constitutional and Drafting Committee can preside, the Chairman
shall appoint a member of the Committee to be Acting Chairman. The Acting
Chairman shall have the authority of the Chairman under these Rules.
Any notice required to be given by or to the Committee or the State Director shall be
in writing but may be transmitted by facsimile, provided that the sender may be
required by the Committee or State Director to verify any notice by production of the
The State Director shall maintain the records of the Committee, which shall include a
register of all appeals lodged, and the Committee’s determination of those appeals.
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
Brought by
1) ………………………………………………………………………….…………..
2) ………………………………………………………………………….…………..
1. Complainant:1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
2. Date of meeting at which the Complainant resolved to make the complaint: ….………
4. Respondent:2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
State Executive, State Council or Name of Constituent Body making complaint
full name of member against whom complaint is made
delete that which is not applicable
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
The evidence that will be relied upon at the preliminary meeting of the Appeals and
Disciplinary Committee is attached.
Signature of Authorised Officer of Complainant
Name: …………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………….
Telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….
Mobile: ………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………….
Fax: ……………………………………………………………………………….…………….…………………….
E-mail: ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….………….
Article III.
delete as appropriate
delete as appropriate
delete as appropriate
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
IN THE MATTER of an Appeal under Clause 126 of the Constitution of the Liberal Party
of Australia (Western Australian Division) Incorporated
IN THE MATTER of the meeting of the Selection Committee for the Federal House of
Representatives Seat/Senate/State Legislative Assembly Seat/State Legislative
Council Region of 3 ……………………………….….………………………………………. held
, appeal to the Appeals & Disciplinary Committee pursuant to clause 126 of the Constitution.
I allege the following unfair treatment or grave irregularity at a meeting of the Selection
Committee for the 3
• Federal House of Representatives Seat of ……………………………………..……………….…………………….
• Federal Senate
• State Legislative Assembly Seat of ………………………………………………………..………….…………………….
full name of Appellant
identify Branch or Constituent Body of which Appellant is a financial member
complete, and delete, as applicable
date of Selection Committee meeting
venue where Selection Committee held
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
here set out a clear statement of the facts constituting “unfair treatment”; if insufficient space, use attachments
here set out a clear statement of the facts constituting “grave irregularity”; if insufficient space, use attachments
itemise the evidence accompanying Notice of Appeal or to be relied upon; if insufficient space, use attachments
Appeals And Disciplinary Committee Procedure Rules 2006
I confirm that I will abide by the Constitution and Party Rules and will not make any public
comment regarding the conduct of the selection committee or this appeal.
Signature of Appellant
Name: ……………………..………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………..………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………
delete as appropriate
delete as appropriate
delete as appropriate
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
“That this body requests that C&D draft and provide at the next meeting of State
Council procedural guidelines for the use of State Council in considering requests for
access to decisions of the C&D and A&D of the Party by Party members, including
those who were parties to the decision, but also Party members at large.”
2. The motion was passed in response to several requests to view and, in some cases,
to be provided with a copy of certain written decisions of the C&D and A&D
“the [C&D] Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be set out
either in writing or as a resolution in the Minutes of the meetings of the Committee.
Copies of all opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be given to the State
Director who shall maintain a record thereof and shall notify the Constituent Body
which requested the Committee’s opinion, advice, ruling or determination;”
“the [A&D] Committee’s opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be set out
either in writing or as a resolution in the Minutes of the meetings of the Committee.
Copies of all opinions, advices, rulings and determinations shall be given to the State
Director who shall maintain a record thereof and shall notify the Constituent Body
which requested the Committee’s opinion, advice, ruling or determination;”
5. For the purposes of this Memorandum and the accompanying Guidelines, the
opinions, advices, rulings and determinations of C&D and A&D, which are required
to be set out in writing, are referred to as the “Decisions” of those Committees. Any
detailed statement of the reasoning leading to the decisions will be referred to as
the “Written Reasons” of the Committees.
6. As a matter of practice, the Decisions and Written Reasons of C&D and A&D come
into existence by virtue of the operation of a number of different Constitutional
provisions and may result from a variety of different types of hearings and different
factual scenarios.
Rule 23(9)(a)(i) of the Party Rules provides that A&D is required to hear and
adjudicate on any appeal by a candidate from the meeting of a Selection Committee
under clause 126 of the Constitution. The results of Selection Committee meeting
and complaints of any irregularity surrounding that selection are therefore set out
in A&D’s Written Reasons for Decision.
