LAB 3 Air Compressor System Audit

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03 Air Compressor System Audit
Energy Audit Laboratory
Lab Objectives

By the end of this lab, students should be able to:

1. Identify the types of air compressors and list components of air compressor
2. Calculate the leakage loss and
3. Determine the efficiency of air compressor system and identify energy
conservation measure in the use and operation of air compressors

20 Student names Student ID Section Group

Due Date: Delivery Date:

1.0 Theory

An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or
gasoline engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed
air). By one of several methods, an air compressor forces more and more air into a
storage tank, increasing the pressure. When tank pressure reaches its upper limit the air
compressor shuts off. The compressed air, then, is held in the tank until called into use.
The energy contained in the compressed air can be used for a variety of applications,
utilizing the kinetic energy of the air as it is released and the tank depressurizes. When
tank pressure reaches its lower limit, the air compressor turns on again and re-pressurizes
the tank.


The two major classifications of air compressors are positive displacement and dynamic
air compressors.

Fig. 1 Types of compressors

Compressors can also be classified according to the pressure delivered:
1. Low-pressure air compressors (LPACs), which have a discharge pressure of 150
psi or less
2. Medium-pressure compressors which have a discharge pressure of 151 psi to
1,000 psi
3. High-pressure air compressors (HPACs), which have a discharge pressure above
1,000 psi
They can also be classified according to the design and principle of operation:
1. Rotary-screw compressor
2. Turbo compressor

Rotary-screw compressor
A rotary-screw compressor is a type of gas compressor that uses a rotary-type positive-
displacement mechanism. They are commonly used to replace piston compressors
where large volumes of high-pressure air are needed, either for large industrial
applications or to operate high-power air tools such as jackhammers.
The gas compression process of a rotary screw is a continuous sweeping motion, so
there is very little pulsation or surging of flow, as occurs with piston compressors.
Fig. 3 Cross-section through the rotors of a typical screw compressor

In a start/stop control scheme, compressor controls actuate relays to apply and
remove power to the motor according to compressed air needs.

In a load/unload control scheme, the compressor remains continuously powered.
However, when the demand for compressed air is satisfied or reduced, instead of
disconnecting power to the compressor, a device known as a slide valve is activated.
This device uncovers part of the rotor and proportionately reduces capacity of the
machine down to typically 25% of the compressors capability, thereby unloading the
compressor. This reduces the number of start/stop cycles for electric motors over a
start/stop control scheme in electrically-driven compressors, improving equipment
service life with a minimal change in operating cost. This scheme is utilised by nearly all
industrial air-compressor manufacturers. When a load/unload control scheme is
combined with a timer to stop the compressor after a predetermined period of
continuously unloaded operation, it is known as a dual-control or auto-dual scheme.

Due to adiabatic heating, air compressors require some method of disposing of waste
heat. Generally this is some form of air- or water-cooling, although some (particularly
rotary type) compressors may be cooled by oil (that is then in turn air- or water-
cooled)[5] and the atmospheric changes also considered during cooling of

Effect of inter-stage cooling

Efficacy is an indicator of heat exchange performance- how well intercoolers and after
coolers are performing. Inter-coolers are provided between successive stages of a
multi-stage compressor to reduce the work of compression (power requirements) - by
reducing the specific volume through cooling the air - apart from moisture separation.
Ideally, the temperature of the inlet air at each stage of a multi-stage machine should
be the same as it was at the first stage. This is referred to as “perfect cooling” or
isothermal compression. The cooling may be imperfect due to reasons described in
earlier sections. Hence in actual practice, the inlet air temperatures at subsequent
stages are higher than the normal levels resulting in higher power consumption, as a
larger volume is handled for the same duty.

