Standardized Southern Blot Worshop
Standardized Southern Blot Worshop
Standardized Southern Blot Worshop
Establishing a Reference Protocol is sufficient for a signal) at the same time as the HLA
probe used for hybridization.
For the Southern blot section of the Tenth Histocom- As the molecular weight markers are not visible under
patibility Workshop, it was necessary to establish a UV, and because electrophoresis of DNA with identical
suitable reference protocol with reproducible, viable, conditions of agarose concentration, voltage, and run-
and simple techniques. This is the first workshop with a ning time often give different results in migration of
Southern blot section. Moreover, this protocol had to the fragments, we decided to add to the gels a marker
take account of: visible under UV, a large quantity of linearized plasmid,
1) peculiarities of the HLA system, and PAT 153.
2) organization and amount of work of each laboratory, Additional peculiarities have been introduced to this
3) necessity to compare: a) the different results (films) protocol to facilitate the work, such as special combs for
from the same laboratory, b) the results of different 30 wells. All times of experiment and quantities of
labs using the same DNAs, enzyme and probe, and c) products have been calculated and tested several times
the results from core cells and from families. with the particular conditions used for this workshop
(quantity ofloaded DNA-genomic or markers, enzymes,
These data were analyzed as follows: etc.). Twenty laboratories have tested with us different
1) The HLA system contains many genes, the products parameters such as buffers for transfer, gel loading, and
of which are highly polymorphic; the sequences of these dehybridization, binding of DNA to membranes by UV
genes are very homologous. This means that hybridiza- treatment, baking or dry air, etc.
tion with an HLA probe of restriction digests from
different genomic DNAs results, most often in many
DNA Extraction Protocol
fragments with different molecular weights, from lOObp
to 20-30Kb. To distinguish between fragments (long or Buffers and Preparation of Phenol
small) very close to each other, it was necessary to per- White cells lysis buffer: WCLB (filtered stock solution)
form for the same DNAs two electrophoresis procedures Tris pH 7.6 10 mM
(S and L) with different agarose gel concentrations, vol- EDTA pH 8 10 mM
tages, and migration times. It was also necessary to use NaCl 50 mM
many molecular weight markers from 500 bp to 30 Kb SDS 0.2%
(digests of A. phage DNA with HindIII or Kpnl or Smal Proteinase K 200 ~g/ml
or BsteII). Red cells lysis buffer: RCLB (filtered stock solution)
2) Each laboratory had to hybridize each time at least Tris pH 7.6 10 mM
six membranes and perform at least six successive MgCI, 5 mM
hybridizations. We decided to choose the labeling proce- NaCI 10 mM
dure of DNA with random primers (cheaper than "nick- Phenol: prepared on the day of use or previous day (and
translation"), and check the quality of the results obtained stored in a dark place at 4°C):
when plastic boxes (Tupperware) were used for pre- • We use phenol from Carlo Erba ref:451287 (no need
hybridization, hybridization, washing, and dehybridiza- to distill it)
tion. The efficiency for rehybridization of the chosen • Mix 3 volumes of melted phenol with 1 volume of
membrane was tested (BIOfRACE). chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24/1), referred to here-
3) To be able to compare the films obtained with the after as PCI
same enzyme and probe, we decided to use a technique • Add 40 ml of PCI to 10 ml Tris 1M pH 8, in 50 ml
where the molecular weight markers were detected on Falcon tube mix
each membrane after each hybridization (even several • Spin 10 min at 1500 rpm/min
weeks after the first hybridization). We established and • Remove upper aqueous phase
checked a new method where a small quantity of the • Add 2ml Tris O.IM pH 8, 0.2% mercaptoethanol;
marker mix was loaded on the gels (ng amounts), trans- mix
ferred to the membrane, and then hybridized with radi- • Spin 10 min at 1500 rpm/min
oactive complementary DNA. The molecular weight • Eliminate upper aqueous phase
markers (M I and M2) were composed of a mix of digests
of A. phage DNA, and the specific probe was total A. DNA Extraction
phage DNA. This DNA was labeled (pg amounts of DNA
a) Lysis
1) From fresh peripheral blood:
Participating Laboratories: IFRACOH, 'US7LAL Collect 30 ml of blood from one individual and mix it