Rule 23(9)(a)(i) of the Party Rules provides that A&D is to hear and adjudicate on
any disciplinary matter referred to under clause 19 of the Constitution. Clause 19(a)
of the Constitution sets out that A&D may, upon complaint, recommend the
censure, suspension or expulsion of a member who has been guilty of any conduct
or act detrimental or prejudicial to the Party. Pursuant to clause 19(b) A&D makes
its recommendation to State Council. The Reasons for Decision would necessarily
set out the allegations of misconduct and the Committee’s findings of fact. Even if a
complaint is not made out, the allegations of misconduct would be reproduced in
the Reasons for Decision and the Reasons may have comment to make
concerning the facts alleged.
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
Rule 23(8)(a)(iii) of the Party Rules provides that C&D is required, upon certain
requests, to consider and give opinions, advice, rulings and make determinations
as to the interpretation of any particular point or points of the Constitution or Rules
or their application in given circumstances. These types of decisions may involve
virtually any matter arising under the Constitution or Rules but often involve
constituent bodies disputing the validity of meetings pursuant to rule 32. The
Reasons for Decision would usually require a statement of irregularities alleged to
require a ruling.
7. The Party Rules simply require that the State Director is to “maintain a record” of
the Decisions C&D and A&D and “notify” the constituent body which requested the
Decision [See rules 23(8)(c) and 23(9)(d).
8. The Rules do not make any mention of providing access to or copies of Written
Reasons for the Decisions. In fact, in the case of A&D Decisions, the Rules oblige
the State Director to notify “the Constituent Body which requested the
Committee’s” Decision. Appeals from selection committees pursuant to clause 126
are not brought by Constituent Bodies.
9. In the past, those bringing matters before C&D and A&D did not receive more than
notification of the Decision. To the extent can be determined from the available
records, it appears that detailed Written Reasons were not prepared. It is only since
about 2001 that the C&D and A&D have begun a practice of preparing detailed
analyses of the Constitution and Rules in selected cases as precedents for future
reference and to achieve consistency in approach. In the past, therefore, there was
no question of ‘entitlement’ by members to access to or copies of Written Reasons
because none existed.
10. Claims that members are ‘entitled’ to access to Decisions and Written Reasons are
(b) C&D and A&D are Standing Committees of State Council and responsible to
State Council. Members are no more entitled to access to their deliberations
and records of their proceedings than to those of any other Standing
Committee of State Council or the Party.
(c) To the extent that the State Director is required to keep records of
proceedings of C&D and A&D, individual members have no more ‘right’ to
have access to them than they do to any other Party records.
11. However, at the instance of the C&D and A&D Committees, a practice has
developed whereby the State Director allows a party to the case dealt with by those
Committees to not only be notified of the Decision, but to be given access to any
Written Reasons the Committee prepares. As a matter of prudence, that access is
limited to the party inspecting the Written Reasons by attending at Head Office on
terms arranged by the State Director, to read the Written Reasons but not to copy
them or take notes from them.
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
12. The Decisions of C&D and A&D, in the any of the examples above, will involve both
issues of fact and questions of law, and Written Reasons will necessarily refer to
13. There are obvious reasons why it would be desirable for not only parties to a case,
but members at large, to have access to or copies of the Decisions and any Written
Reasons for those Decisions.
14. Reasons for granting general and unlimited access include accountability of the
Committees for their decisions and transparency of their decision-making.
(b) As the Decisions will almost invariably involve the application and
interpretation of the Constitution and Rules, general knowledge of the
Decisions and Reasons for Decisions promotes understanding of the
operation of the laws that govern the Party and promote good practice in the
conduct of the Party’s affairs.
(c) General access would also assist in promoting confidence in the Party’s
processes and would minimise the spread of misinformation pertaining to the
reasons for any decision.
15. However, there are considerations which militate against allowing general and
unlimited access to Reasons for Decisions.
16. It is an unfortunate fact that certain members of the Party are prepared to promote
private or factional interests without regard to the legitimate use of Party
17. Almost all cases before C&D, and all cases before A&D, concern complaints of some
form of irregularity in the conduct of Party members or constituent bodies.