Table 1. Effect of inter-stage cooling on specific fuel consumption of a reciprocating


Reducing Delivery Pressure

The possibility of lowering (optimising) the delivery pressure settings should be explored
by careful study of pressure requirements of various equipment, and the pressure drop
in the line between the compressed air generation and utilization points. Typical power
savings through pressure reduction. The pressure switches must be adjusted such that
the compressor cuts-in and cuts-out at optimum levels. A reduction in the delivery
pressure by 1 bar in a compressor would reduce the power consumption by 6 – 10 %.

Table 2. Typical Power Savings Through Pressure Reduction

Performance Test/Efficiency Assesment

Purpose of the Performance Test
To find out:
a. Actual Free Air Delivery (FAD) of the compressor
b. Isothermal power required
c. Volumetric efficiency
d. Specific power requirement
The actual performance of the plant is to be compared with design / standard values
for assessing the plant energy efficiency.
Performance Terms and Definitions

2.0 Experiment Procedures

Procedure to run Hampden H-6671 Two stage compressor.

Start Procedure:

1. Make sure every switches were turn off.

2. Drain the water by open the ball valve at the bottom of receiver tank.
3. Wait until no more water drop from the pipe, then closed the ball valve.
4. Connect the 3 phase power supply to the socket and turn on power supply.
5. Switch on main AC (panel).
6. Insert key to keyhole and turn to “Start” (get the key from Lab Instructor). It will
turn Variable Frequency Drive on.
7. Switch on the “Instrument” and all meter will start to display reading.
8. Start the experiment according to lab manual.

Off Procedure:

1. Release all compress air inside the receiver tank by open the bladder (connect
to the diffuser).
2. Switch “off” key and take out the key from key hole (please pass to Lab
3. Switch off “Instrument”.
4. Switch off main AC.
5. Switch off main 3phase power supply.
A. Compressor background check

1. Student requires to carry out compressor audit in the specific areas in the air
compressor room at Block T (Engineering Technology Laboratory).

2. Observe and identify all the components in the audited compressor and take

3. Figure out the specific operation running by the audited compressor.

4. Figure out linkages in the compressed air distribution system.

5. Identify measuring equipment that can be used to measure compressor noise

and leakage, revolutions per minute (RPM), heat produced from compressor
and electrical power consumption of the compressor.

B. Leakage quantification

1. Shut off compressed air operating equipment (or conduct test when no
equipment is using compressed air).
2. Run the compressor to charge the system to set pressure of operation
3. Not the subsequent time taken for ‘load’ and ‘unload’ cycles of the
compressors. For accuracy, take ON & OFF times for 8 – 10 cycles continuously.
Then calculate total ‘ON’ Time (T) and Total ‘OFF’ time (t).
4. The system leakage is calculated as:
% 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒 = × 100%
(𝑇 + 𝑡)

where, T = Time on load in minutes

t = Time on unload in minutes

B. Power consumption of compressor

Electrical power usage/consumption can be measured and calculated using the

following equation:

Given, the power factor of the compressor equipment is 0.85.

3.0 Results and Discussions

A. Compressor background check

1. Prepare a schematic drawing of the compressor and label the different

components, attach the actual photograph of the audited compressor.

2. Describe every components of the audited compressor.

3. Explain specific operation running by the audited compressor.

4. Prepare a schematic drawing of the compressed air distribution system and

explain overall linkages.

B. Assessment of compressor leakage

1. Explain the significant effect of leakage to the compressor performance.

2. Determine a suitable method and equipment to identify leakage at the

compressor system.

3. Describe your process and discuss your findings.

D. Assessment of RPM of the compressor

1. Describe the RPM of compressor and explain its significance.

2. Explain and differentiate the function of variable frequency drive (VFD) and
variable speed drive (VSD) and its effect to the operation of compressor.

D. Assessment of temperature of the compressor

1. Using thermal imager and infrared thermometer, take measurement of the

temperature at the compressor.

2. Explain the differences between these two measurement equipment.

3. Evaluate the relation between compressor RPM, pressure and the temperature
at compressor.

5.0 Conclusions

Write down your conclusion about this experiment.

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