Frequently, the conduct giving rise to the complaints before the Committees does
not reflect to the credit of individual members or the Party. Reasons for Decision
must refer to those allegations, and the Committee must often make some findings
of fact based on the material before it. There is a risk that some aggrieved or
malicious party will complain that they are being defamed or their privacy has been
breached. General availability of the Reasons for Decisions would increase the risk
of their publication at large, and their being exploited to the embarrassment of
individuals and detriment and prejudice of the Party.
(a) Where Written Reasons involve issues of interpretation of the Constitution and
Rules, the Chairman shall, to the extent possible, extract for publication a
Note of the reasoning in the Decision without the facts of the case identifying
the parties concerned.
(b) Rules 23(8)(h) and 23(9)(f) of the Party Rules be amended18 to include the
following paragraph:
Amendments introduced as rules 19(8)(f) (for C&D Committee) and 19(9)(f) (for A&D Committee) respectively by
State Council 8 July 2006. In the 2015 version these are rules 23(8)(h) and 23(9)(f) respectively..
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
or written reasons for a decision to any member or class of member to such an
extent and upon such conditions as it may think proper. State Council need not
give reasons for granting or refusing to grant access or copies.”
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
4. Any party to a case before the C&D or A&D Committees is entitled to know the
Decision of the C&D and A&D Committee.
5. Any requests for access to, or for copies of, the Decision or Written Reasons for a
Decision beyond that provided for by paragraph 4 must be in writing and lodged
with the State Director, who shall refer the request to the next meeting of State
6. State Council may grant or refuse a request for access at its discretion.
8. State Council may grant a person access to a Decision or to Written Reasons by:
(a) allowing the person to attend at the Party Headquarters and under the
supervision of the State Director or his delegate to inspect the Decision or
Written Reasons without copying the Written Decision or taking any written
notes of any part of the Written Decision;
(b) allowing the person to be provided with a copy of the Decision or Written
Reasons or a part of the Decision or Written Reasons; or
(c) allowing access on any other basis or on any other terms as State Council
considers appropriate.
Is the applicant a party to the case, or does he or she represent a constituent body
or party to the case? If the applicant was a party or represents a constituent body
that was a party to the case, this standing may strengthen the applicant’s case to
be granted access. However, standing as a party or a representative of a party is not
necessarily a sufficient or determinative factor.
Has the applicant given a legitimate reason for being given access? If no, or no
sufficient, reason has been given in the application, State Council may request the
applicant to supply reasons why he or she should be granted access.
State Council Guidelines
for Access to Reasons for Decisions of the C&D and A&D Committees 2006
12. Legitimate reasons:
Whether or not a person was a party, or represents a constituent body that was a
party, to a case, State Council should consider whether the applicant has
demonstrated a legitimate interest for access. Factors might include
(b) whether access to the Decision or Written Reasons will help promote
understanding of the operation of the laws that govern the Party and promote
good practice in the conduct of the Party’s affairs.
(c) whether access will promote confidence in the Party’s processes and counter
or minimise the spread of misinformation pertaining to the reasons for any
13. Risks
Whether or not a legitimate reason for access is established, are there any risks in
allowing it? For example
(a) what is the risk of the Decision or its Reasons being published in the media
or otherwise disseminated outside the Party?
(b) has the applicant or a party on whose behalf he or she is acting previously
displayed a propensity to express views on Party matters in public or in the
(c) are the circumstances of the case to which the applicant has sought access
sensitive or, if published in the media or otherwise disseminated to those
outside the Party, have the capacity to embarrass or be detrimental or
prejudicial to the Party?
(d) will access expose the Party or its members to complaints from persons
mentioned in the Decision or Written Reasons that they have been defamed or
that their privacy has been breached?
(a) Will any legitimate reason for access be served by allowing the applicant to
only sight and read part or all of the Decision or Written Reasons, or should
some greater level of access be allowed?
(c) Can C&D or A&D produce an excerpt of the legal reasoning in the Written
Decision, for publication in a form which so far as is practicable excises the
identifying facts of the matter?
(d) Can the risk be countered or minimised by the imposition of terms upon the
grant of access; for example, undertakings on the part of the applicant that
inspection will only be for a specified purpose?
15. State Council may seek the advice of C&D, the Chairman, or Deputy Chairman of
the C&D Committee as it sees fit and convenient, in deciding any request for
access, but is not bound to follow that advice.